It’s a land grab! I’ve been fighting the local water companies over my water rights here in South Texas. The Tax assessor raised my property taxes 77%. The year before that they raised my taxes 271%. My deed also goes back to a Spanish land grant 1826. It’s just greed-period!
That deed should’ve been reassessed. Raising taxes like that is horrible but grandfathering a deed is dumb on the USA side. Additionally we are in different times and need to be updated.
@@MrTakin00 The land was deeded in 1826, doesn't change where his land is now as it is the same place as back then. The taxes are re-assessed each year and have been for the past 200 years.
mrTakin The U.S. probably didn’t honor the Spanish deed. Some Spanish owners did have their deeds honored though. You say it’s dumb but it’s called a treaty and law. The point isn’t if the deed was honored or not or grandfathered. The point is if the land was first deeded then and used water that means he has a far stronger claim to own water rights then others. The government and billionaires may tax someone to death to get their stuff. If you’re rich you lobby or bribe a politican and they become a puppet or dog king. It’s like governor abbot may seem better then the democrat running there but they’re both puppets.
Exactly!! They need to install the fancy state parks and marinas along with the prime real estate for lake-front properties. Every major reservoir does this and I know because Kansas is full of them!!
Totally agree!! It's greed!! It makes me sick to my stomache. These greedy companies should not be allowed to do what they do! Stand together, fight and pray! God is in control!!!
@@TheShadow941trump is part of the elites. It’s a big club and we regular folk are not in it. Get a KJV Bible, repent ,pray for discernment and strength and place your complete Faith in Christ. Soon the antichrist will be revealed…Do not be Deceived
@TheShadow941 neither trump or Kamala are involved with shrinking the government. Remember Trumps first term promises? Check it out and see for yourself
The biggest land grab is coming with Kamala Harris and her new proposed estate tax rules which will force farming families to sell their land so they can pay Harris’ estate tax money so people can have fee housing. This will effect all of America.
YES! People are so self-centered that they don’t think about that fact! It’ll happen more and more if WE THE PEOPLE don’t stand together NOW before it’s ever lasting too late!!!
I'm from wisconsin. My girlfriend's father just sold 40 acres of wetland to some developer in minnesota. The developer bought it because they destroyed wetland in Minnesota and, by law, they needed to replace it. As you mentioned, I don't understand this way of thinking. They didn't create new Wetland to replace the Wetland that they destroyed. They simply bought someone else's already existing wetland.
Exactly! The entire “Carbon Credits” scheme is a scam, as well! Companies buying Carbon Credits because I own forested land, want to pay me a pittance to control my land, and not to cut my trees, so they can buy “Carbon Credits” from it, and claim they’ve somehow become more “GREEN.” It’s ALL a SCAM!
It’s called ‘mitigation’ or ‘set asides’. Only rich developers can pay the destroy wetlands, pay the fines, and build whatever they please. California does it all the time.
You don't own anything now. They trick you into signing it over to the state. So your basically renting your property from the state in the form of taxes. Same with a vechile. Legal dictionary definition of person is a corporation
We The People can stop a tyrannical government but it requires us to stand together. Will we or will we remain complacent, not caring about what happens to our neighbors until the government is knocking on your door.
This is overriding sovereignty and the Maxims of Law which are the same throughout the English speaking nations . It is overriding your sovereignty and the rights under the title of sovereignty. It is bullying and harassment. It is totally unnecessary. There are Primal water supplies deep within the mantle seosrate to the water table. They keep this knowledge hiidden. Rosa Koire Deborah Tavares Planned agenda ofvtheft under false flags of need
These are really fine, respectable citizens that remind me of my own family here in Florida. I never thought I'd see the day where this is possible. It ain't LEGAL !!!
Black Rock 😢 Texas need to become a sovereign state without the Fed..y'all have a mega aquifer that they are grabbing next.lone star state ..go independent 🎉
Contact The Institute For Justice!!!! I'm here in East Texas and I'm praying for them that God will protect them and there land. You purchase the land, pay property taxes year after year and some bad people come along and steal it from you. We need stop eminent domain, it is wrong.
Property taxes are unlawful. We pay sales tax everywhere, road tax, etc., etc. This taxation has turned us into a TAX-NATION. Way too much being drawn out of the pockets of men and women across this country. Collectively, if everyone stood together and refused to pay the ridiculous property tax, if they did not comply, they could not put everyone in jail. Plus, it's unlawful what they are trying to do! These families need to stand strong and push back by not giving in, by not complying. We have all given in and given so much that we are in the mess this country is in because of it. I love America and I believe that we were not meant to be tax slaves to anyone. God did not intend for us to be an enslaved nation. God bless and stand strong everyone and stand together!
What a lot of people do not understand when someone's says goverment it is actually one person pushing these agenda. "Goverment" only excits because there are people, no people on earth then not government. So it is one person or a group of people who push for all this stuff. Got to vote them out or a ride to the train station. They did this to the Native tribes and they will do it to everybody else.
@@michaelkaiser1864 I worked in Oklahoma for about a year then went to the West Texas oilfields, and it was like Holy Mother of God what have you people done.
This should be illegal. We all need to stand up against this. This woman is right too - we don’t need to be watering our lawns & wasting water the way we do. People don’t think about where their water comes from.
grass needs water to live. without grass land will erode. water goes back to the ground where it comes from and where it's naturaly filtered. the water doesn't disappear, it continues cycle
@@JasonMann-xm2bpsometimes if there's an underground natural aquifier, but bottled water companies are sucking those dry. Another consideration is people moving into areas that have been more arid for centuries like Arizona. The first thing most do is plant grass, trees, shrubs, flowers that are not native to the area and that require lots of water to live. What they should do is plant native plants and go with rocks or sparse native grass that thrives there without lots of water.
Im sharing this on my social media platforms. This is a scam. They are trying to steal your land for greed and it’s dishonest. It broke my heart. To See these people with their genuine personalities and genuine pain. I’m praying for you all. God bless you. Just remember one thing what they do in the dark eventually always comes to the light
There you go again... What are we supposed to do... Kiss your butt. Wars were fought,fights were done. Both from settlers and between other tribes.. I reckon we should just give up huh!?....
They likely drink their own probate well water and eat farm to table, so she's not been inundated by chemicals in the water and in the soil and the meat like the rest of us that rely on city water with flourish and chlorine or grocery store over processed foods. It's real...
Best statement yet paraphrased, "why do they get my home so they can water their yard?" I could easily see myself living in a place like where the lady was sitting on the porch. So quiet and peaceful.
It's really not "so people can water their lawns"-- directly. As our population increases housing shortages develop and as cities grow they sprawl ever outward. As more houses and businesses are built they have to have water. Dallas/Ft Worth is likely close to tapping out its current water resources and political leadership sees this as the easy answer to inevitable future growth. It's not gonna stop folks! Finite supply, increasing demand-- where does that lead? Phoenix has water problems, California has water problems, Salt Lake has water problems. I'm of the opinion that economists who think we can perpetually grow are on a fools errand. We can solve energy problems and the like, but I think water supply is going to be a tough nut to crack. Large scale desalination can't work if brine by-product is discarded near shore creating hyper-salination. Nor is tapping rivers in the east as we have already seen drought conditions lower the Mississippi River enough to where commercial navigation is severely curtailed and salt water pushes up as far as New Orleans. I've heard it's possible to extract water from humidity in the atmosphere, but that will likely change weather patterns and create unforeseen detrimental offsets. If our human trajectory continues we will find ourselves no better than kippers in a can and with less freedoms due to sheer crowding. And I'm not talking about Malthusian shortage and collapse. Anybody who lives a rural lifestyle knows that crowding ruins certain freedoms, drives prices up and fragments land. If you like big cities, noise and the hustle and bustle of the rat race then you have no worries. But, if you like rural peace and quiet, husbanding animals and stewarding land-- beware the encroaching hoards.
@cranseiron so are you saying people who live in rural areas, which provide food for us, should give up their homes because population growth?? 🤔 And just for the record, California doesn't have a shortage of water, just a lot blah-blah telling people that. It's all about money and control IMO. Texas STAND YOUR GROUND!
So much to be learned from country folks who choose to live simply. They don’t waste, they conserve and preserve. They aren’t entitled, they’re grateful and respectful of God given resources. They love God, love people, land and nature. God made enough for everyone but wastefulness, ambition and greed are abundant too. Make America Great because God is great!
"tHEsE FaRmErS aLSo rECeIvE GeNErOuS SubSiDiEs FrOm ThE gOVeRnMeNT"... These farmers feed your family and have taken such great care of THEIR families land over 7+ generations, that the government is taking it to make up for the people who don't care to. GOD BLESS FARMERS!
Farmers pollute surface water and ground water more than the oil and gas industry ever has. Our major water Alge issues are the result. Get a glass of water and decide how much miracle grow you should have to tolerate before you don't want to drink it.
@@donavonmacallister3101neither does your self respect or integrity or value Amen 🙏 go back to sitting in your one room apartment eating hot pockets playing cod leave the real issues to us adults!!
This will have a massive impact on the local people who depend on these families ranches for their beef. The impact is huge! The beef ranchers in our country are heroes for what they do everyday to keep our country fed❤
Right ! It takes many acres of land to raise livestock and in some states it takes several acres more to raise the same number of animals ! Look up Range management ! 137 miles from Dallas ! Smells fishy to me ! Like I have said, You can't eat houses ! Then again you have those who are doing everything they can to end the family farmer and rancher ! The New Green scam as My President says! In this instance if you need a lake there for water there would already be one there !
Every time I see an article like this, part of my soul dies...... It's so depressing. I'm sorry for y'all. This land belongs to God, and someday, I hope these thieves are punished by Him.
I hate to say it but as long as abut is governor,no Texas is not better than this, that man is not above anything. He's a bully and a crook.. let's go after HIS land and you can be sure he has a lot, let them go after him!
I'm a black farmer. My family owned 80000 acres of land in Arkansas and east Texas. In the 1920s we just had the 70000 acres of land we owned in Texas stolen by racist governments via imminent domain. Then in the 60s more land was stolen via imminent domain for sections of I-49. Under constant threat of more my grandfather sold our remaining 8000 acres and moved to pine bluff area and purchased 3000 acres. Little by little, we were hit with injunctions, orders for easement, which we were ordered to finance. Court orders for cattle guards(we didn't own livestock). My grandfather's dies in 1995 penniless and heartbroken. Having fought his entire life to keep our family heritage. Of the 300 acres that were left. 150 were willed to my uncle and 150 to my dad. My dad became a religious and turned the land to the church, which promptly sold it. My uncle held firm even adding land back up to 250 acres. He died in 2020. Splitting it 5 ways with his sons. My cousins all pissed it away selling for peanuts and my last cousin wants to sell. Citing hardships. I had to give him 20k to hold the land for me (my own family heritage) and I'm working like crazy just to keep the land. If not my family's legacy of 350 years in the United states will be reduced once again, to that of manual labor
@@Peterblack12 We all have to remember that most of the Southern State were all Democrat controlled and that was the ‘racist’ party in charge. Just like today-The Democrats wants all of us to be ‘slaves’ to them. Race and origin is not a factor.
@oO00Ooezp First of all learn to speak. Secondly my land isn't under threat of being stolen thirdly we the people can't get 100 people in the same room to agree completely on anything without having people like you having alternative motives or flat out being a turn coat.
Anyone in this country who owns acreage that the government wants is subject to this government THEFT, even my 5 1/2 acres of mountain land that we made into a working homestead. We have refused to sell to developers for probably 25-30 times. This is our security, our sons' inheritance, a place they can survive when everything falls apart. It is not about money, but heritage and family and freedom. ~Cynthia, N. GA mountains
Name the names of the government agencies and the names of the persons (unelected) and elected and their business associates pushing for this reservoir.
@@LifeintheWest What "big money" wants, it seems to get; and I will even go so far as to say "they" are controlling our govt!!!!!!!!!! We are being ruled by corporations!!!!! We actually live under a "Corporatacracy" here in the USA. (the US gov is actually a corporation, Act of 1871)
@@LifeintheWest this makes me crazy people stealing other people's land. talk to your senator Ted Cruz about this. Have him come and see you. They're doing it another States and it is an independent company that is trying to strong arm people out of their land. I've been watching this with Senate about the same thing in another state (Sen. Hawley) and they're fighting it. Make some noise with the Senate. keep reposting this make sure everybody knows what you're going through.... Have actual numbers on how many people are involved and the land will turn back to what it is now and what it will do for all the families and jobs. Make it clear on what it means by removing trees just to replace the trees. Make a chart show the number of people, jobs, cattle, destruction of usable land, loss of food for the people. I don't understand how this could ever be okay. I will pray for you all.
If as an American land owner, if you don't start fighting with all that you have then we'll all have nothing in 20 years from now. Stand your ground and don't let government dictate your or ever.
That 93 year old lady looks great and and her mind is sharp as a tack. The U.S. needs to desalienate salt water like the middle eastern countries. We could afford to if the polititions were not stealing our money and giving it to other countries.
There is no need to desalinate seawater. Just tell folks that build new houses in new subdivisions, to install their own rainwater tanks. Throughout much of the world, people routinely depend on rainwater tanks connected to the house and garage roofs. It automatically encourages folks to be economical with water (using water efficient toilets and shower-heads etc) ...and NOT watering big lawns in areas that have long dry spells, for example.
Desalination sounds like a good idea. They can even get water from the air. Texas is by the Gulf, should be water in the air. They want to take the land. Here in Missouri, Bill Gates has been buying it up. Why is Trump the one getting shot at? We could do with less of some others.
Around 29:00. Now that's humble. What do you do around here? "Not a thing." But in reality he still works around his farm, helps his neighbor with hey, and him and his wife are both first responders. But he's retired so in his mind he doesn't do nothing. I love these people. I live in a town of 356 people so I kind of relate. But nobody's trying to make my house into a lake either. So maybe I don't relate.
Urban sprawl, a friend grew up in Fort Worth and there was nothing but cattle between Dallas and there. Now you can't tell when you've left Fort Worth and entered Dallas
ive read that st pete florida is the largest sprawl in the usa . thirld world population is not being curtailed -- euro caucs are being extincted by weimar republic methods -- erosion of morals and purpose , and by the same people as then .
My tiny hometown of 3800 people North of Dallas has grown to 58,000 and the roads have not kept up with growth. Traffic is horrible. We moved out to East Texas. They are destroying Texas one town at a time. $$$$ & Greed
Hello 👋, in Texas they were also doing this with the Neighbors of TBoone Pickens, He had Senators in his pocket and they used Eminent Domain to Seize his Neighbors property. He tapped into the Aquafer and set up a pipeline to sell water to the DFW area. In Florida they used Eminent Domain to Seize private property along the St John's River. And I have noticed in other States they are using Eminent Domain to Seize the Water rights of Private wells......
@@kensterling5217 yep- I remember the scheme Pickens tried to pull on the people of Texas. He built wind farms in west Texas on cheap land that nobody wants then he wanted the People to pay for the transmission lines which required more money than the wind farms. Right of access cost more (3x more) because you have buy right of access on private property.
Watch out. They do it to create open parks, too. They did it to our family by tacking it onto a bill rushed through congress. That's the purpose of those 100s of unread pages! Beware!
I'm a Texan, and I don't want to see this done this way --- not taking people's homes for pennies on the dollar, uprooting them and harming their wealth they worked hard for. Be wary of what politicians say in public and then do in private for the private citizens they really work for. Most of them have their own financial hands in so much of it. They help their rich buddies and their rich buddies help them. Texas is dealing with water issues, and something has to be done. They give tax break incentives to big businesses and corporations, and so they move here and people move here for those jobs. They raise the taxes on the homeowners, and the corporations can take up land that they don't have to pay the same in taxes (hence they don't count the houses... and they don't pay the same tax rates at regular citizens, so they can afford to steal away people's land and homes to profiteer off of it.) I am so glad I came across this video. I saw the commissioner talking about the making of new reservoirs, and the need, but I did not know this level of detail, and where and who it is impacting, and what other potentials there are for this area. It is very important. I recall Trump praising eminent domain, and he has used it himself for one of his casinos --- wanted the woman's house spot for his parking garage. They use eminent domain to run shale oil pipelines across people's wheat fields and waterways, and they leak and burst. I have seen video of that mess running through the yards of people in subdivisions and a farmer's wheat field covered in oil. Everything ruined. Property values plummeted. When they say these things like parking garages and pipelines and more flooded farmlands are for the "public good" and it ain't even the government nor the people who will benefit the most, but a wealthy investor or a few --- and then the environment, and the taxpayers and homeowners have to eat the costs of the risks, the losses, and the damage --- more attention needs to be brought to it to dissuade it from happening. Thank you for this video. I was swayed by that commissioner, even though he is a Republican, but now that I saw this, I feel differently. It's not just uninhabited land areas they want to do this to, but to people and to prime local agricultural land, homeowners, wildlife refuges --- and to really benefit a handful of profiteers and not the people so much. Figures. And they will all be watering their lawns at those new million dollar lakefront homes and their golf course and country club areas. And we will need more water.
It's inevitable. The world changes and is constantly redeveloped. It's unreasonable to allow a land owner to essentially block progress. That is why this process exists. More importantly I doubt this came out of nowhere. I bet there were multiple points where public input was requested.
@Imaboss8ball These thoughts are why we keep hurting people. There is absolutely no reason to steal, kill and destroy. “Progress” when destroying land and people is not progress it is regression. People like to use the word “progress” to ease peoples conscious from truth screaming this is wrong. We all know it’s wrong. And doesn’t stop being wrong.
@@FindfreedomInChrist-yb7ns it's obviously not destroying the land though. It's changing the purpose of that land. These people essentially admit to hoarding land for generations. They admit to desiring to continue to hoard the land for generations. Is the rest of the world supposed to just stop and wait until they finally decide to sell? The flaw should be obvious.
I'm glad she specified that her family made offers for these companies to come drill the water, and they all said no. Proves her point that they don't want the water, just an excuse to buy their property.
@robertlight2007 Exactly my reason for getting a good ambitious lawyer wanting to make difference. This may/probably needs to be taken to federal level. When you start talking wetlands and hardwood it shouldn't be difficult
God Bless that woman!! I can’t tell you what a blessing it is to hear people care and fight for their heritage. If y’all need more folks to fight with you, holler!
What’s crazy is the news channels won’t cover this. And if they did they would say she is the “greedy one” for not wanting to share her land. I’m saddened
I honestly can't imagine how these people feel.... We have a couple thousand acres ( in a couple different plots) that has been in our family for well over a hundred years. We have had to release some acreage for highway construction, but nothing this drastic. As I'm typing this, I guess I do somewhat feel their pain.... Our land gas become extremely valuable, and none of us farm anymore, so my father and brother have started developing 40 or 50 acres a year, and it's quite heartbreaking to watch the land go and be broken up into a neighborhood.... But, my family is profiting massively, and it's mostly by choice( although, against my will), so there's still a massive difference in what these poor folks are potentially having to endure..... Godspeed to all these families. It will probably be impossible to defeat whoever is behind this because they stand to profit hundreds of millions of dollars, if not a billion+. But, there's always hope, and I certainly hope for these folks' sake that they will come out Victorious.
@SamLee-e3b We are buying land further out of town, but it's certainly not the same. We have significant history with our land. New land is just dirt, so it definitely doesn't feel the same. I'm grateful for the opportunity, but it certainly stings to watch your family's history slowly walk away, profit or not. I certainly can't imagine it being ripped away unwillingly.
I come from a long line of farmers/ranchers at the western edge of the Cross Timbers near the Clear Fork and Brazos confluence. My family history goes back before the Civil War. My great great great grandfathers brother was killed by Comanches on the 90 acre plot of land I live on. After my grandad and dad passed, we had to sell some of our property. I’m down to about 500 acres total now. When my dad died, we sold about half of what we had to a neighboring rancher. When Covid hit he turned around and sold it in small chunks of land. People from the city and out of state bought it all up, built houses, polluted the area with noise and lights. It makes me sick sometimes…but I’m grateful to have what i still do and grateful I can still take care of it.
@sunnyday7457 probably better than most, but you spoke up why don't you "educate" me. I know what it is, but I'd like to know what you're getting at... 😆
People need to start standing up for their rights, this is completely getting out of control for others greed, and the crazy part of this, the ones pushing this don't belong in our country affairs that's the whole truth of these matters, And needs to be stop in this country, and not do as they please paying off politicians to go along with their plans.
@@luhtrx5ive All of Mexico was conquered by the Americans. At the signing of the treaty, they were granted the half they wanted back. The native Americans weren't from India, quit calling them Indians. Many were conquered, and destroyed. Many survived and thrived. Ask a Choctaw. They own the entire southeastern corner of Oklahoma... private property rights, not social ownership.
4th generation Texan here my family helped establish Colleyville tx we had the general store the feed store called couches grocery tarrant county is no longer texas to me just like Dallas county Houston and Austin. Its California now and I cant stand it
First eminent domain every golf course in America along with every swimming pool. Then let's even see if we have a water issue. And if that's not enough let's remove every lawn in front of every house and in the backyard too. And then let's see if we got enough water.
Drive around the DFW area. Some the the best black bottom farmland is covered by housing developments that look like rows and rows of rabbit hutches. There are dozens of these half million dollar homes side by side for literally miles. Drive 380. It'll make you sick.
EXACTLY! We used to drive 380 coming from Louisiana heading to the panhandle and there was lots of vacant land, and various ranches, BUT you could tell housing construction already started in certain areas! Same thing happened in Katy Tx, Fort Bend county! Explosion of homes for last 10 - 15 years! How did they "know anticipate" such a need for housing?? Wal-Mart, in those areas seem to be filled with mideast people! This was 8 - 10 years back!
It’s happening right now here in Montgomery county, Conroe/Willis Texas. Mowing down oak forest to put in subdivisions. My once peaceful sleepy town is now over crowded with traffic jams. I bought my place 20 years ago to escape the rat race and now the rat race has followed me out here.
similar fight going on in Colorado, and the Colorado river water has been a bone of contention for 100 years. They cut our paid for irrigation allotment by 30% this year with no explanation
I am from Colombia, in South Amarica here. the people don't have to sell the land in reservation area, the new government program pays to the farmers to care for the land. And a lot of people are receiving land for free, thousands of hectares.
If they have family members buried on this land, it makes it a cemetery, which takes it OFF the tax records and makes it also untouchable land. Pass this on to them please. They also need to file for ALLODIAL title/land patent. That removes the govt's right to take anything, period!
-------------------------- " Are you a betting man, if the answer is yes then let me be the first to inform you " YOU JUST LOST, this corrupt Government will take anything it chooses even this property you just wait and see! " ---------------- they could care less about a family cemetery, all they will do is pass a new NO CEMETARY LAW and build that lake faster than you can blink! -------------------
We NEED farmers and ranchers! Please unite, lawyer up all the way to the Supreme Court if need be. Once you win, sue your county, your State. This cannot keep being tolerated!
I hate this for all those people. I pray that those plans will fall through. God, please help these dear people keep their land/home. There is no family home place in my family but I can imagine how powerful that would be. God bless these folks. Trinity, thanks for standing up for what is right and exposing the evil. Take care. We appreciate you. 👏🏻👏🏻
I have dealt with eminent domain before , after you negotiate your best possible offer then hire a lawyer and the lawyer is able to get you more based on income loss etc.
@@JohnnyWilliams-FreeMan Amen Brother. I am fighting to keep my water rights as much as possible. Ivy been offered pennies on the dollar for my water rights. While the public utilities rake in millions. Just look at SAWS in San Antonio.
They have been trying to do similar things for the past decade in NV. The community started an alliance Great Basin Water Network against Southern Nevada Water Authority and are still fighting it tell this day. I suggest you guys start doing the same.
Everbody is being encouraged to move to Texas ! The politicians and the people too are bragging about how great it is in Texas. Guess what, tens of millions of Californians, Canadians, and northerners are all listening.
If your city can’t survive without a reservoir then force people to move away from there. Populations are growing way to much in areas with little water
many resources are finite. Telling Dallas-Fort Worth residents to move elsewhere is easier said than done, which will require YOUR Texan tax money and all you would do is ruin other parts of Texan land and suck up their resources.
@@C1K450 Maybe don't settle in the desert? In reality its not conducive to survival. Like you say many resources are finite, especially in dry arid regions. There's a reason many ancient civilizations historically settled in coastal regions. More resources in general not just water.
@@mememeememeI know people who live in the desert in Arizona who have rain water catchment systems. They get by just fine. And it doesn't even rain much there.
This happend to my family and many many others on the Missouri River for the Owahe Reservoir, in the early 1960s . Our families lost their wealth with that , because they did not pay fair market value on the land. Some have never been paid , my family sued for their money, or I am sure we would still be waiting . Many Native people on reservations have still not been paid for land that was claimed for the Garrison Reservoir in the early 1950s. My heart goes out to all that are loosing their land to another government boonfogl. I hate to say this but they will make SURE you don't win , no matter how many lies, they have to tell, including ruining ( or at least attempting to ) your personal reputation, and turning the public sentiment against you .
@@maggietaskila8606 my father’s side of the family lost all their farm land in Missouri. It sits on the bottom of ‘Lake of the Ozark’s. Part of still remains. My Aunt sold it in ‘50’s’ what is known as Hurricane deck along the Lake. It’s worth millions now.
If this is a legitimate concern, please post contacts to Texas agencies, not your website, that we can contact on the Texas constituents' behalf. I've already left a voicemail to AG Ken Paxton. Thanks.
5:28 Speaking of oil…as of 2017, Saudi Arabia has 100% OWNERSHIP of the largest oil refinery for North America in Port Arthur, TX! People need to be aware of this!
@@whome1299 - Come to learn America is a “corporation!” Henry Kissinger was quoted for saying, “America doesn’t have friends or enemies, only interests!”
@@whome1299 Because American companies don't want to deal with the environmental issues any longer. Our oil and gas industry are converting to alternative energy. They are the biggest investors in it.
Sadly, so many Texans believe Texas is such a "free" state. The illusion they have lived under is being shattered to those that are actually paying attention. Too many "way too proud of Texas" will make excuses and justify this but money in politics has ruined every state to varying degrees.
Yup I’m from Texas and since I was a kid I wanted my own piece of land. Now I’m looking to buy property up north in Alaska where I work. Far away from all of the illegals and politicians.
The votes of the city outweigh the rural area. The U.S.Constitution has provisions for checks and balances, but the idea of a republic does not protect all minority interests - the rural folks being relatively powerless - like the natives before them
@@timothykeith1367 true and it’s pretty sad. Especially when people come in and don’t respect the people that already live there and their principles. They just come in and take and the big wigs couldn’t care less about us because they bring in more money which is all they care about. At least in Alaska I’ll have more time until people ruin that too.
@@Thehighcountryman I moved there in 1997 and left 3 years ago. Most of the native Texans had a superiority complex, so much so that they never thought that Texas could ever fall.....but it is almost complete. Within one generation Texas will be solid democrat. While I feel bad that a once staunchly conservative state has become so far removed from what it once was, but the arrogancy of so many has caused it.
@@timothykeith1367 It's that way everywhere, but few have had the arrogancy to claim that it will never happen here like the majority of native Texans. I hate it but if you think it won't happen simply because "Texas", you will never see it coming.
Mitigation. Purchase 200,000 acres. 66,000 to lake, another 66,000 for timberwoods. Leaves 68,000 for homes etc. That's a boatload of homes. Can't they find another place to do that without stealing someones land?
What that means is that these good folks will have to pay 20% in long term capital gains to the Federal Government! For every 5 acres they are forced to sell, the Federal Government will have the proceeds of 1 sent to Washington!
As bright as the Founding Fathers were, the fact that eminent domain was written in was their fatal flaw. Especially knowing the level of corruption the government was prone to. And until government officials land and homes are threatened with eminent domain , nothing will change. And the fact that this is happening in Texas is alarming. What also needs to happen is the land owner needs to drag this out in environmental impact studies the way they do land owners when they want to build a shed in their back yard. Lastly, the person whose idea this was needs to be named and publicly shamed.
Eminent domain is an evil thing....... A railroad exec bought a congressman (a long time ago) and it remains in effect today!!! Our good friends at Walmart use it a lot. (I have heard)
It’s ALL about money with zero consideration of the lives destroyed. If water conservation was the goal, mandating that all suburban lawns be replaced with xeriscaping would immediately reduce a ton of water people use for their green, lush lawns. At the very least, no watering of lawns from Halloween until St. Patrick’s would also reduce the excessive water usage. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not for telling people what they have to do on their own property. But if the options are some people get to have their nice green lawns while others are forced off their ancestral homes OR new landscaping laws for cities and suburbs with water use restrictions put in place, I know what I’d choose.
People who have never experienced being tied to a place through generations of family and hard work cannot understand how this feels. People are so mobile and impermanent they don’t have ties.
They are talking about taking water that is for the western slope of Colorado to give to Denver once again. Just heard that yesterday. If Denver had not forced farms out they wouldn’t have the need of the water. Just follow the money!
I'm still trying to figure out how Nebraska is entitled to any water from the Colorado River... Saw a story on my news channel about NE suing Colorado for water rights.
This is a shame, however, all the anger, sadness, out rage, over taking their land, only reminds me and maybe someone else, how my Anscestors felt when the US Gov TOOK our land, forced us to leave our lands that we & all my Native Bros & Sisters, know those feelings. Good thing these Texans are NOT being forced to travel away from our Homelands, with all our belongings, to Oklahoma. Oh, finally, Thank God nobody in Texas will lose their lives. That was the other choice between the walk to Oklahoma.
It's time we the people take away eminent domain away from the government. If you look at history, the US government has broken every treaty it has made.
So ridiculous!!! Disgusting! I think all these people should take the state shysters to court!!! Get on the news.... overwhelm social media with this unjustness!!!
Please contact Region C water board in Dallas. They are the ones doing this. Also contact Sid Miller, Ted Cruz, and Abbott or anyone that might listen and help.
No one and no company and no government should ever be allowed to take anything from a private citizen ever!
And yet they do it all the time. So much for freedom from an oppressive government
This is how CHINA OPERATES !
This is all about control. 😐
The majority oppression of the minority. Mybe DFW needs to halt growth and enact strict water conservation laws.
@@Dee-sn5uh If there was no eminant domain laws, many highways and bridges would not exist.
It’s a land grab! I’ve been fighting the local water companies over my water rights here in South Texas. The Tax assessor raised my property taxes 77%. The year before that they raised my taxes 271%. My deed also goes back to a Spanish land grant 1826. It’s just greed-period!
That deed should’ve been reassessed. Raising taxes like that is horrible but grandfathering a deed is dumb on the USA side. Additionally we are in different times and need to be updated.
@@MrTakin00 The land was deeded in 1826, doesn't change where his land is now as it is the same place as back then. The taxes are re-assessed each year and have been for the past 200 years.
The U.S. probably didn’t honor the Spanish deed. Some Spanish owners did have their deeds honored though. You say it’s dumb but it’s called a treaty and law.
The point isn’t if the deed was honored or not or grandfathered. The point is if the land was first deeded then and used water that means he has a far stronger claim to own water rights then others. The government and billionaires may tax someone to death to get their stuff. If you’re rich you lobby or bribe a politican and they become a puppet or dog king. It’s like governor abbot may seem better then the democrat running there but they’re both puppets.
Your amount taxes you pay, cannot go up more than 10% a year in Texas
@@ME-iy8cj 10% is a lot. Even commiefornia that Texans hate only allow for 2% every 2 years
Sounds like they’re going for 68,000 acres for water and 132,000 acres for expensive homes and a golf course.
That way they can get the democrat demographic in the areas they're trying to impact the voting populace. It's for money and power!
Exactly! It's all about lining rich people's pockets.
Texas should've kept some land for public use instead selling almost all of it. With little to no public land for people to use this is what you get.
Probably people from California. Underhanded tactics & look how just 2 billionaires, the Resnicks, own all of California's water.
Exactly!! They need to install the fancy state parks and marinas along with the prime real estate for lake-front properties. Every major reservoir does this and I know because Kansas is full of them!!
Not only do they steal the land, they want to make sure, they're the ones owning all the lake front property, afterwards.
That’s the major point. The developers want that land for lake front property sales.
We all need to collectively band together to get rid of this imminent domain nonsense.
Spelled Eminent
Totally agree!! It's greed!! It makes me sick to my stomache. These greedy companies should not be allowed to do what they do! Stand together, fight and pray! God is in control!!!
Fight, fight, fight!!!
I'm with you. We the People need to resist this tyranny. What did Thomas Jefferson say?
Imminent domain has been around since the formation of our republic. So not sure about what you say can be done.
The government needs to lose power, not gain more.
The only way that happens is Trump getting back in office
@@TheShadow941trump is part of the elites. It’s a big club and we regular folk are not in it. Get a KJV Bible, repent ,pray for discernment and strength and place your complete Faith in Christ. Soon the antichrist will be revealed…Do not be Deceived
Welcome to the watch list my friend 😂
@TheShadow941 neither trump or Kamala are involved with shrinking the government. Remember Trumps first term promises? Check it out and see for yourself
Specially this government of the Biden administratcion
People need to realize, if they can do it in Texas, they can do it ANYWHERE. No one is safe from this unless it’s stopped!
And the Texas government pretends its for the people
Go stop it
The biggest land grab is coming with Kamala Harris and her new proposed estate tax rules which will force farming families to sell their land so they can pay Harris’ estate tax money so people can have fee housing. This will effect all of America.
Yes other states watching closely
YES! People are so self-centered that they don’t think about that fact! It’ll happen more and more if WE THE PEOPLE don’t stand together NOW before it’s ever lasting too late!!!
I'm from wisconsin. My girlfriend's father just sold 40 acres of wetland to some developer in minnesota. The developer bought it because they destroyed wetland in Minnesota and, by law, they needed to replace it. As you mentioned, I don't understand this way of thinking. They didn't create new Wetland to replace the Wetland that they destroyed. They simply bought someone else's already existing wetland.
Exactly! The entire “Carbon Credits” scheme is a scam, as well! Companies buying Carbon Credits because I own forested land, want to pay me a pittance to control my land, and not to cut my trees, so they can buy “Carbon Credits” from it, and claim they’ve somehow become more “GREEN.”
It’s ALL a SCAM!
Stupid is what stupid does.
It's like washing one hand
It’s called ‘mitigation’ or ‘set asides’. Only rich developers can pay the destroy wetlands, pay the fines, and build whatever they please. California does it all the time.
@AlpacaRenee...and Californians come to Texas and bring their politics, trying to turn it into another California.
@@AlpacaRenee100% agree. CA. resident here.
Oh my God, people of Texas do not let this happen. Find Lawyers who can file lawsuits that will be tied up in court for years. Protect your land!
Yeah or take the bundy family avenue
Government is way too big
I agree completely.
Israel has the right to defend itself.
As a Texan in that area we need that water. Desperately
Like my uncle always said, even when they say it’s not about the money, it’s always about the money!
Amen to that.
Greed, power, and control.
They're taking people's homes and land for missing one tax payment, this is getting out of control
Always follow the money
Klaus Schwab has repeatedly said, "you'll own nothing, and you'll be happy". They're busy making sure of that. 👿
You don't own anything now. They trick you into signing it over to the state. So your basically renting your property from the state in the form of taxes. Same with a vechile. Legal dictionary definition of person is a corporation
You will own nothing and better be happy or else.
It is a shame but we can no longer trust the government
We The People can stop a tyrannical government but it requires us to stand together. Will we or will we remain complacent, not caring about what happens to our neighbors until the government is knocking on your door.
There's only 1 Klaus vs Billions of Us
Should not be legal for a city 137 miles away, in another county, to take land.
Yet they do.
When should it be legal to take land?
It’s the state doing it. Y’all voted them into office. 🤷🏻♀️
This is overriding sovereignty and the Maxims of Law which are the same throughout the English speaking nations .
It is overriding your sovereignty and the rights under the title of sovereignty.
It is bullying and harassment.
It is totally unnecessary.
There are Primal water supplies deep within the mantle seosrate to the water table.
They keep this knowledge hiidden.
Rosa Koire
Deborah Tavares
Planned agenda ofvtheft under false flags of need
Taking people's land is wrong. Period.
Unless they're billionaires and big corporations.
Taking Fathers seed without Due Process and disguising it as child support. Weaponized welfare
I'm sure there is another location that they could build a reservoir that wouldn't be as subject to evaporation considering how hot Texas gets.
Then you could never drive on a road or highway. It was once someone’s land that “the government stole.”
After what has happened in North Carolina with lithium mines, we SHOULD be suspicious.
Watch for another 100 year weather occurrence!
@@debp9483the sorry government controls a lot of things but not the weather
@@bobwhite825that's where your dead wrong. It's called HAARP. Do some research sheep.
This has been a plan for over a decade.
The government has too much power if it can do unjust things like this to people.
These are really fine, respectable citizens that remind me of my own family here in Florida. I never thought I'd see the day where this is possible. It ain't LEGAL !!!
Do you know what the government did to native Americans? Stole Raped and killed for the original land grab
@@lesawilkes5673so we’re the native Americans that lived there for centuries 🇺🇸
Don't forget,the government wants we the people dependent upon the government from cradle to grave for eveything
@@donniekraus1273”native americans” 😂 that’s a good one
I’m right outside of Fort Worth and this is the first time I’m hearing about it. But I’ll make damn sure that people I know will be aware of it now !
Black Rock 😢 Texas need to become a sovereign state without the Fed..y'all have a mega aquifer that they are grabbing next.lone star state ..go independent 🎉
Contact The Institute For Justice!!!! I'm here in East Texas and I'm praying for them that God will protect them and there land. You purchase the land, pay property taxes year after year and some bad people come along and steal it from you. We need stop eminent domain, it is wrong.
Property taxes are unlawful. We pay sales tax everywhere, road tax, etc., etc. This taxation has turned us into a TAX-NATION. Way too much being drawn out of the pockets of men and women across this country. Collectively, if everyone stood together and refused to pay the ridiculous property tax, if they did not comply, they could not put everyone in jail. Plus, it's unlawful what they are trying to do! These families need to stand strong and push back by not giving in, by not complying. We have all given in and given so much that we are in the mess this country is in because of it. I love America and I believe that we were not meant to be tax slaves to anyone. God did not intend for us to be an enslaved nation. God bless and stand strong everyone and stand together!
@@jarnwine4960and the tax’s keep going up Ang then they give our tax money to other countries don’t vote democrat
It's stolen land so it's ok.
If you are in East Texas, did you know about the mining for lithium that is taking place?
The Government Doesn't Even Want You To Have Your Own Water Well's AnyMore .
Have you ever tasted well water in the Permian Basin area? Not a pleasant experience.
What a lot of people do not understand when someone's says goverment it is actually one person pushing these agenda.
"Goverment" only excits because there are people, no people on earth then not government. So it is one person or a group of people who push for all this stuff.
Got to vote them out or a ride to the train station. They did this to the Native tribes and they will do it to everybody else.
@@MrLoserpatrol if its like in bronte it tastes like gasoline!
We had a eell on a deer lease. They moved in pump jacks....
@@michaelkaiser1864 I worked in Oklahoma for about a year then went to the West Texas oilfields, and it was like Holy Mother of God what have you people done.
@@MrLoserpatrolexactly it's beyond sad and crimanal
This should be illegal. We all need to stand up against this.
This woman is right too - we don’t need to be watering our lawns & wasting water the way we do. People don’t think about where their water comes from.
grass needs water to live. without grass land will erode. water goes back to the ground where it comes from and where it's naturaly filtered. the water doesn't disappear, it continues cycle
@@JasonMann-xm2bpsometimes if there's an underground natural aquifier, but bottled water companies are sucking those dry.
Another consideration is people moving into areas that have been more arid for centuries like Arizona.
The first thing most do is plant grass, trees, shrubs, flowers that are not native to the area and that require lots of water to live.
What they should do is plant native plants and go with rocks or sparse native grass that thrives there without lots of water.
@@tracyjohnson5023 if only they would plant weeds and bryars. i think weeds in my yard could survive a wild fire in Chernobyl
It is's unconstitutional! These people need to unite and refuse
Do you think that the Most High did not provide enough water for us? The water shortage is a lie, just like everything else.
Im sharing this on my social media platforms. This is a scam. They are trying to steal your land for greed and it’s dishonest. It broke my heart. To See these people with their genuine personalities and genuine pain. I’m praying for you all. God bless you. Just remember one thing what they do in the dark eventually always comes to the light
Now you know how the Native Americans felt
There you go again... What are we supposed to do... Kiss your butt. Wars were fought,fights were done. Both from settlers and between other tribes.. I reckon we should just give up huh!?....
I am sharing here in SC. But I am from San Antonio
Porch lady’s recall of stories, dates and names at the age of 92 is AMAZING! She’s right… it’s a great way of living.
Yes. Nanny was sharp as a tack! I can’t even remember those kind of things that as well as she can. My wife has to tell me who I am related to. 😄
She was awesome!! ❤
She is such a precious Gem !!
She's our "google", when we can't remember names and events, she gets called and we get answers! She is our treasure.
They likely drink their own probate well water and eat farm to table, so she's not been inundated by chemicals in the water and in the soil and the meat like the rest of us that rely on city water with flourish and chlorine or grocery store over processed foods. It's real...
Best statement yet paraphrased, "why do they get my home so they can water their yard?" I could easily see myself living in a place like where the lady was sitting on the porch. So quiet and peaceful.
It's really not "so people can water their lawns"-- directly. As our population increases housing shortages develop and as cities grow they sprawl ever outward. As more houses and businesses are built they have to have water. Dallas/Ft Worth is likely close to tapping out its current water resources and political leadership sees this as the easy answer to inevitable future growth. It's not gonna stop folks! Finite supply, increasing demand-- where does that lead? Phoenix has water problems, California has water problems, Salt Lake has water problems. I'm of the opinion that economists who think we can perpetually grow are on a fools errand. We can solve energy problems and the like, but I think water supply is going to be a tough nut to crack. Large scale desalination can't work if brine by-product is discarded near shore creating hyper-salination. Nor is tapping rivers in the east as we have already seen drought conditions lower the Mississippi River enough to where commercial navigation is severely curtailed and salt water pushes up as far as New Orleans. I've heard it's possible to extract water from humidity in the atmosphere, but that will likely change weather patterns and create unforeseen detrimental offsets. If our human trajectory continues we will find ourselves no better than kippers in a can and with less freedoms due to sheer crowding. And I'm not talking about Malthusian shortage and collapse. Anybody who lives a rural lifestyle knows that crowding ruins certain freedoms, drives prices up and fragments land. If you like big cities, noise and the hustle and bustle of the rat race then you have no worries. But, if you like rural peace and quiet, husbanding animals and stewarding land-- beware the encroaching hoards.
@@cranseironshows how little you know. It's a land grab, theft.
Cities are a real evil, a cancer, a poisonous cesspool. The city masses can always out vote the rural people. This is the evil of pure democracy!
@cranseiron The population is growing from Foreign Intruders not from native births, Stop the invasion and the problems solved.
@cranseiron so are you saying people who live in rural areas, which provide food for us, should give up their homes because population growth?? 🤔
And just for the record, California doesn't have a shortage of water, just a lot blah-blah telling people that. It's all about money and control IMO. Texas STAND YOUR GROUND!
Nobody "OWNS " land anyway because you always have to pay land rent (tax) to the government for the privilege of caretaking it.
Thats okay.. us land owners are happy to pay taxes on our land so we can riddle trespassers fulla holes😁
Yes sir, you get it. As long as you have to pay “rent” you don’t really own it. Rip out the roots of the weed or else it just comes back.
Texas has agricultural/timber exemptions for property taxes. i doubt that land has property taxes.
@@jonhill4346government is too big! We need small government officials that politics is not their min job like as before.
@@RedDogForge you still pay property taxes on the house
Stand your ground Texas.
Find out about that lithium mini g company in Texas and find out who, what, where, when, why and what are their intentions thereafter!
So much to be learned from country folks who choose to live simply. They don’t waste, they conserve and preserve. They aren’t entitled, they’re grateful and respectful of God given resources. They love God, love people, land and nature. God made enough for everyone but wastefulness, ambition and greed are abundant too. Make America Great because God is great!
Oh please lol.
"tHEsE FaRmErS aLSo rECeIvE GeNErOuS SubSiDiEs FrOm ThE gOVeRnMeNT"...
These farmers feed your family and have taken such great care of THEIR families land over 7+ generations, that the government is taking it to make up for the people who don't care to.
JOHN 3-16
Why are you talking out of both sides of your mouth?
Farmers pollute surface water and ground water more than the oil and gas industry ever has. Our major water Alge issues are the result. Get a glass of water and decide how much miracle grow you should have to tolerate before you don't want to drink it.
Please Father God protect and keep this land, people and Texas in your hands in Jesus Christ i ask Amen! 🙏 ❤
Jesus doesn't exist
In the NAME OF JESUS!! Amen 🙏🏻
@@donavonmacallister3101neither does your self respect or integrity or value
Amen 🙏 go back to sitting in your one room apartment eating hot pockets playing cod leave the real issues to us adults!!
And maybe vote out those that are pushing for this.
This will have a massive impact on the local people who depend on these families ranches for their beef. The impact is huge! The beef ranchers in our country are heroes for what they do everyday to keep our country fed❤
Hi friends.
Right ! It takes many acres of land to raise livestock and in some states it takes several acres more to raise the same number of animals !
Look up Range management !
137 miles from Dallas ! Smells fishy to me !
Like I have said, You can't eat houses ! Then again you have those who are doing everything they can to end the family farmer and rancher ! The New Green scam as My President says! In this instance if you need a lake there for water there would already be one there !
Every time I see an article like this, part of my soul dies...... It's so depressing. I'm sorry for y'all. This land belongs to God, and someday, I hope these thieves are punished by Him.
And they’re trying to put more government regulations on small ranchers and farms, to run them out of business!!
People don't need beef to survive moron, they do need water.
Like daddy always said, "They ain't making anymore land."
I'm a Lewisville resident and shared this in Facebook!!
Texas is better than this!! I am appalled
As the upcoming administration has stated, they'll do what they want and you will like it 😮
I hate to say it but as long as abut is governor,no Texas is not better than this, that man is not above anything. He's a bully and a crook.. let's go after HIS land and you can be sure he has a lot, let them go after him!
This pisses me off😡😡😡😡 The governor and even Paxton need to be alerted about this. Congressman and many more individuals. This needs to stop!
They already know about it. Abott's biggest donor built colony ridge for the illegals.
Everyone knows about this, this is not a new plan, its a long term plan.
The government Knows about this.Long befor the plan got this far.
Have you watched Yellowstone.
They are probably in on it.
They don’t care
I'm a black farmer. My family owned 80000 acres of land in Arkansas and east Texas.
In the 1920s we just had the 70000 acres of land we owned in Texas stolen by racist governments via imminent domain. Then in the 60s more land was stolen via imminent domain for sections of I-49.
Under constant threat of more my grandfather sold our remaining 8000 acres and moved to pine bluff area and purchased 3000 acres.
Little by little, we were hit with injunctions, orders for easement, which we were ordered to finance. Court orders for cattle guards(we didn't own livestock).
My grandfather's dies in 1995 penniless and heartbroken. Having fought his entire life to keep our family heritage.
Of the 300 acres that were left. 150 were willed to my uncle and 150 to my dad. My dad became a religious and turned the land to the church, which promptly sold it.
My uncle held firm even adding land back up to 250 acres.
He died in 2020. Splitting it 5 ways with his sons.
My cousins all pissed it away selling for peanuts and my last cousin wants to sell. Citing hardships.
I had to give him 20k to hold the land for me (my own family heritage) and I'm working like crazy just to keep the land.
If not my family's legacy of 350 years in the United states will be reduced once again, to that of manual labor
Heartbreaking 💔 😢
@@Peterblack12 horrible
Such a travesty..I'm so sorry what has been done to your family. I wish you well.
@@Peterblack12 We all have to remember that most of the Southern State were all Democrat controlled and that was the ‘racist’ party in charge. Just like today-The Democrats wants all of us to be ‘slaves’ to them. Race and origin is not a factor.
Beyond heartbreaking.
This is exactly why we have guns folks.
It’s about time we take George Washington’s word literal from our second amendment!!!
Guns will not stop it. It will only get the gun owner jail time.
You ain't doing nothing now go on and get yo pool noodles ready boy🤑🌊😂
@oO00Ooezp First of all learn to speak. Secondly my land isn't under threat of being stolen thirdly we the people can't get 100 people in the same room to agree completely on anything without having people like you having alternative motives or flat out being a turn coat.
Anyone in this country who owns acreage that the government wants is subject to this government THEFT, even my 5 1/2 acres of mountain land that we made into a working homestead. We have refused to sell to developers for probably 25-30 times. This is our security, our sons' inheritance, a place they can survive when everything falls apart. It is not about money, but heritage and family and freedom. ~Cynthia, N. GA mountains
That’s just how the native people felt!
@@sarahoxen5232 Yes, it is. My late best friend was Cherokee of the Eastern Band. Their history is full of government theft.
@@Freebird-oo6oe They will if they can. We are not giving up, no matter what it takes. Just need enough real men left to resist it.
See a lawyer!!!
Totally agree 🙏♥️
This is a sad state of affairs brought to you by the elites. " You will own nothing and be happy"😢
Blame welfare aka child supprt. Divide and conquer. Fathers Veterans have zero Rights at YOUR local title4dwelfareoffice
This happens in Germany too!
It should read You shall own nothing, but the bitterness and resentment planted by your government in your heart.
Globalist greed at work. Greed is all they know. At the cost of everyday man who work the land for a living.....
Start that word with a D and you're on track.
I appreciate you putting this out there, this is not talked about on any other platform.
Just what they did in Cali
People need to share this!
Name the names of the government agencies and the names of the persons (unelected) and elected and their business associates pushing for this reservoir.
Region C water board. DFW area
@@caseyconway2892 Go to the top. Greg Abbott.
Thank you for your courage.
Found the domestic terrorist
Yes plz
Thank you for bringing this to everyone’s attention. This is so terrible that the government is doing that to these Americans!
In this case I don’t even think it’s the government. This land will be taken to profit a couple of corporations I believe.
@@LifeintheWest What "big money" wants, it seems to get; and I will even go so far as to say "they" are controlling our govt!!!!!!!!!! We are being ruled by corporations!!!!! We actually live under a "Corporatacracy" here in the USA. (the US gov is actually a corporation, Act of 1871)
They’re treating foreigners a whole lot better than Americans! They probably want the land so that they can give it to illegals.
@@LifeintheWest this makes me crazy people stealing other people's land. talk to your senator Ted Cruz about this. Have him come and see you. They're doing it another States and it is an independent company that is trying to strong arm people out of their land. I've been watching this with Senate about the same thing in another state (Sen. Hawley) and they're fighting it.
Make some noise with the Senate. keep reposting this make sure everybody knows what you're going through.... Have actual numbers on how many people are involved and the land will turn back to what it is now and what it will do for all the families and jobs. Make it clear on what it means by removing trees just to replace the trees. Make a chart show the number of people, jobs, cattle, destruction of usable land, loss of food for the people. I don't understand how this could ever be okay. I will pray for you all.
If as an American land owner, if you don't start fighting with all that you have then we'll all have nothing in 20 years from now. Stand your ground and don't let government dictate your or ever.
That 93 year old lady looks great and and her mind is sharp as a tack. The U.S. needs to desalienate salt water like the middle eastern countries. We could afford to if the polititions were not stealing our money and giving it to other countries.
And we just keep sending them our money and thinking anything is going to change
They just steal all our money and then print more...
There is no need to desalinate seawater. Just tell folks that build new houses in new subdivisions, to install their own rainwater tanks. Throughout much of the world, people routinely depend on rainwater tanks connected to the house and garage roofs. It automatically encourages folks to be economical with water (using water efficient toilets and shower-heads etc) ...and NOT watering big lawns in areas that have long dry spells, for example.
Desalination sounds like a good idea. They can even get water from the air. Texas is by the Gulf, should be water in the air. They want to take the land. Here in Missouri, Bill Gates has been buying it up. Why is Trump the one getting shot at? We could do with less of some others.
Around 29:00. Now that's humble. What do you do around here? "Not a thing." But in reality he still works around his farm, helps his neighbor with hey, and him and his wife are both first responders. But he's retired so in his mind he doesn't do nothing. I love these people. I live in a town of 356 people so I kind of relate. But nobody's trying to make my house into a lake either. So maybe I don't relate.
Urban sprawl, a friend grew up in Fort Worth and there was nothing but cattle between Dallas and there. Now you can't tell when you've left Fort Worth and entered Dallas
ive read that st pete florida is the largest sprawl in the usa . thirld world population is not being curtailed -- euro caucs are being extincted by weimar republic methods -- erosion of morals and purpose , and by the same people as then .
My tiny hometown of 3800 people North of Dallas has grown to 58,000 and the roads have not kept up with growth. Traffic is horrible. We moved out to East Texas. They are destroying Texas one town at a time. $$$$ & Greed
@@energygirl9588 terrible. Its happening everywhere. Fake tears with a smirk on their face. Just horrible
Hello 👋, in Texas they were also doing this with the Neighbors of TBoone Pickens, He had Senators in his pocket and they used Eminent Domain to Seize his Neighbors property.
He tapped into the Aquafer and set up a pipeline to sell water to the DFW area.
In Florida they used Eminent Domain to Seize private property along the St John's River.
And I have noticed in other States they are using Eminent Domain to Seize the Water rights of Private wells......
Dude. I just commented on T Boone Pickens. Unbelievable
@@kensterling5217 yep- I remember the scheme Pickens tried to pull on the people of Texas. He built wind farms in west Texas on cheap land that nobody wants then he wanted the People to pay for the transmission lines which required more money than the wind farms. Right of access cost more (3x more) because you have buy right of access on private property.
Watch out. They do it to create open parks, too. They did it to our family by tacking it onto a bill rushed through congress. That's the purpose of those 100s of unread pages! Beware!
I'm a Texan, and I don't want to see this done this way --- not taking people's homes for pennies on the dollar, uprooting them and harming their wealth they worked hard for. Be wary of what politicians say in public and then do in private for the private citizens they really work for. Most of them have their own financial hands in so much of it. They help their rich buddies and their rich buddies help them.
Texas is dealing with water issues, and something has to be done. They give tax break incentives to big businesses and corporations, and so they move here and people move here for those jobs. They raise the taxes on the homeowners, and the corporations can take up land that they don't have to pay the same in taxes (hence they don't count the houses... and they don't pay the same tax rates at regular citizens, so they can afford to steal away people's land and homes to profiteer off of it.)
I am so glad I came across this video. I saw the commissioner talking about the making of new reservoirs, and the need, but I did not know this level of detail, and where and who it is impacting, and what other potentials there are for this area. It is very important.
I recall Trump praising eminent domain, and he has used it himself for one of his casinos --- wanted the woman's house spot for his parking garage. They use eminent domain to run shale oil pipelines across people's wheat fields and waterways, and they leak and burst. I have seen video of that mess running through the yards of people in subdivisions and a farmer's wheat field covered in oil. Everything ruined. Property values plummeted.
When they say these things like parking garages and pipelines and more flooded farmlands are for the "public good" and it ain't even the government nor the people who will benefit the most, but a wealthy investor or a few --- and then the environment, and the taxpayers and homeowners have to eat the costs of the risks, the losses, and the damage --- more attention needs to be brought to it to dissuade it from happening.
Thank you for this video. I was swayed by that commissioner, even though he is a Republican, but now that I saw this, I feel differently. It's not just uninhabited land areas they want to do this to, but to people and to prime local agricultural land, homeowners, wildlife refuges --- and to really benefit a handful of profiteers and not the people so much. Figures.
And they will all be watering their lawns at those new million dollar lakefront homes and their golf course and country club areas. And we will need more water.
It's inevitable. The world changes and is constantly redeveloped. It's unreasonable to allow a land owner to essentially block progress. That is why this process exists. More importantly I doubt this came out of nowhere. I bet there were multiple points where public input was requested.
Well said
@Imaboss8ball These thoughts are why we keep hurting people. There is absolutely no reason to steal, kill and destroy. “Progress” when destroying land and people is not progress it is regression. People like to use the word “progress” to ease peoples conscious from truth screaming this is wrong. We all know it’s wrong. And doesn’t stop being wrong.
@@FindfreedomInChrist-yb7ns it's obviously not destroying the land though. It's changing the purpose of that land. These people essentially admit to hoarding land for generations. They admit to desiring to continue to hoard the land for generations. Is the rest of the world supposed to just stop and wait until they finally decide to sell? The flaw should be obvious.
@@Imaboss8ball Do you “own” anything? Imagine for a moment it is happening to YOU.
I'm glad she specified that her family made offers for these companies to come drill the water, and they all said no.
Proves her point that they don't want the water, just an excuse to buy their property.
It might be hard to find but I would try to find a good ambitious young environmental lawyer . Good luck to these people. Salt of the Earth
These people might want to tap Robert Bilott for advice or contact the institute for justice.
@@thomashughes5321 it is better to get a petition and require a independent audit of county assessor.
Or maybe a good mercenary.
@@thomashughes5321 in Texas, it is almost impossible to sue a public utility because they’re protected through the Texas legislature.
@robertlight2007 Exactly my reason for getting a good ambitious lawyer wanting to make difference. This may/probably needs to be taken to federal level. When you start talking wetlands and hardwood it shouldn't be difficult
God Bless that woman!! I can’t tell you what a blessing it is to hear people care and fight for their heritage. If y’all need more folks to fight with you, holler!
What’s crazy is the news channels won’t cover this. And if they did they would say she is the “greedy one” for not wanting to share her land. I’m saddened
God be with these beautiful people. May all who come against them, wither and catastrophically FAIL!
❤ from SE Texas ❤
May it be so.
You can't just move a farm or ranch. There are hundreds of years of work, history, and experience in there.
@@sabine8419 I get more and more sad the longer I am here and the more people I meet. I cannot imagine being in these folks shoes.
I honestly can't imagine how these people feel....
We have a couple thousand acres ( in a couple different plots) that has been in our family for well over a hundred years. We have had to release some acreage for highway construction, but nothing this drastic.
As I'm typing this, I guess I do somewhat feel their pain.... Our land gas become extremely valuable, and none of us farm anymore, so my father and brother have started developing 40 or 50 acres a year, and it's quite heartbreaking to watch the land go and be broken up into a neighborhood....
But, my family is profiting massively, and it's mostly by choice( although, against my will), so there's still a massive difference in what these poor folks are potentially having to endure.....
Godspeed to all these families. It will probably be impossible to defeat whoever is behind this because they stand to profit hundreds of millions of dollars, if not a billion+. But, there's always hope, and I certainly hope for these folks' sake that they will come out Victorious.
@@weirdmood8102as a guy that has had to scrape and work to get a couple acres. If I was selling land I'd be using the money to buy more.
When government become larger, they can do what ever they want, just like CCP treat Chinese. Texas Commie just like Cal Commie.
@SamLee-e3b We are buying land further out of town, but it's certainly not the same. We have significant history with our land. New land is just dirt, so it definitely doesn't feel the same.
I'm grateful for the opportunity, but it certainly stings to watch your family's history slowly walk away, profit or not. I certainly can't imagine it being ripped away unwillingly.
Ain't nobody improving that land, it's absolutely beautiful/perfection, right now 🎯👍
And that is why they are trying to steal it from them with this unlawful land grab nonsense.
The "improvement" will be their bank accounts. Nothing else.
I come from a long line of farmers/ranchers at the western edge of the Cross Timbers near the Clear Fork and Brazos confluence. My family history goes back before the Civil War. My great great great grandfathers brother was killed by Comanches on the 90 acre plot of land I live on. After my grandad and dad passed, we had to sell some of our property. I’m down to about 500 acres total now. When my dad died, we sold about half of what we had to a neighboring rancher. When Covid hit he turned around and sold it in small chunks of land. People from the city and out of state bought it all up, built houses, polluted the area with noise and lights. It makes me sick sometimes…but I’m grateful to have what i still do and grateful I can still take care of it.
This is EXACTLY what the 2nd amendment is for.
@sunnyday7457 probably better than most, but you spoke up why don't you "educate" me. I know what it is, but I'd like to know what you're getting at... 😆
And Texans have been invited since the beginning of this beautiful state "CAME AND TAKE IT".
People need to start standing up for their rights, this is completely getting out of control for others greed, and the crazy part of this, the ones pushing this don't belong in our country affairs that's the whole truth of these matters, And needs to be stop in this country, and not do as they please paying off politicians to go along with their plans.
This pisses me off more than a little. Hard to believe this is happening in Texas. I have a lot of family in the area, I'll spread the word.
What about the Mexicans and Indians that lost the land. Years ago people were push off. I wonder how much they payed.
@@luhtrx5ive All of Mexico was conquered by the Americans. At the signing of the treaty, they were granted the half they wanted back. The native Americans weren't from India, quit calling them Indians. Many were conquered, and destroyed. Many survived and thrived. Ask a Choctaw. They own the entire southeastern corner of Oklahoma... private property rights, not social ownership.
@@trwsandfordwhat year was Mexico conquered by Americans
@luhtrx5ive history is not your strongest subject as I see.
@trwsandford no darling all Mexico was conquered by the Spanish crown, not the American people.
Thank you for not selling. Stay strong. We are with you.
4th generation Texan here my family helped establish Colleyville tx we had the general store the feed store called couches grocery tarrant county is no longer texas to me just like Dallas county Houston and Austin. Its California now and I cant stand it
First eminent domain every golf course in America along with every swimming pool. Then let's even see if we have a water issue. And if that's not enough let's remove every lawn in front of every house and in the backyard too. And then let's see if we got enough water.
We have enough water just like we have enough oil.
Golf courses use to much water!
Trinity, thank you for bringing this tragedy to the forefront! Praying for justice.
Drive around the DFW area. Some the the best black bottom farmland is covered by housing developments that look like rows and rows of rabbit hutches. There are dozens of these half million dollar homes side by side for literally miles. Drive 380. It'll make you sick.
EXACTLY! We used to drive 380 coming from Louisiana heading to the panhandle and there was lots of vacant land, and various ranches, BUT you could tell housing construction already started in certain areas! Same thing happened in Katy Tx, Fort Bend county! Explosion of homes for last 10 - 15 years! How did they "know anticipate" such a need for housing?? Wal-Mart, in those areas seem to be filled with mideast people! This was 8 - 10 years back!
Now they need other people to give them water, so they can live in luxury, thinking they are happy.
It’s happening right now here in Montgomery county, Conroe/Willis Texas.
Mowing down oak forest to put in subdivisions.
My once peaceful sleepy town is now over crowded with traffic jams.
I bought my place 20 years ago to escape the rat race and now the rat race has followed me out here.
And with a tiny postage stamp of a yard.
...But next door there's a few huge warehouses!!
No body can afford that 'luxury'
I just love the Texas folk. Sweetest most down to earth people you'd ever wanna meet! Lived in Midland Odessa area years ago. The Lone Star State!
When are people gonna stand up and fight back?
when everything is lost and we are being slaughtered or rounded up.
Our opponent has military grade outer space technology
@@rarerootsThat’s why we have to have the military on our side. Without them we don’t have a chance.
The military has nothing to do with the private sector. @bobwhite825
How! They own everything including military to fight us
similar fight going on in Colorado, and the Colorado river water has been a bone of contention for 100 years. They cut our paid for irrigation allotment by 30% this year with no explanation
Water is becoming a major excuse to put the hurt to rural America.
Coordinated attack on are food and ways of life systems.
Southern idaho doing the same
@@HomerEscobar1 Where is that?
I am from Colombia, in South Amarica here. the people don't have to sell the land in reservation area, the new government program pays to the farmers to care for the land. And a lot of people are receiving land for free, thousands of hectares.
If they have family members buried on this land, it makes it a cemetery, which takes it OFF the tax records and makes it also untouchable land. Pass this on to them please. They also need to file for ALLODIAL title/land patent. That removes the govt's right to take anything, period!
-------------------------- " Are you a betting man, if the answer is yes then let me be the first to inform you " YOU JUST LOST, this corrupt Government will take anything it chooses even this property you just wait and see! " ---------------- they could care less about a family cemetery, all they will do is pass a new NO CEMETARY LAW and build that lake faster than you can blink! -------------------
They can move a cemetery!
Fenced cemeteries are all over the place, absolutely incorrect statement
@@karenthebeekeeper5442 they moved cemetaries for blue march lake, beltsville dam, and the kinzu dam
Land is money. This is history repeating itself. This is how they destroyed black towns in the past.
Actually, They know exactly what they're doing! They don't care!!!🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
@@cherylfowler5983 Absolute power corrupts Absolutely.
We NEED farmers and ranchers! Please unite, lawyer up all the way to the Supreme Court if need be. Once you win, sue your county, your State. This cannot keep being tolerated!
The justice system is corrupt. They are the problem.
I hate this for all those people. I pray that those plans will fall through. God, please help these dear people keep their land/home. There is no family home place in my family but I can imagine how powerful that would be. God bless these folks.
Trinity, thanks for standing up for what is right and exposing the evil. Take care. We appreciate you. 👏🏻👏🏻
I have dealt with eminent domain before , after you negotiate your best possible offer then hire a lawyer and the lawyer is able to get you more based on income loss etc.
Another GREAT VIDEO!! I pray that these people will be able to keep their land.
God willing. I pray this will be stopped.
Water is going to be more expensive than Gold! Follow the Money!
@@JohnnyWilliams-FreeMan Amen Brother. I am fighting to keep my water rights as much as possible. Ivy been offered pennies on the dollar for my water rights. While the public utilities rake in millions. Just look at SAWS in San Antonio.
@@robertlight2007 The Best of Luck to you and your Family. Keep up the Fight.
You mean the kind of money that 7 million people have virus a few farmers.
They have been trying to do similar things for the past decade in NV. The community started an alliance Great Basin Water Network against Southern Nevada Water Authority and are still fighting it tell this day. I suggest you guys start doing the same.
Everbody is being encouraged to move to Texas ! The politicians and the people too are bragging about how great it is in Texas. Guess what, tens of millions of Californians, Canadians, and northerners are all listening.
If your city can’t survive without a reservoir then force people to move away from there. Populations are growing way to much in areas with little water
many resources are finite. Telling Dallas-Fort Worth residents to move elsewhere is easier said than done, which will require YOUR Texan tax money and all you would do is ruin other parts of Texan land and suck up their resources.
@@C1K450 Maybe don't settle in the desert? In reality its not conducive to survival. Like you say many resources are finite, especially in dry arid regions. There's a reason many ancient civilizations historically settled in coastal regions. More resources in general not just water.
Yeah,looks like it's cheeper to take the land that has been cleared 😠
And electricity. Texas is fast becoming a third world nation.
@@mememeememeI know people who live in the desert in Arizona who have rain water catchment systems. They get by just fine. And it doesn't even rain much there.
Thank you for this video. They are quickly destroying this state
This happend to my family and many many others on the Missouri River for the Owahe Reservoir, in the early 1960s . Our families lost their wealth with that , because they did not pay fair market value on the land. Some have never been paid , my family sued for their money, or I am sure we would still be waiting . Many Native people on reservations have still not been paid for land that was claimed for the Garrison Reservoir in the early 1950s. My heart goes out to all that are loosing their land to another government boonfogl.
I hate to say this but they will make SURE you don't win , no matter how many lies, they have to tell, including ruining ( or at least attempting to ) your personal reputation, and turning the public sentiment against you .
It’s wrong that metro areas have political leverage to steal land.
@@maggietaskila8606 my father’s side of the family lost all their farm land in Missouri. It sits on the bottom of ‘Lake of the Ozark’s. Part of still remains. My Aunt sold it in ‘50’s’ what is known as Hurricane deck along the Lake. It’s worth millions now.
Sad , not righteous.@@robertlight2007
If this is a legitimate concern, please post contacts to Texas agencies, not your website, that we can contact on the Texas constituents' behalf. I've already left a voicemail to AG Ken Paxton. Thanks.
Yes. Put the info in the description
5:28 Speaking of oil…as of 2017, Saudi Arabia has 100% OWNERSHIP of the largest oil refinery for North America in Port Arthur, TX! People need to be aware of this!
How does America let Qatar build oil refineries here? Globalism. It's pathetic.
@@whome1299 - Come to learn America is a “corporation!” Henry Kissinger was quoted for saying, “America doesn’t have friends or enemies, only interests!”
@@whome1299 Because American companies don't want to deal with the environmental issues any longer. Our oil and gas industry are converting to alternative energy. They are the biggest investors in it.
So sad
Many “conservative” Texan have got rich from that deal.
Sadly, so many Texans believe Texas is such a "free" state. The illusion they have lived under is being shattered to those that are actually paying attention. Too many "way too proud of Texas" will make excuses and justify this but money in politics has ruined every state to varying degrees.
Yup I’m from Texas and since I was a kid I wanted my own piece of land. Now I’m looking to buy property up north in Alaska where I work. Far away from all of the illegals and politicians.
The votes of the city outweigh the rural area. The U.S.Constitution has provisions for checks and balances, but the idea of a republic does not protect all minority interests - the rural folks being relatively powerless - like the natives before them
@@timothykeith1367 true and it’s pretty sad. Especially when people come in and don’t respect the people that already live there and their principles. They just come in and take and the big wigs couldn’t care less about us because they bring in more money which is all they care about. At least in Alaska I’ll have more time until people ruin that too.
@@Thehighcountryman I moved there in 1997 and left 3 years ago. Most of the native Texans had a superiority complex, so much so that they never thought that Texas could ever fall.....but it is almost complete. Within one generation Texas will be solid democrat.
While I feel bad that a once staunchly conservative state has become so far removed from what it once was, but the arrogancy of so many has caused it.
@@timothykeith1367 It's that way everywhere, but few have had the arrogancy to claim that it will never happen here like the majority of native Texans. I hate it but if you think it won't happen simply because "Texas", you will never see it coming.
I would never give up my land it's something most folks would never understand your land is something we cherish
Mitigation. Purchase 200,000 acres. 66,000 to lake, another 66,000 for timberwoods. Leaves 68,000 for homes etc. That's a boatload of homes. Can't they find another place to do that without stealing someones land?
I love the older lady’s perspective on the forced sale.
Corruption at its fullest……Lies and strong arming, get attorneys
Absolutely disgusting. This must stop.
What that means is that these good folks will have to pay 20% in long term capital gains to the Federal Government!
For every 5 acres they are forced to sell, the Federal Government will have the proceeds of 1 sent to Washington!
What sweet people! Please, Lord, protect these families and let them keep their land and homes. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻♥️♥️♥️
In Jesus' holy name I pray. Amen and amen! 🙏✝️🙏
Yet another land grab. Thismakes me furious and so sad i can hardly watch.
2A exists for a reason. It's our fault if we don't use the tools we were given for scenarios we were given them for.
As bright as the Founding Fathers were, the fact that eminent domain was written in was their fatal flaw. Especially knowing the level of corruption the government was prone to. And until government officials land and homes are threatened with eminent domain , nothing will change. And the fact that this is happening in Texas is alarming. What also needs to happen is the land owner needs to drag this out in environmental impact studies the way they do land owners when they want to build a shed in their back yard. Lastly, the person whose idea this was needs to be named and publicly shamed.
As bright. Yea that’s right because they were landlords, land owners and grabbed land too. Dim wit
Your so-called founding fathers are nothing but thieves trying to justify their thieving ways by claiming God is behind them all of the way.
Excellent video, Trinity. I sent it to a friend who lives in Plano (Dallas) to spread the word!
Thank you
It's time for we the people to take our life, freedom and property back
Tea party time
"we the people" stole it all from the Native Americans, but I'm sure their rights are much less important than yours.
Reminds me of the book
Road, River, and Ol’ Boy Politics
A Texas County’s Path from Farm to Supersuburb
By Linda Scarbrough
Eminent domain is an evil thing....... A railroad exec bought a congressman (a long time ago) and it remains in effect today!!! Our good friends at Walmart use it a lot. (I have heard)
It's time to take that law away from the government!!!
It’s ALL about money with zero consideration of the lives destroyed.
If water conservation was the goal, mandating that all suburban lawns be replaced with xeriscaping would immediately reduce a ton of water people use for their green, lush lawns. At the very least, no watering of lawns from Halloween until St. Patrick’s would also reduce the excessive water usage.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not for telling people what they have to do on their own property. But if the options are some people get to have their nice green lawns while others are forced off their ancestral homes OR new landscaping laws for cities and suburbs with water use restrictions put in place, I know what I’d choose.
People who have never experienced being tied to a place through generations of family and hard work cannot understand how this feels. People are so mobile and impermanent they don’t have ties.
Dallas needs to stop destroying the very land that held its children at their smallest point in life...
This needs to be stopped by the people. Organize to help these folks
That's exactly what we need and are hoping it reaches enough people to help.
They are talking about taking water that is for the western slope of Colorado to give to Denver once again. Just heard that yesterday.
If Denver had not forced farms out they wouldn’t have the need of the water. Just follow the money!
I'm still trying to figure out how Nebraska is entitled to any water from the Colorado River... Saw a story on my news channel about NE suing Colorado for water rights.
@@MrBowNaxe i
This is a shame, however, all the anger, sadness, out rage, over taking their land, only reminds me and maybe someone else, how my Anscestors felt when the US Gov TOOK our land, forced us to leave our lands that we & all my Native Bros & Sisters, know those feelings. Good thing these Texans are NOT being forced to travel away from our Homelands, with all our belongings, to Oklahoma. Oh, finally, Thank God nobody in Texas will lose their lives. That was the other choice between the walk to Oklahoma.
Really not that different. If they fight they’ll get locked up or killed too. Plus they aren’t guaranteed any land.
l'histoire se repete sad but true
We a tyrannical government.
It's time we the people take away eminent domain away from the government. If you look at history, the US government has broken every treaty it has made.
That would have absolutely nothing to do with the government taking these people’s property. This is a bot strategy to muddy an issue.
So ridiculous!!! Disgusting!
I think all these people should take the state shysters to court!!!
Get on the news.... overwhelm social media with this unjustness!!!
I live just outside of Dallas. There are many large lakes in and around the city. There’s no reason for them to add another reservoir.
Please contact Region C water board in Dallas. They are the ones doing this. Also contact Sid Miller, Ted Cruz, and Abbott or anyone that might listen and help.