Most profoundly thank you Dr. Jean Francois Tain for your reliably scientific and logical geopolitics of China. It is really informative. The Super-great country of the People's Republic of China has honestly, bilaterally, beneficially, and peacefully cooperated with the most prestigious Kingdom of Cambodia for thousands of years ago, especially in the fields of mutually justic trades, sustainable development, and everlasting peace. Nowadays, the well-known Kingdom of Cambodia, which has been most firmly and loyally protected by Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padey Techo Hun Sen, the Head of the Royal Government and the Supreme Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, has very good, bilateral, close, peaceful, sustainable, and beneficial cooperations with the neighboring countries to settle down the borders harmoniously and successfully. Therefore, the most recent border conflicts between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of India should be sorted out peacefully, closely, professionally, and mutually to harmonize all the people and countries in the region and in the world.
លោក ហ្សង់ ហ្រ្វ់ស៊រ័តាន់ ពន្យល់បានក្បោះក្បាយល្អណាស់ បងប្អូនខ្មែរយេីងគួរតែដឹង ៕
ខ្ញុំចូលចិត្តចង់ដឹងភូមិសាស្រ្តនយោបាយ ពិភពលោកណាស់ អរគុណវិទ្យុបារាំង rfi
ព្រះទុកអោយចិនមួយពូជសាសន៍ចិននៅរស់ មកទុកនឹងសព្វថ្ងៃ គឺអោយបំរើខ្ញុំ រកសុីទុកលុយអោយខ្ញុំហើយ ព្រះបារុំរាជវាំងចិនក៏ត្រូវទុកអោយខ្ញុំនៅដែរ
បើប្រជាជនចិនមិនជឿខ្ញុំក៏មិនអាច់ជួយពួកគាត់បានដែរ ប្រទេសចិននឹងរលុំបើមិនមានខ្ញុំដឹកនាំ
ប៉ុន្តែ វាហួសពេលហើយសំរាប់ប្រទេសចិន
ស្តាប់រាល់ថ្ហៃ នូវការលើកឡើងរបស់ លោក ហ្រ្វង់ស័រតាន់, ពីខ្ញុំស៊ីណាត
ព្រះទុកអោប្រជាជនចិនរស់ គឺអោយប្រទេសទេសរកសុីទុក លុយអោយខ្ញុំ បានចិនរឹងមាំមកទល់នឹងពេលនេះ ចិនបើនៅនៅតែប្រងើយ ចិននឹងរកលុំហើយ ខ្ញុំក៏មិនអាច ជួយប្រទេសចិនបានដែរ បើចិនរលុំ ពិតមែន តែបើជួយប្រញាប់ធ្វើតាមខ្ញុំ ក្រែឡូអាចនៅរស់ខ្លះសំរាប់ប្រជាជនចិន
យើងមិនទទួលយកចិនទេ មិនអនុញ្ញាត្តិឲចិនមកនៅប្រទេស ខ្មែរទេមិនជ្រើសទេ ចិន បានបានយកទេ ?
Wednesday 🌎hello❤️
ក្រោយពេលប្រគួតប្រជែងផ្នែកសេដ្ឋកិច្ច យោធានិងនយោបាយ ទៅថ្ងៃអនាគត់តេីគេនឹងប្រគួតប្រជែងអ្វីបន្ទាប់ ?
Most profoundly thank you Dr. Jean Francois Tain for your reliably scientific and logical geopolitics of China. It is really informative.
The Super-great country of the People's Republic of China has honestly, bilaterally, beneficially, and peacefully cooperated with the most prestigious Kingdom of Cambodia for thousands of years ago, especially in the fields of mutually justic trades, sustainable development, and everlasting peace.
Nowadays, the well-known Kingdom of Cambodia, which has been most firmly and loyally protected by Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padey Techo Hun Sen, the Head of the Royal Government and the Supreme Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, has very good, bilateral, close, peaceful, sustainable, and beneficial cooperations with the neighboring countries to settle down the borders harmoniously and successfully.
Therefore, the most recent border conflicts between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of India should be sorted out peacefully, closely, professionally, and mutually to harmonize all the people and countries in the region and in the world.
Good voice
Good..géopolitique et stratégie la Chine en Asie
ចិន មន្តស្នេហ៍ របស់ព្រះពុធ្ធ ?