• @JamieLynneDaniel
    @JamieLynneDaniel 3 місяці тому +5

    “I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.”
    ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭4‬:‭1‬-‭6‬ ‭

  • @sandrathomas2893
    @sandrathomas2893 3 місяці тому +2

    It's sad but it's biblical.

  • @diannemcandrews7529
    @diannemcandrews7529 3 місяці тому +5

    Exactly ! I see many who believe they have everything figured out calling other's out who disagree. Timing of the rapture being a huge topic! Also many differing views on what we went through since 2020 and the jab ect. I trust what I was shown and not man ,however always knowing my understanding of what I was shown could be in error. I trust in Jesus and he is coming soon. 🙏

  • @dga2135
    @dga2135 3 місяці тому +1

    One word, "perfect".

  • @encouragingword1172
    @encouragingword1172 3 місяці тому +3

    Even though the word says its of no private interpretation, it does seem that every denomination or group of believers have their own emphasis on certain scriptures and the private interpretation of those scriptures cause denominations and divisions to be created. Persecution will separate the sheep from the goats and peel away the private interpretations. There’s really no other way. I wish it wasn’t true, but it is. Persecution will cause every unimportant thing to evaporate. Fact is, no one has it all exactly right, no one. The focal point of Christianity is knowing Jesus personally and believing that only His blood can save us from sins and eternal damnation. He is the only way. To know that, to love and serve God with our whole heart and to win souls should remain our primary focus at all times.

    • @JamieLynneDaniel
      @JamieLynneDaniel 3 місяці тому +2

      @@encouragingword1172 amen! Well said!
      If persecution can bring out God’s truth over my interpretation of His truth, then I am almost eager for it. I crave to know what GOD is saying on these matters.
      Until then: my focus should be on Jesus and sharing Him with others.

  • @waywardson3498
    @waywardson3498 3 місяці тому +1

    Love your thoughts. Perspective is everything. My two other channels are mainly dedicated to unity but people just don't want it. They're so afraid to let go of their tightly held beliefs.

    • @JamieLynneDaniel
      @JamieLynneDaniel 3 місяці тому +1

      @@waywardson3498 this seems to sadly be the case

  • @honeyd8436
    @honeyd8436 3 місяці тому +3

    "Not the weird one"!!! 😂😂😂

  • @ForgedByTheFather-oc9ls
    @ForgedByTheFather-oc9ls 3 місяці тому +1

    Jamie, I was just listening to a channel called From Murder To Grace. The lady's name is Angela Brevitz . I can't help but think you would love her channel. Her lastest video really causes the mind to think and it causes a person to want to study out in the Bible what she is saying.

    • @JamieLynneDaniel
      @JamieLynneDaniel 3 місяці тому +1

      @@ForgedByTheFather-oc9ls thank you for thinking of me. I will check her out 😊

    • @ForgedByTheFather-oc9ls
      @ForgedByTheFather-oc9ls 3 місяці тому +1

      @@JamieLynneDaniel You are welcome! I don't know I just thought the topic of her video kind of goes with the questions we can all have that you covered in your last video.

  • @ForgedByTheFather-oc9ls
    @ForgedByTheFather-oc9ls 3 місяці тому +3

    I have been considering the idea of what if we all endure tribulation and rapture at different times. After all the Bible tells us Enoch and Elijah didn't have to wait until the dead in Christ are judged. What if it's different for each of us? After all isn't God outside of time? Why would we put him in a time box? Now my opinion based on scripture on Jesus' return is another topic. *Side Note: Not asking anyone to agree- just think this makes for interesting conversation if done in a respectful, Christian way* 🙂 On another note prayers for everyone to continue on the rocky journey on this earth in strength and love of Christ

    • @JamieLynneDaniel
      @JamieLynneDaniel 3 місяці тому +2

      @@ForgedByTheFather-oc9ls I have been wondering the same: barley harvest vs wheat harvest, etc.

  • @tribeofIssachar1948
    @tribeofIssachar1948 3 місяці тому +1

    Hey lady, we leave this year... My guess around September 2024....we In a leap year:)🎉😊 let's go Jesus 👑

    • @JamieLynneDaniel
      @JamieLynneDaniel 3 місяці тому +1

      @@tribeofIssachar1948 I’d sure love that!

  • @kristentaylor34
    @kristentaylor34 3 місяці тому +2

    I remember you posted your live church video link back at one time I would actually like to watch it online right now there's so many churches that are just coming out they are not hiding anymore about what things they are doing wickedly and it's shocking which I have been in a crisis about 3 years so I'm dealing with all this the best I can but my mom was always good at this stuff she was really good at this stuff but now it's just me all me trying to figure out my way through life one of the things I say is I wish I would have gotten closer to the lord way sooner so I'd have more knowledge now and know how to deal with all this stuff that is going on sometimes things happen that I was never prepared for and I'm left like how do I deal with this scary times speechless i have been abused mentally for a lot of years so I put my walls up but now im trying to learn how to think again but In this world to even try is so so difficult but I feel like somehow I'm doing better than I think maybe even just a little I say everyday here lately I say out loud I trust you God I will not fear I won't no matter what I hear no matter what I see I will trust you

    • @JamieLynneDaniel
      @JamieLynneDaniel 3 місяці тому +2

      @@kristentaylor34 we have a few guest speakers this month, but I can post a link after this Sunday 😊

  • @KatieKormish
    @KatieKormish 3 місяці тому +3

    The Bible is not our own feelings
    It is not our interpretation
    It is God’s word to us
    It is that simple read it from God to you that is it
    It is no one’s opinion no one feeling or background or anything
    Is the simplicity of God saying what he wants us to know …Not what …we “want “to hear what are ears need to be tickled by
    Ask him to open your eyes and ears and heart so that you can hear him when you read his word it will become clear

    • @JamieLynneDaniel
      @JamieLynneDaniel 3 місяці тому +2

      @@KatieKormish I agree wholeheartedly…and yet why are there STILL different theories?
      Sadly, the more I try to remove my bias the more I can’t nail it down 😂

    • @encouragingword1172
      @encouragingword1172 3 місяці тому +1

      Even though the word says its of no private interpretation, it does seem that every denomination has its own emphasis on certain scriptures and the private interpretation of those scriptures cause denominations to be created. Persecution will separate the sheep from the goats and peel away the private interpretations. There’s really no other way. I wish it wasn’t true, but it is. Persecution will cause every unimportant thing to evaporate.

    • @JamieLynneDaniel
      @JamieLynneDaniel 3 місяці тому +1

      @@encouragingword1172 well said, I believe you are right. That refining fire will strip away all of our bias

    • @KatieKormish
      @KatieKormish 3 місяці тому +1

      @@JamieLynneDanielyes the Holy spirit does this when you take yourself out of the my idea .. my thinking and His word His creation Hes the boss
      Whats he saying .. its not that difficult to many overthink , over analyze, and make more of something that it is
      Gods word is simply what it is what he said
      I don’t understand people if your mother tells you to stop doing some thing
      When you were little
      Now she might’ve had to tell you a couple times, but it was pretty clear on what she was saying
      It’s the same with the Bible
      People wanna interpret things in their own viewpoints. This has nothing to do with our viewpoints. It has everything to do with gods authority and what is he telling us and what did Jesus actually say?
      People are making this way too complicated. It’s actually not. It’s that people are too arrogant to prideful. They want to hear what they want including Christians. They want their ears tickled. They want their sins to be OK or justifiable so they twist scripture even slightly tweaking it when in reality, that is not what God said… then that is wrong simple
      Anyhow, this is a issue with some Christians
      I feel the people who are on the narrow path I really trying to listen to God nothing themselves or another man
      I am simply trying to state a very non-personal not an opinionated view on what his father actually saying that is the big question
      After all, he tells us this
      Be still …AND ( then)
      I know I am .
      (theGreat I am)
      Much love to you family In Christ thank you, Sister ❤

    • @KatieKormish
      @KatieKormish 3 місяці тому +1

      @@JamieLynneDaniel a lot of the body of Christ, who have been in God’s word, and on the narrow path in the last year or two field at the last year, because of all the things that the family has gone through personally each, but throughout as a body of holy even that last year was our refining year. It was our year of Esther.
      Now, of course, some people can still be going through their refining because they may have been newer and just coming to Jesus even this year you might be having a refining moment now
      Refining moment to a lot of us has been the tribulations of what we are going through here
      And the book of Esther shows us the refinement of the for the wedding feast, and how that had to happen to make the bride ready❤

  • @veyveye.2985
    @veyveye.2985 2 місяці тому

    In Daniel's dream, the beast had its way and would have overcome the saints if it were possible. That doesn't sound like a pre-tribulation situation.
    As many have already commented, the separation in the church is biblical. The great falling away is still coming.

  • @Aunt_Beezer
    @Aunt_Beezer 2 місяці тому +1

    I tend to lean mid-tribulation because of the verse that says we are not appointed to wrath. But I do not dismiss others opinions as it’s a personal revelation.

    • @JamieLynneDaniel
      @JamieLynneDaniel 2 місяці тому +2

      @@Aunt_Beezeryeah, I have been leaning towards pre-wrath for that seems to be clearly laid out…but as for being spared ALL of it…that’s harder to prove but I can see why many arrive at it.

    • @JamieLynneDaniel
      @JamieLynneDaniel 2 місяці тому +2

      I sure won’t turn down a pre-trib rapture 🥰, come Jesus come

    • @Aunt_Beezer
      @Aunt_Beezer 2 місяці тому +1

      @@JamieLynneDanielexactly. John 16:33 says that in the world we will have tribulation. That coupled with 1 Thess 5:9 is how I arrive at mid-tribulation. We will experience tribulation but not wrath (Rev 16:1). All I know is I want to be on the first bus out of here.

    • @JamieLynneDaniel
      @JamieLynneDaniel 2 місяці тому +1

      @@Aunt_Beezer same! Jesus, you are allowed to grab me WHENEVER, even if I am wrong, please and thank you

  • @Robwren
    @Robwren 3 місяці тому +2

    very good video, things that really truly need to be said, how can "we" as a church not stand together for the love of GOD and reach out to unbelievers and try to help them find the LORD instead of petty bickering about when the rapture will be. Honestly it states plain as day no one knows not one, but the Father. Yes it gives descriptions of events that must take place and signs, but our time is not GOD's time. Hence twinkling of an eye! Bickering about things and beliefs is most definitely not a very welcoming experience for someone whom is seeking. I believe that what we are meant to know and understand the HOLY SPIRIT will guide us when it's time, including our precept of the word. You could read one passage one day and maybe a month or two or even year from that time read same passage and it will have a different meaning. I always try to have folks read the bible but before reading pray for the Holy spirit to help you know the truth in the word and not the worlds truth or my understanding. Do I believe we are in the end times YES. I honestly have no opinion or whether it's pretribulation etc. I just want to give it to GOD and have faith in him because he knows what is best for me. Do I want to go through any of this horrific stuff that is coming, NO WAY. I don't think anyone does. Now here is something else that will keep you thinking. Did you ever wonder if Satan himself didn't plant this seed of turmoil about rapture, did you ever wonder if the big deception is not Satan himself pretending to be our LORD with his dark angels to gather the children, and that folks are so much wanting the rapture they get deceived. Did I tell you Jamie about that dream. I think so. I love you my friend and thank you so much for your videos and your love my friend. That is what its' about LOVE!!!!!!

    • @JamieLynneDaniel
      @JamieLynneDaniel 3 місяці тому +1

      @@Robwren love in word, love in prayer and love in action. Oh Lord help us. We sure have made a mess of things.
      Love you too friend! 😘

    • @Robwren
      @Robwren 3 місяці тому +1

      I just reread what I wrote I hope that it didn't come across as being argumentative or harsh. Was not meant that way, just giving my perspective.@@JamieLynneDaniel

    • @JamieLynneDaniel
      @JamieLynneDaniel 3 місяці тому

      @@Robwren nope! I know you too well

  • @Nathan-ju9uz
    @Nathan-ju9uz 3 місяці тому +3

    Hi 👋 great video
    Disclaimer 😊 My thoughts
    I think people are Raptured every day. I feel people have interpreted certain scriptures how they feel and what they want.
    I believe it was only 2 people Elijah and I believe Enouch Were the only ones to be raptured up. Nowhere in the Bible does it say rapture the only time where something close to that was said was in the Hebrew text at the seventh trumpet people will be Repudo. I wonder how come so many people think they're that special. My personal opinion I think we are in it now I think this is what the Bible's been talking about was now look at the things that are going on look at the things that started in 2020 it's biblical but they don't want to tie that to now .
    I believe the people that have eyes to see ears to hear and the understanding is the key will notice The events that are taking place how it is tied with the Bible has been talking about.
    God bless ✨️ 🙏

    • @JamieLynneDaniel
      @JamieLynneDaniel 3 місяці тому +3

      @@Nathan-ju9uz thank you for the disclaimer 😂
      I love the romance behind pre-trib…but it does feel/look like we are already in the thick of it…which would mean that such a theory could possibly already be out the window.
      As for “rapture”, the Greek word many hold to is “harpazo”, which can be found in several places. For some reason “rapture” became the coined term.
      Harpazo: to be caught up or caught away

    • @Nathan-ju9uz
      @Nathan-ju9uz 3 місяці тому +1

      Yes Yes ✨️ And as regards to what you're saying how different Christians come at eachother if you don't believe the same way as they do. I'll say this IT - The adversary is in the churches and it's in the people too.
      The way IT works is through your thoughts.
      I think that's what Christ meant when he was on the cross ,Father forgive them for they know not what they do. I kind of had a feeling you didn't believe in the pre 2

    • @JamieLynneDaniel
      @JamieLynneDaniel 3 місяці тому +2

      @@Nathan-ju9uz not to play “devil’s advocate” but, I haven’t shaken pre-wrath yet…😂😂😍

    • @Nathan-ju9uz
      @Nathan-ju9uz 3 місяці тому +2

      @@JamieLynneDaniel I can say this I don't want to be around for that that's for sure . Let my spirit fly b4 that 🚀

    • @JamieLynneDaniel
      @JamieLynneDaniel 3 місяці тому +3

      @@Nathan-ju9uz same friend, same!

  • @sandrathomas2893
    @sandrathomas2893 3 місяці тому +2

    God is actually about division. He's not a God of unity.
    The Jezebel spirit is rampant in the church just as end time prophecy states.

    • @JamieLynneDaniel
      @JamieLynneDaniel 3 місяці тому +1

      @@sandrathomas2893 hhhmmmm…God may be about dividing the wheat from the tares…but I don’t think He’d like His church body divided.
      “endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”
      ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭4‬:‭3‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

    • @sandrathomas2893
      @sandrathomas2893 3 місяці тому +2

      @@JamieLynneDaniel The religious pharasies crucified Christ.
      Biblical prophecy is being fulfilled.
      The book of revelation is playing out straight off the page.
      People will betray one another. Hearts will wax cold. This will increase. The body of Christ will become more divided especially the "church" just as scripture tells us.
      God's remnant is small.
      GBY 🙏

    • @JamieLynneDaniel
      @JamieLynneDaniel 3 місяці тому +1

      @@sandrathomas2893 you are not wrong…I guess I am after those who truly love Him and walk with Him working on unity.
      The fakes won’t. The lukewarm won’t.

    • @sandrathomas2893
      @sandrathomas2893 3 місяці тому

      @@JamieLynneDaniel There's no unity in the last days. That's new age deception. Many will be deceived. God will send them a strong delusion.

    • @JamieLynneDaniel
      @JamieLynneDaniel 3 місяці тому

      @@sandrathomas2893 “Do you suppose that I came to give peace on earth? I tell you, not at all, but rather division. For from now on five in one house will be divided: three against two, and two against three. Father will be divided against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.””
      ‭‭Luke‬ ‭12‬:‭51‬-‭53‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
      Okay…so what I am yearning for will be when Christ reigns on earth and when we are in heaven. Got it 😂
      We are to still strive for peace because it’s all over the epistles, but it will be nearly impossible. Oye….mulling this over still

  • @alanc2751
    @alanc2751 3 місяці тому

    Why it’s important to know the truth, or at least not be so dogmatic that you can’t keep an open mind, is that if you’re wrong about the rapture, and the rapture is indeed at the very end, and you thought it was coming before everything went south, you’ll think that God has abandoned you, or that He doesn’t even exist. That would be an unnecessary blow to your faith.

    • @JamieLynneDaniel
      @JamieLynneDaniel 3 місяці тому +1

      This is true. Hence why, I think it wise to prepare for ALL of it and be surprised for when He comes.

  • @Elburion
    @Elburion 3 місяці тому

    Esther is the bride, she is one person, her people are those who escape the Tribulation. Haman is Satan flung down to earth during the tribulation. Mordecai is his replacement, who makes war with him in Heaven after he is caught up. Yeshua is Xerxes, Lord of Heroes. Michael/Mordecai is waiting for the greenlight from the Lord to stand up. Daniel 12:1 - Love in Christ, the follower from Aldebaran, who cherishes the Seven Sisters preparing Esther

    • @ForgedByTheFather-oc9ls
      @ForgedByTheFather-oc9ls 3 місяці тому +1

      Interesting analogy!

    • @Elburion
      @Elburion 3 місяці тому +2

      @@ForgedByTheFather-oc9ls Thank you. I try to be as direct and no nonsense as I can when I reveal this to believers to encourage that the wait is almost over. I know we are all hurting from the events happening on earth.

    • @JamieLynneDaniel
      @JamieLynneDaniel 3 місяці тому +1

      @@Elburionbeen busy, but I am going to look this over more carefully soon 😊

    • @Elburion
      @Elburion 3 місяці тому +1

      @@JamieLynneDaniel no worries! If you have any questions feel free to ask.

    • @JamieLynneDaniel
      @JamieLynneDaniel 3 місяці тому +1

      @@Elburion I have read the book of Esther many times (was my favorite book when I was young)…but I never read it from the perspective of being a type of prophecy.
      That said, I have heard the book of Esther used many times as a rapture typology since beginning my research.
      Can’t quite wrap my head around it yet. My goal is to reread it with lots of prayer and a concordance by my side.
      The basic breakdowns I can visualize…but I want to “see” it for myself if that makes sense.