Aubrey girl…. He doesn’t love you. He dragged his feet with you 5 years and gave you a ring just to appease you. He doesn’t sound all that anxious or happy to marry you. He’s not the one if he doesn’t feel the same for you.
Am I the only one who caught the face that Aubrey’s fiancée said “I love Lexi” and also previously said “Lexi” in the conversation? Dude, who is Lexi?! Aubrey, sweetheart, RUN.
@@AshleyLebedevmine drug it out for 14 and in the meantime he married someone else while still coming over and spending one on one time alone with me the whole time and the last 2 years of this he hid a marriage from me that he insisted he was not interested in romantically and convinced me they were just friends and I should give him the benefit of the doubt.
That sad sack of crap sperm donor sounds just like my useless man-child of a father. That sack of crap deserves it, and like my dad, he will deserve it when they refuse to spend time talking to him.
Poor Aubrey's self-esteem is on the FLOOR. How many times and in how many different languages must that man tell her that he doesn't love her? She deserves so much better! Walk away. 😩❤️
My parents fuuuucked me up by including me in their budgeting. I was 8. And I have been struggling to not feel responsible for their finances for yeaaaars to come. Don't do it Mary!!!! Don't do it. I always thought we were poor because they had too many kids. It was a huge burden for my little self. I was very very concerned about the light bill at age 8. I swear. I've had to go to therapy to heal this childhood trauma. I'm 43, and I still worry about my parents finances and how to help them. Seriously Mary. Don't get your kids involved. Find another way to help them understand.
He was talking about when the kids are older in teens, my mom didn't ever so I had no clue til I was in a dive studio apartment cooking on a hot plate with a pay phone in q little Coe in the hallway.
My parents involved us in the home and business operations at a young age. I know how to pay a light bill at the age of 6. My 10 year old sister knew how to balance the ledgers. It's the best thing they ever did. We knew how to manage our finances and pay bills. Those skills served us well as adults. Our children benefitted. It's passing on generation financial responsibilities. They taught us how to save too. They were upper middle class with no debt and every thing paid up when they passed. Sorry you are traumatized by your experience
The first caller, the divorcee, got some sound advice. That sounds almost exactly like my parents after their divorce when I was 14. That Christmas our dad got us a PlayStation and a few games for it, while my mom got us clothes. I was old enough to think it was messed up that mom has to provide the necessary stuff, but dad only did the “fun” stuff. So her 12 year old is probably already noticing that, too. All my brother noticed (and still talks about nearly 30 years later) was that dad gave us a PlayStation. Now, he also sees that our dad is a useless 64 year old man-child, but there is that disconnect. He doesn’t know that dad never paid a cent of child support after he was 15, never paid into any of his insurance or medical needs after the divorce. He doesn’t realize that our dad never went to football games, or to plays we were in. He doesn’t remember dad constantly trying to not spend one of his 2 weekends a month (the man-child didn’t want to spend 4 days where his kids were his primary focus >.>) so he could spend them with any one of a string of women. As I’ve gotten older, gotten married, and had children, I have realized just how much my father was willing to walk away from and throw away, all for himself. My wife once said I hated my father. I told her that’s not true; it would be easier if I hated him. Be a good mom, involve your kids in seeing your budget. Don’t attack their father-trust me, he’s attacking and blaming her, and it will backfire. He’s a sperm donating man-child like my dad. If she does like John is saying, her boys will grow up understanding and seeing what he’s done, more so than my little brother does. Then they will do like Dr. Delony says and refuse to spend time with him. I’d rather be with my kids and wife than spend an hour with that man who thought I wasn’t worth 4 days a month as a teenager. “The Cat’s in the Cradle” isn’t just a song-it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.
3rd callers reminds of me of my first marriage. You can’t will a relationship to be better because you want it to. He don’t want to hurt your feelings by leaving, and he feels guilty. Don’t let someone marry you out of guilt. You will find someone better and who will treat you amazingly. Promise. He sounds like he has fearful avoidant attachment style. Neither of them are ready to see themselves clearly.
There's 8 billion people on earth this is one case out of billions. There's great commited authentic intimate relationships out there, but media doesn't talk about them, media only talks about the awful stories. Don't enter the continous doom cycle of depressing bad awful stories, these stories aren't the norm.
I have a fiancé so it doesn't make me wanna be single but it does make me feel bad for the ppl that experience being with someone like Aubrey's ex. I would have left too if I was her bc she doesn't deserve that she deserves way better.
3rd lady has waited for so long for dude to propose and put in so much emotional work that she doesn’t want to leave yet. Girl that marriage is gonna suck pls let go
When my daughter was around 12 she came home from school and said “A kid told me the SSI check from my dad’s disability belongs to me”We sat down with the bills and I got paid once a month. I cashed my check and got all cash. So I said here’s the money I get from work I one pile…and the bills in another pile. I said ok subtract the rent and she counted out the rent. We continued with all the bills.After food there wasn’t much left. She went on to tell me how unfair it was. I told her no problem we will get a smaller apartment with one bedroom and we will share the bedroom.Because it was the only variable.Still gotta have a car and insurance to get to work.Still have to pay for electricity ect… she totally understood where HER money went and why.Didn’t have to have the conversation again
Wow. Listening to that last call and the way Dr John laid that out so eloquently, I was brought back to the long-term relationship I had before my husband. He was my first love, but for whatever reason, we weren't right for each other and it took my years after it ended in ash to realize that. There isn't a "bad guy" in this in my opinion. It's two people clinging to an idea vs reality. Dr John is just so wise and I'm grateful for his wisdom.
Someone brought up the fact that it may just be her real name because a lot of times they use an Alias to protect privacy and he slipped up which could be a real fact knowing that John or her didn’t speak up!
People choose to leave if their needs are not being met. Some people choose to cheat. They are both choices. Some people choose to emotionally cheat while staying in relationships. All these are choices. "I am done" was the only thing Kyle said with confidence.
I caught the name slip twice too!! Red flag and air siren. That dude is cheating and clearly wants out of the relationship. Yet he feels bad because of the pain he is causing Aubrey, so he is sitting in limbo doing nothing about it. Find the integrity and leave the relationship.
Never chase a guy !! Move on with your life he doesn't deserve you. Never beg for someone's attention cause even if agrees to stay with you he will never feel your worth.
I know exactly how Aubrey feels. I’ve never been engaged, but I had 2 previous partners who emotionally entertained other women throughout the relationship. She absolutely needs to walk away. The best decision I made was leaving. She needs to have her security and confidence back.
@@mostbeautifulbelovedgarden i believe they were using pseudo names to hide their identities but he kept Messing up and calling her Lexi, her real name.
The fact that he called other women to say happy Mother’s Day to them, but did nothing special for his wife speaks volumes of how he feels behavior is a language, which is what John Delaney always says, but I don’t think he made it clear to her in this phone callhow much the husband is doing wrong
First caller, I was you. TRUST ME Dr. Daloney is right. Took me a few years to get to that point but he's right. Now if my kids go to like Disneyland I'm happy they had fun and also see it as well now I don't have to take them there and can take them somewhere else. Kids spending less time cuz it interferes with their "fun" is 💯true! Give it a couple years, you'll see
Poor Aubrey. Dude called her Lexi twice on a national podcast. What more does she need to know the dude is just not that into you. She would rather stick with a bad situation that is known rather than deal with the uncertainty of change.
To the single mom, I raised my two children on way less money than my ex and received minimal child support. My kids were active in sports and they had decent clothes. When their needs became more expensive I let them make choices. My daughter wanted a good bicycle for a youth bike trip and a class ring I told her I could help her with one of these, but not both. She chose the bicycle! When the kids were old enough to drive I paid half of the premium and they had part-time jobs to earn the rest. I had a clothing budget for each of them, then when needs arose for more clothes I paid half. as long as it was appropriate and necessary. Anything more they paid the full amount. They have never felt entitled, have made good decisions, and both graduated from college. I drove used cars until they were 15-18 years old, so they understand the unnecessary costs of a new car and they now drive nice used vehicles. Hang in there; your boys will be very appreciative when they are grown. Hang in there; your boys will be very appreciative of what you have taught them when they are grown.
Aubrey.... Kyle has made it very clear. He said it.....he's done. Call off the engagement/wedding. You and Kyle are not a match for marriage. As hard as it might be to acknowledge, he does not want to marry you. There's nothing wrong with either of you. You're simply not the right match for marriage.
The second caller was given really good advice. I hope it helps their relationship towards a stronger marriage. We have to teach the person we love how to love us. If the person isn't teachable, that's when it can be a problem.
Once he shows you his true colors believe it! This is his character. If you marry him expect the misery. Marriage will not fix the problems you have now.
Second caller. Her husband is playing triangulation games with the wife. A form of emotional abuse. Her husband KNOWS he didn't wish her happy mothers' day! It was done on purpose. And you tell her to go grovel to her husband?!
Yea, she should just leave him for not to wishing her a happy Mother's Day, and ruin those three boy's lives by being a single mom. I'm sure they'll understand when they grow up. Loser.
In the second relationship I believe the husband knows exactly what he is doing. Mainly, because the wife is being very clear about how she is left feeling at the slight. I also believe it could be more sinister and there is some triangulation.
The 2nd caller probably dealt with the issue of the brother/sister relationship while dating and thought wrongfully it would change when they got married😏
I’ve been the first caller. Still am. My children are now 17, 23, 25. I’m navigating one in college and one about to be and the ex pays me $25 a month for one of their cell phones. That’s it… I kid you not. And he thinks that’s ok. He’s the one who has to sleep with his conscience. My kids know exactly what the dynamics are. I don’t have to point it out. And the poor third caller… sweetie let him GO. There’s a better life out there for you.
I'm a man and have 50/50 custody and pay the insurance half of everything and still pay child support and still have fun times spoiling them. I don't have to pay for makeup, getting my nails done, hair done, tampons, all that stuff adds up. I work, do cheap hobbies, when I don't have the kids. When I do I spoil them and we go on adventures.
Time would be better spent focusing on career and getting a better job. She may be able to shake him for $2-300/month but that requires court, anger, and lots of turmoil for an extended period of time. that's not much money
I have my own florist business, I’ve had so many conversations with guys on the giving of flowers. Not because it’s my business but because they’re so beautiful and it’s not something you necessarily buy for yourself. Anything from a beautifully wrapped single flower that just lets someone know you’ve thought of them, to the biggest most ridiculous display for the special occasions! Flowers say whatever you need them say. I’m the first to say a single wrapped rose/flower or a cute pretty bunch to take home is such a beautiful gesture 💐
Man I don’t care how cool you and your sister are. To idolize her more than your wife and the whole Mother’s Day thing like ok now you need to prove to me that you’re not in love with her on some weird level. How do you prove that? I have no idea but you figure that out or peace out dude. That’s weird as hell.
Kyle - Aubrey doesn't have the energy to invest into relationships with extended family until the immediate relationship between the two of you is good. And Christian men aren't supposed to act the way you act. Women at church don't want you there staring at them or flirting with them. Shes not your wife and she doesn't owe your father a fathers day call, because you won't marry her, he isn't her father in law yet. She doesn't owe you intimacy. Stop playing house. Stop pretending to have values and religious beliefs. It's not something you play pretend with, you either walk the talk or you don't.
My mom would tell us every day how much things costs all the time. It made us feel burdened by it as kids and I would avoid or shut down when she talked about it. Now as adults, she’ll continue to tell us how much things costs still. Depends on the delivery….
I'm sorry to hear that bc it's not like you guys asked to be here. Whether she's hurting or bitter about whatever made her feel the way she felt in that moment doesn't make it your guys fault. It seems like she was never shown any kindness or grace so in turn she never learned how to model that behavior. It's definitely not an excuse though at all. Atleast you know how she is and you can avoid being that way and you can be better than she was to you guys. And I agree it does depend on the delivery it's not always what you say it's how you say it.
Bless Marena. I had a deep painful hurt from someone so very close to me but I finally started praying for this person I was able to forgive. That helped me heal
Ah the last call, I feel for her, if he’s saying he’s done, girl you have to hear that even though it’s super painful because you love him. Your pain will make you want to cling on to something and someone who isn’t right for you, and quite honestly doesn’t deserve you. You want to be with someone who truly loves you and wants to be with you, work with you and fight for you, your current fiancé is not it I think. My ex partner who I was in a long term relationship with ended things really abruptly, literally just turned around one day and said he didn’t love me anymore. It hurt me so badly, I honestly didn’t think I could be in so much emotional pain, I was still in love with him so I tried everything to claw him back, but he was out. He didn’t want to fight for me, didn’t want to try and repair what went wrong and that was really hard for me to get to grips with and I became an emotional doormat for like 4 months while we went through a horrendously messy breakup. In hindsight I wish I had just left, stopped chasing something that was already dead on his side and saved myself a lot of emotional energy. After that relationships I found my current fiancé who is incredible, we’re getting married next year and I can’t imagine anyone more right to build a life with. Don’t settle Aubrey.
Actions speak louder than words. He is not invested in this relationship. He wants to date other women. He is not mature. They need to let go of each other. It’s not working for either of them.
Aubrey girl you deserve so much love ❤️ you can love someone and let it go. Thank God you called in so you can hear the pure disregard for the relationship. He cant love you the way you deserve to be loved. You're an alternate in his life.
Agreed. My heart hurt for her throughout the entire call. I hope she will let this man go. I am so curious why men like Kyle let these kinds of relationships just string along. He knows he doesn’t want to be with her and has an easy way out to break up before marriage but just won’t do it. Why?
Aubrey deserves so much better. He is stringing her along. She needs to walk away from him. Is it me or did he keep calling her Lexi. Who the heck is Lexi? 😒
Aubrey's fiancé wants credit for doing the bare minimum, and blames her for (rightfully) being wary and protecting herself! Absolutely devoid of empathy.
Erika, I’m so sorry for you. I don’t see any comments here for you though I can’t quite tell what’s what in the dynamic. But I’ll say this, your husband doesn’t seem to appreciate you OR he’s totally clueless. So it’s not about sister (though I get that it is where it shows) it’s that he doesn’t seem to recognize or see you. My ex of 5 years did this (not with his sister, but just with “everyone else”) and I was ok at first but as time went by I started to recognize that I was not appreciated or seen and after a few YEARS STRAIGHT of that it REALLY does get to you. As time passed seeing his excitement about every random event with his “crew” and every getaway, every small event or weekend get together he’d bend over backwards (and with verbal excitement) to accommodate it and in contrast, was never excited about ANYTHING we did (I still can’t remember a time he asked me to do anything or showed pride in me, both as a partner or in milestones of schooling/career. I found myself having to sell my value to him thinking if I just showed some things I’d accomplished he’d be like WOW! My woman! But he never did. Over time I got none of my needs met because I needed a diff kind of love. When we’d talk about it he’d improve for like 2 days, then the norms crept right back in. When he’d improve it was like he was so uncomfortable Sharing pride or love with me that it felt like his compliments were from a script. It got so bad in his inability to want to connect or show affection or gratitude (except when really pushed to) that I went through the last two years of the relationship pretty dang numb before I realized I was with the wrong guy. One day I just realized this man has more excitement over doing dishes & d&d & a random Wednesday night meetup than he does with any aspect of my being, my personality, my self, my contribution or our future and if we even feel connected. I felt totally shelved. I realized one day I didn’t want to have kids with him anymore because those kids wouldn’t see a man loving their mother, only “Everything else” And that was my hard line pass. Though my hardline pass should’ve been when he couldn’t love me or appreciate me, but it was easier for me to see it in a danger danger kind of way when I applied it to a future of us. I just wanted to say I know what you are feeling & go through. It didn’t get to me either for a few years & then after it started to slowly pick at me I felt like I was nuts & he’d say stuff that would justify his side without doing anything to say I’m sorry you feel so unseen/unknown. You aren’t crazy. We all have needs in love & when a large deficit is created, huge resentment can build. I hope you can work this out. I was not able to and found myself trying to work it out 95% alone (which is already how I felt being in that relationship: extremely lonely) Ultimately I want better for myself & I pulled myself away & kicked him out of my life. I did a lot of growing & I bet you are too. Stand up for yourself. Know your worth. I found for myself not being a nag but also totally advocating for my worth and self worked for me. It didn’t save the relationship by year 5 but it taught me to stand steady & deeeply worthy through it. Empower yourself, you are extremely lovable and beautiful. Hearing you describe his sister & all of her amazing traits, my gut instinct says you don’t feel as amazing as she is as a person of that you embody those same traits (even though you do) because your lover is being an ungrateful mirror to the MOTHER of his kids, the greatest gifts you can give another (ever) The reason I felt when you were explaining her great traits while probably secretly doubting your own is because my ex that did this similar thing had an ex. He used to just talk about her PHD & how amazing she was and he referred to her job as a career in the same sentence he’d referred to my job as a “hobby” (I am an internationally represented, published, shown, photographer and that was a “hobby”) He’d defend these points almost to the death when I’d point them out & accuse me of being overly sensitive. That’s what avoidantly attached lovers do. Good luck x
36 years together and am still invisible! I am no longer allowed to "nag" to him about his continuous Lies. I play these.podcasts when I'm around him hoping he will learn something. ApparEntly I'm the slow learner and feel as if now I've waited too long to do anything about it. You were wise to get out early☺
Erika! Wow. You’re not wrong. You should feel sad and listen to Dr John. Maybe 🤔 your husband just doesn’t understand what you need or how to give it. Communication is key and 36 years later we are still working on it and trying to get it right. I can recall all the times early on, doesn’t he know? Doesn’t he get it? Why do I have to tell him what I need? Girl…you just do. Men and women are different and the way they think is different. They really do sometimes need extra help knowing what we need. ❤❤❤
Y’all 4 days and counting till Delony’s new book comes out on preorder!!!! Buy the book so we can help Delony’s family with their electrical issues! 🔥🔥🔥
Sounds like your husband genuinely forgot about an arbitrary holiday, and it sounds like you decided to spite him instead of forgive. I would hate to be that poor husband.
I’m sorry but the relationship with the sister is off.. the calendar and Mother’s Day situations are BIZARRE. It also sounds like he completed gas lighted her when she tried to talk to him about it.
RUN!!!! He's not ready and making way too many excuses and not willing to take responsibility. She's willing to work with him, but he doesn't want it to work.
I feel for Aubrey, but listen I was married for 22yrs, a man will tell you who he is through his actions. Listen closely what he is telling you and doing, you can’t change people as much as you would like. I tried for so long to stay but he wouldnt so I am no longer with him and you arent married dont get married and then be divorced in a few years it is a huge commitment!
Oh man im glad that at least you already have a good electrician company to work with. In my area, all the electric companies on Google dont call you back, or they schedule to come give you a quote but never show up. Then you hire some dude who says oh yeah, i went to school for that, im an electrician, ill help you with your project. Then that dude turns out to be a con artist and barely does any work, rarely shows up, keeps asking for more money, then tries to extort you upon termination... Sigh...
Marry, as someone who was made aware by my parents at a young age of their financial hardship I would highly recommend it. It made sense why I wasn’t able to get certain experiences or at times why they were more stressed! There is no use in lying to kids, much better to just be honest.
The with the sister is taking his wife super for granted. I started this call thinking the woman was overreacting and then, I ended up saying "what a jerk". I guess I wouldn't have all this patience, I would travel somewhere and tell him to go call his sister to take care of his children. If he wanted me back, he would have a lot of work from ground zero to do.
The boy is trying to get away from Aubree....but she cries and begs, so then he feels bad and backtrack. It's almost as if she wants him at all cost. On the other hand, he needs to end it and remain firm despite how much it hurts.
I'm sorry, but I think the 2nd caller has a right to be concerned. I'm very close to my brother we have a great relationship but what she is describing wth her husband and sister-in-law sounds abnormal, it sounds like she is being taken for granted, and there is nothing more obvious when your spouse can compliment everyone around them but not his wife. I wonder if the sister-in-law is married?
Never ever ever marry someone 'close' with a sibling or someone else of the opposite sex or even the same sex. They will always get their masculine/feminine energy, validation and everything else from that relationship, you will always be just a wallet/a baby making machine whatever. You'll always be replaceable, as compared to sweet sissy/mommy/bro/daddy/girl/boy best friend/cousin etc.
Idk how I stumbled on to u. But it was for me. Thank for all your advice. I was going crazy wanting my boy to play youth sports. U made me understand play 1st. U are the best n u read ppl by there emotions
Dr John, how could you say to Kyle "There's not a right or wrong one." in regard to getting married or not? Their relationship is so unhealthy. I think your advice was very confusing to people who need a straight forward clear answer. I sure hope they didn't get married.
First caller: I can speak to this, this happened to me…the end game truly is that your sons will see the light and will end up resenting their dad. My sons will not move away from me to where their dad lives because of the wild money manipulation he pulled, just like your ex. I stayed close to Jesus. There were days I wasn’t great but those kids saw me keep them fed and healthy. They know that they are my very next breath. Hang in there and give your kids more and more love , which I’m sure you do. It gets so much better as long as you know how to make sure they respect you.
Um I'm sorry but what..? From the things she said it doesn't sound anything like money manipulation. He treats his kids when they are with him. So be it. If his ex wife can't afford to do the same things, then that's tough but oh well. She got the divorce, it is what it is. She can't have both divorce and her ex husband's money at the same time. I get the jealousy and bitterness of not being able to spoil your kids as well as your ex can but such is life in divorce. However it's not Money manipulation and their children almost assuredly won't resent him for any of it. If the roles were reversed, and the caller was a Guy....John Daloni would be telling the father to man up and do something to be more successful. Rather then just throw a pitty party for the woman because she's now divorced and can't still have access to her exes money.
We are making a lot of assumptions about a man who has 50/50 custody and is taking care of more than just his half lol. I would like to hear his side of the story.
If he loves his sister more than her and not willing to love her that much then she's another sister 😆 5 years later and he says she's not the one!?😐😳 then he wanted one thing or few things from her whatever is sex or friendship but not to stay with her for always!
Aubrey, you should probably look into attachment styles. It sounds like you have a disregulated attachment style (perhaps anxious preoccupied). You can heal from that and have a real healthy relationship instead of clinging to lame guys like Kyle. You can do so much better.
Aubrey is miserable and he doesn’t really wanna be there. She refuses to let him go but isn’t happy with him either. What a sad existence. They will never be happy together.
A guy with two PhD's and the most awesome and smartest wife in the world and a best selling author, complaining about money, is so disrespectful to those who are really struggling to put food on the table and gas in the car.
Aubrey, Kyle is not faithful to you now. This WILL NOT change just because you marry him. He’s doing these things while you’re engaged, which means he will choose the same if you 2 are married. Get out now:walk away!
People get married for a number of reasons. I love my husband, but l didn’t think l wouldn’t be able to breath without him. Honestly l think that’s setting ppl up for failure and unrealistic expectations. I don’t know if millennials and under have just had too many partners that broke their hearts, but l wasn’t looking for that love for a marriage, because that’s just not stable to me personally.
Aubrey girl…. He doesn’t love you. He dragged his feet with you 5 years and gave you a ring just to appease you. He doesn’t sound all that anxious or happy to marry you. He’s not the one if he doesn’t feel the same for you.
My ex did same but didn’t even give me a ring, just a proposal. Dragged it out for 4-5 years. I hope she RUNS.
Dude seems so indifferent. I don't really get his issues with her. I think he just doesn't see her as a wifey, that's all
Am I the only one who caught the face that Aubrey’s fiancée said “I love Lexi” and also previously said “Lexi” in the conversation? Dude, who is Lexi?! Aubrey, sweetheart, RUN.
I think they changed her name for the call. At first I was like wtf too
@@AshleyLebedevmine drug it out for 14 and in the meantime he married someone else while still coming over and spending one on one time alone with me the whole time and the last 2 years of this he hid a marriage from me that he insisted he was not interested in romantically and convinced me they were just friends and I should give him the benefit of the doubt.
Dr. Delony: "I don't like speaking ill of others when they're not on the line." Dr. Delony: "He's stupid and ruined his life." 😂
Sometimes it's justified
That sad sack of crap sperm donor sounds just like my useless man-child of a father. That sack of crap deserves it, and like my dad, he will deserve it when they refuse to spend time talking to him.
Poor Aubrey's self-esteem is on the FLOOR. How many times and in how many different languages must that man tell her that he doesn't love her? She deserves so much better! Walk away. 😩❤️
The caller with the jealousy was so sad to hear. I don't think I can ever be with someone like her husband.
Me neither. He knows how to treat his sister but not his own wife? Something seems to be lacking with him because this isn’t rocket science.
To the single mom:Just spend time with your boys. Play games, go for walks, watch movies/shows together. Fun can be anything you make it.
Better tip, don’t be a single mom
@@Joe-iq1bu So, against all sense, no matter what, stay with an abusive man? Ok, XY. 🙄
@@Joe-iq1buget bent
@@Chaiilatte84 like the single moms do?
My parents fuuuucked me up by including me in their budgeting. I was 8. And I have been struggling to not feel responsible for their finances for yeaaaars to come. Don't do it Mary!!!! Don't do it. I always thought we were poor because they had too many kids. It was a huge burden for my little self. I was very very concerned about the light bill at age 8. I swear. I've had to go to therapy to heal this childhood trauma. I'm 43, and I still worry about my parents finances and how to help them. Seriously Mary. Don't get your kids involved. Find another way to help them understand.
He was talking about when the kids are older in teens, my mom didn't ever so I had no clue til I was in a dive studio apartment cooking on a hot plate with a pay phone in q little Coe in the hallway.
You are so right.
Her sons are not 8 years old.
My parents involved us in the home and business operations at a young age. I know how to pay a light bill at the age of 6. My 10 year old sister knew how to balance the ledgers. It's the best thing they ever did.
We knew how to manage our finances and pay bills. Those skills served us well as adults. Our children benefitted. It's passing on generation financial responsibilities. They taught us how to save too.
They were upper middle class with no debt and every thing paid up when they passed.
Sorry you are traumatized by your experience
The first caller, the divorcee, got some sound advice. That sounds almost exactly like my parents after their divorce when I was 14. That Christmas our dad got us a PlayStation and a few games for it, while my mom got us clothes. I was old enough to think it was messed up that mom has to provide the necessary stuff, but dad only did the “fun” stuff. So her 12 year old is probably already noticing that, too. All my brother noticed (and still talks about nearly 30 years later) was that dad gave us a PlayStation. Now, he also sees that our dad is a useless 64 year old man-child, but there is that disconnect. He doesn’t know that dad never paid a cent of child support after he was 15, never paid into any of his insurance or medical needs after the divorce. He doesn’t realize that our dad never went to football games, or to plays we were in. He doesn’t remember dad constantly trying to not spend one of his 2 weekends a month (the man-child didn’t want to spend 4 days where his kids were his primary focus >.>) so he could spend them with any one of a string of women. As I’ve gotten older, gotten married, and had children, I have realized just how much my father was willing to walk away from and throw away, all for himself. My wife once said I hated my father. I told her that’s not true; it would be easier if I hated him. Be a good mom, involve your kids in seeing your budget. Don’t attack their father-trust me, he’s attacking and blaming her, and it will backfire. He’s a sperm donating man-child like my dad. If she does like John is saying, her boys will grow up understanding and seeing what he’s done, more so than my little brother does. Then they will do like Dr. Delony says and refuse to spend time with him. I’d rather be with my kids and wife than spend an hour with that man who thought I wasn’t worth 4 days a month as a teenager. “The Cat’s in the Cradle” isn’t just a song-it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.
3rd callers reminds of me of my first marriage. You can’t will a relationship to be better because you want it to. He don’t want to hurt your feelings by leaving, and he feels guilty. Don’t let someone marry you out of guilt. You will find someone better and who will treat you amazingly. Promise. He sounds like he has fearful avoidant attachment style. Neither of them are ready to see themselves clearly.
Aubrey, girl. You have to let that man go. You’ll find a better man in time, but he’s not it.
You’re pretty
Is it just me? Listening to Aubrey’s fiancé (ex fiancé) makes me want to be alone. The way he talks gets on my nerve..
I think a lotta these calls just makes me wanna do relationships less and less 🥴
@@JohnJillky ha! same
There's 8 billion people on earth this is one case out of billions. There's great commited authentic intimate relationships out there, but media doesn't talk about them, media only talks about the awful stories.
Don't enter the continous doom cycle of depressing bad awful stories, these stories aren't the norm.
I have a fiancé so it doesn't make me wanna be single but it does make me feel bad for the ppl that experience being with someone like Aubrey's ex. I would have left too if I was her bc she doesn't deserve that she deserves way better.
My boyfriend is an angel! Don’t give up! Amazing partners still exist!!
3rd lady has waited for so long for dude to propose and put in so much emotional work that she doesn’t want to leave yet. Girl that marriage is gonna suck pls let go
When my daughter was around 12 she came home from school and said “A kid told me the SSI check from my dad’s disability belongs to me”We sat down with the bills and I got paid once a month. I cashed my check and got all cash. So I said here’s the money I get from work I one pile…and the bills in another pile.
I said ok subtract the rent and she counted out the rent.
We continued with all the bills.After food there wasn’t much left.
She went on to tell me how unfair it was.
I told her no problem we will get a smaller apartment with one bedroom and we will share the bedroom.Because it was the only variable.Still gotta have a car and insurance to get to work.Still have to pay for electricity ect… she totally understood where HER money went and why.Didn’t have to have the conversation again
Wow. Listening to that last call and the way Dr John laid that out so eloquently, I was brought back to the long-term relationship I had before my husband. He was my first love, but for whatever reason, we weren't right for each other and it took my years after it ended in ash to realize that. There isn't a "bad guy" in this in my opinion. It's two people clinging to an idea vs reality.
Dr John is just so wise and I'm grateful for his wisdom.
He called her lexy, I thought she's Aubrey, dudes cheating, lol. Get out dude. She deserves better.
Someone brought up the fact that it may just be her real name because a lot of times they use an Alias to protect privacy and he slipped up which could be a real fact knowing that John or her didn’t speak up!
@@dabd8175 why are u asking me. Lmao
@flashthecorgi2053 right on, u may be very right
People choose to leave if their needs are not being met. Some people choose to cheat. They are both choices. Some people choose to emotionally cheat while staying in relationships. All these are choices. "I am done" was the only thing Kyle said with confidence.
I caught the name slip twice too!! Red flag and air siren. That dude is cheating and clearly wants out of the relationship. Yet he feels bad because of the pain he is causing Aubrey, so he is sitting in limbo doing nothing about it. Find the integrity and leave the relationship.
That one dude with the sister is a weirdo, I don’t think he likes his wife. At least the way she explains it
Probably like the 18 kids and counting.. incest
29:23 this poor sweet sweet angel she deserves the world
she's in love with the IDEA of being in love. LET IT GO.
Never chase a guy !! Move on with your life he doesn't deserve you.
Never beg for someone's attention cause even if agrees to stay with you he will never feel your worth.
I know exactly how Aubrey feels. I’ve never been engaged, but I had 2 previous partners who emotionally entertained other women throughout the relationship. She absolutely needs to walk away. The best decision I made was leaving. She needs to have her security and confidence back.
She wants him because he has choices and her ego thinks she will be the victor. Nope.
I want to know who Lexy is that he kept saying😭
@@mostbeautifulbelovedgarden i believe they were using pseudo names to hide their identities but he kept
Messing up and calling her Lexi, her real name.
Weird relationship with the sister. I knew a guy like that. He almost seemed like he was doing things with his sister on the low.
They always are.
The fact that he called other women to say happy Mother’s Day to them, but did nothing special for his wife speaks volumes of how he feels behavior is a language, which is what John Delaney always says, but I don’t think he made it clear to her in this phone callhow much the husband is doing wrong
@@beverlyallison4768 Which is a real shame. Don't they have 3 kids together, three years old and younger?
First caller, I was you. TRUST ME Dr. Daloney is right. Took me a few years to get to that point but he's right. Now if my kids go to like Disneyland I'm happy they had fun and also see it as well now I don't have to take them there and can take them somewhere else. Kids spending less time cuz it interferes with their "fun" is 💯true! Give it a couple years, you'll see
Poor Aubrey. Dude called her Lexi twice on a national podcast. What more does she need to know the dude is just not that into you. She would rather stick with a bad situation that is known rather than deal with the uncertainty of change.
Lexi might be her real name and Aubrey her pseudo-name. That would confuse me too.
Aubrey’s fiancé wants to tell her that she’s not faithful enough and he’s the one committing adultery at every turn and dragging her through the mud?
Kyle literally called Abrey by a different name and corrected himself. 😳
@@jameywallace5133wow! Twice! Unbelievable!
He didn't even correct himself the second time.
What a baller 😂
It’s possible they were using fake names for the show!
To the single mom, I raised my two children on way less money than my ex and received minimal child support. My kids were active in sports and they had decent clothes. When their needs became more expensive I let them make choices. My daughter wanted a good bicycle for a youth bike trip and a class ring I told her I could help her with one of these, but not both. She chose the bicycle! When the kids were old enough to drive I paid half of the premium and they had part-time jobs to earn the rest. I had a clothing budget for each of them, then when needs arose for more clothes I paid half. as long as it was appropriate and necessary. Anything more they paid the full amount. They have never felt entitled, have made good decisions, and both graduated from college. I drove used cars until they were 15-18 years old, so they understand the unnecessary costs of a new car and they now drive nice used vehicles. Hang in there; your boys will be very appreciative when they are grown. Hang in there; your boys will be very appreciative of what you have taught them when they are grown.
Aubrey.... Kyle has made it very clear. He said it.....he's done. Call off the engagement/wedding. You and Kyle are not a match for marriage. As hard as it might be to acknowledge, he does not want to marry you. There's nothing wrong with either of you. You're simply not the right match for marriage.
Kyle is there for the cooking and cleaning and help with the bills. - And being able to tell his mother his is going to do right.
The second caller was given really good advice. I hope it helps their relationship towards a stronger marriage. We have to teach the person we love how to love us. If the person isn't teachable, that's when it can be a problem.
I agree. I really liked his advice. I may have to make a note of the in the future for myself !
Once he shows you his true colors believe it! This is his character. If you marry him expect the misery. Marriage will not fix the problems you have now.
Second caller. Her husband is playing triangulation games with the wife. A form of emotional abuse. Her husband KNOWS he didn't wish her happy mothers' day! It was done on purpose. And you tell her to go grovel to her husband?!
Yea, she should just leave him for not to wishing her a happy Mother's Day, and ruin those three boy's lives by being a single mom. I'm sure they'll understand when they grow up. Loser.
In the second relationship I believe the husband knows exactly what he is doing. Mainly, because the wife is being very clear about how she is left feeling at the slight. I also believe it could be more sinister and there is some triangulation.
The 2nd caller probably dealt with the issue of the brother/sister relationship while dating and thought wrongfully it would change when they got married😏
Why would you continue every year to have a child with someone who doesn't respect you or treat you special?
Religion? Probably why he has so many siblings
I’ve been the first caller. Still am. My children are now 17, 23, 25. I’m navigating one in college and one about to be and the ex pays me $25 a month for one of their cell phones. That’s it… I kid you not. And he thinks that’s ok. He’s the one who has to sleep with his conscience. My kids know exactly what the dynamics are. I don’t have to point it out. And the poor third caller… sweetie let him GO. There’s a better life out there for you.
This show is amazing. I wish everyone knew about it.
Me too 😌
She needs to keep a detailed visitation log for 12 months and if he's not taking them 50 percent then take him back for more money.
I'm a man and have 50/50 custody and pay the insurance half of everything and still pay child support and still have fun times spoiling them. I don't have to pay for makeup, getting my nails done, hair done, tampons, all that stuff adds up. I work, do cheap hobbies, when I don't have the kids. When I do I spoil them and we go on adventures.
Time would be better spent focusing on career and getting a better job. She may be able to shake him for $2-300/month but that requires court, anger, and lots of turmoil for an extended period of time. that's not much money
@whitneyw.7919 also if he has them half the time all payments should go away. It's ridiculous that women feel entitled to another person's money
I have my own florist business, I’ve had so many conversations with guys on the giving of flowers. Not because it’s my business but because they’re so beautiful and it’s not something you necessarily buy for yourself. Anything from a beautifully wrapped single flower that just lets someone know you’ve thought of them, to the biggest most ridiculous display for the special occasions!
Flowers say whatever you need them say.
I’m the first to say a single wrapped rose/flower or a cute pretty bunch to take home is such a beautiful gesture 💐
Man I don’t care how cool you and your sister are. To idolize her more than your wife and the whole Mother’s Day thing like ok now you need to prove to me that you’re not in love with her on some weird level. How do you prove that? I have no idea but you figure that out or peace out dude. That’s weird as hell.
Seriously...I have two brothers and this is not normal AT ALL.
Kyle - Aubrey doesn't have the energy to invest into relationships with extended family until the immediate relationship between the two of you is good. And Christian men aren't supposed to act the way you act. Women at church don't want you there staring at them or flirting with them. Shes not your wife and she doesn't owe your father a fathers day call, because you won't marry her, he isn't her father in law yet. She doesn't owe you intimacy. Stop playing house. Stop pretending to have values and religious beliefs. It's not something you play pretend with, you either walk the talk or you don't.
Wow! I wish John would have said this stuff! Soooooo true.
Last couple, cut your losses. Youll be better off.
You dodged a big bullet.
My mom would tell us every day how much things costs all the time. It made us feel burdened by it as kids and I would avoid or shut down when she talked about it. Now as adults, she’ll continue to tell us how much things costs still. Depends on the delivery….
I'm sorry to hear that bc it's not like you guys asked to be here. Whether she's hurting or bitter about whatever made her feel the way she felt in that moment doesn't make it your guys fault. It seems like she was never shown any kindness or grace so in turn she never learned how to model that behavior. It's definitely not an excuse though at all. Atleast you know how she is and you can avoid being that way and you can be better than she was to you guys. And I agree it does depend on the delivery it's not always what you say it's how you say it.
Bless Marena. I had a deep painful hurt from someone so very close to me but I finally started praying for this person I was able to forgive. That helped me heal
She needs to dump him. He’s gonna continue to cheat and she deserves so much better. Let go of him !!
I love it...commitment coming back...I at 70 widow..feel we're losing this in our relationships...
Ah the last call, I feel for her, if he’s saying he’s done, girl you have to hear that even though it’s super painful because you love him. Your pain will make you want to cling on to something and someone who isn’t right for you, and quite honestly doesn’t deserve you. You want to be with someone who truly loves you and wants to be with you, work with you and fight for you, your current fiancé is not it I think.
My ex partner who I was in a long term relationship with ended things really abruptly, literally just turned around one day and said he didn’t love me anymore. It hurt me so badly, I honestly didn’t think I could be in so much emotional pain, I was still in love with him so I tried everything to claw him back, but he was out. He didn’t want to fight for me, didn’t want to try and repair what went wrong and that was really hard for me to get to grips with and I became an emotional doormat for like 4 months while we went through a horrendously messy breakup. In hindsight I wish I had just left, stopped chasing something that was already dead on his side and saved myself a lot of emotional energy.
After that relationships I found my current fiancé who is incredible, we’re getting married next year and I can’t imagine anyone more right to build a life with. Don’t settle Aubrey.
The last two callers are the definition of a situationship.
I don’t need to put my anniversary on a calendar; it’s a date I don’t forget, just like Christmas.
John, you're so good . 😊
Third caller. TELL THAT GIRL TO RUN!
Actions speak louder than words. He is not invested in this relationship. He wants to date other women. He is not mature. They need to let go of each other. It’s not working for either of them.
I have never heard a bitter baby mommas reasoning. Enlightening.
I feel bad for Aubrey, she’s under a really really heavy cloud of delusion.. loving someone that just doesn’t love her fr :/.
Aubrey girl you deserve so much love ❤️ you can love someone and let it go. Thank God you called in so you can hear the pure disregard for the relationship. He cant love you the way you deserve to be loved. You're an alternate in his life.
Agreed. My heart hurt for her throughout the entire call. I hope she will let this man go. I am so curious why men like Kyle let these kinds of relationships just string along. He knows he doesn’t want to be with her and has an easy way out to break up before marriage but just won’t do it. Why?
Aubrey deserves so much better. He is stringing her along. She needs to walk away from him. Is it me or did he keep calling her Lexi. Who the heck is Lexi? 😒
Aubrey's fiancé wants credit for doing the bare minimum, and blames her for (rightfully) being wary and protecting herself! Absolutely devoid of empathy.
Erika, I’m so sorry for you. I don’t see any comments here for you though I can’t quite tell what’s what in the dynamic. But I’ll say this, your husband doesn’t seem to appreciate you OR he’s totally clueless. So it’s not about sister (though I get that it is where it shows) it’s that he doesn’t seem to recognize or see you.
My ex of 5 years did this (not with his sister, but just with “everyone else”) and I was ok at first but as time went by I started to recognize that I was not appreciated or seen and after a few YEARS STRAIGHT of that it REALLY does get to you. As time passed seeing his excitement about every random event with his “crew” and every getaway, every small event or weekend get together he’d bend over backwards (and with verbal excitement) to accommodate it and in contrast, was never excited about ANYTHING we did (I still can’t remember a time he asked me to do anything or showed pride in me, both as a partner or in milestones of schooling/career.
I found myself having to sell my value to him thinking if I just showed some things I’d accomplished he’d be like WOW! My woman! But he never did. Over time I got none of my needs met because I needed a diff kind of love. When we’d talk about it he’d improve for like 2 days, then the norms crept right back in. When he’d improve it was like he was so uncomfortable Sharing pride or love with me that it felt like his compliments were from a script. It got so bad in his inability to want to connect or show affection or gratitude (except when really pushed to) that I went through the last two years of the relationship pretty dang numb before I realized I was with the wrong guy. One day I just realized this man has more excitement over doing dishes & d&d & a random Wednesday night meetup than he does with any aspect of my being, my personality, my self, my contribution or our future and if we even feel connected. I felt totally shelved.
I realized one day I didn’t want to have kids with him anymore because those kids wouldn’t see a man loving their mother, only “Everything else” And that was my hard line pass. Though my hardline pass should’ve been when he couldn’t love me or appreciate me, but it was easier for me to see it in a danger danger kind of way when I applied it to a future of us.
I just wanted to say I know what you are feeling & go through. It didn’t get to me either for a few years & then after it started to slowly pick at me I felt like I was nuts & he’d say stuff that would justify his side without doing anything to say I’m sorry you feel so unseen/unknown. You aren’t crazy. We all have needs in love & when a large deficit is created, huge resentment can build. I hope you can work this out. I was not able to and found myself trying to work it out 95% alone (which is already how I felt being in that relationship: extremely lonely)
Ultimately I want better for myself & I pulled myself away & kicked him out of my life.
I did a lot of growing & I bet you are too. Stand up for yourself. Know your worth. I found for myself not being a nag but also totally advocating for my worth and self worked for me. It didn’t save the relationship by year 5 but it taught me to stand steady & deeeply worthy through it. Empower yourself, you are extremely lovable and beautiful. Hearing you describe his sister & all of her amazing traits, my gut instinct says you don’t feel as amazing as she is as a person of that you embody those same traits (even though you do) because your lover is being an ungrateful mirror to the MOTHER of his kids, the greatest gifts you can give another (ever)
The reason I felt when you were explaining her great traits while probably secretly doubting your own is because my ex that did this similar thing had an ex. He used to just talk about her PHD & how amazing she was and he referred to her job as a career in the same sentence he’d referred to my job as a “hobby” (I am an internationally represented, published, shown, photographer and that was a “hobby”)
He’d defend these points almost to the death when I’d point them out & accuse me of being overly sensitive.
That’s what avoidantly attached lovers do.
Good luck x
36 years together and am still invisible! I am no longer allowed to "nag" to him about his continuous
Lies. I play these.podcasts when I'm around him hoping he will learn something. ApparEntly I'm the slow learner and feel as if now I've waited too long to do anything about it. You were wise to get out early☺
Erika! Wow. You’re not wrong. You should feel sad and listen to Dr John. Maybe 🤔 your husband just doesn’t understand what you need or how to give it. Communication is key and 36 years later we are still working on it and trying to get it right. I can recall all the times early on, doesn’t he know? Doesn’t he get it? Why do I have to tell him what I need? Girl…you just do. Men and women are different and the way they think is different. They really do sometimes need extra help knowing what we need. ❤❤❤
Y’all 4 days and counting till Delony’s new book comes out on preorder!!!! Buy the book so we can help Delony’s family with their electrical issues! 🔥🔥🔥
This was great call from both parties on the call. One of the best
My husband also forgot I was a mom on my first Mother’s Day. So I forgot he was a father on Father’s Day.😂
How are things going now?
Sounds like your husband genuinely forgot about an arbitrary holiday, and it sounds like you decided to spite him instead of forgive. I would hate to be that poor husband.
@@coconutwater4531it’s been 30 years now. It got better, thanks for asking. Yes, not very mature but that’s what I did .
@@flightoffancy good to hear!
Don’t worry John!!! On Tuesday I’m preordering your new book to help you out!!!
I loved listening to John talk with Erika, yay John. I wish the best for you, Erika ❤🤗
I’m sorry but the relationship with the sister is off.. the calendar and Mother’s Day situations are BIZARRE. It also sounds like he completed gas lighted her when she tried to talk to him about it.
RUN!!!! He's not ready and making way too many excuses and not willing to take responsibility. She's willing to work with him, but he doesn't want it to work.
I feel for Aubrey, but listen I was married for 22yrs, a man will tell you who he is through his actions. Listen closely what he is telling you and doing, you can’t change people as much as you would like. I tried for so long to stay but he wouldnt so I am no longer with him and you arent married dont get married and then be divorced in a few years it is a huge commitment!
So he wants to be a godly man and go to church but cheats, watches corn, and wants sx on demand? Ya, makes total sense. 🤦♀️
Oh man im glad that at least you already have a good electrician company to work with. In my area, all the electric companies on Google dont call you back, or they schedule to come give you a quote but never show up. Then you hire some dude who says oh yeah, i went to school for that, im an electrician, ill help you with your project. Then that dude turns out to be a con artist and barely does any work, rarely shows up, keeps asking for more money, then tries to extort you upon termination... Sigh...
Marry, as someone who was made aware by my parents at a young age of their financial hardship I would highly recommend it. It made sense why I wasn’t able to get certain experiences or at times why they were more stressed! There is no use in lying to kids, much better to just be honest.
The with the sister is taking his wife super for granted. I started this call thinking the woman was overreacting and then, I ended up saying "what a jerk". I guess I wouldn't have all this patience, I would travel somewhere and tell him to go call his sister to take care of his children. If he wanted me back, he would have a lot of work from ground zero to do.
That's the only correct answer.
24:20 maybe those are the ones he thought he might forget? I know I still have an issue of not writting everything down. Just what I might forget.
He is comfortable. That’s why he doesn’t call it.
The boy is trying to get away from Aubree....but she cries and begs, so then he feels bad and backtrack. It's almost as if she wants him at all cost. On the other hand, he needs to end it and remain firm despite how much it hurts.
I'm sorry, but I think the 2nd caller has a right to be concerned. I'm very close to my brother we have a great relationship but what she is describing wth her husband and sister-in-law sounds abnormal, it sounds like she is being taken for granted, and there is nothing more obvious when your spouse can compliment everyone around them but not his wife. I wonder if the sister-in-law is married?
"My fiance does everything he can to show me that he hates me. Should I marry him?"
People are insane.
Never ever ever marry someone 'close' with a sibling or someone else of the opposite sex or even the same sex. They will always get their masculine/feminine energy, validation and everything else from that relationship, you will always be just a wallet/a baby making machine whatever. You'll always be replaceable, as compared to sweet sissy/mommy/bro/daddy/girl/boy best friend/cousin etc.
Idk how I stumbled on to u. But it was for me. Thank for all your advice. I was going crazy wanting my boy to play youth sports. U made me understand play 1st. U are the best n u read ppl by there emotions
I hear banjo's playing with that brother and sister, YUK. Run lady 🏃♀️
I hear banjo's playing with that brother & sister. Yuk. Run lady 🏃♀️
Oh yes, the datapoints - that is something to be overlooked quite easily when you have a picture in your head ...
Kyle is a walking red flag
Did that last guy keep saying another girl’s name?
Thats what I was wondering too??!
Yea, they are probably using pseudonyms for the call. Not everyone wants to use their real name when airing dirty laundry on the internet
@@charlesgibbinsmakes sense, I thought he was saying his other gf’s name lol
haha I caught that too, He called her Lexi and her name was Aubrey
@@ajones8008 the show typically used fake names to protect anonymity
Dr John, how could you say to Kyle "There's not a right or wrong one." in regard to getting married or not? Their relationship is so unhealthy. I think your advice was very confusing to people who need a straight forward clear answer. I sure hope they didn't get married.
the last caller....the woman needs to leave him, move on and gain strength. women are strong come on girl!
18:40 gosh i love when he’s spazzy 😂😂😊
I wonder how he treats his parents? If after they talk I hope things change if it doesn't I don't think this young girl will end the marriage
First caller: I can speak to this, this happened to me…the end game truly is that your sons will see the light and will end up resenting their dad. My sons will not move away from me to where their dad lives because of the wild money manipulation he pulled, just like your ex. I stayed close to Jesus. There were days I wasn’t great but those kids saw me keep them fed and healthy. They know that they are my very next breath. Hang in there and give your kids more and more love , which I’m sure you do. It gets so much better as long as you know how to make sure they respect you.
Um I'm sorry but what..? From the things she said it doesn't sound anything like money manipulation. He treats his kids when they are with him. So be it.
If his ex wife can't afford to do the same things, then that's tough but oh well. She got the divorce, it is what it is. She can't have both divorce and her ex husband's money at the same time. I get the jealousy and bitterness of not being able to spoil your kids as well as your ex can but such is life in divorce.
However it's not Money manipulation and their children almost assuredly won't resent him for any of it.
If the roles were reversed, and the caller was a Guy....John Daloni would be telling the father to man up and do something to be more successful. Rather then just throw a pitty party for the woman because she's now divorced and can't still have access to her exes money.
I never wanted an updated episode till now. I hope the last couple broke up.
Those lyrics at the end though… brutal 💀
We are making a lot of assumptions about a man who has 50/50 custody and is taking care of more than just his half lol. I would like to hear his side of the story.
If he loves his sister more than her and not willing to love her that much then she's another sister 😆 5 years later and he says she's not the one!?😐😳 then he wanted one thing or few things from her whatever is sex or friendship but not to stay with her for always!
That certainly is the way it seems.
The song of the day should have been My Chemical Romance- I don’t love you.
Aubrey, you should probably look into attachment styles. It sounds like you have a disregulated attachment style (perhaps anxious preoccupied). You can heal from that and have a real healthy relationship instead of clinging to lame guys like Kyle. You can do so much better.
Thank you 🙏
Aubrey! Dr. John! Why are we overlooking the fact that he called her Lexi….. TWICE???!!!!! And even corrected himself twice??!!!
They use fake names on this show for privacy reasons, her real name is Lexi!
Aubrey is miserable and he doesn’t really wanna be there. She refuses to let him go but isn’t happy with him either. What a sad existence. They will never be happy together.
These two need to put the dog down and separate.
That 18k better include drywall repair. Deloney acts like hes broke. 😂
A guy with two PhD's and the most awesome and smartest wife in the world and a best selling author, complaining about money, is so disrespectful to those who are really struggling to put food on the table and gas in the car.
would that be the same thing if you're engaged versus marriage ?
49:20 he called her Lexi?….
I wonder if there’s an update to this
40:56 Did he call her Lexie instead of Aubrey?
Aubrey, Kyle is not faithful to you now. This WILL NOT change just because you marry him. He’s doing these things while you’re engaged, which means he will choose the same if you 2 are married. Get out now:walk away!
People get married for a number of reasons. I love my husband, but l didn’t think l wouldn’t be able to breath without him.
Honestly l think that’s setting ppl up for failure and unrealistic expectations. I don’t know if millennials and under have just had too many partners that broke their hearts, but l wasn’t looking for that love for a marriage, because that’s just not stable to me personally.
He literally called her by another woman's name during the call. Lol.