
  • Опубліковано 6 жов 2024
  • 📷 Our Instagram: @as_apartners
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    #移民 #回流 #壓力 #canada #toronto #加拿大 #多倫多 #供樓 #樓價 #PR #求職 #租金


  • @mathieu8083
    @mathieu8083 Рік тому +40

    我已經退休啦,以過來人身份講幾句。你才來得一年,唔算乜,就算三年亦系新人。許多新移民都遇到種種唔同的問題,我明白而今的租、買樓問題更為嚴重。付出的努力或者講“犧牲”更大。不過,在生活或者工作唔滿意或困難時,試試改變工作和居住的環境。加拿大系一個好大好大的國家,多倫多、溫哥華並非唯一的選擇!花明柳蔭又一村。船到橋頭自然直。華人,受“中華傳統文化”影響,大多數人考慮或顧慮太多而影響左整個人生旅途的結果。想想,絕大部分移民都可以在加拿大安居樂業,當然也有人唔滿意加拿大的生活和工作而返回原居地。希望你三年後繼續在加拿大過新的生活,而唔系離開!眼光放遠睇d .....

    • @petersiu1197
      @petersiu1197 9 місяців тому +6


    • @pw2.038
      @pw2.038 9 місяців тому

      果然係記得利益者離地嘅發言, 連local加拿大人都面對緊呢個生活問題選擇離開加拿大, 下一代喺內陸生活仲衰過做港豬

    • @ryanho228
      @ryanho228 2 місяці тому +4

      講經咩而家一房2550, 你想住BASEMENT都2000~ 我同事廿年前做SECURITY 都買到HOUSE, 而家連租都俾唔起啦~

  • @enjoylife7291
    @enjoylife7291 4 місяці тому +2

    在加拿大及英國,人工被抽重稅!除非住D鄉下區,否則供樓一樣辛苦! 冬天又凍到飛起,Utility bill expenses 會好貴,實在太凍,唔開暖氣唔得,真係會凍死架麻!
    老實講,呢個世界係無烏托邦,沒有一個完美的政府,每個地方都一樣,有人投訴政府不是,所以要放開眼界! 現在的香港雖然經濟差,其實外國好多地方經濟一樣差! 香港仍然馬照跑,舞照跳. 外資仍然在香港operate. 我現在的外資公司仍然繼續請人,香港好難請到人人手不足.
    其實玩吓手,回流返香港搵嘢做仲吃香添(depends on what kind of job nature)

  • @villager138
    @villager138 Рік тому +8

    第一代移民,總係挑戰,困難多多°每個年代,又增添新時勢經濟挑戰。Pandemic 改變職埸。好多人慶幸可以在家上網工作°上網工作科技成熟° it doesn’t take long for the Company management realize that work can be remote from home, it can be remote from third world countries at lower COST.
    Adjust, adapt and hope for the best.

    • @as_apartners
      @as_apartners  Рік тому

      True. Work from home policy saves a lot of time and money. However, many companies are asking their staffs to go back to offices now. We can see hybrid mode is becoming more common recently.

    • @mathieu8083
      @mathieu8083 Рік тому +1


  • @Helloworldkyky
    @Helloworldkyky Рік тому +1

    睇完你移民的壓力和回流之後決定黎睇你呢條,加油啊拍多D 真心話出黎比我地知!

  • @pikapika892
    @pikapika892 Рік тому +2


  • @davezhang8866
    @davezhang8866 11 місяців тому +4


  • @stephenxiao6883
    @stephenxiao6883 Рік тому +10

    First, welcome to Canada. Second, for the people thinking of coming to Canada, there is a little expectation management before you decide to come to Canada: no free market country in the world would have government intervention/ regulation to make employers to hire new immigrants to a job the immigrant desires ! The job market is always a matter of demand and supply. As a Hongkonger migrated to Canada in early 90s when there was a recession with mortgage rate at about 9%, my personal experience is that newcomer to any new country need to start anew like a fresh graduate.... start with something at entry level, gain experiences and plan for career advance...... was that the same thing when you were a fresh graduate in HongKong ? Also, if you plan to get a PR or citizen here and then go back to HKG for making more money, you may not want to waste your next few years here. Canada is never a place to make a lot of money and most likely you would never come back to Canada anyway.

  • @Mrmrmrmrmrmrmrmrmr
    @Mrmrmrmrmrmrmrmrmr Рік тому +7

    I am a 40+ yrs old married guy with two daughters, looking to return to Toronto next year. My #1 concern of returning is career. I expect my household income would shrink to a quarter to 1/5 of my current income in hk, but i still fear of the worst. Our profiles are quite different. I am already a CA citizen while we are at different stage of our lives, but I felt some sense of comfort having watched your 'job hunting' video 8-9 months back (alongside one or two from other youtubers). I kind of sense the job market worsen recently, and kind of synced with your sharing. I absolutely can't stand working in hk, yet i somehow survived here for more than 15 yrs. Honestly I don't think I could stand working in hk anymore and very much look forward to returning to yyz. With likes of other youtuber started to relocate away from Vancouver etc., I start to think whether Toronto is the place to be when i return. Anyway, your insight is very real and useful. Thanks for the on the ground info and all the best. BTW, love your channel, big fan. Take care

    • @as_apartners
      @as_apartners  Рік тому

      Good to hear that you are about to make a big change for your family. My suggestion is to prepare for the worst and do the math based on different scenarios. Wish you and your family all the best!

    • @alexchu414
      @alexchu414 Рік тому

      Since you have two daughters and a family you have more responsibility, make sure you prepare for the worst if you are coming back to YYZ. My advice is, you should apply for jobs before you come back, or at least look at how many applicants competing for one single job. For your information, there are tons of new graduate of stream A jobless, not to mention another loads of stream B STILL jobless after landing in YYZ for around a year. It is not as easy as you think, although you can't stand working in HK, you might not even get a job in yyz you can stand for. Think not twice but twenty times before act, it is really not the same right now.

  • @karenworshipmusic
    @karenworshipmusic 4 місяці тому


  • @snesst
    @snesst 9 місяців тому +1


  • @conanchan6921
    @conanchan6921 Рік тому +2

    Thanks for sharing.
    Remember getting PR is just a beginning of your new journey. The finishing line is the citizenship! Add Oil!

  • @Fraser_river
    @Fraser_river Рік тому +1


  • @WCheng-zr1qs
    @WCheng-zr1qs Рік тому +3

    我哋本來已成功申請SP, 但最後憂慮到小朋友的學校教育及樓價租金問題,最後決定放棄移加

  • @cliffordcheng5927
    @cliffordcheng5927 Рік тому +1

    近幾年因為疫情及俄烏戰爭關係的確係乜都貴咗,但此情況全世界都係咁,並不是只發生喺多倫多。揾工方面半年並不算長,我廿幾年 IT經驗都要預2-4個月,我有D朋友要揾成年,但期間你可以申請 EI。工作方面好多工種特別係傳統零售業亦漸漸被網上銷售取代,將會越來越少或被新工種取代。多倫多工作機會相對算多,而且人工較高,我有D朋友嘅小朋友都喺溫哥華過嚟做嘢。我唔知你嘅專業,但 IT工就好易揾。香港人學識高肯做肯捱,喺邊度都可以生存。放鬆D,唔好諗咁多,錢慢慢就會有。最重要係過好每一天。

    • @lychenus
      @lychenus Рік тому +4

      IT 工依家身邊都好多朋友成年都未搵到工

    • @davezhang8866
      @davezhang8866 11 місяців тому


  • @yinhanwoo2608
    @yinhanwoo2608 Рік тому +2

    比較好彩, 人生過半在第二份移民簽証限期幾日前才的起心肝到三藩市landing, 出發前去銀行兌了2萬港幣的美金. 心想3幾個月便回港了, 耽了4個月才放胆面對現實, 開始申請工作, 前後不到5份applications, 2次面試機會, 就獲得了會計樓一份front desk & Admin的白領full time. 住屋方面, 三藩市有BMR (below market rate)房屋計劃, 可以低至1/3的市價租住參與計劃的住房, 但首先要看你的彩數, 抽中有, 否則下次再嚟過! 2020疫情整個三藩市人去樓空, 結果一個原本望塵莫及既輪候號碼卻給我補上了, 得以$1100的租金入住了市中心一幢新落成的地標性高級住宅,雖然只係studio, 但都有470呎,實在夠運!

  • @lychenus
    @lychenus Рік тому +4

    我同你講嘅野差唔多. 我原來都係打算入左籍我就會離開. 錢我係夠捱到最後 (最近連登都有人講-躺平入籍), 但係我都唔想浪費我係加拿大嘅剩餘兩年時間, 希望可以有D 專業經歷先再返香港
    不過哩邊新人搵CODING 工真係好難呀

    • @Ryan-tq1lq
      @Ryan-tq1lq 11 місяців тому


  • @briancheung9648
    @briancheung9648 Рік тому +7


  • @ericchin1009
    @ericchin1009 Рік тому +10

    你現在所說的情況,30年前的加拿大都是這樣。你現在的處境,說算入了籍,成為citizen 都會是一樣,本地出生的人都是一樣會遇到這些問題。
    加拿大是排擠海外學歷的,你必須有本地認可的學歷,30年前,要有本地的master degree, 今天,可能要PHD degree.另外,未知 閣下的英語水平如何,可否與本地英語人仕流暢地對話?閣下可買一本加拿大稅例,看看是否明白內容說什麼?有本地認可的 master or PHD degree, 再加上能說流暢的本地英語,才有機會找份好工作。仲有,法語都是加拿大的官方語言,本地畢業的人,英語及法語都能用的。
    再看今天香港,國安隨便扣捕,所有決定全由習大大一人決定生死。香港人作不到主,這些事,在加拿大 一定不會及不會容許發生。
    在加拿大生活,不要用香港那一套去想,見到你說,要買樓,住 condo,新移民,必須要省點錢,去取本地學歷,再去找好工,方為上計。

    • @pw2.038
      @pw2.038 9 місяців тому +1

      30年代前嗰陣時係買house, 而家連買個condo都要計數

    • @ericchin1009
      @ericchin1009 9 місяців тому

      @@pw2.038 30年前買 House,一樣困難,本身找工作不容易,當時做溫哥華警察局長,一年都無10萬加元,還要交收入稅,消售稅,其他供款。而且,工作不穩定,幾年後又換人,買樓真困難。

    • @roman618
      @roman618 8 місяців тому

      ​@@ericchin1009what are you talking about? You were not the chief constable of vpd.

    • @ericchin1009
      @ericchin1009 8 місяців тому

      @@roman618 局長年薪在當時的 Vancouver Sun 曾經公佈。

    • @roman618
      @roman618 8 місяців тому

      @@ericchin1009 you said you were the police chief 30 years ago.

  • @mpl3516
    @mpl3516 9 місяців тому +2

    早在 三四十年前在加拿大生活真的是好啲架 他們會享受過這些福利.
    大家都看到曾經是西方大國的 例如 美國 英國 德國…等
    免 各方面都衷敗沒落
    一個國家 一個家庭一間學校 若沒有持守道德教育 人會變成怎樣呢??
    (自由 民主 人權是有限度的)
    人是萬物之靈 若忽視或輕看 品格(人格) 、
    有人的外貌 卻像人形動物一樣!!
    恐怕 不久就會看到西方完全無政府狀態

  • @taitaisandy8883
    @taitaisandy8883 Рік тому +2

    I feel everything you said ........I am very fortunate getting into a business which offers a lot of work opportunities but it's virtually impossible to make ends meet. I need to have a high AQ.

  • @enjoylife7291
    @enjoylife7291 4 місяці тому +1

    仲有一樣野好緊要,你哋而家仲後生無諗過. 加拿大醫院全部都是公家醫院,排期好長! 想見一個普通科醫生都要排期,起碼一星期或以上,要等見咗家庭醫生,才可以見專科醫生. 幾年前有一個加拿大女人在Facebook投訴等醫生等好耐先至見到專科醫生,之後她的癌症原本初期變咗末期!她好憤怒地投訴加拿大醫院system.
    我的朋友1 6歲跟隨父母移民去加拿大開餐館幫手做嘢好辛苦,生完BB一出院就要到餐館幫手洗碗做嘢,她說在加拿大根本儲唔到錢,退休更加擔心,因為醫療制度好差! 一有大病,好似等死冇人醫,所以佢決定回留返香港退休。

  • @walnoremac
    @walnoremac Рік тому +2

    In canada new immigrants is all about 2nd career . It is not easy to find the job same as where you from, but you can always easy to get a 2nd career. It is just like the ppls from China and move to hk when 80’s. . They might a doctor in China and only be a general labour in hk.
    My wife was a merchandiser in Hong Kong , now she is a project Mgr from a fixture company. Two different kinds of job.
    Good luck in canada.

    • @as_apartners
      @as_apartners  Рік тому

      Glad to hear that your wife is having her 2nd career in Canada. Hope she enjoys it!

  • @conanchan6921
    @conanchan6921 Рік тому +3

    Remember to make use of RRSP, FHSA & TFSA to lower your tax rate and save money for goals.

    • @as_apartners
      @as_apartners  Рік тому +1

      That's a good callout for saving money!

  • @MickeySn
    @MickeySn 9 місяців тому +1


  • @GJ11_11
    @GJ11_11 Рік тому +1

    true. after tax income is quite low and property price is high. How to buy a property?

  • @rockboy1108
    @rockboy1108 Рік тому +1

    Relax. The world is still resuming from COVID and also in war. What you are experience in Canada is happening in many parts of the world which including China. Hong Kong is a bit special but it would only get worst. Hongkonger is very competitive, deliver the best of you in all aspect and you will be alright. Good luck.

  • @mpl3516
    @mpl3516 Рік тому +1

    請問主持原本 讀那科?
    現在加拿大 做咩工作?
    有什么 要知道及

  • @timchu4384
    @timchu4384 9 місяців тому +1

    Toronto right now is not affordable due to the increasing housing costs. I think the next logical step is probably move away from Toronto, e.g. Calgary, etc.

  • @brianli497
    @brianli497 Рік тому

    well said !!

  • @raymondchan7295
    @raymondchan7295 Рік тому +1

    1.如果子女用stream A去加拿大兩年後完成課程後申請PR時,是否可以同時讓在香港的父母一起申請PR呢?能夠一家人同時獲批? 2. 獲得PR身份之後的5年內是否要在加拿大累計住滿兩年才延續PR身份?是否每5年都要有這要求才能續期PR身份?

    • @teresafunk8562
      @teresafunk8562 7 місяців тому

      I am pretty sure this is not the option.

  • @pat13487
    @pat13487 Рік тому


  • @slo009
    @slo009 4 місяці тому

    如果個工種唔係需要一啲本地沒有嘅專才 僱主點解要請一個非本地人?
    以香港為例 便利店 餐廳酒樓 零售店舖 本地中小企 甚至大財團 乜嘢情況下需要請一個非華人 廣東話和普通話都不太靈光嘅外國人?

  • @ngunjoseph2260
    @ngunjoseph2260 10 місяців тому +2

    我想不是移民政策與勞工政策的不協調問題 主要是加拿大才3千多萬人口的國家 再加上世界經濟的放緩 整個經濟體根本是支持唔到自己移民計劃 新移民就算是博士 也祇能去做本地人唔願做的工作 等到明年世界經濟 可能連本地人都唔夠工給他們 更不要說那些新移民!

  • @hanstonchu
    @hanstonchu Рік тому +8


    • @Mojai_Chan
      @Mojai_Chan Рік тому +1


    • @Mojai_Chan
      @Mojai_Chan Рік тому +2


  • @SF-yp4gy
    @SF-yp4gy Рік тому +1

    You don’t need to live in metro Toronto. Cities like Vaughan & Ajax are less expensive and can commute to Toronto by subway or Go train

    • @as_apartners
      @as_apartners  Рік тому +1

      Moving away from Toronto/North York may requires owning a car or paying more for the commute. It worths doing a math tho!

    • @SF-yp4gy
      @SF-yp4gy Рік тому +1

      @@as_apartners you pay only one token at Vaughan metro centre stn, same as anywhere in Toronto. That’s the reason I bring it up

    • @lc9355
      @lc9355 Рік тому

      Check out the Vaughan subway area, you won't be disappointed.

  • @stephenaotw
    @stephenaotw Рік тому +1


  • @carmenip3140
    @carmenip3140 Рік тому


  • @angelng7922
    @angelng7922 Рік тому +7


  • @ellietse9480
    @ellietse9480 Рік тому +1


    • @davezhang8866
      @davezhang8866 11 місяців тому +1


    • @ellietse9480
      @ellietse9480 11 місяців тому

      @@davezhang8866 你好。不太明白你意思。讚成or不讚成?可簡單一些。

    • @davezhang8866
      @davezhang8866 11 місяців тому

      @@ellietse9480 聖經上講:手扶著犁向後看的,不配進神的國。人應該向前看,不要向後看。記憶中的香港總是美好,但真正接觸卻很殘酷。加拿大在變,香港也在變。走嚟走去衹會浪費時間。

  • @CanleungCan
    @CanleungCan 9 місяців тому


  • @anastasiaromanov3737
    @anastasiaromanov3737 Рік тому


  • @chowsophia-tm9qq
    @chowsophia-tm9qq Рік тому +1


  • @coralfish8863
    @coralfish8863 11 місяців тому +2

    Hey dude, face the reality. Regardless of HKers or local Canadians, they are facing the same problem. Lots of Canadian are living pay check to pay check. Your future only depends on how you live and what do you expect. Toronto is not HK and there is nothing to compare with. If you expect that you can earn similar to what you did in HK, you better pack and go once you get your citizenship.

  • @Charlotte-k6s9f
    @Charlotte-k6s9f Рік тому +1


  • @tangalfred
    @tangalfred Рік тому

    The National Bank chart is only to be use for reference. How is it possible buy a condo for $700k but only put down a $45k down payment, it is not even a 10% of the purchase value. Of cuz you need this super high income if you are taking out a $650k mortgage.

    • @as_apartners
      @as_apartners  Рік тому

      It's definitely case by case but the report provides a certain level of idea.

  • @CanleungCan
    @CanleungCan 9 місяців тому


  • @johndole9381
    @johndole9381 Рік тому +2

    A lot of HK people complain that they could not afford a home/house, as they are "entitled to" own a house. Guess what, it is the same everywhere, no everyone can afford to own a house/condo, whatever. If you just work in Big M, THorton, or whatever, you are never going to own a house/home....

    • @davezhang8866
      @davezhang8866 11 місяців тому +1

      It's a mental problem of all HKers. Owning a condo or house is a first or maybe final goal of their lives.