The Birth of Rebuild The City Inc.

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024
  • Dear Family of Faith, Today I want to announce we are converting from a Church plant to a Mission based empowerment ministry. In addition, due to this structural change our name will also convert from Atlanta Urban Church to Rebuild the City Inc.
    Unfortunately, due to the unique complexity and deep-rooted issues surrounding the most threatened we served, our contemporary church model became insufficient. Moreover, to expect it to be self-sufficient was not realistic.
    Located in the heart of poverty, hopelessness, and violence, Atlanta Urban Church was surrounded by gang members who actively recruited young children into lives of violence and drugs. Poverty and addictions sent many to live on the streets.

    Each night in Atlanta, over 7,000 people sleep on the sidewalks. Today in Atlanta, one of six families is living below the poverty line. The average family income for the poor has declined 48% since 1967.

    These individuals are in desperate need of housing, food, and clothing. Community resources are stretched to the breaking point, and most shelters have six-month waiting lists.
    Cities around the country and across the world mirror the situation in Atlanta. The world will soon have more than 300 cities with populations over one million. Cities will continue to see an increase in crime, drugs and poverty. The problems of the inner city will increasingly affect all Americans.
    The task of discipleship and transforming Atlanta's inner city is too large for the typical church. It is an imperative that dynamic, life-changing outreaches spring up in the inner city. These outreaches must understand the unique needs of those who live in their cities. Only through radical discipleship, will these destitute members of society become productive.
    Nevertheless, let me personally thank you for supporting Atlanta Urban Church in becoming one of the best-known ministries of Southeast Atlanta. This vision was birthed out of the fact that in 2007, my wife and I came to Inner City Atlanta with the intention of building a church. We first found that we had to address the physical needs of this impoverished community.
    As a Church, we become a beacon of hope in Atlanta's Lakewood district and surrounding neighborhoods, particularly for area residents who had served time in prison and needed help re-entering society.

    To all our constituents we provided free pre-school care, pro-rated afterschool programs, complimentary mentorship programs, and provided free food and served breakfast on a daily basis, while serving an estimated 500 people on a monthly basis.
    For the past three years, with your help Atlanta Urban Church became an acknowledged champion for the least of those who had no income, no home, no food and no hope.

    Our continued vision is to be a part of the collaborative effort to impact issues of moral decay, substance abuse, hunger, health care, chronic homelessness and poverty that exists in the inner city of Atlanta.

    Rebuild the City Inc. is joining together with non-profit organizations, corporations, foundations and individuals of many denominations from around the world with the common purpose of meeting the spiritual and socioeconomic needs of the inner city.

    Comprehensive, well-structured housing components will be the foundational piece of this new and exciting discipleship ministry to the poor and underclass.

    Rebuilt the City Inc. is a volunteer-driven non-profit organization that provides social services and inner city discipleship programs designed to meet physical, spiritual, and long-term needs.
    The vision of the Rebuild the City can only be realized through the continued prayer support and financial giving of thousands across the world. Only with this support can Rebuild the City Inc. accomplish the great task of helping to meet the personal and physical needs of Atlanta's marginalized.
    In order to continue serving full time as an inner city missionary, I must raise $4,000 per month. I am seeking faithful colleagues like you to invest with me in this inner city discipleship project.
    Your gifts to Rebuild the City Inc. are tax deductible. You can make out a check or money order to Rebuild the City Inc. and mail directly to P.O. Box 6853 Atlanta, GA 30315.

    Thank you for prayerfully considering this awesome opportunity to join with us in ministry! I'll give you a call in the next two weeks, so that we can talk further about partnering together.
    I pray that CHRIST'S richest blessing continues to be upon you, your family and your work as you continue to seek Him and REBUILT THE CITY!
    Agape Always in Christ,
    Mark Anthony Mitchell Sr.
    Lead Missionary
    P.O. Box 6853
    Atlanta, Georgia 30315
    P.S. Detailed REBUILD THE CITY INC. NO-NONSENSE BATTLE PLAN in above attachment


  • @loganbothma-um8st
    @loganbothma-um8st 2 місяці тому

    god bless , thank you pastor

  • @MarkAnthonyMitchell
    @MarkAnthonyMitchell  9 років тому +3

    NAKED, WITHOUT GUILE & UNASHAMED.. I would appreciate your opinions on a recent controversial critique I gave as a domestic inner city missionary and as a recent radio guest interviewee on #UNHEARDPEOPLE . My interview portion begins at 10 min 30 sec. within this broadcast. Agape Always, Mark Anthony Mitchell Sr.​
    (Proverbs 28:27) @ REBUILDTHECITY.ORG... Thank You!!!