Day 6 of being muslim: Starting to get into the prayer cycle (knowing how to pray, when to pray, how long to pray for and the position i need to be in). I really do appreciate everyone who is sincere and respectful regardless of religion. Especially those who are not muslim but can at least defend their faith and acknowledge where there are doubts in their belief. Inshallah, the sincere and respectable people will be given passage to Jannah. ❤
Christianity is just the old Roman religion morphed into Christianity. Even the books used in old Roman religions were plagiarized and made into what we call the gospels. If you read the Bacchus, the passion of dionysus, you will see that the gospel of John was directly copied from it.
After I have read the Quran, I realized that all what humanity needs is this heavenly law. “The legislation of Quran will spread all over the world, because it agrees with the mind, logic and wisdom.” - Leo Tolstoy .
@@jeremycrawford4004said: "God said "let us make man in our image"">>> According to [Genesis 1:26-27]: "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness ... So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." But this contradicts [Isaiah 40:18]: "With whom, then, will you compare God? To what image will you liken him?"
@@jeremycrawford4004 said: "what image? Man that was created in His image." I have already said: "But this contradicts: [Isaiah 40:18]: "With whom, then, will you compare God? To what image will you liken him?" The meaning of the previous verse is very clear! Which is: "The Lord has no equal." And this is confirmed by the following verse from the same Book and Chapter! [Isaiah 40:25]: ""To whom will you liken Me, or who is My equal?" asks the Holy One."
@@jeremycrawford4004 Previously, you supported your statement with the verse [Genesis1:26-27], and I refuted it with two verses from the Bible [Isaiah 40:18] and [Isaiah 40:25], but you insist on your statement! Even though the two verses are from your Book (The word of God) and not from my words! And this is further evidence from your Book that proves that God has no equal [Psalms 89:6]: "For who in the heaven can be compared unto the LORD? who among the sons of the mighty can be likened unto the LORD?"
@@jeremycrawford4004 lmao you made absolutely NO point here, you said something, he refuted it, you gave him some verses supporting you, he refuted them, then nope, you decided to just say you are more knowledgable and thats it lmao
One of the most civil and wonderful discussions/ conversations I have listened to. May Allah guide them and may Allah reward you Uthman Ibn Farooq and everyone else working behind the scenes, ameen ya rab! ❤️❤️☺️
@@valentino3228 Totally wrong, the more knowledge you gain correctly (meaning from trustworthy sources, read tafseer etc.) the more you fear Allah and his punishment and the more good you want to do because Allah loves when his servants do good ❤️
@@jeremycrawford4004 God doesnt need son, daughter, wife or mistress! Its in your own scripture! I am the LORD, I have no peer, there is no God but me. Isaiah 45.5 I am the first and I am the last, and apart from me there is no God.Isaiah 44.6 But I am the LORD your God from the land of Egypt; you know no God but me, and besides me there is no savior. Hosea 13.4 *Stop putting God into image of man!* 🐱👍🏿
Salam Shaykh Uthman, I am currently studying the seerah of the prophet using your videos, books, ulama and more. I am also studying tafsir. Inshallah I win the Bible and I promise to pass on your knowledge and great things you have compiled in it. I am learning little by little. May Allah help us all to achieve good in this world and give us our reward in the akhira. I am going to pair up with my Masjid, once I get the kryptonite inshallah to spread Islam and bring them towards the right path. I have given many people dawah and have received 1 shahadah so far. Thank you for all the work you have done and may Allah reward you, Jazakullahu Khayr
In 08:40, as an Arab, I really respect your Arabic language level. The word (فِراسه) - (fe-ra-sah) is eliquintly chosen in this scenario. It means a person who is focused and can tell from someone's exterior behaviours/speech and can decide his intentions or end goal. Or, it can mean how focused you are in your sorroundings, and can tell the probabilities of something to happen or not.
Revert from the US. I reverted two years ago and I love listening to sheik uthman speak. This by far was one of the best discussions I have ever seen/heard him have. This is one video I would share to anyone and everyone who would like to have a discussion about life. 🙏🏽
I watching from Bali indonesia any want thank you guys for one Message foundation inshallah I when I'm so good like I want do also street dauwah in Switzerland but I'm new Muslim I had my shahada for 3 weeks in Ternate in Northern Moluku Indonesia also I want learning to pray and to read the coran in Arabic but now have to get connection to the almighty God first and I still in process tauhid Allahhu akbar Bismillah Hirohman Nirrohim peace and blessing from indonesia to all my brothers and sisters Allah will guide us all to Jenna
I can tell you enjoyed this conversation, because I certainly enjoyed viewing this as they were well, truly honest men and educated!!, Inshallah they will come to see the truth of Islam.
You need to have some tea with these guys Sheikh what an episode that would be. Hands down one of the most entertaining and knowledgeable videos of dawah I’ve watched.
MashaAllah very intellectual and respectful conversation with a muslim and an atheist, I like these kind of brainwork da'wah absolutely beautiful. May Allah Swt guide this man to the complete truth . If he was Muslim I can imagine he would be a scholar or a fast learner , deep thinker ...and I love rumi too Alhamdullilah
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation: 00:31 📚 Quran is highly regarded for its quality and profundity, even by those with a background in English literature. 01:26 🌌 Poets and philosophers, like the author of the Quran, delve into understanding the universe in ways scientists may not comprehend. 02:52 🌍 Muslim unity is emphasized, with divisions seen as political rather than creedal or geographical. 05:08 🕊️ Islam's core concept is belief in one God, and deviations involve worshipping entities other than Allah. 14:51 📜 Unlike other religious texts, the Quran's preservation is emphasized, with millions of Muslims memorizing it verbatim. 22:51 📱 Human-designed objects like an iPhone are evidence of intentional design. 26:14 🧬 The complexity of a human being suggests a designer, just like a well-designed phone. 30:08 💬 Language is a mystical bridge that connects generations and cultures. 35:30 📜 The Quran's preservation in its original language is a unique feature that distinguishes it from other religious texts. 39:48 📚 The Quran's enduring impact and resonance across centuries is attributed to its ability to speak to the truth of the moment.
I feel you are ready ! Repeat after me... “ASH-HADU ANLA ELAHA ILLA-ALLAH WA ASH-HADU ANNA MOHAMMADAN RASUL-ALLAH” The English translation is : “I bear witness that there is no deity (none truly to be worshipped) but, Allah, and I bear witness that Mohammad (peace be upon him) is the messenger of Allah.”
to become a Muslim is very simple.. you need to say the decleration of faith oraly while you believe in it by heart with a firm conviction and unshakeable faith.
Salaams to Sh.Uthman. I am a avid watcher of your videos. I am semi illiterate and profess to know very little. My understandings and the little knowledge I have is from watching such videos and some reading. I want to share a thought expanding on the point sh.uthman made at 33 minutes. Not only was Einstein a highly educated man specialising in several fields, he was also surrounded by other highly educated people and library's full of literature of every type of science's you care to imagine containing what was known of that time. He attend various schools and achieved doctoral degrees in physics and maths. Before putting pen to paper Einstein and those around him had the benefit of written knowledge which he was able to access study, to examing, to deduce and approach from a critical perspective before writing any of his own papers. He had the privilege of discussing, sharing comparing with his fellow educated colleagues. The important point that Sh.Uthman highlighted was how Einstein accepted he not only made mistakes but he corrected them multiple times. So, effectively, he corrected and came closer and closer to the truth according to his understanding. Is there anywhere in our Islamic history were the Holy Prophet, upon receiving revelation ever even in the slightest doubted or corrected what he received. Did he at any point of receiving revelation in the whole of his life and the whole of the Holy Quran forget what he had received or changed the revelation in any way, even one word.. towards the end of His blessed life did he ever look back and confessed to or doubted what he had received in revelation. The same would go for His sunna and the knowledge he shared with his family, companions, the Sahabah's. Did He ever confess to making a mistake or giving wrong advice. Did His family or the Holy Companions or the hundreds and thousands of Sahabah's challenge him or corrected him or accused him of giving wrong advice.. Was there anyone in the community who complained or refused to act on what the Holy Prophet said. Did anyone accuse the Holy Prophet of given bad advice or lying (astaghferullah). Can that be said for any other human being in history Our beloved Holy Prophet was a unique human being and there never was and never will be anyone like Him. I would appreciate your thoughts. I am sorry for the long message..
During an interview with Angelika Neuwirth, the distinguished Professor of Qur’anic studies, she argued that the Qur’an has never been successfully challenged by anyone, past or present: "No one has succeeded, this is right… I really think that the Qur’an has even brought Western researchers embarrassment, who were not able to clarify how suddenly in an environment where there were not any appreciable written text, appeared the Qur’an with its richness of ideas and its magnificent wordings."
Love watching all these videos from this Brother. As a born Muslim from Europe (Bosnia) I pray to Allah to guide me to be a better Muslim Inshallah. I have learned so much about Islam watching these videos it makes me so proud that my forefathers made the right choice to revert to Islam when the Ottoman empire ruled the parts of Europe I am from.
𝗦𝗲𝗲𝗸 𝗙𝗼𝗿𝗴𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗢𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝘀 The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Whoever seeks forgiveness for every male and female believer, Allah will record a good deed for him for every male and female believer.” (Tabarānī)
Selam brother Othman; I really enjoyed this video and mostly the intellectual conversation, with open minded gentleman( Igor), you’ve had. We can see how the beauty of open minded discussion goes in comparison with some stubbornness or labyrinth narrow minded type…!! BTW, the Sufi Jalaluddin Errumi ( called Mevlana in Türkiye) originally Persian/ Afghan background has his shrine located in Konya province/ Türkiye where they hold festival on his name every year; people come to visit from all over the world( looks like a pilgrimage); his books are translated to over 100 languages and also many foreigners have converted to Islam just because of his philosophy and Sufi teachings…. God bless .
Just ordered my free Quran❤️ as a non religious person it’s crazy I’m at this point in life where I’m ordering the Quran❤️😂. Next is the Bible to study💯
there is no comparison between the bible and the quran one is full of corruptions and contradictions and anonymous embellished accounts of suspect authors the other is the quran - precise and perfectly preserved
الحمدلله على نعمة الاسلام وكفى بها نعمه لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم إنا لله وإنا اليه راجعون الحمدلله الذي هدانا لهذا وما كنا لنهتدي لو ان هدانا الله
When wicked rulers rule, then look for the Hour (Judgement Day): Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, “When trust is lost, then wait for the Hour.” Abu Huraira said, “How is the trust lost, O Messenger of Allah?” The Prophet said, “When authority is given to those who do not deserve it, then wait for the Hour.” Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 6131
I know of a person who that became a Christian, and when he converted and became born again. Immediately after his conversion he earnestly prayed for the salvation of his muslim family, he himself was not a muslim prior to his conversion but his mom got married to a muslim man and she converted to islam and she got two kids out of that marriage. He lived with them. He told me that he prayed for about six months and fasted two days every week for their salvation. He said that one evening when he entered into his home and went to his room, as soon as he entered his room he was thrown violently onto his bed by a spirit, he told me that he wanted to scream for help but he could not open his mouth and the ability to make sound was stopped by that spirit, he also told me that he wanted to get up but could not and that demon pinned him down on his bed with great force and as he was struggling in his room with the demon he said that the demon spoke to him and warned him saying, "Leave my people alone!". He was terrified and beyond scared when the demon of islam manifested to him in a threatening manner. I have my shared experiences with demonic attacks, more than ten years experiencing those kinds of attacks but never heard them speaking, I always rebuked them in the name of Jesus and the blood of Jesus and immediately they leave. Jesus is Lord, he is the only way to heaven. There is only salvation in the name of Jesus.
Annie Besant was a British women's rights activist, writer, orator, educationist. She said this about Prophet Muhammad (pbuh): “It is impossible for anyone who studies the life and character of the great Prophet of Arabia, who knows how he taught and how he lived, to feel anything but reverence for that mighty Prophet, one of the great messengers of the Supreme. And although in what I put to you I shall say many things which may be familiar to many, yet I myself feel whenever I re-read them, a new way of admiration, a new sense of reverence for that mighty Arabian teacher.” The Life and Teachings of Muhammad, Madras 1932, p. 4
May Allah bless you in this dunya and Akhirat , you putting so much effort for the Deen while non of us can do , Thank you so much brothers who is in the Dawah path
Islam is truth because Islam teaches strict monotheism, instills the best way of life for an individual, offers the best reorganization of society and state as a whole, and provides answers to existential questions. Religion that calls you to submit to The Almighty, commands you to live a clean life, and tells you to enjoin good and eradicate evil - such religion cannot be false. This is why Islam is the truth.
Comment from where you watching 👇🌍
For UA-cam algorithm 🙌
Mauritius 🇲🇺
Indonesia 🙂
NYC 🇺🇸
Day 6 of being muslim:
Starting to get into the prayer cycle (knowing how to pray, when to pray, how long to pray for and the position i need to be in).
I really do appreciate everyone who is sincere and respectful regardless of religion. Especially those who are not muslim but can at least defend their faith and acknowledge where there are doubts in their belief. Inshallah, the sincere and respectable people will be given passage to Jannah. ❤
May Allah make you and all of us steadfast in Islam
Alhamdulillah, may Allah guide us all and keep us on the right path until we meet him
Oh you're the sincere brother from muslim lantern's stream! Hope you're enjoying your journey ❤
Allahu Akbar! May Allah bless you my brother and make u steadfast in our deen
Allahumma Amin
Bro weren’t u the guy in the Muslim lantern video
"If the world's problems were brought to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ he would solve them all." - George Bernard Shaw
Decent human being. May Allah guide him to the straight path. Ameen
Assalamualaikum from 🇵🇭🇵🇭 may ALLAH grant you highest jannah sheikh uthman
Wasalam amigo!
Assalamualaikum Akhi, Ameen.
amiin yarabbal alamiin
Wa aalaykom al salam to you and all the Moros
May Allah bless you more Shaykh. So humble. Allahuakbar.
"Christianity did not destroy paganism; it adopted it."
Christianity didn't destroy paganism it adopted indeed
Wallahi brother. What you have just said is very accurate 👍🏻
Rome did not convert, rather Christianity converted to Rome...The teachings of Jesus ultimately became the teaching about the man instead!
Christianity is just the old Roman religion morphed into Christianity. Even the books used in old Roman religions were plagiarized and made into what we call the gospels. If you read the Bacchus, the passion of dionysus, you will see that the gospel of John was directly copied from it.
After I have read the Quran, I realized that all what humanity needs is this heavenly law. “The legislation of Quran will spread all over the world, because it agrees with the mind, logic and wisdom.” - Leo Tolstoy
@@jeremycrawford4004said: "God said "let us make man in our image"">>> According to [Genesis 1:26-27]: "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness ... So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." But this contradicts [Isaiah 40:18]: "With whom, then, will you compare God? To what image will you liken him?"
Wasn't that man russian? Nothing coming from Russia is worthy of validity, and so much less if it's about islam.
@@jeremycrawford4004 said: "what image? Man that was created in His image."
I have already said: "But this contradicts:
[Isaiah 40:18]: "With whom, then, will you compare God? To what image will you liken him?"
The meaning of the previous verse is very clear! Which is: "The Lord has no equal." And this is confirmed by the following verse from the same Book and Chapter!
[Isaiah 40:25]: ""To whom will you liken Me, or who is My equal?" asks the Holy One."
Previously, you supported your statement with the verse [Genesis1:26-27], and I refuted it with two verses from the Bible [Isaiah 40:18] and [Isaiah 40:25], but you insist on your statement! Even though the two verses are from your Book (The word of God) and not from my words!
And this is further evidence from your Book that proves that God has no equal
[Psalms 89:6]: "For who in the heaven can be compared unto the LORD? who among the sons of the mighty can be likened unto the LORD?"
@@jeremycrawford4004 lmao you made absolutely NO point here, you said something, he refuted it, you gave him some verses supporting you, he refuted them, then nope, you decided to just say you are more knowledgable and thats it lmao
as a Muslim we so proud to have you my allah keep you safe from all hater’s what a amazing man ♥️
im following him since he was 100 k and im so proud of him, he and the speakers corner brothers saved me from atheism and anxiety
You guys follow Muhammad and scholars. Not God.
@@guzguzfarlon9988excuse me ? Wtf are u even saying 😂😂😂
@@theintruder6085 The truth.
One of the most civil and wonderful discussions/ conversations I have listened to. May Allah guide them and may Allah reward you Uthman Ibn Farooq and everyone else working behind the scenes, ameen ya rab! ❤️❤️☺️
That's why when you read Quran you become muslim, but when you try to understand Quran, you become ex-muslim.
@@valentino3228 Totally wrong, the more knowledge you gain correctly (meaning from trustworthy sources, read tafseer etc.) the more you fear Allah and his punishment and the more good you want to do because Allah loves when his servants do good ❤️
@@J2KJonas If Allah loves when his servants do good, then there wouldnt be muslim terrorists that commit crimes against humanity in the name of Allah.
Sheikh uthman is a legend,
Simple and easy to understand to. My guy 😊 from uk 🇬🇧 London 😊
Loooove for Shaykh Uthman❤❤❤
FISIBILILLAH 💯 and peace and love to his family too.
my cat loves u too! 🐱♥️♥️♥️
I agree
@@jeremycrawford4004 I know I did not come to this earth to submit to Allah. Kneel . Never .
God doesnt need son, daughter, wife or mistress!
Its in your own scripture!
I am the LORD, I have no peer, there is no God but me. Isaiah 45.5
I am the first and I am the last, and apart from me there is no God.Isaiah 44.6
But I am the LORD your God from the land of Egypt; you know no God but me, and besides me there is no savior. Hosea 13.4
*Stop putting God into image of man!* 🐱👍🏿
masyaAllah he seems honest and sincere. may Allah guide him and his friend to islam...amin.
May Allah swt guide those lost souls
Ameen well as all of us ameen
Mashallah I was guided through our brother sheikh uthman 2yrs ago Alhumdulillah may Allah swt protect annd preserve him for the sake of the ummah🤲🏾
Salam Shaykh Uthman,
I am currently studying the seerah of the prophet using your videos, books, ulama and more. I am also studying tafsir. Inshallah I win the Bible and I promise to pass on your knowledge and great things you have compiled in it. I am learning little by little. May Allah help us all to achieve good in this world and give us our reward in the akhira. I am going to pair up with my Masjid, once I get the kryptonite inshallah to spread Islam and bring them towards the right path. I have given many people dawah and have received 1 shahadah so far. Thank you for all the work you have done and may Allah reward you,
Jazakullahu Khayr
im following you since he was 100 k and im so proud of you, you and the speakers corner brothers saved me from atheism and anxiety, Alhamdulillah
I'm Indonesian muslim,we are always support your dakwah,.Allahuakbar.🇮🇩 love u
maashAllah subhaanAllah alghamdullillah ❤ from Cape Town South Africa 🌍
When they say “Trinity is a mystery”, then you know they are ‘trained and programmed’ to use that as an excuse to not explain it.
In 08:40, as an Arab, I really respect your Arabic language level. The word (فِراسه) - (fe-ra-sah) is eliquintly chosen in this scenario.
It means a person who is focused and can tell from someone's exterior behaviours/speech and can decide his intentions or end goal.
Or, it can mean how focused you are in your sorroundings, and can tell the probabilities of something to happen or not.
Subhanallah what a lovely conversation today ❤
جزاكم الله عنا خير الجزاء بارك الله في مسعاكم
Revert from the US. I reverted two years ago and I love listening to sheik uthman speak. This by far was one of the best discussions I have ever seen/heard him have. This is one video I would share to anyone and everyone who would like to have a discussion about life. 🙏🏽
Masha'Allah Tabrak'Allah great conversation. May Allah guide all the sincere. Ameen
I watching from Bali indonesia any want thank you guys for one Message foundation inshallah I when I'm so good like I want do also street dauwah in Switzerland but I'm new Muslim I had my shahada for 3 weeks in Ternate in Northern Moluku Indonesia also I want learning to pray and to read the coran in Arabic but now have to get connection to the almighty God first and I still in process tauhid Allahhu akbar Bismillah Hirohman Nirrohim peace and blessing from indonesia to all my brothers and sisters Allah will guide us all to Jenna
im from Samarinda, proud of you
I can tell you enjoyed this conversation, because I certainly enjoyed viewing this as they were well, truly honest men and educated!!, Inshallah they will come to see the truth of Islam.
You need to have some tea with these guys Sheikh what an episode that would be. Hands down one of the most entertaining and knowledgeable videos of dawah I’ve watched.
Ask 500 Christians about the Trinity and you will get 500 different explanations.
501 actually😂😂😂
Actually 1000 different answers
You guys all are wrong...actually it's a mistery when they get cornered 🤣🤣🤣
Holy ghost inspired them all to give different versions 😅
@@Namqula it's Holy ghost or hole GHOST.
Each Christian sect have its own version of HOLY GHOST and each teaches differently.
MashaAllah very intellectual and respectful conversation with a muslim and an atheist, I like these kind of brainwork da'wah absolutely beautiful. May Allah Swt guide this man to the complete truth . If he was Muslim I can imagine he would be a scholar or a fast learner , deep thinker ...and I love rumi too Alhamdullilah
Such a beautiful conversation. No arrogance.. No negativity.. Really enjoyed it
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:
00:31 📚 Quran is highly regarded for its quality and profundity, even by those with a background in English literature.
01:26 🌌 Poets and philosophers, like the author of the Quran, delve into understanding the universe in ways scientists may not comprehend.
02:52 🌍 Muslim unity is emphasized, with divisions seen as political rather than creedal or geographical.
05:08 🕊️ Islam's core concept is belief in one God, and deviations involve worshipping entities other than Allah.
14:51 📜 Unlike other religious texts, the Quran's preservation is emphasized, with millions of Muslims memorizing it verbatim.
22:51 📱 Human-designed objects like an iPhone are evidence of intentional design.
26:14 🧬 The complexity of a human being suggests a designer, just like a well-designed phone.
30:08 💬 Language is a mystical bridge that connects generations and cultures.
35:30 📜 The Quran's preservation in its original language is a unique feature that distinguishes it from other religious texts.
39:48 📚 The Quran's enduring impact and resonance across centuries is attributed to its ability to speak to the truth of the moment.
Subhan Allah ❤
Love from Pakistan ❤
All of you are doing great job and may Allah help all of you
This is going to be one of my favorite videos from you this was so interested and they had great questions as well
I feel you are ready !
Repeat after me...
The English translation is :
“I bear witness that there is no deity (none truly to be worshipped) but, Allah, and I bear witness that Mohammad (peace be upon him) is the messenger of Allah.”
to become a Muslim is very simple.. you need to say the decleration of faith oraly while you believe in it by heart with a firm conviction and unshakeable faith.
So nice to hear two civil human beings having a decent conversation ❤ . Real gentlemen . MashAllah ❤
Beautiful dialogue from both speakers, thought provoking and intellectual. May Allah guide us all
جزاكم الله خيرا
وأنت جزاك الله خيراً
Salaams to Sh.Uthman.
I am a avid watcher of your videos. I am semi illiterate and profess to know very little. My understandings and the little knowledge I have is from watching such videos and some reading.
I want to share a thought expanding on the point sh.uthman made at 33 minutes. Not only was Einstein
a highly educated man specialising in several fields, he was also surrounded by other highly educated people and library's full of literature of every type of science's you care to imagine containing what was known of that time.
He attend various schools and achieved doctoral degrees in physics and maths.
Before putting pen to paper Einstein and those around him had the benefit of written knowledge which he was able to access study, to examing, to deduce and approach from a critical perspective before writing any of his own papers.
He had the privilege of discussing, sharing comparing with his fellow educated colleagues.
The important point that Sh.Uthman highlighted was how Einstein accepted he not only made mistakes but he corrected them multiple times. So, effectively, he corrected and came closer and closer to the truth according to his understanding.
Is there anywhere in our Islamic history were the Holy Prophet, upon receiving revelation ever even in the slightest doubted or corrected what he received.
Did he at any point of receiving revelation in the whole of his life and the whole of the Holy Quran forget what he had received or changed the revelation in any way, even one word.. towards the end of His blessed life did he ever look back and confessed to or doubted what he had received in revelation.
The same would go for His sunna and the knowledge he shared with his family, companions, the Sahabah's.
Did He ever confess to making a mistake or giving wrong advice. Did His family or the Holy Companions or the hundreds and thousands of Sahabah's challenge him or corrected him or accused him of giving wrong advice..
Was there anyone in the community who complained or refused to act on what the Holy Prophet said. Did anyone accuse the Holy Prophet of given bad advice or lying (astaghferullah).
Can that be said for any other human being in history
Our beloved Holy Prophet was a unique human being and there never was and never will be anyone like Him.
I would appreciate your thoughts.
I am sorry for the long message..
We ask Allah swt to guide this man! Ameen! He is Truly a gentleman!
JazakAllah'u khairan brothers 🤝🏻
During an interview with Angelika Neuwirth, the distinguished Professor of Qur’anic studies, she argued that the Qur’an has never been successfully challenged by anyone, past or present:
"No one has succeeded, this is right… I really think that the Qur’an has even brought Western researchers embarrassment, who were not able to clarify how suddenly in an environment where there were not any appreciable written text, appeared the Qur’an with its richness of ideas and its magnificent wordings."
Love watching all these videos from this Brother. As a born Muslim from Europe (Bosnia) I pray to Allah to guide me to be a better Muslim Inshallah.
I have learned so much about Islam watching these videos it makes me so proud that my forefathers made the right choice to revert to Islam when the Ottoman empire ruled the parts of Europe I am from.
Romans: "We mixed paganism and monotheism and made Christianity."
you can wrap a turd in a velvet tissue, it still stinks
@@singingsavage3056 said the ignorant
Ethnic Azerbaijani turk, watching from Russia. May Allax bless all of you 🤲🕋
Watched a lot of videos in this channel and I can say this is by far the most open and intellectual conversation between Uthman and a visitor.
𝗦𝗲𝗲𝗸 𝗙𝗼𝗿𝗴𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗢𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝘀
The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Whoever seeks forgiveness for every male and female believer, Allah will record a good deed for him for every male and female believer.” (Tabarānī)
Love to see you with your dear son.
He's so much grown, he looks like your twin!
May Allah swt increase you inshaALLAH.
Yes MashaAllah. But I don't understand the bleach blonde hair?
love the intro to every video on this channel...great work el UK
May Allah guide them and all of us ameen
Masha-allah... doing excellent job bro.. love from Bangladesh..❤
May Allah bless all those who are on the path of Dawah
Mushallah mushallah mushallah sheikh you have a beautiful steadfast understanding. Alhamdulillah what a great teacher ❤❤❤
Selam brother Othman; I really enjoyed this video and mostly the intellectual conversation, with open minded gentleman( Igor), you’ve had. We can see how the beauty of open minded discussion goes in comparison with some stubbornness or labyrinth narrow minded type…!!
BTW, the Sufi Jalaluddin Errumi ( called Mevlana in Türkiye) originally Persian/ Afghan background has his shrine located in Konya province/ Türkiye where they hold festival on his name every year; people come to visit from all over the world( looks like a pilgrimage); his books are translated to over 100 languages and also many foreigners have converted to Islam just because of his philosophy and Sufi teachings…. God bless .
Can u see gravity? NO but u belive in gravity. Thats is an example. Alhamdulilah From Ethiopia May Allah bless you here and after.
Just ordered my free Quran❤️ as a non religious person it’s crazy I’m at this point in life where I’m ordering the Quran❤️😂. Next is the Bible to study💯
If you don’t mind, read, read, and challenge Quran rationally…..Put it to the falsification test.. if it passes, then accept it humbly
How did you go brother ?
there is no comparison between the bible and the quran
one is full of corruptions and contradictions and anonymous embellished accounts of suspect authors
the other is the quran - precise and perfectly preserved
How's it going
Never received my Quran
Masha Allah, what a beautiful and respectful conversation salam from morocco
Shaykh Uthman you have become my favorite youtuber, may Allah bless you and your’e family ❤
Jazaka allaho Khairan brother ❤
Very nice discussion, you don't see that allot. May allah grand Uthman and his hole family Jannah! Ameen
Finally two Good listeners there 😊
Alhamdulillah for Islam ❤❤❤
الحمدلله على نعمة الاسلام وكفى بها نعمه
لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم
إنا لله وإنا اليه راجعون
الحمدلله الذي هدانا لهذا وما كنا لنهتدي لو ان هدانا الله
Alhamdulilah! Such a pleasure seeing you and your son together in a good faith discussion
When wicked rulers rule, then look for the Hour (Judgement Day):
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, “When trust is lost, then wait for the Hour.” Abu Huraira said, “How is the trust lost, O Messenger of Allah?” The Prophet said, “When authority is given to those who do not deserve it, then wait for the Hour.”
Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 6131
May Allah bless the OMF team in abundance..
I know of a person who that became a Christian, and when he converted and became born again. Immediately after his conversion he earnestly prayed for the salvation of his muslim family, he himself was not a muslim prior to his conversion but his mom got married to a muslim man and she converted to islam and she got two kids out of that marriage. He lived with them. He told me that he prayed for about six months and fasted two days every week for their salvation. He said that one evening when he entered into his home and went to his room, as soon as he entered his room he was thrown violently onto his bed by a spirit, he told me that he wanted to scream for help but he could not open his mouth and the ability to make sound was stopped by that spirit, he also told me that he wanted to get up but could not and that demon pinned him down on his bed with great force and as he was struggling in his room with the demon he said that the demon spoke to him and warned him saying, "Leave my people alone!". He was terrified and beyond scared when the demon of islam manifested to him in a threatening manner. I have my shared experiences with demonic attacks, more than ten years experiencing those kinds of attacks but never heard them speaking, I always rebuked them in the name of Jesus and the blood of Jesus and immediately they leave. Jesus is Lord, he is the only way to heaven. There is only salvation in the name of Jesus.
Alhamdulillah. Good work Uthman! Your patience is amazing. Allah make the ummah patient and with forebearance. Ameen. Barak Allahu fik.
literally, the best conversation I ever watched, masha-allah...☝
May Allah bless you and your son❤
Really respect this man he does this every day he is truly devoted to changing people mashallah
Your the best sheikh alhumdulliah
Masya Allah ..greats and honest conversation..👍
Insyaallah the sincere man will keep being sincere & hopefully find the truth & become a muslim. He is so close imo.
Love it when a discussion went professionally and in harmony.
Love you both with a rich discussion.
We all love and support you sheikh ❤❤❤
سورة الاخلاص عن التوحيد
سورة الفلق عن المعوذات
May allah reward you sheikh uthman, your are amazing
Such a beautiful conversation.
Annie Besant was a British women's rights activist, writer, orator, educationist. She said this about Prophet Muhammad (pbuh):
“It is impossible for anyone who studies the life and character of the great Prophet of Arabia, who knows how he taught and how he lived, to feel anything but reverence for that mighty Prophet, one of the great messengers of the Supreme. And although in what I put to you I shall say many things which may be familiar to many, yet I myself feel whenever I re-read them, a new way of admiration, a new sense of reverence for that mighty Arabian teacher.”
The Life and Teachings of Muhammad, Madras 1932, p. 4
We all love you so much Shaykh ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
my cat loves u too! 🐱♥️♥️♥️
May Allah guide Shia to Islam.
Love you brother Uthman from Michigan
May Allah bless you with long and healthy life ustadh
Angels say Ameen to your dua
In the straight path. Amiin
This is how civil people had a conversation
Maash sheikh uthman bin farouk jazaakallahu khairan may almighty Allah increase u in knowledge n patient ❤❤❤n love u for the sake of Allah 🙏🙏❤️
Allahomabarek levels on that dawah may Allah protect you and your family and all the moslims❤️
May Allah bless you in this dunya and Akhirat , you putting so much effort for the Deen while non of us can do , Thank you so much brothers who is in the Dawah path
Shaikh son looks like him and he has same characteristics of his father, Mashallah allahuma barik 🇧🇩🏴🙏🤗
May Allah give you health and strength ro spraed Allah work.❤❤❤❤❤
بارك الله بك و عليك شيخ عثمان ❤❤❤
What a great discussion, mashaAllah
Islam is truth because Islam teaches strict monotheism, instills the best way of life for an individual, offers the best reorganization of society and state as a whole, and provides answers to existential questions.
Religion that calls you to submit to The Almighty, commands you to live a clean life, and tells you to enjoin good and eradicate evil - such religion cannot be false. This is why Islam is the truth.
جزاك اللهُ خيرًا
A very pleasant gentleman indeed, may Allah guide him
May Allah guide this brothers
Shaykh Uthman's son looks like Imam Murrah The Time Traveller 😆
“America needs to understand Islam, because this is the one religion that erases from its society the race problem.”
No it doesn't. Which makes it more ironic that he joined an Islamic cult offshoot and not the main religion.
He was a sunni. Now keep crying
@@JesusisaMuslim No - he was a member of the Nation of Islam. They're a cult.
(إنَّا نحنُ نزَّلنا الذِكْرَ وإنَّا لَهُ لحافظون).
This is the best intellectual discussion.