"Party Pooped" Review

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • Oh Pinkie, you Wonderfully Random Pony...
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  • @McBehrer
    @McBehrer 9 років тому +78

    This had the BEST line in the entire series.
    "So, um... do we... walk back up the slide, or... or what?"

    • @Rurike
      @Rurike 9 років тому +10

      McBehrer I kinda agree, i cracked up at that line

    • @Millstone1985
      @Millstone1985 9 років тому

      McBehrer This is only really a problem for Rarity and Applejack, though.

    • @Millstone1985
      @Millstone1985 9 років тому

      rainbowshine06 Pegasus flight has never been this realistic and the Tirek episode confirmed that it is in fact magical.

    • @Millstone1985
      @Millstone1985 9 років тому

      rainbowshine06 Perhaps I do not understand you. Anyway, Rainbow Dash is flying right next to Fluttershy as she says that line.

    • @Millstone1985
      @Millstone1985 9 років тому

      rainbowshine06 Yes, you do. Are you envisioning the slide as being partially a tunnel or something? I assumed it was just a regular slide, placed under the trap door.

  • @lupint.w7444
    @lupint.w7444 9 років тому +34

    Fluttershy was written in a really cute way this episode. I hope to see more of it!
    I figured out what the conclusion should be and I turned out to be right. The yaks were only really getting angry because the ponies were getting *their* customs wrong. You'd think after the fifth attempt the mane six would realise that the yaks didn't want to see more of where they came from - they wanted to come to terms with Equestria!

    • @BT405
      @BT405 9 років тому +11

      Lupin Quill Fluttershy could not be more on point this season

  • @Hulksmasher1995
    @Hulksmasher1995 9 років тому +23

    I know I'm like a broken record here but....THEY ARE DOING PINKIE PIE SO WELL THIS SEASON!!! non-stop hilarity from her! I absolutely loved this episode :)

  • @omniviewer2115
    @omniviewer2115 9 років тому +8

    I think there's a subtext here about the stress the staff undergo to entertain fans who, at times, seem impossible to please, with the ponies as the staff and the yaks as the fans. Not that it was just venting, mind you; at the end, it's the sincerity of the ponies' actions that gets through to the yaks. This is just as much about finding your audience as it is anything else.
    Anyway, I already said my piece over on my channel.
    Nice review, Doc.

  • @mrchangcooler
    @mrchangcooler 9 років тому +5

    The scene when the yaks came in and they bring out traditional cuisine, the whole time I was thinking "Wait..... shouldn't you offer some of your culture to the Foreigners? They've had their culture their whole lives, so you welcome them by giving them more of their culture? If you wanted them to feel at home, why didn't you go to their country?"

    @LZRDWZRD 9 років тому +6

    This was such a wacky episode. Truly one of a kind! I loved that we actually got to see the crazy adventures Pinkie went off on, instead of her just coming back and telling everyone about them. It's like the point of the episode was to show just how trippy Pinkie's life can be through her perspective. Very cool concept.

    • @gmsk7588
      @gmsk7588 9 років тому +1

      My favorite part of the episode had to be Pinkie's lair. It's really awesome that she puts that much thought into every single party she plans.

      @LZRDWZRD 9 років тому

      GMSK 758 I said this in my review, but that whole lair falls right in line with an analysis Digibro made in his "A Friend In Deed" video. He says she's basically a genius with an extraordinary capacity for memorizing details about other ponies. This just confirms it to be true - she does really know every pony in town.

  • @jeweltara
    @jeweltara 9 років тому +2

    Honestly this was an excellent character growth episode for Pinkie especially her secret party room,not only dose it show how smart she really is and the amount of effort she puts into her skill,but it also explains how she could forget her own birthday back in Party of one.
    Cause she never kept a file on herself.

  • @SuperGodzilla2
    @SuperGodzilla2 9 років тому +5

    this was a fun episode, this was nice to see the old Twilight again, also is was interesting to see Pinkie stressing out
    nice review dude

  • @cloudcolt5765
    @cloudcolt5765 9 років тому +2

    I don't know why, but when pinkie pie made a Beatles reference, I I was on the floor laughing. Just the way she just spits it out really quick had me laugh for a while. Ahh, pinkie, how I love you. xD

  • @silverdragonwolf1
    @silverdragonwolf1 9 років тому +2

    I liked the yacks as an addition to the series canon, and to be honest I'm looking forward to other hoofed creatures appearing in the series proper as well. Getting those little hints of other cultures is always nice. Personally I would like to see giraffes added to the series canon, and in all honesty I think Zecora and the fact that she is a zebra is an excellent setup for introducing giraffes to the series. Maybe giraffes and zebras have a shared culture, maybe they have separate cultures that interact with each other from time time to varying degrees, or maybe culturally speaking giraffes and zebras have some other kind of relationship.
    What I'm trying to get at is I would like to see the world expanded on with the introduction of more creatures that have some kind of culture or civilization. I mean we already have the four pony tribes (even though its technically three since only 4 members of the alicorn subgroup currently exist), Diamond Dogs, Bison (also called buffalo), zebras (although Zecora is the only one of that group we've seen so far), dragons (it's sort of played with that could have some kind of culture, but never really expanded on in the series), griffons, and now yacks. I would love to see more cultures make their appearance and present issues, obstacles and approaches that can act as vehicles for the cast to learn from.

  • @FastLane46
    @FastLane46 9 років тому +1

    While Pinkie isn't my favorite character, her episodes never fail to bring a smile to my face. We all know how serious she takes her parties, but I like how we got to see just HOW serious she is about this. And I would give a few creepy points to how detailed Pinkie is about knowing EVERYTHING about the townsponies, not saying that's a bad thing, but just a funny, "Holy crap," moment. Here's to more Pinkie-centric episodes!

  • @TheYiffingAtheist
    @TheYiffingAtheist 9 років тому +2

    I loved this episode, especially classic Twilight. The only hang up I had was that the Equestrians still wanted to accommodate the Yaks after they wrecked everything.

    • @TheYiffingAtheist
      @TheYiffingAtheist 9 років тому

      ***** Now that you mention it, it wasn't perfect. I might have to smash something.

    • @IndiBrony
      @IndiBrony 9 років тому +2

      ***** I thought it was smashing.

  • @xertris
    @xertris 9 років тому +2

    Hears a demented thought:
    Now we all know that pinkie pie actually writes down party related info about everyone in pony ville. Effectively charting out each of their likes and dislikes and storing them in a large file.
    This is eerily similar to Facebook's data collection and usage, but there is no term of service agreement here. If you live in pony ville than a pink party pony is stalking you and taking note of everything you like and dislike. Whether you want her to or not.
    Now we can trust pinkie pie to only use this information to make the best parties ever. Which can really only help the population of ponyville be happier, but what if pinkie pie changes ?. Or more pressing what if a bad guy got a hold of all that intel?
    Whoever posseses the information in Pinkie's archive could lockdown all of ponyville or potentially take over all equestria scarcrow style.
    How you ask?
    Simple. The archive contains everyone in ponyvilles' likes, dislikes, and fears. Knowing the greatest fears of the townsfolk could scare everyone away from the town, or at least cause hysteria that would paralyse the townsfolk, doing some serious economic, social, or even physical damage. Far worse than anything scarecrow has done in gotham, because all the fear he generates is an gas induced hallucination, but in this case all the fears would be real and magic makes even the most irrational and fantastical of fear induced situations possible to simulate in gruesome detail.
    Of course this is just ponyville.
    How could an archive containing information purely about residents of ponyville possibly allow a villain or a deviant pinkie take over equestria?
    The users of the most powerful weapons in equestria are all residents of ponyville, and since they are all pinkie pie's best friends their files are the most in depth and current. All our equestrian scarecrow would need to do expose each of the main six to their fears, preferably when they are separate, and watch them go mad from overexposure. All he/she would need is for one of them to insane, and the elements of harmony are out of commision.
    From there all this villian would need to do is take out all the alicorns which we know is possible from the Season 4 finale, and... Wait, the elements of harmony are already gone CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

  • @Stonehawk
    @Stonehawk 9 років тому +1

    I especially liked the message of AUTHENTICITY. What the Yaks found to be imperfect was the very *essence*, the very *foundational state*, that the ponies were attempting to _replicate_ Yak tradition. If a pony does it, by definition it fails to be Yakyakistani. Authenticity is what Yaks value, and the only authentic things ponies can make are PONY THINGS. They'd be just as upset if pinkie tried to bake them Griffin Scones. But if Gilda did, or Gustav LaGrande (the Griffin baker from MMMMystery on The Friendship Express), it would be a true expression of Griffin heritage, and therefore "Perfect". I might even go so far as to presume that Yaks have a supernatural sense for authenticity.

  • @simpsonman956
    @simpsonman956 9 років тому +9

    I just couldn't get over how disturbingly racist of caricatures the yaks were. I mean my God, really? We're still doing "laugh at the barbarian foreigners" jokes, in 2015?

    • @mayborneflower
      @mayborneflower 9 років тому +2

      I concur. I can't quite get past that. They seriously couldn't have the Yaks respond with something OTHER than rampant smashing?

    • @anonymouslyknown6530
      @anonymouslyknown6530 9 років тому +5

      mayborneflower I believe it was more them being offended at the ponies doing poor imitations of there homelands culture that pissed them off and as a result they wanted to smash the offending object. Imagination it from their prospective. They came from a far off country and are met with others they are trying to be friends with and all they are doing is being insensitive to your culture and mocking it. Yes the were trying to make it like their home and yes they were trying hard but it was still making a mockery of there culture. Telling them that the cake was just like theirs, the beds just like theirs. They were basically lying to them. Or I may be over analysing this. lol

    • @mayborneflower
      @mayborneflower 9 років тому +2

      You kinda are. That much said, I did consider the angles cultural mockery and trying too hard to mimic their ways of life. I could actually buy their reactions to the traditional dishes and Spike's piano playing (plus I saw them blowing it with the animals from a mile away) but they also wrecked the barn that doubled as their domiciles, Rarity's place of business (before she even had a fair shot), and attempted the same with snow of all things because none of those non-edibles tasted like Yak, as if their borders were closed for far too long for anyone to note the distinction. I'm also bugged about the cake; has no Yak ever messed up the recipe before, really?
      However, it wasn't the fact that the Yaks took offense that has me miffed. It's the fact that their major character quirk was wanton destruction at the smallest provocations, which was only funny the FIRST time out of half a dozen. It's as if there was no other exaggerated means of showing displeasure or distain available. We don't get to see the positives of the Yaks as actual people until the end, the routine of "ponies fail, yaks smash" wore thin fast, and we didn't see much of the Yak reacting to Pony culture until (again) the end, which very barely keeps me from utterly loathing them.
      In short, the Yaks rubbed me the wrong way more than Tree Hugger and the Deer from the comics. Combined.

    • @anonymouslyknown6530
      @anonymouslyknown6530 9 років тому

      mayborneflower fair enough. The Yaks smash thing did get old fast. and you are right about the beds and Rarity. I was just trying to give you some sort of answer to why they did what they did besides plot demands it. I didn't like the Deer either but TREEHUGGER? You didn't like her? come on maan she was like totally chiill and her aura was so peaceful it was like looking into a waterfall.to calm down lets do some vocal harmonizing. lol

    • @mayborneflower
      @mayborneflower 9 років тому

      Treehugger isn't so much dislike as it was frustration from bafflement. I enjoy a good hippie stereotype as much as the next guy but it was laid on seriously thick to the point where I just stopped seeing her as an actual character after a while. As for the aforementioned bafflement, it stems from what Flutters actually sees in her enough to call her a close friend. I could actually buy it but we never see much of anything beyond the hippie stereotypes or hear of her probably awesome exploits. She got better for me once she stopped the Smooze and onward (plus, her "clean my chakras" line resonated with me a bit).
      With that in mind, I feel that the comics did hippies far better. Mainly for the couples dynamic and how they played around with the hippie tropes here and there instead of just playing them all straight.
      As for the Deer, they did plenty worse than the Yaks but A) their misdeeds weren't repetitive, B) Blackthorne was actually likable from an early point in the story, C) they actually suffered losses and indignities during their plot line, and D) King Aspen FIXED WHAT HIS PEOPLE BROKE personally.
      But that's just me.

  • @Sperium3000
    @Sperium3000 9 років тому +2

    To me, the Yak's behavior really irked me throughout the episode. Never mind that foreign officials coming in and randomly destroying stuff (beggining with a *Royal Castle*, by the way) is completely ridiculous, it just reeks of ungratefulness, and as an immigrant, It ticks me off.

  • @12345678927164
    @12345678927164 9 років тому +1

    With the mane 5 fell down the trapdoor I thought this episode was going full on cupcakes mode lol.

  • @TG5455
    @TG5455 9 років тому +1

    I liked this episode, Pinkie was pretty funny the part with Pinkie traveling to the yak's homeland and then she gets send back to Ponyville out of nowhere is the best part in the episode that was so funny.

  • @lordsjaak
    @lordsjaak 9 років тому +2

    i did like that pinkie on second floor and have a bat cave under her sleeping room it was really batman cameo moment :)

  • @ShadyDoorags
    @ShadyDoorags 9 років тому

    The Beetles reference though. My brain broke for a second. Seriously, we had just came back from a cliff hanger break and we were supposed to take in all that?

  • @Elec7ricky
    @Elec7ricky 9 років тому

    I love fluttershys line at the end!
    Fluttershy: Do we walk up the slide or what?
    makes me laugh everytime!

  • @playfulpippapony
    @playfulpippapony 9 років тому

    I loved the part were pinkie was talking about when she joined a band and they showed a parody of the cover of Sargent Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club by the Beatles. I've been learning about the 1960s in history lately and that reference just made me smile.

  • @Ispod4
    @Ispod4 9 років тому

    When the rest of the Mane Six discovered the secret room, I went, "IT'S PINKIE PIE'S HAMMERSPACE!"

  • @MrMarinus18
    @MrMarinus18 9 років тому

    I think the message also is that the journey is more important than the destination. Pinkie actually never truly reached her destination. However her journey still taught her what she needed to know.

  • @JadestonePony
    @JadestonePony 9 років тому +1

    Pinkie Pie was so much fun to watch! Unfortunately the ending message that they delivered was something I thought was obvious, so I got a little frustrated that they spent so much time dragging out the fact that the mane six didn't seem to get it at all. But then after seeing other people's responses to the episode, it turns out my lesson here is that I shouldn't be frustrated over it because not everyone understands the same things at the same time, and that's ok. I mean, there've been plenty of times when other people got things far sooner than I did. So, yeah, thanks Doc. I can see the value of this episode a lot better now. And I just love that it introduced a new culture and also shows so much of Pinkie Pie at her greatest.

  • @reflectivevagrant5531
    @reflectivevagrant5531 9 років тому

    My first thought to the yacks first outburst was "Do you have any idea how hard it is to repair crystal?"

  • @InfestationPony
    @InfestationPony 9 років тому

    Honestly that face when Pinkie panicked does remind me of SMILE HD.
    That scene really creeps me out

  • @MrMustang1945
    @MrMustang1945 9 років тому

    Wow, that Beatles reference, Pinkie joined the Equestrian Beatles with Pinkie taking the role of Ringo Starr.
    Just along for the ride.

  • @domtoblerone2754
    @domtoblerone2754 9 років тому +1

    I was super disappointed that spike wasn't a piano player. It would have been so good for his character but instead we got a joke that wasn't funny.

  • @JutlandAngel
    @JutlandAngel 9 років тому +2

    I pretty much knew that the ending moral would be. And I found the first part of the episode a little to predictable. The second however was delightful and I doubt any other pony than Pinkie would be able to travel so far in that time. My favorite moment has to be when Pinkie meets the little yak showing that the yaks are nice and welcoming.

    • @RynKen
      @RynKen 9 років тому

      Jutland Angel technically it only shows that one yak out of all of them shown in the episode is nice. That's not an impressive ratio...

    • @JutlandAngel
      @JutlandAngel 9 років тому +1

      RynKen Well I'm an optimist about it.

  • @kelsmister
    @kelsmister 9 років тому +1

    I think this just proves that Twilight shouldn't be the princess of friendship, but Pinkie should. TWICE she has made new friends or solved some major problems in places other than at home. Case in point- Yaks, and the Griffons. Twi hasn't done much except organize a convention in Canterlot and then tried to do this Yak thing but put it all on Pinkie to fix. :/

  • @LegendOfMoriad
    @LegendOfMoriad 9 років тому

    I saw the moral coming early in: don't try to imitate the Yaks, show them your good side.
    I did, for a bit there, expect that Pinkie's backsliding would actually save the day. That one piece of home: the sled!

  • @TheIndigoEclipse
    @TheIndigoEclipse 9 років тому

    The Yaks seemed like the overly critical members of fandoms. "The episode wasn't perfect. RAAAAGE!"
    Great gags in this one. I had sort of hoped she was going to go find Cheese Sandwich to help out but I suspect he was a one time deal.

  • @TimelessOne123
    @TimelessOne123 9 років тому

    Pinkie co-founded the Equestrian Beatles, spent half her life with them, and then broke up with the band....in an afternoon.
    Pinkie, you never cease to surprise and baffle me.

  • @williamdunn3607
    @williamdunn3607 9 років тому

    I fond the part with the secret party cave to be amazing. I knew Pinkie took parties seriously in her own way, but not to the point of planning ahead to an event that would not happen until a certain time had past.
    Seeing Cherry Jubliee was a nice touch, glad to know she isn't made at the main six.
    The yacks, where hilarious, they went over the top on even the smallest detail of a cake. Talk about OCD being hilarious done in the right way.
    Nice to know that even the other five have breaking points if hit right. Pinkie's sanity was definitely being tested and pushed to its limit.

  • @icejustice6122
    @icejustice6122 9 років тому +2

    They tried to make it like the yaks homeland. By doing this they set it up to match the same standards and scales as are expected their, essentially makes g the judgment their own doing ( in a matter of speaking). The answer all along was to show them a new system with new measurements and expectations in a new manner. Would you judge another persons unique style? I wouldn't, but I might become upset at another's faulty attempts to replicate my style.

    • @22439384
      @22439384 9 років тому +2

      Ice Justice That is a valid interpretation of the moral. I see the moral as instead of trying to show your interest in something you only have a cursory understanding of to make friends, it is better to show them what you are interested in and why you love it so much.

  • @TotalFreakZoid
    @TotalFreakZoid 9 років тому

    I actually thought the episode was going to be about not taking too much on your plate. Since the Yak's were so delicate and it looks like Pinkie was doing everything in her power to make them happy. But since she had so much on her shoulders I thought it was going to a lesson not to put everything on one person. But I was surprised with the end results.

  • @Slender100Gaming
    @Slender100Gaming 9 років тому

    My favorite moment was when Pinkie somehow went on a sleigh all the way back to Sugar Cube Corner xD also, I liked the references and returning characters =)

  • @1969ubik
    @1969ubik 9 років тому +1

    I loved this episode, it was great! Probably my favorite Pinkie Pie one yet. The humor and the timing were perfect for me. Twilight AND Pinkie both being panicked was the best cause it showed how similar they are, which isn't obvious and it completely worked! Though Fluttershy did have the best line in the whole dang episode XD.
    Side note: can't comment on my UA-cam app on my phone. This happening to anyone else or just me?

    • @LightBluly
      @LightBluly 9 років тому

      It happened to me as well. It only works on my outdated phone which the update is 2.0.0 and above (for android) but not on my new phone tough currently using 4.4.6 update

  • @garyk3478
    @garyk3478 9 років тому

    I think this episode made the best use of Pinkie in any episode so far.
    Of course Yakyakistan will probably declare war over the missing sled.

  • @carpwhisperer1216
    @carpwhisperer1216 9 років тому

    I enjoyed this one. I enjoyed it a lot. Pinkie has a Batcave, Fluttershy probably having the best line ever, and for sure the epic adventure to end in epic failure.

  • @22439384
    @22439384 9 років тому

    I saw the ending the second the yaks said that the feast wasn't perfect. I was like 'just show them why equestria is awesome, and share equestrian culture with the yaks.' I did not mind the predictability though because it was insanely funny. My favorite part was when she got saved by the wonderbolts, started a band that almost made it big, but broke up due to creative diffrences in one afternoon. I thought this episode was awesome, not because of the ending, but because of the crazy, over the top journey.

  • @perrilewis180
    @perrilewis180 6 років тому

    I think Pinkie has always known Gummi is smart

  • @AlbanAwan
    @AlbanAwan 9 років тому

    I did love seeing a reminder that Twilight isn't perfect, but my fav part was seeing Pinkie's hidden depths LITERALLY!
    Also more evidence Ponies live for a long time (500th Aniversary!)

  • @Millstone1985
    @Millstone1985 9 років тому

    I thought everyone would see the ending coming. The yaks only ever got angry at ponies trying to make things yak and failing, never at pony things.

  • @shaynapilc5229
    @shaynapilc5229 9 років тому +1

    Dr. Wolf,
    There was one thing that really bothered me with this episode. The fact that the Yaks from Yakyakistan were going to declare war. It's not so much that they were going to be fighting had war actually happened it's more so the seemingly typecasting the writers are doing with the play on names and they relations to our world. The Manehatten Ponies were rude like Manhattan residents from "Rarity takes manehattan", (sorry Manhattan), the 2 delegates from Manehattan and Whinnyapolis were a play on Manhattan and Minneapolis "Princess Spike", and Fillydelphia a play on Philadelphia.
    All these places are plays on American cities and are designed to be for jokes and laughs. What bothers me is when MLP goes international with their references. Keep in mind that while the fandom is large and mature and adult this show is aimed for children and can be their window to the international world. Now while I could criticize the representation of Saddle Arabia "Magic Duel" characters from there have no context outside of the place existing let alone speaking roles.
    But this is where I draw the line. Why is it Yakyakistan, the play on (in my opinion Afghanistan or Pakistan) jump to talk about war? Is it because they are a play on these places, which are apparently only relative with a design on war? Isn't the United States still fighting a war against/in Afghanistan now? Is Ponyville supposed to represent a town in the US? This is far to one dimensional for me and quite surface comparison between the show and real life. I'd argue it was unnecessary and is stereotypical of an international location, even in a allusion reference manner.
    You ask for our opinions and so I wanted to raise this point for you. Please tell me your thoughts on the matter. And for the audience/youtube/brony community, make comments as you wish.
    Thank you for your time.

  • @RueAvenger
    @RueAvenger 9 років тому +1

    Pinkie Pie was funny and adorable, as expected :D

  • @rssfeed1360
    @rssfeed1360 9 років тому +1

    I knew what is coming from the very beginning. This episode adressed something quite common you know, the foolish idea that in order to honor visitors or tourists you have to imitate their homeland. The thing is, this can't be done perfectly and it can even be insulting and seen as racist. Same thing here. Ponies! You want to impress the yaks and you would impress them if you showed pride of what YOU have best. You should offer your visitors "local" cuisine, "local" fashion and introduce them to "local" culture, instead of appearing as wimps that try to imitate them :)

  • @22espec
    @22espec 9 років тому

    I was surprised when she says 'Curse you Sheeps!!!'

  • @Driff97
    @Driff97 9 років тому

    For me, the best part about this episode has to be the expressions on both Twilight and Pinkie. Seasons 4 and 5 already had entertaining faces that makes me laugh, but this just takes it to the next level! Overall though, I thought it was pretty good, not exactly one of my favourites of the season but definitely better than last episode.

  • @oklahomacityradiowaves5462
    @oklahomacityradiowaves5462 8 років тому

    Don't be so surprised with the Beatles References, guys. Because the Magical Myster Cure is WAITING TO TAKE YOU AWAY!

  • @oscargordon
    @oscargordon 9 років тому

    Let's set the way-back machine to the show Bewitched from the late '60s. Advertising account man Darren is bringing home from work a guest from Japan who he must impress to get the account. He finds out that his guest likes oon-gar-ree-an-goo-rash. Darren's witch wife uses all of her powers to try and find out what this mysterious Japanese dish is, to disastrous results. It ends up that their guest likes Hungarian goulash. Moral of the story, guests from foreign lands don't want you trying to mimic their culture, because you won't succeed, and besides, some of their favorite things may have nothing to do with their own culture. Yay for another great Pinkie episode!

  • @The0ptimus
    @The0ptimus 9 років тому +2

    I thought this episode was okay, didn't really enjoy the writing, like the quesadilla joke. It started off funny but then.......they're so cheesey?

  • @RosieSievers
    @RosieSievers 9 років тому

    I enjoyed the episode, the pacing was a bit awkward, the yaks were certainly a welcomed addition to the world of Equestria (apart from them acting like jerks then turned good in the final scene), Pinkie showing her stuff with her journey showing her growth as a character, the Beatles reference was very funny and hilarious and Pinkie's narration was funny too, great world building, the Party Planning cave was a great touch to her home and knowing what her friends like for their parties was super cool and the moral was great. I give this episode an 8/10 ^^

  • @ardawen
    @ardawen 9 років тому

    I got to say Pinkie keeping all those files about the whole town is cute, but still a little bit creepy. Like Cupcake creepy

  • @mewuniverse7326
    @mewuniverse7326 9 років тому +1

    Honestly, I was able to see the ending from the beginning--that the ponies needed to show the yaks the best of Equestria instead of trying to replicate YakYakistan culture. So that... made me cringe for much of the Yaks' antics, to be honest. However, I did like Pinkie's role in the whole thing, as well as Twilight trying to spread friendship everywhere. Overall... the episode was alright IMO. Not a favorite, but still fun. :)

  • @AmandaWspoon
    @AmandaWspoon 9 років тому

    The way I saw the moral was you can't imitate what someone calls home. because it'll be just an imitation and not quite right. I spoke to an exchange student from Italy who said Olive Garden isn't good Italian food. I've spoke to many Hispanics who have problems finding Mexican food that isn't Tex-mex.

  • @BlueStarBrony
    @BlueStarBrony 9 років тому

    I really liked this episode it was a lot of fun! It was very surprising at first but it was really good. At first this episode seemed rather predictable but as is often the case with MLP nope that didn't happen. Pinkie Pie went all that way and only to be thrown back home...Aww Poor Pinkie Pie. The lesson was unexpected but I like it. I also like how they were able to have the mane 6 all have "anxiety" attacks without going too far. I think that's what I like most about this episode is that despite the some what serious nature of what's going on it manages to be a very fun lighthearted episode.

  • @IFireseekerI
    @IFireseekerI 9 років тому

    I have to say I predicted how the episode would play out less than 5 minutes in terms of showing the Yaks how good Equestria can be and not trying to recreate their homeland, not to say it wasn't a good moral.
    Regardless, the episode was funny throughout and provided some more world building. The Yaks were a little annoying and repetitive in my opinion, but it was bearable, and they are a nice introduction to the world.
    Pinkie was definitely the strongest element in this episode (unsurprisingly). Considering this is writer Nick Confalone's first episode he absolutely nailed writing for Pinkie. She was entertaining as always with enough random moments to be fitting but not ditzy and unaware. It was a little contrived with how she ended up sliding all the way back to Ponyville by accident, but then again this is Pinkie Pie, so it's excusable for her :P
    Something that I absolutely loved was Pinkie's party cave. It goes to show the amount of work and effort she puts into her work. I feel it goes to show that sometimes you have no idea how hard someone works for something they are passionate about.
    Overall, a good episode, and a strong addition to season 5 so far.

  • @Sperium3000
    @Sperium3000 9 років тому

    Was the ending really surprising? From the very first moments of the episode I could tell the moral was not trying to mimic their home and instead make them feel *at* home with what Equestria had to offer.

  • @siennal.8877
    @siennal.8877 9 років тому

    I liked it,but the only part I didn't really like was when the Wonderbolts came, they came out of know where. But I liked how they put the "Beatles" in it. :)

  • @ArtistTouch3
    @ArtistTouch3 9 років тому

    I enjoyed The Beatles reference, basically summing up their hole music career.

  • @Demonic_Culture_Nut
    @Demonic_Culture_Nut 9 років тому

    I actually liked Celestia's reaction when Twilight said there wouldn't be a war.
    Also, war is now canon.

  • @Lucius1958
    @Lucius1958 9 років тому

    I figured out the lesson long before the end: the quest for perfection just gets in the way of having a good time...
    I thought the Yaks were a bit simplistically portrayed, though - rather like an ethnic stereotype..... but one can't have everything. 7@=e

  • @lsteintjesls
    @lsteintjesls 9 років тому

    I did figure out the plot of the episode immediately ( they have to make equestria feel like home instead of trying to make it more like their home)
    But halfway in I got the feeling that they were going to do something else but they didn't
    I thought it was a very funny episode I liked all the randomness

  • @HitomiNoRyu
    @HitomiNoRyu 9 років тому

    Every great cartoon must have a Beatles reference...good job MLP.
    As a sidenote, I want a baby yak plushie~!

  • @thenoremac2685
    @thenoremac2685 9 років тому +1

    Damn, those Yaks were jerks...

  • @gunmunz
    @gunmunz 9 років тому

    This was an alright one. Pinkie definitely saved it as well as twilight's expression. I do thinks the yaks should just be a one off as they were pretty one note. And my fave part was when fluttershy was questioning the logic. That made me laugh the hardest..

  • @cubesolver64
    @cubesolver64 7 років тому

    Why do the stallions pulling Cherry's cart all have blank flanks and the same in The Last Roundup?

  • @maggymoo
    @maggymoo 9 років тому

    weird i had a different reaction to the ending as in i expected that form of ending because they kept comparing their "authentic" yak stuff i knew the way to make them friend was to show them authentic ponyville and equestrian stuff they would have nothing to compare it to so they couldn't say it wasn't perfect because they had never seen anything like it i just didn't know how pinkie would get to that realization and the journey to yakyakistan was unexpected for me but was fun none the less but that's just me i think :p

  • @SigHoovestrong
    @SigHoovestrong 9 років тому

    I most admit the the ending was good one. And also do love all little thing going on. I also feel need a rewatch take it all in.

  • @popmoncatkittyhero
    @popmoncatkittyhero 9 років тому

    i loved the slide joke in it....

  • @Obsidian_crows
    @Obsidian_crows 9 років тому

    every party needs a pooper that's why they invited you, party pooper, party pooper

  • @xezzee
    @xezzee 9 років тому

    best moment was noooooo....... and/or when pinkies eyes went left to rigth anc back ^_^

  • @cg-zk6dk
    @cg-zk6dk 9 років тому

    lol i loved when celestia got sad there wouldn't be a war XD and her expression when twilight caught on XD XD XD

  • @krabynaby123
    @krabynaby123 9 років тому

    I just loved the Beatles reference. I really really did.

  • @Pikatwig16
    @Pikatwig16 9 років тому

    This is my favorite Pinkie episode.

  • @MrWarriorace
    @MrWarriorace 9 років тому

    Well besides the moral, I think it's great pinkie is shown to be something else then randomness in a can.I shows pinkie can and has plan all the parties and possibly half her craziness beforehand.It's not that I think pinkie is dumb, I just thought she see would be more disorganized and impulsive.

  • @SacredFaerie
    @SacredFaerie 9 років тому

    The way Twilight and her friends sucked up to the yaks made the episode so hard to watch. When the yaks declared war, I literally had to stop watching just to facepalm hard enough. Hell, if it wasn't Twilight of all princesses to welcome the yaks, I'm pretty sure war would have been declared the first scene the yaks appeared. And it wouldn't have been the yaks declaring war.
    Or, perhaps, there wouldn't be any declaration. Would've been as much of a war as me going and exterminating an ant hill. It would be pest control.
    In fact, why the hell did yaks go to the other side of Equestria, when there's a Princess right at the Empire?
    Besides the story, I loved everything about the episode (also excluding the humor revolving around the yaks), which doesn't mean much when the story's supposed to be the most important part.

  • @Trueknightofblades
    @Trueknightofblades 9 років тому

    I... Don't like to see Twilight panicking like she does in this episode. I don't like it to such an extent that Lesson Zero is the first episode of "My Five" which is to say the five episodes of the series I let myself skip, as opposed to watching them all the way through. Mind you, I am too much of a fan of the Analysis Community to not know every detail of what goes on in that episode, but watching Twilight break like that... Hurts me.

  • @mmiw134
    @mmiw134 9 років тому

    This episode had some good moments, but overall I found it pretty predictable. From the very start I realised that the ponies just keep trying to replicate the Yak's culture. I wondered when they were going to realise doing that same thing over and over was only offending them, and when they were going to try to show the Yaks their own pony culture instead. Then it turned out that was the conclusion to the episode... however I did like other things, like Fluttershy's line about walking up the slide, and Rainbow Dash having an award for most things broke in under a minute.

  • @HourglassKeradon
    @HourglassKeradon 9 років тому

    Today's silly thought: So Pinkie Pie = Benevolent version of NSA. That is A LOT of intel in her basement....

  • @ryanbarham8464
    @ryanbarham8464 9 років тому

    Hey doc, did you notice Twilight doing your "good to be helping" thing? As for the moral, I thought it was good, but I'm amazed that more people didn't see it coming. If a Chinese person visited America, would you give him "Chinese" food? No! American Chinese food tastes nothing like the real deal!

  • @MrMarinus18
    @MrMarinus18 9 років тому

    Twilight can keep her stress in check now.

  • @Shearper2
    @Shearper2 9 років тому

    one of my favourite parts was the Beatles reference, though one thing is bugging me about it though. the cutie marks of the group. peace sign, yellow submarine and I don't know what the third one is. kinda looks like three multi-coloured beans to me. anyone got any idea as to what the third cutie mark is?

  • @3Mewthree
    @3Mewthree 9 років тому

    I seem to be on my own about this episode. To be honest, I did not like it all that much. I kind of wish the Yaks were portrayed a bit smarter. Also, I think more focus should've been on Pinkie's journey. It would create a better pay off with the moral, as the moral was reached by pinkie meeting all these ponies on her journey yet we didn't really see much of it, and it would've made her trip back to Ponyville funnier and all the more heart-breaking. Oh well, another week, another episode.

  • @novaevolution621
    @novaevolution621 9 років тому

    Yakyakistan isn't part of equestria, this was clearly stated multiple times.
    i'm not sure what to refer to the overall planet as though.

  • @thewolfofwallstreet627
    @thewolfofwallstreet627 9 років тому

    Im right with ya doc. definitely one of the best episodes of the season thus far. Of course, it's a pinkie pie episode, so what you do expect? :P

  • @doobie_mouse2083
    @doobie_mouse2083 9 років тому +1

    Kinda meh. Not a bad episode. Some quality jokes throughout. But her sliding all the way back to ponyville kinda killed it for me. I know its just supposed to be a joke but ... really?

  • @TailsFan369no2
    @TailsFan369no2 9 років тому

    This pulled through in the last 2 acts

  • @Freezient
    @Freezient 9 років тому

    I always have a bad expectations when it comes to Pinkie episodes, she always go from my least to most favorite mane6. In this season though, I think she's doing pretty well. After rewatching this episode, the purpose of it is kind of meh, but I guess pinkie was wonderful in it, I'm just glad the writers dont go all out to the point of straightened her hair or making her overly obnoxious

  • @nathanfleming6871
    @nathanfleming6871 9 років тому

    I'm loving season 5 so far! I've been watching the show since season 2 but it's really this season that convinced me to become a brony. DRWolf001 Ever since episode 100 the background ponies have been different. Even in the very episode before there was much of the carbon copy-and-paste from episode one. Rewatch the last couple episodes (since 100) but take a deep look at the background rather than the foreground. I'm honestly surprised no brony reviewer has pointed this out yet. So far I've found this to be one of the most observant fan communities out there.

  • @cuteskeleton9381
    @cuteskeleton9381 9 років тому

    My only complaints with the episode were Cadence's pointless cameo and Spike once again messing things up (give him a break writers!) Other than those nitpicks, I found the episode very funny, not Pinkie's best episode but still good.

  • @MrMarinus18
    @MrMarinus18 8 років тому

    I now feel like this was really 2 episodes in 1 and therefore neither really came to it's full potential. Both episodes were intriguing but they should have been separate.

  • @jm7940
    @jm7940 9 років тому

    Very middle of the road episode. I mean, for every amusing pinkie pie scene, we get the yaks being total yak asses, pardon the terrible pun. Everything else was on point, and would have been better if the yak's were not just smash happy lunatics.

  • @charemchavrutah
    @charemchavrutah 9 років тому +1

    I didn't like the Yaks at all, and it seemed a little too easy that these total jerks were dissuaded from war just by Pinkie giving the Aesop. I might have accepted it if she'd added one line, just one line, about the futility of perfectly replicating a land that no-pony could have ever seen. To top it off, the similarity of the name YakYakistan to Pakistan, which had harbored Osama bin Laden, is an insulting and disturbing case of lazy writing. Watch Extra Credits' video on Propaganda Games to see what I mean.

  • @brendanwhite7127
    @brendanwhite7127 9 років тому

    pinkie has her own party cave i have a theory what if she is batman just think about it and im kidding

  • @Shadowstorm612
    @Shadowstorm612 9 років тому

    It was a fun episode...much better than last week

  • @BrazilianiteParasite
    @BrazilianiteParasite 9 років тому

    So do we walk up the slide? Orrrr... ^_^

  • @BrawlSnorlax
    @BrawlSnorlax 9 років тому

    The epasode was all right I liked the yaks and Pinkie
    anybody else Kinda want Total War Equristra or something now?