Wow your chanel is underrated! One question, could you please shortly describe what key components you would suggest to use in combination with chatgpt-4o-mini to categorize a request, collect some data (based on what type of category it is)? Currently I’m using only instructions, but if you have detailed steps chatgpt should follow + different data he should collect, they are getting huge! I was thinking about vector database, like in your videos, but can’t think about how to handle the category steps correctly (without forgetting something, because it only got „chunks“) & how to categorize the request. Any thoughts are highly appreciated! I can only find „how to collect data“ and „how to use vector database for knowledge retrieval“ but not everything combined: categorizing the request, follow multi steps instructions based on that & collect data step by step. (By the way I’m using azure atm)
Wow your chanel is underrated! One question, could you please shortly describe what key components you would suggest to use in combination with chatgpt-4o-mini to categorize a request, collect some data (based on what type of category it is)? Currently I’m using only instructions, but if you have detailed steps chatgpt should follow + different data he should collect, they are getting huge!
I was thinking about vector database, like in your videos, but can’t think about how to handle the category steps correctly (without forgetting something, because it only got „chunks“) & how to categorize the request. Any thoughts are highly appreciated!
I can only find „how to collect data“ and „how to use vector database for knowledge retrieval“ but not everything combined: categorizing the request, follow multi steps instructions based on that & collect data step by step.
(By the way I’m using azure atm)