The #1 Reason You Should Never Punish Your Cat (What to Do Instead)

  • Опубліковано 26 вер 2024


  • @AllAboutCatsYT
    @AllAboutCatsYT  9 місяців тому +8

    Support your cat's wellbeing with environmental enrichment. Explore the tuft + paw store:

    • @Mark-rd1it
      @Mark-rd1it 9 місяців тому +1

      My cat keeps putting her claws on the curtains jusrt like in your video.

  • @tlfisher5819
    @tlfisher5819 9 місяців тому +26

    My 10 year old Kitten has never done anything wrong. He’s never even done anything naughty. He’s purrfect! ❤❤❤❤❤❤

    • @whiteknightcat
      @whiteknightcat 9 місяців тому +14

      Does tlfisher5819 know you're using their keyboard, kitty?

    • @AllAboutCatsYT
      @AllAboutCatsYT  9 місяців тому +5

      Haha, good one!@@whiteknightcat

    • @catbb1000
      @catbb1000 9 місяців тому +2

      I had a MC for 17 years. He was perfect. He honestly never did anything wrong. I have 2 kittens right now that are 8 months old. I constantly have to tell them no and redirect them. It's been costly, hopefully they will settle down in a year or two.😉 I use boxes and Amazon's brown filler paper. They love scooting it from one end of the house to the other.

  • @yeeyeeass
    @yeeyeeass 9 місяців тому +8

    I think the biggest takeaway with any training method is that, no matter what you end up doing, you have to respect a cat’s boundaries, understand their body language, understand their instinctual behaviors, and not treat them as pack animals like dogs but rather as their own independent creatures. I just try to love and take care of mine, and it seems to work well!

  • @jeffwhite9028
    @jeffwhite9028 9 місяців тому +1

    Gr8 vid! I have found that cats do require more work to understand, ...which ...helps you get along much better with ...all living things. Worth the time spent.

  • @John-K-N
    @John-K-N 9 місяців тому +49

    Being a cat parent has actually taught me to be more tolerant, patient, less stressed out over minor mishaps in life. My kitty in her first week jumped on the curtain rod in her room and single-handedly destroyed the entire window covering. I took it all in stride and said to myself she was just being a cat and was eager to explore her new surroundings. Rather than punishing her, I changed my own behavior. It's a beautiful thing.😊

    • @hallaloth3112
      @hallaloth3112 9 місяців тому +3

      So many people with cats needs to learn that. 'Destructive' behavior is almost always because a cat is bored and under stimulated or they're exploring. Kitties are curious critters, they want to know everything about where they are at.

    • @John-K-N
      @John-K-N 9 місяців тому +1

      @@hallaloth3112 Absolute truth!

  • @amberhall9937
    @amberhall9937 9 місяців тому +4

    My cat plays with some random house hold items. When my parents used to get a newspaper, I would collect them once they were done with them and the cat loved them. He'd chase me around with them and not stop until they were shredded. I think he particularly liked the way it sounded. It almost makes me want to subscribe to the newspaper, but frankly I thought the quality of journalism was such that I would have shredded it myself had the cat not done so.
    Also, I have an office sized clear trash can that my cat loved while he was small enough to play in it. He loved for me to lift it up and down. I called it the kitten elevator. I would let him get inside, and then tap around at the outside of the trash can. He would pounce toward my hand. Sometimes he would turn it on its side , get inside and scratch like the dickens. If I could find a bigger clear trash can I'd get it for him. I might see if I can find a clear storage box. I like clear, because sometimes with regular boxes (which he also loves) he will jump out to pursue my hands outside the the box, which I don't want to encourage, but he still likes to get in there and just scratch the box on his own.
    I have bought that cat tons of toys. He does like playing with those some, but I could definitely keep him engaged longer with the newspapers and clear trash can.

    • @mg2023faith
      @mg2023faith 9 місяців тому +2

      Dixie cups, plastic bottles, milk container caps, muffin cups, plastic easter eggs, practice golf balls, old film plastic cannisters (black cannisters the size of Rx bottles) with a marble inside, pool noodle cut into 2 ft long tubed "kickers", rubber super bouncey ball, stress balls, and a kiddie pool full of ping pong balls, craft pom poms, nerf balls or toilet paper tubes are all favorite toys of my cats. I use pipe cleaners when I am playing with them, and there are cool rubber snakes at dollar stores which my cat Duke used to love. Matchbox cars on hard surfaces are fun too. Most cats will tell you what their favorite toys are. Also switch toys out all the time. I also move them from places I find they have left their toys to great "Aha I found you" places like window sills and edges of corners or door cracks. Fun video! Thanks.

  • @dbp192000
    @dbp192000 9 місяців тому +10

    Cats get bored too. Play wit 'em a lil bit!

  • @edschulhof6303
    @edschulhof6303 9 місяців тому +7

    Good video. I try to be careful around my cats. If I yell at the TV or whatever, the cats do not understand it isn't directed at them. Most bread ties are made of metal with a paper cover. Absolutely should not be given to a cat. There are plastic Easter eggs that open into two halves. They are the size of a ping pong ball. My cats bat the egg half around and can carry it in their mouth. Letting a fly or other bug in once in awhile keeps the cats busy for hours. LOL

  • @GenerationJonesi
    @GenerationJonesi 9 місяців тому +1

    I have a rescue that spent his entire 1st year of his life in one room with 2 other cats. He has a very low tolerance for attention & pets & is just now learning social skills. I'm training him just the same as other cats I've had. Regular play time is a great way to bond & gives him an outlet for his aggression. He doesn't seem to be attracted to treats so I give him lots, and lots, of praise. So far, so good!

  • @JE4NJU
    @JE4NJU 9 місяців тому +3

    the redirection works really fast lol my cat was scratching up my carpet so I bought a jute mat and started physically moving her to the mat when I caught her. She now goes to it instead. Thank god bc my deposit..

  • @evelynrogers7145
    @evelynrogers7145 9 місяців тому +2

    My two cats want to go outside. Don’t care about there kitty tree. I live in town, can’t let them out. I’ve tried different things, toys and other stuff . Destroying my home. They destroyed my hutch, sofa, blinds. Just keep looking outside. They have a ladder. At my wits end

  • @Melindrea
    @Melindrea 9 місяців тому +2

    My cat is quite well behaved... I think there are only three "naughty" things she does:
    1) Occasionally scratching/stretching against the sofa my spouse is sitting on (and only then). She stops when we say "no" (and she's got plenty of other scratching places)
    2) When her water fountain is being cleaned, and she is quite certain that she will die if it's not returned within three seconds (don't worry--she has a temporary source of water during that time) she will tip over the plastic thing that we use to fill up her fountain. And that's the *only* time she bats things off a surface.
    3) If she is unhappy with the cleanliness of her box, she will poop outside. Only poop, and only then.
    So of those, the only thing that's not entirely due to our fault (even if she can be a bit ... impatient with the fountain) she only does occasionally, and it feels like she is doing it as part of getting attention. So we tell her no, and then she hops into my spouse's lap after a few moments

  • @hallaloth3112
    @hallaloth3112 9 місяців тому +1

    I always giggle at the 'knocking things off shelves' attitude. I've started tossing up crinkle balls for our lad to knock down off the bookshelves as an appropriate thing to knock off. He's not generally destructive though.
    Our biggest one is both boys will sometimes ignore play boundaries and need to be shooed apart. Sometimes it requires physically putting someone in kitty jail for fifteen minutes. The offender is usually the orange one who ends up taking a nap. Sometimes I think he is just cranky and doesn't want a nap.

  • @PinkFlowers365
    @PinkFlowers365 9 місяців тому +2

    thank you!

  • @eVilRawrZone
    @eVilRawrZone 9 місяців тому +2

    I wish I knew all this before getting a cat, our relationship is damaged. She loves my husband but doesn’t trust me. Never understood why she wouldn’t listen or understand that certain behaviors are not ok. Tried redirecting but she ignores all toys and scratchers. Even when the cat and I were ok she’d turn on me suddenly. It’s now to the point where I would rather not interact with her at all.

  • @vistalite
    @vistalite 9 місяців тому +2

    I had raised my voice to my cat early on when he peed on the carpet a couple of times. All it did was make him slink down under the bed and avoid me for a couple hours. I realized that he would never figure out why I was mad at him. We’ve been together for 7 years, so we both know each others issues and we accept them as is.
    Side note: daily fluoxetine stopped any pee accidents.

  • @Zectifin
    @Zectifin 9 місяців тому +2

    be careful with plastic straws. we have a cat who LOVES stealing straws and he stole one from the trash as I was throwing it away and hes so quick that he jumped down and the straw was sticking straight forward out of his mouth and when he landed it forced the straw into his throat and made him gag and try to throw up a little. we kept an eye on him and he was totally fine, but I won't let him steal any plastic straws from us or throw them as toys for fear of him doing that again.
    He loves the shit out of a long piece of plastic that was a safety seal from a big tub of supplement powder. he doesn't chew it at all he just brings it to us to play fetch with over and over so I bet he'd love zip ties.

  • @prasselboll
    @prasselboll 9 місяців тому +2

    Please be super careful with the ziptie! I had a big one and let my 3 month old kitten play with it under supervision. It took just a second at half of it was down her throat. Fortunately she wasn't hurt but that could have done some serious damage :(

  • @Retiredmco
    @Retiredmco 9 місяців тому +5

    Cats are NOT humans and we as humans MUST understand that. Otherwise its best for human and cat NOT to be together. My fur angel 😇 Jen has taught me alot over the 13 plus months together. Im definitely better for it.

  • @bradw.1945
    @bradw.1945 9 місяців тому

    I know food rewards are most people's go to for reinforcing good behavior, but I have a cat that does not care about treats. He eats his food when he wants to, and anything I present to him otherwise is ignored. He doesn't care for cat treats or cooked meats like chicken or fish, he simply ignores it and it gets thrown in the trash. Luckily we haven't run in to any behaviors that are a problem, but I have a hard time with getting him in a carrier, and nothing will lure him in there.

  • @ryker4549
    @ryker4549 9 місяців тому +2

    This is the best video I have one question
    Myv2 stay off the kitchen table when I'm there but when I'm in bed sleeping they get on the kitchen table
    So how do you stop that when your asleep LOL

  • @dustinmatthews387
    @dustinmatthews387 9 місяців тому

    My cat always hops on top of my flat screen TVs. She's already knocked one over and completely cracked the screen. She has quite a few high up areas she can jump up onto including a cat tree, but she still wants to hang out on my TV. (I can't wall mount them either. )

  • @beckyg00n
    @beckyg00n 9 місяців тому +1

    This logic has never made any sense to me. My cat developed a habit of wiping his butt on the ground directly in front of me... and yelling at him almost certainly only provoked him to do it more obviously, because whenever he was mad or annoyed about something I did, he would just very easily make me mad as well by doing this, which causes me to freak out as an instinct because it's gross. However, I got him to stop doing it. I knew that if instead of just yelling everytime, i would cause him unwanted stress, he would be less likely to put himself in the situation in the future. I strongly believe I could have gotten the same resolves by giving him a smack him, or clapping in his ear, but instead, everytime he would wipe his butt on something in front of me, i would grab a wet wipe and run after him until I caught him and was able to clean his butt. This works for two reasons. First one being, even if he does decide to do it again, at least I have removed what made it gross from the equations. Secondly, it immediately punishes his bad behavior. He doesn't need to know why. All he needs to know is that if he wipes his butthole on the carpet right in front of me, he is not going to be having a good time. After at least a year of him using this triggering behavior just yo get a rise out of me, he stopped after maybe about one month of f receiving the punishment. If you spray a cat with water everytime they do something bad, they won't know exactly where it comes from, or what is causing their demise besides knowing that you are a creature that randomly squirts them with water when you're around.

  • @hansmorgenstern5461
    @hansmorgenstern5461 9 місяців тому

    A great alternative to the bread ties: cat crazies. They come in multi-pack of 4 for like $4. They look like warped plastic bottle rings. One my cats demands it every night, and she plays fetch with me with it. She does go crazy over it. It is on the smaller side, so I always supervise her, and she likes the interactive play along with some alone time with it. But it is designed for cats and has only been safe for my cats.

  • @j-1
    @j-1 9 місяців тому +2

    Never Ever Always Punish Your Felines Family & More!

  • @mahadevovnl
    @mahadevovnl 9 місяців тому

    I never punish my cats, they just sometimes do something that I dislike and they know it, they got soooo defensive, as in: running away from me! I always treat them with love and understanding. Puke on the carpet: it happens. Something falls over? Wonder if they are okay, clean it up, comfort them. My results are amazing, they are both sooooo loving! They are also so well-behaved 🥰 They do naughty things sometimes, and I just ignore it. I'll wait 12 minutes and then play with them or something. It makes sure they don't relate naughty behavior with play time.

    • @hallaloth3112
      @hallaloth3112 9 місяців тому

      My boys do that too. One of them gives a 'distressed' 'mrrrrp I'm in trouble' sound as he runs off and then peeks at me from where he stops. He's so adorable.

    • @mahadevovnl
      @mahadevovnl 9 місяців тому

      @@hallaloth3112 Yeahh you just know they feel sorry about it xD It's so cute! Even if there are no consequences for them, they know! Adorable!

    • @hallaloth3112
      @hallaloth3112 9 місяців тому

      @@mahadevovnl Not sure my boys feel 'sorry' they just are upset they got caught! Lovely little rascals. Its the perfect level of mischief honestly. I don't expect them to be 'perfect little angels' as long as they aren't destroying things. . .they can find little things to 'get in trouble' about.

  • @arziniowolfert9837
    @arziniowolfert9837 7 місяців тому

    Love cats🎉❤ Just subscribed 😊

  • @diysarai3501
    @diysarai3501 11 днів тому

    Guys, I need help. My cat has been peeing outside the litter box for some time now in places like piles of clothes and shoes. My mom always yells at him every time he does it, because she thinks he’s doing it on purpose. I don’t think this is the cause, I think it may be something else, like a medical problem. But if I tried to tell her she shouldn’t yell at him, she won’t listen and she’ll just say that he’s smart, and he knows what he’s doing. But I know he’s not, and we should probably take him to the vet to make sure there’s nothing wrong, but that would also be a problem, since the vets around us are pretty expensive. I don’t know how to convince her that there’s something wrong, and that yelling at him won’t solve anything and will make things worse 😭

  • @j.a.velarde5901
    @j.a.velarde5901 9 місяців тому +4

    #Cats - PLEASE HELP! - My older, 4yr old cat attacks her younger 2yr old sister when the 2yr old tries to start play. - She uses her claws and makes the 2yr old cry!! - I don't know how to stop this! - I've tried yelling and stomping and I've even had to swat the 4yr old on her butt... - I know these are things I shouldn't do!! - PLEASE HELP! How do I stop my older cat from making my young cat bleed and cry in pain?

    • @doorkum
      @doorkum 4 місяці тому

      Have you tried positive reinforcement, like giving treats when the 4yr old cat is not being aggressive or separating them then slowly reintroduce them? Are these intact cats?

  • @Alexa-TheOriginal
    @Alexa-TheOriginal 9 місяців тому +1

    Can't move sofa they scratch in tiny house. I've put out more scratchers but only during day as it's likely to trip me. It's an old sofa so I can deal with it.

  • @redwillow79schippers94
    @redwillow79schippers94 9 місяців тому

    When I hear people talk about punishing their cats, or any animal, I cringe. It's just ignorant to think any animal would understand punishment

  • @Brokedown72
    @Brokedown72 9 місяців тому

    Yes, never yell at your cat. I don't even believe in shaking a jar of coins or spraying with water even though I was told that those are good ways to get a cat not to do something. Cats aren't stupid and eventually they get what NO means. Play and treats work quite well.

    @DARKELLAKEL 3 місяці тому

    Negative reinforcement and consequences work for cats in the wild though. They learn respect and boundaries.

  • @mjmorriplymouth
    @mjmorriplymouth 9 місяців тому

    My cats have not done anything worse than my kids already have done. I try to give them guidance but take everything in stride.

  • @alexandrianova6298
    @alexandrianova6298 9 місяців тому +2

    My two cats are really attached to me. They did well when i was part time but when I was full time there were a lot of poops outside of the litter box. Sometimes they would get so mad that I left that they would poop on my pillow. They show no signs of being interested in this when I'm there. There's not much I can replace this with. I can't do cat TV because I can't afford a TV and my computers shut off at certain points. It's mainly about petting anyway. But the number of times I have to wash the floor and the sheets because of protest poops because I'm away is getting ridiculous. They don't understand if I don't have full time work they can't get all the nice toys they like. They're complaining now about the scratcher being old and there's no way I can get them new scratchers without full time work. How do I deal with this? I can't just be there all the time.

  • @mrelba9176
    @mrelba9176 9 місяців тому

    If you have a problem cat that is alone...Simply get another cat to draw it's attention away from the thing its doing wrong. Domestic cats clearly need a lot of stimulation, so another cat seems to sort that out mostly.

  • @marcuscarpenter4885
    @marcuscarpenter4885 9 місяців тому +2

    instead of wire ties, try q-tips

  • @kerwinchoasyPS5
    @kerwinchoasyPS5 9 місяців тому +2

    How about if the cat doesn’t want too be left alone at night when we need to go to sleep and keeps scratching and meowing on the bedroom door?
    I need help.

    • @hallaloth3112
      @hallaloth3112 9 місяців тому

      Open the door? You're closing off part of their terriroty and removing yourself from them when they feel vulnerable and want to be close with you. If they are being kept out of the bedroom because they keep you up, try a heavy play session before bed. If its because of allergies, air filters/purifiers help a ton.

  • @Billyisyourdad
    @Billyisyourdad 9 місяців тому

    I had a cat that loved playing with straws. If i got a drink from a dast food place he'd always try to steal them, so i ended up buying a box of straws for him. Once they'd get chewed up, i'd just give him new straws. He'd still go after mine of course haha, but it was way easier to distract him with another one

  • @thelifeofzoe9201
    @thelifeofzoe9201 9 місяців тому +2

    Zoë makes me not watch tv for to long. She goes and sits right in the middle of the screen if i do. At first i got annoyed. But she is always right. woman

    • @hallaloth3112
      @hallaloth3112 9 місяців тому

      Lol, one of mine comes and sits and front of my monitors.

  • @nadiaahmed4742
    @nadiaahmed4742 9 місяців тому

    Can you do a review on the meowant self cleaning litter please?

  • @leepfrog7405
    @leepfrog7405 9 місяців тому

    Do not punish your cat!
    If you punish your cat, all you are really teaching it is to fear you, which can lead to even more unwanted behavior.
    Cats are beautiful , smart creatures, they are also very instinct driven.
    Do not punish your cat!
    If you do, you are the problem! not the cat!

  • @darrenk9303
    @darrenk9303 9 місяців тому +1

    What brand of dry cat food would you recommend? I share my meal with my cats. If it's beef, chicken or fish. Just looking for a quality cat food for my kids so they can be healthy. Thanks and love your shows. ❤

    • @jeanmorell1947
      @jeanmorell1947 9 місяців тому +1

      Nulo foods are great for cats all stages especially can foods don’t feed your cat human recipes if you get them cat foods that’s better. Mallory has videos reviews of cat foods she recommends Nulo foods

    • @jeanmorell1947
      @jeanmorell1947 9 місяців тому +1


  • @Dzidekification
    @Dzidekification 9 місяців тому +1

    Not everything you're saying in your channel is true. I have 16 years experience with handling cats, and with confidence I can say that cats understand when human is not happy with his/her actions. With a positive enforcement it is possible to correct cats behavior ie: biting ankles. If you understand the intentions behind cats action , whether it's play or pure mischief you can actually initiate punishment by being responsive to cat's aggressive biting. And second thing --automatic cat litter boxes are overpriced and at the end you practically have to clean it manually . Waste of money. If you want to make your job easier cleaning your cat litter box keep buying low dust clumping litter, it's more expensive but it's worth it. It's part of the heathy environment for cats. We shoul encourage little effort not a lazy ways. Cheers. ♥

  • @catwalkster
    @catwalkster 9 місяців тому +2

    My cats are allowed to do everything they want. They expect nothing less than that but they still appreciate it.
    And cats can handle freedom and responsibility very well. And thats why my cats have never destroyed anything, they do not have behavioural issues and are not affraid of anything. They are happy, self assured, well balanced, wise, responsible, committed, and very loving cats. And they have a great sense of humor , are really good at communicating their wants, needs, feelings, and emotions and show you how much they love you.

  • @kathleensessman8173
    @kathleensessman8173 2 місяці тому

    My cats jump on the counter when I prepare food for them or myself what can I do to divert them

  • @stardoesNOTlikeyou
    @stardoesNOTlikeyou 9 місяців тому

    My 3 month old cat doesn’t know when to stop biting she’s gonna be 4 months old tomorrow , sometimes when i walk past her or give her a few head pats she’ll bite me, i don’t know if she’s playing or not but i don’t think she knows that it hurts, she hasn’t been around other kittens so she doesn’t know that it hurts to bite, and i don’t know how to stop her..i’ve been spraying her with water but she still does it, and i don’t wanna use the spray bottle too much cause i don’t want her to be afraid of me, what do i do?

  • @dannyrod1980
    @dannyrod1980 9 місяців тому

    Hi Mallory,
    Could you please help with my cat. She won't stop yowling. She looks at me when she does it. When I approach her, she walks away. When I sit back down, she revs up again. It is loud and makes me frustrated. This is a new occurrence from maybe a few years ago. She will be 14 in February. Black cat, what you called tabby from your video, shiny coat green eyes. She has plenty of food and water. I thought maybe she wants to play hide and seek, but when I sit down, she yowls again. When my depression is not at my best, I get angry. Can you suggest something. I grab her and put to bed with me, let her do her kneading. When she stops and appears to sleep, I get up. That seems the only thing that stops her. But if I get up too soon, she starts yowling. Is it genetic? Her half sister did the same, but much younger. They never lived together, however.

  • @violetcrush19
    @violetcrush19 9 місяців тому

    I grew up with Dogs, Cats, Rabbits, Birds and Fish so I guess I've had alot of family in the animal kingdom lol. You can still use spray bottles, news papers to discipline them. It's the act that they think you will spray them or the sound of the crumpled news paper that redirects them (we have NEVER hit or sprayed them). With my older cat he was abused before I rescued him and he grew up being mean, not because I did anything to him but because of the abuse he endured before I got to him and saved him. He'd try to be a loving cat but it wasnt natural for him but as he learned me and I learned him we grew to understand one another and he had what we called momma and baby time which Id go in the bedroom he would follow me and hed come up to me on the bed and curl up with me and we'd eventually fall asleep and do a mom and cat cat nap lol but if I took him to the vet he had warnings all over his chart that he was vicious. I would hold him and muzzle him and do as much as I could so he wouldnt hurt anyone because I feared he would really hurt someone. He was bad enough that if he needed a stay at the hospital (yes he had urinary complications as he got into adulthood), Id do what I could but they would have me sign a waver because they would usually need to put him asleep to work on him (I hated doing it and feared it as he aged because if he passed while under no one was responsible, not that I didnt trust my vet I do trust her, so much so before he passed 10-14-2023 I helped her asperate him as he finally showed me he was sick and diagnosed with congestive heart failure. We got him asperated and he felt better lol she went to take blood to do a blood test on him and he grabbed me in the confusion bite me and scratched me pretty good but it was like he realized oh no its mom so he stopped needless to say I was bandaged with dog lol tape that said no lick and no chew haha so that because the running joke of the day (when he passed he didnt see his regular vet she had a family function that involved her 10 year old son which I understand she needed to be there for more reasons than one, he is only going to be 10 years old once. So he saw another and she sent him home saying he was OK and he wasnt. I finally got to sleep at 4 am because he cried all night and he woke me at 7 am I was so beside myself I didnt know what to do if I was coming or going. He peed outside the litterbox so I cleaned it up and he walked away from the litterbox area into the door way and fell, I ran got a towel and paper towels because he peed again and I cleaned it up wrapped him in a towel and held him by 7:30 AM he passed away in my arms (I know his regular vet would have suggested crossing him, I wish this one had or my brain should have been more intact so I'd say I want to just cross him because I feel he was in pain all night long before having a heart attack in my arms. My cat and I had a relationship that we understood (others would probably thing I was crazy) I cremated my beloved boy and I picked him up the following Friday, I did nothing but cry constantly (I still do a little bit because I feel like I let him suffer by taking a vets word he was ok hed just have good and bad days breathing). So mom said lets just go and look at the humane society you dont have to get a new kitty right now but take the carrier just in case, so I did and we went. I was holding my Bubbys box of ashes and I pet the box and I said to him... Bubby if you want mommy to come home with a new sibling for you, you pick him/her and make them come to mommy. I was interested in two anyways Etta and Easton (I loved the names). So I carefully put him back in his bag and mom and I went in. I always adopt Black cats because they seem like the underdogs of the cat society. I seen one that had long hair and his face looked just like my Bubby and I liked him but I didnt want a cat that would look like my baby boy. So I went to see Etta and Easton and Etta was very interested in me and she played with me and she made me laugh, her brother Easton was like hi yeah ok whatever so it was Etta that came home with me 5 days after my boy passed but she has been a big help to me but I can't entertain her enough lol shes got toys galore and still not satisfied shes on my kitchen bar and I dont want her there (shes not afraid of foil or double sided tape) this is where I shake my water bottle for my hair at her and she lunges off the bar. She has stick toys, a small cat tree balls a plenty, stuffed animals have exploded all over my floors lol and she found a basket she liked to sleep in (just like Bubby, he too had a basket) which now has a pillow in it for her and she likes it. She has 4 cat beds around my apartment, she sleeps in one in my bed when shes not sleeping on me. I buy her stuff all the time and so does my mom, she wear me out but it takes her quite a while to wear herself out,she chases me, we playa before bed, she gets cat treats when shes a good babygirl. Lol I dont know what else we can get her to keep her off the bar in my kitchen and the night stand in my bedroom. She doesnt know she has claws so she never scratches me or my mom. My boyfriend hasnt met her yet (hes ill so we see one another when he feels up to it, and I've had a few issues myself so we agree and dont get angry lol we've been together for 23 years so haha the relationship is healthy), she seems a little afraid of one of the apartment building maintenance men and we have 4 so I dont know if it is just him or if she will be afraid of men (my boyfriend wont hurt him he loves animals like I do), Etta is one hell of a learning curve for me that is a puzzle that Im not figuring her out like I did a mean cat, he was easier to figure out than a sweet girl kitty, yikes lol.

  • @TrishaLinder-yl2wc
    @TrishaLinder-yl2wc 9 місяців тому

    There probably trying to get something

  • @whiteknightcat
    @whiteknightcat 9 місяців тому +3


  • @Maddie-5
    @Maddie-5 9 місяців тому +1

    I've noticed if i do not give my 9 month old enough to do, he tends to fight with 2 year old ( cat) Miah. So, i think the two 15 min play sessions ( at LEAST) might help! We are trying to save up for a catio❤
    We think our 3 babies would love! Been researching types and prices. Thank you ! 😊