You need to put it between your charge controller and battery to get stable readings. If you put it between panel and charge controller figures be all over the place as controller adjusts itself to whsts happening with your battery
Hey mate, quick question. Can I connect this device directly to the battery as source and then to my load ( inverter etc) Or does it have to go between solar charge controller and battery ? Thanks for you help
Hi may I change the black and red cables for higher ampere measurements?
You need to put it between your charge controller and battery to get stable readings. If you put it between panel and charge controller figures be all over the place as controller adjusts itself to whsts happening with your battery
Hey mate, quick question.
Can I connect this device directly to the battery as source and then to my load ( inverter etc)
Or does it have to go between solar charge controller and battery ?
Thanks for you help
@@pleasetw yes, it will give you the discharge rate etc if on the load side.
no ventalation?.....what about heat they get hot ....seems your traping the heat ...