Holy Spirit Signs, Wonders and Miracles in Manila, Philippines! 🔥🇵🇭 🔥

  • Опубліковано 15 жов 2024
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    We would like to share with you one of the most powerful moves of the Holy Spirit that we have ever experienced as a ministry. To watch this short video compilation of the amazing signs, wonders and miracles that we saw in Manila, Philippines, simply click on the image above.
    We would also like to thank all of our partners who make it possible for us to to continue to share the gospel around the world. Because of your support we are also able to work on this new vision that the Holy Spirit has given us that is so near to the heart of Jesus. We are translating the videos and TV episodes to Hebrew in order to reach the Jewish people with the message of salvation through faith in Jesus. We spoke with a major TV network today, and once we translate the TV series “The Promise” to Hebrew, they will be broadcasting it all over Israel. It is our prayer that many will hear the gospel and receive the gift of eternal life through faith in Jesus. When we filmed this series we never even imagined that someday the Lord would use it to share His gospel to His chosen people. His ways are higher than our ways!
    If you feel led to partner with the ministry, you will not only receive the book “My Beloved Holy Spirit” as a thank you gift; you will also be making it possible for us to translate the book to Hebrew and to make it available as a free download to everyone in Israel.
    Jesus wept over Jerusalem, and said: “How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, but you were not willing!” (Luke 13:34) I believe that His heart is still breaking for His people, and that He dearly loves them and desires to save them and hide them under the Presence of His Spirit. And I also believe that it is our responsibility to share His good news with them.
    Once we finish translating the videos and book to Hebrew, we are also planning on translating the material to other languages. "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.” (Romans 1:16)
    If you are not a partner with the ministry yet, we would like to encourage you to prayerfully consider investing in the kingdom of heaven. For more information on how to partner with the ministry simply click here:
    Thank you for loving us and sending us to share the gospel around the world! The best is yet to come!
    We love you and continually pray for you,
    Andres, Giannina, Elijah, Anabella and James Bisonni
    gospel good news miracles milagros blind see deaf hear lame walk the gospel is preached Jesus is Lord
    signs wonders miracles señales milagros prodigios
    uncion anointing glory gloria Jesus Dios God Holy Ghost Holy Spirit Espiritu Santo visions visiones
    kingdom of God sanidades healing divine divina Amazing supernatural sobrenatural revival avivamiento worship adoracion salvacion salvation Fire Fuego eternal life infilling Amazing powerful glorious poder poderoso power Holy Spirit miracles milagros Jesus Christ Cristo Jesucristo Dios God River Outpouring derramamiento Espiritu Santo miracles brazil Espirito Santo Fogo avivamento, youth, jovenes,
    sinais maravilhas milagres senales milagros Prodigios
    uncion unção glória gloria Jesus Dios Deus Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espiritu Santo
    reino de Deus cura divina sanidades divino sobrenatural surpreendente renascimento sobrenatural Avivamiento adoração adoracion salvacion salvação Fogo Fuego vida eterna tamponamento surpreendente poderoso glorioso poder Poderoso Poder Espírito Santo milagres milagros Jesus Cristo Jesucristo Cristo Dios Deus Outpouring derramamiento milagres Espiritu Santo
    تلقي يسوع اقبل الغفران والحياة الأبدية
    ذ يسوع ش ذ لا فيدا
    اندريس الوزارات bisonni
    الموسيقى بواسطة: كاري جوبي - للأبد (لايف)
    الإنجيل المعجزات أخبار جيدة ميلاغروس الصم العمي يبصرون والعرج يمشون سماع بشر الانجيل يسوع هو الرب
    الأرجنتين توقع المعجزات معجزات سيناليس ميلاغروس
    المسحة مجد مجد يسوع ديوس الله الروح القدس الروح القدس اسبيريتو سانتو
    مملكة الله الشفاء الإلهي الإلهية مذهلة إحياء خارق العبادة الخلاص حريق فويغو الحياة الأبدية مذهلة قوية المجيدة قوة الأداء الروح القدس يسوع المسيح معجزات ميلاغروس كريستو ديوس الله نهر انسكاب اسبيريتو سانتو المعجزات اسبيريتو سانتو البرازيل فوغو
    הבשורה חדשות טובות ניסים מילגרוס עיוורים רואים חירשים שומעים צולעים צועדים את הבשורה
    סימנים פלאים ניסים
    תהילה משחת איחוד גלוריה ישו דיוס אלוהים רוח רוח קדושה רוח הקודש אספיריטו סאנטו חזיונות
    ממלכת אלוהים תברואות ריפוי אלוהית אלוהית מדהימה על-טבעית טבעית תחייה פולחן אדורציה חילוץ אש אש פוגו חיי נצח מדהים עוצמה מפואר כוח רוח הקודש ניסים milagros ישו כריסטוס ישו קריסטוסו דיוס נהר אלוהים ניסים אספרויבו אנושיו