Two things: 1. The queue takes way too long and 2. I became very nauseous presumably because the VR. Also my phone was overheating (gave a warning during loading) and was very laggy. I did not enjoy the experience. No goggles for me next time, but with a 20 min queue from the flashpass gate, its not even worth riding Shockwave besides nostalgia.
I'm glad they got rid of this. It was more trouble than its worth, especially the lines it created.
I rode this one :)
Two things: 1. The queue takes way too long and 2. I became very nauseous presumably because the VR. Also my phone was overheating (gave a warning during loading) and was very laggy. I did not enjoy the experience. No goggles for me next time, but with a 20 min queue from the flashpass gate, its not even worth riding Shockwave besides nostalgia.
Is VR voluntarily or required?
+SpeedBird6780 It's optional. You can choose to ride with or without the VR headset.
GuideToSFoT well, when I was there, I just found out the vr stuff is gone.