Triumph Bonneville T140 - Electronic Ignition Wiring Tidy Up & Repair

  • Опубліковано 1 лют 2025


  • @rickconstant6106
    @rickconstant6106 Рік тому

    That's tidied it up. I prefer using those w-crimp terminals with separate sleeves, as well. The cheaper, flimsier crimping pliers seem to work best on flag terminals, as they are thinner (I've ended up with 5 different sets of crimpers for different types of terminals). They are cheap enough to grind down thinner if you need to, as well (Vehicle Wiring Products type D1).
    I've found that the split, convoluted nylon tubing is good for tidying and protecting bundles of wires, and still allows access if you need it later. It may not look very authentic, but I believe in practical mods.
    My Boyer ignition box is fixed to the inside of the right hand steel side panel, where it is out of the way (left hand side has reg/rect).

    • @bodganeering
      @bodganeering  Рік тому

      I do have a load of spiral wrap in a box somewhere but, like a lot of things, I can't find it... I tend not to go down the authentic route as I like to make 'improvements' and making life easier is a good thing.
      I think this bike was originally exported to California hence most of the wiring being in relatively good condition, just the later additions needed some TLC. I like VWP products but I seem to spend a lot of money there, I'll take a look at those crimps.
      Thanks Rick.

    • @rickconstant6106
      @rickconstant6106 Рік тому

      @@bodganeering I know what you mean about finding things. When I retired 4 years ago, everything in my car repair workshop had to be sold, binned or brought home. I now have tools, miscellaneous equipment and sundry items distributed around my house and garage. A lot of them fall into the category "I'll probably never use that again, but you never know". When that day comes, locating it is the only problem.

  • @droidster888
    @droidster888 Рік тому

    Electrical tape: boo! Shrink wrap: Yay! Posh strippers: Yay thrice Yay! I’ll get me coat…

  • @davekoss3181
    @davekoss3181 9 місяців тому

    Where can I find a diagram of all this. Mine needs major tidying up brother!

    • @bodganeering
      @bodganeering  9 місяців тому

      I'll be honest with you, there's several types of harness for these bikes over the years so there isn't one size fits all diagram, although most are pretty similar.
      Two options.
      1. Either find the year specific one on Google, buy a Haines manual with several in the back.
      2. Just dive in head first and hope for the best.
      For a tidy up I'd just repair/replace like for like as needed but you may well end up replacing the lot as these are getting a bit old and tired.