Rob Norris, Functional Programming with Effects
- Опубліковано 11 лют 2025
- Scale By the Bay 2019 is held on November 13-15 in sunny Oakland, California, on the shores of Lake Merritt: Join us!
Effects are good, but side-effects are bad. Well, ok. What's the difference? What do we mean when we talk about effects, and what are the rules of the game? In this beginner/intermediate talk we will talk about some familiar effects like `Option` and `List`, build up some more interesting effects of our own, and talk about how to think about programs as "computations" that are values we can manipulate like any other kind of data. Along the way we will do some equational reasoning and talk about applicative and traversable functors, monads, and other intimidating words.
Gone through this three times over at least two years time. I'll probably watch it again someday, because I get a lot out of it.
Rob Norris, you're the best ❤️❤️❤️
Thanks Rob for the great presentation, got me excited to learn more about all this, only if i can get a job here in France when i can apply and sharpen my FP knowledge with.
Really clean overview of effects in pure FP langs!
Let's talk about Reader:
Let's talk about Writer:
Great talk!
Rob starts from pure function composition and uses math to derive Kleisli composition and Monad. I liked this so much that I made some summary/overview slides for it: Arriving at monads by going from pure-function composition to effectful-function composition
mind = blown