Eliza Taylor, Alycia Debnam Carey and Jason.R talks about Lexa's death

  • Опубліковано 26 бер 2016
  • Eliza Taylor, Alycia Debnam Carey and Jason Rothenberg finally open up about the tragic death of our ultimate favorite character Lexa !!!
    Comment about what you think of Jason's explanation for Lexa's death, was it satisfying ?


  • @leoymasa4120
    @leoymasa4120 7 років тому +981

    Losing Lexa and Lincoln in just one season were the worst plot twist i think.

  • @ziggyg02ify
    @ziggyg02ify 8 років тому +993

    "I feel like she was the one for her"
    ME TOO!!!!! :(

  • @reignofkhaleesi4095
    @reignofkhaleesi4095 7 років тому +473

    Alycia deserves the world but the world doesn't deserve Alycia

  • @xXSilverSparrow32Xx
    @xXSilverSparrow32Xx 8 років тому +706

    I don't think people were upset when Lexa died specifically because Clexa was an LGBT couple, it was the fact that their relationship was so fucking real. Clarke softened Lexa and Lexa made Clarke a better leader. I've never seen such chemistry on screen it was incredible to watch their relationship form.
    I know Alycia had to go, however I don't agree with putting the sex scene and her death in the same episode. That was BRUTAL. Like DIRTY BRUTAL. I understand why, I just wish it was better executed

    • @aidvn5583
      @aidvn5583 6 років тому +3

      xXSilverSparrow32Xx true, I agreee

    • @BooyahJ
      @BooyahJ 6 років тому +26

      xXSilverSparrow32Xx I agree, i wish they had her leave a different way or die a different way either in battle or later on in the season... not in the same episode where they finally get together...

    • @_itslaura_
      @_itslaura_ 6 років тому +28

      I agree. It's not because she was an lgbt character. It was because Lexa was special, she was different from every character we've ever seen. and it was also, you've already said that but I can just repeat it again: it was so damn real. their love was so true and yeah.. it was not because of the lgbt it was because of them
      may we meet again❤

    • @_itslaura_
      @_itslaura_ 6 років тому +9

      Booyah J
      Yeah that's true... clexa becomes real... FINALLY! and then she dies and our hearts break... it was so hard to watch.
      i wish she would have been captured by the Ice nation or sth... just something else she didn't have to die... they could have done that differently. I want her to come back no matter how😢

    • @peachestark
      @peachestark 6 років тому +1

      xXSilverSparrow32Xx SAME

  • @kimmccallum5697
    @kimmccallum5697 8 років тому +401

    Eliza seems so sad or tired in this interview and its crushing me.

    • @98284104
      @98284104 8 років тому +54

      I thought that too. But then I think, we lost a character in a show that we see once a week; she lost a dear friend that she got to see everyday. I hope they can hold on to their friendship. And remain in each other's lives. This cast seems to just have a ton of really good people, particularly Eliza and Alycia.

    • @DonnaBrooks
      @DonnaBrooks 8 років тому +32

      I think she's sad about the end of Clexa. She has been so invested in that love story. The best ship captain ever!

    • @mae9507
      @mae9507 4 роки тому +5

      Kim McCallum it sounds like she’s at some convention with all that background noise. I think she’s just tired in general and probably tired repeating the same thing and talking about the same stuff.

  • @jada39748
    @jada39748 8 років тому +628

    Eliza Taylor gets it. Lexa and Clarke were soul mates. And in the video she did see bothered by Jason's decision on killing Lexa

    • @forgottenvids5088
      @forgottenvids5088 6 років тому +5


    • @MrDestroyedSoulx
      @MrDestroyedSoulx 5 років тому +7

      I don't really agree. She was sad Alycia was leaving, and that Lexa had to die. But she specifically said we have to acknowledge the actor was leaving. She did seem to suggest Lexa and Clarke were soul mates, and I believe they probably were. But I don't think she was bothered by his decision from some kind of moral standpoint.
      It's clear from the reactions from all three of them they didn't anticipate this kind of reaction, probably most convincingly from Alycia Debnam-Carey herself. All three of them are straight white people, so I guess they didn't see fully grasp how much this meant to people.
      But as Eliza Taylor said, fans really do need to acknowledge Alycia was leaving the show, that sealed the character's fate. A character as important to grounder society as the commander can't just be written off by leaving to go somewhere else, not in this show, not in any convincing way.
      It would feel cheap, and wouldn't fit the tone of the show or the world it takes place in. And really, it's pretty unfair that people are so offended by Lexa dying, I don't hear anyone complaining about Finn dying, exactly one season to the episode prior.
      Even Wells dying has pretty much long since ceased to matter to fans of the show, despite how important his character was to the novels. Or there's them having Charlotte commit suicide, I don't see a massive outcry about them having a young child kill herself. Which is arguably just as harmful a message to send. The LGBT community only cares when their community is potentially exposed to harmful material in media.
      But I don't hear them outraged that a child whose parents were murdered had nightmares and murdered the son of the man who killed them to "make the nightmares stop" and then had a mob chase after her trying to murder her because she let Murphy hang for a crime she committed, and then, in the end, jumped to her death.
      Where's the outrage that Finn had a PTSD episode and massacred a village of innocent people, including children? Cause I don't hear about how it negatively portrays PTSD since not all people with PTSD have mental breakdowns and commit mass shootings. Or for that matter, I didn't hear anyone complain that she kissed Lexa not that long after Finn died.
      She kissed Lexa back but then stops her saying she wasn't ready yet. In season 3, she's not in love with Lexa at the start, she still hates her for betraying her and making her kill everyone in Mount Weather. She even tried to kill her. Then again, she suddenly starts to have feelings for Lexa pretty soon after this major thing happened between them.
      Their relationship wasn't that logical, it happened too fast, and barely had any development to explain it in the show. She only was with her for a short time, yet she fell in love with her. Finn is basically forgotten the moment he died, pretty much never mentioned again, and she never mentions how much she loved Finn post-season 2. It's always Lexa.
      They only kissed a few times, and then had sex, one time. Then the morning after Lexa is tragically killed by a stray bullet. It's her death in my opinion that makes their relationship feel so real and powerful. It has far more impact on the story and her legacy in real life that she was killed off in such a controversial way. In the end, her death brought about positive changes in the people involved in it, and outside of it.
      I really don't get the way the LGBT community projects themselves onto characters who are gay, often solely because they have the same sexuality, and feel so hurt by their dying. Why should they feel ANY more devastated that someone who shares the same sexuality as them died? You don't see straight people devasted that another straight person was killed off, specifically because they related to them being straight.
      I really want to see a world like the 100, (not the apocalypse part, obviously) where being gay isn't seen as different, or special, or of any real significance at all. No one cares if you're gay in the 100, or what race you are. I wish that was how our world was right now, judging people not by the color of their skin, or their sexual orientation, or gender identity, but by the content of their character.

    • @nfcoard
      @nfcoard 5 років тому +19

      I kind of agree with you on some of your points regarding the LGBTQ community. I might be alone in this but I'm a straight guy and I felt very upset and very sad when Lexa died. I guess I'm a romantic and I really loved the relationship between Clarke and Lexa. I understand that Alycia had to leave the show to be on FTWD but in my opinion they killed Lexa off too quickly. That relationship deserved more time and development even if it was just a few more episodes.
      Also the way in which Lexa was killed was a big mistake and didn't do justice to such an important, prominent and well loved character. It would have been better if she died in some epic battle. It just felt to me like they badly mishandled the story where Lexa was concerned and as a viewer it left me feeling very dissatisfied and upset the way that things ended between Lexa and Clarke.
      That said I'm happy that Alicia has been having great success since leaving the 100. And I like watching both FTWD and the 100. I do hope they don't kill off Madi (Clarke's adopted daughter) because the young actress has to leave to go to another show. LOL. I'm usually not into very important and very interesting characters being killed except maybe Game of Thrones. ( :

    • @jailinet4593
      @jailinet4593 5 років тому +19

      @@MrDestroyedSoulx You don't realize that we FELL IN LOVE with Lexa. Like actually fell in love with a fictional character. In my opinion (and many others), I didn't really like Finn to begin with. And Wells, when he died, I didn't feel very emotional about it because his death was more scary rather than emotional. And Charlotte... well she's scary as fuck lmao. Suicide is actually mentioned a lot in the fandom because of her. But we didn't fall in love with her, she was just a random, scary child that wasn't SUPER important to us. That doesn't mean we don't care about Suicide though, of course we do. It's just... I personally didn't feel any type of connection with Charlotte at all. But Lexa, I sobbed for weeks. And it still hasn't stopped. Clexa really gave a lot of people in the LGBT+ Community hope. Maybe one day there could be a simple love without all these extra things to do, such as: Coming out, people judging you and much more. Clexa was treated as any other relationship. Just as it should be. I guess that's one of my main reasons as to why i loved Lexa so much. Characters apart of the community are more meaningful to us than you'd think. But I don't think you'd understand

    • @MrDestroyedSoulx
      @MrDestroyedSoulx 5 років тому +3

      @@jailinet4593 I DO realize that I just don't entirely understand it. I love Lexa, she's a great character, don't get me wrong. But I'm not IN love with her. Nor did I "cry for weeks" when she died. In fact, I've NEVER in my ENTIRE life "cried for weeks' because a fictional character I loved died. I cried when she died, but when I was done watching the show and moved onto something else I forgot about it.
      I wasn't sitting there agonizing over it. I watch LOTS of TV, movies and play video games and no matter how sad I find a death it doesn't make me cry that long. I can be sad about it, but crying for weeks is REALLY excessive. I didn't even cry for weeks when my aunt died 6 years ago.
      (We weren't close and I basically didn't see her most of my life but still) and my Grandma has lung cancer right now. Again I haven't really cried about it. Maybe I'm supposed to, but I just haven't. Honestly, I cry LOTS watching TV and movies, and even playing video games if they're really emotional.
      But in real life, I don't cry much at all anymore. I do understand why Clexa was a big deal for you guys, there aren't a lot of LGBT relationships on TV, and the ones that there are often don't last. (though neither do most straight relationships on TV either. Ross and Rachel spent like 6 seasons not dating each other officially on Friends.)
      If I had to describe it, it's like I understand where you're coming from intellectually but emotionally I don't know what it feels like because I don't see gay characters as more or less special than straight ones outside of the novelty of, hey look a first gay or bisexual character. Like I think it's kind of really cool how on Legends Of Tomorrow right now there's a bisexual man one of THE first bisexual men on TV or at least the first I've seen that I can think of.
      Perhaps you could say I have privilege because I've always seen straight people represented so I don't feel it's a big deal I guess. But honestly, I just feel like the LGBT community is being unfair to the cast and everyone who worked on the show. It's OBVIOUS they didn't do this maliciously at all. They just didn't think about how it would make the LGBT community feel or react.
      I don't know if I already said this in one of my comments here, but the harsh reality is that Alycia Debnam-Carey wanted to leave the show and because her character was SO important to grounder society, and the nature of that society that had been already established there was basically NO way to have her leave the show without her being killed off.
      And I can understand why that upsets people, but sometimes real life forces storylines to change and we as fans have no say in the matter. I mean, I hate it, but what can we do? We can't force her to stay on a show when she's got obligations to another one.
      Now, I do realize NOT everyone was solely angry she died, some were angrier at HOW she died, and that I do sympathize with, even though I feel like it's kind of unfair the way you guys say you love this relationship for NOT making being gay a big deal, yet expect the show to bend over backward to accommodate it because if they kill off a gay character it's going to be TOO hurtful to that community.
      Like if we're going to talk about a perfect world where being gay is treated the same as being straight (which is what this show seems to depict given its post-apocalyptic setting people don't care about sexuality anymore) then killing off a gay love interest should NOT be given some special consideration.
      It should be treated just like you'd treat a straight love interest. Which is what I believe the show did. They didn't consider whether denying Clarke a happy ending with her girlfriend would be seen as a betrayal and hurtful to their fans who are part of that community. They just thought about making a tragic story. Like here, think of it this way, at the end of Titanic Rose's love interest dies to save her life.
      Does ANYONE get pissed off NOT because he died, but because he was STRAIGHT? Cause I'm going to go out on a limb and say NO they do not. This is why you can't have it both ways. You can't say you love and respected the show for treating a gay relationship as the same as being straight but then get upset and mad at them for not giving it special consideration when they had to kill off Clarke's girlfriend.
      Because I can say with nearly 100 percent certainty you guys wouldn't have made such a HUGE deal out of it if Lexa was a man named Lex and they just had sex for the first time and her boyfriend was tragically accidentally shot by her mentor trying to kill Clarke. So really, what we have here is a contradiction. You both love the show for not making a big deal out of sexuality and are upset that it then killed off a gay character and treated it no differently than a straight one.
      I get not liking Finn, that's a personal preference, but I would argue his death was MORE traumatic for Clarke and life-changing than Lexa's death. SHE killed him, and after doing so had a VERY abrupt change in personality and took on Lexa's more cold and calculating personality. Whereas Lexa dying doesn't seem to have much of an impact on her as a character. She basically stays the same as she was when she was alive and tries to honor Lexa as best as she can.
      (As a side note I was SUPER happy when she brought up Lexa near the end of season 5 saying how much she loved Lexa but then told Madi that it was nothing compared to how much she loved her. It was quite a beautiful moment between mother and child.)
      And honestly, as much as I miss Lexa I feel like the show has become better for her absence since season 5's mother and daughter relationship was REALLY effective for me. Like, Madi and Clarke living alone as the last two people on the surface of the Earth wouldn't work with Lexa alive. And neither would the SUPER interesting story arc with Octavia because if Lexa were still commander she'd never have had to become commander in the first place.
      I can understand if you don't see things that way, but I personally like the direction the show took in season 4, and especially season 5. 4 wasn't a GREAT season across the board, but the ending was AMAZING. And season 5 managed to TOP IT. For me, I've long since moved on from Lexa and just followed the show as it changed and became new things. To be a fan of this show to me means enjoying it for what it IS.
      NOT what it could be or you feel SHOULD have been. By the way, I realize I'm making LOTS of assumptions about how you feel about the show and I apologize if I've made incorrect assumptions. I'm just going off what I've heard from LGBT fans about Clexa and that many seemed to abandon the show after she died. Which in my opinion just isn't what this show is about.
      Lexa was a big part of it for a time, but she wasn't at the beginning of the show and the show didn't revolve entirely around her when it started. At least not like it did when it got to season 2 and 3. Also, I apologize that this is SUCH a LONG reply.
      It's just hard for me to talk about my feelings on Lexa and the controversy without going in-depth. Anyway, I will say I do understand why what they did was perhaps the wrong way to kill off Lexa since we DON'T live in the perfect world where being gay isn't a big deal. It very much is in our world.
      So I understand that it's hard to separate reality from the fictional reality of the shows universe for some people and look at it as in the world of The 100 being gay isn't treated differently and it's not seen as inherently more tragic because Lexa was a lesbian.
      I hope my reply is not too confusing and that you see where I'm coming from with it. I'm a pretty progressive person, but I am a straight person so my perspective isn't going to be the same as a gay person.

  • @outroseok
    @outroseok 8 років тому +480


  • @jada39748
    @jada39748 8 років тому +315

    Lexa and clarke's relationship took time to build and that's what made it so real. And the fact that they weren't perfect but they were willing to make it work.In almost every episode you could see the chemistry that Clarke and Lexa shared

    • @MrDestroyedSoulx
      @MrDestroyedSoulx 5 років тому +8

      Except it didn't take much time, not on screen anyway. She went from being in love with Finn to kissing Lexa in half a season, which was less than a month in the show's timeline. She wasn't in love with Lexa at the start of season 3. She's still bitter and angry about her betrayal at Mount Weather, and that it forced her to kill ALL of Mount Weather to save her people, which meant she murdered innocent children. More than 2 dozen of them if I recall. She tried to assassinate Lexa because she didn't forgive her. Then in only a few episodes she already starts to have those blooming feelings she'd started to have in late season 2 before she was betrayed. In 7 episodes she goes from hating Lexa and wanting to murder her for what she did to her at Mount Weather, to saying she loved her so much in the season finale of season 3 to her mother. Both Finn and Clarke and Lexa and Clarke were developed pretty fast as lovers, in terms of the show's timeline. It took around 4 months for Clarke to fall in love with Lexa, and have sex with her if you count the 3 month time skip during season 2 and 3, and she didn't see Lexa at all during said time skip, and clearly hadn't forgiven her for what she did either. It took longer than Finn, true. But it didn't take THAT long to happen. And what made it feel real is the way both characters were changed by each other. Clarke in season 2 became more ruthless, and cold like Lexa, believing love was weakness, at least for a while anyway. In season 3, Lexa becomes more like season 2 Clarke, much more kind, putting peace above justice for her people, and being very dedicated to Clarke, She even bowed to her. Something she would never have done before then.

    • @jailinet4593
      @jailinet4593 5 років тому +14

      @@MrDestroyedSoulx I think she struggled to "assassinate" Lexa because she had feelings for her... she had a knife to her throat and started crying lol. Maybe she was so angry about Lexa betraying her because of the feelings she had for her. If someone I loved betrayed me, I would be just as angry. But I'd be angry because I would be so hurt. Maybe Clarke felt the same. I never even saw the connection between Finn and Clarke honestly. It didn't seem real.

    • @MrDestroyedSoulx
      @MrDestroyedSoulx 5 років тому

      @@jailinet4593 Well, that is kinda what I said already. That she DID have feelings for Lexa by the end of season 2, but that she was betrayed affected those feelings. She was OF COURSE hurt because she was falling in love with Lexa if not in love with her yet. As for the connection between Clarke and Finn, from my perspective I get the impression Finn was her first, and that she was very likely a virgin when she had sex with him, and THAT is why she seemed to fall for Finn so quickly, and why she was so hurt by the fact that he had a girlfriend and that he didn't tell her about Raven before they slept together. Plus it was OBVIOUS she thought he was hot and was attracted to him. And back in season 1 she loved how sweet he was and that he agreed with her about trying to make peace with the Grounders. Remember, Clarke was a teenager in season 1, and a teenage girl at that. Teenage girls tend to fall for guys pretty quickly, ESPECIALLY if they lose their virginity to them. Plus it's also based on a Young Adult novel series, and romance tends to happen fairly quickly in those type of novels. Season 1 was much more YA feeling and less focused on the conflict between Skaikru and Trikru. And philosophical concepts like whether or not people are just inherently violent and prone to conflict with other people and ultimately do people actually DESERVE to live at all. At least at the start of season 1. I mean, I REALLY love the 100, and it's NOT entirely because of Lexa. In fact, what I love most about the 100 is the aforementioned conflicts between tribes and questions of how far will people go to survive and do they really DESERVE to survive after all the fucked up things they've done to other human beings? I just feel like this show is much deeper than it's romantic plotlines. It isn't just about who is paired together. The show is about more than just who loves who and who's fucking who, you know what I mean? The conflict between mankind is obviously the biggest theme and has the biggest focus. As well as the conflict people have with themselves over what they've done to survive.

    • @rlm140
      @rlm140 5 років тому +2

      If Clark wasn't in love with Lexa at first.. Lexa was inlove with Clark at first that's why it was so easy for lexa to listen to Clark every time she had an idea.. at Mayweather right before the got the for open Lexa ask Clark what she Wana do after this is over Clark said nothing and be with her people right there Lexa wanted her to go back to her place she Been liked Clark but she didn't know Lexa really wanted her I bet that's why Lexa left her there on her own😂 and she felt really bad about it cuz she love Clark but she intentionally hurt her the thing is that Clark thought that Lexa rescued her from ice Nation so she can be the one on control but Lexa got her to protect her she wanted to gold Clark at her place just so she can fall for her hahahaha Lexa knew what she was doing Clark said Lexa was smart and she was Lexa hold on to Clark until she was ready to make love to her she wanted Clark to live with her she did ask Clark I think about 3 times to stay with her could of been 4 🤷 Clark knew Lexa love her when she told her she left 250 people died and leca said all but you she knew right then. Lexa made Clark hard and Clark made Lexa soft they were perfect for each other Love me some clexa 😍

    • @jeffery8376
      @jeffery8376 4 роки тому +6

      Everybody should have someone look at them the way Lexa looked at Clarke

  • @mykeekee892
    @mykeekee892 7 років тому +123

    Eliza is so sad when they talk about Lexa's death I was balling my eyes out when she died

  • @giotatziamou
    @giotatziamou 8 років тому +290

    omg she looks like super upset..... she acts like she's ready to cry... oh dear lord she loves alycia/lexa/clexa so much..... and of course Lexa was the one for her.....

    • @BriannaTejada
      @BriannaTejada 7 років тому +4

      Derek Schmitt oh and also consider yourself reported! have a nice day fuck face ✌

    • @funniestmomments6510
      @funniestmomments6510  7 років тому +6

      Derek Schmitt, is your life sooo boring that you have nothing else to do other than posting the same Very stupid message, as a reply to everyone's really nice and moving comments ???!

    • @funniestmomments6510
      @funniestmomments6510  7 років тому +3

      PS: Consider all your other comments removed from this section

    • @giotatziamou
      @giotatziamou 7 років тому +1

      Derek Schmitt I don't remember asking for your opinion... why the hell would you say that.

    • @MissTozjhonae
      @MissTozjhonae 6 років тому

      Giota Tziamou ikr

  • @RemasteredGamers
    @RemasteredGamers 7 років тому +138

    Eliza knows that Lexa shouldn't of died or died like that.

  • @xmatex4593
    @xmatex4593 8 років тому +275

    jason you could atleast make a better ending to lexa than just a missed shot

    • @maskedman2435
      @maskedman2435 8 років тому +42

      I agree with that her death was disappointing .

    • @xmatex4593
      @xmatex4593 8 років тому +34

      the worst part is it was Titus who's job is to PROTECT the commander. NOT killing the commander, and if he did kill Clarke imagine how broken Lexa would be? EXACTLY!!!!

    • @MrDestroyedSoulx
      @MrDestroyedSoulx 5 років тому +7

      Well, she'd be heartbroken, but he knew she'd be able to deal with the loss, like she did Costia, and that if Clarke died, she'd probably go back to the belief that love is weakness. It was also his intention to make it look like Murphy killed Clarke, which would put the blame at Skykru, and probably cause Lexa to no longer have them as the 13th clan. Titus in his own way, believed by killing Clarke he WAS protecting her.
      He believed Clarke was making Lexa weak, and that she'd be killed by one of the other clans if she didn't stop seeing and being close to Clarke. He never intended to kill Heda. He was heartbroken by what he did and devastated. But like Lexa, he still had a duty to do, and she commanded him to fulfill it. Lexa understood he meant well, even as she died. She didn't seem to hate him for what he did, she knew Titus didn't mean to shot her, and she understood why he did what he did.
      She also made sure to make him promise to NEVER try to kill Clarke again, which he did agree to. Titus was a very similar character to the guy who tried to poison the drink and blame it on Skykru to break up the alliance. She understood why he did what he did, and even though she had to kill him, she was broken up by doing it. She still believed his intentions were for her benefit.
      And he even carried out Lexa's wish that ALL the nightbloods would honor the 13th clan so that no matter who won, Clarke and her people would be safe. She didn't count on Ontari slaughtering the children in the middle of the night while they slept, nor did Titus, unfortunately.

    • @nae5637
      @nae5637 5 років тому +2

      i think that it was the best way to write her of the show because if she just left fans would be more pissed than she died of course it was sad but for me i think it‘s better, she‘s mentioned so „often“ and they would‘nt mention her if she left bc than she would‘ve left clarke

    • @MrDestroyedSoulx
      @MrDestroyedSoulx 5 років тому +1

      @@nae5637 Exactly. Besides, how would you even write a character so important to grounder society off the show? No way is a character like that just leaving without dying. Unless they TOTALLY changed the direction of the show AWAY from the grounder society, which would be a totally different season than the one the writers wanted to tell. Personally, I think killing her off just after having sex for the first time is meant to be tragic. And that they probably just approached it like it a girlfriend was killed off right after losing her virginity to a male hero. Or better yet, like when Finn was killed off not that long before it. No one was outraged that her lover was killed off that I'm aware of. They weren't even outraged that the women who MADE Clarke kill him suddenly became the NEW love interest of Clarke. But I get it. It's different because it's same sex, and that's still new and uncommon in our culture especially in entertainment. And too often gay people are killed off or broken up right after being happy. (though I would argue that happens to straight couples too.) people feel it's different because it's killing off one of the few lesbian couples on TV. Even Supergirl was forced to break up Maggie and Alex who were supposed to get married when the actress left the show. It happens unfortunately, and sometimes it forces a show to change direction, no matter how much the showrunners and fans love the relationship. The fact is that Alycia Debnam-Carey was unable to commit to the 100 because of her role in Fear The Walking Dead. She was leaving the show, and they had to write her out. I'm sure if she had more time to do it she would have. But the show couldn't delay production or broadcasting for that one actress. At least not for as long as it probably would take. Sometimes real life just gets in the way of the story, unfortunately.

  • @hannahk6403
    @hannahk6403 8 років тому +336

    You can tell Eliza is NOT happy with how everything went down. There's more to this production environment we're not seeing and you can feel it looking at the cast during their panel.
    Also Jason's body language is super defensive. Not sure if this is how he usually holds himself though.

    • @valentinogal781
      @valentinogal781 3 роки тому +8

      Yeah, I picked up some awkward vibes. It's almost as if they get uncomfortable being asked about Clexa. I get that there was a lot of backlash and ratings went down. But that's all on Jason for using the whole queer trope..
      I am guessing that they are under a lot of pressure to try and move past it because they loss rating and the LGBT fans (myself included) took to social media. Jason knew what he was doing... He knows the business, he is a writer, so for him to say he had no idea of the impact to me sound disingenuous.
      Maybe it was because they were all under contract at the time so they were not allowed to talk about it. But yes.. I sensed a lot of tension. When they mentioned The Trevor Project, Jason looked uncomfortable about it. Maybe because he was afraid that the fans would further effect the show. Maybe that is the reason why they bought Alycia back as a guest on the show. Alycia looked surprised about The Trevor Project, but in a good way. Jason look like the mention of the project was like a kick in the gut, maybe he felt bad.
      Either way, they have to understand that some fans would be offended, I think Jason already knew that but he wasn't expecting everything that came out of it.. he probably thought that we'd get over it.
      We the fans understand that eventually in the show at some point Lexa would die, even though we'd hope that she didn't. But it was just the way they wrote it off that disturbed me. I get that Alycia was offered a better role, I just wish that we could of gotten a proper farewell to Lexa. If the case was that Alycia like someone said was willing to stay a lil while longer, I don't see how they would of had a problem giving her a few more episodes to send her off the right way. The character of Raven didn't have that big of a fandom yet they saw the importance of her character and made her stay on, Alycia had more fandom and they killed off her character. Unless I am missing something. Because Alycia said she had gotten a role in another project but that she was willing to stay. But others say it differently. Who knows.. but yes... I sensed a lot of tension. Its probably that they didn't want to go there for fear of losing more ratings or worried on how it would effect the show.

    • @alishiakiss
      @alishiakiss 2 роки тому +3

      @@valentinogal781 I heard that Alycia want to do both shows( probably not much episodes in 100, maybe like 2-3 maybe in season 4 as well?) but she want stay she even talk with director of her new show, but Jason said he didn't want to do this or work like that.. I don't know if it is true? But many fans said it is.. also I hate the way they killed Lexa, Clarke and her made love, they were happy and then Titus killed her by accident, really?! Wtf was this. They could get her at last better ending, maybe 2 more episode? She was in last episode of season 3 so I don't get it why she can't be killed off in episode 10 or something?

    • @cock2123
      @cock2123 2 роки тому

      @@alishiakiss I agree I think it was said once by someone that Alycia was happy to play both roles, there’s obviously no way to tell for sure if this is true. Multiple times I’ve heard Jason has had some conflicts with other cast members. I definitely think that there may have been some disagreement from Jason about alycia taking both roles

  • @nrx90
    @nrx90 8 років тому +183

    OMG, She's so right THERE IS ONLY ONE LEXA!!! and looks like she's upset and disapointing too, like she said was a runner and writters decition, (the worst one) but I'm glad that This bad feeling is shared for so many people including the starring of the show

  • @cipriann.4862
    @cipriann.4862 8 років тому +116

    Bring LEXA back !!!!!

  • @hushush33
    @hushush33 5 років тому +39

    I hate it when Lexa died. Clarke and Lexa are the reason why i watch the series. They should have ended up together

  • @It-bf9cl
    @It-bf9cl 8 років тому +90

    his mistake was killing her off, which ends any hope for the fans of lexa. The difference between Jason and other producer/directors (i.e. Joss Whedon) is he doesn't think ahead. It would be very easy to bring lexa back for a few episodes, which gives fans hope. He should learn to never kill anyone that big

    • @MrDestroyedSoulx
      @MrDestroyedSoulx 5 років тому +4

      He had no choice, Alycia was leaving the show, there wasn't a way to just have her be off screen for as long as it took for her to come back. And your stupid if you think he should never kill anyone big just because fans are whiny and bitch and moan if you kill their favorite characters. The truth is, Jason didn't want to kill Lexa, but when Alycia wanted to leave or had to because she couldn't commit, his hands were basically tied. Her character was WAY too important to just be written off in some non killing her off way, it wouldn't fit the story or her character to do it. It would also fundementally alter season 3's narrative direction.

    • @Deni-pq7hm
      @Deni-pq7hm 4 роки тому +4

      @@MrDestroyedSoulx With all due respect, he basically PROMISED something, he DECEIVED us with false promises and in the end he DISSAPOINTED us in the WORST way possible. And as if that wasn't enough, he behaves like an IGNORANT and an IDIOT !!! Usually I'm as respectful as possible with such people(because I'm not pro hate), but Jason is a PEACE OF S**T ! He clearly used us for views/money. He and his crew were aware of the LGBT struggles with representation in Tv, and STILL he played us dirty. as a person struggling with figuring out their sexuality, its VERY
      bad when you find a character who inspires you to be brave and still love despite your duties being killed like that. Alycia said she could apear on the show a few times, YET they played this inspiring character and us,the fans, the LGBT fans, dirty af. PERIOD!!
      P.S: english is not my native language, sorry for mistakes.
      Read this: medium.com/@hartbrendan91/how-the-crew-of-the-100-used-and-continues-to-use-social-media-in-a-way-that-harms-lgbt-viewers-a28ec16f158f

  • @wxx2655
    @wxx2655 6 років тому +64

    Eliza seems truly upset.

    • @jozsastienen7689
      @jozsastienen7689 6 років тому +4

      wxx she doesn't just seem like it, she is really upset.

  • @nicoletham8853
    @nicoletham8853 4 роки тому +21

    eliza was so hurt omg

  • @helenaark5100
    @helenaark5100 8 років тому +33

    The beginning killed me man😭it looked and sounded like Eliza was going to cry

  • @seabady
    @seabady 8 років тому +84

    I also loved hearing Eliza say that Lexa was the one for her and she doesn't see Clarke loving someone else that way. I know it's hard for the rest of us to think of Clarke loving someone else the same. I like what Jason finally said, I just hope it's what he really thinks now. I liked hearing all 3 of them. I wrote in a couple places on AE on an easy way to bring Lexa back but it's a lot to post here. Beyond that I would love for Jason to have Lexa come back to Clarke, Bellamy fall in love with a Grounder woman, have all four along with Octavia and Lincoln fight for peace against, and on behalf of both their people. Indra joins with them when she sees all the bloodshed and loss of life of her people under the new Commander. She realizes Lexa was right all along. The Grounders also realize Lexa was right and make her the Commander again and she and Clarke live in the Tower and Bellamy and his Grounder companion unite Arcadia in peace. Everyone's happy.;-)

    • @DonnaBrooks
      @DonnaBrooks 7 років тому +1

      You wrote: "I like what Jason finally said, I just hope it's what he really thinks now." About what, specifically, are you speaking? What did Jason say that you liked? Does he agree that Clarke will never love anyone the way she loved Lexa? If so, could you post a link to a video where he says that? I would LOVE to hear him say that, but I've not seen it.

    • @MrDestroyedSoulx
      @MrDestroyedSoulx 5 років тому

      There is NO way to bring Lexa back. At best, she could live in someone else's mind with the rest of the commanders. But bringing her back is impossible. Dead is dead, it would undermine the seriousness of this show If dead people didn't stay dead. The stakes would be gone altogether if death could be overturned. It's literally a show about survival. It would be a completely different show if you could reverse death. Bellamy DID fall in love with a grounder though, so you did get your wish in season 5. But Lincoln also died like two episodes after Lexa, so again, not possible. I don't want everyone to be happy, that's not the job of this show. It's not a happy show, and it shouldn't be. It's a heartbreaking show, with death and misery everywhere. Happiness for almost everyone in it is short lived. A few years is the best most of the characters ever get. Monty and Harper are the ONLY ones who've actually had a happy ending, and according to Jason, it's probably the only time that's going to happen in this show. (Except maybe when it ends, they could choose to do a happy ending showing Clarke lived and long and peaceful life and died in peace.But who knows if that's how the show is meant to end. It's a pretty nihilstic show, so it might not be a happy ending at all.

    • @MrDestroyedSoulx
      @MrDestroyedSoulx 5 років тому

      @Demo Gorgon Like what? There's nothing in the show about that suggests that's possible with their technology. Besides the actor DID NOT WANT TO STAY. Get this through your thick skulls! It had nothing to do with the shows creator of writers hating gay people of Lexa! The actor was unwilling to commit to the show more and she decided to leave. It's really that simple. The actress also has NEVER expressed any I'll feelings about it of how it was handled. You guys are reading too much into things. It's not a matter of not wanting to bring her back even, the actress is busy and I'm assuming doesn't want to come back. And besides... Bringing back dead characters just cheapens the show and robs death of ANY meaning. It would completely destroy the shows integrity to bring her back. And would probably get canceled for being so stupid. It goes COMPLETELY against the shows tone. The show is like the Walking Dead. When people die it has meaning because it's final. There's no resurrections. Maybe she could return again as a guest star in flashbacks or as an AI again somehow, but I don't see how they could do the AI anymore. Besides Clarke's daughter Madi has the flame in side of her. So Lexa's memory is not completely lost. Her personality lives in Madi now. That's about as good as its going to get. I'm sorry this upsets you so much, but the show was being equal opportunist. They killed off her male love interest as well. Hell, they killed off Wells before he could even tell her his feelings. She literally killed the first boy she ever loved. Maybe you feel it was his own fault and therefore don't care but Clarke did. Her killing Finn completely changed her. The show wasn't being discriminatory when they killed Lexa off. They just killed her as if she was no different than anyone else. Which is a GOOD THING. Giving gays special treatment because of their minority status isn't a good thing. Especially when the show doesn't even treat being gay as a big deal. In their dystopian future being gay was just accepted and no one cared who you loved, as long as it's consensual. So therefore they treated her death no different than a straight person. Maybe that was a mistake since in our world we're not so evolved yet but I don't think it was malicious at all.

    • @ZM-830
      @ZM-830 2 роки тому

      The show was already dead when Lexa died I mean how do you go from killing grounders and surviving on Earth to going into a whole new other planet that look just like Earth and now y'all in The Matrix

  • @unspokencat6218
    @unspokencat6218 7 років тому +42

    I honestly wish that JR didn't kill Lexa but only set her into coma or some shit and Clarke could go out to the world to save Lexa. Like what they did to Elena in season 8 of TVD (yeet spoilers).

  • @tophatwolfthw7435
    @tophatwolfthw7435 7 років тому +116

    I swear if they kill Alycia on fear the walking dead. I will DIE

  • @helen4026
    @helen4026 6 років тому +40

    Lexa is best on the 100

  • @Lalalalala...
    @Lalalalala... 8 років тому +31

    I always kinda knew that she wasn't going to be a permanent character. I just wish we got a few more episodes or more of an open ended send off that allowed for her to make appearances in later seasons.

  • @BriannaTejada
    @BriannaTejada 8 років тому +73

    Alycia wanted to come back though, she didnt have to de!!

    • @miriamrodriguez3473
      @miriamrodriguez3473 7 років тому +18

      Brianna Tejada yeah but Jason was an ass and killed her off just cause she went to Fear the walking dead

    • @jozsastienen7689
      @jozsastienen7689 6 років тому +6

      Miriam Rodriguez yeah i know, but it is quit funny that she was already filming ftw when she was filming the 100... So it was bullshit that they killed her off

    • @paulineturner7830
      @paulineturner7830 5 років тому

      Jason had no choice, she wanted to leave.

    • @nae5637
      @nae5637 5 років тому +1

      i think if she wants to come back jason will find a way for her to be at the show again especially it‘s a cw show so i think it may be possible but only if she wants to you know

  • @martacst1321
    @martacst1321 8 років тому +50

    Why nobody told Eliza about the money that was raised for Trevor Project? i think she would be really happy about that

    • @funniestmomments6510
      @funniestmomments6510  8 років тому +7

      +MartaCst13 Yes I would love to see her reaction to this news ! Alycia' reaction was priceless, I am sure Eliza's would hve been as good

  • @AnnabelleXD
    @AnnabelleXD 4 роки тому +5

    I’m glad Jason took in the fan’s reactions but I remember at the time I was just so devastated and hated him so much. It took me years to be able to watch the show again

  • @nat.2468
    @nat.2468 4 роки тому +6

    never have i ever sobbed night after night after her death. this one just hit different. it really did.

  • @thevoiceguy1028
    @thevoiceguy1028 7 років тому +12

    I'm re-watching the 100 and I just saw Lexa die so sad RIP Clexa

  • @asdfasdf8844
    @asdfasdf8844 8 років тому +13

    i miss lexa so much

  • @orca3413
    @orca3413 7 років тому +18

    i do think he did the right thing bringing lexa back for the season finale. he knew how much she meant to us and wanted to give us a small moment with her because we weren't ready to say goodbye

  • @celea4369
    @celea4369 8 років тому +32

    They were/are soulmates!! JR is full of shit!! Unless he leave the door open, so she can come back!! He needs to make the problem right!! I really hope he is not erasing clexa scene from the final, because that been buzzing around twitter and tumblr!

  • @horichoi2881
    @horichoi2881 6 років тому +31

    Only lexa for Clarke....

  • @MissTozjhonae
    @MissTozjhonae 6 років тому +8

    Awwww she really love her and upset 😢💔

  • @carlybingley9104
    @carlybingley9104 7 років тому +11

    I miss Lexa! :(

  • @tamarawood4052
    @tamarawood4052 3 роки тому +4

    My Favorite character was Lexa and Lincoln

  • @ulisescastillo8830
    @ulisescastillo8830 6 років тому +9

    Omg why do almost all of us have Alycia/Lexa profile pictures lol I'm dying😂😂😂

  • @cock2123
    @cock2123 2 роки тому +3

    I’m so disappointed about lexa’s death even to today, they made such a unique and powerful character who was lgbtq (which wasn’t very common when the show was released) and they gave her a very avoidable death straight after the devils tango 👹 like seriously as a member of the community I was so impacted by their relationship being so real and not being a classic boy and girl love story. I’m honestly just glad that Alicia chose what was best for her though!

    • @ad4140
      @ad4140 2 місяці тому

      She Said that She could work in both but thé director direct want that

  • @melissanichols3537
    @melissanichols3537 3 роки тому +2

    Clarke and Lexa's relationship made me realize who i am and it gave me courage to come out as pansexual . Seeing how real their relationship was, and how true their love was for each other gave me hope that i could be happy as myself, and that i have a chance of being truly happy and finding the one i love. When they killed Lexa, i was truly crushed and devastated, as so many other fans were too. I honestly still miss lexa and feel the pain to this day because lexa was my role model and i looked up to her. Her strength and love for clarke made me feel something i hadn't felt before. Last year, i found someone that i fell in love with, and she was perfect. we were so happy together but i lost her. and it brought me back to lexa's death and i know clarke's pain of having the love of your life die practically in your arms because of you. i'm still grieving over my love's death and i feel like i'm never going to love again, but watching the 100 again from when lexa was still alive always makes me happy and brings back happy memories. All in all, Clexa has helped shape me into who i am today and i am eternally grateful.

  • @katem4835
    @katem4835 7 років тому +17

    I wish they would've takin Lexa out of the show in a better way rather than being shot. As soon as Lexa & Clarke took there relationship to the next level, Lexa died. If they waited a couple episodes and just had Lexa leave in a different way without dying it would have been better. They both changed each other for the better, Clarke was a strong character but once she met Lexa she became stronger she brought out this part of Clarke that we didn't get to see before she met Lexa. and Clarke made Lexa softer just by loving her. They both lost someone they loved and I feel like thats where a big part of there relationship comes from. Its understandable that Alicia had to go to FTWD but they took a character that was so special to so many people and gave her a tragic death that could have been avoided. A side from all of that, the 100 is the best show I've ever watched and would highly recommend it lmao.

    • @MrDestroyedSoulx
      @MrDestroyedSoulx 5 років тому +1

      How do you really, honestly, see Lexa being written off without dying? I don't see it. It's just not practical, and wouldn't make sense in this show. She can't just go off on her own, she's the commander. Dying is the only way for her to leave and it not feel like bullshit. I wish she could have lived, I do. But Alycia wasn't able to stay on the show, there was no choice. Maybe he could have killed her in a less tragic way, but personally, as someone who loves tragic stories, especially romantic ones, I wouldn't want it that way. I think she died in probably the saddest and most tragic way, and I liked that, even though it makes me sad when I see it happen.

    • @Marina-qz6xc
      @Marina-qz6xc 3 роки тому

      Kaneki Ken I think they mean she could’ve died in another way like let the fans see the relationship grow after they finally get together not get us all exited just so that right after they kill her with a missed bullet. All I’m saying is she could’ve died in a battle or something else that wasn’t in that way and that at least it would give the fans a few episodes to see the love between Clarke and Lexa

  • @angelicarona9315
    @angelicarona9315 5 років тому +8

    Only one Lexa ,She is the one for her Said Eliza .

  • @angelicarona9315
    @angelicarona9315 5 років тому +11

    Bring Lexa Back to Season 6.

    • @Cdiaz41
      @Cdiaz41 4 роки тому

      Angelica Rona I think there’s a small chance that she may come back at season 7

    • @Ana-bk5xk
      @Ana-bk5xk 4 роки тому

      TheRealJumpHit yes there are many rumors about that let’s hope 🙏🙏

    • @jusdreinjusdraun9332
      @jusdreinjusdraun9332 4 роки тому

      Ana I dont think so cuz lexa died how r they supposed to bring her back

    • @nxtalie1001
      @nxtalie1001 4 роки тому

      jus drein jus draun as a ghost or an un scene flashed back 🥺 like how they did with Finn

  • @emelyneberrichi4336
    @emelyneberrichi4336 4 роки тому +2

    « i think that lexa was the one for her » 😭😍

  • @Anna-mu5wg
    @Anna-mu5wg 7 років тому +7

    Lexa forever

  • @krnetters
    @krnetters 8 років тому

    Thank you so much for all the videos and edits you do! :)

    • @funniestmomments6510
      @funniestmomments6510  8 років тому +1

      +robyn YOU WELCOME !!! I enjoy making them more than you enjoy watching them ;-)
      I am so pleased you like them

    • @krnetters
      @krnetters 8 років тому

      Haha, I'm so glad you enjoy making them so much! It means more for us all to enjoy! :-)

  • @raeofsunshine7276
    @raeofsunshine7276 6 років тому +3

    "Pardon my French" Eliza is so cute❤

  • @jeniusjamie12
    @jeniusjamie12 4 роки тому +4

    These poor actors... I know they are paid well but still, what a weight to carry.

  • @angelicarona9315
    @angelicarona9315 5 років тому +2

    Lexa Forever 💖

  • @imzadii141
    @imzadii141 8 років тому +6

    Just want to show Clarke some love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @yoonafa6336
      @yoonafa6336 8 років тому +2

      +Leslie Johns Lexa did and now shes dead lol

  • @aidvn5583
    @aidvn5583 6 років тому +8

    Anyone else wondering why this is a very serious video for 100 fans and the channel name is funniest moments

    • @martinaruiz3755
      @martinaruiz3755 5 років тому

      GB_Productions i just checked and laughed wth hahahaha

  • @tomdufour6786
    @tomdufour6786 5 років тому +1

    I m very sad because Lexia is my favorite character 😭😭😭

  • @angelicarona9315
    @angelicarona9315 5 років тому +8

    Alycia Best Actress in this Generation
    Best Character Is Lexa .
    Lexa Deseved Better

  • @angelicarona9315
    @angelicarona9315 5 років тому +8

    True, Say Eliza Lexa and Clarke Are Soulmates.
    Clarke for Lexa Only
    Clarke: Love of my Life is Lexa

  • @soaringsparrowswirlingsea7885
    @soaringsparrowswirlingsea7885 7 років тому +15

    His voice irritates me.

  • @aepbuzz
    @aepbuzz 3 роки тому

    im glad jason knows how much her death affected us

  • @petrinajc
    @petrinajc 8 років тому +7

    Mourn properly? when? I didn't see? in Season 3

  • @valentinogal781
    @valentinogal781 3 роки тому +1

    I have to ask.. Have Alycia or Eliza visited Clexa Con? I can't seem to find any videos on it.

    • @lindapollock2105
      @lindapollock2105 Рік тому

      Only a year late answering this. No, they haven't.

  • @pang9770
    @pang9770 7 років тому +2

    I think she loves her ,it is real

  • @jadynkorber1125
    @jadynkorber1125 6 років тому +8

    Why lexa? Like why not Bellamy? Bellarke is no cannon Clexa is cannon so it’s stupid that Jason killed lexa pisses me off

    • @lindapollock2105
      @lindapollock2105 6 років тому +1

      As said above, Jason has said that the show is centred around Clarke and Bellamy - it's their story. Lexa was only supposed to be a temporary character in season 2 but when Jason saw how popular she was, he asked Alycia to come back. However by then, she'd already signed up for Fear The Walking Dead and the makers of that show just allowed Jason to 'borrow' her for 7 episodes in season 3. There was no alternative then other than to kill her off.

    • @ZM-830
      @ZM-830 2 роки тому

      And then Clark turned around and killed bellamy the end you see Lexa wins even in death😂😂😂

    • @ad4140
      @ad4140 2 місяці тому

      ​@@lindapollock2105She Saïd She could pay both but Jason didnt want

  • @heloitsme2540
    @heloitsme2540 8 років тому +8

    I think they will bring Lexa back One time. Well, actually i hope it 😂

    • @JeSus-kc7ef
      @JeSus-kc7ef 8 років тому +1

      +KevistderBeste UA-camr Amen! *keep fingers crossed*

    • @heloitsme2540
      @heloitsme2540 8 років тому

      +Chipo YASS i won't give up!! #Clexagivesmelive

    • @ainsleigh351
      @ainsleigh351 6 років тому +1

      RL 9 they did in once in the city of light but that wasn't enough for me.

  • @hibahchaudhary5646
    @hibahchaudhary5646 2 роки тому

    I cried so much when Lexi dies 😭

  • @angelicarona9315
    @angelicarona9315 5 років тому +2

    Im Waiting For Season 6 Lexa Coming Back to The 100.

  • @angelicarona9315
    @angelicarona9315 5 років тому +1

    Soulmate Hard to Find Once in a Life time Clexa Were Soulmate ,True love .💖😁💞💕

  • @dosalline
    @dosalline 3 роки тому +1

    are they still friends ?

  • @christyturner9162
    @christyturner9162 4 роки тому

    There is no "The One" for you. We all can find deep attachment and connection and love with many people for different reasons. Clarke had a young, reliant, crush love on Finn for a short while. She developed a deep connection, friendship/partnership, love, respect and admiration for Lexa and whether or not something will happen between Clarke and Bellamy, their relationship has developed the most into many different things over the series.
    It must be hard for writers, producers and directors to have to portray what the public wants and not stay 100% true to their own storylines and convictions. Ya cant please everyone.

    • @Catras_unfairly_gorgeous_smirk
      @Catras_unfairly_gorgeous_smirk 4 роки тому +1

      Literally the only reason why Bellamy and Clarke's relationship was able to develop the most throughout the series was because Bellamy is alive. Finn died. Lexa died. We never knew what could or couldn't have happened between Clarke and these 2 characters because they both didn't make it, so you're making an empty and illogical argument there. If Bellamy had died and Finn or Lexa had instead survived for 6 seasons at Clarke's side you can bet there would've been some significant development since they were both important figures in Clarke's life, as is Bellamy.

  • @devotomagazine8328
    @devotomagazine8328 6 років тому

    Eliza simil Madonna hermosa, Argentina. thank

  • @angelicarona9315
    @angelicarona9315 5 років тому +2

    Bring Lexa Back

  • @hannah2728
    @hannah2728 3 роки тому +1

    SPOILER Bruh he said he'd be more considerate then killed bellamy like it was nothing

  • @joostvanderlee9569
    @joostvanderlee9569 5 років тому +2

    0:05 me too

  • @TheRKDayZ
    @TheRKDayZ 8 років тому

    I watched the 100 when it came out . And Ithen I stopped for a while. And I was gonna watch when I knew they were a couple but my personal life got in the way. And now I don't think Ima be able to watch this show again. I saw like 3 scenes of them and liked their ship but now she dead .

  • @angelicarona9315
    @angelicarona9315 5 років тому +1

    Lexa for Clarke
    I miss you Lexa
    Im Fans Of Lexa and Clexa .

  • @ronnieleasejr3337
    @ronnieleasejr3337 6 років тому +6

    Love That Clarke and Lexa sexy hot girls i miss you Lexa show

  • @damontrash7521
    @damontrash7521 8 років тому +4

    Guys Alycia choose to leave! She is now in the return of the walking dead she left to be in that!

    • @DonnaBrooks
      @DonnaBrooks 7 років тому +1

      I'm having second thoughts about that, though. How can Lexa continue to be a character off-screen? I can't imagine her going into hiding. It would be ridiculous for her to still be in Polis and never see her w/ Clarke. How would one do it in this particular case? I mean, it's sci-fi, so they COULD bring her back later, if the show is still running when ADC finishes FTWD. They could even reunite Clexa in the series finale somehow, but we would have lost so much of their story in the meantime.

    • @Tannstongli
      @Tannstongli 7 років тому +4

      Maybe she was needed somewhere? Like a mission somewhere far away from Polis?

    • @ainsleigh351
      @ainsleigh351 6 років тому +4

      okay but they didn't have to kill her in such a terrible way! Or kill her at all. Maybe she could've been kidnapped, gone missing, or she needed to fulfill a mission far away from polis or arkadia

  • @mhakkiquiambao6069
    @mhakkiquiambao6069 5 років тому

    Bring lexa back on season 6

  • @FreeMan973
    @FreeMan973 4 роки тому


  • @ashnacs2753
    @ashnacs2753 6 років тому


  • @koyuki3961
    @koyuki3961 6 років тому +2

    Why did Alycia have to be so awesome? Why FTWD why???!!!

    • @jozsastienen7689
      @jozsastienen7689 6 років тому +1

      spike hunter it is not ftwd, i mean alycia said that she wouldn't mind doing both shows, it is just Jason's fault.

  • @angelicarona9315
    @angelicarona9315 5 років тому

    Worst Decition Of JasonRoberngr
    Lexa Death
    and Writers
    Alycia is so Best Actress .
    And Lexa is Incridible Character i love Her So Much .

  • @philwagoner8026
    @philwagoner8026 8 років тому +1


  • @yoonafa6336
    @yoonafa6336 8 років тому

    Lexa :(

  • @veeju1166
    @veeju1166 5 років тому

    Shes kinda awkward...quirky..i like it...not to mention those eyes and eyelashes, voice and other tings...🌹😍😊

  • @aliceowen2264
    @aliceowen2264 5 років тому

    The 100 is my favorite show but I don't think that kill Lexa was a great idea because you love a show for its story but also for its characters and now that Lexa is dead, the show had loose something. (sorry if it's not very good but I'm not English)

  • @playlist4685
    @playlist4685 8 років тому

    Só eu achei bizarro essa repórter com a blusa do supermem...... Kkkkk

  • @MichaelaTrue
    @MichaelaTrue 7 років тому +1

    IM mourning tf

  • @Belle_sousa
    @Belle_sousa 7 років тому

    Eliza's accent is completely different.

  • @thirzeeskes
    @thirzeeskes 5 років тому

    I hope Lexa is coming back in season 6, not for an LGBT reason but she has girl power just like Clarke🙌🏽 Besides that I think the relationship between Clarke and Lexa makes the story better.
    But if Lexa comes back where does Madi go? I think the best way is to let Madi be the commander but if Lexa’s comming back what job does she get? Just Clarke’s girlfriend? I think she deserves more than just that, maybe the commander of another group? Or the head of all the commanders or something...

    • @lindapollock2105
      @lindapollock2105 5 років тому

      Lexa isn't coming back. She's been dead for 132 years and her ashes are scattered over a different planet. How could she possibly come back?

  • @MartaClary
    @MartaClary 8 років тому +26

    we heard the same things after Finn's death and look we get clexa lol

    • @nrx90
      @nrx90 8 років тому +43

      +Marta Clary Not the same, he was her first love, but Lexa was the ONE FOR HER

    • @funniestmomments6510
      @funniestmomments6510  8 років тому +41

      +nrx90 LEXA was her SOULMATE !!!!!!!

    • @nrx90
      @nrx90 8 років тому +22

      Exactly!!! Clarke being with someone else would be too cheap, there is only ONE LEXA, noone could be able to touch and understand Clarke's inside like Lexa did,

    • @MartaClary
      @MartaClary 8 років тому +1

      +nrx90 sure.. pbs.twimg.com/media/CepTMVLWwAE97rS.jpg

    • @nrx90
      @nrx90 8 років тому +10

      But she never said that THERE WAS ONLY ONE FINN, in fact back then she also said that kill him made Clarke a better leader, and in that time she didn´t look upset o mad o anything like that about Finns Death like she is being now with Lexa´s

  • @mattheobaldovi9394
    @mattheobaldovi9394 3 роки тому

    Alguien me puede decir lo q dice? Jajaja

  • @joostvanderlee9569
    @joostvanderlee9569 5 років тому +2

    You can see that Eliza is really upset about Lexa's death. And i am too.
    And yes, she had to die. She was important, sending her to another nation or something like that would not have been a good ending,
    but this was certainly not a good ending, she had to die in a different way.

    • @jeremy9951
      @jeremy9951 5 років тому +1

      I just watched the 3rd season and when Lexa died I was so upset, I mean it is good for Clarke's developement, but I think this was way too cruel to kill her just after having started a relationship, they just pleased the fans by giving them a love scene, but as she had to go, they killed her, what a stupid decision imo, the first 2 seasons were gold but the third one... and Lincoln dying... meh

    • @joostvanderlee9569
      @joostvanderlee9569 5 років тому +1

      Kowxley i feel you, it was way too cruel, same thing for lincoln.

    • @jeremy9951
      @jeremy9951 5 років тому

      @@joostvanderlee9569 have you watched season 4 and 5 ? Is it better than the 3rd ?

    • @joostvanderlee9569
      @joostvanderlee9569 5 років тому

      Kowxley yes, i watched all seasons. But idk, hard to tell. Idk what to say to not spoil things. Its difficult for clarke, because she lost the love of her life and she knows that the world is gonna end again (whats gonna happen at the end of season 4). So she needs to tell the group and then everyone in the world. And when she did they basically need to find a way to survive praimfaya 2. And ofcourse that comes with hiccups.
      And season 5, you will love it or you will hate it. I cant tell anything about it if you didnt watched s4 yet.

    • @jeremy9951
      @jeremy9951 5 років тому +1

      @@joostvanderlee9569 hey its me again lmao, I've watched season 4 and damn it's so much better than the 3rd to be honest, I was surprised.

  • @user-ns9gv6uo6d
    @user-ns9gv6uo6d 3 роки тому

    So that was the choice of Alycia to leave the show for another ?

    • @ad4140
      @ad4140 2 місяці тому

      Nop She could bé in both but Jason kill her 😔

  • @Karen-pv6gt
    @Karen-pv6gt 5 років тому

    Clark is so much hotter in real life

  • @killyourdarlings1305
    @killyourdarlings1305 3 роки тому

    As someone who's just watching the show and already knew about Lexa, I don't understand why this was such a big deal. I expected her to be a much more prominent character but she wasn't even in a full season.
    And while I did like Clexa and cried when Lexa died, she still feels overhyped to me. I was told she was "the best character in the whole show" but... how? There wasn't even time to fully develop her, her arc ended abruptly before she had any major, significant growth. Don't get me wrong, she quickly became one of my favorites but compared to Clarke, Octavia, Bellamy and Raven she's not *that* good.
    Also, were people not aware that Alycia had a lead role on Fear? I don't understand how they expected her to live or Clexa to be endgame.

    • @ZM-830
      @ZM-830 2 роки тому

      How you going to say Lexa was over hype yet you cried over her death🤡🤔😁

    • @ad4140
      @ad4140 2 місяці тому

      She could have both charactes but Jason didnt what that

  • @macarenapascual1164
    @macarenapascual1164 7 років тому +2

    I just want to say that their acent is really hot. OK. Bye.

  • @derekschmitt358
    @derekschmitt358 6 років тому +3

    I only felt bad when lincoln died, nobody else. only my opinions though

  • @jennene07
    @jennene07 6 років тому


  • @morganev8164
    @morganev8164 7 років тому


  • @jenniferhanners9521
    @jenniferhanners9521 7 років тому +6

    octavia and clark should become a thing because they both lost someone in season 3

  • @m16roses77
    @m16roses77 5 років тому

    @0:27 "moan" ?!? :')

    • @Lucie_L07
      @Lucie_L07 5 років тому

      More like “mourn” 😂😂

  • @kileythompson8785
    @kileythompson8785 4 роки тому

    I loved clexa! I lexa was still alive DYE BELLARKE DIE but bc Lexa is dead ..I ship BELLARKE but miss clexa sooo much