Thokoza khehla lately my ears are opening up like I'll be talking and hear my voice like there's a speaker tha dreams i get instructions from a voice but I never see the person honestly I wish they'll make it easier for us to communicate with them
Asibonge Mkhulu ❤
Thokoza mkhulu siyabonga ukubuya kwakho siyathokoza❤❤
Mkhulu thokoza ngiqela ukubuza ukuthi uma u phupha u vukwa umuya kusho ukuthini ngiyabonga 🙏
Emakhosini..iphupho iskhathi esiningi libalulekile ulichazele lonke..for umuzekelo..nje belikuvuka livuke lathini or likuvuke ngoba bekutheni..kodwa ke sokwenza kanje..uma idlozi likuvuka ngokwethongo..suke lizosho into elingakwazi ukuyisho uma ungalele for umuzekelo lingakwazi ukukuvuka uma ungalele..bese kube ukuthi likuvuke lizokulwela izimpi zakho ezikuhlula emaphupheni
Mkhulu if you have a tokoloshe does it make you dream and if so,how can you differentiate tokoloshe dreams and dreams from your ancestors??
Thokoza mkhulu kusuke kwenze njani bese kukhunywa ngekhwela nawe uqobo ukhulume ngalo
Emakhosini..indlela elikhuluma ngawe nayo IDLOZI lakho..uma kwenzeka udinga ukulalelisa ngaphansi kwayo kuzoqamuka incazelo..kani IDLOZI elikhuluma kanjalo iskhathi esiningi..abalozi
Thokoza mkhulu,,mina ngicela kubuza kuth uma usaqala intwaso idlozi lize liqale emvakweskhath esingakanan ukukhuluma nawe??
Siyabonga mkhulu
Thokoza khehla lately my ears are opening up like I'll be talking and hear my voice like there's a speaker tha dreams i get instructions from a voice but I never see the person honestly I wish they'll make it easier for us to communicate with them