The Malays are not scared of communism as most do not understand what communism is. In fact when BN was ruling Malaysia, their style of governance is similar to China Communist Party authoritarian governance. Of course not to that extreme but there are definitely similarities. If Malaysia was afraid of communism, why Malaysia with Tun Razak among the first countries in the world to start diplomatic relations with Communist China. We should support Taiwan which is the original China. Let call a spade a spade. The flag issue was play up by politicians for political mileage. When Akmal and PAS voiced up about something, it will be a race issue. The GISBH issue tarnished the Islam religion but Akmal was quiet as a mouse because there is nothing to be gained from their vote base. Sharil as a half Chinese should know better and be a bridge between Malaysians than to follow UMNO modus operandi that Malaysian Chinese are a threat to the Malays even after more than 60 years of independence. I wonder how much Sharil know and takes the effort learn about his Malaysian Chinese history except for the false perception that UMNO always parroted. To those who say the Malays' feelings are hurt because of the waving of China flags, ever consider the feelings of Malaysians who are neutral about the Palestine issue when hoards of Palestinians flags are waved especially in schools.
Ahli politik JG Hari Hari salah Cina Malaysia. Ramai Cina Malaysia byk mencipta negara sendiri di dunia. Lagi berjasa negara...JG terlalu cemburu kerjaya Cina semua adalah usaha sendiri. Malaysia Cina Dan china Cina adalah beza. walaupun bday lebih kurang sama...
aku rasa sejak satu parti tu dh ada kuasa dlm kerajaan dan tindakan2 mereka sedikit sebanyak seperti mencabar dan ada juga provokasi dilakukan oleh ahli parti mereka dan penyokongnya yg akhirnya dengan mudah meminta maaf, maka itulah menyebabkan timbul kekhuatiran dikalangan rakyat Malaysia. sebelum ini tk timbul isu2 sensitif tapi spt aku bgtau tadi, sejak adanya satu parti itu dlm kerajaan. dulu masa BN memerintah tk berlaku camni
Sebenarnya semua kerana sakit "ketuanan", masa b-end dulu tak kecau sesiapa pun, sbb tu tak ada siapa pun buat probokasi yg kacau pun jamban seorg aje ...
马来人不用担心害怕,有我们马来西亚华人在,不论国家发生或面对什么主权威胁, 我们华人一定会站出来保护国家子民,坚持捍卫国家的,毕竟这是我们的国土,放心吧
As long as you people are not pledging an alliance with China, the Chinese Communist Party or any other nations.
你要跪下來舔幾下他們才會相信你說的話 其實擔心的是我們吧,隨時都會有人提議關閉華小,不能賣酒,不能買彩票,不能穿短褲。。。
The Malays are not scared of communism as most do not understand what communism is. In fact when BN was ruling Malaysia, their style of governance is similar to China Communist Party authoritarian governance. Of course not to that extreme but there are definitely similarities. If Malaysia was afraid of communism, why Malaysia with Tun Razak among the first countries in the world to start diplomatic relations with Communist China. We should support Taiwan which is the original China.
Let call a spade a spade. The flag issue was play up by politicians for political mileage. When Akmal and PAS voiced up about something, it will be a race issue. The GISBH issue tarnished the Islam religion but Akmal was quiet as a mouse because there is nothing to be gained from their vote base.
Sharil as a half Chinese should know better and be a bridge between Malaysians than to follow UMNO modus operandi that Malaysian Chinese are a threat to the Malays even after more than 60 years of independence. I wonder how much Sharil know and takes the effort learn about his Malaysian Chinese history except for the false perception that UMNO always parroted. To those who say the Malays' feelings are hurt because of the waving of China flags, ever consider the feelings of Malaysians who are neutral about the Palestine issue when hoards of Palestinians flags are waved especially in schools.
Ahli politik JG Hari Hari salah Cina Malaysia.
Ramai Cina Malaysia byk mencipta negara sendiri di dunia. Lagi berjasa negara...JG terlalu cemburu kerjaya Cina semua adalah usaha sendiri.
Malaysia Cina Dan china Cina adalah beza. walaupun bday lebih kurang sama...
aku rasa sejak satu parti tu dh ada kuasa dlm kerajaan dan tindakan2 mereka sedikit sebanyak seperti mencabar dan ada juga provokasi dilakukan oleh ahli parti mereka dan penyokongnya yg akhirnya dengan mudah meminta maaf, maka itulah menyebabkan timbul kekhuatiran dikalangan rakyat Malaysia. sebelum ini tk timbul isu2 sensitif tapi spt aku bgtau tadi, sejak adanya satu parti itu dlm kerajaan. dulu masa BN memerintah tk berlaku camni
Sebenarnya semua kerana sakit "ketuanan", masa b-end dulu tak kecau sesiapa pun, sbb tu tak ada siapa pun buat probokasi yg kacau pun jamban seorg aje ...
21 st century, iPhone, e commerce nowadays. Create innovative for the nation. It’s our responsibility.
這二位主持人的觀點是不要怕現在的中共 對中共留下的恐懼是因為早期中共
再來是馬來西亞的共產黨已經消失了 加上馬來西亞和中國有經濟往來 所以中國不是敵人
但是我覺得現在的中共是一樣的 有想稱霸世界的野心 那麼中共就有很多謀略了
歐美國家已經明白中共不可信 所以有很多的共識要應付中國
這個國家還有什麼希望?一直以來我就知道他們沒藥可救所以一直不留言,最近一年才開始留言,不是看到希望,是希望我的留言最少可以提供一些正確的事情而已。為什麼沒有希望?人心,真確的說,是人性/人心的素質/人的魂的素質的問題,不可改變,所以沒得救。佔GDP 80%的政府債,政府債1.5萬億,家庭債1.5萬億,種族主義宗教主義盛行,它的種子在每一個某種族某教徒的心中,很難改變,六十多年來,當權者為了當政不改變這種心性思想行為,反而加油讓它如火烈焰,以保住政權,造成這種心性思想行為代代相傳,發揚光大,美其名為了保住某種族的政權。領導,官員,從政者和助理們,有決定權的某種族在企業的高級管理員大多貪污,追求私利,沒良心,不公正,沒公義,黑白是非自己訂立,沒信用,根本不講信用,整個政權系統從上到下有不講信用的傳統,從一開始就有領導不講信用,下面的知道了,效法之,如此,國家又有何希望?他們現在是想靠重新調整補貼制度,省一百多億開支,這樣就能少少的讓外國投資理財者看到一㸃上升的利益,如此而已
Stupid it is the most convenient weapon for Umno.
KJ 不敢说的Sharil说了真正原因为什么会成为课题。