SFV - Tokido (Akuma) vs. Poongko (Urien)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @jonnylyden
    @jonnylyden 7 років тому +23

    that 17-hitter Urien combo...

    • @hakugman7319
      @hakugman7319 7 років тому +1

      That was a jaw dropping moment...

    • @TeamIFDVideos
      @TeamIFDVideos 7 років тому +2

      Pretty standard urien combo.

    • @jonnylyden
      @jonnylyden 7 років тому +1

      TeamIFDVideos still better than those BnB combos everyone can do, like the headbutt whiff juggles I do routinely when punishing

  • @SinjiKazama
    @SinjiKazama 7 років тому +18

    Tokido's Akuma is getting cleaner and cleaner

  • @Celestial_Souljah
    @Celestial_Souljah 7 років тому +7

    That DP->V Trigger->b+FP->Zanku->DP combo is sick.

    • @bichassmofo
      @bichassmofo 7 років тому

      Chris Lawyer kind of a waste of v meter tho :/

    • @Celestial_Souljah
      @Celestial_Souljah 7 років тому

      bichasssmofo How so? Do you mean because of damage scaling in the combo?

    • @bichassmofo
      @bichassmofo 7 років тому

      Chris Lawyer yeah, it wastes both gauges to do not even 300 dmg. only good if u rly need to make a comeback imo

    • @Celestial_Souljah
      @Celestial_Souljah 7 років тому

      bichasssmofo That's probably true, but with Akuma's low life, you probably are in the position to need to make a comeback often. I know I have been. lol

  • @FEDWASD1216
    @FEDWASD1216 7 років тому +8

    That Aegis combo doeeeee

  • @rnegoro1
    @rnegoro1 7 років тому +11

    2 sick gamers.....

    • @Fethennour
      @Fethennour 7 років тому +1

      r Negoro Go get a doctor.

    • @Fethennour
      @Fethennour 7 років тому

      ‍ ‍ All of them!

  • @johnc5442
    @johnc5442 7 років тому +1

    Dang, the high level game play here is amazing!

  • @kadabarVIM
    @kadabarVIM 7 років тому +2

    00:53 It's kinda silly that Akuma dramatically leaps for an earth-shaking chop, but the opponent reacts like they were hit by a pebble

  • @HugoPernasMoreno
    @HugoPernasMoreno 7 років тому +4

    3:21 Check which hit fills the meter.

    • @skaterzero07
      @skaterzero07 7 років тому

      Hugo Pernas Moreno hhhhyeeeooo!!! forealllll, I missed that one lol!

  • @sheldoncooper8199
    @sheldoncooper8199 7 років тому +1

    One of these Guys is going to Win Evo 2017 callin it right now

  • @khalisz
    @khalisz 7 років тому

    awesome Tokido @3:15 ✌👍😘

  • @Berzerkam
    @Berzerkam 7 років тому +1

    Tokido is getting really better with Akuma !
    I think that daigo should try Akuma too :)

    • @H0LDENSUX
      @H0LDENSUX 5 років тому

      I've never seen Daigo play Akuma.

  • @aldyshinwa
    @aldyshinwa 7 років тому

    two high lvl players with two great character combo...must watch

    @RAVE_ZERO 7 років тому

    That crazy combo @02:00 ....

  • @koifnen
    @koifnen 7 років тому +4

    Akuma with 2 supers in one round -.- gg sf5

    • @Czesnek
      @Czesnek 7 років тому +2

      This is because he had full meter from the previous round and it is easy to fill full meter in one long round.

    • @captaintorch1238
      @captaintorch1238 7 років тому +1

      koifnen you can do the same in sf4 will ultra and super also what's your point lol

  • @sephysycotic
    @sephysycotic 7 років тому

    anyone who mastered urien gameplay are nearly unbeatable...

  • @seijuro3144
    @seijuro3144 7 років тому

    Jesus Christ, that Urien

  • @augustgreig9420
    @augustgreig9420 7 років тому

    Is that new move if Akumas throw invincible?

    • @nathanmoffitt6663
      @nathanmoffitt6663 7 років тому +1

      August Greig The flying chop? Yeah.

    • @FlockofSmeagles
      @FlockofSmeagles 7 років тому

      It is, and remember that it's plus on block. So, wait for the standing short that comes after it. Resulting in a carry combo.

  • @AvangionQ
    @AvangionQ 7 років тому

    720HD looks like upscaled 480p

  • @enzymesX
    @enzymesX 7 років тому

    my goodness....

  • @rdu239
    @rdu239 7 років тому +1

    Damn, fireball spamming is really ruining exciting match

  • @renzokukenleneyoyo522
    @renzokukenleneyoyo522 7 років тому

    Akuma is such a tool... never though myself rooting against Tokido... oh well Can only hope RB will take him out like trash :)

    • @michaelmayers3622
      @michaelmayers3622 7 років тому

      Renzokuken Leneyoyo no cause ita alums tell tattoo ryu