I never thought about this until recently. Growing up on "healthy" foods I was thin and short. Eating unhealthy fatty meats , eggs and dairy I grew taller and got stronger. Even my horribly crooked teeth improved. Yet I was expecting a massive heart attack. Propaganda is powerful isn't it?
AMEN! I believe the power of propaganda is the one of the most criminally underestimated aspects of our lives. So many people brush it off with, “I’m not listening to it, so it has no effect on me!”. Yet as we know; it isn’t that simple.!
Depends how old you are . A cancer, heart attack or stroke takes 20 -30 years to develop. Carnivore dieters are not living a long life. That’s why lions get 14 years old and gorillas 50 years old! Yes propaganda is powerfull, that’s why so many ignorant people are eating an unhealthy carnivore diet!
Same. Even on a "keto" diet I just feel...wrong. The first day after I reintroduce carbs I feel really energetic and then it's just like something's broken...
Interesting that this video showed up on my feed (no pun intended) this morning. I decided just a few minutes before watching that my response to people who say, “you’ve reached your goal, you should reintroduce fruits, vegetables, and grains back into your diet.” My response will be, “why would I want to invite inflammation and illness back into my life?” Thanks for a great video that gets right to the point of why I choose to stay Carnivore after 21 months. 😊
It's exactly like telling an alcoholic that has been sober for a year, "Hey bud, your body has healed so it's time to reintroduce some vodka, whiskey and beer for diversty and drink them in moderation!"
Fantastic video. What took me 20 years of research and testing on myself, you have broken down and explained in one 24 minute video. Keep up the great work.
The primary toxic ingredient in garlic and onions is n-propyl disulfide, an oxidant. Compared to humans, dogs and cats are more sensitive to “oxidative damage” on their red blood cells. Dogs have more “areas” on their red blood cells that oxidizing agents such as n-propyl disulfide can attach to. This attachment is recognized by the body as a foreign invader, and in the attempt to remove this invader, the body also destroys the red blood cell. This is called “hemolysis” - the breaking down of the red blood cells.
Is this why vampires are afraid of garlic ? ....and does it also explain why vampires eat our blood ? (to replenish red blood cells damaged by our garlic ).
I remember watching a PBS documentary and it wasn't about eating any diet, but it did highlight the difference in human bones before and after the agricultural revolution...the human bones before were healthier and taller, after they had signs of diseases, poor dental health and shorter height.
Very good documentary Max. Your animation is very creative! I wish I could remember all these points when people ask me why I’m only eating meat and eggs! Thank you. 😊
Love this. A short- version of the big Anthony Chaffee video, it's fantastic because a lot of my friends see the length and are like nop. This is much more friendly.
Truly your best video so far. The animation about lectins binding to carbs is really good, and I would never imagine that tomatoes were among them. Thanks again!!! :)
I think a lot of the instinctive pushback against the fact humans are carnivores is most people think a carnivore is a species that can ONLY eat meat. And that because we are capable of eating some plants we are therefore omnivores. Thus due to how people have been "educated" most people think we are genuinely omnivores and you're telling them their entire world view on human diets is wrong. To them you may as well be telling them grass is orange not green. Most people simply don't understand what a carnivore actually is.
That's a great point. We can eat plants therefore we're not carnivores, if carnivore means only meat eaters. But plants are neither necessary nor optimal, so we are ineffective as omnivores. That's why we're so sick.
@kiernan00777 we are carnivores though. Although your comment kind of proves my point. A carnivore is a species whose species appropriate diet is 70% or more other animals. Just because some carnivores such as dogs and humans are capable of eating some plants doesn't mean they aren't carnivores.
22 години тому+1
That's not a great point. Yeah, carnivores CAN eat other things but it isn't even feasible that humans mainly ate meat when we started out as a species. I eat meat by the way, I'm not saying we shouldn't eat meat I just think this "carnivore" idea isn't based in science or evidence.
Look at the isotope research and it makes it clear our closest ancestors were carnivores. Its a lot easier to find edible animals than it is to find edible plants, especially before we started running all the animals off cliffs
Anthropology disagrees with you. We've been the human species for nearly 2 - 3 million years, and researchers these past few years have even dug into analyzing stomach contents of ancient humans to find that we mostly ate meat with very little to no vegetation. Agriculture has only been around for 10,000 years. It's impractical to think we survived on vegetation for any reason other than absolute starvation. Take a look at survival shows nowadays like Naked and Afraid. The people who make it to the end primarily focused on animals as their main source of sustenance. Fatty meat is our primary source of nutrition, especially considering how much energy our massive brains take up. We *need* those massive amounts of calories and nutrition. Plants can't compare.
We can. Or we could. Modern dogs are so interbred that they can’t tolerate it, but in the old days people in the country would routinely feed their mutts all manner of scraps and bits of food.
@@piu3685 You ain't a dog or a lion tiger . Lets see how you go eating carion like carnivorous and omnivorous animals do without issue . Funny all the " carnivores " on You Tube eat the body parts that don't exist in nature wrapped in daintly wrapped polystyrene from their local Walmart . Will never eat or promote bugs when they invoke their ancestors ( they even caution against it due to paranoid conspiracy theories ) even though their ansestors ate copious amounts . Really primal and ancestral
We "can" feed our dogs mostly corn and rice, even modern dog foods "the science diet" pumps our animals full of garbage foods which is why vet visits go up @julienfroidevaux1143
@@NatureTriumphant Not really. His point literally says "We cannot extract energy from plants, the only reason herbivore animals can survive on plants alone is because they can extract energy from the fibre, humans cannot do this. We need energy to survive". The first part "we cannot extract energy from plants" is a lie. The second part is on about herbivore animals who break down fiber for their energy. But humans don't need to do this, since they can effectively get energy from the starches and sugars. "We need energy to survive" this point clearly implies hes saying we can't get energy from plants. Just because we can't get much from the fiber is irrelevant, since the discussion was about needing energy to survive, and we can get that from the starches and sugars.
@@BeefNEggs057 Hi, I never said sugar and starch is all you need for energy. I responded to his lie that "we cannot extract energy from plants". Simply put, starches/sugars are broken down into glucose and metabolised into ATP (energy), this is true and hopefully not controversial? However, energy is obviously not all you need to stay alive, you of course require all the other nutrients which can be gained from a variety of sources, including meat. I never suggested just eating spoons of sugar, and I never said you can't get energy from meat.
Humans are the only animal on the planet that can consciously act in their own self destruction imo. The evidence is overwhelming for those who look for it and have a decent amount of critical thinking skills
This guy did not discover fire yet. Literally cooking plants removes all the bad stuff. We evolved alongside fire and cannot digest food without it, or at least not properly. Cooking food reduces digestion time that gave us more time to travel and seek more food. When animals stuff themselves with food they cannot go and travel for 8 hours straight, they need to rest and digest it over a long period of time. Once upon a time we probably could digest all the plant food without help of fire like herbivores, but we made a trade, and the trade was the ability to migrate and digest food not even animals can eat. It was a good trade. Fire good, cook broccoli with fire.
Not actually true. Cooking removes some of the toxins from plants but by no means all of them. Also, there has never been a time when Homo Sapiens could digest plants. We have no cecum, a short colon, a long iluem and a very acidic stomach and we dont have cellulase at all. Your body needs a number of essential nutrients only found in animal products, but there are no essential carbohydrates at all. Your brain is 60% cholesterol, as is your entire nervous system. On the other hand you can eat raw beef, raw fish etc and be perfectly fine. It's only modern farming and processing that has caused meat to need to be cooked
Anyone who thinks something as complex as the human body happened by chance is clearly ignorant of the complexity of the human system. Even atheists that are “smart” admit live was seeded/started by something. They just refuse to believe in God. Cry more.
Awesome job man. I’m learning a ton from you. Over two weeks in and feeling like a gladiator! My lifts in the gym are starting to go back up as well. Keep up the great work
Execellent Creative Explanation. I think this documentary has finally confirmed for me to stay carnivore for the rest of my life. But to try and convert my whanau/family to do the same could be rather difficult. Thank you Max.
Really nice video! I'm actually pretty sure of this evidence but only stable isotope analysis was enough for me (it's very clear). Ok, we agree that we must consume animal foods primarily, but then, what parts? because it doesn't really make sense for me to just eat muscle meat, it doesn't seem like it could provide all the nutrition we need. Do you have any videos on this?
Yes, we can thrive on just the muscle meat of ruminant animals as long as the fat content is high enough. No need for organ meat. If you do eat organs, keep that to a small amount as it can cause issues. For example, eating large or sometimes even small amounts of liver can lead to issues with copper toxicity. Inuits never ate the organs. Those went to their dogs. They thrived on the muscle meat and blubber.
@ well, I've heard from other explorers that inuits indeed eat the organs, so I don't know what to think about it. In that sense, I don't know any civilization that thrived generation after generation only eating muscle meat and fat. It's very nutritious indeed but I'm not sure is enough.
@ its probably best to eat in acordance with the animals proportions. How many pounds of liver are there im a cow per pound of muscle meat? probably not alot, so our ancestors would hve adapted the the proportions available in large animals. So id venture to say, eat a little bit of liver once a week or so. Personally, I follow my apetite. Sometimes I find myself craving raw liver (it tastes WAY better raw, trust me), and then ill have like 100g, and not want anymore for like 3 weeks
I am a convert to carnivore diet 6 moths in and have lost 18kg of mostly belly fat and health issues of sleep apnea, hypertension, and lower extremity edema are all resolved. Thanks for the reinforcement of the message with this excellent video!
I loved this video. I have had a stroke due to an inherited clotting disorder. I can't go carnivore uet, but i am ketovore. It will be intrresting to see in three months how my levels of anti-coagulating drugs are working. Back to loving this video. Your arguments are ao well-laid out, so comprehensible, that you really are a great ambassador for the Proper Human Diet. And I like your haircut and moustache. 😊
Great video. I am into my 10th month and ready to give it up. I have never cheated once on the program, but haven't lost an weight in over two months. I dropped five lbs., but it was back on two weeks later. All I eat is meat, eggs, salt, water, and occasional butter for extra fat. Your videos have been inspirational, but I need to try something different at this point. Thanks for the great videos.
Hey Scotts. Send me an email maxgermanfitness@gmail.com regarding how much you weigh, exactly what u eat each day etc. and I’ll get back to you with what I’d change.
Your body may still be healing from things you didn’t even realize were ailing. It took me a couple of years. And I still have more to get rid of (pounds that is). I experience periods of weight loss then long periods of stalls. But overall I feel much better and am starting to see positive changes in my appearance and good reports from my drs. Good luck in your journey!
This is great Max I’m showing to my friend who insists we are omnivores and not omnivores but I tell her she is wrong because humans don’t eat the leaves off trees or the grass in the ground.
Many of the harmful compounds in plants are not specifically designed to be poisonous, but that is just a consequence due to the mismatch between plant and human biology. If you ingested a plant compound that does the same in the human body as it did in the plant, it would be bad because you're not a plant. For example, you don’t need to be sensitive to light or perform photosynthesis, so a compound that helps the plant in these ways could disrupt your normal biological processes instead.
That's because we are all dope(dopamine) fiends. Because eating sugar just makes one feel amazing. We grow up as children getting hooked on the dopamine released when we eat Skittles and Smarties. Then, when we got older, we realized that sugar was still good, but liquor is quicker, and then some get hooked on the liquor, just like the kids get hooked on all things Willy Wonka. Carnivore doesn't do this.
It is pretty wide spread knowledge that Paul eats fruit. I would be surprised if Max was not aware of that. It is also pretty wide spread knowledge that Paul is an idiot and knows little about proper human nutrition.
Fatal Mistake it may be, but it must also be pointed out that without agriculture we'd never have gotten further than the stone age phase of our existence, and no civilisation.
Humanity without fire would not have gotten anywhere, but with it we created every fire-based weapon and caused horrible things, but it still was a good thing, right? Humans created great cities, which brought mass outbreaks of virus and bacterial plaques. Humans created wonderous medicines but then used that knowledge to create bioweapons. Humans create great things, but the bill always comes due. Agriculture was great for our species, not our long-term health. I am so glad that we can adapt and learn as a species and realize when we have errored in our ways. I just hope it's not too late, it seems we are now prioritizing big companies profits over our health.
Definitely, good summarizing video. Isn't it interesting how all major health organizations, governments and their institutions, basically all mainstream media, all approved professional experts, celebrities and many influencers with certain connections are promoting eating less meat and animal products?
Interesting history bit. Due to Buddhism early on in Japan, the Japanese government had a prohibition on meat consumption. The only exception was meat consumed for medical purposes. The result is that by the time General Perry opened Japanese ports, the average Japanese man was 5’0”.
Dogs are carnivores, human are omnivores that’s why we can digest gods portion of plants and dogs can’t. Here is the proof in your own argument :) PS. Just trying to be objective, no hate here
It's ok to eat vegetables, just depends on how you prepare them. And a lot of the "vegetables you can't give dogs" that you say is proof that vegetables are bad for you, are things you can give other animals just fine. It just depends on what we're evolved to ingest. Which is more things than modern dogs.
What veggies you eat today existed 500 years ago though. How can you be evolved to handle it if it’s new to our diet. Takes thousands of years to adapt. It’s okay to eat toxic crap if you aren’t sick. But when you get sick and you have colon cancer remember you were told and should know better.
cooking, selective agriculture, fermentation are all adaptations we have developed for extraction of energy and nutrition from plants (as valid as the use of projectile weapons and cutting implements as adaptations for eating meat) ... absolutist terminology isn't helpful, even generalisations as tricky to navigate. Outcomes for large populations of humans where eating plants has been adopted are rather strong contraindications though.
@@Talismantra Humans all around the world have been eating vegetables and fruits forever. Some of the healthiest and longest living populations throughout history and modernity eat lots of vegetables (and carbs oh no!). Idk where this “vegetables lead to poor health outcomes” thing comes from but it’s bizarre. 100% propaganda. Becoming the reverse-Ancel-Keys is not the answer. Cherry picking weird studies and conjecture are not it. Eat lots of organic, grass fed etc meat, eggs, dairy. Eat some veggies or leafy greens rich in micronutrients on the side. Have an orange or a banana once in a while. Avoid seed oils entirely. Don’t smoke or drink. That’s about it. You’ll be okay.
So is it good to eat sauerkraut? Seems like they have a lot of beneficial health effects that might outweigh the smaller amount of plant chemicals Also is eating nuts, like hazel and walnuts fine if you buy them organic so no pesticides or herbicides were sprayed on them?
Herbivores don't eat only plants. All creatures are omnivorous. Wolves eat certain berries, grasses and other plants. And when zoologists, and botanists did their research, surprise surprise, those plants were medicinal. Majority of athletes eat an Omnivorous diet.
Mr. Max, love the arguments and the conciseness in how they are presented. I encourage you to move beyond the "bacteria-stomach acid-pathogen" hypothesis. I suppose you could just call that the germ theory of disease. The high acidity seems to be more involved in activating the proteolytic enzymes meant to break proteinaceous structures down efficiently (meat being the most protein-based thing we could ever consume). The whole reason people eat probiotic-rich foods is to actually get high levels of microorganisms into the GI tract in the first place, as well as increase the digestibility of that food of course. Could be plants, could be animal foods. I encourage you to look into High-meat (rotten, stinky, fermented meat). Many people historically, and communities of raw-meat eaters today eat the stinkiest, most rotten and putrid meat you could ever imagine, and are only empowered and nourished to the extreme. I can vouch for that. No more bacteria fear-mongering! :D
There is no species appropriate diet for humans because different humans evolved in different places. We all eat animals but different peoples evolved to eat different plants as well. Carnivore is the best diet but it's not a species diet
that is true. most animals are opportunistic eaters. no animal has a 100% specific species appropriate diet. but as you said, carnivore is the best diet as it causes the least amount of stress to the body while providing every nutrient that it needs.
Evolution is a religious belief used to devolve mankind. Nature is pure intelligence far beyond the simple human brain and any man's attempt to outsmart nature only proves his own ignorance. Evolution theory is used as an excuse to make changes to mankind and go against nature. LGBTQ is Evolution etc. 😂😂
The way you put this video together and delivered this information is phenomenal! This is the one I’m sending to people who don’t understand the truth. It’s short but thorough. 👏 BRAVO!
been on canivore for over 3 months but going off as im getting inflammation and pain in my toes not sure if its gout or my shoes getting worn out causes. The last time when I went carnivore for around 2 months I notice slight inflammation in my toes near the end. Hopefully its my shoes and not gout as I feel good mental/energy wise on carnivore. I wallk non stop for my job.
I used to have pain in my toes also. Like so bad it made me cry. I increased my salt and it went away. If I don't get enough salt, my feet hurt at night. Don't give up, just alter things, make one addition or subtraction and give it a few days. Just keep going. It will get better❤❤
Do cows or lions need to be told what theyre supposed to eat? No, they naturally know it. Humans also know deep down what they're supposed to eat. Every human naturally craves meat and animal fat.
I'm trying to be carnivore but it just makes me constipated, I therefore add green veg to my diet to help things through. I've often wondered if eating more fat would solve the problem. Anyone?
It will help you , you will inherently know with time how much fat your body requires. As a carnivore with so little time as 3 months you go to the bathroom 1-2 maximum and that's just fine.
Your gut is messed up. Fiber agitates it just enough so you can go. A healthy gut however encounters fiber and like anything else that shouldn't be there, it quickly eradicates it. Like if you are eating anything else bad, coming out both ends if it is really bad! 😂 Make sense? I eat any fiber, or anything else really bad, my gut lets me know and it's coming out. Otherwise it's a peaceful twice a week affair 😊
By constipated, do you mean hard, rocky stool that just won't move or that you go much less frequently? If the stool is hard and won't move that is true constipation but if it is soft and you only go once or twice a week, that is not constipation. When eating only meat, more than 98% is absorbed in the body so there is less than 2% waste coming out the tail pipe. If you have hard stool that won't move on carnivore, it's most likely you're not eating enough fat. Fat is what softens the stool to allow it to move easily.
Max, I agree with you most of the time, but you are making way to big of a deal regarding ancient humans. Nobody should care about what ancient humans ate. What matters is what is best for modern humans regarding mortality and health span. Nature does not optimize for mortality and health span! You can look at the salmon who lives for one year goes upstream lays and fertilizes eggs and then dies. It is what nature "intends". However, if a salmon wanted to live longer, it would lay eggs in a different place and live a lot longer. It is very dumb to do what "nature" intended without looking at mortality evidence.
That’s a matter of harsh environment living in the wild. Not the food (except in relation to its scarcity, leading to starvation). Animals in captivity (zoos) live longer than wild ones, their foods are still kept the same (it’s replicated to match their observed natural diet). They live longer because the wild doesn’t kill them. Same with us.
@@DroppingBearVictim I agree with you but I think you may have missed my point. My point is that blindly following "nature" does not necessarily maximize lifespan or healthspan. Another example other than my salmon example is a black widow male spider. If he wants to live a long healthy life, it will be best for him not to follow nature and go in by himself 🙂
Humans most definitely aren't carnivores. Our anatomy has nothing in common with carnivores. We were clearly designed to eat plants, though this incredible machine can survive on almost anything.
Clearly to a cultist with blinders on. What veggies existed a thousand years ago that are in your produce section today? They’re all new and our bodies can’t have adapted to them.
I never thought about this until recently. Growing up on "healthy" foods I was thin and short. Eating unhealthy fatty meats , eggs and dairy I grew taller and got stronger. Even my horribly crooked teeth improved. Yet I was expecting a massive heart attack. Propaganda is powerful isn't it?
AMEN! I believe the power of propaganda is the one of the most criminally underestimated aspects of our lives. So many people brush it off with, “I’m not listening to it, so it has no effect on me!”. Yet as we know; it isn’t that simple.!
Hey Rick, can you remind me at what age you went carnivore?
@@MrsMac0718 At age 15 in 1983
Depends how old you are . A cancer, heart attack or stroke takes 20 -30 years to develop. Carnivore dieters are not living a long life. That’s why lions get 14 years old and gorillas 50 years old! Yes propaganda is powerfull, that’s why so many ignorant people are eating an unhealthy carnivore diet!
There's so many factors that could have contributed to your growth though. Most people will grow on a high protein diet.
Vegetation makes me sick, and carbohydrates make me feel crazy. I cannot be happy if I’m not eating just meat and fat.
Some people would say this comment is nutty, made up, or exaggerated. Yet I know from personal experience - what you said is 100% REAL. 🙏🏻
I'm getting there, still being in this adaption phase
Same. Even on a "keto" diet I just feel...wrong. The first day after I reintroduce carbs I feel really energetic and then it's just like something's broken...
@@enzogonzales608 We all do the same mistake at first, to few fat and not being strict at least two full month to get a full instestine reset.
The Carnivore's motto. Stated perfectly!!
Interesting that this video showed up on my feed (no pun intended) this morning. I decided just a few minutes before watching that my response to people who say, “you’ve reached your goal, you should reintroduce fruits, vegetables, and grains back into your diet.” My response will be, “why would I want to invite inflammation and illness back into my life?” Thanks for a great video that gets right to the point of why I choose to stay Carnivore after 21 months. 😊
It's exactly like telling an alcoholic that has been sober for a year, "Hey bud, your body has healed so it's time to reintroduce some vodka, whiskey and beer for diversty and drink them in moderation!"
@@schigara really good way to say that!
IME its best to just ignore people who try to give me advice like this
Then how can the industry thrive? Go back to eating SAD
Fantastic video.
What took me 20 years of research and testing on myself, you have broken down and explained in one 24 minute video.
Keep up the great work.
The primary toxic ingredient in garlic and onions is n-propyl disulfide, an oxidant. Compared to humans, dogs and cats are more sensitive to “oxidative damage” on their red blood cells. Dogs have more “areas” on their red blood cells that oxidizing agents such as n-propyl disulfide can attach to. This attachment is recognized by the body as a foreign invader, and in the attempt to remove this invader, the body also destroys the red blood cell. This is called “hemolysis” - the breaking down of the red blood cells.
Is this why vampires are afraid of garlic ? ....and does it also explain why vampires eat our blood ? (to replenish red blood cells damaged by our garlic ).
Cooking destroys that, cooked onions and garlic is perfectly safe for dogs
@@kenadams5504 🤣🤣
Aboriginal rock art painting are 70 000 years old...not one picture of a salad
How about cookies. Cookievore.
No pictures of cakes, beer or ice-cream too.
Well too be honest I don’t think here in Australia aboriginal people domesticated lettuce and onion, I’m pretty sure that came from elsewhere
I remember watching a PBS documentary and it wasn't about eating any diet, but it did highlight the difference in human bones before and after the agricultural revolution...the human bones before were healthier and taller, after they had signs of diseases, poor dental health and shorter height.
Indeed everything changed after the agriculture revolution
@@CosmicawarenessCitizenand sadly I can’t think of one single positive thing it brought to anyone’s lives… travesty…
And, skulls were larger with a larger brain cavity.
Very good documentary Max. Your animation is very creative! I wish I could remember all these points when people ask me why I’m only eating meat and eggs! Thank you. 😊
Love this. A short- version of the big Anthony Chaffee video, it's fantastic because a lot of my friends see the length and are like nop. This is much more friendly.
Exactly. Will forward it to my carnivore curious office colleagues here in Sweden.
And yet, till current days, hunter-gatherer tribes like the Hadza tribe, consume 120-200g fiber a day from tubers and roots.
Truly your best video so far. The animation about lectins binding to carbs is really good, and I would never imagine that tomatoes were among them. Thanks again!!! :)
I think a lot of the instinctive pushback against the fact humans are carnivores is most people think a carnivore is a species that can ONLY eat meat. And that because we are capable of eating some plants we are therefore omnivores. Thus due to how people have been "educated" most people think we are genuinely omnivores and you're telling them their entire world view on human diets is wrong. To them you may as well be telling them grass is orange not green.
Most people simply don't understand what a carnivore actually is.
That's a great point. We can eat plants therefore we're not carnivores, if carnivore means only meat eaters. But plants are neither necessary nor optimal, so we are ineffective as omnivores. That's why we're so sick.
@kiernan00777 we are carnivores though. Although your comment kind of proves my point. A carnivore is a species whose species appropriate diet is 70% or more other animals. Just because some carnivores such as dogs and humans are capable of eating some plants doesn't mean they aren't carnivores.
That's not a great point. Yeah, carnivores CAN eat other things but it isn't even feasible that humans mainly ate meat when we started out as a species. I eat meat by the way, I'm not saying we shouldn't eat meat I just think this "carnivore" idea isn't based in science or evidence.
Look at the isotope research and it makes it clear our closest ancestors were carnivores.
Its a lot easier to find edible animals than it is to find edible plants, especially before we started running all the animals off cliffs
Anthropology disagrees with you. We've been the human species for nearly 2 - 3 million years, and researchers these past few years have even dug into analyzing stomach contents of ancient humans to find that we mostly ate meat with very little to no vegetation.
Agriculture has only been around for 10,000 years. It's impractical to think we survived on vegetation for any reason other than absolute starvation. Take a look at survival shows nowadays like Naked and Afraid. The people who make it to the end primarily focused on animals as their main source of sustenance. Fatty meat is our primary source of nutrition, especially considering how much energy our massive brains take up. We *need* those massive amounts of calories and nutrition. Plants can't compare.
Quality is just insane. Keep crushing it man!
Great point: "Why can't we feed our dogs avocados and dark chocolate?" Brilliant!
Im not against carni but i can eat avocado's 😅
Why don't we feed our dogs cane toads , puffer fish and polar bear liver ?
How are harmful foods a arguement ?
We can. Or we could. Modern dogs are so interbred that they can’t tolerate it, but in the old days people in the country would routinely feed their mutts all manner of scraps and bits of food.
@@piu3685 You ain't a dog or a lion tiger .
Lets see how you go eating carion like carnivorous and omnivorous animals do without issue .
Funny all the " carnivores " on You Tube eat the body parts that don't exist in nature wrapped in daintly wrapped polystyrene from their local Walmart .
Will never eat or promote bugs when they invoke their ancestors ( they even caution against it due to paranoid conspiracy theories ) even though their ansestors ate copious amounts .
Really primal and ancestral
We "can" feed our dogs mostly corn and rice, even modern dog foods "the science diet" pumps our animals full of garbage foods which is why vet visits go up @julienfroidevaux1143
8:37 "We cannot extract energy from plants". This is a complete lie. Starches and sugars are broken down into glucose, which is used for energy.
Really? I think you know what he meant. He was talking about fiber specifically.
Valid point
@@NatureTriumphant Not really.
His point literally says "We cannot extract energy from plants, the only reason herbivore animals can survive on plants alone is because they can extract energy from the fibre, humans cannot do this. We need energy to survive".
The first part "we cannot extract energy from plants" is a lie.
The second part is on about herbivore animals who break down fiber for their energy. But humans don't need to do this, since they can effectively get energy from the starches and sugars.
"We need energy to survive" this point clearly implies hes saying we can't get energy from plants. Just because we can't get much from the fiber is irrelevant, since the discussion was about needing energy to survive, and we can get that from the starches and sugars.
@@zezima420Why don’t you just eat spoons of sugar if starch is all you need for energy?
@@BeefNEggs057 Hi, I never said sugar and starch is all you need for energy. I responded to his lie that "we cannot extract energy from plants". Simply put, starches/sugars are broken down into glucose and metabolised into ATP (energy), this is true and hopefully not controversial? However, energy is obviously not all you need to stay alive, you of course require all the other nutrients which can be gained from a variety of sources, including meat. I never suggested just eating spoons of sugar, and I never said you can't get energy from meat.
Thank you Max.. I'm so glad you made this video. Hopefully it'll help more people understand and change their diets before it's too late.
Great work on the video man :) I'm sure it took you awhile!
Humans are the only animal on the planet that can consciously act in their own self destruction imo. The evidence is overwhelming for those who look for it and have a decent amount of critical thinking skills
This guy did not discover fire yet. Literally cooking plants removes all the bad stuff. We evolved alongside fire and cannot digest food without it, or at least not properly. Cooking food reduces digestion time that gave us more time to travel and seek more food. When animals stuff themselves with food they cannot go and travel for 8 hours straight, they need to rest and digest it over a long period of time. Once upon a time we probably could digest all the plant food without help of fire like herbivores, but we made a trade, and the trade was the ability to migrate and digest food not even animals can eat. It was a good trade. Fire good, cook broccoli with fire.
Not actually true. Cooking removes some of the toxins from plants but by no means all of them.
Also, there has never been a time when Homo Sapiens could digest plants. We have no cecum, a short colon, a long iluem and a very acidic stomach and we dont have cellulase at all.
Your body needs a number of essential nutrients only found in animal products, but there are no essential carbohydrates at all. Your brain is 60% cholesterol, as is your entire nervous system.
On the other hand you can eat raw beef, raw fish etc and be perfectly fine. It's only modern farming and processing that has caused meat to need to be cooked
This was an amazingly informative video My Carnivore Brother. Definitely sharing this 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽
Thanks mate. Glad you found it useful.
@@max.german how can i improve crooked teeth?
Great information. Well written and well presented. Kudos, Max
Brilliant work Max. This one has gone on my saved interviews. Thanks You! 💚🌏💚 Hawkes Bay 😉
Kia Ora, from Havelock nth 😊
Thanks Max, great job of making very complicated info understandable. You are an excellent teacher.
A lot of carnivore channels keep saying Designed rather than evolved.
Yes, that does make more sense to me too. The evolution theory is just a theory and quite an unrealistic one in my opinion.
Anyone who thinks something as complex as the human body happened by chance is clearly ignorant of the complexity of the human system. Even atheists that are “smart” admit live was seeded/started by something. They just refuse to believe in God. Cry more.
This is a great video, thanks Max! Ive been carnivore for 4 years, never going back.
Awesome job man. I’m learning a ton from you. Over two weeks in and feeling like a gladiator! My lifts in the gym are starting to go back up as well. Keep up the great work
Thanks mate
Wow, kudos to your production. I didn't know "kids" could make university-level videos that put to shame pretty much every nutritionists
Fantastic video, Max!!! Great editing and, of course, info. So so important.
fascinating content max. well done
Watch Naked and Afraid and you'll understand how much Animal protein and fat are NEEDED
I wish I had a wife like that
Thank you Max... Outstanding yet very simple, as always
Execellent Creative Explanation. I think this documentary has finally confirmed for me to stay carnivore for the rest of my life. But to try and convert my whanau/family to do the same could be rather difficult. Thank you Max.
My whanau won't listen..😊
Mother koala feed their baby poo.
This gives it the bacteria needed to digest the gum tree leaves
Really nice video! I'm actually pretty sure of this evidence but only stable isotope analysis was enough for me (it's very clear). Ok, we agree that we must consume animal foods primarily, but then, what parts? because it doesn't really make sense for me to just eat muscle meat, it doesn't seem like it could provide all the nutrition we need. Do you have any videos on this?
eat nose to tail. Organs, skin, fat ,bone marrow, cartillage, etc
Yes, we can thrive on just the muscle meat of ruminant animals as long as the fat content is high enough. No need for organ meat. If you do eat organs, keep that to a small amount as it can cause issues. For example, eating large or sometimes even small amounts of liver can lead to issues with copper toxicity. Inuits never ate the organs. Those went to their dogs. They thrived on the muscle meat and blubber.
@ well, I've heard from other explorers that inuits indeed eat the organs, so I don't know what to think about it. In that sense, I don't know any civilization that thrived generation after generation only eating muscle meat and fat. It's very nutritious indeed but I'm not sure is enough.
@ its probably best to eat in acordance with the animals proportions. How many pounds of liver are there im a cow per pound of muscle meat? probably not alot, so our ancestors would hve adapted the the proportions available in large animals. So id venture to say, eat a little bit of liver once a week or so.
Personally, I follow my apetite. Sometimes I find myself craving raw liver (it tastes WAY better raw, trust me), and then ill have like 100g, and not want anymore for like 3 weeks
@ I thought the same thing, I don't overdo liver anyway
Bravo, Max! This'll become one of my "You need to watch this" videos.
Cheers Lisa. Glad you enjoyed.
I am a convert to carnivore diet 6 moths in and have lost 18kg of mostly belly fat and health issues of sleep apnea, hypertension, and lower extremity edema are all resolved. Thanks for the reinforcement of the message with this excellent video!
I loved this video. I have had a stroke due to an inherited clotting disorder. I can't go carnivore uet, but i am ketovore. It will be intrresting to see in three months how my levels of anti-coagulating drugs are working.
Back to loving this video. Your arguments are ao well-laid out, so comprehensible, that you really are a great ambassador for the Proper Human Diet.
And I like your haircut and moustache. 😊
Jättebra video, välgenomtänkt, bra presentatör och informativa animationer ! 🇸🇪
(Excellent video, thanks!)
Great video. I am into my 10th month and ready to give it up. I have never cheated once on the program, but haven't lost an weight in over two months. I dropped five lbs., but it was back on two weeks later. All I eat is meat, eggs, salt, water, and occasional butter for extra fat. Your videos have been inspirational, but I need to try something different at this point. Thanks for the great videos.
Hey Scotts. Send me an email maxgermanfitness@gmail.com regarding how much you weigh, exactly what u eat each day etc. and I’ll get back to you with what I’d change.
Your body may still be healing from things you didn’t even realize were ailing. It took me a couple of years. And I still have more to get rid of (pounds that is). I experience periods of weight loss then long periods of stalls. But overall I feel much better and am starting to see positive changes in my appearance and good reports from my drs. Good luck in your journey!
This is great Max I’m showing to my friend who insists we are omnivores and not omnivores but I tell her she is wrong because humans don’t eat the leaves off trees or the grass in the ground.
I'm able to eat medium rare meat now I wasn't able before it tastes so good now ❤
Yep my tastes have changed to fattier and less cooked beef also. Weird how that happens. I crave fat. Not garbage and sweets.
Jesus why is it so hard to understand for some people 😢😢 thanks for the vid
Lack of saturated fat and cholesterol. Brain is made of saturated fat and cholesterol.
@ true
Many of the harmful compounds in plants are not specifically designed to be poisonous, but that is just a consequence due to the mismatch between plant and human biology. If you ingested a plant compound that does the same in the human body as it did in the plant, it would be bad because you're not a plant. For example, you don’t need to be sensitive to light or perform photosynthesis, so a compound that helps the plant in these ways could disrupt your normal biological processes instead.
Great video Max...I will be sharing this with some friends!!
In your face vegans !!!!
Excellent well made video max
Thanks Hilton
My ancestors didn' t fight to get to the top of the food chain for me to identify as a rabbit.
I'll be sharing this brilliant documentary with my vegan acquaintances 😉👍🏼
❤Thank you for your hard work and putting this very informative video together for us!!
He got this information from The Carnivore Code by Paul Saladino. What he doesn’t know is that Paul now eats fruits
That's because we are all dope(dopamine) fiends. Because eating sugar just makes one feel amazing. We grow up as children getting hooked on the dopamine released when we eat Skittles and Smarties. Then, when we got older, we realized that sugar was still good, but liquor is quicker, and then some get hooked on the liquor, just like the kids get hooked on all things Willy Wonka. Carnivore doesn't do this.
It is pretty wide spread knowledge that Paul eats fruit. I would be surprised if Max was not aware of that. It is also pretty wide spread knowledge that Paul is an idiot and knows little about proper human nutrition.
Fatal Mistake it may be, but it must also be pointed out that without agriculture we'd never have gotten further than the stone age phase of our existence, and no civilisation.
Is civilisation the way we have it a good thing though? It's pretty much a slave system.
Humanity without fire would not have gotten anywhere, but with it we created every fire-based weapon and caused horrible things, but it still was a good thing, right? Humans created great cities, which brought mass outbreaks of virus and bacterial plaques. Humans created wonderous medicines but then used that knowledge to create bioweapons. Humans create great things, but the bill always comes due.
Agriculture was great for our species, not our long-term health. I am so glad that we can adapt and learn as a species and realize when we have errored in our ways. I just hope it's not too late, it seems we are now prioritizing big companies profits over our health.
Definitely, good summarizing video.
Isn't it interesting how all major health organizations, governments and their institutions, basically all mainstream media, all approved professional experts, celebrities and many influencers with certain connections are promoting eating less meat and animal products?
Interesting history bit. Due to Buddhism early on in Japan, the Japanese government had a prohibition on meat consumption. The only exception was meat consumed for medical purposes. The result is that by the time General Perry opened Japanese ports, the average Japanese man was 5’0”.
Dogs are carnivores, human are omnivores that’s why we can digest gods portion of plants and dogs can’t. Here is the proof in your own argument :) PS. Just trying to be objective, no hate here
It's ok to eat vegetables, just depends on how you prepare them. And a lot of the "vegetables you can't give dogs" that you say is proof that vegetables are bad for you, are things you can give other animals just fine. It just depends on what we're evolved to ingest. Which is more things than modern dogs.
What veggies you eat today existed 500 years ago though. How can you be evolved to handle it if it’s new to our diet. Takes thousands of years to adapt. It’s okay to eat toxic crap if you aren’t sick. But when you get sick and you have colon cancer remember you were told and should know better.
@ bro the username I can’t take you seriously. Grow your own vegetables
cooking, selective agriculture, fermentation are all adaptations we have developed for extraction of energy and nutrition from plants (as valid as the use of projectile weapons and cutting implements as adaptations for eating meat) ... absolutist terminology isn't helpful, even generalisations as tricky to navigate. Outcomes for large populations of humans where eating plants has been adopted are rather strong contraindications though.
@@Talismantra Humans all around the world have been eating vegetables and fruits forever. Some of the healthiest and longest living populations throughout history and modernity eat lots of vegetables (and carbs oh no!). Idk where this “vegetables lead to poor health outcomes” thing comes from but it’s bizarre. 100% propaganda. Becoming the reverse-Ancel-Keys is not the answer. Cherry picking weird studies and conjecture are not it. Eat lots of organic, grass fed etc meat, eggs, dairy. Eat some veggies or leafy greens rich in micronutrients on the side. Have an orange or a banana once in a while. Avoid seed oils entirely. Don’t smoke or drink. That’s about it. You’ll be okay.
So is it good to eat sauerkraut? Seems like they have a lot of beneficial health effects that might outweigh the smaller amount of plant chemicals
Also is eating nuts, like hazel and walnuts fine if you buy them organic so no pesticides or herbicides were sprayed on them?
Herbivores don't eat only plants. All creatures are omnivorous. Wolves eat certain berries, grasses and other plants. And when zoologists, and botanists did their research, surprise surprise, those plants were medicinal. Majority of athletes eat an Omnivorous diet.
Mr. Max, love the arguments and the conciseness in how they are presented. I encourage you to move beyond the "bacteria-stomach acid-pathogen" hypothesis. I suppose you could just call that the germ theory of disease. The high acidity seems to be more involved in activating the proteolytic enzymes meant to break proteinaceous structures down efficiently (meat being the most protein-based thing we could ever consume). The whole reason people eat probiotic-rich foods is to actually get high levels of microorganisms into the GI tract in the first place, as well as increase the digestibility of that food of course. Could be plants, could be animal foods. I encourage you to look into High-meat (rotten, stinky, fermented meat). Many people historically, and communities of raw-meat eaters today eat the stinkiest, most rotten and putrid meat you could ever imagine, and are only empowered and nourished to the extreme. I can vouch for that. No more bacteria fear-mongering! :D
Can't wait to have some of that good salmonela, can't you, buddy?
There is no species appropriate diet for humans because different humans evolved in different places.
We all eat animals but different peoples evolved to eat different plants as well.
Carnivore is the best diet but it's not a species diet
that is true. most animals are opportunistic eaters. no animal has a 100% specific species appropriate diet. but as you said, carnivore is the best diet as it causes the least amount of stress to the body while providing every nutrient that it needs.
Evolution is a religious belief used to devolve mankind. Nature is pure intelligence far beyond the simple human brain and any man's attempt to outsmart nature only proves his own ignorance. Evolution theory is used as an excuse to make changes to mankind and go against nature. LGBTQ is Evolution etc. 😂😂
Have you tried it? Clearly you have not.
So - The Appendix. Is ours a remnant of a larger cecum we used to have? Or is it the beginning of an adaptation to eating plants?
This is one of the best videos on this topic and ive seen a few… chapeau!
The way you put this video together and delivered this information is phenomenal! This is the one I’m sending to people who don’t understand the truth. It’s short but thorough. 👏 BRAVO!
Very informative video. Thanks a lot .😊
Great presentation thank you saving to an appropriate playlist
Many nice titles in the shelf behind. Maybe The Genetic Book of The Dead is there somewhere 😃
been on canivore for over 3 months but going off as im getting inflammation and pain in my toes not sure if its gout or my shoes getting worn out causes. The last time when I went carnivore for around 2 months I notice slight inflammation in my toes near the end. Hopefully its my shoes and not gout as I feel good mental/energy wise on carnivore. I wallk non stop for my job.
Eat more animal fat than meat. 80% fat, 20% meat.
I used to have pain in my toes also. Like so bad it made me cry. I increased my salt and it went away. If I don't get enough salt, my feet hurt at night. Don't give up, just alter things, make one addition or subtraction and give it a few days. Just keep going. It will get better❤❤
Really well presented and articulated video. I totally agree. Have a good one mate!
Great video as ever Max.
Great video Max!
Great video Max.
Every human being on this planet should watch this video.
Well done! Quick, to the point, simply enough an apeman can understand it! 😂
Avocados are one of the safest non-animal foods. Along with lemons and limes, they are very low in toxins.
Yea. That's why they kill dogs..... The brain is made of saturated fat and cholesterol.
Eat properly prepared plants, eggs, and meat with raw honey as well. The idea is to supplement our nutritional profile with plants on an animal base.
If they offer no benefit what is the reason to consume them?
@andyc7747 for their nutritional benefits.
@@andyc7747I enjoy some plants. Not many but I enjoy a good amount. So just joy would be a reason.
@@chesterdamolester6990 plants malnourish
Your teeth rotting out yet? Why do you need honey? What do plants provide you other than cancer and autoimmune disorders?
What even is the difference between "omnivore" and a carnivore?
Thanks Max... on repeat 👏🏽
Do cows or lions need to be told what theyre supposed to eat? No, they naturally know it.
Humans also know deep down what they're supposed to eat. Every human naturally craves meat and animal fat.
Fun fact: If you mute this video and turn on closed captioning you can actually hear vegans screaming at their screens.
Haircut and moustache jokes are not enough to keep your normal video humour levels…disappointing 🤣.
Super vid again mate…great job 💪
thank you for this max!!
Nailed it! I am allergic to those other foods! I break out with diabetes and obesity if I eat them! I’m an obligate carnivore!!
I can easily eat all kind of fruits in unlimited quantities. I can also eat unlimited meat. ❤
Well that’s a lie.
i thought our bodies also produce oxalates also
Yes, but only as a byproduct. It's of no value to us.
I'm trying to be carnivore but it just makes me constipated, I therefore add green veg to my diet to help things through. I've often wondered if eating more fat would solve the problem. Anyone?
It will help you , you will inherently know with time how much fat your body requires. As a carnivore with so little time as 3 months you go to the bathroom 1-2 maximum and that's just fine.
Your gut is messed up. Fiber agitates it just enough so you can go. A healthy gut however encounters fiber and like anything else that shouldn't be there, it quickly eradicates it. Like if you are eating anything else bad, coming out both ends if it is really bad! 😂 Make sense?
I eat any fiber, or anything else really bad, my gut lets me know and it's coming out. Otherwise it's a peaceful twice a week affair 😊
Eat more fat than meat. You won’t be constipated, and you will have more energy.
By constipated, do you mean hard, rocky stool that just won't move or that you go much less frequently? If the stool is hard and won't move that is true constipation but if it is soft and you only go once or twice a week, that is not constipation. When eating only meat, more than 98% is absorbed in the body so there is less than 2% waste coming out the tail pipe. If you have hard stool that won't move on carnivore, it's most likely you're not eating enough fat. Fat is what softens the stool to allow it to move easily.
You need to add more animal fat to soften your stools.
Thank you Max for a very informative video.
Great job, brother! You are giving people the tools to navigate our polluted food systems. Eat meat and thrive 🤘
do you use sunbeds or have you been traveling grt
Max, I agree with you most of the time, but you are making way to big of a deal regarding ancient humans. Nobody should care about what ancient humans ate. What matters is what is best for modern humans regarding mortality and health span. Nature does not optimize for mortality and health span! You can look at the salmon who lives for one year goes upstream lays and fertilizes eggs and then dies. It is what nature "intends". However, if a salmon wanted to live longer, it would lay eggs in a different place and live a lot longer. It is very dumb to do what "nature" intended without looking at mortality evidence.
Are you suggesting that eating toxic plants would lengthen lifespan? Because that would be very ignorant.
@@NatureTriumphant I'm stating what I'm stating. It's stupid to read something else into what I'm stating.
That’s a matter of harsh environment living in the wild. Not the food (except in relation to its scarcity, leading to starvation). Animals in captivity (zoos) live longer than wild ones, their foods are still kept the same (it’s replicated to match their observed natural diet). They live longer because the wild doesn’t kill them. Same with us.
@@DroppingBearVictim I agree with you but I think you may have missed my point. My point is that blindly following "nature" does not necessarily maximize lifespan or healthspan. Another example other than my salmon example is a black widow male spider. If he wants to live a long healthy life, it will be best for him not to follow nature and go in by himself 🙂
Well done mate, a nice concise version of the truth of the matter.
Watch Simon Hill and then come back and watch this.
Higher N15 than Lions? Did we eat Lions and other predators?
This is a fantastic video that summarizes carnivore benefits.
Humans most definitely aren't carnivores. Our anatomy has nothing in common with carnivores. We were clearly designed to eat plants, though this incredible machine can survive on almost anything.
Clearly to a cultist with blinders on. What veggies existed a thousand years ago that are in your produce section today? They’re all new and our bodies can’t have adapted to them.
@ the guy who’s name is beefneggs is calling me a cultist… the irony.
@ But am I wrong? Unsurprisingly I’m not.
@ yes. You are wrong. Humans are incredibly adaptable.
What do you think about honeycomb?
Lol go eat a candle 😂
We as humans can eat them as a rare treat
Very well set out video. These facts will make a vegans head explode.
Fantastic, thank you.
Love the explanation, thank you, easier for myself to explain to others too, why Carnivore is the way to go.
You should have a talk with DR.Robert Cywes. The carb addiction doc!
Don't ever stop citing your sources it's the marker of the the greatest researchers! Great work Max!
Your looking exceptionally healthy since being on the diet.
Get a better hair style. You would look far better.
Haha ...yes, this Great presenter looks a bit like a handsome bloke who tries hard to NOT look like a handsome bloke. 😁