I’m disappointed that brad seemed like such a sweet guy and all of a sudden ends up cheating on her. That’s so sad. This is why people have trust issues.
Isabella is like her sister, though. She already had to drop Bella and Maia. I honestly felt annoyed for Isabella... It's cute that they're in love/honeymoon stage and all, but it's also a red flag when a new boyfriend gets territorial towards the CLOSE people that have been consistently in her life for several years. There are boundaries. "My girlfriend's vlog." Cool and Isabella is like her sister. Slow that role lol
PLUS, Tana is so down for her friends!!! Super generous and thoughtful. She's always sharing her wealth and fortunes with her them to enjoy it with her! She's a real one, love you Tana
Kervenlee Louisdor no? I don’t know what that person above is talking about. Tana tweeted about pain helping you grow four hours ago, so I def don’t think it was a joke
I agree like I get she’s made mistakes but she’s literally 20 like which 20 year old is a perfect bitch?!?! Since she’s a UA-camr all her mistakes are thrown out there for everyone to judge
Tbh she’s problematic af, she’s always in the middle of drama, her wealth and fame have gotten to her head and she’s kinda acting like the Kardashian’s. She’s had multiple plastic surgeries but she lies about it and thinks no one will notice. The list goes on but, there are definitely valid reasons why people don’t like her.😒
Taylor McClain probably handed him a Hundo with that fake ID. Or they just don’t care, I went to plenty of restaurants underage and they just look at it for the cameras and serve you. Especially if you buy something expensive or a bottle.
Brad seemed too good to be true ngl, also his personality was pretty bland next to Tana's, it feels like he's just reacting to everything she says and isn't really his own person. She can do so much better, she has literally everything going for her and should be wary of guys that have literally everything to gain from her and don't have their own thing going on.
yeah same! like, *I watched Tana* (like im subscribed and all just dont watch every video) but I didnt know about this dude until she posted about her boyfriend cheating lol oof- I decided to come here to watch and feel him out for myself and the moment I saw his face come into frame I was like... hmm.. ok Justin bieber. lol but jokes aside, I waited until I saw him talk and interact and instantly I thought about “how does he act off camera... He seems way to chill to be in love with Tana especially since we know how crazy Tana is” lol. Like, He just seems a bit uncomfortable but not like “ahh, im never on camera and idk how to human; or I’m just tired” ~uncomfortable but like “I dont want my true personality and feelings to come out and be on film for the world to see so I’m going to feed off of her vibes to make them believe we are perfect for each other” ~uncomfortable 😂 ya know? It’s like watching a couple in their puppy dog phase/the phase where they are just feeling each other out so they are being extra to please each other and try and make it work
@@preciousgarcia2477 have you heard him speak? He is nothing to be jealous of and I've seen better looking guys at my local target, he acts and sounds like a child. Sounds more like someone is a poor judge of character.
Tana’s success strangely makes me happy. I like that she is still humble. She doesn’t try to act like she is better than everyone else, she’s still real.
Mood this mood that, literally, like, "I'm so this mental illnees", "we stan this and that", a million different genders, trying so hard to be relatable, smh [eye rolls] I hate you all humanity need to die
@@midnightscreamer2481 I can't stand those either, along with: snatched, salty, savage, low-key, sis, but go off, wig, goals, and everything else overused to the point it loses it's definition. Literally is the worst right now like holy fuk
2:39 Tana casually using a fake id
“What?” Hahahahaha
Rory Webley I WAS GONNA SAY😂😂😂
Is she not 21 yet ?
Celina Dasilva nopeee
Celina Dasilva shes 20 lmao
I think In Mexico the legal drinking age is like 18
When he says " Im seriously so in love with you" MY HEART
Disneywithshannon im happy for them but at the same time im jealous as fuck
when does he say it !
Malia Arias 11:17
*Trust issues rise even more*
remember when u took ur dad to nobu for christmas and he said "can i get a....milk?" HAHAHAH
This is so unfair . She seemed so genuinely happy . Can’t emphasize this much . I feel so bad .
tana and brad are the "i cant take you anywhere" type of friends lmao
brad is literally the cutest boyfriend ever hahahah he's obsessed with tana i love it 😍
Well he cheated on her
Brad: I'm a mess
Also Brad: watch your hair honeybear
Awwwwwwww lol
I’m disappointed that brad seemed like such a sweet guy and all of a sudden ends up cheating on her. That’s so sad. This is why people have trust issues.
Because she's a shitty person that's why lol
@@andyalexisvasquez4082 so because she’s a shitty person she should be cheated on?
@@evelyns3263 no one deserves to be cheated on. She made some mistakes in her past.
@@andyalexisvasquez4082 andd look how she laughs, I would’ve cheated too
@@Jass-qw1bn bro not liking someone doesn't give you a pass. It is more a reflection of you being a shitty person for staying at all.
brad loves her so much that it gives ME butterflies omfg hes such a sweet boyfriend
zebra king she’s in Mexico. It’s legal
zebra king I think it’s legal in Mexico
She's in la
@@Jahlen.johnson this is LA. she says shes in hollywood and then goes over to james' house right after.
I’m so happy for tana, she’s literally glowing from happiness when she’s with brad
Righttt i hope they last
YESSS that’s what I’m saying
Stampf Choke Stich what kinda cranky bitch you gotta be to hate on their happiness
Stampf Choke Stich who pissed in your cornflakes today damn
@@amayaguysick3652 the honest kind
"i'm so in love with you right now it's so f-ing insane" 11:18 Proceeds to cheat.
Her Facade it still couldve been try
Men ain’t shit lmao
I feel bad for tana low key
This video made me stan brad. He’s so fucking sweet to Tana and I thought he was funny😭💕
Stampf Choke Stich why so mean
maggie volk Y E S
Brad is literally the sweetest guy ever I'm happy for Texan taniey
when brad told her that he’s in love with her my heart cried in single 😭😭😭😭😍
haha all for him to cheat on her
When you realize Kendall and Kylie were probably eating stuff like this since they were five years old.
They're not even allowed to LOOK at the food we eat lmao canned food, boxed cereal and ramen ? Nopee
8:51 “why would you do that to my girlfriend’s vlog” WHY WAS THAT SO CUTE IM *SOBBING*
Reagan Labiak lol I read this comment when he said that
Isabella is like her sister, though. She already had to drop Bella and Maia. I honestly felt annoyed for Isabella... It's cute that they're in love/honeymoon stage and all, but it's also a red flag when a new boyfriend gets territorial towards the CLOSE people that have been consistently in her life for several years. There are boundaries.
"My girlfriend's vlog." Cool and Isabella is like her sister. Slow that role lol
He was most definitely kidding but okay 😂
Mother Laura he was obviously joking thats why it was funny
Say what you want about tana, but she is RESPECTFUL and NICE to the workers and will probably leave a FATASS tip
PLUS, Tana is so down for her friends!!! Super generous and thoughtful. She's always sharing her wealth and fortunes with her them to enjoy it with her! She's a real one, love you Tana
So damn true... she’s 100% respectful to them- I love it
Nagyaleeya McMillan truuuuuu
Yall stans act like it's hard to be nice and respectful to people lmfaooo
if the bill was 1000 she better be leaving AT LEAST 200, and that’s only 20%. so a fat tip would be like 300+ . @tanamongeau how much did u leave??!
Tana just casually used a fake ID with no hesitation 💀
We stan
Alexandra Garrison You're not Tana
I thought maybe they weren’t in America
Stan, really? More mainstream lingo that aren't actual words. Get a fucking vocabulary idiot!
@@jillians7494 freedom of speech and it's awesome:)
Stampf Choke Stich do you like Eminem?
8:17 “I’m having this at our wedding”
**5 months later marries jake paul and has no avocado caviar nobo dish**
Because they didnt actually get married 😘
The closest I’ll ever get inside Nobu. Bless you Tana
TANA this is the fifth comment of mine you’ve liked are you trying to be my friend
Jade Mikay hahah me
How do you see who liked your comments?! I can’t figure out how
Katelyn Kelly I don’t think you can ): only if the youtubers likes your comment
hi Issa joke.
Jade Mikay oh okay so you’ll get a notification if the famous youtube likes your comment? cause that’s who i want to know likes it,if they do haha
brad: *breathes*
tana: im so sorry like break up with me im the worst wanna hit me later like ruin my lifeEeEeE
ok I wasn't so sure about this relationship at first but WHAT THE HECK???? I LOVE THIS I LOVE YOU GUYS Tana is literally GLOWING
7:03: eats food with a spoon
13:36: “I hate spoons. Fun fact about me, you’ll never see me eating anything with a spoon.”
My thought exactly 😂😂
Lol... I thought the same thing!!!
Dude no troll but seriously was thinking the same thing lol 😂
The fake id was highkey the climax of the video.👏👏
tana: 20 at nobu la
also tana: orders alcohol and whips out fake id
She's 20 and turning 21 in like 2 and a half months. Age is just a number, it means nothing
And we all know she’ll probably continue using her fake for way too long after she turns 21 instead of ordering her real one lmao
the shamelessness of the fake ID moment made my wig fly to New Zealand
We hate a cheating shistar
Omg 1.2k likes im famous 😎
H I they’re actually good, it wasn’t him. he was hacked originally and the scandal was a joke. they’re perfectly fine
CreateToAchieve wait so they’re still together?
Kervenlee Louisdor no? I don’t know what that person above is talking about. Tana tweeted about pain helping you grow four hours ago, so I def don’t think it was a joke
Kervenlee Louisdor one particular message was said to be “faked”; but no, he cheated.
tasteslikechicken No, the original call out was a joke. Not tana making a joke.
Tana caring about quality??? that is true growth. 😂🤩
I don’t get why tana gets so much hate I literally love her
Nicole Barrera sis is somewhat fake and literally doesn’t learn shit from her mistakes but like she’s entertaining asf
I agree like I get she’s made mistakes but she’s literally 20 like which 20 year old is a perfect bitch?!?! Since she’s a UA-camr all her mistakes are thrown out there for everyone to judge
Tbh she’s problematic af, she’s always in the middle of drama, her wealth and fame have gotten to her head and she’s kinda acting like the Kardashian’s. She’s had multiple plastic surgeries but she lies about it and thinks no one will notice. The list goes on but, there are definitely valid reasons why people don’t like her.😒
Brad is making her better lol
I have to day I DO get why she gets so much hate but I love her regardless
i love that brad doesn’t even care about this fancy dinner, he just wants chick-fil-a
perry so true!!!! 👌🏼👌🏼
@Alexandra Garrison i have so much pity for you like ... imagine being that bored of a lowlife
Aww he want to pay for innocent animals murder and risk cancer, how sweet is he?
even tho they broke up and i feel really bad for tana with everything that happened, this is still one of my favourite videos and idk why
tana using a fake id at nobu while filming it with a dslr is so funny i- 😂😂😂😂
Taylor McClain probably handed him a Hundo with that fake ID. Or they just don’t care, I went to plenty of restaurants underage and they just look at it for the cameras and serve you. Especially if you buy something expensive or a bottle.
A fake ID queen. I adore you Tana keep living your best life ❤️ 👑
I used to hate lovey-gooey Tana, but now I honestly live for it.
go off sis, get that love🥰🥰
when she said “i’m having this at our wedding” awww :(((
Then he fucking cheat😒
Tess Hermelin more like having to this at me and jakes wedding 😂💍
This didn’t age well
@@simplyem9434 yeahhh
“do you have any id with you?”
tana uses fake id and looks at the camera smiling: “what?” 🤣
cybill banks ME
She’s the fuckin best 😭😂 literally me
Did she use a fake id ?
Mjuhu Bbko she’s only 20 so yeah it had to be fake
@@mjuhubbko2133 that's why brad made a face
Also Brad and Tana are everything. Literally makes my heart happy knowing Tana has a wholesome relationship
tana I'm SO happy for you. don't lose this boy - he's a keeper. you're glowing baby doll
TheGlitterBlog remember tanacon? She’ll never shine again
She could lose him and be fine but I am happy she is happy.
fuck brad
he cheated on her tht whole time . fuck him .
who’s here after brad cheated 😭
He looks so fucking fake in these now
@@BrooklynOn- she came out with a video that says he did
Tana's posting schedule lately has given me the will to live
Brad : “I can’t wait to go to Chick-fil-A”
Meanwhile eating a 1,000 meal 😂😂
I was so shook when Tana whipped out her fake ID
Colby and Brennen when does she whip it out
At 2:42
Brad seemed too good to be true ngl, also his personality was pretty bland next to Tana's, it feels like he's just reacting to everything she says and isn't really his own person. She can do so much better, she has literally everything going for her and should be wary of guys that have literally everything to gain from her and don't have their own thing going on.
yeah same! like, *I watched Tana* (like im subscribed and all just dont watch every video) but I didnt know about this dude until she posted about her boyfriend cheating lol oof-
I decided to come here to watch and feel him out for myself and the moment I saw his face come into frame I was like... hmm.. ok Justin bieber. lol but jokes aside, I waited until I saw him talk and interact and instantly I thought about “how does he act off camera... He seems way to chill to be in love with Tana especially since we know how crazy Tana is” lol. Like, He just seems a bit uncomfortable but not like “ahh, im never on camera and idk how to human; or I’m just tired” ~uncomfortable but like “I dont want my true personality and feelings to come out and be on film for the world to see so I’m going to feed off of her vibes to make them believe we are perfect for each other” ~uncomfortable 😂 ya know?
It’s like watching a couple in their puppy dog phase/the phase where they are just feeling each other out so they are being extra to please each other and try and make it work
“what hahahahahhaah” after handing the fake id.... A FULL MOOD
Alexandra Garrison Da fuck? Why you acting like Tana? Replying to every comment has if you are her.
YOOOO, wait.. I never thought I’d say this, but I want a boyfriend who’s so obsessed with me he will eat the literal food from MY MOUTH that I CHEWED.
He's a worthless turd
Stampf Choke Stich lmao someone is a jealous bitch
@@preciousgarcia2477 have you heard him speak? He is nothing to be jealous of and I've seen better looking guys at my local target, he acts and sounds like a child. Sounds more like someone is a poor judge of character.
MY heart is LITERALLY aching from watching Tana and Brad like I want that kind of relationship SO BADDDD
"Are you sure about that?"
Rabbid NBK lol not anymore
*Tana making us feel poor and hungry for 16 minutes 44 seconds straight.*
Nicole Rafiee what does it mean if something says highlighted comment
“Watch your hair, honey bear.” 😭😭😭😭 16:42
did she rly just use a fake ID at NOBU!?!!?💀💀😂 i cant
ellie kramer 💀
ellie kramer mhm when she’s already been arrested for underage drinking stupid bitch
Blair Waldorf and that's the tea sis😂😂😂😂
Like the iconic/problematic princess she is 😂😂😂😍
Amira sigh 🙄🤦🏻♀️ lmao
and tana most likely was made to pay for the whole dinner herself..
The woman is allowed to pay for the meal these days.
Saint Oli no one said they weren’t but the thing is is that he cheated on her and he was just using her so it’s kinda fucked
@@olliecottee no one said that
Omggg I was the 1,000th like
tana: literally anything
brad: but i love you
Tana: *uses spoon.* 5 mins later... you will literally never see me use a spoon 😂
I had to do a fact check when Tana was allowed to get alcohol
Anyone here after the breakup?
lmao thanks for the all the likes wtfff
qkkg2005 kinda sucks cuz they are kinda cute together
when did they break up?
Nope cuz they didn’t break up
How do I get myself a man like Brad???? :(
He's Canadian...of course he's great!
pisces men are the one for cancer/taurus x
No one:
Tana: apologizing or explaining anything before continuing the video
Jennifer G I mean everyone these days takes offence to literally anything :(
*tana literally does not care hahahah that FAKE ID GIRL 💀😩*
tana getting the waiter fired for duping him with fake ID
How is he going to get fired? Why would he?
Allison R how would they know? And what was the waiter supposed to do? How would he know it was fake
Allison R she’s not Taylor Swift he wouldn’t onow
Allison R why y’all gotta expose her like that tho ?😂😂
It’s not a fake Id it’s a real id it’s just her friends that looks a lot like her so he probably wouldn’t get in trouble
Literally the very end....
brad: “watch your hair honey bear”
Like omfg they are THE cutest
“Why would you do that to my girlfriends vlog” I live for you guys pls never break up
tana crying and eating avocado and caviar: ohH mY goD it’s So gOoOoD I- I jUst iTs ThE lOve Of mY liFeee
I don’t really watch her and I saw Brad and I thought he LITERALY WAS JUSTIN BIEBER
Same df
he’s the guy who faked the justin bieber burrito thingy
I was literally smiling the whole time from Tana and Brad's connecting. "I'm so in love with you it's insane" They are SO CUTE!!
love that u and your boyfriend feed each other like birds
"I tHinNk I'm KiNdA alLeRgIc To iT bEcAuSe EvErY tImE I EaT It I cAn'T BrEaThE a LiTtlE" lmaoooooo I love youu
they’re actually so cute together i love their relationship.
Didn’t last too long...
Brekayla Sargent they broke up???
Tana: eats avocado tartare with a spoon
Tana 5 minutes later: you will NEVER see me eat anything with a spoon
Ok sis
Shelbzzz I was looking for this comment 😂😂
Shelbzzz ahahahahaha Ahahahah
Shelbzzz rewound just to see what she ate that shit with before I saw this comment😂
brad really loves you :,) it’s so cute seeing you two together
The cutest thing I’ve ever seen Brad feeding tana because she doesn’t know how to use chopsticks ADORABLE!!!❤️
Tana’s success strangely makes me happy. I like that she is still humble. She doesn’t try to act like she is better than everyone else, she’s still real.
i'm so jealous of brad and tana's relationship, it is so quirky and cute I can't standdddd it
Aww it just makes me wanna puke and shit at the same time
@@midnightscreamer2481 this is the funniest comment I've seen all day 😂😂😂😂
@@MrHillBill2766 we know u r
@@MrHillBill2766 yeah that explains why u still didn't develope enough braincells
Nicole Nova are her and Bella still dating? Like what is happening?...
Tana’s last video:don’t worry brands we’re in a different country so it’s legal!!
Tana in this video:*blatantly uses a fake id*
Wait how old is she
prince eliel 20
Kenna Tupper in Mexico is legal once you re older than 18
Yasmim Carvalho cool...this wasn’t in Mexico
“you will never see me eat anything with a spoon”
*cue the avocado tartar portion of the vid*
Watching Tana eat a $1,000 dinner while I eat microwaveable waffles.
Bruv put em in the toaster
moll t for real
Omg you just reminded me that I have waffles thank you so much you like made my night
micro...waveable.... waffles?
moll t everyone tells me that, but I like when they are soggy 😅
Literally LIVE for you and Brad. Upload a 5hr vid of you and him doing absolutely nothing and I'd watch the entire thing!! ❤❤❤
Lydia V yes same.
Tana: I’m bouta flex on all yas
Also Tana: disclaimer I use to have no money and I’m not trying to flex or anything
**used spoon 1 minute ago to eat caviar**
*you will never see me eating anything with a spoon!!*
Marie Rouse lmao
I literally love this video so much. Their such a genuine weird ass couple and I love it. My PARENTS🤧
“My chest pains have dissipated, my skin is clear, my grades are good” lmao
tana using her fake to get her martini hahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha
6:05 “how rich could things get”
Today: *wakes up in Jake Paul’s mansion every morning*
tana: espresso with alcohol gets you more drunk
I love how we can go from a sloppy blackout drunk video to this. Being a Tana fan is a journey! ❤
Cheyenne Wesley exactly
Yes can she plz answer this
I love when brad is Canadian asf “what do we have here anyways” HAHAHAHA
SAME lmao real canadians know
Omg.. I thought he looked a little like justin bieber 😂😂
Ur actually gorgeous
tana: "you will never see me eat anything with a spoon"
but tana at 7:05
we will always stan tho
no one:
not a single soul:
not imari himself:
tana: *doesn’t film intro*
i love brad. i think he's perfect for tana and i hope they stay together forever
me 2 :’)
Brad apologising for being hungover is a WHOLE MOOOD🙌
@Alexandra Garrison your deluted 😂😂
@Alex Eliza you think your tana 😂
Mood this mood that, literally, like, "I'm so this mental illnees", "we stan this and that", a million different genders, trying so hard to be relatable, smh [eye rolls] I hate you all humanity need to die
@Alex Eliza of course its a joke 😂😂
@@midnightscreamer2481 I can't stand those either, along with: snatched, salty, savage, low-key, sis, but go off, wig, goals, and everything else overused to the point it loses it's definition. Literally is the worst right now like holy fuk
brad: "everyone is going to think im an asshole"
tana: "no they wont"
everyone: "Yeah we fuckin do"
did brad ever get chick-fil-a
Watching you and Brad makes me wish I had a boyfriend omg😍
"You'll never see me eat anything with a spoon"
Literally was devouring that avocado and caviar stuff with a spoon not even 10 minutes ago
lol i thought this
Idk if it’s just me but it’s so humbling and nice how she thanks every single waiter
This video literally called me broke and single for the rest of my life.
It be like that sometimes. 🤷♂️🤠
Take a shot every time Tana says “Nobu”
brianna C hospitalized in like a minute
these comments did not age well at all
they’re so cute idc what anyone says i hope they last
z g same I love them togetherrr💓💓
Sure if you like bozos in a relationship, hopefully someone will cheat or they both get ran over by a train
Stampf Choke Stich clearly udidn’t read my comment bc i said “idc what anyone says” but tana should thank u for the view u gave her💗
@@zg3869 yep and I'm here too talk shit thanks for your passive aggressive little retort there
Stampf Choke Stich damn bitch your here too,this is the second time I saw you leaving a hate comment on the same video about the same thing 🙄