Kerran koitin kesällä tankata vanhaa renaulttia, niin siinä oli pelkästään korkeapainepuolella nippa.. En saanut tankattua vaikka tyhjiöin kunnolla.. Oli ihan normaalit(autonippa sarjassa) mittarit & iso pullo kylmäainetta.
Olisiko ranskalaiset taas tehneet jonkun oman virityksen? Yleensä kaikista pitäisi löytyä liittimet molemmista linjoista. Joskus se on piilossa. Taisi olla joku Ford mistä piti ottaa oikean etupyörän edestä se muovinen sisäsiisti pois että pääsi käsiksi matalapaine puolen nippaan.
Typically a sedan type car has 28-32 oz of refrigerant in the system. I buy those 12 oz bottles. If the system has zero pressure, then I add two bottles. If the system has some pressure I add refrigerant until the suction pressure reaches 30-40 psi pressure while the outside temp is 24-25 Centigrade.
@@onnihytti thanks, here we work with KG.(as you know😉) Is there a clear connecties between pressure - temperature and oz/kg? Sometimes i see still 5 bar when the system is in rest but the filling in gram is far to low
Hi Wilhelm, yes refrigerant pressure and temperature are connected very well together when the refrigerant gas / liquid is inside the saturated curve of the p,h log diagram. The amount of refrigerant must be according to manufacturers specs who calculate the amount depending on the size of the unit. When the system rests, then the pressure is equal throughout the system. When it’s running the suction pressure of R134a is between 2-3 bar and the head pressure is between 10-12 bar. Those pressures are changing depending on the outside pressure.
Kerran koitin kesällä tankata vanhaa renaulttia, niin siinä oli pelkästään korkeapainepuolella nippa.. En saanut tankattua vaikka tyhjiöin kunnolla.. Oli ihan normaalit(autonippa sarjassa) mittarit & iso pullo kylmäainetta.
Olisiko ranskalaiset taas tehneet jonkun oman virityksen? Yleensä kaikista pitäisi löytyä liittimet molemmista linjoista. Joskus se on piilossa. Taisi olla joku Ford mistä piti ottaa oikean etupyörän edestä se muovinen sisäsiisti pois että pääsi käsiksi matalapaine puolen nippaan.
Do you use a scale before filling? Or only filling when the system is Total empty? Or filling when the ac system is noisy when it start up?
Typically a sedan type car has 28-32 oz of refrigerant in the system. I buy those 12 oz bottles. If the system has zero pressure, then I add two bottles. If the system has some pressure I add refrigerant until the suction pressure reaches 30-40 psi pressure while the outside temp is 24-25 Centigrade.
Saying that, I actually use a scale, because I can calculate how much I add Freon by using those small bottles.
@@onnihytti thanks, here we work with KG.(as you know😉) Is there a clear connecties between pressure - temperature and oz/kg? Sometimes i see still 5 bar when the system is in rest but the filling in gram is far to low
Hi Wilhelm, yes refrigerant pressure and temperature are connected very well together when the refrigerant gas / liquid is inside the saturated curve of the p,h log diagram. The amount of refrigerant must be according to manufacturers specs who calculate the amount depending on the size of the unit. When the system rests, then the pressure is equal throughout the system. When it’s running the suction pressure of R134a is between 2-3 bar and the head pressure is between 10-12 bar. Those pressures are changing depending on the outside pressure.
Sorry, the last sentence should say depending on the outside temperature 🤒