He's right loyalty in general is fleeting. There is no more loyalty anymore. Especially between generations people don't have an idea what loyalty is. Or the purpose of it.
I have no idea how I missed this, so true, it's the love for your club and what it stands for and not individual relationships inside the club, it's us against the world if necessary, but never i.
No club comes before my blood relative. Clubs transform over the years and becomes something different given what generation is in charge. Family should be forever.
Robert's Rule of Order are the rules running the hierarchy of the board of the Club. From Apple to the mom and pop group, otherwise there is confusion.
It really depends on what the circumstances were as to why they were put out. Sometimes it’s never just cut and dry or black and white, there’s variations of gray to some situations. 💯
Put your trust in God, man will surely let you down. One of the first lessons of the street, some haven't learned it yet. I will stick with you far as I can but you going to Hell by yourself.
Hard to believe this was 3 years ago. I watched this live...lol
He's right loyalty in general is fleeting. There is no more loyalty anymore. Especially between generations people don't have an idea what loyalty is. Or the purpose of it.
I have no idea how I missed this, so true, it's the love for your club and what it stands for and not individual relationships inside the club, it's us against the world if necessary, but never i.
Nothing in life is more important than your family.
He don't act like it he put down his sons sexuality gay he put him down and he's suppose 2 accept his children no matter what
Im thinking of joining a mc nation but i have several members of my family already in
Brother your perspective was spot on thanks.
No club comes before my blood relative. Clubs transform over the years and becomes something different given what generation is in charge. Family should be forever.
I was a man before I joined my mc,I will be a man after mc
Big Cell you so right on the MC, I support the MC bike set
" a lot of people that want the crown, they neck ain't strong enough to hold it up" AWSONE QUOTE. MOS DEF TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How can u love anyone if u don't love ur son no matter what
Robert's Rule of Order are the rules running the hierarchy of the board of the Club. From Apple to the mom and pop group, otherwise there is confusion.
Homeboy you are ur brother's keeper clubs come and go
I’m not giving up on a Brother, I’m giving up on you being in this club 😂😂😂
It really depends on what the circumstances were as to why they were put out. Sometimes it’s never just cut and dry or black and white, there’s variations of gray to some situations. 💯
We all wearing black period.
Put your trust in God, man will surely let you down. One of the first lessons of the street, some haven't learned it yet. I will stick with you far as I can but you going to Hell by yourself.
Nobody should support a man who puts down his son
So you mean to tell me that the Mc is more important than "Big Fella". Yeah right!!!
At 1 time when I was MC'ing it was
Psychology (at the comment about female prez wearing diff shit or being “the cutest”
putting down ur sons sexuality data sorry 4 u 2 say put down ur own flesh and blood
Thanks for tuning in
Dis guys a clown 4 sure putting down his child
u gonna put down ur son again shouldn't be called a dad