Mahama chairs launch of Obasanjo's new book on leadership

  • Опубліковано 4 бер 2024
  • I am delighted to have been invited to chair the public presentation of President Olusegun Obasanjo's new book, "The Art of Leading: Unconventional Wisdom from Biblical Leaders." This book is inspirational and thought-provoking for all who seek to lead with integrity and purpose.
    As someone who has benefited immensely from President Obasanjo's extensive knowledge and experience in leadership, I can attest to the invaluable insights and wisdom he shares in this book. His expertise in this area has been a tremendous inspiration for many of us who belong to the next generation of leaders.
    President Obasanjo's masterful capturing of the excellent leadership skills of the biblical characters he references provides valuable wisdom for leaders from all walks of life.
    As a Christian leader, this book has brought a whole new perspective to my understanding of leadership and has inspired me as I prepare to offer myself to lead my beloved country, Ghana, again.
    The book demonstrates the importance of leaders being led by God and walking in the steps of God as we navigate the complexities of the modern world. I hope that ‘The Art of Leading’ will inspire leaders from all walks of life to embrace the unconventional wisdom of biblical leaders and incorporate it into our leadership approach.
    Once again, congratulations, President Obasanjo, on this remarkable achievement, and thank you for sharing your valuable wisdom with the world.