The dazzle camouflage was meant specifically to make it harder to calculate the speed, course and distance of the ship when looking from a periscope of a submarine. Subs especially in those days shot torpedoes that just went on a straight path, and not particularly fast, so you had to aim by calculating how long it might take for it to reach the path of the ship and how much advance you need to take to get it on a collision course with the ship.
This specific version of the livery is included in the Enhancement Pack Mod linked in the description, it appears as its own selectable version of the 390 in the loco selection menu. However even without the mod there are variants of this in the creator's club, and you can access it that way using free roam. I believe you can also load up liveries direct to timetabled trains if you've downloaded them from creator's club too, there's a tab for liveries you can go to whilst on the loco select screen.
The dazzle camouflage was meant specifically to make it harder to calculate the speed, course and distance of the ship when looking from a periscope of a submarine. Subs especially in those days shot torpedoes that just went on a straight path, and not particularly fast, so you had to aim by calculating how long it might take for it to reach the path of the ship and how much advance you need to take to get it on a collision course with the ship.
Did you design the pride yourself in livery designer or can you just spawn the pride train in the free roam?
This specific version of the livery is included in the Enhancement Pack Mod linked in the description, it appears as its own selectable version of the 390 in the loco selection menu. However even without the mod there are variants of this in the creator's club, and you can access it that way using free roam. I believe you can also load up liveries direct to timetabled trains if you've downloaded them from creator's club too, there's a tab for liveries you can go to whilst on the loco select screen.