Meeting Zhongli's Pet Dragon (Genshin Impact)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024
  • we join zhongli and a man named kun jun in a quest to find some missing miners, but instead end up encountering azhdaha (zhongli's pet dragon) in genshin impact
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КОМЕНТАРІ • 5 тис.

  • @bwaap
    @bwaap  3 роки тому +20646

    if zhongli can't say anything due to his loyalty to contracts, i wonder if venti would stay silent too...

  • @darmansbar7900
    @darmansbar7900 3 роки тому +5521

    Aether:"So about 500 years ago...."
    Zhongli: "Nice weather today rigth?"

    • @prof3377
      @prof3377 3 роки тому +338

      I was literally “Stop trolling me, Geo daddy!”

    • @Jr-shiungHu
      @Jr-shiungHu 3 роки тому +176

      Boi, Geo daddy sign a NDA

    • @kykloneuma
      @kykloneuma 3 роки тому +54

      Geo daddy use weather deck

    • @LooneyClipse
      @LooneyClipse 3 роки тому +89

      this is seriously 2nd time he has avoided the topic with *"contracts"*

    • @Justin-ui5ti
      @Justin-ui5ti 3 роки тому +149

      Actually for the end of the quest about Khaenri'ah. I have a theory regarding what truly happened. I already wrote this on a couple other threads. It's a long one so bear with it.
      The twins came to Teyvat while traveling between worlds. One twin woke up first and the other was still asleep.
      Later that twin witnessed the war between Khaenri’ah and Celestia. The war occurred long after the Archon war ended.
      It’s possible that the twin was assisting Khaenri’ah and fighting against the gods of Teyvat. But the twin failed and woke the other twin up and told that they had to leave Teyvat.
      I think that the Unknown God or the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles was from Celestia and was sent to capture that specific twin for their role in assisting Khaenri’ah.
      The Unknown God said “The arrogation of man ends here.” Khaenri’ah was seen as the pride of human kind.
      The reason why Khaenri’ah was destroyed was not because of mere jealousy from the gods. It was because of a Khaenri’an by the name of Gold. He was an alchemist who pushed the limits and created horrifying abominations and it began to corrupt other creatures. One of these creatures was Durin which was the dragon that Venti and Dvalin fought against.
      The Knights of Favonius responded by sending an expedition to Khaenri'ah to slay the monsters.
      These monsters spewed across the 7 nations and began to cause horrifying damage and even the death of the Dendro Archon which weakened the power of Dendro and which prompted Celestia to annihilate Khaenri’ah.
      Dainslief warned the Traveler not to antagonize the gods and not to usurp their power. He also stated that he wouldn’t make the same mistakes as his fore-bearers.
      The survivors of Khaenri’ah became the creatures of the Abyss and they declared the captured twin their ruler while the other twin was once again put to sleep for 500 years.
      But there is another possible reason for why Khaenri’ah warred against Celestia which is much more disturbing. Remember how the Harbinger Scaramouche from the Meteor event said that the sky is fake or he mentioned the “false sky”?
      Maybe Khaenri’ah found out what that actually meant and they decided to wage war against Celestia. Celestia not only destroyed them for their attempt of usurping their power but to perhaps bury the secret of the “false sky”.
      Another thing is what happened in Dragonspine. There were ruins of an ancient civilization. These ruins came long before the destruction of Khaenri'ah. But there was a thing that Khanri'ah and this civilization had in common: They were both very advanced and both civilizations were Celestia. That nail that is on the top of Dragonspine was from Celestia. They dropped it on them for some reason. There is a mural room in Dragonspine that depicts this.
      Then something even more disturbing are the codes from the ruin gaurds in Dragonspine. When decoded it says : *FOR THE NATION WE CANT FORGO THIS SKYBORNE POWER BUT WE FAILED*
      The ruin guards are speaking of the destruction of Khaenri'ah but their placement in Dragonspine alludes that the Dragonspine civilization also met a similiar fate to Khaenri'ah.
      I think that Celestia is fearful of something.
      The power that the Khaenri’an alchemist, Gold, discovered is described as an “otherworldly power”. This power attracts the Abyssal power which is the opposite to Celestial energy. It is corruptive, destructive and dangerous.
      But one thing is clear: There is a *very* strong connection to Honkai Impact.
      If my theory is correct about this connection....then Celestia has every right to be terrified. Because it is better for an entire nation to be destroyed than to potentially release _THEM_ . The real *MONSTERS* and the *TRUE ENEMY OF GODS AND HUMANITY*
      The Abyssal power is just another name for them in Teyvat….they go by another name………
      *THE HONKAI*

  • @pastelpuppiez
    @pastelpuppiez 3 роки тому +5113

    ''When has Paimon ever come up with a bad idea?''
    Me: *remembers when she wanted to shoot us up to the jade chamber in a ballista*

    • @adellianm2096
      @adellianm2096 3 роки тому +175

      that sounds painfully correct >.

    • @shadowkhan422
      @shadowkhan422 3 роки тому +461

      She actually improving though . She remembered she can fly (only took her 6 month xD)

    • @NeIIy
      @NeIIy 3 роки тому +57

      Glad I wasn't the only one that instantly thought of that

    • @aeghohloechu5022
      @aeghohloechu5022 3 роки тому +23

      she just learned that technique from doom slayer

    • @Glaycier
      @Glaycier 3 роки тому +6

      Literally my exact thoughts

  • @maliafrl1359
    @maliafrl1359 3 роки тому +8675

    Traveler: Get yo frickin dog bro.
    Zhongli: It don't bite

  • @bambangbudiprayetno2701
    @bambangbudiprayetno2701 3 роки тому +3002

    Zhongli: "You're leaving?"
    Me, realized that Azdaha probably was a long friend to remember "the Osmanthus wine" with Zhongli long time ago: **Sad noises

    • @Litfam904
      @Litfam904 3 роки тому +120

      And venti gave him the wine lol

    • @mollypaws
      @mollypaws 3 роки тому +236

      Ah yes, feeding your pet dragon wine. Zhongli the responsible pet owner.

    • @tecno5695
      @tecno5695 3 роки тому +62

      He dronk da wine with da huge mouth

    • @Tu-Li-Oh
      @Tu-Li-Oh 3 роки тому +22

      @@tecno5695 bullfrong wine chug mukbang

    • @annjessjose5571
      @annjessjose5571 3 роки тому +16

      Four types of people ^^^^

  • @th3stainedrose
    @th3stainedrose 3 роки тому +6120

    Bwaap: What if he's a dragon?
    Kun Jun: *intense sweating*

  • @Moshi_Mochi
    @Moshi_Mochi 3 роки тому +4295

    Zhongli: A dragon betrayed me.
    Venti: First time?
    Traveler: Great another dragon to spend my resin on, instead of artifacts.

  • @chrysanthemum24
    @chrysanthemum24 3 роки тому +6477

    Alright let's not lie
    *We all thought uncle dai was talking about zhongli at first until they just decided to completely nae nae us*

  • @uttie4795
    @uttie4795 3 роки тому +3273

    What if when we always see Zhongli listening to stories about himself is actually to prevent him to forget about past events that happened millenia ago so that his memories wasn't eroded completely? Damn I'm heading to my room and cry, bye all.

    • @shiverwind
      @shiverwind 3 роки тому +50


    • @izzaireredacted3018
      @izzaireredacted3018 3 роки тому +54

      OH NO-

    • @nadunlochana2956
      @nadunlochana2956 3 роки тому +494

      As an immortal god (he’s still the god of contracts, warrior god and God of Geo, he’s just not the Geo archon anymore) he has perfect memory. He says this in the quest and as a part of his readable story you unlock by leveling him up. By Erosion he means things like having to seal away his close friend and never forgetting any bad memories. If I were to guess why he listens to stories about his past I think it’s because he misses his friends.. everyone he knew has died, been sealed by him or even killed by him due to contracts

    • @TurtlesTM
      @TurtlesTM 3 роки тому +27


    • @uttie4795
      @uttie4795 3 роки тому +62

      @@nadunlochana2956 dudee 😭 It makes the act (him listening to past stories) even sadder than what I thought. Nice one bro 👍

  • @TarrDan
    @TarrDan 3 роки тому +3125

    Traveler: Does it bite?
    Zhongli: no it doesn't

    • @Xedrie
      @Xedrie 3 роки тому +95


    • @ganggi1349
      @ganggi1349 3 роки тому +223

      certainly not bite, it literally would shatter your skull and blow up ur eardrum while saying how much he hate Rex.

    • @ratio2624
      @ratio2624 3 роки тому +45

      It: Bites off tree

    • @renze8893
      @renze8893 3 роки тому +40

      It stomps

    • @vierre3691
      @vierre3691 3 роки тому +23

      it angry

  • @hyakujeong
    @hyakujeong 3 роки тому +5369

    Traveler: Hey zhongli did you murder an entire civilization 500 years ago?
    Zhongli: PERHAPS

    • @thehamoodiandoctor5792
      @thehamoodiandoctor5792 3 роки тому +300

      I mean, if they turned into abyss mages, technically, they're not dead.

    • @hyakujeong
      @hyakujeong 3 роки тому +418

      @@thehamoodiandoctor5792 theyre dead inside

    • @saddany3254
      @saddany3254 3 роки тому +117

      i'm sure it's not going to be black & white.

    • @thehamoodiandoctor5792
      @thehamoodiandoctor5792 3 роки тому +13

      @@hyakujeong 🥲

    • @wrang1erc0la
      @wrang1erc0la 3 роки тому +119

      Zhongli: I SUPPOSE..... murder is a strong word

  • @hazmatt6751
    @hazmatt6751 3 роки тому +4587

    Traveller: Hey Zhongli, did you destroy an entire human civilisation 500 years ago?
    Zhongli: “I can neither confirm nor deny that information”

    • @stxrk70
      @stxrk70 3 роки тому +464

      Watch Venti swerve us too when we ask him lol like what he did with Vennessa.

    • @deathworld5253
      @deathworld5253 3 роки тому +264

      @@stxrk70 well, she behaved completely like that when we asked him about Celestia. He said that something like "Vanessa got a place in Celestia" but nothing more. So, Celestia, ehem, imposes certain restrictions on Archons (and not only them), it seems. (Perhaps, Celestia also seals the "fate" of all the Vision-bearers)

    • @potatobean6064
      @potatobean6064 3 роки тому +331

      Based on how Zhongli reacted though, I think there's more to it than that. Khaenri'ah developed whole weapons of war and the ability to cast magic on it's own, and those weapons had their sights set on Celestia. Not to mention Dainsleif seems to know all too well what happens to those who wage war against the gods. My guess? Khaenri'ah tried and likely succeeded in killing several gods, and they responded in kind by eradicating the threat to their existence. I can't blame them for that.

    • @stxrk70
      @stxrk70 3 роки тому +369

      @@potatobean6064 You got a point there. To begin with, Dainsleif didn't refer to the cataclysm as an 'attack', or a 'massacre' or anything that would imply that it was one-sided in favor of the gods. He called it a war. He said not to trust gods too much, yet don't try to overthrow them either, lest the 'failings of his forebears' be repeated. It implies they did try?
      And as for having killed gods. We got one, at least. The original Dendro archon, the God of Woods was confirmed to have been killed during the cataclysm 500 years ago, hence the new, current Dendro archon, the God of Wisdom is the youngest at 500 years old.
      TLDR In my opinion, as to what happened 500 years ago, the gods aren't completely innocent. But neither is Khaenriah.

    • @pizzaman9859
      @pizzaman9859 3 роки тому +22

      @@potatobean6064 big brain time

  • @bubblygamer3522
    @bubblygamer3522 3 роки тому +4331

    Not gonna lie when finished this quest I literally stood there for like 30mins with Zhongli because I didn’t want to leave him alone 😭😭😭

  • @calipupcorn3886
    @calipupcorn3886 3 роки тому +1854

    If you notice both forms of Azhdaha wear glasses. Jiu and Kun Jun. Symbolizing how Azhdaha was blind then granted sight.

    • @randomwebcrawler1812
      @randomwebcrawler1812 3 роки тому +329

      That's... Actually such a big brain moment. Nice catch!

    • @eyekandi
      @eyekandi 3 роки тому +96

      wrinkley brain

    • @aspillust
      @aspillust 3 роки тому +48

      pruney brain

    • @Meh-nv6id
      @Meh-nv6id 3 роки тому +70

      nice *eyes* you got there

    • @doraaaa0613
      @doraaaa0613 3 роки тому +53

      whoa... that's some 20/20 vision right there

  • @lemon3863
    @lemon3863 3 роки тому +2788

    "Liyue's walls have ears." Now we find out that they can also have memories and personalities, so they're technically alive. Scary.

    • @aaeve5676
      @aaeve5676 3 роки тому +107

      He said ores and I don't think Liyue's walls are made out of cor lapis but yeah, scary thought.

    • @IceeFish
      @IceeFish 3 роки тому +133

      The jade palace was a giant CCTV as well as a microphone soaring above Liyue if you think about it

    • @sakura-wz9te
      @sakura-wz9te 3 роки тому +23

      This is a Chinese four-character idiom“隔墙有耳(ge qiang you er)”

    • @WafuuSen
      @WafuuSen 3 роки тому +14

      /aot flashbacks/

    • @traveler5516
      @traveler5516 3 роки тому +16

      Hmm but I don't think theirs someone with the same power as Kun Jun. I hope someone teach us that technique. Like it can be a good addition with the elemental sight. I hope it became a feature. Like we can use ores if we're finding treasure hoarders or a chase is happening.

  • @rodrigues7347
    @rodrigues7347 3 роки тому +1075

    Everyone : does it bite ?
    Zhongli : no silly
    Azdaha : *I crave violence*

  • @M0ri_06
    @M0ri_06 3 роки тому +1639

    Both story Quest ended on such a depressing note and with us leaving zhongli sad and alone

    • @portalmanHUN
      @portalmanHUN 3 роки тому +216

      He is kind of a tragic character.

    • @HousekiMitai
      @HousekiMitai 3 роки тому +202

      Yeah, Venti too. Archons sure have a tragic backstory

    • @j.e5998
      @j.e5998 3 роки тому +72

      I think will see that all the archon stories will be tragedy and sad

    • @UBvtuber
      @UBvtuber 3 роки тому +62

      @@HousekiMitai Just wait, we're gonna go from lowkey hating baal to seeing her in a tragic light too, especially since her entire nation seems to be made of suffering.

    • @lelouchvibritannia1662
      @lelouchvibritannia1662 3 роки тому +38

      @@UBvtuber welp now that baal teaser is out... Yeah she's also tragic

  • @glaucus2505
    @glaucus2505 3 роки тому +9316

    Plot twist-He didn't sign the contract with lumine or celestia he signed it with mihoyo to not leak future story content.

    • @Rain-hd8ev
      @Rain-hd8ev 3 роки тому +926

      Imagine if the final boss is mihoyo’s incarnation

    • @paulagodebrito
      @paulagodebrito 3 роки тому +645

      zhongli is NOT a leaker haahhahahaha

    • @ilke1018
      @ilke1018 3 роки тому +61


    • @yourworstentertainment983
      @yourworstentertainment983 3 роки тому +336

      @@Rain-hd8ev unusual hilichurl is final boss confirmed

    • @prometheus1815
      @prometheus1815 3 роки тому +60

      The actual true god of the universe

  • @sugawaramisaki
    @sugawaramisaki 3 роки тому +2160

    azdaha: *growls aggressively and stomps the ground*
    me: (spams zhongli shield and stares at it) awh

    • @maisiespizza8436
      @maisiespizza8436 3 роки тому +136


    • @rojiii69420
      @rojiii69420 3 роки тому +169

      Me who got my ult spam build. Every 10 seconds a meatball drops from the sky and of course the shield makes you basically immortal

    • @PickledJar28
      @PickledJar28 3 роки тому +73


    • @rojiii69420
      @rojiii69420 3 роки тому +34

      @@PickledJar28 c1 babyyyy

    • @senritheoriginal7305
      @senritheoriginal7305 3 роки тому +14

      I don't have Zhongli yet

  • @high-levelsimp2379
    @high-levelsimp2379 3 роки тому +2075

    The way Zhongli is speaking makes me feel like Celestia merely used them as chess pieces, along with how reluctant Venti is when it comes to talking about it in the manga.

    • @missing2414
      @missing2414 3 роки тому +176

      Is this entire game just Celestia playing chess then?

    • @cummrinyt3853
      @cummrinyt3853 3 роки тому +3


    • @wongoscar9075
      @wongoscar9075 3 роки тому +41

      If Celestia is one of the players, then who is another player?

    • @howareyoumoreofaclownthanme
      @howareyoumoreofaclownthanme 3 роки тому +65

      @Queena Yang This is under the presumption that the Unknown God isn't the one running Celestia. If anything I think it's Celestia vs Abyss vs the Traveler.

    • @hasanmuttaqin464
      @hasanmuttaqin464 3 роки тому +4

      @@wongoscar9075 teth from no game no life perhaps?

  • @wtvluc
    @wtvluc 3 роки тому +3227

    The fact that paimon loves zhongli but not venti😂

    • @GoldenBeans
      @GoldenBeans 3 роки тому +671

      she gave venti tone deaf bard nickname, she only gives nicknames to people she doenst like
      she calls zhongli zhongli, she even simps him at the start of this quest
      yep 100% correct

    • @frontline324
      @frontline324 3 роки тому +314

      Paimon like a fan of zhongli ,and admire him so much

    • @_tsuki_
      @_tsuki_ 3 роки тому +145

      She doesn't love zhongli, she just loves the mora

    • @GoldenBeans
      @GoldenBeans 3 роки тому +170

      @@_tsuki_ she still likes him despite the fact he's now a broke parasite to society witohut his gnosis, so your point being?

    • @xLeenix
      @xLeenix 3 роки тому +75

      to be fair...who ever said he like venti? zhongli doesnt like him. ei doesnt like him. diluc doesnt like him. paimon doesnt like him. signora hates him. tsaritsa seem to hate him too. well yea....xD

  • @Brieftaube.
    @Brieftaube. 3 роки тому +1693

    Seeing Zhongli again was so nice

    • @sk-gi1kl
      @sk-gi1kl 3 роки тому +151

      As a zhongli main I agree even though I see him everyday

    • @annaluna3848
      @annaluna3848 3 роки тому +17


    • @tjat69
      @tjat69 3 роки тому +69

      absolutely hated it when he avoided the question at the end though, but the cutscene neutralized all grudges so it’s all good

    • @Brieftaube.
      @Brieftaube. 3 роки тому +3

      @tjat yeah same, I was like yeah, finally some answers but no, of course not

    • @h313n1
      @h313n1 3 роки тому +2

      @@sk-gi1kl me too 😂

  • @seiezo
    @seiezo 3 роки тому +4741

    "What is there not to feel bad about in this game?"
    stealing childe's money

  • @sk-gi1kl
    @sk-gi1kl 3 роки тому +2764

    I wonder how azdaha feels when the traveler who's literally smaller than his feet beats him

    • @p4rfait_g1rl
      @p4rfait_g1rl 3 роки тому +346

      Honestly, I would feel like bird sh*t

    • @_zaymoon
      @_zaymoon 3 роки тому +289

      i would literally retire

    • @thoooma7129
      @thoooma7129 3 роки тому +169

      same with childe lmao

    • @Alan-hj8ch
      @Alan-hj8ch 3 роки тому +122

      @•sunrise•- Childe too lol he got clapped

    • @sk-gi1kl
      @sk-gi1kl 3 роки тому +32

      @•sunrise• LMAO

  • @danecraze903
    @danecraze903 3 роки тому +544

    "You're leaving?"
    I somehow felt sadness in Zhongli's voice :(

  • @beileisoup
    @beileisoup 3 роки тому +1697

    bwaap: **sees pretty scenes**
    *w a l l p a p e r s*

    • @solitude9875
      @solitude9875 3 роки тому +97

      Me after the first story quest for Zhongli: *S C R E E N S H O T*

    • @kogatenebralux1128
      @kogatenebralux1128 3 роки тому +4

      @@solitude9875 *S A M E*

    • @nikolaiBBL
      @nikolaiBBL 3 роки тому +3

      @@solitude9875 *Y* *U* *P*

    • @athyzkyh
      @athyzkyh 3 роки тому +7

      @@solitude9875 *D O N T W E A L L*

    • @Lovekaylapls11
      @Lovekaylapls11 3 роки тому


  • @kurlkweeenie
    @kurlkweeenie 3 роки тому +555

    Zhongli saying "you're leaving?"...God he sounded so broken up about it

    • @NamiRaikura
      @NamiRaikura 3 роки тому +27

      YES. I WAS LOOKING FOR THIS COMMENT LOL! I just wanted to give Zhongli a hug man! I literally paused it at that moment because I felt bad for him!

    • @Mercuryflan
      @Mercuryflan 3 роки тому +5

      Wait which part was this mentioned? O.O
      Edit: oh I found it✨

    • @crafteariee
      @crafteariee 3 роки тому +43

      In the Chinese dub, right after Azhdaha says "Old friend, god of contracts, I hereby honor our agreement", Zhongli sounds like he holds himself back from crying (he shakily inhales and sighs) 😭

    • @Zakidao000
      @Zakidao000 3 роки тому +2


    • @花花公子-y5i
      @花花公子-y5i 3 роки тому


  • @bbyong3
    @bbyong3 3 роки тому +1706

    that tiny samachurl dude just dancing and living his life in the background at 23:43 is how I strive to be

    • @Oscarus4250
      @Oscarus4250 3 роки тому +128

      Geovishap in the next scene also seemed to be chillin'

    • @SoggyMuffin007
      @SoggyMuffin007 3 роки тому +57

      Samachurls are my favorite ngl

    • @agenericguy1014
      @agenericguy1014 3 роки тому +45

      Samachurls are oddly cute sometimes

    • @shinazugawasarehot
      @shinazugawasarehot 3 роки тому +5


    • 2 роки тому +10

      Me when I have to kill hilichurls and samachurls: 😭
      Me when I have to kill abyss mages: 😂

  • @marianadonatelli6033
    @marianadonatelli6033 3 роки тому +4599

    I like how everyone just accepted that azdaha is zhongli pet

    • @jasminerose1383
      @jasminerose1383 3 роки тому +333

      I kinda want a small azdaha now like endora

    • @ayayayay4859
      @ayayayay4859 3 роки тому +290

      @@jasminerose1383 So they'll walk beside us? Pls that's too cute-

    • @croissant-kun4025
      @croissant-kun4025 3 роки тому +68

      He's not Zhongli's pet dragon?

    • @trafalgard.waterlaw7490
      @trafalgard.waterlaw7490 3 роки тому +54

      @@croissant-kun4025 he is

    • @apei281
      @apei281 3 роки тому +144

      I hate when people say he is Zhongli's pet because he is clearly Zhongli's respected and trusted friend and ally.

  • @megha3498
    @megha3498 3 роки тому +2808

    So did anyone else wanted to give Zhongli a hug after his quest? Cause I sure did! He basically raised Azdaha whereas Zhongli was the first thing that Azdaha had seen with his newly gifted sight! Watching him say goodbye to Zhongli made me feel so sorry for him
    (Ah apologise I may have mistaken a certain point there thank you for correcting me!)

    • @Corviidei
      @Corviidei 3 роки тому +322

      I can’t BELIEVE there wasn’t an option to give him a hug

    • @hxenjwel
      @hxenjwel 3 роки тому +103

      Yeah! I feel sad for him. Wants to give him a hug

    • @lepanbuns6302
      @lepanbuns6302 3 роки тому +154

      i stayed for an hour with him when he just staring at the stone after the quest :’(

    • @xiaolv1836
      @xiaolv1836 3 роки тому +111

      He doesn't create Azdaha, Azdaha is a nature born. Zhongli only give sight to him and promise him to make Azdaha get to surface

    • @udavol5
      @udavol5 3 роки тому +21

      Not until he have a contract to not tell aether about khaenriah

  • @Athrunwong
    @Athrunwong 3 роки тому +760

    Now I understand why Venti drinks his night away. Immortality is a curse and blessing.
    Sealing your friends away and taking sides are difficult choices to make...

    • @weirdshit211
      @weirdshit211 3 роки тому +135

      Dude lost his friend as a wisp and is currently using that friends human body
      Thats reason enough already. Mans depressed for who knows how long

    • @ynrikotowers4374
      @ynrikotowers4374 3 роки тому +44

      With immortality comes the sadness of watching other grow weak, old then die.
      But hey when the story ends something may start. Thats why I like immortality. So someone can prove that you existed, even if it is only in their memories

    • @nathan8750
      @nathan8750 3 роки тому +20

      especially when you need to do it over...and over...and over again. really makes one appreciate how he's so cheerful all the time. I hope he gives us more information about what happened than what Zhongli gave, but my guess is he'll just say that he was just a wisp at the time and not the anemo archon yet...

  • @spuids
    @spuids 3 роки тому +2150

    Kun Jun's voice actor did such a phenomenal job I'm blown away. It's like he's literal some lost dude who doesn't really understand what he's supposed to do or who he's supposed to be. So rare to see in a fantasy game! (Not saying other Genshin voice actors aren't good though!)

    • @sundalosketch4769
      @sundalosketch4769 3 роки тому +187

      His voice was so soothing, it really made me see him as an alright fellow even when we were sussing him out after he gave us the gemstone. I even liked his other voice of the dragon, it wasn't too intense like the tantrum child

    • @spuids
      @spuids 3 роки тому +67

      @@sundalosketch4769 literally. absolutely phenomenal work from the voice actor

    • @UBvtuber
      @UBvtuber 3 роки тому +12

      It was two separate voice actors who voiced him, the one post-posession (who kinda sounds like Batman) also voiced the demon version of Azhdaha. The one per-possession is voiced by Adin Rudd.

    • @spuids
      @spuids 3 роки тому +4

      @@UBvtuber I just meant the voice actor that played Kun Jun dude

    • @UBvtuber
      @UBvtuber 3 роки тому +5

      @@spuids And like I said, there was literally two voice actors who played him in this quest. Yes, I understand you mean the non-possessed version, but that can easily cause confusion.

  • @iluvitwhntheyrun4314
    @iluvitwhntheyrun4314 3 роки тому +830

    Venti: I have a dragon.
    Zhongli: I have one big rocky boi.

    • @shreksgorgeousnuts
      @shreksgorgeousnuts 3 роки тому +111

      I’m starting to think all the archons have at least one giant pet with them I bet the electro archon’s gonna have a big owl or smt

    • @rednave4489
      @rednave4489 3 роки тому +49

      Zhongli: Im a Dragon too and had a pet dragon so you lose! You drunk bard!

    • @KhanhNguyen-mh5ec
      @KhanhNguyen-mh5ec 3 роки тому +14

      @@shreksgorgeousnuts Nah, I think she will have a pet wolf with electro power call Raijin.

    • @no-pv3dn
      @no-pv3dn 3 роки тому +23

      the hydro god has the oceonid

    • @lapisx8565
      @lapisx8565 3 роки тому +23

      @@no-pv3dn oceanid left Fontaine(hydro archon territory) but perhaps there’s another one over there

  • @skiesareblue3401
    @skiesareblue3401 3 роки тому +4377

    Breaking news, Zhongli’s dead dog resurrected by some edgy kid standing in front of tree

    • @manuelsantos6289
      @manuelsantos6289 3 роки тому +555

      Breakin the Breaking new: The edgy kid is the dead dog

    • @lihitTheDragon
      @lihitTheDragon 3 роки тому +343

      Breaking the breaking breaking news: the dog was never dead.

    • @worlds_end_girl
      @worlds_end_girl 3 роки тому +159

      POV: you’re in the nurses office because you were fighting someone’s pet dragon in jail during history class

    • @joshbrosh6626
      @joshbrosh6626 3 роки тому +45

      Breaking news the breaking news of the dead dog of breaking news that's it wasn't dead to begin with

    • @saintpriestly
      @saintpriestly 3 роки тому +68

      Breaking news : the dog is actually a toad - a fat one too and it never died

  • @aidan8465
    @aidan8465 3 роки тому +6618

    Everybody gansta until Zhongli and Venti starts a pokemon battle.

  • @poffydaisy5134
    @poffydaisy5134 3 роки тому +3367

    Zhongli: Uhm this covid stuff is pretty serious haha

  • @greenmatius
    @greenmatius 3 роки тому +1512

    "Empathy is mankind's proudest achievement" - for some reason, that strikes a note with me

    • @freeeeeeeez
      @freeeeeeeez 3 роки тому +48

      same. probs cuz its one of the things i value the most in peeps lol.

    • @kyunanimating
      @kyunanimating 3 роки тому +4

      same lmao. for me it is hard to achieve

    • @Prio024
      @Prio024 3 роки тому

      Ay Lmao XD what u doin er?

    • @aisir3725
      @aisir3725 3 роки тому +7

      Which means no empathy before humanity was invented
      *Looks at 500 year old genocide*

    • @gracez398
      @gracez398 3 роки тому

      where's that sentence? it seems like i missed it

  • @taniaroman5857
    @taniaroman5857 3 роки тому +769

    "Your men were following a child"
    *Let that sit for a minute*

  • @sight3435
    @sight3435 3 роки тому +623

    Zhongli is like a history teacher

    • @Moda-pf8wt
      @Moda-pf8wt 3 роки тому +21

      I had to ask my history teacher about getting a certain document for TWO WEEKS before he printed it. Relatable as hell.

    • @sight3435
      @sight3435 3 роки тому +41

      @@Moda-pf8wt everyone gangsta till the history teacher just drank osmanthus wine instead of grading the papers. that’s probably what happened with u lol

    • @MelaninSweetie
      @MelaninSweetie 3 роки тому +9

      Mr. Zhongli You need me for after school to talk about getting my grades up?
      *inserts heavy breathing*

    • @cool_things_collection
      @cool_things_collection 5 місяців тому

      There are actually some real history talks given by zhongli:

  • @hoecheng3633
    @hoecheng3633 3 роки тому +378

    "You're leaving?"

  • @simmery7515
    @simmery7515 3 роки тому +418

    The Traveler when confronting Zhongli: 🎤
    Zhongli : Y'all hear smthing? 👂 🚫

  • @pressftopayfrog1050
    @pressftopayfrog1050 3 роки тому +1907

    y'all are laughing abt how venti will deny us information now. but watch as mihoyo makes him completely traumatized from celestia and its actions and makes us all cry for making fun of him

  • @presentloaf1218
    @presentloaf1218 3 роки тому +1970

    “Tell us about the khaenr’iah war”
    “Lol no”
    *My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined*

    • @mocha2976
      @mocha2976 3 роки тому +13

      OH HEY

    • @mocha2976
      @mocha2976 3 роки тому +21


    • @pancakenc9553
      @pancakenc9553 3 роки тому +3

      Frog venti? .....hmmm what kind of frog edible? I could use soy sauce

  • @Stef_mouz
    @Stef_mouz 3 роки тому +912

    Idk how zhongli remembers everything that has happened over thousands of years ago... amd I forget what I did 2 minutes ago 🤡

    • @thu10ha10
      @thu10ha10 3 роки тому +38

      Noob i forgot what i did 2 seconds ago

    • @iamaperson7545
      @iamaperson7545 3 роки тому +49

      I forgot what im doing while doing it

    • @Stef_mouz
      @Stef_mouz 3 роки тому +25

      @ZenFlowers yeah all the time and then when you go back to your room you remember what it was but then you are too lazy to go back and do what you needed

    • @matcha6375
      @matcha6375 3 роки тому +11

      according to the lore he has an impressive memory

    • @nikhilprince2904
      @nikhilprince2904 3 роки тому +2


  • @chartreuseversus
    @chartreuseversus 3 роки тому +1458

    traveller: MAN GET YO DOG
    zhongli: oh he dont bite
    azhdaha: *phase 2 battle music*
    traveller, screaming and running: YEAH HE FKN DO

    • @yannam5339
      @yannam5339 3 роки тому +6

      Underrated comment

    • @no-ih1gc
      @no-ih1gc 3 роки тому +7

      @@yannam5339 not really, i have seen similar comment like this from gauncyxf with 5k likes.. nice try though alt account

    • @yannam5339
      @yannam5339 3 роки тому +6

      @@no-ih1gc ok

    • @-Kaeya-
      @-Kaeya- 3 роки тому +10

      It's always funny

    • @kellyjohana516
      @kellyjohana516 3 роки тому +5

      Replace music in phase 2 with "THE ENRAGED EARTH WILL NOT ABSOLVE YOU" and we're in the same terms.

  • @judesliggoo
    @judesliggoo 3 роки тому +296

    Zhongli really said *"Sorry bro no spoilers"*

    • @isee9940
      @isee9940 3 роки тому +13

      But geo daddy spoil bout inazuma last time, jesus daddy

    • @dadian803
      @dadian803 3 роки тому +7

      That's different. Because if he spill the beans that NDA will go cease and desist for Liyue and even if he is the poster boy of Mihoyo he will die.

    • @isee9940
      @isee9940 3 роки тому +2

      @@dadian803 yea i got it ma frend, i just like to make fun with bwaap viewers. And you look like already got geo daddy, please tell him to come my home :)

  • @Psychotart0
    @Psychotart0 3 роки тому +1675

    Never ask a woman her age
    Never ask a man his salary
    Never ask Zhongli about Khaenri'ah

  • @user-jk9ku6nc5n
    @user-jk9ku6nc5n 3 роки тому +413

    51:57 his expression and tone of voice actually break my heart i legit cried

  • @tomatoegg1147
    @tomatoegg1147 3 роки тому +3027

    34:41 Why does Zhongli look graceful even while being sucked into the cave. Meanwhile, Aether clumsily struggles to cling to the ground lol

    • @f4llenleaves
      @f4llenleaves 3 роки тому +450

      Well he IS (or was) the Geo Archon. Naturally he should be as immovable as a rock

    • @jkflrts
      @jkflrts 3 роки тому +331


    • @Wolf-bb1ex
      @Wolf-bb1ex 3 роки тому +65

      @@jkflrts Damn you right

    • @Wolf-bb1ex
      @Wolf-bb1ex 3 роки тому +134

      @@f4llenleaves He's no longer an archon but he's still the Lord of Geo,God of Contracts and even called the Prime Adeptus so he's still the God of Geo since that's what he was before he became a Geo Archon

    • @leslie5764
      @leslie5764 3 роки тому +70

      he is a man ot style 😌💅

  • @prof3377
    @prof3377 3 роки тому +493

    Zhongli was fascinating from the beginning, but he got a lot of depth over his last story missions.
    An aeons old being with perfect memory of everything he has ever seen or done.
    He lives in the awareness, that everything in the present, everyone he knows, shortly will be gone and only remain as part of his ocean of memories.
    That makes him an unfathomable lonely person.

    • @jwashere3667
      @jwashere3667 3 роки тому +42

      all the more reason why i want to give him a cuddle :')

    • @NevaRthelesser
      @NevaRthelesser 3 роки тому +14

      All the more reason for you to pull for him so he doesn't get lonely.

    • @prof3377
      @prof3377 3 роки тому +4

      @@NevaRthelesser Got him to C2 on his re-run banner. And I'm very happy about it ^^

    • @barrybabygirlbenson
      @barrybabygirlbenson 3 роки тому +3

      don‘t make me sad :,((( /hj
      but in all seriousness, that kinda makes him my favourite character

    • @Wolf-bb1ex
      @Wolf-bb1ex 3 роки тому

      @@barrybabygirlbenson Literally why he became my favorite character, I feel bad about the suffering he endures and is bigger than any archon has witnessed because he's the oldest among them :")

  • @sellawinadi3878
    @sellawinadi3878 3 роки тому +7613

    when you realise that he talks so much and listens to stories about himself to slow down his “erosion” instead of for leisure TT

    • @jwashere3667
      @jwashere3667 3 роки тому +641

      i am now mega sad

    • @sundalosketch4769
      @sundalosketch4769 3 роки тому +823

      NOOOOO Why would you open my eyes to this fact? Now i'm even more depressed i wanna hug him

    • @hilfe4442
      @hilfe4442 3 роки тому +227

      Time to cry🤠🔪

    • @Niaobietters97
      @Niaobietters97 3 роки тому +373


    • @willowisp415
      @willowisp415 3 роки тому +626

      so essentially zhongli has dementia

  • @xydis.06.03
    @xydis.06.03 3 роки тому +1239

    Honestly, after learning so much about Zhongli, I'm now wondering what Hu Tao's reaction would be if she ever found out that one of her subordinates is the God of Liyue.

    • @sylvie_on
      @sylvie_on 3 роки тому +441

      not only that, but she’s friends with xiao... wonder how she would feel about the lord of geo, morax himself, who had infinite amounts of patience with xiao, can barely deal with her on a daily basis 💀

    • @childhood9643
      @childhood9643 3 роки тому +298

      @@sylvie_on Judging from her voiceline about Zhongli I listened in the wiki, she seems somewhat aware about him, but doesn't seem to care who he actually is.

    • @xeacarons
      @xeacarons 3 роки тому +103

      @@childhood9643 she trusts zhongli alot

    • @speedstriker
      @speedstriker 3 роки тому +94

      What's she wouldn't do is to give him a raise.

    • @raisin8328
      @raisin8328 3 роки тому +35

      @@speedstriker poor morax has no mora

  • @scubadivingsquirrel556
    @scubadivingsquirrel556 3 роки тому +757

    Mihoyo: Noooo you can't just call our new and powerful boss cute like that!
    Everyone: Haha chonky toad go *BRRR*

  • @scronk_2
    @scronk_2 3 роки тому +676

    Traveler: Did we forget something?
    Zhongli: If you forgot, it’s not that important
    Traveler: Yeah your right
    Katheryne: when will the traveler come here

    • @kellyjohana516
      @kellyjohana516 3 роки тому +47

      This is the second time we don't report. But I believe Mr. Dai does it for us.

    • @Grandpa_Willy
      @Grandpa_Willy 3 роки тому +9

      I'm rlly sorry but it's you're ;-;

    • @isdrakon9802
      @isdrakon9802 3 роки тому +4

      Well this one is a commission that doesn't seem to dangerous so she probably just thought it got done

  • @mitsu9579
    @mitsu9579 3 роки тому +573

    If you let a person’s HP in your team drop to 1 during the fight with Azhdaha, Kun Jun will heal your whole team and there will be a small dialogue between him and Zhongli, pretty cool

    • @unrelated69420
      @unrelated69420 3 роки тому +34

      gosh I want to see that

    • @teresia2846
      @teresia2846 3 роки тому +11

      Weird, I didn't die and still got that dialogue

    • @cuimonica7910
      @cuimonica7910 3 роки тому +19

      yes but only when you have zhongli in your team

    • @teresia2846
      @teresia2846 3 роки тому +16

      @@cuimonica7910 Isn't he the trial character there?

    • @cuimonica7910
      @cuimonica7910 3 роки тому +4

      @@teresia2846 ahhhh I just realized that, sorry my mistake

  • @miradaewhitespell2790
    @miradaewhitespell2790 3 роки тому +723

    This story quest mentions 'time' a lot; how it erodes, and is ever-flowing. I wonder if this relates to the missing God of Time. In Monstadt, the wind spreads the seeds while Time makes them grow.
    Just a thought.

    • @eryn.hi.
      @eryn.hi. 3 роки тому +7

      thats a nice theory. ive never played genshin, so i cant correct u

    • @speedstriker
      @speedstriker 3 роки тому +60

      Yeah, I caught that too. It gave me the feeling that Zhongli's feelings toward Venti might be more ambivalent than he let on. They really do have the opposite, opposing natures despite their mutual respect for each other as comrades and old friends.

    • @Minminisanidiot
      @Minminisanidiot 3 роки тому +51

      honestly i get you on this. i also saw and agreed with another comment that said that the reason zhongli literally wanders around the entirety of teyvat and listens to his stories and takes that much interest in people talking and discussing rex lapis is because he wants to "slow down", his demise is inevitable, he knows he's done his job and served his people, but he doesn't want to separate, like he cant bring himself to let go of his existence you know? my theory is that he's so attached to the idea of existence that he doesn't want to let go of anything. that's what he came back as a literal mortal, took part in the smallest of side quests, all so he could stay a little longer. he also talks about time as currency, not in mora sense, so maybe a weird theory is also that whenever he says he's short on mora- maybe he's meaning he's short in time? like he's about to go inevitably?

    • @hu3405
      @hu3405 3 роки тому +11

      Theory that paimon is god of time

    • @idktbh1006
      @idktbh1006 3 роки тому +11

      Reminds me that the first character in Zhongli's name ("钟") means "clock" or "time" (based on my friend who translate it as an example)

  • @ArtanBlacknight
    @ArtanBlacknight 3 роки тому +7617

    Zhongli: Wait I can explain.
    Jean: How come you have 2 story quests I only have 1!
    Keqing: A story quest? I only appear in the main quest!
    Beidou: You guys met the traveler?

    • @kulijawa9239
      @kulijawa9239 3 роки тому +393

      @Nikithaa Subburaj lol yeah. i never meet an NPC talk about her either.

    • @zoaldyeck6650
      @zoaldyeck6650 3 роки тому +30


    • @luid9512
      @luid9512 3 роки тому +316

      @@kulijawa9239 kun, a millelith NPC by the harbour mentions Xinyan. He's a big fan of hers

    • @weirdoddfaces
      @weirdoddfaces 3 роки тому +9

      @@luid9512 who

    • @weirdoddfaces
      @weirdoddfaces 3 роки тому +2

      @Nikithaa Subburaj who

  • @McNugge.
    @McNugge. 3 роки тому +583

    Ain't nobody talkin bout how depressing this story got at the end? Like damn....

    • @Sim_Pole
      @Sim_Pole 3 роки тому +47

      ha ha yes, a warm reminder of my past friendships lost by erosion does not hurt at all

    • @WifeMeUp
      @WifeMeUp 3 роки тому +6

      If you play Honkai, it get depressing up to 11

    • @Kyuikchan
      @Kyuikchan 3 роки тому +19

      Yeah... I've got frozen near the end of the quest when things got heavy as hell and Zhongli became all depressed but traveler was like "Hold on!". I was like: "Seriously, now we gotta ask him about Khaenri'ah? Let this poor men rest for a while first, won't ya? ;-;"

    • @blastgladium1691
      @blastgladium1691 3 роки тому +7

      the story will gradually become darker like Honkai

    • @spaghetti185
      @spaghetti185 3 роки тому +1

      Similar to the first zhongli story quest....

  • @rans0mware
    @rans0mware 3 роки тому +345

    Is it just me, or do missions for Zhongli always have some deep, sad ending. Last time, it was about time and how all thing will once disappear. This time, it's about forgetting oneself and the ones we love, losing them, and losing the race with time.

    • @paulagodebrito
      @paulagodebrito 3 роки тому +40

      venti too, the archons just have sad pasts (tm) T-T

    • @rans0mware
      @rans0mware 3 роки тому +6

      @@paulagodebrito I know! Venti's ending was so sad! :(

    • @sundalosketch4769
      @sundalosketch4769 3 роки тому +42

      I feel all Archons are just examples of why us as humans shouldn't go looking for "eternal life" as Baizhu is trying to with Qiqi. Nothing worth while comes from living forever. Even if we do live forever, everything else around us will still change according to time's demands and we'd all end up becoming nothing more than just witnesses from the sidelines. Forcing us to learn to part with our possessive ways of wanting to preserve everything.
      It's saddening but bittersweet in a way. Hate that this game is making me think such thoughts but i did enjoy the experience still.

    • @rans0mware
      @rans0mware 3 роки тому +9

      @@sundalosketch4769 I know, that's why I don't understand people that say I wanna be immortal. Like, they don't seem to understand that sure they won't die, btu they won't die. They will see people they will care about disappear again, and again, and again, things they loved being destroyed over and over. Being just a bystanders as they watch time take veery single thing from them until they are left with nothing. Archons really are a prime example, like Venti, losing his friend and taking his form to keep his memory around, or Zhongli watching his friend forget who he was.

    • @sundalosketch4769
      @sundalosketch4769 3 роки тому +8

      @@rans0mware And soon, a trillion years later Zhongli himself will start feeling the effects and become like his friend if he isn't careful. And we'll have another more obvious story regarding this still with Baal, the god of Eternity i believe? She's going to get a life lesson that'll teach her she can't have everything forever.

  • @chiefsam5749
    @chiefsam5749 3 роки тому +295

    the only thing not to feel bad about in this game is killing Timmie's birds

    • @GoldenBeans
      @GoldenBeans 3 роки тому +26

      Venti's story quest: hey wanna see peoples imaginary friends? this one is timmie's BE AFRAID

    • @portalmanHUN
      @portalmanHUN 3 роки тому +16

      One day he'll get a vision and hunt your ass down for the thousands of birds you massacred.

    • @GoldenBeans
      @GoldenBeans 3 роки тому +3

      @@portalmanHUN well it most certainly isnt zhongli or venti giving him a vision for sure, they're also bullying him that narrows it down to 4 visions because elector arcohn aint giving anymore either one of which is dendro and i can see that as a support element only (debuffing enemies, even a certain shield hero would be better off with his shield) and that leaves hydro pyro and cryo
      we still have no idea what kind of gods they are, aside form cryo only presumptions based on leading the fatui

    • @donniesquid4935
      @donniesquid4935 3 роки тому +1

      what if
      we accidentally messed with a another archon
      it’s a stupid thought but WHAT IF

    • @GoldenBeans
      @GoldenBeans 3 роки тому

      @@donniesquid4935 Maybe not one of the seven archons but a god from celestia

  • @bytezen6834
    @bytezen6834 3 роки тому +1294

    Wait so if zhongli was the one who carved the "design" of azhdaha's physical form he's technically the reason why azhdaha looks like a big jumpy toad

    • @SeaguIISoup
      @SeaguIISoup 3 роки тому +323

      there’s a reason why venti calls him a bumbling buffoon after all

    • @imeldamadriaga7008
      @imeldamadriaga7008 3 роки тому +300

      Zhongli failed his art class XD

    • @sundalosketch4769
      @sundalosketch4769 3 роки тому +187

      Maybe frogs are his favorite animal

    • @youseemyhopewasallbygone7455
      @youseemyhopewasallbygone7455 3 роки тому +98

      Oh not really, azhdaha already chonky form it just zhongli the one who give the eyes

    • @imeldamadriaga7008
      @imeldamadriaga7008 3 роки тому +78

      @@youseemyhopewasallbygone7455 Zhongli just imagined how azhdaha looks like he is the one created azhdaha body (azhdaha is just a small ball from bedrock wanting ti have eyes and see sun)

  • @Mari-vo7qs
    @Mari-vo7qs 3 роки тому +678

    Man when uncle dai said “who would kidnap minors” I choked on my food 14:53

    • @calipupcorn3886
      @calipupcorn3886 3 роки тому +246

      A minor kidnaps a bunch of miners. Well dang.

    • @miyuki2206
      @miyuki2206 3 роки тому +22

      someone who wants a cupcake

    • @aaeve5676
      @aaeve5676 3 роки тому +27

      @@calipupcorn3886 Oh how the turntables

    • @tejisalas
      @tejisalas 3 роки тому +8

      @@miyuki2206 oh u mean EnterDatPrison445?

    • @quickredf0x143
      @quickredf0x143 3 роки тому +4

      I'm glad someone else noticed the word play in at least this out of the recent quests.

  • @dadian803
    @dadian803 3 роки тому +151

    For me, Zhongli did all he can to provide us information. Just goes to show the control of Celestia on the Archons.

    • @dragonmasterxyz3544
      @dragonmasterxyz3544 3 роки тому +63

      Basically, I feel that he kinda utilized a loophole in the contract to give us subtle clues. What I like and I wish more people would realize is that Zhongli not only subtly gave us info, but is blatantly rooting for us to figure out the truth he unfortunately can not reveal.

    • @dadian803
      @dadian803 3 роки тому +26

      He really did use a loophole, just like that time with "archeologist" and the sword during his first chapter.
      58:59 He learned and changed a lot thanks to Guizhong and this part says a lot.
      The missing twin was disillusioned or something and Dainsleif sees the revenge as a waste of time (a lost cause) and the actions would just cause more casualties.
      That's why he says, he does not want to do the mistakes of his forebears.
      Whatever the Archons did, I wish they are seeking a redemption story.

    • @dragonmasterxyz3544
      @dragonmasterxyz3544 3 роки тому +32

      @@dadian803 And this is also assuming their involvement in Khaenriah's destruction is as direct as we think it is. For all we know, they could have been unwilling spectators unable to stop it, or forced to participate in the massacre. There is also the question of what Khaenriah's "sin" as Kaeya puts it was.

    • @dadian803
      @dadian803 3 роки тому +3

      Pretty sure it's close to that Tower of Babel stuff.
      (In a player's perspective. For me, that is I would destroy it as well for being slapped by Ruin Guards especially when it's three of them).

    • @stxrk70
      @stxrk70 3 роки тому +4

      I won't be surprised if Celestia turns out to be using Liyue as leverage to keep Zhongli quiet oof

  • @harlow8979
    @harlow8979 3 роки тому +244

    Guys, zhongli was about to do his epic character demo montage and we interuppted him because we needed him to fight over a _ROCK_
    *I feel so rude im sorry king*

    • @sundalosketch4769
      @sundalosketch4769 3 роки тому +15

      now I kinda wanna see an edit of the character demo but Traveler interrupts to ask for his help with Paimon

  • @manuelhuang4490
    @manuelhuang4490 3 роки тому +2003

    the fact that uncle dai is voiced by ProZD is even funnier

    • @2amers518
      @2amers518 3 роки тому +112


    • @bricksstudsandmore8394
      @bricksstudsandmore8394 3 роки тому +459

      Not to mention his role as Krosl in the teapot quest. Really setting his mark on this game 😂

    • @sofielalice8317
      @sofielalice8317 3 роки тому +17


    • @JinuakiMS
      @JinuakiMS 3 роки тому +105

      Don't forget Bravo, he also voices him in that story, lol

    • @Xaneix-K
      @Xaneix-K 3 роки тому +71

      Same voice as Tomoko-chan?
      What a legend

  • @joe5997
    @joe5997 3 роки тому +1184

    What would happen if zhongli's pet learns that he is adopted 🤔🤔🤔

    • @shubaan
      @shubaan 3 роки тому +49

      But he created him by himself
      Edit: hol up zhongli???

    • @cakefrosting6451
      @cakefrosting6451 3 роки тому +78

      I mean, Zhongli as Morax literally shaped himself a friend from a mere rock the size of a melon

    • @udavol5
      @udavol5 3 роки тому +1

      @@shubaan wha

    • @aniniinya
      @aniniinya 3 роки тому +1

      @@shubaan yeah

    • @yudilai6704
      @yudilai6704 3 роки тому +35

      @@cakefrosting6451 zhongli only gave him a pair of eyes, but the story teller exaggerated the story. If you pay attention to zhongli’s and. azdaha’s voice line, they only talk about eyes and sights.The story about history is often extorted to make it more epic, people do that in irl as well. For example there were not exactly 300 Spartan man. The version of story teller is more of a spin off since he probably didn’t witness the whole thing.

  • @lauragramont3065
    @lauragramont3065 3 роки тому +1734

    "She REALLY wants to prove to everyone that Zhongli is the best" I mean, don't we all ? 👀

    • @Kat-zz7gf
      @Kat-zz7gf 3 роки тому +31

      well no but actualy yes.

    • @no-ih1gc
      @no-ih1gc 3 роки тому +10

      huh so the dragon is actually a female? i see

    • @napstaperd8824
      @napstaperd8824 3 роки тому +3

      Oh no

    • @Wolf-bb1ex
      @Wolf-bb1ex 3 роки тому +23

      @@no-ih1gc The OP was talking about paimon not Azdaha lmao and Azdaha is a dude doesn't the voice and the way he talks with Zhongli gives it away lmao

    • @dafnid7294
      @dafnid7294 3 роки тому +5

      no need to. he IS the best lool

  • @sundalosketch4769
    @sundalosketch4769 3 роки тому +202

    I love how long this story quest was compared to the other story quests. Kun Jun made me realize how starved i was for memorable npcs that weren't Vision holders. It makes me appreciate the more mundane looking characters we see throughout Teyvat even more than i do now.
    Also the thought of characters having abilities that aren't Visions is such an interesting idea, i wonder if they'll do that again in the near future.

    • @psychott6
      @psychott6 3 роки тому +16

      Teppei :(

    • @hiii4636
      @hiii4636 3 роки тому +8


    • @bobatea7608
      @bobatea7608 3 роки тому +10

      @@psychott6 now there’s kazari,teppei and ruu to join the mix

    • @fdommy
      @fdommy 2 роки тому +4


    • @epsyblue7714
      @epsyblue7714 2 роки тому +3

      Rana . . . Although I hear she gets a vision afterwards.

  • @idk-eg1vy
    @idk-eg1vy 3 роки тому +252

    "What's a child doing in a mine!?" Paimon, it's because they're a 'minor'

  • @astrodragons
    @astrodragons 3 роки тому +436

    That line when he says, “you are leaving?”. It is just so sad. My heart is hurting. Please let me give him a hug.

    • @vividlyvivi_
      @vividlyvivi_ 3 роки тому +33

      Now I want Zhongli : (

    • @astrodragons
      @astrodragons 3 роки тому +23

      I hope you can get him. He is a great support and also a good dps. Plus that’s voice 😭

    • @4baus
      @4baus 3 роки тому +17

      i got him a day after reading this comment. i did indeed give him a hug

    • @astrodragons
      @astrodragons 3 роки тому +8

      @@4baus woohoo! Congrats. He is so fun to play with.

    • @Lovekaylapls11
      @Lovekaylapls11 3 роки тому


  • @NotR1ki
    @NotR1ki 3 роки тому +703

    The way Zhongli just sighed when traveller said the word 'khaenri'ah' 💀💀

    • @Allthingsasian
      @Allthingsasian 3 роки тому +284

      Yep he’s definitely involved but something tells me that Celestia kind of forced his hand. The dendro archon was replaced 500 years ago which was the same time when Khaenri’ah was destroyed, maybe they disagreed with Celestia and was replaced? 🤔
      Also most Archons aren’t fond of Celestia including Venti but they dare not challenge her.

    • @dadian803
      @dadian803 3 роки тому +138

      Even the hydro archon. Like in the story teaser, she judges gods etc but dare not make enemy of the divine so I still trust the Archons.
      (If you ask me, I support the destruction of Khaenri'ah. On a player's perspective getting slapped by Ruin Guards? Yeah! I would order the destruction of that nation.)

    • @ozzboom9907
      @ozzboom9907 3 роки тому +108

      @@dadian803 we don’t even know the entire story of Khaenri’ah, dainslief seems very biased towards it and we can’t just trust ones word.. so we don’t know if it was a justified destruction, but I support it too

    • @Justin-ui5ti
      @Justin-ui5ti 3 роки тому +159

      Actually for the end of the quest about Khaenri'ah. I have a theory regarding what truly happened. It's a long one so bear with it.
      The twins came to Teyvat while traveling between worlds. One twin woke up first and the other was still asleep.
      Later that twin witnessed the war between Khaenri’ah and Celestia. The war occurred long after the Archon war ended.
      It’s possible that the twin was assisting Khaenri’ah and fighting against the gods of Teyvat. But the twin failed and woke the other twin up and told that they had to leave Teyvat.
      I think that the Unknown God or the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles was from Celestia and was sent to capture that specific twin for their role in assisting Khaenri’ah.
      The Unknown God said “The arrogation of man ends here.” Khaenri’ah was seen as the pride of human kind. It’s possible that Celestia had a justified reason for destroying Khaenri’ah.
      Perhaps Khaenri’ah was trying to defy the gods of Teyvat and tried to usurp them so that they could rule over Teyvat.
      The Ruin Guards/Field Tillers and the story of why they are called Field Tillers indicates that Khaenri’ah may have been a nation of war.
      Dainslief warned the Traveler not to antagonize the gods and not to usurp their power. He also stated that he wouldn’t make the same mistakes as his fore-bearers. Maybe that’s what Khaenri’ah did and they were destroyed for it.
      The survivors of Khaenri’ah became the creatures of the Abyss and they declared the captured twin their ruler while the other twin was once again put to sleep for 500 years.
      But there is another possible reason for why Khaenri’ah warred against Celestia which is much more disturbing. Remember how the Harbinger Scaramouche from the Meteor event said that the sky is fake or he mentioned the “false sky”?
      Maybe Khaenri’ah found out what that actually meant and they decided to wage war against Celestia. Celestia not only destroyed them for their attempt of usurping their power but to perhaps bury the secret of the “false sky”.
      Another thing is what happened in Dragonspine. There were ruins of an ancient civilization. These ruins came long before the destruction of Khaenri'ah. But there was a thing that Khanri'ah and this civilization had in common: They were both very advanced and both civilizations were Celestia. That nail that is on the top of Dragonspine was from Celestia. They dropped it on them for some reason. There is a mural room in Dragonspine that depicts this.
      Then something even more disturbing are the codes from the ruin gaurds in Dragonspine. When decoded it says : *FOR THE NATION WE CANT FORGO THIS SKYBORNE POWER BUT WE FAILED*
      The ruin guards are speaking of the destruction of Khaenri'ah but their placement in Dragonspine alludes that the Dragonspine civilization also met a similiar fate to Khaenri'ah.
      I think that Celestia is fearful of something.

      But one thing is clear: There is a *very* strong connection to Honkai Impact.
      If my theory is correct about this connection....then Celestia has every right to be terrified. Because it is better for an entire nation to be destroyed than to potentially release _THEM_ . The real *MONSTERS* and the *TRUE ENEMY OF GODS AND HUMANITY*
      *THE HONKAI*

    • @mapmakerlich
      @mapmakerlich 3 роки тому +27

      @@Justin-ui5ti I can easily tell the reason for attack on Khaenriah.
      He's called Durin.

  • @Dreamavere
    @Dreamavere 3 роки тому +154

    Was I the only one who didn't want to leave Zhongli alone after doing this story quest? I was stood with him for ages afterwards... wish we had the option to give characters cuddles

    • @enjunction
      @enjunction 3 роки тому +8

      EXACTLY!! I was so sad when he left haha

    • @kirbyfreakyt4695
      @kirbyfreakyt4695 2 роки тому +15

      One thing I've learned from the fandoms I've been in over the years
      Everyone needs therapy.

    • @madylinriddle5399
      @madylinriddle5399 2 роки тому +2


  • @nicia1460
    @nicia1460 3 роки тому +342

    i knew jiu and kun jun were sus but i wasn’t expecting them to be fucking azhdaha-

    • @weirdoddfaces
      @weirdoddfaces 3 роки тому


    • @avocado3-in-182
      @avocado3-in-182 3 роки тому +22

      I already knew Jiu has a connection with Azhdaha but never knew Kun Jun is the same as well. And even more plot twist, they are the same creature living in a different body.

    • @nicia1460
      @nicia1460 3 роки тому +8

      @Tianshu Chu it’s open to any interpretation /j

    • @somethingsomeone9078
      @somethingsomeone9078 3 роки тому +3

      @Tianshu Chu It can be anything you want baby~

    • @food_goddess_queen7299
      @food_goddess_queen7299 3 роки тому

      I really like your profile pic

  • @mudamuda482
    @mudamuda482 3 роки тому +998

    Traveler: Pls. Info for my sister?
    Zhongli: Haha. Sorry no spoilers

      @GOLDHAJIKVONGOLA 3 роки тому +134

      more like
      zhongli: sorry but i signed
      a confidentiality contract that will cost me and absurd amount of mora

    • @Surja15
      @Surja15 3 роки тому +132

      More like: If i tell you. Celestia will come and turn Liyue into dragonspine 2

    • @dadian803
      @dadian803 3 роки тому +43

      Sorry, I can't I might get killed or my nation gets destroyed. Even if I'm the poster boy of Mihoyo I don't want to get killed.

    • @S0oup1
      @S0oup1 3 роки тому +1

      @@Surja15 more like kanreah 2&3

    • @allenbermejo3424
      @allenbermejo3424 3 роки тому +1

      @@dadian803 the contract he talks about is probably his contract with the tsaritsa . i feel like tsaritsa wants to end the tyranny of the gods of celestia that's why theyre collecting gnosis around the world. Her purpose is actually good that's why morax agreed to that contract. but forbids him to tell about that stuff coz their plan of overthrowing celestia might fails if the info leaks especially to the traveller since he/she is a game changer lol

  • @mudamuda482
    @mudamuda482 3 роки тому +873

    Zhongli:Yeah Bro?
    Azhdaha:Close your eyes
    Zhongli: All is I see darkness
    Azhdaha: that's my world without you
    Zhongli *BLUSHES* Bro....

    • @venus_5937
      @venus_5937 3 роки тому +63

      BYE WHAT- 😳👋

    • @Sarcosuchus_imperator
      @Sarcosuchus_imperator 3 роки тому +50

      Ah, yes. r/Genshin_Memepact copy-paste comment.

    • @AJ-jy6jq
      @AJ-jy6jq 3 роки тому +86

      It's so true, since it was zhongli who gave him sight

    • @yun_he-h1o
      @yun_he-h1o 3 роки тому +16


    • @JunkoEnoshima.
      @JunkoEnoshima. 3 роки тому +45

      Zhongli: Well Because I gave you your eyes to begin with

  • @wompuuu
    @wompuuu 3 роки тому +142

    “imagine he’s a dragon”
    *…who’s gonna tell him*

  • @laurachristina541
    @laurachristina541 3 роки тому +1024

    I feel so bad for Zhongli, he has seen all of his friends and companions die/leave him :(

    • @GoldenBeans
      @GoldenBeans 3 роки тому +50

      venti: ehe what about me? UwU
      paimon: UwU te nandayo

    • @vietanhtran2305
      @vietanhtran2305 3 роки тому +33

      Venti and Cloud Retainer: Am I a joke to you?

    • @jadenimation8189
      @jadenimation8189 3 роки тому +57

      Venti did leave him tho. he stop meeting Zhongli and have a drink and he also disappear and "sleep" for a hundred years

    • @chesta5826
      @chesta5826 3 роки тому +7

      @@jadenimation8189 but venti visited him during lantern rite fest and drank wine with him

    • @jadenimation8189
      @jadenimation8189 3 роки тому +17

      @@chesta5826 well yeah but he has already gone and didn't meet Zhongli's for a hundreds years and that's why Zhongli asking where are those who share the memory because the other 5 original archon are ded and Venti disappeared for a hundreds years

  • @polypalettes
    @polypalettes 3 роки тому +822

    “What is there not to feel bad about in this game”
    Reckless Pallad

  • @dehydratedkid
    @dehydratedkid 3 роки тому +485

    The storyteller have more screentime than beidou and xinyan in story quests

    • @hellothere3071
      @hellothere3071 3 роки тому +33

      hell yeah dude and maybe it’s because he tells the coolest stories

    • @Lovekaylapls11
      @Lovekaylapls11 3 роки тому +3


    • @moonstar.3067
      @moonstar.3067 3 роки тому +27

      I‘m reall happy beidou is gonna get more screen time in the next archon quest!

    • @monavity
      @monavity 3 роки тому +1

      Well Beidou finally did get some screentime, but storyteller still has more screentime compared to her lol

  • @frootie_tootie
    @frootie_tootie 3 роки тому +469

    I love how bwaap said “AMBER NO AMBER NO” he loves amber 😔

    • @houyregisvine9205
      @houyregisvine9205 3 роки тому +31

      His girlfriend

    • @thehero8229
      @thehero8229 3 роки тому +37

      Ganyu in the corner:

    • @herrscheroftheend1963
      @herrscheroftheend1963 3 роки тому +13

      @@thehero8229 Ganyu: “you fucking cheater”

    • @phantomseeker2456
      @phantomseeker2456 3 роки тому +6

      @@herrscheroftheend1963 Ganyu: you betrayed me

    • @sam_miii
      @sam_miii 3 роки тому +5

      @@phantomseeker2456 ganyu : and I know that you’ll never feel sorry

  • @zulfikarfirdaus5139
    @zulfikarfirdaus5139 3 роки тому +136

    Zhongli : keep his contract to keep silence for what happen about khaenri'ah
    Venti : get drunk and ruin all gods plan

  • @randombaseddude4339
    @randombaseddude4339 3 роки тому +403

    Zhongli: No i swear it won't bite.

  • @boopsauce2516
    @boopsauce2516 3 роки тому +365

    It was hilarious when Azhdaha in the child was speaking so seriously, I couldn't help but laugh

    • @GoldenBeans
      @GoldenBeans 3 роки тому +12

      i cant take english dub serious, i know they all did their best and i commend thme for it,
      but azhada talking serious with a forced lower voice was kinda cringe, its actually epic in jp dub :o

    • @MrSunDragon
      @MrSunDragon 3 роки тому +3

      should see Mana from Drakengard possessed by the watchers

  • @MegaLpso
    @MegaLpso 3 роки тому +139

    The way that they switch turns in talking about the story at the sent chills and so much emotion. Zhongli talks about how he met and created Azda. And Azda talks about how brilliant and amazing zhongli is. It brings so much warmth to my heart

  • @ember4882
    @ember4882 3 роки тому +440

    imagine being a bigass monster and getting defeated by a creature no smaller than an ant lmao

    • @章小蛋
      @章小蛋 3 роки тому +12

      Well, to be fair the true form of zhongli is also huge

    • @prodbykuri6814
      @prodbykuri6814 3 роки тому +14

      Its like how ruin guards think they can take down a terrorist child (not a klee main btw)

    • @ember4882
      @ember4882 3 роки тому +1

      @@prodbykuri6814 fr lol them ruin guards be coming at us

    • @peterk.m58
      @peterk.m58 3 роки тому

      Yeah, that’s what Covid did to some people. NVM Covid. Just viruses in general.

  • @heihei5873
    @heihei5873 3 роки тому +645

    Paimon: Ooh, looking for people? Awesome, we're good at that
    Traveler who hasn't found his sister ever since the We Will Be Reunited Quest: *sweating intensifies*

    • @aeghohloechu5022
      @aeghohloechu5022 3 роки тому +7

      he will find his sister though, according to the chapter name

    • @GodlyLightness
      @GodlyLightness 3 роки тому +4

      @@aeghohloechu5022 not yet tho

    • @Shashank7170
      @Shashank7170 3 роки тому +12

      But we already found our sibling

    • @-itz_maddie-737
      @-itz_maddie-737 3 роки тому +18

      @@Shashank7170 but now we need to find her again. XD

    • @aspillust
      @aspillust 3 роки тому +8

      well i mean we found her, we just need to go get her

  • @shadowstorm1111
    @shadowstorm1111 3 роки тому +1219

    Venti: Pet Dragon
    Zhongli: Pet Rock lizard
    What's next, Pet Whale?

    • @cooldeer4811
      @cooldeer4811 3 роки тому +285


    • @joachimnokia9220
      @joachimnokia9220 3 роки тому +317

      Hmmm Childe...

    • @TENZOI
      @TENZOI 3 роки тому +104

      possibly, for the Fontaine archon lmao

    • @seiraaina2067
      @seiraaina2067 3 роки тому +140

      wdym? should be
      Venti: green lizard
      Zhongli: chonky frog

    • @tealisnotmyname
      @tealisnotmyname 3 роки тому +26

      Ig for Childe hehehe

  • @anhtheton
    @anhtheton 3 роки тому +88

    “hey zhongli! can you tell us about khaenri’ah?”
    *“no...i don’t think i will”*

  • @almondtofu5359
    @almondtofu5359 3 роки тому +166

    Just give Venti a truck of wine and we be gucci. He'll tell us EVERYTHING.

    • @jyll
      @jyll 3 роки тому +11

      That's why hopefully his story quest act 2 comes at the Ludi Harpastum event, so we'll know at least a bit more

    • @randomwebcrawler1812
      @randomwebcrawler1812 3 роки тому +14

      He'll be quick to give even that up if it means Mondstadt won't became Dragonspine 2.0

    • @kharkovluzhin8333
      @kharkovluzhin8333 3 роки тому +11

      And then turn out my man was just sleeping through the whole thing

    • @weirdoddfaces
      @weirdoddfaces 3 роки тому

      @@randomwebcrawler1812 agreed-

  • @lynnnekosan145
    @lynnnekosan145 3 роки тому +378

    Playing Genshin: everything's sad
    Bwaap: "What is there not to feel bad about?"
    Honkai Players: "First time?"

    • @Ari536
      @Ari536 3 роки тому +19

      ...and that's miHoYo to ya

    • @jayrobinaspiras5756
      @jayrobinaspiras5756 3 роки тому +20

      ngl honkai is way more depression than genshin..xD

    • @jacob_vt
      @jacob_vt 3 роки тому +36

      @@jayrobinaspiras5756 I'm betting on my Mora that Genshin will be as depressing when the time comes

    • @zurieldred4101
      @zurieldred4101 3 роки тому +27

      @@jayrobinaspiras5756 they letting us get attached to the characters first and then start killing them off...

    • @jacob_vt
      @jacob_vt 3 роки тому +5

      @@zurieldred4101 Oh, Himeko....

  • @blueberrycrepes
    @blueberrycrepes 3 роки тому +354

    I love how everyone decided that Azhdaha is Zhongli’s pet or Zhongli’s ex

    • @lapisx8565
      @lapisx8565 3 роки тому +54

      Me thinking he was more of a child or relative since he did create Azhdaha

    • @dadian803
      @dadian803 3 роки тому +58

      Pet or Child then friend as all pet eventually becomes. For Ex? I would go for Guizhong.

    • @Corviidei
      @Corviidei 3 роки тому +15

      I’m sorry, EX?? It’s a dragon-

    • @mcwangsheng5364
      @mcwangsheng5364 3 роки тому +22

      @@Corviidei Whoever make that guess is absolutely insane

    • @Lordhavemercy2354
      @Lordhavemercy2354 3 роки тому +53

      @@lapisx8565 he didnt create Azhdaha. He gave him the eyes. Dont trust the story teller, trust Zhongli story telling

  • @kinzlz
    @kinzlz 3 роки тому +130

    When he started walking with his shield , good lord #thankyoumihoyo

    • @velyue
      @velyue 3 роки тому +10

      ngl i'm gay for him

    • @jcpark1125
      @jcpark1125 Рік тому +1

      I thought I was the only one! I love that part too where he showed his powers.

    • @maryann9403
      @maryann9403 10 місяців тому


  • @ausarthevile2970
    @ausarthevile2970 3 роки тому +231

    Welp, looks like Mihoyo’s going to have to do Venti story quest part 2 where we likely find him drunk in the bar, then we do whatever quest, ask him about Khaenri’ah only to end with him giving us some dumb reason with a mischievous smile telling us he can’t.

    • @Kako_San
      @Kako_San 3 роки тому +29

      just bribe him with some top quality wine and he'll spit out every information we ask for.

    • @cedleonard123
      @cedleonard123 3 роки тому +15

      Venti isn't known to bind himself with contracts unlike Zhongli. He'll be more willing to speak, I bet.

    •  3 роки тому +50

      @@cedleonard123 Doesn't Celestia keep _all_ of their archons on very tightly leashes?Event if Venti wanted to say it,he probably can't or he'll risk Mondstadt becoming Khaenri'ah 2.0.

    • @cedleonard123
      @cedleonard123 3 роки тому +23

      ​@ Apparently, not enough.
      They would want Zhongli as the Geo Archon, God of Contracts, because they had an agreement to cover up Khaenriah. What if the new Geo Archon doesn't have that contract and finds out? Worse situation for them than Zhongli still in charge. So, Rex Lapis stepping down is not exactly obedient toward Celestia. Liyue becomes a city of humans. Where have I heard that one before?
      Tsaritsa is collecting all gnoses, and apparently we've yet to see Celestia make a move about it. Is that a tight leash?
      Baal collects the visions, apparently to keep sovereignty over her kingdom instead of celestia having too much power over it. There's a theory that visions are spying devices for Celestia to watch noteworthy humans.
      Anyway, Zhongli and Venti are literally opposites, in a way. You trade away some of your freedom in a contract. That's what it means to have a contract. So again, it's not exactly the god of freedom's nature to have big contracts. I say their differences extend to more than just their general theme! But we've not yet seen enough of the archons in action, so I wouldn't say "Venti cannot do anything about this".

    • @MrsSetsuna101
      @MrsSetsuna101 3 роки тому +7

      @@cedleonard123 that reminds me of my own theory: Venti doesn't like the staus quo and wants it to change, but he doesn't necessarily want to be a part of the chaos that comes with bringing about change. Hence why, weakest archon or no, he let signora overpower him so easily.
      If I'm correct, then he just might be forthcoming with info about Khaenriah.

  • @redkazooo1811
    @redkazooo1811 3 роки тому +242

    Kun Jun: *retelling the entire history of Azhdaha and the Geo Archon*
    Jiu: 🧍‍♀️

    • @mayamaxu6506
      @mayamaxu6506 3 роки тому +2

      Jiu was trapped at that time. She couldn’t do anything but stand and listen.

  • @zeiko_oo
    @zeiko_oo 3 роки тому +364

    Having Zhongli is the exact reason i haven’t learned Azhdaha’s attack patterns yet 👁👄👁🔫

    • @ronny_innor
      @ronny_innor 3 роки тому +31

      Having Beidou is the exact reason i didn'r learned Azhdaha's pattern, she likes them HARD 🙃

    • @speedstick8981
      @speedstick8981 3 роки тому +3


    • @girlmuse111
      @girlmuse111 3 роки тому +2

      same 😎 i’m so grateful to have zhongli on my team

    • @hayamixd88
      @hayamixd88 3 роки тому +2

      I am also grateful to have Zhongli on my team.

    • @itsandieji
      @itsandieji 3 роки тому +1


  • @m__8514
    @m__8514 3 роки тому +72

    Bwaap: "Hello, yes, mister ruin guard. Can i inquire you about any miners that have passed through this-"
    Ruin Guard: *boom*

  • @Choco_Bear-f1c
    @Choco_Bear-f1c 3 роки тому +160

    Funny story, while playing this story and hearing about loosing a good friend made me feel sad because I was lossing one as well. After finishing this story quest i received letter from Diluc and suddenly bawled at, "I have seen how you handle things - quite simply, it's remarkable..." and ,"You have many admirable qualities. In particular, your ability to unite people is awe-inspiring. These days, I often find myself drawing lessons from you..." to receive such letter filled with kindness made me burst into tears. No i don't simp for fictional characters but it was so thoughtful at the fact someone could send you a kind message at the right time.

    • @penguin2878
      @penguin2878 3 роки тому +6

      Aaaww I hope you okay

    • @aescarat7604
      @aescarat7604 3 роки тому +7

      i hope u are getting better

    • @moonstar.3067
      @moonstar.3067 3 роки тому +2

      Hey hey!! I hope you‘re doing fine. If you ever need someone to listen, I‘m here! And if you don‘t, I hope you‘ll see the bright side of life again. You‘re amazing and don‘t forget that. Take care!

  • @crilledgheese4584
    @crilledgheese4584 3 роки тому +788

    Zhongli reunites with his angry pregnant frog

    • @venus_5937
      @venus_5937 3 роки тому +74

      Angry pregnant frog I-

    • @lumin0sity._
      @lumin0sity._ 3 роки тому +23


    • @sl3epysle3py
      @sl3epysle3py 3 роки тому +57

      Pregnant frog?? 💀

    • @ga1axii
      @ga1axii 3 роки тому +42

      Did Xiao retire from being a yaksha to work at McDonald’s?

    • @randomf2p694
      @randomf2p694 3 роки тому +13

      BRUH I-

  • @cyberfaunix6920
    @cyberfaunix6920 3 роки тому +486

    Bwaap: Let's remove Endora so she doesnt get in the way
    Aethers Rock: Hahaha

  • @bloodybahamut3742
    @bloodybahamut3742 3 роки тому +270

    In the cutscenes it shows Azhada having a glowing tree-like tail, so is the tree he's sealed under his real full sized tail sticking out of the ground?

    • @thefoolsfavorite
      @thefoolsfavorite 3 роки тому +21


    • @drinkthestorm275
      @drinkthestorm275 3 роки тому +51

      I think that he was sealed under that tree, and since he is merging with it to break out, the tree and Azhdaha are taking on eachother's characteristics, becoming more alike

    • @andyandanadraws
      @andyandanadraws 3 роки тому +14

      That's actually his tail........

    • @drinkthestorm275
      @drinkthestorm275 3 роки тому +10

      @@andyandanadraws yeh i think it's been officialy confirmed now, heck if i know _where_ tho

    • @JapethSierra
      @JapethSierra 3 роки тому +38

      So the cave under his tail we enter when we fight him is his...uhh