  • Опубліковано 18 жов 2024
  • #HKSAR27: Female Cantonese opera star Chin Shan, who normally plays leading male roles, finds it challenging to take on male characters' roles on stage. How does she manage to portray more masculinity than a real man despite the physical and mental differences between men and women? Check out the video for the answer.
    粵劇行業中素有「乾旦坤生」之傳統,男女演員們以天賦、以汗水、以細緻入微的體察,飾演著並不屬於自己的性別。千珊,自小學習粵劇,因為「貪靚」想做花旦,最終卻在師長建議下成為了 #女文武生。這樣的經歷讓作為女性的她體會到了兩性世界的不同,並享受其中。她表示,女性去演繹男性角色,是一種雙重審美,是用女性視角去審美男性的精神,再演繹出來的過程。#香港回歸
    #Cantoneseopera #chineseculture
    #粵劇 #戲曲文化 #反串 #任劍輝 #遊園驚夢