Voters have spoken! Knipex 150mm TwinGrips are Plier of the Year for 2025! Replaces other pliers!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Knives__Out__
    @Knives__Out__ 17 годин тому +14

    Knipex are mighty fine tools and relatively affordable. Thank you for the great videos.

  • @sandsock
    @sandsock 12 годин тому +2

    those little snapons looked like the almost perfect tool, i needed yesterday. i was chasing down a electrical short on my trailer. those would be really nice for crushing electrical crimps.

  • @darrencampbell8817
    @darrencampbell8817 15 годин тому +4

    Hahahaaaaa I knew it! Thanks Doc for helping make this a reality. I love that Knipex actually DOES listen to its customers...

  • @ScottDavis-f7x
    @ScottDavis-f7x 10 годин тому +4

    Please do a Screwdriver of the Year.

  • @michaellindsay8934
    @michaellindsay8934 14 годин тому +3

    Doc, I really wanted to be the first to say. ' WHY WOULD YOU HAVE MORE THAN ONE ', but someone beat me to it. Their great pliers no doubt about that. Thanks Doc

  • @aussiehardwood6196
    @aussiehardwood6196 9 годин тому +1

    A NEW length of an existing plier is still a new plier with is own new part number. It was Knipex USA that essentially designed the TwinGrip and its no surprise a 6" version won the poll, great little highly versatile plier.

  • @harveysmith100
    @harveysmith100 16 годин тому +2

    I pre ordered the twin grips original. I haven't been disappointed. I get things stuck at work and reach for them again and again.
    150mm will be next

  • @soupappreciator8977
    @soupappreciator8977 15 годин тому +4

    Cool to see something I bought so recently. It was intended to live in a mug over my lab work bench with other 150-160mm knipex. Like a lot from this brand designs, it punches way over above its size. I want the 250mm but it's hard to find use since the 200s can handle bolts which I call huge.

    • @yo3rdtier128
      @yo3rdtier128 11 годин тому

      No, nothing cool about Knipex. Actually, they should get the award for the ugliest tool company. Those red and blue handles, doesn’t match any tool bag. I call them Mickey Mouse pliers

  • @Kenny-mg1ls
    @Kenny-mg1ls 4 години тому

    The small knipex I use daily and love them. They replaced my small vampliers because the handle comes off them. I do want the snapon one there but no dealer

  • @JC_1095
    @JC_1095 14 годин тому +1

    I think the Milwaukee 13” long nose pliers deserve plier of 2024. I love the twin grips and the snap on talon grip long nose, but the Milwaukee one is the most novel with its design compared to similar sized ones from competitors.

  • @GruvisMutt
    @GruvisMutt 3 години тому

    I've been enjoying my TwinGrip 150, I use it more than anything (diy) lately. I'm hoping they eventually make a mini to fit in my EDC kit with 125 Cobra and 125 Pliers Wrench.

  • @NWGR
    @NWGR 10 годин тому

    I bought that exact set a couple of weeks ago and it's an amazing little set of pliers. I'm grabbing the 8" version as soon as I catch a decent sale price on it. Thanks for posting Doc! 🍻

  • @dedsert9653
    @dedsert9653 15 годин тому +2

    nejisaurus is my plier of the year every year for always saving me

    • @beurky
      @beurky 11 годин тому

      It's amazing in electrical work for twisting wires.

  • @shadow7796
    @shadow7796 7 годин тому

    I think I'm finally going to get a pair of those Knipex after the first of the year. Maybe the 8 or 10". I've got a pair of Engineer slip-joint, screw removal pliers that are about the same length as the 6" Knipex, and they work great for my purposes.

  • @andrewlacerenza667
    @andrewlacerenza667 15 годин тому +1

    I agree on this tool of the year. I didn't like the milwaukee long reach. Snap On mini talon grips were my favorite contender until knipex launched their Fall 2024 line

  • @jaysgood10
    @jaysgood10 16 годин тому +4

    They are all a variant of the lever. Who’s counting?

  • @dobiwon8723
    @dobiwon8723 29 хвилин тому

    “Why would you have more than one” says the guy with 50 of everything haha

  • @markdavis29
    @markdavis29 3 години тому

    That twin grip is a great plier. I’ve never been a fan of Snap ons offerings, I find them to thick/bulky.

  • @bulletsandburnouts5596
    @bulletsandburnouts5596 4 години тому

    I really like the ACF's but i agree the Twin Grips had to be the winner... with that being said, the 10inch Twin Grips have replaced my large Channel Locks in my truck door that i grab on every call.... I think people are sleeping on how good those pliers really are.

    • @richharr
      @richharr 4 години тому

      Ask a local shop when the truck comes, theyre usually like $10 cheaper than the advertised price and no shipping obviously. Harbor freight will have a copy in a few months, they showed them at sema

  • @SBBUK
    @SBBUK 12 годин тому +2

    I have these but I haven't actually found much use for them and just end up grabbing my Snapon LN46ACFs instead due to the slimmer jaws. I do love other Knipex pliers though the cobras are brilliant.

    • @daifeichu
      @daifeichu 11 годин тому

      I could have written the exact same thing. I've got those 150mm Knipex but they're not used much. the LN46 and LN44 are my go to.

    • @richharr
      @richharr 4 години тому

      Same here, have all 3 snap ons and the 3 pcs twin grip set, the 7" snap on are the go to

  • @mf6532
    @mf6532 10 годин тому

    Glad i got one because right now it's just about sold out everywhere.

  • @litlman
    @litlman 7 годин тому

    If you only picked up one of the 3 sizes for general use, which would you recommend? 6, 8, or 10 inch?

  • @johnossendorf9979
    @johnossendorf9979 13 годин тому +1

    I was hoping for 125mm TwinGrips for my maintenance man EDC.

  • @avernvrey7422
    @avernvrey7422 9 годин тому +1

    Nah, the Milwaukee has the innovation. The other is just a size change.

  • @aussiehardwood6196
    @aussiehardwood6196 9 годин тому

    It was only 10 years ago Americans pretty much only used USA made pliers like Channelock, Klein, Crescent, Malco etc. Nowadays they all love the 100 & something year old Knipex of Germany. But they were an excellent product decades ago.

    • @fabiantaveras8458
      @fabiantaveras8458 7 годин тому

      @@aussiehardwood6196 most Americans still primarily use those tools, also Klein, channellock and Crescent are also over 100 years old too lol

    • @GruvisMutt
      @GruvisMutt 3 години тому

      They weren't as widely available until recently. There are 100+ year-old Japanese brands, as well, that some prefer to the American brands. They aren't always easy to buy from overseas.

  • @AlexDresko
    @AlexDresko 8 годин тому

    Currently out of stock on Amazon. :)

  • @DenyTheZeitgeist
    @DenyTheZeitgeist 9 годин тому

    I’d totally get some of those Ln series pliers from Snap On. But I’m not paying over a hundred dollars a piece to ship them to me. That’s ridiculous at any rate. The Knipex twin grips are a sure thing. I actually found myself using the 10 inch more than the 6 inch, but it’s that time of year, assembling large projects, so it’s skewed for now.

  • @soupappreciator8977
    @soupappreciator8977 14 годин тому +1

    I want to try that small snap-on needle nose (as well as their flush cutters). What is the best shot for a foreigner who visits the us often to get some of these? I drive quite a lot but don't really come across parked tool trucks. Thanks.

    • @DenyTheZeitgeist
      @DenyTheZeitgeist 9 годин тому

      Ask a shop. They MIGHT tell you, or they might get super secretive. Snap On doesn’t service any shops where I live, only Matco. Best bet is just to buy online , but the shipping is OUTRAGEOUS unless you spend 250 bucks.

  • @billyc5914
    @billyc5914 22 хвилини тому

    Needs to be sized down for pocket carry

  • @Donthetoolman
    @Donthetoolman 5 годин тому

    Unless they get outsourced like gedore and the quality goes down I don't think there will ever be a pair of pliers on the planet that can outmatch knipex

  • @Kackspack0815
    @Kackspack0815 12 годин тому

    What are these magnetic plates the pliers stand on?

  • @andrewc9790
    @andrewc9790 8 годин тому

    If they could put a really good wire cutter on them, I'd buy 6.

  • @b-ryanistryin
    @b-ryanistryin 6 годин тому

    Doc, do you have a link you want us to use for the Milwaukee? That's definitely plier of the year, we both know it!

    • @lastbesttool
      @lastbesttool  13 хвилин тому

      No, but thanks for asking. Prices and availability are all over the place and there is no clean Amazon link.

  • @gf2e
    @gf2e 14 годин тому +4

    “Why would you have more than one…”
    That’s a great question. Why do you have so many? :)

  • @MattHmm-rq6dn
    @MattHmm-rq6dn 4 години тому +1

    I think thoes milwaukee were the more innovative. It's a rare day milwaukee deserves it more than knipex. And i dislike 👎 milwaukee hand tools too most of them 😆.

  • @eddiyws
    @eddiyws 15 годин тому +1

    I've got one and I can say this tool is versatile. I definitely agree it's a must have on your tool bag. But for three different sizes 🤔

  • @Gadgetdad007
    @Gadgetdad007 17 хвилин тому

    Duck 🦆 Out 😂

  • @erasamus1057
    @erasamus1057 14 годин тому

    did i sleep through a year?

  • @haoau16333
    @haoau16333 9 годин тому


  • @The-Homecook-0000
    @The-Homecook-0000 11 годин тому

    I got the HR pliers...the copy..

  • @fabiantaveras8458
    @fabiantaveras8458 13 годин тому +2

    Twin grips are kinda over hyped tbh literally the only thing they are good for is extracting damaged/rounded screws which is a pretty niche problem to have if you're using the right tools to begin with.

    • @DenyTheZeitgeist
      @DenyTheZeitgeist 9 годин тому +1

      Also great with bolts and fittings and small round stock and twisting wire and like everything aside from needle work.

    • @fabiantaveras8458
      @fabiantaveras8458 8 годин тому

      @DenyTheZeitgeist if I need to grip or twist small round or wires I have better tools for the job. Literally the only thing the twin grips are exceptional in is dealing with damaged fastener and bolts which for the most part is a very avoidable and niche problem. I bought a pair when they first came out but I ended returning them back to Amazon because outside of that one thing I had hard justifying why I should keep them when there are more affordable tools that already have screw extractions features.

    • @DenyTheZeitgeist
      @DenyTheZeitgeist 8 годин тому

      @ congratulations. You’ve discovered tools, where there’s a tool for everything.

    • @fabiantaveras8458
      @fabiantaveras8458 8 годин тому

      @@DenyTheZeitgeist ummm okay...

  • @nothankyou5524
    @nothankyou5524 11 годин тому

    Not worth the time. Its minutia.

  • @ryanclarke2161
    @ryanclarke2161 12 годин тому

    But how? The knipex flat jawed pliers wrench is wildly superior.

  • @anfernyjackson9013
    @anfernyjackson9013 11 годин тому +1

    cool video, but gramps... we get it, you're not like other geriatrics and understand technology, no need to spend 33% of the video talking about in wonder how an iphone has a clock and flashlight. it's a tool that has multiple uses, not a concept that needs an analogy

  • @ibabnormally4752
    @ibabnormally4752 15 годин тому

    I have watched multiple videos regarding the Knipex pliers. I have also ordered six different pairs. Luckily I was able to return them all via Amazon. I have médium to large hands but they are a bit meaty. I found the grip on the Knipex to be annoying. Knipex seem to be designed for fashion rather than practical everyday use. Maybe these would be good if you are French girl scout. This is just my humble opinion though and YMMV. I have found greater comfort, grip and performance from Channel Lock pliers.

    • @goncalovazpinto6261
      @goncalovazpinto6261 9 годин тому +2

      I'm a 1.9m 130kg french girl scout and I like the Knipex grips!🤣 I always get the slimmer dipped handle too! ⚜✌😂

    • @rememberallende
      @rememberallende 4 години тому

      Sure thing buddy, millions of customers every year are all 'French girl scouts'. How nice of you to share such a humble opinion, not dismissive and foolish at all. 🙄
      At least you found an alternative for your manly meaty hands of a real man, right? ;)