Juno Reactor - Navras (The Matrix Theme) (8D Audio Elite)

  • Опубліковано 15 сер 2020
  • 🎧Perhaps the best virtual reality acoustic experience🎧
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    #8daudioelite #8D #Music #Songs #Audio #Tunes #Elite
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  • @sandraroberts7157
    @sandraroberts7157 3 роки тому +3

    One of my favorite movie and this music takes me back in time wow just WoW. 😊

  • @crazypixels2117
    @crazypixels2117 2 роки тому


  • @logan2.069
    @logan2.069 3 роки тому +1


  • @Grand.auto.9000-
    @Grand.auto.9000- 2 роки тому


  • @Aorlando8
    @Aorlando8 2 роки тому +1

    “So all this time the Skykeys were hidden in the physical universe.
    He reduced (in size) the keys to the cosmic eyes not being able to see her nor feel her power.
    He (God) knew that the Skykey would never be safe in heaven because I attend the Assembly of Angels from eternity to eternity to give an account and take the opportunity to take advantage of those innocent angels (who don't know what malice is, lying and deception) because they never lied to anyone, were never malicious with anyone and never deceived anyone. (Job 1:6 and 2:1)
    Those idiot angels (suckers) will never ascend (rise) from the status-quo (heavenly).
    That's why they remain the same, from eternity (duodecillions of years) to eternity the angels perform the same function (position, commission) of Him.
    It has no higher (ambitious) aspirations (pretensions).
    They never seek (aspire to) promote (meritocracy) others to be promoted.
    Then, in the end, they self-promote (more meritocratic) over those promoted (less meritocratic).
    Angels are vacillating (very silly to court) of the King (The Son of God) of them.
    Someone like me (Lucifer) could not bear to spend another eternity (duodecillions) without my promotion (going from cherub to seraphim and after earning God's trust I usurp (take the place) of the privileged Son (worthy, non-meritocratic) his)
    Miguel knew all this time (eternity) that the Key of the Absmus was in the hands of an "insect" (flesh, bone and blood puppets) from Beelzebub and he didn't tell me anything, that unfortunate, damned "Traitor to His Own Cause "!
    -"My Lord, if I may be honored!"
    -Speak, Abaddon, my loyal(faithful) friend(cosmic informant) and Lord of the Absmus.
    “All is not lost, Your Majesty Lucifer, after all, the Lord cannot retrieve it personally.
    -Yes(no), I(can't) but I don't want to.
    I don't step (humiliated) any more in the (mundane) world of Earth because if I manifested myself (daimonophany) for the second time, the laws (of physics and chemistry) that govern all that material universe would succumb to my theophany (daimonophany) .
    That's why I don't want to step there, yet (until Armageddon).(Revelation 20:7-8)
    “My Lord, I could use one of them to retrieve them for Your Majesty.
    -Those two (Übermensch and Ombudsmanstar) are two idiots (foolish), confused (lost), brainless and shameful to see and hear.
    “But, my Lord, they are the only solution.
    -Look, look, who knew, that the fate (directions of Armageddon) of Heaven and Hell is now in the hands of two usurpers (Deity Jaspion Black and Über Jason Nanoassem Building Blocks).
    Shame on these two, but what a shame it is for us to contemplate (watch) the brawl of those Square Beasts (raised to a power of 2).
    -Since they have now become gods (Planewalkers) like us, they can walk (talk face-to-face with us).
    -Moloque, the two unfortunates of Eternal Death request my sacred (profane) presence, immediately, and already carrying (bringing) my Keys (disguised as Tricuspid and Spear of Destiny).
    -My father, if I may, Ombudsmanstar(Deity Jaspion Black) has traveled to the world(planet) of Pluto.
    And Übermesch (Über Jason Nonoassem Building Blocks) is leaving a trail of massacres (bloody, bloodthirsty and murderous democide) on the world (planet) of Earth.
    -But what is that wretch doing (telling himself to go) out there, lost in that Freezing Hell(world)(Cryogenics).
    And what does this (other) unhappy person think he is doing (ruling himself)
    Send them back here now with My Keys (from Heaven and the Absm).
    If not, I myself send the two brawlers (quarrelsome) irritants (psychopathic maniacs) straight to Hell.
    -Now that Your Majesty Lucifer has given all power to the Ombudsmanstar, now he finds himself (testing) a god (cosmocrator) just like us just because you have bestowed divinity on him in the Earth world.
    He is in Neptune testing his apotheosis (divine or glorified (transfigured) body) in enduring the freezing weather (-240 °C) of Pluto.
    He took Deity Black Daileon to be tested with him there.
    He's all happy, smiling and laughing with contentment, all the time, Dad (Satan).
    -In fact (a lie), unhappy cannot laugh (rejoice or rejoice).
    -That (Black) is not a toy.
    He keeps wandering again.
    -He has one more order (mission) to obey (fulfill) for me in the Earth world.
    Retrieve my Skykey(Spear of Destiny).
    And your monster (Savine Jason), that puppet of yours, give me back my Key of the Absmus that you, Molech, gave that Übermensch of yours out of envy of the way your father (Satan) orders (sends) Hell.
    You are still a stubborn (rebel) child.
    -(Looks who's talking) Coming from you is a compliment.
    -You insinuated that I am a hypocrite (I am an example of the Great Rebellion).
    -Not! I didn't imply (that's what I wanted to tell you), dad.
    -I think it's really good, I would throw you into the Absm myself and lock you up there where you would remain for all eternity, along with those four bastards (Fallen Seraphim Locked Up in the Absm).(Revelation 9:14-15)