Thank you both for this very important history information. Erasing, attempting to erase or rewriting history has only one outcome which is to repeat the past. For many we can see a pattern in our society today unfortunately others cannot see this and I'm afraid we are on the cusp of repeating a horrible time in history.
This time it is not the jews they are after. Were they then? I think it's the USA about to know this. I don't know if I've ever been taught anything real. I never heard any of this talk about jews. My dad was in WWII all he feared were the Japanese.
in all governments they just keep saying what they think is reality and people will accept what their handlers will tell them. The lie repeated will be accepted as truth.
We must never let prejudice and hatred fill our lives ,we must fight it anywhere we meet it.Having seen first hand what prejudice can lead to makes it easier to fight against it and above all else we must never forget what happend during the second world war.We must not let the nazi´s come into power again and repeat what happend. I am from Denmark and will always fight against prejudice and hatred. Especially nazismn.
So happy dear Lisbeth, to find another Dane here...😊 Good to know I'm not the only Dane in the World with the same views as you and I - thanks so much and, stay strong!!
@@TheWiseMagpie1 Exactly Magpie and, they repeat so badly, one can find the words they've been trained to say, written in the old, old books they must use Every time they want to start over again..😪 It's the very same families as have been in charge for hundreds of years and, it's actually possible to see the in-breed with our own eyes by now. So, so sad and, we have to stop this before they reach their "final solution" or whatever they are calling it this time..- before they get us all killed and, our planet destroyed completely which seem to be their goal 😪😪
You are exactly right, Lisbeth. We should never harbor such hatred and prejudice in our hearts, for they will lead us to reproach, shame, and even to our doom.
@FIGHFANNERD 9 Facts have no political ideologies and no feelings they are facts nothing more and nothging less its people who can be racists or adher to other prejudices not facts.
Dear Steve, Your question here, is very close linked to my above question about the lack of any punishment at all, of the people who committed the horrible Genocide in Ukraine and Warsaw during WW2. Could this all, have to do with the fact, it was the very same people who committed this Genocide as made WW2 (Holocaust) go completely mad/out of control, when bombing Danzig (now Gdansk) September 1939? The very same people as started the pure insanity we now live through...aka the very worst crime against Humanity ever committed on our planet....and, they are proud of it 😪
@@johnsanchez6935 Energy yes or maybe we could name it insanity....the word 'insanity' which I have had about this crime many, many times and, from all the people I have asked during the past many questions about this very same punishment!?!?
I couldn't make it past 3 1/2 min in this one. She sounds exactly like the antisemites I've heard who assume generalities as facts without anything to back it. I've never seen or heard any info on early Christians condemning Jews to gain followers. Antisemitism goes much farther back into Old Testament stories, Esther being the most popular one, but there are many others going back before Moses. She's blindly biased. I just came here to learn like I have from so many other good HMM videos. Can't trust truth from this one just like I can't trust truth from an antisemite.
I think the core nature of the Jewish race and religion do set them up for hatred and a target in the least. Let's face it, they don't inter-marry, their religion in unique to them, they have their own food, dressing, culture, etc. People are often afraid or suspocious of things they don't understand. I love Isreal being a Christian, but I can see why through the age, Jews are hated, probably also because they're more often than not rich and educated
@@oaesan You are talking about one segment of an entrie race of people, the Orthodox Jews who have their own very strict traditions. For many other Jewish people being Jewish means being a good human being, loving your neighbor as yourself, doing good work in the world, speaking up for the underdog, being an example of justice and fairness. You might want to get out of your little corner and go meet more people. It could do you a world of good.
Very informative program. It’s so sad that these attitudes can thrive even today. I was brought up not to hate. I’m thankful for my parents who raised me properly.
Please help to Indian Muslims. Same thing started in India against Muslims by Indian government. They influence mob against Muslims by making movies. They have controlled 95 % media. Media also spreding hate against Muslims. Please raises your voice for Indian Muslims.
Thank you for your amazing work. I visited your Museum & it was a life-changing event. I met some incredible academics there with whom I am now creating a theatrical production. Peace & love to all & thank you again for your work.
My takeaway from this. To identify propoganda: 1) it is spread through free or subsidised channels of communication 2) it will blame a group of people and not a specific individual, usually minorities, for the problems in society 3) it will be usually based on false and unsubstantiated information. To help the children fight it off: 1) encourage them to think critically about the information they receive especially if it involves hate or anger 2) encourage them to express themselves without any fear of ridicule 3) teach them morality and ethics
More of this needs to seen because unfortunately history seems to be starting to repeat itself and it's sad and wrong. No one is better then the next person because of what they look like, their skin color or their religious beliefs and the fact that we are still dealing w blatant anti Semitism is astounding to me.
What do you mean repeat itself 😂 the media has never stopped being used to influence the masses since Hilter sooo…. Unless your living under a rock how media has been used to influence the world and control the narratives shown to the masses has stayed consistent just because most are blind to it means NOTHING
The discussion about the use of hate radio broadcasts is chilling. A hateful order over the radio literally triggered the beginning of the 1994 Rwanda genocide as well.
Thanks very much for this important and timely information. One question keep coming to mind: How comes, the people responsible for the horrible Genocide committed in Ukraine and Poland (especially Warsaw) - have never been held responsible and properly punished? This Genocide was thankfully stopped by a German officer but still - no Court cases and, nobody sent to prison?? An absolutely horrible crime against Jews as well as locals and stll, all these years later, - nothing??
Ukraine has been through many unjust genocides and famines because of other powers, its a tragedy how the people responsible for it will never be held accountable for their actions
@@milbruh6671 Exactly Milbruh! I've asked the question tons of times and, know others have done the same...still no answer!? Knowing very well who at least some of these psycho's were, doesn't make it better. In short, large parts of Colonial Europe is NOT ok, probably never was and, deserve to be stopped once and forever!!
I didn’t know this kind of thing persisted in Europe ( anti Semitic carnival floats etc . ) I am truly shocked . I am not Jewish , I don’t have to be to be disgusted by racial hate . Thank you .
You are so right, I am not a Jew but the pain through centuries which Jews have suffered should be a pain of us all. We should understand the dangers to all humanity of the ignorance which creates and fuels anti-semitism, diminishes all humanity.
I WENT to Sunday and Church all my life. I never heard them say The Jews kill Jesus . I always Jesus died for our sins . Jesus said father please forgive them for not what they done . I know this is about Jews . Black's and Jew always target . What did Black's do to German. They the same people who took Black's out of African and send them all over the world.
79 a girl I know took me to see her mom's and Grandma tattoos but that was 1 Letter and numbers . I said I wanted to see hearts or bird not numbers . I told them it looks painful . I was in the 10 grade study hall. Mrs Jude had them numbers ,I was Ike whats up with the numbers . The teacher said qell if you read ww1 and 2 you will understand. I refused to read it . I hated war and it kill people. Finally I read at after I saw Schindler List I was sooo Angry . 😠
Unfortunately it’s happening right now. Atrocities and genocide like those the Nazis committed against the Jews are being committed in China and most likely other places around the world.
It's familiar because it's going on right now not just in the US, but around the world. The unvaccinated and anyone else who is not getting in line and doing what they're told are being targeted in the same way. History is beginning to repeat itself.
Every person has a soul - actually is a soul - the souls are similar despite race despite religion etc. Only difference is the pigment on the skin. So the only valid goal in life is to promote the greatest good for the greatest number of people. L Ron Hubbard
Scientology racist Hubbard doesn't like blacks in his cult ....and please define "soul" and explain how I can verify your claims of this "soul" thing your writing about? Is this "soul" supernatural and invisible? How do you then know it exists? Questions.... questions....
The film the Eternal Jew was narrated by Harry Giese who also had narrated Ufa's deutsche Wochenschau newsreels shown in movie theaters around Germany..
Evildoers will be removed from the earth; that day will be of great joy. Psalm 91:7-9 says: "A thousand will fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, but to you it will not come near. You will only see it with your eyes as you witness the punishment of the wicked. Because you said: “Jehovah is my refuge,” you have made the Most High your dwelling."
The Bible foretells a time when peace will be achieved not through mankind. Psalm 46:9 says regarding the Creator, Jehovah God: “He is making wars to cease to the extremity of the earth.” Jehovah God will accomplish true peace by means of his Kingdom, for which many sincere people have repeatedly prayed Matthew 6:9, 10: "Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. Let your Kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also on earth." His Kingdom is not an elusive condition of the heart; it is a real government through which God will establish peace from one end of the earth to the other. The inspired prophet Isaiah foretold that subjects of that government will not “learn war anymore.” (Isaiah 2:4) By means of a worldwide educational program, people will learn to live in peace and thus “beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears.”
Anti-Semitism predated Christianity, actually. The "Eternal Jew" documentary didn't do that well at the box office when it was released, but the mentioned movie "Jud Suss" did much better, since it appealed to the viewers' preference for entertainment.
I sincerely wish the US Americans would talk as much and in as much detail about the genocide of the Native Americans (which was a great inspiration to Hitler) and Slavery, or even how they refused to accept Jewish people fleeing Germany into their country. The Germans do their own "Vergangenheitsbewältigung". Americans committed at least as many atrocities. There were no films yet, so these stories can be swept under the rug in good conscience.
It is religion, and one religion has no better reasoning than the others... religion is the base psychological underpinnings associated with the feelings that disrupt the human thinking patterns.
I stopped the upload to view the pictures of Joseph Goebbels again that I have standing with the clergy (they look like Bishops) as well as other Nazis and all of them saluting in the church cathedral.
@@oaesan This at its fundamental level is working off of the base feelings of the human, it is a matter of the psyche and woefully underdeveloped in all human beings... which people of the faith are first and foremost of their consciousness, in reality, stymied of this development to its fullest extents. It matters not the religion, but the causality affects to the mentality it brings about. Such as, emotions, behaviors, love, hate, fantasies, attitude, wishes, desires, mood, temper, sadness, joy, sympathy, feelings for others... the list of enumerations can almost be endlessly continued. Religion falls into these areas of the human mind in a destructive manner when looked at more closely. The Nazis were/are Christian conservatives for the most part, as there are many other things to mention.
Just saw your writing about religion here again and, it made me think of a poem I wrote - and published online - some years ago... "The Colonial countries are owned by the churches, The churches who control the nazi's, The nazi's are the Human race, The Human race who have chosen to believe in the churches.. And, thereby enslaving them(our)selves to this...." I have since been censored from LinkedIn...censored by a person who turn out to be part of one of the nazi-families from WW2.. Research shows that the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade, was started by above mentioned churches and, the very same families who participated in this slave trade, were also part of the very worst nazi's during WW2..and, of our "leadership" in the 21st century... We agree 100%
Isn’t the term “anti-racist” another racist term? I think so. Dr. Edna needs to look up the context of that term. Please don’t get sucked into the false belief that “anti-racist” is a good thing. It doesn’t not mean “not racist”.
What about the Palestian people who have had to live under armed occupation ,2.3 Million subjected to daily persecution ,750'000 in the Nakbar and the Open air prison where israli soldiers murder innocent civilians even those in Israel agree that its horrific BT'Selem the centre for humanity will open your eyes to the horror the Palestinians are subjected to daily ,The jewish zionists learned well from those evil people and are now doing the same to the Palestine people
These discussions are actually really informative and interesting. I stumbled on them about a year ago looking for documentaries, and I have learned so so much from them and the expert guests they have on. Worth giving a chance.
There is not others race that have been hated more in the history of the human society the Jews .But Jews will live for ever because the Creator the God of Israel will keep them, even if in every generation they have been trying different way. The Almighty is watching always!!
The mainstream idea is that they’re actually just like anybody else, so please don’t call them a race; implying difference, unless you’re some kind of Notsee
more of us southern Italians along side slavs, gypsies ,polish etc. was in thoe camps. 200 mill was the full count but they just talk about 6 mill. German was invading Palestine and did the same thing. and most yall are white germans dna will show it too not the Hebrew people. thoes who play biggest victim are the biggest oppressors.
Shalom, if you investigate Christianity you will understand it came from Rome by Constantine etc, they even changed the calendar and appointed times so their idols would be worshipped. They have , amongst others, tried to get rid of Jews so God's truth and righteous ways would be got rid of, which will never happen. Yehoshua is our Meshiach , He was born a Jew and kept His Torah perfectly which is why He was able to lay down His life in our place and be sacrificed on the altar for our forgiveness. As death had no power over Him who is God , He rose to life again I follow Yehoshua, am called a Jew and suffer because I keep the appointed times , shabat etc. I love the Jewish people and trust we can pray for the healing from falsehoods so everyone can return to Yehoshua and love everyone as Elohim requires us to. Much love and shalom
@@Truth72500 if you really have the Son, you will know Him and He will lead you in His truth and righteous ways. As our Father says, you'd better kiss the Son, and again, go away from Me, I don't know who you are". It isn't enough to just call on His Holy Name, you need a profound relationship with Him and when you do, you look like a Jew, not like a Roman
Twisted facts and flat out lies. That isn't true. I know you're talking about the great council where they outlawed Arian writings. The man teaching that was alive as the time. Yes there qS Roman influence and the RCC did adopt some idols from the pagans but this isn't the origin of Christianity and im not a Christian but youre definitely incorrect
@@Truth72500 many have the Son who don't even know they do...but to consciously reject anything God clearly reveals to a person...that's rejection of the Son and hopeless.
With all the television addicts these days, it is even easier to propagandise the masses than before. Scary.
And social media, including YT style video or TV-like platforms...
Who owns those TV stations, Henry?
You’re about 40 years behind. TELEVISION? 🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️
@@ryanparker4996 when did you become a genocidal antisemite?
@@coimbralaw He probably always was.
Thank you both for this very important history information. Erasing, attempting to erase or rewriting history has only one outcome which is to repeat the past. For many we can see a pattern in our society today unfortunately others cannot see this and I'm afraid we are on the cusp of repeating a horrible time in history.
Which is why Marxism is destroying the modem world and enslaved us all.
This time it is not the jews they are after. Were they then? I think it's the USA about to know this. I don't know if I've ever been taught anything real. I never heard any of this talk about jews. My dad was in WWII all he feared were the Japanese.
in all governments they just keep saying what they think is reality and people will accept what their handlers will tell them. The lie repeated will be accepted as truth.
The power of the media is unbelievable!
@@banomariyam3308 wow
The Jew media ? Are u referencing the Bolshevik communist satanic false Jews destroying Europe with CULTURAL MARXISM INDOCTRINATION
The media ✡️
@@Lockdown-xl2cm Now yuo see..
They cry out in pain as they strike you
Yep. Perfect description of the European gentile. They slaughter and subjugate the entire world as they cry out and act like the victim.
עם ישראל חי
The victim effect
@@atidfelixcastillo-najerala6891no it will be gone soon😂😂😂
@@atidfelixcastillo-najerala6891 العالم ضدها وسوف تزول ويتم ارسالكم الي المريخ
We must never let prejudice and hatred fill our lives ,we must fight it anywhere we meet it.Having seen first hand what prejudice can lead to makes it easier to fight against it and above all else we must never forget what happend during the second world war.We must not let the nazi´s come into power again and repeat what happend. I am from Denmark and will always fight against prejudice and hatred. Especially nazismn.
So happy dear Lisbeth, to find another Dane here...😊
Good to know I'm not the only Dane in the World with the same views as you and I - thanks so much and, stay strong!!
I agree! But they are already back in power..(were they really gone..?)
Dividing people against one and other again.
@@TheWiseMagpie1 Exactly Magpie and, they repeat so badly, one can find the words they've been trained to say, written in the old, old books they must use Every time they want to start over again..😪
It's the very same families as have been in charge for hundreds of years and, it's actually possible to see the in-breed with our own eyes by now. So, so sad and, we have to stop this before they reach their "final solution" or whatever they are calling it this time..- before they get us all killed and, our planet destroyed completely which seem to be their goal 😪😪
You are exactly right, Lisbeth. We should never harbor such hatred and prejudice in our hearts, for they will lead us to reproach, shame, and even to our doom.
@FIGHFANNERD 9 Facts have no political ideologies and no feelings they are facts nothing more and nothging less its people who can be racists or adher to other prejudices not facts.
Is it just me that sees some similarities to todays decisive rhetoric ?
Dear Steve,
Your question here, is very close linked to my above question about the lack of any punishment at all, of the people who committed the horrible Genocide in Ukraine and Warsaw during WW2.
Could this all, have to do with the fact, it was the very same people who committed this Genocide as made WW2 (Holocaust) go completely mad/out of control, when bombing Danzig (now Gdansk) September 1939?
The very same people as started the pure insanity we now live through...aka the very worst crime against Humanity ever committed on our planet....and, they are proud of it 😪
Energy only travels in one direction
@@johnsanchez6935 Energy yes or maybe we could name it insanity....the word 'insanity' which I have had about this crime many, many times and, from all the people I have asked during the past many questions about this very same punishment!?!?
You are not alone in that. For example the word 'vermin' to refer to human beings is being used in the USA now ( Nov/Dec 2023 )
I couldn't make it past 3 1/2 min in this one. She sounds exactly like the antisemites I've heard who assume generalities as facts without anything to back it. I've never seen or heard any info on early Christians condemning Jews to gain followers. Antisemitism goes much farther back into Old Testament stories, Esther being the most popular one, but there are many others going back before Moses. She's blindly biased. I just came here to learn like I have from so many other good HMM videos. Can't trust truth from this one just like I can't trust truth from an antisemite.
I was just writing something similar, but you’ve done it for me. Unbiased truth is very important….esp when the topic is so poignant and tragic.
I think the core nature of the Jewish race and religion do set them up for hatred and a target in the least. Let's face it, they don't inter-marry, their religion in unique to them, they have their own food, dressing, culture, etc. People are often afraid or suspocious of things they don't understand. I love Isreal being a Christian, but I can see why through the age, Jews are hated, probably also because they're more often than not rich and educated
@@oaesan You are talking about one segment of an entrie race of people, the Orthodox Jews who have their own very strict traditions. For many other Jewish people being Jewish means being a good human being, loving your neighbor as yourself, doing good work in the world, speaking up for the underdog, being an example of justice and fairness. You might want to get out of your little corner and go meet more people. It could do you a world of good.
Very informative program. It’s so sad that these attitudes can thrive even today. I was brought up not to hate. I’m thankful for my parents who raised me properly.
Please help to Indian Muslims.
Same thing started in India against Muslims by Indian government.
They influence mob against Muslims by making movies.
They have controlled 95 % media.
Media also spreding hate against Muslims.
Please raises your voice for Indian Muslims.
Are u referencing the Bolshevik communist satanic false Jews destroying Europe with CULTURAL MARXISM INDOCTRINATION
WHAT??? @@sunnyuutinn
Thank you for this important discussion.
Thank you for your amazing work. I visited your Museum & it was a life-changing event. I met some incredible academics there with whom I am now creating a theatrical production. Peace & love to all & thank you again for your work.
Great to have you back, I’ve been looking forward to these videos again.
My takeaway from this. To identify propoganda:
1) it is spread through free or subsidised channels of communication
2) it will blame a group of people and not a specific individual, usually minorities, for the problems in society
3) it will be usually based on false and unsubstantiated information.
To help the children fight it off:
1) encourage them to think critically about the information they receive especially if it involves hate or anger
2) encourage them to express themselves without any fear of ridicule
3) teach them morality and ethics
This reminds me of how the unvaxxinated have been treated in Canada.
Yes this is how I teach my children to identify and fight off j ish propaganda. Which is the most prevalent today
More of this needs to seen because unfortunately history seems to be starting to repeat itself and it's sad and wrong. No one is better then the next person because of what they look like, their skin color or their religious beliefs and the fact that we are still dealing w blatant anti Semitism is astounding to me.
What do you mean repeat itself 😂 the media has never stopped being used to influence the masses since Hilter sooo…. Unless your living under a rock how media has been used to influence the world and control the narratives shown to the masses has stayed consistent just because most are blind to it means NOTHING
People are not anti semitic because of what jews look , theyre wolves in sheeps clothing
All of this sounds so terrifyingly familiar.
The discussion about the use of hate radio broadcasts is chilling. A hateful order over the radio literally triggered the beginning of the 1994 Rwanda genocide as well.
Look what facebook does!
You are right, Cindy. This kind of propaganda is dangerous to the masses because it tends to corrupt their thinking.
Thanks very much for this important and timely information.
One question keep coming to mind: How comes, the people responsible for the horrible Genocide committed in Ukraine and Poland (especially Warsaw) - have never been held responsible and properly punished?
This Genocide was thankfully stopped by a German officer but still - no Court cases and, nobody sent to prison??
An absolutely horrible crime against Jews as well as locals and stll, all these years later, - nothing??
Ukraine has been through many unjust genocides and famines because of other powers, its a tragedy how the people responsible for it will never be held accountable for their actions
@@milbruh6671 Exactly Milbruh! I've asked the question tons of times and, know others have done the same...still no answer!? Knowing very well who at least some of these psycho's were, doesn't make it better.
In short, large parts of Colonial Europe is NOT ok, probably never was and, deserve to be stopped once and forever!!
I didn’t know this kind of thing persisted in Europe ( anti Semitic carnival floats etc . ) I am truly shocked . I am not Jewish , I don’t have to be to be disgusted by racial hate . Thank you .
Anti-Semitism has been around for centuries, long before Adolf Hitler and Nazism came to power in Germany.
Only Jewish production should be allowed to caricature white people through Hollywood amirite
Thank you! We appreciate your kindness and you being open minded. Many blessings to you.
False blood libel.... How many times does it have to happen to condemn it...
Some historians say this is just propaganda. Shalom
You are so right, I am not a Jew but the pain through centuries which Jews have suffered should be a pain of us all. We should understand the dangers to all humanity of the ignorance which creates and fuels anti-semitism, diminishes all humanity.
I WENT to Sunday and Church all my life. I never heard them say The Jews kill Jesus . I always Jesus died for our sins . Jesus said father please forgive them for not what they done . I know this is about Jews . Black's and Jew always target . What did Black's do to German. They the same people who took Black's out of African and send them all over the world.
They tell Black's go back to Africa. Oh yeah go back to Europe, England German whatever that country is .
79 a girl I know took me to see her mom's and Grandma tattoos but that was 1 Letter and numbers . I said I wanted to see hearts or bird not numbers . I told them it looks painful . I was in the 10 grade study hall. Mrs Jude had them numbers ,I was Ike whats up with the numbers . The teacher said qell if you read ww1 and 2 you will understand. I refused to read it . I hated war and it kill people. Finally I read at after I saw Schindler List I was sooo Angry . 😠
You are never gonna to make it.
@@jenniferfields1084 true
Both of you were SUPERB !!!
I always worry it could happen again
Unfortunately it’s happening right now. Atrocities and genocide like those the Nazis committed against the Jews are being committed in China and most likely other places around the world.
It is happening . Wake up
It's familiar because it's going on right now not just in the US, but around the world. The unvaccinated and anyone else who is not getting in line and doing what they're told are being targeted in the same way. History is beginning to repeat itself.
It will
@@missblink4611 i hope so
Manipulated or Educated?
History is repeating itself right now.
Every person has a soul - actually is a soul - the souls are similar despite race despite religion etc. Only difference is the pigment on the skin. So the only valid goal in life is to promote the greatest good for the greatest number of people. L Ron Hubbard
Scientology racist Hubbard doesn't like blacks in his cult ....and please define "soul" and explain how I can verify your claims of this "soul" thing your writing about? Is this "soul" supernatural and invisible? How do you then know it exists?
Questions.... questions....
Ok is anyone gonna make the association?
The film the Eternal Jew was narrated by Harry Giese who also had narrated Ufa's deutsche Wochenschau newsreels shown in movie theaters around Germany..
Thanks again, Dr. Friedman, for the video.
Evildoers will be removed from the earth; that day will be of great joy.
Psalm 91:7-9 says:
"A thousand will fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, but to you it will not come near. You will only see it with your eyes as you witness the punishment of the wicked. Because you said: “Jehovah is my refuge,” you have made the Most High your dwelling."
The Bible foretells a time when peace will be achieved not through mankind. Psalm 46:9 says regarding the Creator, Jehovah God:
“He is making wars to cease to the extremity of the earth.”
Jehovah God will accomplish true peace by means of his Kingdom, for which many sincere people have repeatedly prayed Matthew 6:9, 10:
"Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. Let your Kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also on earth."
His Kingdom is not an elusive condition of the heart; it is a real government through which God will establish peace from one end of the earth to the other. The inspired prophet Isaiah foretold that subjects of that government will not “learn war anymore.” (Isaiah 2:4) By means of a worldwide educational program, people will learn to live in peace and thus “beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears.”
but there was German and Jewish people in the holocaust even polish people.
There were Slavic people, there were Gypsies and many other groups. But Jews decided holocausts was only about them.
I am from Bangladesh. I don’t understand how could France allow a french cartoonist to draw such cartoon? Unbelievable!!
Its funny how hypocrites think. When they are the ones with such sick obsession. They love being the victim. They never see who they hurt
Anti-Semitism predated Christianity, actually.
The "Eternal Jew" documentary didn't do that well at the box office when it was released, but the mentioned movie "Jud Suss" did much better, since it appealed to the viewers' preference for entertainment.
They talk about the antisemitism prior to Christianity, too.
Where did the images come from? Someone must have seen it to recapture it?
Wow. You must be one of the only humans on earth who doesn't know about imagination.
I sincerely wish the US Americans would talk as much and in as much detail about the genocide of the Native Americans (which was a great inspiration to Hitler) and Slavery, or even how they refused to accept Jewish people fleeing Germany into their country. The Germans do their own "Vergangenheitsbewältigung". Americans committed at least as many atrocities. There were no films yet, so these stories can be swept under the rug in good conscience.
Great Program.
It is religion, and one religion has no better reasoning than the others... religion is the base psychological underpinnings associated with the feelings that disrupt the human thinking patterns.
I stopped the upload to view the pictures of Joseph Goebbels again that I have standing with the clergy (they look like Bishops) as well as other Nazis and all of them saluting in the church cathedral.
This is both religion and ethnicity: Jews are judiast, and Judaist are we're not just dealing with religion, we're dealing with race
@@oaesan This at its fundamental level is working off of the base feelings of the human, it is a matter of the psyche and woefully underdeveloped in all human beings... which people of the faith are first and foremost of their consciousness, in reality, stymied of this development to its fullest extents. It matters not the religion, but the causality affects to the mentality it brings about. Such as, emotions, behaviors, love, hate, fantasies, attitude, wishes, desires, mood, temper, sadness, joy, sympathy, feelings for others... the list of enumerations can almost be endlessly continued. Religion falls into these areas of the human mind in a destructive manner when looked at more closely. The Nazis were/are Christian conservatives for the most part, as there are many other things to mention.
Just saw your writing about religion here again and, it made me think of a poem I wrote - and published online - some years ago...
"The Colonial countries are owned by the churches,
The churches who control the nazi's,
The nazi's are the Human race,
The Human race who have chosen to believe in the churches..
And, thereby enslaving them(our)selves to this...."
I have since been censored from LinkedIn...censored by a person who turn out to be part of one of the nazi-families from WW2..
Research shows that the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade, was started by above mentioned churches and, the very same families who participated in this slave trade, were also part of the very worst nazi's during WW2..and, of our "leadership" in the 21st century...
We agree 100%
Genesis 12:1-3
God would curse those who curse his people.
Anyway, how is American anti-Japanese propaganda any different? 💔🌹
What anti Japanese proganda are you referring to? I've never heard anything like that. Anti China rhetoric yes anti Japanese? Nope
@@princessbiker1975 I think they’re referring to during WW2, when Japanese-Americans were accused of being spies and interned in camps.
@@IsaRican810 well thay was a LOOOONNNG time ago. Irrelevant now but I get it
These videos are so educational and helpful. Thank you.
Are u referencing the Bolshevik communist satanic false Jews destroying Europe with CULTURAL MARXISM INDOCTRINATION
Isn’t the term “anti-racist” another racist term? I think so. Dr. Edna needs to look up the context of that term. Please don’t get sucked into the false belief that “anti-racist” is a good thing. It doesn’t not mean “not racist”.
Terrifying stuff
What? De Sturmer is like clickbait? That would mean clickbait could win a presidential election…
God’s richest blessings on the Nation of Israel.
What about the Palestian people who have had to live under armed occupation ,2.3 Million subjected to daily persecution ,750'000 in the Nakbar and the Open air prison where israli soldiers murder innocent civilians even those in Israel agree that its horrific BT'Selem the centre for humanity will open your eyes to the horror the Palestinians are subjected to daily ,The jewish zionists learned well from those evil people and are now doing the same to the Palestine people
My German is minimal, but that book on the thumbnail is a disgusting book entitled The Poison Mushroom.
Disappointed. Thought this was a documentary.
These discussions are actually really informative and interesting. I stumbled on them about a year ago looking for documentaries, and I have learned so so much from them and the expert guests they have on. Worth giving a chance.
THEY did have one I was looking for it
🇺🇳25:59 🤛🇺🇳✡🇺🇳🤜
This was so compelling to listen to, and makes me want to be vigilant. I will respond to any hateful comments with “No Anti-✡“
Good goy, defend your masters😂😂😂
Hasbara. Nothing else.
There is not others race that have been hated more in the history of the human society the Jews .But Jews will live for ever because the Creator the God of Israel will keep them, even if in every generation they have been trying different way.
The Almighty is watching always!!
So are Jews some kind of super race protected by god???
@@gkelectrical1 when did you become a foaming-at-the-mouth Jew-hater?
The mainstream idea is that they’re actually just like anybody else, so please don’t call them a race; implying difference, unless you’re some kind of Notsee
more of us southern Italians along side slavs, gypsies ,polish etc. was in thoe camps. 200 mill was the full count but they just talk about 6 mill. German was invading Palestine and did the same thing. and most yall are white germans dna will show it too not the Hebrew people. thoes who play biggest victim are the biggest oppressors.
Shalom, if you investigate Christianity you will understand it came from Rome by Constantine etc, they even changed the calendar and appointed times so their idols would be worshipped. They have , amongst others, tried to get rid of Jews so God's truth and righteous ways would be got rid of, which will never happen. Yehoshua is our Meshiach , He was born a Jew and kept His Torah perfectly which is why He was able to lay down His life in our place and be sacrificed on the altar for our forgiveness. As death had no power over Him who is God , He rose to life again I follow Yehoshua, am called a Jew and suffer because I keep the appointed times , shabat etc. I love the Jewish people and trust we can pray for the healing from falsehoods so everyone can return to Yehoshua and love everyone as Elohim requires us to. Much love and shalom
*If you don't have the son you don't have the father*
@@Truth72500 if you really have the Son, you will know Him and He will lead you in His truth and righteous ways. As our Father says, you'd better kiss the Son, and again, go away from Me, I don't know who you are". It isn't enough to just call on His Holy Name, you need a profound relationship with Him and when you do, you look like a Jew, not like a Roman
@@elizabethiloveelohim137 you can't work your way to heaven
Twisted facts and flat out lies. That isn't true. I know you're talking about the great council where they outlawed Arian writings. The man teaching that was alive as the time. Yes there qS Roman influence and the RCC did adopt some idols from the pagans but this isn't the origin of Christianity and im not a Christian but youre definitely incorrect
many have the Son who don't even know they do...but to consciously reject anything God clearly reveals to a person...that's rejection of the Son and hopeless.
Shalom from Holland. Mamedov Investment Holding B.V. Tribe of Ephraim.
This should BE watched by millions shools
Dunnigan California
GODBLESS the Jewish people and GODBLESS the gentile people who protect the Jewish people in Jesus name amen 🙏
This is some next level jewing
They spit on you christians😂😂😂
I applaud this video presentation. October 19 2023 Dora PLPBLCI 2012 tm c pat r