Chill, my brother! 🙄There are Muslims in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Bangladesh. There are also Muslims living and working in the Emirates, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia. All of them live in peace and unharmed. Unlike the Muslim Rohingya tribe in Myanmar.😢
I am a Muslim, born and raised in Germany coming from Afghanistan. If you have a problem with the treatment of Muslims in any European country, it is simply because you don’t adapt to society and expect your environment to adapt to your religion. Germany and most western countries have the Muslim migrants the nicest treatments of any kind, which however gets mistreated by the Muslim migrants. If you don’t like the fact that these secular countries don’t worship the way you live your religion, then why don’t you just leave? Go to an Islamic country. Raise your voice there, let’s see how it goes.
@ it is not about changing identity as no one is required to do so. It Is simply about two things: complaining and demanding. Muslims here always complain about their treatment and in the same time demand change (and implementation of their set of rules to happen), while no other „society“ or religion is doing so in Germany. No Muslim country in the world will accept this either.
@037FOREVER I think in democratic land we have a right for free speech so how it's complaining? They are speaking about there rights , and tell me which muslim country you're talking about ? About Saudi and dubai the biggest hypocrites!? So my point is in democratic law make on people's opinion, but why they differentiate ? Like lgbtq can do everything they can hide there face with tattoo but if a muslim want to wear hijab why they have problem with? I can give u more examples, isn't double standard?
@@Bintnoor123islam and democracy doesn’t go hand to hand,i am born in a Muslim family,my family is living in Germany for more than 15 years and everyone was friendly to us,because we pray and we do our stuff but nowadays muslim immigrants want sharia law
Follow islam in personal life but dont ask for sharia law in germany. Dont deprive them of there cultural value.... It is like kicking out them from there home. As far as mohmad asad is considered : were you get respect you follow there culture.... It beauty of human psychology....not religion....
all muslims who live in western europe and complain and say they feel oppressed should not cry you are hypocrites you should be grateful that you are allowed to live here why are you all fleeing here? and live not in the "great muslim countries" i say that as a muslim
Thats a fact, marroco has no war, algeria has no war, egypt has no war, saudi arabia is rich, bahrain is rich, UAE is Rich, Oman is very safe and good country, iran is the one fighting israel, pakistan has no war, afghanistan no war anymore, but everybody wants to live in the west. Very hypocrite 99% of these people
Funny, my family was one of the first to migrate to Germany in 1962. It was the best decision. My parents were also the first to establish their own business in the early 1970's. Back then they were extremely welcome because they learned fluent German. We grew up well-integrated and fully engaged in German culture and education, but most barely speak the language nowadays. When my eldest sister started University in the 1970s, she was the only migrant background at her University. My family is a huge exemption. It is such a shame to witness what Germany has turned into. Shisha bars everywhere you go. Yes, there are many Muslims, but not quality Muslims.
I lived in a homeless shelter in 2016 in my home city, in Germany. Most of the "refugees" from Syria were Yazidi, or Alevi Kurds, not Muslims, not Arabs (who are the main population of Syria). Their adult sons were directly sent to the Bundeswehr (German army), to get trained. Because the German state sympathizes with the Peshmerga and supports it. Allegedly, to fight ISIS, but actually to destabilize the region. The Peshmerga fighters work with the PKK . A radical leftists terror organisation, which makes terror attacks in Turkey. The few Muslim Kurds and Arabs, and the fringe minority of Christians, they took in, adapted to Germany very well.
Rather than having concept of more and more children, Muslims should be taught to invest in education. It should be taught since childhood at home which is lacking and not to blame governments.
Islam is the best education. Mercy starts in the family. Yes, muslims are supposed to help their children learn profession so that they can provide themselves, in shaa Allah. But school education is not more important than islamic education because, for example, what is the point of having an evil heart and evil ways and studying pharmacy or medicine?
@@petitsoleil1999Clearly they also need education if they want to stop being poor in their homeland and stop moving to other countries because of pointless wars.
@@petitsoleil1999a non-Islamic education does not mean they will grow up with evil hearts. Germans have great a value system far superior than the Islamic one which is so totally outdated.
A small remark: in Germany a lot of preachers are allowed to preach who would never be allowed to preach in France for instance. France is more severe than Germany.
@@treelight1707 I mentioned this only because the cheikh said " nowhere else..." . Knowing very well both countries, I mentioned that France is more radical with these preachers
@usman3D no, there are a lot of other countries, for instance Hongrie, Polen, etc. We are talking about France and Germany because there are a lot of Muslims living there (and of course in UK). And because I know France and Germany very well.
As an Asian immigrant living in Germany, I have to admit that I am afraid of today's Arab/Islamic immigrants. Much more than 40 years ago there was actually no fear back then. My best friends since childhood (in the 80s) and until today are from Turkey, Morocco and Tunisia. They are much different than today's generation. Their Islamic way of thinking was also completely different. Don't blame Germany or the Germans for the discrimination against Muslims, but ask yourself! I have been living in Germany as a dark-skinned Asian for 5 decades and have never been discriminated against by a German. And I am not surprised by what I have experienced with today's immigrants generation compared to the past.
Assalamualaikum. I live in Germany. My parents migrated during the civil war in the 80s from Lebanon. What our beloved sheikh is saying about the conditions in Germany is 100% true! I truly can rely to every single word he said and can confirm his words.
Not everything. Native german teacher here. He says our Turks still speak fluently turkish. No. You can't name that turkish anymore. They are not able to explain anything without german words. They are fluent in kitchen turkish. Of course they are fluent in german without any grammatical errors meanwhile.
Alhamdulela, I am an Irish revert and was introduced to Islam in Germany by Moroccan students. I married and stayed in Germany for 20 years. The Germans loved me because I was Irish but after the decision to wear hijab my life got difficult. I wanted to spare my 4 children from this subtle racism on a daily basis. We left Germany for the UAE 9 years ago to show the children that Islam is wonderful and positive and they will NOT be an uneducated minority of society inshahallah. My advice to those wanting to make Hijra... You have to be very well educated with work experience to survive here. May Allah make it easy for everyone, Amin
I‘m a German revert. I always wonder how many reverts live in Germany. I know so many reverts but there are no statistics about this sadly. I wish there would be more „international“ mosques. It’s really hard to find mosques where the khutba is in German as well.
I'm a German muslim with moroccan descents (living in Frankfurt) and I really loved to hear your lecture. Without bloating this comment section I'd like to tell you that we really have a mentality / mindset problem among the muslim community here in Germany, but which could be expanded through all over Europe. Muslims in EU countries are approximately 44 million and the average age is about 30-33. It's really hurting me to see that we're not united. Every Friday khutba I go to mosque and although the mosque looks very beautiful the content is very poor. It's rarely the case that you have German language used in Friday sermon because the imam is flown by the mosque to have that job. The translation is after the khutba for approx 5 minutes where 2 of those 5 minutes is begging (sorry to say it that way). The mosque has a loan from the bank to beautify the mosque and needs to pay it off. Always if we young people are asking for more networking and using for khutba and administrative topics the German language we're ignored. They say, that the people can't understand German like us the youth. That's literally a shame. Someone is living for more than 30 years in Germany and due to his own isolation and lack of knowledge he can't communicate fluent in German (accent beside). Also the far right party "Alternative for Deutschland" (AfD) is growing due to rise of criminality committed by people not from Germany. Most crimes are committed in relation to the population by people from muslim countries. Over 50% of all homocides, rape, burglary, armed robbery and bodily injury (attack) is committed either by people with nationalities from muslim countries or they do have a migration history / background from a muslim country. Approximately 3 million out of the 5.5 million unemployed people who live of welfare (Bürgergeld -> engl. citizen-money) are foreigners (not having German citizenship) and if we look further who has German citizenship but got it after migration (double-citizenship) you see that a big portion are Arabs / turks / afghans with German citizenship. Most drug dealers in Germany are young men from muslim countries (migrated or even born in Germany). And the muslims who are willing to change something aren't ready to unite through German language and other administrative actions. May Allah help us and bless you for your work Sheikh.
I am Pakistani German here, and I also wish to change this state of the Muslim community to a more positive, interactive one . If there are like minded people and some sort of platform it would be much easier. Most attempts fail because Muslims here often focus on what devides them rather what unites them.
A Ghanaian here. I once attended a Turkish mosque in Berlin Schoenberg for Maghrib during Ramadan and stayed to break my fast with the congregation. The table spread with Eid food and fruits looked inviting, so I walked up to join them. To my surprise, I was told the dinner was reserved, and strangers weren’t allowed to join the buffet. I was shocked. They did kindly allow me to join just that once but asked me not to return for meals in the future-during Ramadan, of all times. Being the only mosque in the area, I made sure never to experience that again. Anytime I prayed there afterward, I left immediately after the prayer ended.
Sorry to hear that brother I can only imagine the shock and painful feeling you must have had in an Islamic setting during Ramadan. Alhamdolillah you would never experience that anywhere in the United States Inshallah 🤗
I am a Somalian in Switzerland in the German part the situation is the same. i have more or less good job earning slightly above average. i had to fight a lot for this and went threw many depression times. This lecture is a eye opening for me. Why i was struggling for so long and many other brothers do up till today.
@@JawedIqbalYYCwhy go bag…ggin all over Europe 😂 it’s a test by Allah and millions of mslms wanna live in luxurious Europe and keep on cursssiin the host Christians
I was born in Germany and am the child of liberal Muslims. Until 2015, we hardly experienced any problems in Germany. It only became uncomfortable when many strictly Muslim Arabs started coming here. Those who come to Europe should adapt. We are not a Muslim society. Otherwise, you should return to your countries. You flee from places where Islam suffocates you, only to behave similarly here? Grotesque! Embrace the present or stay in your broken countries. Many people think like me-not just Germans!
As German citizen, the church tax is only mandatory for registered Christian. So what aches me far more is that the other taxes that I pay are used for munitions shipments to combat my brothers and sisters in Palestine.
@@BJD124Steuerhinterziehung i.H.v. 150 Mrd. € stört dich aber nicht? Über 50% Abgaben für Angestellte, aber keine Erbschaftssteuer/Vermögenssteuer für Superreiche stört dich nicht? Deine Aufregung hat nix damit zu tun, dass du Deutschlands Interessen im Kopf hast. Aber hetz mal weiter gegen Muslime als Sündenbock, als würden wir alle nur rumsitzen und Bürgergeld beziehen, während die Deutsche Mittelschicht bestohlen und belogen wird. Ich bin mir sicher, unsere Milliardäre danken es dir.
Assalamalaikum I also live in Germany..what we should do as Muslims living in Germany 1- Let's not celebrate football and politics in by honking our horns in the streets. 2- Let's not throw butts on the ground 3-Let's obey the traffic rules 4- Let's invite Germans to iftar dinner during Ramadan 5- Let's give sermons in mosques in German and Turkish. 6-Imams should definitely learn German. 7-The best thing is that Imams should be chosen from young people raised in Germany....
@dunyafani9347 there are so many countries to go to . Every Muslim populated country has good and bad sites or cities for Hijra . There is nothing like to live under muslims
So interesting to listen to this as a muslima of european (mixed polish german) descend. I embraced Islam over 20 years ago after some months in Canada. Only after travelling to Canada and seeing Muslims living and thriving in the West, i had the courage to embrace Islam. Before that, having travelled only in Europe I could not conceive how my life could continue in Germany once I embrace Islam and come out with this openly. Alhamdulillah, Allah made it easy but meanwhile (especially now considering the assault on Ghazza and the our german tax money being used to support this) it is getting unbearable to continue living here. Also, not being from a muslim background, i am always a stranger, in a way a stranger amongst the muslims from Turkey, Syria etc. And of course a stranger and a traitor amongs my family and origin society. But alhamdulillah, i wouldn't change anything about my decision for islam. I pitty all the germans who are lost, mostly without a true religious conviction, living only in order to work, earn money and consume. May Allah guide us all
Masha Allah sister, Stay steadfast and May the Almighty Allah keep us all on the straight path! You are more fortunate than us, born muslims, who do not know whether we would have taken such bold decision were we not born muslims!
MashaAllah zieh nach England um meine liebe Schwester. In England ist es viel besser für Muslime. Hier gibt es viele Moscheen, auf Arbeit wird man nicht schief angeguckt oder dumm angemacht, wenn man Kopftuch trägt und in der Schule meiner Tochter gibt es viele muslimische Lehrerinnen mit Kopftuch alhamdulillah. Homeschooling ist auch erlaubt. Möge Allah es den Muslimen in Deutschland erleichtern.
@@ibrahimkenshinkaser9945 I ask because most Muslims who live in Germany dont say they are germans. They say I am bosnian, Turkish, Afghan, Syria. Etc.
@@lollolliii In austria there is a law that only allow one citizenship ,thats why some of the muslims dont call Austrians but in sha allah in the future there is a change
@@ibrahimkenshinkaser9945 Nah we talked about Germany. In Germany the refugees get the citizenship so fast anf still they dont idenitify with us and live seperate in their communities.
I am a Pakistani German, who moved to England in 2009. Alhamdulillah my job requires me to travel to the German speaking countries due to my German language skills and I can confirm that things have changed a lot it seems. I do not feel this in professional settings as much but when I visit my family, I notice how the neighbours or the public try to stay away and not interact much. Truly heartbreaking
Assalam walaikum! I am from India. My nephew was fortunate to attend your lecture in Germany. We the family was so excited as if we all attend it. My heartfelt prayers for you. I have grown up loving our holy prophet. You made me love him more. Alhamdulillah!
@@afzalsiraj826 Is Yasir Qadhi banned in India ? Does he have that ghusar basr wishes like Zakir Naik for female TV reporters ? 😉. That was really a big show everywhere
Muslim countries with sharia law for sure are the best place to live for Muslims. But this countries demand Erupoean/American graduates due to political agreements (Further detailed answer you can search it by yourself as I am not a politician). Hence being in Europe is just a stepping stone for Muslims, as all human being knows Muslim countries are very much richer than any European/American countries by their unlimited oil and gas. European and American countries are rich only by colonialism. Who wouldn't want to live in a tax haven country with one of the highest GDP in the world like Qatar--one of the countries with a very strict sharia law? I will always prefer Qatar than any European countries with its insane taxes.
@@Engineer0123 exactly those gulf countries are rich because they have oil reserves not because of "Sharia law".. I know you can't live in countries with Sharia law like Somalia , Sudan , Afghanistan etc ..
@@princejoseph290 implementing sharia law is a must to make them rich otherwise no matter how rich the natural resources they have they will always end up being poor by corruptions, etc. Sudan, Somalia, Afghanistan are destroyed by war by a Christian leader (USA, Germany presidents) even tho they are rich so it takes time to make their systems settled again after such a huge destruction. I suggest you to do a thorough research what exactly sharia law is before naming western law (creating war, corruption, feodalism, colonialism, etc.) as a sharia law.
@@Engineer0123 first you read some history bro . Iran and Afghanistan were so much better and women have freedom for education before the law . Now we know what happened ... And anyways everyone wants to live in Christian Countries ...
Shiekh YQ always searching, looking for great avenues to connect Muslims or Islam through many ways around the globe. That’s why he is best, I can’t describe words to him. Keep doing what you are doing Sir. May Allah give you and your team great success and hasanat.
Thank you! That's why I love you! You always speak the truth! Unfortunately, I didn't know you were in Germany; otherwise, I would have tried to visit you! Inshallah, I might meet you! I grew up in Germany and share the same critical points you just summarized. I still try to convince/educate my Muslim brothers and sisters! Inshallah, things will change here for the better!
I live in Germany, and I am from Afghanistan. I must say that we Muslims do not have freedom here. The government and German politics are against Muslims. Most of the German people love Muslim culture, such as inviting to homes, making food, talking about certain topics, and helping each other. However, the political situation in Germany is very, very bad.
3 generation german turkish muslim. I see the main reason and problem for this political situations are we self. We live here more than 60 years (as turkish muslims) and have so disconnected life to the german society. Not only that, i see so many racist (especially turkish muslims) against germans. it is unbelievable.
Many Germans also trust their governments and media beyond belief. Many Germans don't speak English and their is very limited access to alternative media in German language; the German media has free reign to basically tell whatever they want to their audience. With regards to Palestine, it's even worse than many Israeli news media sources.
The difference between German and Turkish Muslim culture is unbelievable. German people are generally really cold and reserved. If you want a friendship, so you have to invest in the relationship continuously. There is the condition, that you won't get much back. Who is ready to accept this?
It also doesn't help when Muslims from one nationality hate Muslims from other nationalities. Turks hating on Syrians, who in turn hate the Afghanis who then hate the Pakistanis, and so forth...
As a German native I think you have hit most of the points spot on. Though I think to remember that our state was doing something about the direct involvement of the Turkish state (more specifically ditib) in Muslim places of worship in Germany. Towards the education and the segregation: that's something coming from both sides. Germans didn't/ don't want to interact with the immigrant population and the (vast majority) of immigrants came here as guest workers and always dreamed of returning back home one day, so they often actively prevented their children from becoming too germanized. On the German side children get divided after 4th grade into three levels of education of which immigrants who don't speak fluent German usually automatically get categorized into the lowest level meant for future manual labourers. On the other hand, as you correctly mentioned we "imported" predominantly uneducated working class people to work in our factories, the Turks display a cultural aspect in which "the son may not spit on the head of the father", so even when they are gifted they are often also discouraged by their own family. So it's a pretty messed up situation of both sides denying integration and education to a sizeable portion of our Muslim immigrant population for half a century by now (and the associated stereotypes of Muslims being uneducated, backwards people and so on that come along from this status)
I’m Turk born and living in france and well assimilated. There must a significant number of Turks especially the latest generation that are studying and getting better jobs and integration to German’s culture if you comment on that ?
@@tsaaman Yes, there are plenty of fully assimilated people, especially younger people of Turkish ancestry who are also German citizens and see themselves as Germans. But there are also still a lot of problems, like with the DITIB mosques, which Dr. Qadhi is talking about. And he is right. Such a big religious institution shouldn't be fully controlled from abroad. Now, they are often very political, and this is not the purpose of a religious institution. One DITIB mosque in Cologne even invited a high-ranking Taliban member. And this mosque is located only about 3 kilometers from the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution.
As a German revert, most of the German people are nice. But I notice, since wearing the hijab, I smile brighter and try to be a sunshine towards others because I want especially old people to have a good view of Islam. I as well am a bit scared to post too much on social media (palestine), but Allah swt is our sustainer. May Allah make it easy for all of us
May Allah keep us firm on the straight path .It’s not easy for Muslims around the world and even more so for reverts who face more ostracism and persecution than the average Muslims born due to the fact they may not know everything about Islam and have to cope with leaving with non Muslim who don’t necessarily see eye to eye with their daughters or sons new found religion .
German people are definitely nice, of course there are exceptions. They re curious too. The problem is most mosques are not inviting due to culture and language barriers in turkish/arabic owned mosques because they seem so foureign. Islam has no ethnicity or nationality. If you want to effectively spread the message of Islam and incorporate it i to society, there should be a certain integration into the local culture. Mosques dont need to have domes and ottoman symbols. Maybe make a old germanic style mosque, its absolutely okay to do this. As someone born and raised in Germany, I blame most of xenophobia against Islam on our own people because I know how my turkish and arabic brothers behave. Their behaviour is unacceptable.
I am from the netherlands and same story here. Many people thinking of hijra over here. Europe is not like usa. What would you do if the opression gets violent. If your children are not safe outside. Offcourse you will think of emigration
❤ as a dutch convert to islam, I lived in Germany for over 10 years. You described the situation very accurately mashaAllah. You also gave some hope and ideas for a brighter future, DjazakAllahu khairan.
Muslims will continue to be ill treated worldwide until they establish the Guided Khilafah on the prophethood method, that is, the implementing entity of Islam and the shield of Muslims that protects them from any kind of evil. The Messenger of Allah, Muhammad may the peace and blessings be upon him said: إنّما الإمامُ جُنّةٌ، يُقاتَلُ مِن ورائِهِ ويُتّقَى بِهِ. Verily the Imam (khalifah) is a shield for the Muslims, behind him they fight. And by his existence they will be protected from the evil (of their enemies or any other evil). Compiled by Saheeh Muslim. Ya Allah make us with the sincere workers for the Khilafah and support us to establish it soon for you are the best support for us and the capable to do so..
You better go in a Muslim country...good wishes for your live. But let me live my life. My god is the god of every human being, thats why you can stay here with your free will and religion
Im from The Netherlands and Shaikh Yasir is spot on in his analysis. Although the sentiments are worse in Germany for the Muslims, in The Netherlands we feel the same way about this issues. Second. Class. Citizens.
But “ Germany did colonize several African territories, including Namibia, Tanzania, and Cameroon, from the late 19th century until the end of World War I.
He was part of the Pakistani movement before WW2. After the war he the ambassador for Pakistan at the UN in New York. For political reasons he resigned and became a full time author, writing his famous tafseer of the Qur'an. There are UA-cam videos of him, recorded by Islamic Information Service.
Selam aleykum! I am a Turkish-American who is from Florida watching your videos and regarding our unfortunate Turkish community.. Those that are Turks in Germany and other foriegn countries unfortunately do not make a effort to integrate with Arab or other foreign Muslims and that they see their way of Islam as the only right way as you mentioned… I Alhamdulilah as a 21-year old get along with the Muslim community here very well regardless of who they are but regarding my country and nationality, It is indeed sad as you mentioned.. Thank you for shedding light on this issue Dr. Qadhi! 🤲🤲
My parents who are Muslim went to turkey to visit. They were very excited but they said they people were very racist. They did not enjoy their time there and I was very upset for them. Is this a cultural thing because I do not know much about the Turkish culture.
@@fmss6694Türkiye faced so many challenges after the Ottoman Empire was destroyed, and there is a pretty big percentage of people who are not muslim (even though they claim they are) but donme, armanian, sabetay etc.. long story short, we (Turks) love our brothers and sisters in Islam, you’re very welcome ❤
@@asiyekutlu6218 The current situation in Turkey with Syrian and Afghan refugees is challenging. While there are good people among them, many are seen as behaving rudely, which creates tension. The government’s actions have also been criticized for pushing people away from Islam, as there is a lot of dishonesty and corruption in Turkish goverment. Some of my friends who left are not happy with the situation either. It’s important to see the reality
MashaAllah such a good and well-informed lecture by our Shaykh Yasir Qadhi. As a German revert living in the UK, I have noticed the same thing: American Muslims are very well-educated, active and driven in the community mashaAllah and you can see this from the many wonderful Islamic channels on social media and the beautiful spacious Masajid whereas the Muslim community in Germany is lacking behind so much. There arent many Islamic preachers to listen to and those few that we do have (e.g. Pierre Vogel) get branded as hate preachers by German media.
@@PatrickMcCarthy-w6tasalam alaykum patrick, i’m a muslim revert from a belgian catholic mother and a muslim moroccan father, i was always wondering how the relations between the muslim and non muslim people is in the united stays? Do muslims have a good overall reputation in the states?
@stitoo_tangerino7499 wah alaykum Salam. I think the sentiment about Muslims is slowly changing here for the positive. The Palestinian genocide has woken many people up. There's still areas not very friendly, but the majority of cities have gotten better. NY, Atlanta, Virginia, Houston and Detroit are all experiencing huge Muslim population growth. Overall it is much better than 10 years ago. I think Americans in general know the problem is the media, not Islam.
The Muslims feel the heat, because they live Islamically. That's the main reason for the German polititions, press to be aggressive. They see the Muslims rising.
The rise of far right politics is occurring across Europe not because of Muslims or whether they are integrating or not but because of the policy of the political class to blame Muslims and migrants for the failure if their political economy to maintain the expected living standards for the people. The reality is that the politicians in Germany have made poor political divisions most significantly breaking economic ties with Russia which has devastated their manufacturing sector due to high energy costs and loss of cheap Russian LNG. Also, funding Ukraine has also impacted the economy. Poor politcal leadership and a flawed economic system are harder to navigate than blaming migrants and Muslims….
The Germans entered the area 1880s, declared it a protectorate of German East Africa in 1891. The British took it from them their colonies in 1920 after they lost WWI. Today what was Tanganyika is part of Tanzania. The coastline of this country is majority Muslim and its capital is Dar es-salaam.
Btw, the groups are calling for the Khilafa in the Near East, not in Germany. And the Turkish people came to Germany of their own accord; they weren’t invited like the Spanish, Italian, and Greek people. Also, the majority of the Turkish people who moved were poor and uneducated. Our grandparents built the mosques, despite many being unable to read and write. Our parents did their best to raise well-behaved children while supporting their own parents. Now, my generation has the responsibility to educate ourselves both for the Akhira and the Dunya, in order to be a part of society.
Why are you lying?? In the 1960s and 1970s, Turks were indeed invited to Germany as guest workers under official agreements between Germany and Turkey. Today, much of what we enjoy-our multicultural neighborhoods, diverse workplaces, and places of worship-are the fruits of their labor and sacrifices.
Great Analyse Dr. Qadhi , we appreciate you coming to our beloved Germany ! Muslims in Germany are eager to learn about Islam and want to benefit from you’re scholarship !
The German state funds churches and synagogues because Christians and Jews are its native people ( Jews have been living in German lands for more than a thousand years). If people with other religions come as guests, they can't expect the government to build mosques/temples/etc for them. Just as I would never expect Saudi Arabia to build a church for me (a foreigner), even if I lived there.
Thank you for your analysis, it's so true! I am part of the 60% Muslims from Turkey, but I am not Turkish, I am Kurdish. Still, I automatically belong to the Turkish bubble. The Turkish bubble is really, as the Sheikh says, inward-looking. Every weekend, I receive lessons in a Turkish mosque in Turkish. Topics like Tafsir, Sira, Aqidah, etc., all in Turkish. We have been here for four generations, but we live in a parallel world and have built a little Turkey for ourselves. Perhaps it's because we were never truly welcomed. The hatred and pressure from Germany are indescribable. Even before the genocide, Palestine and the topic of Islam were seen as a thorn in the side and were disapproved of. It’s like finding out that your child is dealing drugs - a stab and a slap in the face. This mentality has even taken root in us Muslims, to the point that back then we tried to hide our solidarity with Palestine and our Muslim identity as much as possible. It's not easy, but Allah has a plan.
Hollandada maalesef aynı sorunu yaşıyoruz. Kendi camimde, bilhassa gençler için bu yapıyı değiştirmeye çalışıyorum ama ülke çapında çok gerideyiz ve büyüklerimiz bu düşünceleri maalesef anlamıyorlar. Yapabilecek tek şey kendi çevreni düzeltip dua etmek
@@caesarean38 ama sanki avrupadaki gençlerimiz islama daha da yakınlaşıyorlar elhamdulillah. Camiler artık mecburi değil de, orada kendini daha iyi hissettikleri için gelmeliler (mesela Aktiviteler, sohbet, gençlik grupları ile). Bunun için çabalaya biliriz. hidayet Allahın elinde.
While I agree there is a lack of ambition culturally most people in, Germany follow formal apprenticeships that will lead to recognised qualifications. This means many jobs for which people in the US and the UK attend University, the skills are learned with apprenticeships. From my friend, I know that she feels isolated as a muslima who is a revert. The social isolation and extreme behaviour of the Muslims in her area are playing into the hands of the AfD with the seperatist behavior they display. The ethnic divide of Muslims in Germany needs an educated leadership where they have the vision to reach out into the non Muslim communities. If you live in isolation you will not do dawa to anyone. As a German Muslim in the UK I have tried to reach out but did not get a response.
Have you tried researching how previous muslim communities were built in non Muslim regions, what practices worked for them in inviting their fellow non Muslims to the religion.
Very good analysis brother, Jazakallahu khairan. I am a German who converted to Islam, my own people suddenly looked down on me, especially after wearing Hijab, I experienced the overt and covert Islamophobia. Finally we migrated to North America, it is much easier for Muslims here. Still miss my country but feel sorry for the Muslims there. May Allah make it easier for the Muslims and give them patience and perseverance
Dear Sheikh Yasser, Germany colonized Muslims in Tanganyika and Togo and did so many cruel and barbaric things against them. May be you Muslim lands in Asia and Arabia
Aselamun aleikum dear brothers and sisters😊 I'm a German revert with Chinese background. But I learned about the Quran in England😅. Being in England was so much nicer than in Germany. Hatred, propaganda, ignorance, prejudice and intimidation from the German media, police and politicians on one hand and on the other hand isolation from the Turkish community. I'm not saying that the UK doesn't have such problems but I felt that the British people were a bit more tolerant towards Islam. I was lucky to have had many Turkish friends in secondary school but they were less keen on mixing with others🙄. Every time we played football I was the only non-Turkish kid😐. As far as education goes we have a three tier level system of schools and the majority of students who go to the lower level schools are of foreign background which has surely changed over the last years but it's still noticable (Btw I used to work as a teacher). Chinese people here are more middle-class so I rarely suffered from racism or prejudice but ever since I became Muslim I started to notice how people gradually became hostile towards me so I isolated myself more and more from German society especially due to the increase in Islamophobia in politics. It's really difficult. I hope I can migrate to a Muslim country soon inshallah.🤲 To those who read my comment: May Allah reward you❤
🙏💜 Thank you, it's heartbreaking to see what's happening to the Muslim people in Germany. In this day and age, they all have to unite. Also I was shocked to hear that there was so many there. At the It's amazing May.Allah proctet them and unite them Under 1 banner Ameen They're so in desperate need of it.Especially in this time💙🌷
Brother Islam is a struggle, so Allah rewards those that have patience. I don't know which Muslim country you're going to make Hijra to, but choose wisely and make salatul Istikhara. I would recommend maybe Malaysia, Brunei etc. or if you can't decide on Muslim land consider North America. It's better than Europe and we're growing fast in shaa Allah. May Allah help us unit as one Ummah.
Malaysia is waiting for you as you would feel right at home. Modern country with lots of Chinese (including Chinese Muslims) and the Malay are very sweet people.
@@paulthomas281 you weren't there either so how can you say that?!? Look at the rhetoric that was used against js at that time and compare it to the rhetoric used against Muslims today.
@@Jubafree There's no rhetoric being used against us. Stop your victim mentality. The problem is the ideology of Sunni Islam, which is an ideology of society and state, an ideology which is fundamentally intolerant of other belief systems. That's the problem.
Selam alejkum, I live in Austria. My Grandfather came here as „gastarbeiter“. I have a university degree 😂 but it‘s true that most Muslims with immigration background don‘t have. The Sheikh explaind the circumstances very good, I just want to add that even if Muslims wanted to educate themselfs its wayyy harder here than in America. They even tell you at school from child on, with their behavior and speech that: „you are not one of us. Go back to your country. You are strange, you are so backwards“ and when we go to „our country“ the people there tell us the same😂. So we somehow feel homeless. May Allah make Jannah our home! May Allah help us to unite in the places we live, so we can develope a community selfawareness and that the hate they show us never becomes manifestet in our Ahlaq. Allahumma amin
That is true. Was also born here. It seems alot of my turkish brothers and arabic brothers in school didnt value education and getting good grades too much. When I would be stressed for a bad mark because my Pakistani parents would be quite mad about it, my turkish and arabic friends were chill about it. About jobs and chances, it may be true but every now and then I meet someone who immigrated from Asia who landed a good job here or family friends. Alhamdullilah I managed to make my own business and moved to the UAE but still come to Germany for half a year. Its getting better though. Unfortunately there arent many muslim businesses that are not doner shops or shisha cafes. I pray I get wealthy enough soon so I can open shops where hijabi sisters and brothers can practice their religion freely
I am sorry for you. But perhaps you dort know, that also many germans feel homeless? After worldwar 2 there were 14 Millions of refugees inside Germany. I never knew my grandparents or other familymembers, only my Patents and my sister. Dort be selfish, think over others and your own pain will be smaller. God bless you!
@@darussalam2022 Da stimme ich dir 100% zu, deshalb würde ich jedem empfehlen auszuziehen wenn man die finanziellen Möglichkeiten hat. In anderen Ländern ist es tausend mal besser als hier.
I live here in Germany and I can agree with what he said. Many muslims start their own business like shops or restaurants, because they struggle to find jobs with good conditions. Most of the good payed jobs are reserved for Germans. Muslims are getting jobs, which many people dont want to do. Even if you are a skilled worker.
@lightman2258 If Germany is racist, then why do Indians get many, many good jobs in Germany and Austria. Of course not all, but many work in healthcare and IT and pharmaceuticals and big companies. They are solidly middle-class, not working class. Why is this?
@@paulthomas281Sometimes there is a high demand for workers, so you can't reject the applicants, sometimes it's wage dumping. Those workers do hard work for less money.
@@paulthomas281Indians are CEOs of top US companies too. They are getting well paid in Germany and other countries too due to their hard work, education and dedication.
@@lightman2258Indians are CEOs of top US companies too. They are getting well paid in Germany and other countries too due to their hard work, education and dedication..
President John Kennedy on Israel For Israel was not created in order to disappear - Israel will endure and flourish. It is the child of hope and the home of the brave. It can neither be broken by adversity nor demoralized by success. It carries the shield of democracy and it honors the sword of freedom; and no area of the world has ever had an overabundance of democracy and freedom.
@seanou2837 Perhaps your book is misleading Let's start with the unanswerable the Divine God. The spiritually sovereignty insists you'll never really know God, but if one were to strip away the illusions one might just come closer than he's ever been. “God” the unknowable unknown is a mystery not to be solved but to inhabit this isn't the path for those who need neatly packaged answers but for those who seek to encounter the vast mysteries beyond. Even your most sacred truths you cling on to might just be shadows The Upanishads, Plato and the crew gave birth to the idea that reality’s highest truth is timeless, invisible and outside what can not be named ,written about or spoken off. Turn down the light of your preconceived ideas. What you are searching for can not be found in the brightness of your dogma. What you see is only a shadow of the true reality . Every certainty you hang on too is just a projection of a light source hidden with the deepest depths.
I was super surprised about the statistics sheikh mentioned because as muslim I live here since 12y and I dont feel the muslim community.....we are not gathered at all but very divided and it breaks my heart now even more knowing we are so numerous and fully agree with Sheikhs analysis, he nailed it. As soon as you suggest something that might be " political" everybody keeps distance and you are alone...indeed what you have in America is a blessing thats why we watch you acting and try to do the same❤
I'm Indian Muslim living in Germany since 11 years most of the things he said here are true especially about Turkish Muslim community their ignorance about ummah deen and following Ritual cultural Islam and hardly any political awareness. They are the reason for lack of Muslim voice in German politics
@@shaifi007 they have strong ties to turkey lots of family that still live in Turkey most of them own properties in Turkey even though they own nothing in Germany. They don't really care if things go bad they go back to turkey. Afghan syrians and most of the other Muslims in Germany don't have that option. Another thing a lot of Turks in Germany are not even Muslim they are alevites but not like shia they are completely out of the folds of Islam and have nothing to do with it.
Dude, I am a german native and I can trustworthy say, that arround 80% of the german population have the feeling, that they are not heard in german politics
Assalam walekum Brother! I am also an Indian Muslim. I earned a masters degree in Islamic Studies from Delhi based university. Nowadays, I am learning German because I want to do another master degree from Frei Universität Berlin, could you help me please.
The reason because Turks and Muslims in general keep distance is that most Germans not want any Muslims around them and see them nothing more as work collegues at most. As Turks we are proud that we have kept our language and traditions to ourselves, as Germany claims to be free country everyone can speak and believe what they want if they don't harm anybody, right? Most Germans have a very negative view about Islam and religion in general. Many Muslims that tried and still do Dawah were pressurized by the media and government. Greetings from Germany...
Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu Sheikh. I was born and am living in Germany, but my Father's from Italy and I am a revert Alhamdulillah. Anyhow what you are saying and explaining is 100% accurate in every mentioned point subhanallah. Jazakallahu khairan.
As a Turk from the Netherlands, our situation is nearly the same. Muslims being distant from each other, Turkish mosques being incapable because we are getting controlled internationally which have no way of knowing in what state we find ourselves, Muslims generally having low education and doing lower class work, Muslims chasing individual wealth and not thinking about the community wellbeing. Too many things to say and our situation saddens me
I’d like to add to Sheikhs analysts that immigrants workers from turkey were also not encouraged to learn German and sometimes even prevented because they weren’t meant to stay same with refugees from the civil war in Lebanon they were often not given opportunity to even attend public schools. The resident status and law in Germany a little different than America. But it has gotten better now There’s a systemic cause behind the fact that only the generations now are attending university because the focus of earlier generations was on surviving and making a living (money) rather than education and climbing up the ladder. In addition I’d like to add that the indoctrination of Muslims and specifically Arabs,North Africans and Turks starts very early on in school. I and many other Muslim kids were told not even to try to get our “Abitur” which would be equivalent to High school diploma IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL because “we’re not going to make it anyway and that our people are limited” I was a one of the best students in my class but still didn’t get a recommendation to go to high school. Thankfully my parents taught against it and sent me anyway and I did well If terms of social justice Germany is sooo far behind the US and when you look at the state of the US this is just sad
I agree. When i was working in Germany I wanted to learn deutsch but the Germans around me strongly advised me not to. I didn't think much of it at the time but I do remember a few occasions when a German would recommend someone else to learn deutsch. For reference I was the only brown person in our entire building of a few hundred.
Thank you for this, your experience with education is what many of my Muslim friends here have told me. To me it is the institutionalized discrimination against Muslims that is designed to keep Muslims in lower socioeconomic classes. It affects education, housing, employment and even childcare. As an American I can say I see a really strong resemblance to the way POC are treated in the US.
@@Hello-uk5xp native to where exactly? And which Germans are you talking about? We're talking about institutionalized discrimination for which human rights organizations like Amnesty international have submitted a report to the UN for.
Bro Germany also had scholars who studied Sanskrit and the vedas. It is about how we conduct ourselves in a foreign land that gives refuge to us that matters not our ancestry.
We muslims are always whining about not getting treated well in the western countries but then at the same time the same muslims don't wanna go live in the muslim countries, including this yasir qadhi. We as muslims can never live the same life in the western countries as we might do in the muslims countries.. If we have decided to come live here in the west, we should't be crying about everything. Obviously, there is no question about staying away from Islam but STOP WHINING !!! They are western individuals, most of them are non-religious or atheists, we can't be expecting kind treatment everytime. We should be thankful that we're able to live in a good country rather than living in our 3rd world countries, especially the refugees should always be thankful.
The only criticism, I absolutely agree with is, that the Muslim communities concentrate in different, ethnic groups: The Turks are with the Turks, the Albanians with the Albanians, the Moroccans with the Moroccans and so on. The German Muslims get lost in this ethnic praying centers most of the time. The communities opened up recently and also started to preach in German. But in my opinion, this came a little late.
I am from Berlin and have only seen one native white Muslim in all the mosques here. If born Muslims did not treat reverts like garbage when they come in, there would be many many more. Turkish are extreme nationalists and find it hard to welcome anyone outside of their ethnicity. It would also help if young Muslims improved their behavior and manners.
In Germany every individual is like a police this is the difference from USA. I have been to your masjid in USA and living in Germany right now. That is why I can compare very well. In the USA I was able to pray on the street when I was outsite in Germany you feel the suppression unfortunatly by people and also politicians. I do agree most of the thinngs you mentioned. Thank you🙏
The smart ones (Einstein) leave at this 20's stage. I left Germany back in 1995 after growing up there from 1970-1995 and graduating. I moved to the Uk back then and after nearly 30 years being here by now, oäI feel like leaving here as well.
True words brother, it's really difficult here in Germany. I can’t believe that Arab countries (Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, etc.) still turn to Germany for support, despite how we Muslims are often treated here. As a Muslim, you’re often seen as a second-class citizen in Germany, and this has become painfully clear on many occasions-like the case with football star Mesut Özil, which openly showed how people here truly feel. When will there be a real unity among Muslim countries? How many generations will have to go through this? Thank you, brother, for spreading awareness-you’re hitting the nail on the head. What is the solution for this? There are so many talented, educated Muslims with excellent qualifications, and yet they’re still not hired in many companies simply because they’re Muslim. Please keep sharing your insights. Thank you. May Allah s. T. united us Amin ❤
About education, as a German (Afghan heritage) myself, born and raised, I can say that this whole concept of getting into training/work right after high school, is not only common among Muslims, but it is generally an accepted model here. Germans are more pragmatical, and they acknowledge that a society needs more workers than scholars, and as such, workers are also treated with respect. Like, no one is looking down on someone who didn't go to university. You should also consider the much, much better working conditions in Germany, where working an entry level full time job (40 hours a week) is more than enough for one person to get by, so the parents of these immigrants didn't really see the need for higher education because, let's be frank, there simply is none: The world doesn't need one more statistician, who feels like he is too good for manual labour. But yeah, with that being said, I still agree with everything you said. This part is just something that may be hard to fathom for an American, for whom not going to university might seem like the end of the world. It's actually the norm here, and up until a few years ago, when sanctioning Russia completely destroyed the German economy, it actually worked really well.
Interesting. Interesting, I hear you, but at the same time, you might not see the true value of higher education. Look at Singapore, for example. The reason it got so rich is because of their high skilled worker export. Granted that isn't a fair comparison, but at the same time, Germany cries about the need for highly skilled workers, and I know quite a few who live in Germany now because of that now.
@@paladin1147 Germany needs also nurses ,electricians and there are so many jobs .A university professor will not put the vegetables and other food into a grocery store.Streets need also to be built etc.
I remember back than, that I didn’t get the support from my family to pursue an university degree. Therefore I had to do a vocational training. After years passing by, my willingness to satisfy the intellectual drive of mine, I decided to begin a bachelors in my late 26s (first one in my family, 2nd generation, from Morocco). Because of that unconventional vita (we should not forget that German society is quite narrow-fixed minded), almost every of my applications is getting rejected. Now, I’m in a situation where I literally getting punished for trying to break out the social class I grew up in… But alhamdulilah, Allah swt is the best of planners
The Jews are not indigenous to Germany. They're indigenous to Palestine and Medina. "Who can challenge the rights of the Jews in Palestine? Good Lord, HISTORICALLY IT IS REALLY YOUR COUNTRY..."Yusuf Diya al-Khalidi, Arab Mayor of Jerusalem, 1829.
This video shows one of the ways how muslim preachers radicalise muslims, by telling them they are oppressed. This country welcomed you, fulfilled your needs and even beyond, protects your community under many laws which are in fact very double standard in many ways. But you see them as infidels and oppressors, while demanding your gorverning system in their country. Respects are already given to you, but you never respect back. Demanding a one sided respect is nothing but domination, which is something you like to preach behind messages of being oppressed. If there is one muslim country that will treat other minority religious groups like how you have been treated in this country, then none will doubt your claims of being a victim.
In some ways Europe is better than the United States. In Europe university is free and everyone has health insurance. Also there is much less crime and less poverty on the streets. The Middle East and Africa are also close. And if you don't like it in one of the European countries you can emigrate to another European country because it is all within the EU. And the Friday sermons are often still held in Arabic.
yea that with turkish mosques is true but soon in the next years the imams will be speaking german because more and more ppl from other countries visit the mosques too so they understand aswell and i think germany made also a law that its forbidden and the imams need to speak german
I was a student in Germany in the 1970s. The vast majority of Turkish workers could neither read nor write. This state of ignorance still continues. Not much has changed.
Thats not true. The third and fourth Generation is well educated, most visit universities and have degrees. A lot has changed since the guestworker-generation.
@@-.strichpunkt That’s true. What’s changed? Ben bir Türküm. Cehaletten birbirlerini yiyorlar. İslam dini hakkında çok az bilgiye sahipler. Doğru, Evet çok azı eğitimli ve ticareti yükselişe geçti. İslama bir faydası var mı? Hayır!Değişim o kadar az oldu ki; olup-biten de utanç verici! Dini Türk sentezi olarak kabul etmenin sonucu olarak kendi için dünyalarında yaşıyorlar.
I lived in Germany for several years. When I became pregnant I told my husband we must get out of here and go to my country, USA. I’m so glad we left. You described the situation perfectly.
The west doesn't want this. Why is this unclear or wrong. We have our own culture. Our own faiths. Our own way of life. Muslims have it good in American because they aren't protesting and demanding sharia.
Alhamdulillah for this lecture, it has inspired me to stay steadfast on my deen. Here in Germany, the attitude towards us is divided, too, as we are divided from the main community. Some are very kind and respecting our deen and some are not so respecting. Integration is a two way street, so as we have the responsibility to fit in, the other part has to make sure that we can carry with us some values, too. The view of most here on Muslims is biased as they connect Islam with terrorism and we are easily canceled when we only try to defend our religion. Thank you for your opinion Mr. Qadhi and I think education is an important pillar in defending ourselves and finding a compromise. You are right that we are disconnected from the community and it’s about finding a way to find back. May Allah Azza Wa Jal be with us inshaAllah.
"Integration is a two way street...." That's only true in an immigrant country like the US. As the Shaykh siad, Germany is NOT an immigrant country. If you want to come to a country with a set culture, value system, religion, you have to fully adapt
@ wdym? Why then are they representing themselves as such country? Will you deny the millions of immigrants making up over 15% of the population? And how can you expect a human to abolish his beliefs, ideas and principles fully without even giving an opportunity to discuss these? This is wrong thinking
The Prophet (صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ) said: “I disown every Muslim who settles among the mushrikeen.” Narrated by Abu Dawood, 2645; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood.
As I’m a Buddhist, I can’t imagine or I’m scared to think how I would be treated if I lived in one of Muslim countries😱
You would be treated the best you can ever imagined .
How would you know? Don't make me laugh I was former Christian visiting Oman a Muslim country treated me with hospitality and care..
Chill, my brother! 🙄There are Muslims in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Bangladesh. There are also Muslims living and working in the Emirates, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia. All of them live in peace and unharmed. Unlike the Muslim Rohingya tribe in Myanmar.😢
You have forgotten Pushyamitra Sangha . There many Buddhist working in middle east enjoying life not like Rohingas are treated in mynammar.
I am a Muslim, born and raised in Germany coming from Afghanistan. If you have a problem with the treatment of Muslims in any European country, it is simply because you don’t adapt to society and expect your environment to adapt to your religion.
Germany and most western countries have the Muslim migrants the nicest treatments of any kind, which however gets mistreated by the Muslim migrants.
If you don’t like the fact that these secular countries don’t worship the way you live your religion, then why don’t you just leave? Go to an Islamic country. Raise your voice there, let’s see how it goes.
In some point I agree with u but why we shoud change our identity?
@ it is not about changing identity as no one is required to do so. It
Is simply about two things: complaining and demanding. Muslims here always complain about their treatment and in the same time demand change (and implementation of their set of rules to happen), while no other „society“ or religion is doing so in Germany.
No Muslim country in the world will accept this either.
@037FOREVER I think in democratic land we have a right for free speech so how it's complaining? They are speaking about there rights , and tell me which muslim country you're talking about ? About Saudi and dubai the biggest hypocrites!? So my point is in democratic law make on people's opinion, but why they differentiate ? Like lgbtq can do everything they can hide there face with tattoo but if a muslim want to wear hijab why they have problem with? I can give u more examples, isn't double standard?
@@Bintnoor123islam and democracy doesn’t go hand to hand,i am born in a Muslim family,my family is living in Germany for more than 15 years and everyone was friendly to us,because we pray and we do our stuff but nowadays muslim immigrants want sharia law
@@Drake57322 ur absolutely right …. Religion has to be practiced privately….. Germany is a Christian nation so it has to be respected…. Me as a Hindu
Follow islam in personal life but dont ask for sharia law in germany. Dont deprive them of there cultural value.... It is like kicking out them from there home.
As far as mohmad asad is considered : were you get respect you follow there culture.... It beauty of human psychology....not religion....
we don't buy your lies any more.
all muslims who live in western europe and complain and say they feel oppressed should not cry you are hypocrites you should be grateful that you are allowed to live here why
are you all fleeing here? and live
not in the "great muslim countries" i say that as a muslim
Thats a fact, marroco has no war, algeria has no war, egypt has no war, saudi arabia is rich, bahrain is rich, UAE is Rich, Oman is very safe and good country, iran is the one fighting israel, pakistan has no war, afghanistan no war anymore, but everybody wants to live in the west. Very hypocrite 99% of these people
Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla hypocrite
Funny, my family was one of the first to migrate to Germany in 1962. It was the best decision. My parents were also the first to establish their own business in the early 1970's. Back then they were extremely welcome because they learned fluent German. We grew up well-integrated and fully engaged in German culture and education, but most barely speak the language nowadays. When my eldest sister started University in the 1970s, she was the only migrant background at her University. My family is a huge exemption. It is such a shame to witness what Germany has turned into. Shisha bars everywhere you go. Yes, there are many Muslims, but not quality Muslims.
Move to indonesia, malaysia, middle east, easy. Muslim = quality??!! No, your muslims are not.
No one begged Muslims to come to Germany.
they here to work
@@ekineki22020ekin yeah? XD I dont see so much working!
@@JustbeHappy1122 20 % of healthcare system are foreign workers in germany
6000 syrian doctors
After the Syrians war, Germans opened their hearts and look how those Muslim migrants thanked them.
I lived in a homeless shelter in 2016 in my home city, in Germany. Most of the "refugees" from Syria were Yazidi, or Alevi Kurds, not Muslims, not Arabs (who are the main population of Syria).
Their adult sons were directly sent to the Bundeswehr (German army), to get trained. Because the German state sympathizes with the Peshmerga and supports it.
Allegedly, to fight ISIS, but actually to destabilize the region. The Peshmerga fighters work with the PKK . A radical leftists terror organisation, which makes terror attacks in Turkey.
The few Muslim Kurds and Arabs, and the fringe minority of Christians, they took in, adapted to Germany very well.
@@kikikoko607 Dang, never heard of this side.
@@kikikoko607 1 million syrians not arabs ? Dont bravo sierra us
Rather than having concept of more and more children, Muslims should be taught to invest in education. It should be taught since childhood at home which is lacking and not to blame governments.
Islam is the best education. Mercy starts in the family. Yes, muslims are supposed to help their children learn profession so that they can provide themselves, in shaa Allah. But school education is not more important than islamic education because, for example, what is the point of having an evil heart and evil ways and studying pharmacy or medicine?
@@petitsoleil1999Clearly they also need education if they want to stop being poor in their homeland and stop moving to other countries because of pointless wars.
@@petitsoleil1999a non-Islamic education does not mean they will grow up with evil hearts. Germans have great a value system far superior than the Islamic one which is so totally outdated.
Im a proud Ex Muslim from Pakistan.
Proud ex muslim from india
@@Drake57322indian are not musalman at the first place
@@abdullahlaghari1445 can you explain this ?
Islam has left you, but you do not leave islam. The most one who leave Islam, are like junkies. They think, write and speak about Islam.
A small remark: in Germany a lot of preachers are allowed to preach who would never be allowed to preach in France for instance. France is more severe than Germany.
That's kind of a low bar bro. 😅
@@treelight1707 I mentioned this only because the cheikh said " nowhere else..." . Knowing very well both countries, I mentioned that France is more radical with these preachers
France has even more Muslims
In other words, there's only one European country that's treating Muslims worse than Germany? and that's France?
@usman3D no, there are a lot of other countries, for instance Hongrie, Polen, etc. We are talking about France and Germany because there are a lot of Muslims living there (and of course in UK). And because I know France and Germany very well.
As an Asian immigrant living in Germany, I have to admit that I am afraid of today's Arab/Islamic immigrants. Much more than 40 years ago there was actually no fear back then.
My best friends since childhood (in the 80s) and until today are from Turkey, Morocco and Tunisia. They are much different than today's generation.
Their Islamic way of thinking was also completely different.
Don't blame Germany or the Germans for the discrimination against Muslims, but ask yourself!
I have been living in Germany as a dark-skinned Asian for 5 decades and have never been discriminated against by a German.
And I am not surprised by what I have experienced with today's immigrants generation compared to the past.
Interesting yes there has to be some balance
What do you mean by Islamic immigrants? Lol
Ofcourse we can blame Nazis for being Nazis.
@@akeel6328 sure you can but why on earth did you decide to live in a "Nazi" coutry then? Nobody forced you to come here....
@@akeel6328 It means all Germans are nazis ?
Assalamualaikum. I live in Germany. My parents migrated during the civil war in the 80s from Lebanon. What our beloved sheikh is saying about the conditions in Germany is 100% true! I truly can rely to every single word he said and can confirm his words.
HasbunAllahu wa niamal wakil wa niamal maula wa niaman nassir HasbiAllah. 😢😢😢shameful humanity 😢 💔 💔💔🤲🤲🤲
How u bearig Muslim Germany Muslim killing meani aferika Christina in arebe ckteari
Not everything. Native german teacher here. He says our Turks still speak fluently turkish. No. You can't name that turkish anymore. They are not able to explain anything without german words. They are fluent in kitchen turkish. Of course they are fluent in german without any grammatical errors meanwhile.
Then leave.
Well, then go to a Muslim country? What are you doing here then? I am Afghan, my parents migrated in the 90s.
No difficulties. Just go back. Very easy. Bye bye
Alhamdulela, I am an Irish revert and was introduced to Islam in Germany by Moroccan students. I married and stayed in Germany for 20 years. The Germans loved me because I was Irish but after the decision to wear hijab my life got difficult. I wanted to spare my 4 children from this subtle racism on a daily basis. We left Germany for the UAE 9 years ago to show the children that Islam is wonderful and positive and they will NOT be an uneducated minority of society inshahallah. My advice to those wanting to make Hijra... You have to be very well educated with work experience to survive here. May Allah make it easy for everyone, Amin
Good advice
ثبّتك الله على دينه الحقّ و جعل أبناءك من الذرية الصًالحة و جميع أبناء المسلمين .. آمين
Maanshaa Allah my Allah bless you and your family Ameen YaaRabbi ❤❤❤❤
you won in life ma Sha Allah
I‘m a German revert. I always wonder how many reverts live in Germany. I know so many reverts but there are no statistics about this sadly.
I wish there would be more „international“ mosques. It’s really hard to find mosques where the khutba is in German as well.
I am a revert too and I agree to everything you said. No one knows how many people reverted.
If you dont like germany all of you should leave
I'm a German muslim with moroccan descents (living in Frankfurt) and I really loved to hear your lecture. Without bloating this comment section I'd like to tell you that we really have a mentality / mindset problem among the muslim community here in Germany, but which could be expanded through all over Europe.
Muslims in EU countries are approximately 44 million and the average age is about 30-33. It's really hurting me to see that we're not united. Every Friday khutba I go to mosque and although the mosque looks very beautiful the content is very poor.
It's rarely the case that you have German language used in Friday sermon because the imam is flown by the mosque to have that job. The translation is after the khutba for approx 5 minutes where 2 of those 5 minutes is begging (sorry to say it that way). The mosque has a loan from the bank to beautify the mosque and needs to pay it off. Always if we young people are asking for more networking and using for khutba and administrative topics the German language we're ignored. They say, that the people can't understand German like us the youth. That's literally a shame. Someone is living for more than 30 years in Germany and due to his own isolation and lack of knowledge he can't communicate fluent in German (accent beside).
Also the far right party "Alternative for Deutschland" (AfD) is growing due to rise of criminality committed by people not from Germany. Most crimes are committed in relation to the population by people from muslim countries. Over 50% of all homocides, rape, burglary, armed robbery and bodily injury (attack) is committed either by people with nationalities from muslim countries or they do have a migration history / background from a muslim country. Approximately 3 million out of the 5.5 million unemployed people who live of welfare (Bürgergeld -> engl. citizen-money) are foreigners (not having German citizenship) and if we look further who has German citizenship but got it after migration (double-citizenship) you see that a big portion are Arabs / turks / afghans with German citizenship.
Most drug dealers in Germany are young men from muslim countries (migrated or even born in Germany). And the muslims who are willing to change something aren't ready to unite through German language and other administrative actions. May Allah help us and bless you for your work Sheikh.
You are not German my brother.. you are Maroccan and that’s ok!!!
You are a Moroccan Muslim living in Germany, even after thousand years you can never be or become a German
I am Pakistani German here, and I also wish to change this state of the Muslim community to a more positive, interactive one . If there are like minded people and some sort of platform it would be much easier. Most attempts fail because Muslims here often focus on what devides them rather what unites them.
A Ghanaian here. I once attended a Turkish mosque in Berlin Schoenberg for Maghrib during Ramadan and stayed to break my fast with the congregation. The table spread with Eid food and fruits looked inviting, so I walked up to join them. To my surprise, I was told the dinner was reserved, and strangers weren’t allowed to join the buffet. I was shocked. They did kindly allow me to join just that once but asked me not to return for meals in the future-during Ramadan, of all times. Being the only mosque in the area, I made sure never to experience that again. Anytime I prayed there afterward, I left immediately after the prayer ended.
Sorry to hear that brother I can only imagine the shock and painful feeling you must have had in an Islamic setting during Ramadan. Alhamdolillah you would never experience that anywhere in the United States Inshallah 🤗
HasbunAllah wa ni'mal wakeel. That's heart wrenching.
Shame on them
@@alinapetrovna9574 Wallahi shame on them
I am a Somalian in Switzerland in the German part the situation is the same. i have more or less good job earning slightly above average. i had to fight a lot for this and went threw many depression times. This lecture is a eye opening for me. Why i was struggling for so long and many other brothers do up till today.
war ilaahey wadanka nabad hanoogadigo
in Scotland
No matter how many generations you live in Europe, you will always be treated like a somali
I work in a international company. With manny foreigners engineers
@@JawedIqbalYYCwhy go bag…ggin all over Europe 😂 it’s a test by Allah and millions of mslms wanna live in luxurious Europe and keep on cursssiin the host Christians
I was born in Germany and am the child of liberal Muslims. Until 2015, we hardly experienced any problems in Germany. It only became uncomfortable when many strictly Muslim Arabs started coming here. Those who come to Europe should adapt. We are not a Muslim society. Otherwise, you should return to your countries. You flee from places where Islam suffocates you, only to behave similarly here? Grotesque! Embrace the present or stay in your broken countries. Many people think like me-not just Germans!
As German citizen, the church tax is only mandatory for registered Christian. So what aches me far more is that the other taxes that I pay are used for munitions shipments to combat my brothers and sisters in Palestine.
Ich bin auch aus deutschland assalam u alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh
It akes me that my tax is going to your brothers and sisters that dont want to work
@@BJD124Steuerhinterziehung i.H.v. 150 Mrd. € stört dich aber nicht?
Über 50% Abgaben für Angestellte, aber keine Erbschaftssteuer/Vermögenssteuer für Superreiche stört dich nicht?
Deine Aufregung hat nix damit zu tun, dass du Deutschlands Interessen im Kopf hast.
Aber hetz mal weiter gegen Muslime als Sündenbock, als würden wir alle nur rumsitzen und Bürgergeld beziehen, während die Deutsche Mittelschicht bestohlen und belogen wird. Ich bin mir sicher, unsere Milliardäre danken es dir.
The tax also goes to ukrainians who live on stipends. I'm sure you're not against that but just against Muslims
@@sweetmelon3365 Don't forget there is a war in Ukraine and big parts of the country are occupied.
I also live in Germany..what we should do as Muslims living in Germany
1- Let's not celebrate football and politics in by honking our horns in the streets.
2- Let's not throw butts on the ground
3-Let's obey the traffic rules
4- Let's invite Germans to iftar dinner during Ramadan
5- Let's give sermons in mosques in German and Turkish.
6-Imams should definitely learn German.
7-The best thing is that Imams should be chosen from young people raised in Germany....
And develop a culture of Dawah.
One word: HIJRA
@@Ummuhumand where? In which country ?
@dunyafani9347 there are so many countries to go to . Every Muslim populated country has good and bad sites or cities for Hijra . There is nothing like to live under muslims
I`m Christian and don`t want to be converted to Islam.
So interesting to listen to this as a muslima of european (mixed polish german) descend. I embraced Islam over 20 years ago after some months in Canada. Only after travelling to Canada and seeing Muslims living and thriving in the West, i had the courage to embrace Islam. Before that, having travelled only in Europe I could not conceive how my life could continue in Germany once I embrace Islam and come out with this openly. Alhamdulillah, Allah made it easy but meanwhile (especially now considering the assault on Ghazza and the our german tax money being used to support this) it is getting unbearable to continue living here. Also, not being from a muslim background, i am always a stranger, in a way a stranger amongst the muslims from Turkey, Syria etc. And of course a stranger and a traitor amongs my family and origin society. But alhamdulillah, i wouldn't change anything about my decision for islam. I pitty all the germans who are lost, mostly without a true religious conviction, living only in order to work, earn money and consume. May Allah guide us all
Masha Allah sister, Stay steadfast and May the Almighty Allah keep us all on the straight path! You are more fortunate than us, born muslims, who do not know whether we would have taken such bold decision were we not born muslims!
@@Xogkeenbarakallahu fik
Masha Allah! May you be rewarded for your courage and may Almighty Allah make things easy for you. You are in our prayers.
@@shabkhal barakallahu sister. May Allah bless you immensely
MashaAllah zieh nach England um meine liebe Schwester. In England ist es viel besser für Muslime. Hier gibt es viele Moscheen, auf Arbeit wird man nicht schief angeguckt oder dumm angemacht, wenn man Kopftuch trägt und in der Schule meiner Tochter gibt es viele muslimische Lehrerinnen mit Kopftuch alhamdulillah. Homeschooling ist auch erlaubt. Möge Allah es den Muslimen in Deutschland erleichtern.
Shaykh came for three days and analyzed our whole situation 😮 You are so right! It's eye-opening for me as a German Bosniak Muslim!
Are you German ?
@@lollolliii he is native European greetings from Austria
@@ibrahimkenshinkaser9945 I ask because most Muslims who live in Germany dont say they are germans. They say I am bosnian, Turkish, Afghan, Syria. Etc.
@@lollolliii In austria there is a law that only allow one citizenship ,thats why some of the muslims dont call Austrians but in sha allah in the future there is a change
@@ibrahimkenshinkaser9945 Nah we talked about Germany. In Germany the refugees get the citizenship so fast anf still they dont idenitify with us and live seperate in their communities.
I am a Pakistani German, who moved to England in 2009. Alhamdulillah my job requires me to travel to the German speaking countries due to my German language skills and I can confirm that things have changed a lot it seems. I do not feel this in professional settings as much but when I visit my family, I notice how the neighbours or the public try to stay away and not interact much. Truly heartbreaking
75% of people want to wipe out rest 25% of people.
But irony is that 25% does not even bother for that upcoming events 😢
Assalam walaikum! I am from India. My nephew was fortunate to attend your lecture in Germany. We the family was so excited as if we all attend it. My heartfelt prayers for you. I have grown up loving our holy prophet. You made me love him more. Alhamdulillah!
Unfortunately our Sheikh is banned in India.
If you are in west, it's easy to be in their gatherings.
i am teared eye reading your comment. i feel like we are relative..Alhamdullilah❤
@@afzalsiraj826 Is Yasir Qadhi banned in India ? Does he have that ghusar basr wishes like Zakir Naik for female TV reporters ? 😉. That was really a big show everywhere
@@ThomasEdison-dd8ms it is for his political views. India being a democracy does not like dissent.
@@afzalsiraj826 well if someone preaches with political agendas of course they will be banned.
Just one reason to avoid all these .. if you are having that kind of problem then why dont you stay in your muslim countries with sharia law ?
agreed but they know life is better here.
Muslim countries with sharia law for sure are the best place to live for Muslims. But this countries demand Erupoean/American graduates due to political agreements (Further detailed answer you can search it by yourself as I am not a politician). Hence being in Europe is just a stepping stone for Muslims, as all human being knows Muslim countries are very much richer than any European/American countries by their unlimited oil and gas. European and American countries are rich only by colonialism. Who wouldn't want to live in a tax haven country with one of the highest GDP in the world like Qatar--one of the countries with a very strict sharia law? I will always prefer Qatar than any European countries with its insane taxes.
@@Engineer0123 exactly those gulf countries are rich because they have oil reserves not because of "Sharia law".. I know you can't live in countries with Sharia law like Somalia , Sudan , Afghanistan etc ..
@@princejoseph290 implementing sharia law is a must to make them rich otherwise no matter how rich the natural resources they have they will always end up being poor by corruptions, etc. Sudan, Somalia, Afghanistan are destroyed by war by a Christian leader (USA, Germany presidents) even tho they are rich so it takes time to make their systems settled again after such a huge destruction. I suggest you to do a thorough research what exactly sharia law is before naming western law (creating war, corruption, feodalism, colonialism, etc.) as a sharia law.
@@Engineer0123 first you read some history bro . Iran and Afghanistan were so much better and women have freedom for education before the law . Now we know what happened ... And anyways everyone wants to live in Christian Countries ...
Shiekh YQ always searching, looking for great avenues to connect Muslims or Islam through many ways around the globe. That’s why he is best, I can’t describe words to him. Keep doing what you are doing Sir. May Allah give you and your team great success and hasanat.
That's why he said that the qoran is NOT preserved and many Muslims left islam after his teaching. Thank YQ for the truth.
Thank you!
That's why I love you! You always speak the truth!
Unfortunately, I didn't know you were in Germany; otherwise, I would have tried to visit you!
Inshallah, I might meet you!
I grew up in Germany and share the same critical points you just summarized. I still try to convince/educate my Muslim brothers and sisters!
Inshallah, things will change here for the better!
I live in Germany, and I am from Afghanistan.
I must say that we Muslims do not have freedom here. The government and German politics are against Muslims. Most of the German people love Muslim culture, such as inviting to homes, making food, talking about certain topics, and helping each other. However, the political situation in Germany is very, very bad.
3 generation german turkish muslim.
I see the main reason and problem for this political situations are we self.
We live here more than 60 years (as turkish muslims) and have so disconnected life to the german society.
Not only that, i see so many racist (especially turkish muslims) against germans. it is unbelievable.
Many Germans also trust their governments and media beyond belief. Many Germans don't speak English and their is very limited access to alternative media in German language; the German media has free reign to basically tell whatever they want to their audience. With regards to Palestine, it's even worse than many Israeli news media sources.
The difference between German and Turkish Muslim culture is unbelievable. German people are generally really cold and reserved. If you want a friendship, so you have to invest in the relationship continuously. There is the condition, that you won't get much back. Who is ready to accept this?
@@bunyaminyilmaz3798What do you mean by disconnected?
The people should erase themselves and become Germans or what?
It also doesn't help when Muslims from one nationality hate Muslims from other nationalities. Turks hating on Syrians, who in turn hate the Afghanis who then hate the Pakistanis, and so forth...
As a German native I think you have hit most of the points spot on. Though I think to remember that our state was doing something about the direct involvement of the Turkish state (more specifically ditib) in Muslim places of worship in Germany.
Towards the education and the segregation: that's something coming from both sides. Germans didn't/ don't want to interact with the immigrant population and the (vast majority) of immigrants came here as guest workers and always dreamed of returning back home one day, so they often actively prevented their children from becoming too germanized.
On the German side children get divided after 4th grade into three levels of education of which immigrants who don't speak fluent German usually automatically get categorized into the lowest level meant for future manual labourers.
On the other hand, as you correctly mentioned we "imported" predominantly uneducated working class people to work in our factories, the Turks display a cultural aspect in which "the son may not spit on the head of the father", so even when they are gifted they are often also discouraged by their own family.
So it's a pretty messed up situation of both sides denying integration and education to a sizeable portion of our Muslim immigrant population for half a century by now (and the associated stereotypes of Muslims being uneducated, backwards people and so on that come along from this status)
I’m Turk born and living in france and well assimilated. There must a significant number of Turks especially the latest generation that are studying and getting better jobs and integration to German’s culture if you comment on that ?
@@tsaaman Yes, there are plenty of fully assimilated people, especially younger people of Turkish ancestry who are also German citizens and see themselves as Germans. But there are also still a lot of problems, like with the DITIB mosques, which Dr. Qadhi is talking about. And he is right. Such a big religious institution shouldn't be fully controlled from abroad. Now, they are often very political, and this is not the purpose of a religious institution. One DITIB mosque in Cologne even invited a high-ranking Taliban member. And this mosque is located only about 3 kilometers from the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution.
Very sad for Germany muslim
its cracy how many german and austrians watch Yasir Qadhi may allah unite us all from a native austrian
If you don’t like to integrate and accept the German culture, please leave.
I am a german revert, you explained our situation very well! May Allah unite us❤
@@knoffhoff123 aameen
Ameen bruder ❤
ثبّتك الله على دينه الحقّ بطول العمر .. آمين
As a German revert, most of the German people are nice. But I notice, since wearing the hijab, I smile brighter and try to be a sunshine towards others because I want especially old people to have a good view of Islam.
I as well am a bit scared to post too much on social media (palestine), but Allah swt is our sustainer. May Allah make it easy for all of us
please do one thing..stop acting to promote natural
@@anandvijay867 it’s not fully acting. I just wish that others see Islam as peaceful and kind as it is for me
May Allah keep us firm on the straight path .It’s not easy for Muslims around the world and even more so for reverts who face more ostracism and persecution than the average Muslims born due to the fact they may not know everything about Islam and have to cope with leaving with non Muslim who don’t necessarily see eye to eye with their daughters or sons new found religion .
@@OnePiece-os3pe ameen🤲🏽
German people are definitely nice, of course there are exceptions. They re curious too. The problem is most mosques are not inviting due to culture and language barriers in turkish/arabic owned mosques because they seem so foureign.
Islam has no ethnicity or nationality. If you want to effectively spread the message of Islam and incorporate it i to society, there should be a certain integration into the local culture. Mosques dont need to have domes and ottoman symbols. Maybe make a old germanic style mosque, its absolutely okay to do this.
As someone born and raised in Germany, I blame most of xenophobia against Islam on our own people because I know how my turkish and arabic brothers behave. Their behaviour is unacceptable.
I am from the netherlands and same story here. Many people thinking of hijra over here. Europe is not like usa. What would you do if the opression gets violent. If your children are not safe outside. Offcourse you will think of emigration
Living in Germany, I can really relate to your lecture. It's incredibly informative and well-analyzed.
❤ as a dutch convert to islam, I lived in Germany for over 10 years. You described the situation very accurately mashaAllah. You also gave some hope and ideas for a brighter future, DjazakAllahu khairan.
U can't compare USA to europeans
Why would you do that haiyaa. You clearly didn't bother to read and learn the Qur'an.
Muslims will continue to be ill treated worldwide until they establish the Guided Khilafah on the prophethood method, that is, the implementing entity of Islam and the shield of Muslims that protects them from any kind of evil.
The Messenger of Allah, Muhammad may the peace and blessings be upon him said:
إنّما الإمامُ جُنّةٌ، يُقاتَلُ مِن ورائِهِ ويُتّقَى بِهِ.
Verily the Imam (khalifah) is a shield for the Muslims, behind him they fight. And by his existence they will be protected from the evil (of their enemies or any other evil).
Compiled by Saheeh Muslim.
Ya Allah make us with the sincere workers for the Khilafah and support us to establish it soon for you are the best support for us and the capable to do so..
You better go in a Muslim country...good wishes for your live. But let me live my life. My god is the god of every human being, thats why you can stay here with your free will and religion
Im from The Netherlands and Shaikh Yasir is spot on in his analysis. Although the sentiments are worse in Germany for the Muslims, in The Netherlands we feel the same way about this issues. Second. Class. Citizens.
Why dont u go live somewhere where people have the same views as you?
But “ Germany did colonize several African territories, including Namibia, Tanzania, and Cameroon, from the late 19th century until the end of World War I.
@@BJD124 And who are you to tell and judge people you don’t even know cowardly behind your screen .
The eternal victim role and lies help with that...
@@zainzoala1083 Seriously why are you here? I really dont get it. Wouldnt you be much happier in an islamic country?
M.Asad, died in Mijas, a small town near Málaga in southern Spain, on February 23, 1992.
He was part of the Pakistani movement before WW2. After the war he the ambassador for Pakistan at the UN in New York. For political reasons he resigned and became a full time author, writing his famous tafseer of the Qur'an. There are UA-cam videos of him, recorded by Islamic Information Service.
Selam aleykum!
I am a Turkish-American who is from Florida watching your videos and regarding our unfortunate Turkish community.. Those that are Turks in Germany and other foriegn countries unfortunately do not make a effort to integrate with Arab or other foreign Muslims and that they see their way of Islam as the only right way as you mentioned…
I Alhamdulilah as a 21-year old get along with the Muslim community here very well regardless of who they are but regarding my country and nationality, It is indeed sad as you mentioned.. Thank you for shedding light on this issue Dr. Qadhi! 🤲🤲
My parents who are Muslim went to turkey to visit. They were very excited but they said they people were very racist. They did not enjoy their time there and I was very upset for them. Is this a cultural thing because I do not know much about the Turkish culture.
@@fmss6694Türkiye faced so many challenges after the Ottoman Empire was destroyed, and there is a pretty big percentage of people who are not muslim (even though they claim they are) but donme, armanian, sabetay etc.. long story short, we (Turks) love our brothers and sisters in Islam, you’re very welcome ❤
Thank you for replying
@@asiyekutlu6218 The current situation in Turkey with Syrian and Afghan refugees is challenging. While there are good people among them, many are seen as behaving rudely, which creates tension. The government’s actions have also been criticized for pushing people away from Islam, as there is a lot of dishonesty and corruption in Turkish goverment. Some of my friends who left are not happy with the situation either. It’s important to see the reality
@@BoraKaan52 every Turkish I met in my life are really upset at how things are in Turkey now with Erdoğan as compared to pre Erdoğan days
MashaAllah such a good and well-informed lecture by our Shaykh Yasir Qadhi. As a German revert living in the UK, I have noticed the same thing: American Muslims are very well-educated, active and driven in the community mashaAllah and you can see this from the many wonderful Islamic channels on social media and the beautiful spacious Masajid whereas the Muslim community in Germany is lacking behind so much. There arent many Islamic preachers to listen to and those few that we do have (e.g. Pierre Vogel) get branded as hate preachers by German media.
Asalamu alaykum from USA. Come on over here. There's a surge in reverts and it's not stopping InshAllah. People are waking up. Ahlan!
He is from USA.
@akeel6328 lol. I know. I'm saying to our German brothers, come over here.
@@PatrickMcCarthy-w6tasalam alaykum patrick, i’m a muslim revert from a belgian catholic mother and a muslim moroccan father, i was always wondering how the relations between the muslim and non muslim people is in the united stays? Do muslims have a good overall reputation in the states?
@stitoo_tangerino7499 wah alaykum Salam. I think the sentiment about Muslims is slowly changing here for the positive. The Palestinian genocide has woken many people up. There's still areas not very friendly, but the majority of cities have gotten better. NY, Atlanta, Virginia, Houston and Detroit are all experiencing huge Muslim population growth. Overall it is much better than 10 years ago. I think Americans in general know the problem is the media, not Islam.
Assalamualaikum wb.
I feel the pain. May Allah make life easy and Islaamic for German Muslims
The Muslims feel the heat, because they live Islamically. That's the main reason for the German polititions, press to be aggressive. They see the Muslims rising.
If you want to live in Germany why not make your life more German?
And make Our all god make my live save with all this Muslim men in my homecountry
The rise of far right politics is occurring across Europe not because of Muslims or whether they are integrating or not but because of the policy of the political class to blame Muslims and migrants for the failure if their political economy to maintain the expected living standards for the people.
The reality is that the politicians in Germany have made poor political divisions most significantly breaking economic ties with Russia which has devastated their manufacturing sector due to high energy costs and loss of cheap Russian LNG. Also, funding Ukraine has also impacted the economy.
Poor politcal leadership and a flawed economic system are harder to navigate than blaming migrants and Muslims….
Thats very true what you are saying but what about the rise in crime?
The Germans entered the area 1880s, declared it a protectorate of German East Africa in 1891. The British took it from them their colonies in 1920 after they lost WWI. Today what was Tanganyika is part of Tanzania. The coastline of this country is majority Muslim and its capital is Dar es-salaam.
Tanzania overall is 60-65% Muslim
Btw, the groups are calling for the Khilafa in the Near East, not in Germany.
And the Turkish people came to Germany of their own accord; they weren’t invited like the Spanish, Italian, and Greek people. Also, the majority of the Turkish people who moved were poor and uneducated. Our grandparents built the mosques, despite many being unable to read and write. Our parents did their best to raise well-behaved children while supporting their own parents. Now, my generation has the responsibility to educate ourselves both for the Akhira and the Dunya, in order to be a part of society.
Why are you lying?? In the 1960s and 1970s, Turks were indeed invited to Germany as guest workers under official agreements between Germany and Turkey. Today, much of what we enjoy-our multicultural neighborhoods, diverse workplaces, and places of worship-are the fruits of their labor and sacrifices.
Great Analyse Dr. Qadhi , we appreciate you coming to our beloved Germany ! Muslims in Germany are eager to learn about Islam and want to benefit from you’re scholarship !
The German state funds churches and synagogues because Christians and Jews are its native people ( Jews have been living in German lands for more than a thousand years). If people with other religions come as guests, they can't expect the government to build mosques/temples/etc for them. Just as I would never expect Saudi Arabia to build a church for me (a foreigner), even if I lived there.
Germany culture is a Western Judeo Christian culture that s all these religions are part of their heritage and I'm you are not part of it
Thank you for your analysis, it's so true! I am part of the 60% Muslims from Turkey, but I am not Turkish, I am Kurdish. Still, I automatically belong to the Turkish bubble. The Turkish bubble is really, as the Sheikh says, inward-looking. Every weekend, I receive lessons in a Turkish mosque in Turkish. Topics like Tafsir, Sira, Aqidah, etc., all in Turkish. We have been here for four generations, but we live in a parallel world and have built a little Turkey for ourselves.
Perhaps it's because we were never truly welcomed. The hatred and pressure from Germany are indescribable. Even before the genocide, Palestine and the topic of Islam were seen as a thorn in the side and were disapproved of. It’s like finding out that your child is dealing drugs - a stab and a slap in the face. This mentality has even taken root in us Muslims, to the point that back then we tried to hide our solidarity with Palestine and our Muslim identity as much as possible. It's not easy, but Allah has a plan.
Aamin ya rabulalamin.
Hollandada maalesef aynı sorunu yaşıyoruz. Kendi camimde, bilhassa gençler için bu yapıyı değiştirmeye çalışıyorum ama ülke çapında çok gerideyiz ve büyüklerimiz bu düşünceleri maalesef anlamıyorlar. Yapabilecek tek şey kendi çevreni düzeltip dua etmek
Hey man, don't shy away from saying you are a Kurd. I'm always glad to hear another person say they are Kurd.
@@paladin1147 I am not afraid to say that I am Kurdish. I only referred to Turkey because sheikh mentioned it in the video
@@caesarean38 ama sanki avrupadaki gençlerimiz islama daha da yakınlaşıyorlar elhamdulillah. Camiler artık mecburi değil de, orada kendini daha iyi hissettikleri için gelmeliler (mesela Aktiviteler, sohbet, gençlik grupları ile). Bunun için çabalaya biliriz. hidayet Allahın elinde.
While I agree there is a lack of ambition culturally most people in, Germany follow formal apprenticeships that will lead to recognised qualifications. This means many jobs for which people in the US and the UK attend University, the skills are learned with apprenticeships.
From my friend, I know that she feels isolated as a muslima who is a revert. The social isolation and extreme behaviour of the Muslims in her area are playing into the hands of the AfD with the seperatist behavior they display.
The ethnic divide of Muslims in Germany needs an educated leadership where they have the vision to reach out into the non Muslim communities. If you live in isolation you will not do dawa to anyone.
As a German Muslim in the UK I have tried to reach out but did not get a response.
Have you tried researching how previous muslim communities were built in non Muslim regions, what practices worked for them in inviting their fellow non Muslims to the religion.
Very good analysis brother, Jazakallahu khairan. I am a German who converted to Islam, my own people suddenly looked down on me, especially after wearing Hijab, I experienced the overt and covert Islamophobia. Finally we migrated to North America, it is much easier for Muslims here. Still miss my country but feel sorry for the Muslims there. May Allah make it easier for the Muslims and give them patience and perseverance
Dear Sheikh Yasser, Germany colonized Muslims in Tanganyika and Togo and did so many cruel and barbaric things against them. May be you Muslim lands in Asia and Arabia
Where Muslims go ? ...israel n usa n west taking our arab countries for land n oil ...they have to go somewhere ...
They also colonized northern Ghana. The Dagbon kingdom to be specific. Maybe the sheikh isn’t up to date on that. May Allah grant us all knowledge.
Togo isn't predominantly Muslim btw
@@Sam-ne3yw some regions are. Republic of Togo is a colonial creation.
@@jernejcesar He probably means areas that are now Muslim majority countries.
Aselamun aleikum dear brothers and sisters😊
I'm a German revert with Chinese background. But I learned about the Quran in England😅. Being in England was so much nicer than in Germany. Hatred, propaganda, ignorance, prejudice and intimidation from the German media, police and politicians on one hand and on the other hand isolation from the Turkish community. I'm not saying that the UK doesn't have such problems but I felt that the British people were a bit more tolerant towards Islam.
I was lucky to have had many Turkish friends in secondary school but they were less keen on mixing with others🙄. Every time we played football I was the only non-Turkish kid😐.
As far as education goes we have a three tier level system of schools and the majority of students who go to the lower level schools are of foreign background which has surely changed over the last years but it's still noticable (Btw I used to work as a teacher).
Chinese people here are more middle-class so I rarely suffered from racism or prejudice but ever since I became Muslim I started to notice how people gradually became hostile towards me so I isolated myself more and more from German society especially due to the increase in Islamophobia in politics. It's really difficult. I hope I can migrate to a Muslim country soon inshallah.🤲
To those who read my comment: May Allah reward you❤
🙏💜 Thank you, it's heartbreaking to see what's happening to the Muslim people in Germany.
In this day and age, they all have to unite.
Also I was shocked to hear that there was so many there.
At the It's amazing
May.Allah proctet them and unite them Under 1 banner Ameen
They're so in desperate need of it.Especially in this time💙🌷
May Allah swt make it easy for you brother. We should try and move to Muslim countries….
May Allah make your life easier ❤
Brother Islam is a struggle, so Allah rewards those that have patience. I don't know which Muslim country you're going to make Hijra to, but choose wisely and make salatul Istikhara. I would recommend maybe Malaysia, Brunei etc. or if you can't decide on Muslim land consider North America. It's better than Europe and we're growing fast in shaa Allah. May Allah help us unit as one Ummah.
Malaysia is waiting for you as you would feel right at home. Modern country with lots of Chinese (including Chinese Muslims) and the Malay are very sweet people.
May Allah unite our hearts.
does allah even exist ???
No, thanks. I love my freedom.
I live in Germany and it feels like 1930 but they switched the j with the m
You weren't there in 1930. You don't know what you're talking about.
@@paulthomas281 you weren't there either so how can you say that?!? Look at the rhetoric that was used against js at that time and compare it to the rhetoric used against Muslims today.
@@Jubafree There's no rhetoric being used against us. Stop your victim mentality. The problem is the ideology of Sunni Islam, which is an ideology of society and state, an ideology which is fundamentally intolerant of other belief systems. That's the problem.
@@paulthomas281 Do you pray regularly?
Selam alejkum, I live in Austria. My Grandfather came here as „gastarbeiter“. I have a university degree 😂 but it‘s true that most Muslims with immigration background don‘t have. The Sheikh explaind the circumstances very good, I just want to add that even if Muslims wanted to educate themselfs its wayyy harder here than in America. They even tell you at school from child on, with their behavior and speech that: „you are not one of us. Go back to your country. You are strange, you are so backwards“ and when we go to „our country“ the people there tell us the same😂. So we somehow feel homeless. May Allah make Jannah our home!
May Allah help us to unite in the places we live, so we can develope a community selfawareness and that the hate they show us never becomes manifestet in our Ahlaq. Allahumma amin
That is true. Was also born here. It seems alot of my turkish brothers and arabic brothers in school didnt value education and getting good grades too much. When I would be stressed for a bad mark because my Pakistani parents would be quite mad about it, my turkish and arabic friends were chill about it.
About jobs and chances, it may be true but every now and then I meet someone who immigrated from Asia who landed a good job here or family friends. Alhamdullilah I managed to make my own business and moved to the UAE but still come to Germany for half a year. Its getting better though. Unfortunately there arent many muslim businesses that are not doner shops or shisha cafes. I pray I get wealthy enough soon so I can open shops where hijabi sisters and brothers can practice their religion freely
@@minamurtezani3126 Ausländer in Deutschland und Almanci in Turkei🙄
I am sorry for you. But perhaps you dort know, that also many germans feel homeless? After worldwar 2 there were 14 Millions of refugees inside Germany. I never knew my grandparents or other familymembers, only my Patents and my sister. Dort be selfish, think over others and your own pain will be smaller. God bless you!
@@eissamuslim290 Ich denke oft, dass unser Volk besser nie nach Deutschland/Europa eingewandert wäre.
@@darussalam2022 Da stimme ich dir 100% zu, deshalb würde ich jedem empfehlen auszuziehen wenn man die finanziellen Möglichkeiten hat. In anderen Ländern ist es tausend mal besser als hier.
I live here in Germany and I can agree with what he said. Many muslims start their own business like shops or restaurants, because they struggle to find jobs with good conditions. Most of the good payed jobs are reserved for Germans. Muslims are getting jobs, which many people dont want to do. Even if you are a skilled worker.
If Germany is racist, then why do Indians get many, many good jobs in Germany and Austria. Of course not all, but many work in healthcare and IT and pharmaceuticals and big companies. They are solidly middle-class, not working class. Why is this?
@@paulthomas281Sometimes there is a high demand for workers, so you can't reject the applicants, sometimes it's wage dumping. Those workers do hard work for less money.
@@lightman2258 Yes, that is true. But that is not the result of a so-deemed racist society.
@@paulthomas281Indians are CEOs of top US companies too. They are getting well paid in Germany and other countries too due to their hard work, education and dedication.
@@lightman2258Indians are CEOs of top US companies too. They are getting well paid in Germany and other countries too due to their hard work, education and dedication..
President John Kennedy on Israel
For Israel was not created in order to disappear - Israel will endure and flourish. It is the child of hope and the home of the brave. It can neither be broken by adversity nor demoralized by success. It carries the shield of democracy and it honors the sword of freedom; and no area of the world has ever had an overabundance of democracy and freedom.
I guess he was wrong.
Perhaps your book is misleading
Let's start with the unanswerable the Divine God.
The spiritually sovereignty insists you'll never really know God, but if one were to strip away the illusions one might just come closer than he's ever been.
“God” the unknowable unknown is a mystery not to be solved but to inhabit this isn't the path for those who need neatly packaged answers but for those who seek to encounter the vast mysteries beyond. Even your most sacred truths you cling on to might just be shadows
The Upanishads, Plato and the crew gave birth to the idea that reality’s highest truth is timeless, invisible and outside what can not be named ,written about or spoken off.
Turn down the light of your preconceived ideas. What you are searching for can not be found in the brightness of your dogma. What you see is only a shadow of the true reality . Every certainty you hang on too is just a projection of a light source hidden with the deepest depths.
@robertmitchell8630 yawn! I am not using a book.
@robertmitchell8630 and you wrote plenty without saying much
I was super surprised about the statistics sheikh mentioned because as muslim I live here since 12y and I dont feel the muslim community.....we are not gathered at all but very divided and it breaks my heart now even more knowing we are so numerous and fully agree with Sheikhs analysis, he nailed it. As soon as you suggest something that might be " political" everybody keeps distance and you are alone...indeed what you have in America is a blessing thats why we watch you acting and try to do the same❤
I'm Indian Muslim living in Germany since 11 years most of the things he said here are true especially about Turkish Muslim community their ignorance about ummah deen and following Ritual cultural Islam and hardly any political awareness. They are the reason for lack of Muslim voice in German politics
@@shaifi007 they have strong ties to turkey lots of family that still live in Turkey most of them own properties in Turkey even though they own nothing in Germany. They don't really care if things go bad they go back to turkey. Afghan syrians and most of the other Muslims in Germany don't have that option. Another thing a lot of Turks in Germany are not even Muslim they are alevites but not like shia they are completely out of the folds of Islam and have nothing to do with it.
Turks are very very nationalist even racist now towards arabs in turkey since syrian refugees are living in their country
Not "the" reason but certainly "a big one".
Dude, I am a german native and I can trustworthy say, that arround 80% of the german population have the feeling, that they are not heard in german politics
Assalam walekum
Brother! I am also an Indian Muslim. I earned a masters degree in Islamic Studies from Delhi based university. Nowadays, I am learning German because I want to do another master degree from Frei Universität Berlin, could you help me please.
The reason because Turks and Muslims in general keep distance is that most Germans not want any Muslims around them and see them nothing more as work collegues at most. As Turks we are proud that we have kept our language and traditions to ourselves, as Germany claims to be free country everyone can speak and believe what they want if they don't harm anybody, right? Most Germans have a very negative view about Islam and religion in general. Many Muslims that tried and still do Dawah were pressurized by the media and government. Greetings from Germany...
I am muslim born and raised in germany. Alhamdulillah life is beautiful here. Never had any problems.
Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu Sheikh. I was born and am living in Germany, but my Father's from Italy and I am a revert Alhamdulillah. Anyhow what you are saying and explaining is 100% accurate in every mentioned point subhanallah. Jazakallahu khairan.
Jezakellah kheir brother. Such insight to islam related history so important. I love your lectures.
As a Turk from the Netherlands, our situation is nearly the same. Muslims being distant from each other, Turkish mosques being incapable because we are getting controlled internationally which have no way of knowing in what state we find ourselves, Muslims generally having low education and doing lower class work, Muslims chasing individual wealth and not thinking about the community wellbeing. Too many things to say and our situation saddens me
I’d like to add to Sheikhs analysts that immigrants workers from turkey were also not encouraged to learn German and sometimes even prevented because they weren’t meant to stay same with refugees from the civil war in Lebanon they were often not given opportunity to even attend public schools. The resident status and law in Germany a little different than America. But it has gotten better now There’s a systemic cause behind the fact that only the generations now are attending university because the focus of earlier generations was on surviving and making a living (money) rather than education and climbing up the ladder.
In addition I’d like to add that the indoctrination of Muslims and specifically Arabs,North Africans and Turks starts very early on in school. I and many other Muslim kids were told not even to try to get our “Abitur” which would be equivalent to High school diploma IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL because “we’re not going to make it anyway and that our people are limited”
I was a one of the best students in my class but still didn’t get a recommendation to go to high school. Thankfully my parents taught against it and sent me anyway and I did well
If terms of social justice Germany is sooo far behind the US and when you look at the state of the US this is just sad
I agree. When i was working in Germany I wanted to learn deutsch but the Germans around me strongly advised me not to. I didn't think much of it at the time but I do remember a few occasions when a German would recommend someone else to learn deutsch. For reference I was the only brown person in our entire building of a few hundred.
Thank you for this, your experience with education is what many of my Muslim friends here have told me. To me it is the institutionalized discrimination against Muslims that is designed to keep Muslims in lower socioeconomic classes. It affects education, housing, employment and even childcare. As an American I can say I see a really strong resemblance to the way POC are treated in the US.
Germans are native. They can do what ever they want
@@Hello-uk5xp native to where exactly? And which Germans are you talking about? We're talking about institutionalized discrimination for which human rights organizations like Amnesty international have submitted a report to the UN for.
@@halael4696 Germans welcomed them, they can also kick them out. Germany is not America. It has its own indigenous people
Bro Germany also had scholars who studied Sanskrit and the vedas. It is about how we conduct ourselves in a foreign land that gives refuge to us that matters not our ancestry.
well said.
I would say the situation is somewhat different in the UK, having lived both in France and UK. A lot better in the UK Alhamdulillah
It’s true We have so much blessings in the UK, Muslims are not isolated, and we have freedom.
Better for muslims. Good for the others? Dort think selfish!
We muslims are always whining about not getting treated well in the western countries but then at the same time the same muslims don't wanna go live in the muslim countries, including this yasir qadhi.
We as muslims can never live the same life in the western countries as we might do in the muslims countries.. If we have decided to come live here in the west, we should't be crying about everything. Obviously, there is no question about staying away from Islam but STOP WHINING !!!
They are western individuals, most of them are non-religious or atheists, we can't be expecting kind treatment everytime.
We should be thankful that we're able to live in a good country rather than living in our 3rd world countries, especially the refugees should always be thankful.
thank you for your comment
@@Rano-i9x dunno if u r being sarcastic
I live in Germany and I'm a 3rd generation Turkish woman and it is EXACTLY as Dr. Yasir describes. Unfortunately...
I know some muslims but have no contact whit them anymore, I hope they fine.
move to Taliban then
@@karthiknair1430 Taliban isnt a country, and why sould they move out of there home nation?
@@Sunaki1000Germany is the home nation of Germans. Not someone who's despite living there for three generation likes to be known as only Turkish!
The only criticism, I absolutely agree with is, that the Muslim communities concentrate in different, ethnic groups: The Turks are with the Turks, the Albanians with the Albanians, the Moroccans with the Moroccans and so on. The German Muslims get lost in this ethnic praying centers most of the time. The communities opened up recently and also started to preach in German. But in my opinion, this came a little late.
Im from germany and you Are Right Masha Allah you Are good informed.
I am from Berlin and have only seen one native white Muslim in all the mosques here. If born Muslims did not treat reverts like garbage when they come in, there would be many many more. Turkish are extreme nationalists and find it hard to welcome anyone outside of their ethnicity. It would also help if young Muslims improved their behavior and manners.
May Allah bless you I respect revet a lot you are a plus to the muslim world it is unfortunate that you didn't get respecful treatment
In Germany every individual is like a police this is the difference from USA. I have been to your masjid in USA and living in Germany right now. That is why I can compare very well. In the USA I was able to pray on the street when I was outsite in Germany you feel the suppression unfortunatly by people and also politicians. I do agree most of the thinngs you mentioned. Thank you🙏
What difficulty are you talking about? Ask minorities in Muslim majority countries if you have 1% shame.
The smart ones (Einstein) leave at this 20's stage. I left Germany back in 1995 after growing up there from 1970-1995 and graduating. I moved to the Uk back then and after nearly 30 years being here by now, oäI feel like leaving here as well.
Note: Germany had colonized Territories in East Africa where partly muslims were the majority.
True words brother, it's really difficult here in Germany. I can’t believe that Arab countries (Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, etc.) still turn to Germany for support, despite how we Muslims are often treated here. As a Muslim, you’re often seen as a second-class citizen in Germany, and this has become painfully clear on many occasions-like the case with football star Mesut Özil, which openly showed how people here truly feel. When will there be a real unity among Muslim countries? How many generations will have to go through this?
Thank you, brother, for spreading awareness-you’re hitting the nail on the head. What is the solution for this? There are so many talented, educated Muslims with excellent qualifications, and yet they’re still not hired in many companies simply because they’re Muslim. Please keep sharing your insights. Thank you. May Allah s. T. united us Amin ❤
About education, as a German (Afghan heritage) myself, born and raised, I can say that this whole concept of getting into training/work right after high school, is not only common among Muslims, but it is generally an accepted model here. Germans are more pragmatical, and they acknowledge that a society needs more workers than scholars, and as such, workers are also treated with respect. Like, no one is looking down on someone who didn't go to university. You should also consider the much, much better working conditions in Germany, where working an entry level full time job (40 hours a week) is more than enough for one person to get by, so the parents of these immigrants didn't really see the need for higher education because, let's be frank, there simply is none: The world doesn't need one more statistician, who feels like he is too good for manual labour.
But yeah, with that being said, I still agree with everything you said. This part is just something that may be hard to fathom for an American, for whom not going to university might seem like the end of the world. It's actually the norm here, and up until a few years ago, when sanctioning Russia completely destroyed the German economy, it actually worked really well.
Interesting. Interesting, I hear you, but at the same time, you might not see the true value of higher education. Look at Singapore, for example. The reason it got so rich is because of their high skilled worker export. Granted that isn't a fair comparison, but at the same time, Germany cries about the need for highly skilled workers, and I know quite a few who live in Germany now because of that now.
@@paladin1147 Germany needs also nurses ,electricians and there are so many jobs .A university professor will not put the vegetables and other food into a grocery store.Streets need also to be built etc.
I remember back than, that I didn’t get the support from my family to pursue an university degree. Therefore I had to do a vocational training. After years passing by, my willingness to satisfy the intellectual drive of mine, I decided to begin a bachelors in my late 26s (first one in my family, 2nd generation, from Morocco).
Because of that unconventional vita (we should not forget that German society is quite narrow-fixed minded), almost every of my applications is getting rejected. Now, I’m in a situation where I literally getting punished for trying to break out the social class I grew up in…
But alhamdulilah, Allah swt is the best of planners
Germany needs to fetch its Jews, treat them decently, and pay reparations to Palestine
The Jews are not indigenous to Germany. They're indigenous to Palestine and Medina.
"Who can challenge the rights of the Jews in Palestine? Good Lord, HISTORICALLY IT IS REALLY YOUR COUNTRY..."Yusuf Diya al-Khalidi, Arab Mayor of Jerusalem, 1829.
@Foster-rv6ty No No they are yours
You have to take them and give them Bavaria
@@Foster-rv6tyPalestinian Jews yeah but not all Jews on the face of earth has right to Palestine! 🇵🇸
"Germany needs to fetch its Jews, treat them decently, and pay reparations to Palestine"?!
Do we realize how antisemitic this comment is?
@@Foster-rv6ty Germany should accept israel Germany give them your land if you like them so much
This video shows one of the ways how muslim preachers radicalise muslims, by telling them they are oppressed. This country welcomed you, fulfilled your needs and even beyond, protects your community under many laws which are in fact very double standard in many ways. But you see them as infidels and oppressors, while demanding your gorverning system in their country. Respects are already given to you, but you never respect back. Demanding a one sided respect is nothing but domination, which is something you like to preach behind messages of being oppressed. If there is one muslim country that will treat other minority religious groups like how you have been treated in this country, then none will doubt your claims of being a victim.
In some ways Europe is better than the United States. In Europe university is free and everyone has health insurance. Also there is much less crime and less poverty on the streets. The Middle East and Africa are also close. And if you don't like it in one of the European countries you can emigrate to another European country because it is all within the EU. And the Friday sermons are often still held in Arabic.
I wish you all the best! .May Allah make it easy for all of us.
@@anitapaplogo605and please, not only for muslim. Let us live together in respect and freedom
this lecture is eye open for me. I am living in Italy and I can confirm that the situation's more rest than in German.
yea that with turkish mosques is true but soon in the next years the imams will be speaking german because more and more ppl from other countries visit the mosques too so they understand aswell and i think germany made also a law that its forbidden and the imams need to speak german
I was a student in Germany in the 1970s. The vast majority of Turkish workers could neither read nor write. This state of ignorance still continues. Not much has changed.
Thats not true. The third and fourth Generation is well educated, most visit universities and have degrees. A lot has changed since the guestworker-generation.
@@-.strichpunkt That’s true. What’s changed? Ben bir Türküm. Cehaletten birbirlerini yiyorlar. İslam dini hakkında çok az bilgiye sahipler. Doğru, Evet çok azı eğitimli ve ticareti yükselişe geçti. İslama bir faydası var mı? Hayır!Değişim o kadar az oldu ki; olup-biten de utanç verici! Dini Türk sentezi olarak kabul etmenin sonucu olarak kendi için dünyalarında yaşıyorlar.
Well educated...not in turkey, in german schools! @@-.strichpunkt
Germany knows the calamity happened in Jordan.Which was a Christian country a few decades back ,now become Islamic due to migration.
Masha Allah, may Allah bless you brother and the Muslim umma in general!!
I lived in Germany for several years. When I became pregnant I told my husband we must get out of here and go to my country, USA. I’m so glad we left. You described the situation perfectly.
May Allah grant them reverts in large numbers
The west doesn't want this. Why is this unclear or wrong. We have our own culture. Our own faiths. Our own way of life. Muslims have it good in American because they aren't protesting and demanding sharia.
As a christian i can not speak about christianity and pray freely in a muslim country...
You can go to a church in Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq, Syria they exist
So sad that Muslims fall in this "Divide and rule "and we don't learn. Allah said in surah Al Anam verse 157. Do not divide. Muslims don't learn.
Alhamdulillah for this lecture, it has inspired me to stay steadfast on my deen.
Here in Germany, the attitude towards us is divided, too, as we are divided from the main community. Some are very kind and respecting our deen and some are not so respecting. Integration is a two way street, so as we have the responsibility to fit in, the other part has to make sure that we can carry with us some values, too. The view of most here on Muslims is biased as they connect Islam with terrorism and we are easily canceled when we only try to defend our religion.
Thank you for your opinion Mr. Qadhi and I think education is an important pillar in defending ourselves and finding a compromise. You are right that we are disconnected from the community and it’s about finding a way to find back.
May Allah Azza Wa Jal be with us inshaAllah.
"Integration is a two way street...."
That's only true in an immigrant country like the US. As the Shaykh siad, Germany is NOT an immigrant country.
If you want to come to a country with a set culture, value system, religion, you have to fully adapt
@ wdym? Why then are they representing themselves as such country? Will you deny the millions of immigrants making up over 15% of the population? And how can you expect a human to abolish his beliefs, ideas and principles fully without even giving an opportunity to discuss these? This is wrong thinking
Alhamdullilah! I love these historical videos. Please visit more places and make an entire series or playlists on Islamic history inshallah!
Finally he reached the point ❤ what's that intellectuals will understand ❤❤❤❤❤
The Prophet (صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ) said: “I disown every Muslim who settles among the mushrikeen.” Narrated by Abu Dawood, 2645; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood.
Any religion should be a private matter