Wow Dude!! That’s a nice build, that’s what I’m going to build, a christmas village display table. It’s going to be 4ft long with legs and the screws so I can take apart when christmas ends and put it back together when christmas begins again.
Thank you for sharing this video. My husband is now on board for me to start a christmas village display as these tables wont take up too much space in his precious garage... hehe 😊😊😊
What a nice little video about your little addiction. That's right. ADDICTION. That is what this turns into. By the way, your village is very nice and I love your water feature. Good job. Check out my little village called "Linsterville 2013" I hope you leave a comment if you wish. Thanks for sharing. PS I've been collecting for awhile. I'm addicted to the fun too.
Wow Dude!! That’s a nice build, that’s what I’m going to build, a christmas village display table. It’s going to be 4ft long with legs and the screws so I can take apart when christmas ends and put it back together when christmas begins again.
Oh, the joys of a loop model railroad! I LOVE it! Well done!
How did you make the train remote control?
It was the kit the polar express train kit
So ...where are you four years later? Mine took over two weeks to set up, but so gratifying
Absolutely gorgeous & very creative display. Have A Merry Christmas, 🌲🎅
love it. Looks great. How is the snow made? we are doing something similar but i am not too sure how to make the snow?
I went to Hobby Lobby and bought (Woodland Scenics SN140 Soft Flak Snow Shaker)
Thank you for sharing this video. Tomorrow I star to build my Christmas Village table.
Thank you for sharing this video. My husband is now on board for me to start a christmas village display as these tables wont take up too much space in his precious garage... hehe 😊😊😊
Love it ! Mine are set up on 2 separate tables.
This is really cool
Very Impressive Christmas Display ★★★
Wow lovin it can you make a video showing more about the landscape ?
Thank you for sharing this. So cool!
Great job. How thick is the wood on the top and on the side?
Great job! Question. Where did you attach your center legs? To the left or the right of center where you joined the two halves together? Thank you.
What a nice little video about your little addiction. That's right. ADDICTION. That is what this turns into. By the way, your village is very nice and I love your water feature. Good job. Check out my little village called "Linsterville 2013" I hope you leave a comment if you wish. Thanks for sharing. PS I've been collecting for awhile. I'm addicted to the fun too.
I am sure that you will find good way to make it on woodprix Webpage.