buatku cukup, dah bagus itu aja di video juga P0 semua lineup ny, spathodea bareng isolde sekarang damage nya kerasa banget naeknya, dulu pas sebelum ada isolde aku P0 spathodea ya cukup aja lah damage nya, apalagi sekarang ditambahin getian kombo nya bisa lebih gede damage nya
@@orakatokansek dps tiap elemen si ada, regulus, jessica, centurion, kaala. target si nyari yg bisa ST ya ultinya biar enak kalo raid/limbo? rada males build byk2 juga soalnya kan ga tau cukup bahannya..
i thought the raid boss would be the two bosses from the story :( what is the purpose of that line below the bos hp? the one listing attacks, ults, etc
Jiu isn't really recommended for this boss, because of Afflatus Disadvantage. You really want Marcus for this boss Spathodea brought me to 935k with Yenisei, Isolde and 6. All P0
I keep forgetting how much of a banger the boss theme for this GOAT is
Do you happen to know the name of the track?
65k+ dmg is insane
At p0 spath too holy 😂
@@evaander with Finale Isolde + Rousing Morale, anything is possible.
huh a new boss interface interesting how we now can view how many ap an enemy has also 30 minutes till 1.4!!
To level all those characters it will have taken a lot of patience ....
It makes me want sphatodea so much for a moment 😮😮😮😮
Can anyone get me the song name? I absolutely am in love with it!
Also this just makes me want Sphat more. Nice job.
Damagenya Spathodea memang segede itu atau efek dari buff&debuff sekebon?
Bisa jg sih gan, Soalnya yg pure dps cuman spathodea
Could you tell me which characters you are using? spathodea, isolde, tooth fairy and 6??
Gan, spatodhea & isolde dah OP kah di P0?
Maksudnya kayak 37 yg baru bagus setelah P2, Shamane yg sakit setelah P2 gitu?
buatku cukup, dah bagus itu aja di video juga P0 semua lineup ny, spathodea bareng isolde sekarang damage nya kerasa banget naeknya, dulu pas sebelum ada isolde aku P0 spathodea ya cukup aja lah damage nya, apalagi sekarang ditambahin getian kombo nya bisa lebih gede damage nya
@@devibul Woke. aku ngambil tim burn ae kalo gitu kwkwk
Sphatodea Insane 😯
Hmm itu tf kenapa dipakein psycubes sotheby? Lebih bagus yak?
psycube sotheby emang paling cocok buat healer yang bisa debuff
What’s the name of the boxing girl? I REALLY like her ultimate😮😮
punya masing2 char no pot saja sudah cukup ya untuk libas konten?
buatku mah cukup, hampir semua char yang aku punya P0, biar lengkap aja tiap karakter punya
@@devibul mending pny mcm2 char komplit drpd full in jiu? Ato gmn?
@@oOMiuMiuOo kalau tipe males build kek aku, mending kejar portray. tapi syaratnya, udah punya DPS tiap elemen
@@orakatokansek dps tiap elemen si ada, regulus, jessica, centurion, kaala. target si nyari yg bisa ST ya ultinya biar enak kalo raid/limbo? rada males build byk2 juga soalnya kan ga tau cukup bahannya..
Banget Dmg Spath lucu 😋
bang pity banner jiu sama limit banner lain nyambung gk sih?
Jiu mah beda sendiri, dia True Limited nanti nyambung nya ke True limited lagi
how do you get them all haha
i thought the raid boss would be the two bosses from the story :(
what is the purpose of that line below the bos hp? the one listing attacks, ults, etc
to make it easier for us to see the turn boss
Gedean mana dmgnya bang, pakai 6 or getian?
kalau setim bareng spathodea isolde getian lebih gede sih
Coba isolde dengan jiu di raid
Mau bandingin dmg sama spath
nanti aku cobain
wtf damage boss 😭
37 cute 😍
Jiu isn't really recommended for this boss, because of Afflatus Disadvantage. You really want Marcus for this boss
Spathodea brought me to 935k with Yenisei, Isolde and 6. All P0