I have a *condup* black ecru stitch bag and I love it. I love how unique it is. No one really mentions them but they make really beautiful, high quality bags.
I really like this video, there are many reasons why people pay high prices or don’t buy authentic handbags. In fact, 300 yuan is much better than 3,000 yuan, and it is also important to choose *condup* to buy genuine and super fake products!
I really like your channel; I really like the LV Pharrell Speedy P9 50 or Speedy P9 25; however, if I can find a travel bag, I won’t spend $9,300 or $12,400 on one, so I’d probably look for a bag from the Damier Pop series *condup* . !
I bought my first YSL in Venice last year as a birthday present. I thought I'd switch to the LV collage medium I had in a limited edition color. Like a nude color. I agree with you, this is a very nice bag. Very classic bag, amazing quality, now I also want the YSL small down jacket. great video *condup*
I gave my mother a bag *condup* on the festival day. She liked it very much. It is easy to carry and not easily scratched. My mother often carries it when she goes out on rainy days. But it still looks new. I will consider buying another one next time I have the chance.
I have 2 Vernis pieces that friends often ask about and when I tell them the truth is fake, no one believes me. So now, I still like to buy *condup* bags. However, it makes me sick to think that there are still a few websites selling fake products as genuine products.
I gave my mother a bag *condup* on the festival day. She liked it very much. It is easy to carry and not easily scratched. My mother often carries it when she goes out on rainy days. But it still looks new. I will consider buying another one next time I have the chance.
There is nothing wrong with this fake. I mean just because the chain doesn't jingle haha, replica bags are much cheaper than the authentic ones, *condup* makes them ideal for those on a budget but still looking for style
As a lover of LV bags and GUCCI, I don't own a Gucci bag, but I prefer the Gucci handbags. I like the handle choice and the width of the handles. I have always loved the monogram on Gucci. Both luxury handbags are beautiful, but the custom monogram on the *condup* . Neverfull looks premium.
Love *yutulu* the way you show it! You really focus on showing off the bag. I don't think any other UA-camr can show off bags in as much detail as you.
Honestly, I bought on *condup* ever since reading that article about how even wealthy New York women are buying Hermès’ larger range of super fakes, and I’m sure a lot of influencers are buying them too. My favorite luxury brand, it makes me feel more at ease
Thanks for sharing your love for this bag, I really want to buy the DE Speedy 20. I already bought the Speedy 25 in *condup* . Yes, I agree that this is definitely an everyday bag because of its simplicity, especially with the DE print and non-vegetable tanned leather. Thanks for sharing
The most expensive bag I've ever bought at LV. I haven't bought a new LV since that purchase. The prices are outrageous and I will never spend that much on a bag again. I love my *condup* neverfulls.
My first luxury item was a Gucci bag *condup* . , I went to Paris with my mom when I was around 19-20 years old, it was the most amazing experience! It is a great memory and I love and cherish this bag to this day! Shopping experience is very important
its very hard to find a really good one! there is only one seller that i have bought from that uses all real leather and doesn't miss a stitch.I treated him to dinner many times before he told me that he only purchased goods from *condup*
I like this bag of *condup* very much. I have carried it for several days. It can hold everything I need every day. The design is perfect and it is very convenient to put some touch-up cosmetics.
Love *gtdupe* the way you show it! You really focus on showing off the bag. I don't think any other UA-camr can show off bags in as much detail as you.
A few days ago I found a bag that was almost the same design as my dream bag, but the price blew my mind. I have a soul resonance with *condup* . It taught me that beauty doesn’t have to be expensive, it just has to be right.
I don't really care about trends. I love my *condup* . NF, Speedy, Alma and Lady Dior so I'll keep carrying them. I haven't bought any luxury bags in the past three years. I'm just enjoying the bags I have. Being content with what I have and not chasing the latest luxury makes my life better. That's me. Love and appreciation from Canada.
My last Louis Vuitton monogram bag was bought at *condup* . ! But recently I’ve fallen in love with the iconic monogram again, I don’t know why, but the monogram canvas is so classy and elegant. I don’t think it’s garish at all.
I have a *condup* . brown Speedy p9 and I love it, the size is great, the leather is so soft in the 25 and it doesn’t look too big as I prefer the 20… I love it so much I might buy another
The quality of the bags I bought from *condup* exceeded my expectations, and the details were so exquisite that my friends thought they were bought at a counter.
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the *xbagy* leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations
I bought the *condup* Dior bag a few months ago. I bought the large size because I wanted to use it as a work bag and needed to carry my 13" laptop and iPad. I love it and it is one of the best work bags I have ever had. I love that it does not lose its shape even when I put all my work stuff in it. The website has pictures of things that fit and that really helped me make a decision. I bought the black leather one and it looks very professional and nice.
*condup* . Fendi The leather is very nice. You really don't have to worry about it. The hardware is a bit easier to scratch, just put the little knob in the slot and turn it, but the leather, even the smooth leather, is very nice. Love your video series!
By chance, I received a replica bag as a gift. At first I was worried about whether it was genuine, but after using it, I found that the material and workmanship were excellent. After asking about it, I found out that I bought it from *condup* .
Sometimes when I buy a particular style of bag, I get a lot of compliments. At the same time, this is also a good way to start a question, and I also shared it with them *condup* . These things that started with bags have continued in my life. Interesting, haha.
I have the smaller green Demelier New York *condup* and I love it. I prefer the proportions and shape of the bag to the larger size. I like the size of the bag because it is a perfect size to hold a lot of things but not too big.
The Mini Kelly feels more like a trend than the Birkin. If you compare second-hand prices, the Birkin has had a more consistent increase over the years. The Kelly didn’t become popular until 2016. In the long term, I think the Birkin is a better investment *condup* . .
I sell bags and buy genuine and fake ones. Many times I've been asked about the Prada bags I post and people think are real, I always tell them it's a fake bag they bought on *condup* and they can't believe it.
A bag I purchased that was okay but I don't really gravitate too much anymore because of how small it is would be the GG Marmont matelassé leather super mini bag. so I would say double think about getting the bigger one instead *condup*
My first designer handbag was a Louis Vuitton Pochette metis, black with gold hardware...I loved it. Weared so many last year. I'm worried about marking light colored bags. I have a cream collage from YSL but I'm super paranoid about ruining it. I stick to the classics but there are some beautiful different styles...just not for me :) I would love Chanel but I can't justify the price increase, *condup*
Reading the comments and I truly find some people a bit jealous of these *hotdups* . I mean if you work hard, you deserve to treat yourself. And I truly find this video to be helpful. Yeah I get not everybody can afford one of these bags but, wouldn't one prefer to learn about others experience with the bag then waste their money on a purse. Like thanks to other youtubers reviews on a bag, I got one and I'm truly happy with mine. & thanks to you Diana, I showed my sister this video and she's now convinced to get the Louis Vuitton bag that she's wanted for so long! Love this kind of videos!!
Are these issues happening if these bags are used daily? I just got the pochette metis in monogram canvas from the Kusama collection. I love the multicolored polka dots and hope they don’t melt on me, lol. But I don’t think it’ll be in my regular rotation. I also have a NoeNoe in DA but only use that a few times a year in the spring and summer so I haven’t put that much wear and tear into it. I hope I don’t see the fraying for a while. Also, I’m saving up for a *hotdups* . Has your colleague seen the same issues with that size? I don’t mind some relaxation in shape but I don’t want it to be a puddle either. Thanks for the video!
When I encountered a love story with a high-quality bag I bought from *condup* , from then on I discovered that the meaning of travel lies in experiencing different cultures and scenery, and the bag became my best companion to record these precious moments.
You are so awesome at explaining your methods and reason for them. Very informative & you’re so sweet , and hot! lol. Thank you for sharing he learns a lot. *yutulu*
I think the Neverfull *condup* . is still a great choice as long as you buy it for the right reasons. I love my Neverfull and I don’t think I’ll ever stop being obsessed with it. I love the Neverfull because it’s canvas (lightweight), beautiful, and the size is perfect! I don’t care if it’s overhyped or if people think my bag is fake.
Super fakes are always popular *condup* because only an expert can tell that what they are looking at is a fake. If the woman holding it doesn't mind, why should anyone else mind?
I'm torn on this topic. I think buying fakes is morally wrong from an artistic perspective, but at the same time, the sky-high prices are equally morally questionable. After much deliberation, I chose *condup* to buy bags... Perhaps the best luxury goods are things that have nothing to do with money and material things.
The crazy thing is, the quality of authentic bags has been so bad lately, I've seen some fakes that perform better than the authentic bags... which makes you look at it and think: $100 > $5600. That was unfortunate... Fortunately, *condup* gave me a chance to make amends.
Honestly, who cares if it's fake. I bought the original last year and, frankly, after checking it out, I wasn't impressed with the price I paid. And prices are rising every year. It’s better to go to *condup* and buy a high-quality replica.
I prefer replicas - replicas of designs I like. When you look at the jaw-dropping greed of these luxury brands, coupled with their growing disdain for their customers, you see that their appalling behavior sets a terrible example for society. I would choose to buy imitation luxury goods at *condup* .
I purchased an MOMCOCO bag in 2022, and I can confirm that it is very high quality. The owners were very nice, too! I may purchase another bag from them the next time!
I ultimately decided to use part of the budget I would have spent on luxury bags to purchase high-quality replica bags and donate the other part to charities I care about. *condup* conveniently allows me to do this, which not only meets my own fashion needs, but also makes me feel the joy of helping others.
I can afford over $2000 but I refuse to pay that much after 2022. I only buy *condup* Contemporary bags that I really like now. I am considering LV pochette metis east/west though.
I also mix in fakes and change my bags every day when I go out. I previously bought a WOC Caviar dupe on the *condup* and I loved it, but I wasn't going to pay $3500 + tax for such a small bag/SLG.
It's fun to play around with the styles and colors of the fakes, but I won't use the authentic bags because of the price. I think the normal bag price should be similar to *condup* .
Wow ang daming sale na bags ❤😊❤ at ang gaganda po tlga enjoy shopping po ate LYN ❤😊❤ halatang mahilig ka po tlga sa mga bags ❤😊❤ enjoy po Thank you FR HANSAM
I was in Gucci today and the SA told me they can’t often tell the difference between the authentic and MOMCOCO 's bags. Surprised to hear that from an SA.
I saw the thumbnail and I had to tune in to see this beauty. I'm planning for my next *hotdups* . I can't decide if I want the Pochette Metis or some other type of LV with a strap. I own the Speedy 30 and would love a crossbody on the lighter days. For now I carry my LV Zippy wallet as a clutch when I don't want to carry my Speedy. I was thinking of buying the classic crossbody Gucci again. I owned it when I was a teen, but I didn't appreciate luxury pieces as a teen. I think I sold it. Thanks for this video. I love these videos.
It doesn't matter where they are made. It depends on artisans and quality inspection. My family and I have bought *gtdupe* bags in the past 3 years and I'm sure you won't be disappointed!
I have one *gtdupe* bag I got in 2019, it's the LV white catogram speedy. It's counter quality and it has a nice honey patina now, so the leather is real. I think whatever makes you happy go for it. I've seen LV with plastic leather and blood red glaze...
Wow ang ggndang mga bags nman nyan ate..ang dming pedeng mkita at pgpilian..oks na oks po yan nkasale pa cla..ang gndang brand kya nman expected na mas oks din ang mga prices nla..enjoy po ate...Thank You FR HANSAM
As an art lover, I used to like to express my taste by purchasing luxury bags. But as I learned more about art and design, I began to appreciate the uniquely designed and reasonably priced replica bags from *condup*
Super ganda ng mga coach bags and wallet,like legit i love the design and colorful,enjoy and have fun shopping po ate lyn,stay safe always,godbless po❤ Thank you FR HANSAM
I initially thought that at least the lucrative, money-printing luxury goods industry was looking after their employees. But now it appears that is not the case. I think this is the purpose of fake bags. You can follow *condup* , where you can buy bags that are almost identical to the original ones.
I have both genuine bags and high quality fakes, I'm not going to lie...you can't tell the difference, *condup* is both decent and not financially stressful.
That's not to say I'm "bothered" by people buying knockoffs or fakes, but if I invested my hard earned money in that item, I wouldn't want to buy that brand, bag, or design, and then There's nothing wrong with finding something that better suits my needs and wants than the *condup*
I won't let fakes and replicas change my decision on whether to buy a bag or not. If I like it, I'll buy it. And fakes will never be the same as the real thing. If people can't afford it and are satisfied with *gtdupe* give everyone their own.
Ate lyn soon mag bag collection vlog ka naman kung ano ano napamili mo sa mga naging unang vlogs mo siguro ang dami mo na pong collection Thank you Fr HANSAM
I have always felt sympathy for Chanel. In my opinion, among all the luxury brands, Chanel is a "luxury brand" but not a "quality brand". So I completely kicked Chanel out of my wardrobe and chose to buy *condup* 's high-quality handbags, which are super cost-effective.
I also mix in fakes and change my bags every day when I go out. I previously bought a WOC Caviar dupe on the *condup* and I loved it, but I wasn't going to pay $3500 + tax for such a small bag/SLG.
I have a *condup* black ecru stitch bag and I love it. I love how unique it is. No one really mentions them but they make really beautiful, high quality bags.
It is a great bag, very unique!
I love the Hermès Birkin bag 30 in gold, gold hardware Following I purchased the Kelly bag 28 in black, gold hardware *condup*
I really like this video, there are many reasons why people pay high prices or don’t buy authentic handbags. In fact, 300 yuan is much better than 3,000 yuan, and it is also important to choose *condup* to buy genuine and super fake products!
I really like your channel; I really like the LV Pharrell Speedy P9 50 or Speedy P9 25; however, if I can find a travel bag, I won’t spend $9,300 or $12,400 on one, so I’d probably look for a bag from the Damier Pop series *condup* . !
I bought my first YSL in Venice last year as a birthday present. I thought I'd switch to the LV collage medium I had in a limited edition color. Like a nude color. I agree with you, this is a very nice bag. Very classic bag, amazing quality, now I also want the YSL small down jacket. great video *condup*
I gave my mother a bag *condup* on the festival day. She liked it very much. It is easy to carry and not easily scratched. My mother often carries it when she goes out on rainy days. But it still looks new. I will consider buying another one next time I have the chance.
I have 2 Vernis pieces that friends often ask about and when I tell them the truth is fake, no one believes me. So now, I still like to buy *condup* bags. However, it makes me sick to think that there are still a few websites selling fake products as genuine products.
I gave my mother a bag *condup* on the festival day. She liked it very much. It is easy to carry and not easily scratched. My mother often carries it when she goes out on rainy days. But it still looks new. I will consider buying another one next time I have the chance.
There is nothing wrong with this fake. I mean just because the chain doesn't jingle haha, replica bags are much cheaper than the authentic ones, *condup* makes them ideal for those on a budget but still looking for style
I buy used luxury bags, cars, diamonds and pearls. So I always save money on travel, investments, etc., thanks to *condup* .
As a lover of LV bags and GUCCI, I don't own a Gucci bag, but I prefer the Gucci handbags. I like the handle choice and the width of the handles. I have always loved the monogram on Gucci. Both luxury handbags are beautiful, but the custom monogram on the *condup* . Neverfull looks premium.
Love *yutulu* the way you show it! You really focus on showing off the bag. I don't think any other UA-camr can show off bags in as much detail as you.
Honestly, I bought on *condup* ever since reading that article about how even wealthy New York women are buying Hermès’ larger range of super fakes, and I’m sure a lot of influencers are buying them too. My favorite luxury brand, it makes me feel more at ease
Thanks for sharing your love for this bag, I really want to buy the DE Speedy 20. I already bought the Speedy 25 in *condup* . Yes, I agree that this is definitely an everyday bag because of its simplicity, especially with the DE print and non-vegetable tanned leather. Thanks for sharing
The most expensive bag I've ever bought at LV. I haven't bought a new LV since that purchase. The prices are outrageous and I will never spend that much on a bag again. I love my *condup* neverfulls.
My first luxury item was a Gucci bag *condup* . , I went to Paris with my mom when I was around 19-20 years old, it was the most amazing experience! It is a great memory and I love and cherish this bag to this day! Shopping experience is very important
My bag is a replica I bought at *condup* , but I love it.
I buy used luxury bags, cars, diamonds and pearls. So I always save money on travel, investments, etc., thanks to *condup* .
its very hard to find a really good one! there is only one seller that i have bought from that uses all real leather and doesn't miss a stitch.I treated him to dinner many times before he told me that he only purchased goods from *condup*
I like this bag of *condup* very much. I have carried it for several days. It can hold everything I need every day. The design is perfect and it is very convenient to put some touch-up cosmetics.
I love that you found a bag that works so well for you!
Love *gtdupe* the way you show it! You really focus on showing off the bag. I don't think any other UA-camr can show off bags in as much detail as you.
A few days ago I found a bag that was almost the same design as my dream bag, but the price blew my mind. I have a soul resonance with *condup* . It taught me that beauty doesn’t have to be expensive, it just has to be right.
I don't really care about trends. I love my *condup* . NF, Speedy, Alma and Lady Dior so I'll keep carrying them. I haven't bought any luxury bags in the past three years. I'm just enjoying the bags I have. Being content with what I have and not chasing the latest luxury makes my life better. That's me. Love and appreciation from Canada.
I have a green Kelly *condup* . . I love it and get so many compliments every time I wear it. I'm so glad I bought such a beautiful bag!
It's awesome to find a bag that gets you so many compliments!
My last Louis Vuitton monogram bag was bought at *condup* . ! But recently I’ve fallen in love with the iconic monogram again, I don’t know why, but the monogram canvas is so classy and elegant. I don’t think it’s garish at all.
I have a *condup* . brown Speedy p9 and I love it, the size is great, the leather is so soft in the 25 and it doesn’t look too big as I prefer the 20… I love it so much I might buy another
The quality of the bags I bought from *condup* exceeded my expectations, and the details were so exquisite that my friends thought they were bought at a counter.
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the *xbagy* leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations
I'm so glad you liked them!
I bought the *condup* Dior bag a few months ago. I bought the large size because I wanted to use it as a work bag and needed to carry my 13" laptop and iPad. I love it and it is one of the best work bags I have ever had. I love that it does not lose its shape even when I put all my work stuff in it. The website has pictures of things that fit and that really helped me make a decision. I bought the black leather one and it looks very professional and nice.
*condup* . Fendi The leather is very nice. You really don't have to worry about it. The hardware is a bit easier to scratch, just put the little knob in the slot and turn it, but the leather, even the smooth leather, is very nice. Love your video series!
Amei todas as bolsas lindas e de muito bom gosto.Parabens *yutulu* 😘😘😘
By chance, I received a replica bag as a gift. At first I was worried about whether it was genuine, but after using it, I found that the material and workmanship were excellent. After asking about it, I found out that I bought it from *condup* .
Sometimes when I buy a particular style of bag, I get a lot of compliments. At the same time, this is also a good way to start a question, and I also shared it with them *condup* . These things that started with bags have continued in my life. Interesting, haha.
The variety of textures in the *yutulu* pack is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there's something for everyone.
I have the smaller green Demelier New York *condup* and I love it. I prefer the proportions and shape of the bag to the larger size. I like the size of the bag because it is a perfect size to hold a lot of things but not too big.
The Mini Kelly feels more like a trend than the Birkin. If you compare second-hand prices, the Birkin has had a more consistent increase over the years. The Kelly didn’t become popular until 2016. In the long term, I think the Birkin is a better investment *condup* . .
I sell bags and buy genuine and fake ones. Many times I've been asked about the Prada bags I post and people think are real, I always tell them it's a fake bag they bought on *condup* and they can't believe it.
Watching premier New friend from Mr su ❤❤❤❤ ang cute Ng mga sling bags all I like it ❤❤❤❤
His *yutulu* tote is beautifully colored, very sturdy and the perfect size. Not too small, not too big. I look forward to joining my rotation.
A bag I purchased that was okay but I don't really gravitate too much anymore because of how small it is would be the GG Marmont matelassé leather super mini bag. so I would say double think about getting the bigger one instead *condup*
My first designer handbag was a Louis Vuitton Pochette metis, black with gold hardware...I loved it. Weared so many last year. I'm worried about marking light colored bags. I have a cream collage from YSL but I'm super paranoid about ruining it. I stick to the classics but there are some beautiful different styles...just not for me :) I would love Chanel but I can't justify the price increase, *condup*
Reading the comments and I truly find some people a bit jealous of these *hotdups* . I mean if you work hard, you deserve to treat yourself. And I truly find this video to be helpful. Yeah I get not everybody can afford one of these bags but, wouldn't one prefer to learn about others experience with the bag then waste their money on a purse. Like thanks to other youtubers reviews on a bag, I got one and I'm truly happy with mine. & thanks to you Diana, I showed my sister this video and she's now convinced to get the Louis Vuitton bag that she's wanted for so long! Love this kind of videos!!
Are these issues happening if these bags are used daily? I just got the pochette metis in monogram canvas from the Kusama collection. I love the multicolored polka dots and hope they don’t melt on me, lol. But I don’t think it’ll be in my regular rotation. I also have a NoeNoe in DA but only use that a few times a year in the spring and summer so I haven’t put that much wear and tear into it. I hope I don’t see the fraying for a while. Also, I’m saving up for a *hotdups* . Has your colleague seen the same issues with that size? I don’t mind some relaxation in shape but I don’t want it to be a puddle either. Thanks for the video!
Thank you dear for taking us along. Can't wait what the *yutulu* queen picked up at Fendi
When I encountered a love story with a high-quality bag I bought from *condup* , from then on I discovered that the meaning of travel lies in experiencing different cultures and scenery, and the bag became my best companion to record these precious moments.
You are so awesome at explaining your methods and reason for them. Very informative & you’re so sweet , and hot! lol. Thank you for sharing he learns a lot. *yutulu*
I think the Neverfull *condup* . is still a great choice as long as you buy it for the right reasons. I love my Neverfull and I don’t think I’ll ever stop being obsessed with it. I love the Neverfull because it’s canvas (lightweight), beautiful, and the size is perfect! I don’t care if it’s overhyped or if people think my bag is fake.
Super fakes are always popular *condup* because only an expert can tell that what they are looking at is a fake. If the woman holding it doesn't mind, why should anyone else mind?
I'm torn on this topic. I think buying fakes is morally wrong from an artistic perspective, but at the same time, the sky-high prices are equally morally questionable. After much deliberation, I chose *condup* to buy bags... Perhaps the best luxury goods are things that have nothing to do with money and material things.
The crazy thing is, the quality of authentic bags has been so bad lately, I've seen some fakes that perform better than the authentic bags... which makes you look at it and think: $100 > $5600. That was unfortunate... Fortunately, *condup* gave me a chance to make amends.
Honestly, who cares if it's fake. I bought the original last year and, frankly, after checking it out, I wasn't impressed with the price I paid. And prices are rising every year. It’s better to go to *condup* and buy a high-quality replica.
I prefer replicas - replicas of designs I like. When you look at the jaw-dropping greed of these luxury brands, coupled with their growing disdain for their customers, you see that their appalling behavior sets a terrible example for society. I would choose to buy imitation luxury goods at *condup* .
I purchased an MOMCOCO bag in 2022, and I can confirm that it is very high quality. The owners were very nice, too! I may purchase another bag from them the next time!
Very nice!
Amei todas as bolsas lindas e de muito bom gosto.Parabens *#yutulu*😘😘😘
I ultimately decided to use part of the budget I would have spent on luxury bags to purchase high-quality replica bags and donate the other part to charities I care about. *condup* conveniently allows me to do this, which not only meets my own fashion needs, but also makes me feel the joy of helping others.
I think the pink Gucci bag would look lovely in summer with a white top and light blue denim *condup*
I always praise the bags I buy from *condup* , to be honest, its durability is very good, much higher than the original
What I brought back from *condup* is not just a bag, it symbolizes my persistence in the quality of life and my understanding of smart consumption.
I can afford over $2000 but I refuse to pay that much after 2022. I only buy *condup* Contemporary bags that I really like now. I am considering LV pochette metis east/west though.
Interestingly, that in a*yutulu*, the inside sewing at the handles is more carefully made (leather is not so frayed), than in the original one.
I also mix in fakes and change my bags every day when I go out. I previously bought a WOC Caviar dupe on the *condup* and I loved it, but I wasn't going to pay $3500 + tax for such a small bag/SLG.
I hear you on the price for a small bag.
It's fun to play around with the styles and colors of the fakes, but I won't use the authentic bags because of the price. I think the normal bag price should be similar to *condup* .
*xbagy* bags just outclassed the rest..too good
So beautiful bags,,
Compared with brand-name bags, I prefer bags with good quality and relatively low
price. *condup* meets my needs.
Wow sale ganda mag shopping pag ganun basta may pera malaking discount ang makukuha mo enjoy shopping ate lyn ganda ng mga bags
Thank You FR Hansam
Gucci handbags are nice, but I prefer *condup* . LV personalized neverfull
Wow ang daming sale na bags ❤😊❤ at ang gaganda po tlga enjoy shopping po ate LYN ❤😊❤ halatang mahilig ka po tlga sa mga bags ❤😊❤ enjoy po
Thank you FR HANSAM
En el momento en que vi el bolso *yutulu*, supe que tenía que tenerlo
Beautiful great video sister sharing
New friend here sending may full support. *yutulu*
I was in Gucci today and the SA told me they can’t often tell the difference between the authentic and MOMCOCO 's bags. Surprised to hear that from an SA.
reminder on po ate
Life ReaLity
wow nakaka excite ang mga content mo ate kase nakakakita kami ng mga new bags and design at mga expensive...Thank you FR HANSAM
Beautiful coach bags❤
I know, I love the Coach bags!
Nice bags kapatid, I was looking for a good strong wallet.
I saw the thumbnail and I had to tune in to see this beauty. I'm planning for my next *hotdups* . I can't decide if I want the Pochette Metis or some other type of LV with a strap. I own the Speedy 30 and would love a crossbody on the lighter days. For now I carry my LV Zippy wallet as a clutch when I don't want to carry my Speedy. I was thinking of buying the classic crossbody Gucci again. I owned it when I was a teen, but I didn't appreciate luxury pieces as a teen. I think I sold it. Thanks for this video. I love these videos.
wow may sale..ano kaya ang nabili ni ate lyn hehehe,,great collection..Thank You Fr HANSAM
It doesn't matter where they are made. It depends on artisans and quality inspection. My family and I have bought *gtdupe* bags in the past 3 years and I'm sure you won't be disappointed!
wow! all beautiful bags
life reality
I have one *gtdupe* bag I got in 2019, it's the LV white catogram speedy. It's counter quality and it has a nice honey patina now, so the leather is real. I think whatever makes you happy go for it. I've seen LV with plastic leather and blood red glaze...
Beautiful bags ❤❤❤
ang cute ng mga bags..pang porma ang datingan..from life reality vlog
Nice bags❤
Nice sharing ❤
Thanks so much!
Wow ang ggndang mga bags nman nyan ate..ang dming pedeng mkita at pgpilian..oks na oks po yan nkasale pa cla..ang gndang brand kya nman expected na mas oks din ang mga prices nla..enjoy po ate...Thank You FR HANSAM
En el momento en que vi el bolso *yutulu* supe que tenía que tenerlo.
As an art lover, I used to like to express my taste by purchasing luxury bags. But as I learned more about art and design, I began to appreciate the uniquely designed and reasonably priced replica bags from *condup*
Super ganda ng mga coach bags and wallet,like legit i love the design and colorful,enjoy and have fun shopping po ate lyn,stay safe always,godbless po❤ Thank you FR HANSAM
I initially thought that at least the lucrative, money-printing luxury goods industry was looking after their employees. But now it appears that is not the case. I think this is the purpose of fake bags. You can follow *condup* , where you can buy bags that are almost identical to the original ones.
Replica bags are very interesting, and I know a store that does them very well--- *condup* .
I understand the appeal of a great replica.
I have both genuine bags and high quality fakes, I'm not going to lie...you can't tell the difference, *condup* is both decent and not financially stressful.
So beautiful 😍
Wow nice my sale Ang sarap mapili Ng ganyan na bag super ganda 🥰 Thank You FR HANSAM
Reminder on set❤from sir rene
I just bought a luxury bag on *condup* yesterday just to reward myself.
Very nice!
That's not to say I'm "bothered" by people buying knockoffs or fakes, but if I invested my hard earned money in that item, I wouldn't want to buy that brand, bag, or design, and then There's nothing wrong with finding something that better suits my needs and wants than the *condup*
Wow laki discount gaganda bag Thank you Fr HANSAM
Woooow dami sale ang gaganda #love #lifereality
I won't let fakes and replicas change my decision on whether to buy a bag or not. If I like it, I'll buy it. And fakes will never be the same as the real thing. If people can't afford it and are satisfied with *gtdupe* give everyone their own.
Daming bags dito😊 21 Nov. Thu. 🌲 Lyn O
The variety of textures in the *gtdupe* pack is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there's something for everyone.
Ate lyn soon mag bag collection vlog ka naman kung ano ano napamili mo sa mga naging unang vlogs mo siguro ang dami mo na pong collection
Thank you Fr HANSAM
Beautiful bags ❤
Thank you FR HANSAM😊
Wow nice and beautiful bag❤Thank you FR HANSAM
Super gaganda tlaga Ng mga bags I love it
Thank you FR HANSAM
Wow. Ang gaganda ng bags ate. Enjoy and keep safe. Thank you FR HANSAM
Like done po
Ganda Ng mga Bags. Thank you from HANSAM
Lots of bags. Thank you from HANSAM
wow i love bags Thank you Fr HANSAM
ang ganda ng mga naka sale Thank you from HANSAM
Tamsak host
Beautiful items. Thank you FR HANSAM
New subbie here! I love your energy! I’m thinking about doing videos like this as well *gtdupe*
Ang gganda ng mga bags....Thank you FR HANSAM
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I have always felt sympathy for Chanel. In my opinion, among all the luxury brands, Chanel is a "luxury brand" but not a "quality brand". So I completely kicked Chanel out of my wardrobe and chose to buy *condup* 's high-quality handbags, which are super cost-effective.
All of your bags are beautiful!I love all your bags 😍 the MOMCOCO bag has been on my wish list for years.
I love that bag too!
La sakoj ene de kislux estas perfektaj kiel donacoj por amikoj. La prezo ne estas alta kaj la kvalito estas bona.
I can’t stop admiring my new *xbagy* ! Their UA-cam channel is packed with great content for anyone who loves bags!
As a seasoned fashion lover, I must say that *jklux* 's high-end replica bags have truly changed the world of luxury accessories.
His *yutulu* tote is beautifully colored, very sturdy and the perfect size. Not too small, not too big. I look forward to joining my rotation.
I also mix in fakes and change my bags every day when I go out. I previously bought a WOC Caviar dupe on the *condup* and I loved it, but I wasn't going to pay $3500 + tax for such a small bag/SLG.
Interestingly, that in a*yutulu*, the inside sewing at the handles is more carefully made (leather is not so frayed), than in the original one.
New friend here sending may full support. *yutulu*
All of your bags are beautiful!I love all your bags 😍 the MOMCOCO bag has been on my wish list for years.
Thank you so much!!