Picarazas are urracas, so not 'rogues' (Pícaras), but magpies. 'Sola' (queda la cañada) should translate as 'alone', I think. Tibias refers to the batons of a diabolo which in spanish are named the same as the bone. And I'm pretty sure cumbre refers to a mountain peak, not to a summit.
Notable el hecho de la traducción al inglés
Alguien se a parado a escuchar la letra? Es poema puro y duro
Picarazas are urracas, so not 'rogues' (Pícaras), but magpies.
'Sola' (queda la cañada) should translate as 'alone', I think.
Tibias refers to the batons of a diabolo which in spanish are named the same as the bone.
And I'm pretty sure cumbre refers to a mountain peak, not to a summit.