Almaty Meshrep (Clip 5) - Music and dance

  • Опубліковано 21 вер 2020
  • The Almaty meshrep has played the leading role in the meshrep revival in Kazakhstan over the past decade. It began in 2009, led by Meshrep Beg Burhan Tajidinov, based on models of meshrep from the Uyghur homeland. It serves as a model for other meshrep groups in Kazakhstan. Burhan is invited by new groups to show them the rules; how meshrep should be organised, and how they should be played. The members of the meshrep are known as the Thirty Boys (ottuz oghul). Most of them are professionals, business men, and community leaders. Many hold the formal role of neighbourhood head (yigit beshi), and hold responsibility for community affairs in their local area. An important part of the work done by the meshrep is to promote community cohesion and action...
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    (C) Uyghur Meshrep Project.