The Way Of A Ship Reel 1 (1953)

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024
  • Credits: Narration written by A.P. Herbert. Photography - Bernard Till. Film Editor - Lionel Hoare. Sound - W.S. Bland and George Newberry. Spoken by Colin Wills and Howard Marion-Crawford. Music composed by Doreen Carwithen. Musical Director - Muir Mathieson. Produced by Howard Thomas. Directed by Terry Ashwood. The Producers gratefully acknowledge the co-operation and assistance in the making of this film given by Trinity House and Southampton Docks Executive.
    Film begins with shots of a rocky coast, commentator recites poetry about the sea. Various shots of a small harbour on the south coast. Fishing boats, seagulls, fisherman tending to his nets. C/U of the fisherman, he looks out to sea. Narrator talks of the "call of the sea" and of man's fascination with ships of all kinds - small and large. Various shots of yachts in harbour and at sea. C/Us of a yacht tacking.
    A tug boat passes the camera pulling a large ship - the "Oronsay". "A ship's a little world, a city in the sea" states the narrator. High angle shot of the tug from on board ship. The ship is the latest of the Orient line and sails on the Australian run to Sydney or cruises in the Mediterranean. C/U of ship's telegraph. C/U of ship's captain and his mate on the ship's bridge. L/S of the Oronsay passing the camera. High angle shot of small boat pulling alongside the Oronsay. The pilot climbs down the side of the ship and boards the small boat. He waves to his colleagues.
    "Full speed ahead" - various shots of men at work on the bridge and in the engine room. Controls are thrown. High angle shot of the prow of the ship as it cuts through the water. View of the front of the ship. "The Captain" speaks on the soundtrack about his responsibilities. Various shots of the captain and his men at work. The engine room is shown. High angle shot of the ship at sea. L/S and C/U of Officers in white uniforms on the deck of the ship looking through sextants to check the ship's position. Bearings are recorded.
    High angle of a woman looking out to sea on deck of the ship. M/S of two women relaxing on deck reading books. L/S showing passengers on the deck sitting in chairs taking in the sun.
    C/U of the Purser. M/S of the Purser's office. A woman sits at a typewriter in the foreground. Panning shot of the dining room. Diners are served by waiters in smart white uniforms. Shots of diners and staff. M/S of steward walking along holding a jug of coffee. Interior of the ship's kitchen. C/U of the ship chef. Various shots of work in the kitchen including a large pieces of meat being cut up. C/U of dishes of hors d'oeuvres - olives, beans, roll mops etc. M/S of a cook preparing melon. Panning shot of bowls of fruit. L/S of chefs preparing baskets of sweets.
    Staff on deck call "Land Ho" as the ship approaches Palma, Majorca. C/U of ship's telegraph. High angle of anchor being weighed. It is seen falling towards the water and making a big splash. A young sailor rings a large bell on deck. L/S of flag being raised. Passengers disembark. Various shots of the launch taking passengers into the port. C/U of two tourists wearing large sun hats. C/U of legs and feet of the passengers as they leave the launch. C/U of legs and feet of dancers performing a traditional Majorcan dance. C/U of one of the women dancers then various shots of the dancers and the musicians. The dancers wear traditional costume. High angle shot of holidaymakers on a high spot with the sea behind them. Various views of the port - the liner seen in the distance.
    Continued in Reel 2 - see separate records. Reel 2 is on tape *PM1287*.
    FILM ID:1259.06
    FOR LICENSING ENQUIRIES VISIT www.britishpath...
    British Pathé also represents the Reuters historical collection, which includes more than 136,000 items from the news agencies Gaumont Graphic (1910-1932), Empire News Bulletin (1926-1930), British Paramount (1931-1957), and Gaumont British (1934-1959), as well as Visnews content from 1957 to the end of 1984. All footage can be viewed on the British Pathé website. www.britishpat...


  • @fordlandau
    @fordlandau 5 років тому +19

    Brilliant British film making.

  • @royalbloodedledgend
    @royalbloodedledgend 2 роки тому +1

    So pure & clean back then.

  • @JulieWallis1963
    @JulieWallis1963 2 роки тому +4

    Cruise ships still tell how many miles have been travelled at noon each day.

  • @dieseldavetrains8988
    @dieseldavetrains8988 4 місяці тому +1

    I wonder if they, the deck officers, today, on todays modern merchant ships, do a noon sighting with a sextant or has it been replaced with GPS technology? Back in the days when ships were British and proud, and no cheap foreign crew labour. Great video, far too short though!

  • @richatom71
    @richatom71 Рік тому +3

    Must have felt like another world after the War .

  • @neilturner6865
    @neilturner6865 2 роки тому +2

    The famous Orient line

  • @JoeStudd96
    @JoeStudd96 Рік тому +1

    Is the year correct? Camera quality and styles suggest 1963 rather than 1953.

  • @mikmik9034
    @mikmik9034 Рік тому +1

    Narration volume TOO LOW, even turning off the AC I can barely hear it. Other channels and ADS are plenty loud.

    • @barbarapearce9738
      @barbarapearce9738 9 місяців тому

      Get a free volume booster app. Works for me.

  • @Richard-od7yd
    @Richard-od7yd 5 місяців тому

    It looks like where they filmed THE UNINVITED 🫥👻