Cole Chance 20 min Intermediate Power Flow - Yoga for Energy and Strength

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @ajones9907
    @ajones9907 5 років тому +1

    That was really good. But hard. Thank you Cole.

  • @welshwitch2024
    @welshwitch2024 3 роки тому

    Serendipity ♥️🙏 Thank you universe for bringing Cole Chance into my world. And thank you for your guidance. I am early in my recovery. Love. Namaste

      @COLECHANCEYOGACCY  3 роки тому

      Thank you so much for making me a part of your journey! Congratulations on your recovery and i wish the best for you! Namaste Natalie!

  • @joy2youandme7
    @joy2youandme7 4 роки тому

    Whoop! Day 63! Glad this one popped up! I like the pose standing on one leg and grabbing the other with opposite hand! Everyday, I'm here!

  • @szikszai99
    @szikszai99 5 років тому +12

    Thank you Cole! I've been doing yoga with you for about 5 years now almost every single day (sometimes twice a day) and i can still learn new things about my body :-) I have realized that power yoga helps relief my stress the most, better than stress relief, or calming yoga. I thought i'd share this with you, because i think it's an interesting thing.

  • @davidmurphy1527
    @davidmurphy1527 5 років тому

    We have not done many of her yoga classes, but we both enjoyed this one. It was at a good pase with a little heat in it. Thanks you.

  • @amyflynn150
    @amyflynn150 4 роки тому

    Loved this flow! An oldie, you still had your dreads! But I am going back to the older videos and enjoying them! thank you for being my guide. Namaste!

  • @efimissth
    @efimissth 4 роки тому

    I’ve just finished my grateful that I’m practicing with you in pandemic period...I found a new path! ✨✨✨

  • @kaziuscha
    @kaziuscha 8 місяців тому

    How wonderful, Cole, what a lovely flow and exactly what I needed today! Thank you so much❤

  • @tinamclaughlin7979
    @tinamclaughlin7979 3 роки тому

    Love the beautiful sites Cole does these at! They are the most grounding , earthy , serene places. (If that makes any sense? )😃❤️

  • @sierrareed11
    @sierrareed11 4 роки тому

    This was my first strength/intermediate class since getting back into yoga. WOW I cannot wait to explore more of the strength yoga this time around. Thank you, Cole as always for being an amazing guide

  • @sonia98789
    @sonia98789 4 роки тому

    Finally I 'got all brave' to try the intermediate series, forever chickening out whenever spotting words like 'powerful', 'energizing' or god forbid 'advanced' - hee, hee, hee. Always aiming at 'gentle', 'calming' etc. And being very good at finding all sorts of reasons for such strong attitudes and preferences - hee, hee, hee. And hey ho, I did it and not only it wasn't too bad, it was actually pretty good! I wonder then in how many more areas of my life should I be watching out! Thank you, Cole! Kiss, kiss, kiss!

      @COLECHANCEYOGACCY  4 роки тому

      Ahh wonderful Sonia! We never know what we will find when we peek underneath our aversions! I do the same thing!

  • @GraceKelly946
    @GraceKelly946 4 роки тому +3

    This was glorious. Everyday during the pandemic is different and I really needed this. I hope you're safe where-ever you are in the world at the moment.

  • @suzanneclarke3400
    @suzanneclarke3400 4 роки тому

    Just what I needed today. Thank you 🙏

  • @HannahYesmunt
    @HannahYesmunt 6 років тому

    you're the best yoga instructor I have ever had!! I look forward to doing yoga with you everyday!

  • @protectorpestsolutions8386
    @protectorpestsolutions8386 5 годин тому


  • @marifujisawa2942
    @marifujisawa2942 4 роки тому

    You’re simply magic🧚

  • @dharmabum1111
    @dharmabum1111 5 років тому +3

    That was So Good! Just what I needed on this busy morning. And I so love your comforting guidance and comments, I receive so much from your sharing. Namaste

  • @angelabaio86
    @angelabaio86 4 роки тому

    This is one of my favorite flows. So nice. Thank you. Namaste.

  • @rosemarybryerton1080
    @rosemarybryerton1080 3 роки тому

    Love this flow!!!

  • @mcassian
    @mcassian 4 роки тому +1

    A perfect everyday practice to squeeze in before work! Thank you so much for sharing with us. Namaste 🙏

  • @discolemonaid84
    @discolemonaid84 4 роки тому

    I needed this today. Thank you

  • @cananipek6592
    @cananipek6592 3 роки тому

    This is great. It was a little harsh on my back but then I combined it with the first 15 minutes of your "Full Body Stretch Yoga" and now I have a sequence I truly enjoy. I love your pace and your energy. Thank you!

      @COLECHANCEYOGACCY  3 роки тому

      Thats wonderful! Thank you for joining me on the mat love!

  • @KMei-ki5zj
    @KMei-ki5zj 4 роки тому

    Love the length of your flows Cole! It’s so approachable and I’ve been seeing huge benefits practicing 20 mins a day! Thank you Quarantine! Lol

  • @simonamondello
    @simonamondello Рік тому

    You are amazing❤ thank you

  • @jennythomasmathew
    @jennythomasmathew 3 роки тому

    This was hard. I keep thinking I've outgrown the beginner things. But I'm not quite intermediate yet. 😁 Thank you Cole

      @COLECHANCEYOGACCY  3 роки тому +1

      Keep coming back to the mat love! Thank you for joining me!

  • @carolynbot
    @carolynbot 6 років тому

    This is awesome! I love your 20 minute intermediate videos. Just long enough that I can fit it in and get on with the day. Thank you!!

  • @heidischmitz3529
    @heidischmitz3529 6 років тому

    Loving the intermediate flows you share. 💛

  • @katelynmiller1618
    @katelynmiller1618 7 років тому +3

    So much Gratitude to Om Yoga Tribe for these videos! Keeping me moving here in Upstate NY and distracting me from sub-zero temps, snow, freezing rain, etc -- I get to "vacation" to Bali every morning! Peace & Blessings

  • @evolveculture7232
    @evolveculture7232 6 років тому

    Thank you Cole, for everything. Been practicing with you and Adriene for the past two years now and should you ever have to question whether or not you’re playing your part in all of this, just know that you are. Eternal gratitude.

  • @nicolecarvalho8262
    @nicolecarvalho8262 6 років тому +1

    This sequence was so powerful! My heart was pounding- but then in the moments where we were breathing- I still felt peaceful! Great cool down... I definitely needed this movement today too!!! #boom

  • @shirlski
    @shirlski 7 років тому

    Thank you Cole. Just what was needed on a fifty shades of grey London morning,

  • @anaisanais89
    @anaisanais89 7 років тому

    I enjoyed doing the powerful standing poses in flow with the breath. Really enjoyed triangle as I haven't seen it much in practice lately. Made my back pop in a good way. Thank you Cole!

  • @eijaokker-tikkunen1529
    @eijaokker-tikkunen1529 6 років тому

    Wonderful Morning Yoga from Goa!
    Thank's a lot!

  • @christinaruiz2599
    @christinaruiz2599 7 років тому

    I am really liking the intermediate flows. Keep'em coming!

  • @adachrisman4108
    @adachrisman4108 7 років тому +2

    Loving all the OM yoga tribe vids. Keep me coming please!

  • @kaymasters1283
    @kaymasters1283 6 років тому +1

    Have recently discovered your videos. As a teacher they are fabulous inspiration with unusual sequences

  • @mchickie1896
    @mchickie1896 6 років тому

    Nice, sweet flow! Thanks Cole!

  • @mesid6001
    @mesid6001 6 років тому

    great practice! i think i just got hooked up on Vinyasa:) second day in a row and love it. thanks Cole!

  • @kaymasters1283
    @kaymasters1283 6 років тому

    Loved this. Did it first thing this morning. Great mix of strength, flexibility and balance.

  • @bobthetiger11
    @bobthetiger11 3 роки тому

    Thank you!!!

  • @neen323
    @neen323 7 років тому

    Yes! Love it, Cole! Feels so good!

  • @rcanderson9612
    @rcanderson9612 6 років тому

    Thanx for the work❤🔥🌹

  • @melissacarter5925
    @melissacarter5925 5 років тому

    Wow this class was amazing!! thank you cole, I really needed this too!

  • @marioncappe
    @marioncappe 6 років тому

    You re Magic, i always start in bad mood, and finished smilin deeply! thank you so much Cole Much Love Namaste

  • @sarahc7687
    @sarahc7687 6 років тому +1

    Cole, would you consider doing this practice at a slower pace, its a wonderful and beautiful sequence. Thank you for your great teaching.

    • @chalea4757
      @chalea4757 6 років тому

      Yes, I did thought of the same thing, maybe playing with the playback settings of the video itself; love this flow

  • @АнастасіяЗакорчевна

    As usual great! Thank you Cole, can you please do video for Chakras please :)

  • @vivianealbuquerque5360
    @vivianealbuquerque5360 7 років тому

    Cole, can you please do a flow to relieve menstrual cramps?
    Thank you so much! Love from Pernambuco, Brazil!

  • @cindyduran7287
    @cindyduran7287 5 років тому

    Side planks wonderful and the extra pose with the grabbing of the foot; yummy and challenging. Thank you.