That was Brad Pitt pulling the grenade on the passenger plane when he noticed there was zombies on it; so technically they still took down the aircraft, indirectly. Yeah.
@@dankovac1609 Yes most civilian planes keep autopilot on for a good chunk of the flight time, the pilots are there to make sure that plane doesn't crash in case autopilot fails, it has before it might again.
Overrun the airbases and the planes have no where to set down for refuel and rearm. Not to mention it is more cost and resource effective to run a squad of 7.62mm dmr wielding marksmen with a ifv in support firing 25mm canister shot.
If you think about it thats probably the closest thing to a real zombie apocalypse. Soldiers holding their ground with all they have to keep the undead at bay. Damn nice job mate!
***** i meant it in the last stand way when the confrontation is unavoidable. Like keeping those undead fuckfaces off as long as the evacuation of civilians isnt complete
@@TheDAWinz Imagine this scenario on a large urban center like São Paulo, imagine millions charging onto your position and your orders are not to take a step back, now imagine the stampede, the screaming, the fear... it would be Hell on earth
I've lost 30,000 men in a blink of an eye. And the whole world just fucking watched. Tomorrow, there will be no shortage of volunteers, no shortage of patriots. I know you understand. - General Shepherd.
5 years ago...I fucked 30,000 men in the blink of an eye...and the world just fffffffuckin fapped. tomorrow, there will be no shortage of sluts, no shortage of gigolos... you wouldn't understand.
I love how you used the Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2's music and dialogue. Really just all the sounds used from various games work great. It just fit the situation so well
"This will be fun and entertaining, I've been waiting all my military life for a zombie apocalypse. You know what? I'll open all the channels at the same time to listen how my partners are struggling with this, I bet it'll be fun!" 7/10 -IGN Not enough open channels.
Your video gave me PTSD. 101st Airborne. Currently on active duty orders. 6 years and still going strong. But this video literally gave me PTSD. And I almost shit myself. Good work
Addressing some issues concerning this video. Thanks for all the feedback too! :) *Plane shot down in the beginning* This was Brad Pitt on board the airliner pulling the pin out of a grenade after witnessing the cabin was filled with infected. *Why trenches and barbed wire?* The Colonel in charge of the defence of Arizona had just rotated back from Germany. Utilising his Cold War mindset and doctrine, he felt best that troops dug out trenches in the sweltering hot summer of Arizona, in full MOPP gear, you know, just in case Zack decided he was going to call in airstrikes and fire missions ;) *Building collapsed at the beginning* The building had collapsed due to earlier engagements with infected further into the city and the building endured substantial damage to its structural columns. *Jumping Zombies* I had used these zombies to allow them to gain ground quicker. I have read everyone's comments regarding this though. I will make adjustments in future videos to cater to negative feedback. *Sparsely thinned out zombies/low frames?* ArmA 3 engine is a bitch to get a good game running with decent frames. I replay every scenario hundreds of times to get just a decent amount of frames, which means sacrificing zombie numbers for performance and adjusting stuff in the editor. Also, regarding frames, all my videos are rendered in 29.97 frames in Vegas. The same frame rate your eyes see watching movies. I'd rather not put up a video thats a slide show or a shitfest of a thing. No one wants to watch a Powerpoint slide show. I have another video in the works, it's nearly done. Should be out in the next few days. Thanks everyone for commenting and leaving their thoughts, both positive and negative, I appreciate them. See ya's around!
"cater to negative feedback" Just don't cater so much as to no longer cater to positive feedback. Also maybe add some civilians helping the military into the mix (a suggestion not a critique).
+FirstDagger Yonkers was a full scale military operation initially meant to bring peace to the minds of the country. Instead it just made the great panic worse.
+Random Person sa m'attriste de voir comment les gens se permette de voir la France ... Si voûte été anglais retenez que si vous ne vous ete pas fait envahi c'est uniquement grâce à votre île et appart rester sur votre îles vous avez servie à rien ! Si vous USA alors la seule victoire qui vous a permi de. Remporter c'est uniquement parsque vous avez attaquer l'Allemagne nazi à la fin de la guerre ! Celle-ci était complètement affaiblie donc facile à battre ceci malgré sa vous avez eu énormément de mal ! D'ailleurs un char tigre avait détruit 20 des vôtres ! Les soldats us s'armait même avec des arme allemande tellement que la leur était à chier ! Et vos soldat était bien moins courageux , combatif que les allemand ! Par contre aime violer tout se qu'il croisait ! Actuellement dans le classement l'armée française est au dessus de l'Angleterre ! et elle impressionne de nombreux officier ! D'ailleurs elle combat tellement le terrorisme qu'elle se chope d'atroce attentat, qui m'attriste
They would just swarm it and the first ones will just lay down on the wires while other just runs on the ones laying down, in this case creating a "bridge" over. Which means you would be fucked. I'm not saying that trenches and HESCO makes it better but maybe all three combined together would at least give you some benefit of it rather then just having lots of c wire alone.
+Straya WG Trenches arent built for comfort, they are protection from enemy fire. If zombies arent shooting it was a waste of man power. The ground is plenty stable too.
Loved the video with the Call of duty audio made it hit home. looks fun as a last stand scenario. I think some are over criticizing this mod. Keep up the good work I look forward to what else you'll release
The soundtrack at the start is from MW3, the rest is mostly from MW2. Most of the radio chatter is from the missions 'Wolverines' and 'Of Their Own Accord' in MW2. I find it appalling that the uploader didn't even reference these media in the description. :/
you do understand that its fair use right? he can use whatever he pleases and he dosent have to give it a "special mention" get your facts right and sit down
Here's what I would do as a military commander against zombies. 1. Maintain an ELASTIC defense. Fall back when needed. None of that fixed prepared positions crap. 2. Single shot fire only. Including vehicles. Hitting a man sized target is TOO EASY with modern gear and training. Modern AFVs can hit a moving football sized target at 2 mi FIRST SHOT. 3. Forget all that gear. Weapons and ammo ONLY. It's all useless against an enemy that is essentially a target range simulator that is only dangerous at HAND TO HAND combat range. 4. Periodically check all personnel for bites. If bites are found, either immediately execute (if willing) or quarantine for immediate execution upon reanimation or just before reanimation (if unwilling to kill comrades) 5. LOTSA AIR SUPPORT. GAAWWWWD. IS THAT SO HARD???????? Maybe it is actually, if so much is demanded...BUT STILL. 6. COMMUNICATIONS, RECONNAISSANCE, SURVEILLANCE to keep track of zombies. We have drones. We have radios. We have night vision.
If they sense that they can't hold a position much longer (which should be easy) then get an Air evac, don't die for no reason, set up walls that can't be climbed and have chokepoints and whenever possible use vehicles to do the heavy lifting, if you're in a tank you are 100% safe. Also the Armour is actually quite good since zombies can't bite through armour and helmets etc, it would decrease the chance of soldiers getting infected.
Prancer my dude, just get some high up vehicles with fireteams in the back, shooting at all sides, get an apc in the front to move everything out of the way, and plow down city streets, have vehicles in the back too pick up survivors and clean up
If I were the commander?. 1: Wear Some armor Atleast. 2:Fix up a Barrier 3:Put attilery Pieces along the back 4:Would use Tanks In a Line. 5:Fix Some Lights. 6:Every Week. 1 Supply drop 6: Equip Soldiers with Combat Knives 7:Equip Soldiers with XM30s 8:Semi Auto on all XM30s since It would waste ammo On auto Just to kill 1 Zombie. 9:Setup Zombie traps. 10:Build Strong Fortifications 11:Would Try to use Less Resources
Very nicely made video. I was worried because so many people use the thumbnail to bring in people for other things and then the video isnt even in correlation with the thumbnail. enjoyed it very much.
Whenever I see stuff like that going on I always chalk it up to either the pilot turned into a zombie or it's a flood type zombie where they wield guns
I mean, that was kind of interesting, but the entire idea of attempting to stop a horde that size by fortifying out in the middle of a flat area is stuuuuuuupid. Chokepoints man, basic tactics. Alternating lines of fire so people can reload. Go read the World War Z book or something(not the shitty movie).
pretty much, although, I think this guy is making like his own series and story so maybe it takes place in the same universe? I think it's probably just a reference though, because it'd be the movie universe, not the book one.
I love this. You have an original idea that is going to spark your channel if you keep this up. Great work!(also I want to know is arma3 really like this?
+The gaming wolf Š cheers mate :) is it really like this? Yes and no. Everything I've made in the editor is simply having zombies scripted to spawn and move to an area. The building collapsed as part of a trigger that gets activated including the plane that crashed. Everything else is unscripted. It took me several takes to get a good video which was this one. The zombies have direction but they behave unscripted. So If recorded this again it will be different except for that building collapsing and the plane can crash land in different forms too. Arma 3 uses a combination of scripted and unscripted events which can make things incredibly replayable (and also difficult to get a good recording take).
+Cayden I loved how the NPC's could hold conversations. So did you script any of those conversations or any of the radio call outs? And a -little bit off topic- but I've noticed an influx of gamers from Australia and New Zealand, is it just coincidence?
For muscle movement to happen their needs to be blood. I'm not sure in the case of zombies if said blood would need to be warm(since humans are warm blooded mammals) but I still think it's quite possible for them to emit an IR signature, maybe a reduced one but still one none the less. And it's in Arizona which is hot so maybe the zombie bodies are absorbing heat too. IDK their zombies which are biologically impossible, no movie, game, book has agreed on universal zombie traits so there's no telling.
In 90% of zombie movies/games the first symptom is an increase in core body temp resulting in an increased rate of decay among other things. I think it's safe to say they'd show up and be decisively different to a normal healthy person. Not to mention to move a muscle you need blood to be pumped to the muscle, to pump blood you need a working heart, to send the signal you need a working brain. 100% of movies/games the zombie doesn't have a working heart or brain :P
I'm still trying to figure out how they managed to tip a building over, but somehow it just managed to prop itself up against another building instead of collapsing.
I know!!! A zombie bit a civilian holding a hangun, he shot it as he panicked as he was getting bit, the bullet hit a commander of a tank who fell on the gunner who pulled the trigger as he shot, the shrapnel from the explosion then hit a person with a stinger who then fell back and shot, the rocket then magically locked on to the heat signature of the plane and then the plane blew up. The end.
I have watched this video now more times than I have listened to music. The making of this video is still just so awesome to me. Maybe it is my autistic side, but the voice samples put in were perfect. The "THIS IS IT" part is my favourite part of this video, but everything was made in a way that really adds a deep atmosphere to this. I would love to see a video where you are part of a large force that has to clear at least 3 towns or a large city, but made just like this. Soldiers start out cocky, high spirited (voice samples, of course to set the mood), & as the losses just continue to escalate, the soldiers just slowly begin to break... There might be a few lines you could pull from Black Hawk Down... Cheers, lad!
This is a really professionally done video. In RL (LOL!) you would, as someone posted below, use lots of wire and no Hesco or trenches. You would also see VASTLY better fire disclipline with c. 1% of the ammo usage. :)
I have the same issue, I spent 6 hours building a massive fort, only to find out that the battle didn't work as everyone just lied down behind the walls
in Arma 2 you can put "this setunitpos "UP";" in a unit's init box for standing or replace "UP" with "MIDDLE" for crouching. I don't have Arma 3 but I would think the command is the same.
+Niska Magnusson inside the Eden editor you can actually set stances/positions for each unit. I've set everyone to stand up as you know. It's under each units properties. If it's not there, it may be apart of a mod I have downloaded called 3den extra which adds more functions
I'm more concerned about how zombies always seem to be able to destroy massive buildings. Did an entire bus full of suicide bombers get infected or something?
game: arma 3 realistic military shooter, you’re engaging targets and in this case, zombies, 20-500+ meters away. obviously you’re not gonna be able to see them.
Great references to the WW-Z _Book_ ... yes I enjoyed the movie & would love to see a sequel, yes I know the book is always better then the movie but unless you've read WW-Z you never know just how unlike the book the movie actually is...
OMG..WOW !!!...I love this video...lions, tigers and bears, and the determine relentless onslaught of massive hordes of mindless savage jumping and flying bloodthirsty killer zombies ...Oh, my !!! This video is so damn wonderful, it makes me want to jump up and down...Turn around and shout and cry gleefully with tears of shameless childish joy !!! Well done, Cayden...Well done !!! You are the Man, with the MASTER PLAN and THE BEST IN CYBER-SPACE when it comes to making the great action ARMA3 videos that are fun, and well-crafted, filled with loving details, patience, time and care... That really...ROCKS...with heart and soul !!! You are not only a great video artist maker...who is truly above and beyond that and a deluxe bag of potato chips...You are first and foremost second to none. You are true a... JEDI ZEN MASTER... of the "ARMA 3" video production making art form !!!
Honestly I would like to see more zombie game videos like this it was awesome kinda of like a last defense line for the living army or what ever military branch and I like how they stood their ground keeping making more please.
Im late to the party , but i feel the need to just add that this ission is amazingly well done, its just some decent voice acting away from passing for a triple a single player shooter segment
It’s stuff like this that makes the gaming fun and what it’s suppose to be used for . Its fun being able to create scenarios and be able to create them virtually. Cool stuff
this is cool. I love the setting and the concept. This game would seriously be a drop down hit if it were at the COD/Battlefield graphics level. I love the realistic feel of it just being an isolated outpost and a pitched battle.
In every movie and game, I never fail to be impressed at the incredible ability of zombies to take down aircraft.
That was Brad Pitt pulling the grenade on the passenger plane when he noticed there was zombies on it; so technically they still took down the aircraft, indirectly. Yeah.
I mean wouldn't the autopilot be on at least?
@@dankovac1609 that makes sense the pilota KEEP IT ON
Yes most civilian planes keep autopilot on for a good chunk of the flight time, the pilots are there to make sure that plane doesn't crash in case autopilot fails, it has before it might again.
Overrun the airbases and the planes have no where to set down for refuel and rearm. Not to mention it is more cost and resource effective to run a squad of 7.62mm dmr wielding marksmen with a ifv in support firing 25mm canister shot.
If you think about it thats probably the closest thing to a real zombie apocalypse.
Soldiers holding their ground with all they have to keep the undead at bay.
Damn nice job mate!
***** i meant it in the last stand way when the confrontation is unavoidable. Like keeping those undead fuckfaces off as long as the evacuation of civilians isnt complete
looks like someone did his research on something fucking pointless.
They never heard of the automated defenses. Who need soldiers when a computer controlled turret could kill anything as long as it have ammo.
+GutsLCF zombie apocolypse could never happen and would end with the first zombie. One soldier with an lmg could kill thousands of zombies anyway.
@@TheDAWinz Imagine this scenario on a large urban center like São Paulo, imagine millions charging onto your position and your orders are not to take a step back, now imagine the stampede, the screaming, the fear... it would be Hell on earth
Things arma 4 needs:
-Better optimization
Just that. Everything else can be fixed in many ways by modders.
Kek tells the truth
Flight Models can't be fixed by modders.
Arma 4 confirmed! Summer 2076! HYPE
Actually its ARMA 4.000.000: The Galatic Alliance Versus The Death Aliens. Pre-order includes the Jurassic Period DLC
I've lost 30,000 men in a blink of an eye. And the whole world just fucking watched. Tomorrow, there will be no shortage of volunteers, no shortage of patriots. I know you understand. - General Shepherd.
didnt he torch me
+Jay Kay RIP Ghost
Too bad he was indoctrinated :D
Not gonna lie though...I agreed with general shepherd. If i could choose a side it was his.
5 years ago...I fucked 30,000 men in the blink of an eye...and the world just fffffffuckin fapped. tomorrow, there will be no shortage of sluts, no shortage of gigolos... you wouldn't understand.
what kind of PC did you need to run this badboy lol!
Hi Matsimus glad to see ya here
Rayzen X3900
I predict an i7 gaming pc
I love how you used the Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2's music and dialogue. Really just all the sounds used from various games work great. It just fit the situation so well
"This will be fun and entertaining, I've been waiting all my military life for a zombie apocalypse.
You know what? I'll open all the channels at the same time to listen how my partners are struggling with this, I bet it'll be fun!"
7/10 -IGN
Not enough open channels.
Ask a scientist to make a virus
**Buys the Game**
Arma:3 in a nutshell for me.
Also Liked, Favorited, and Subscribed! Well Done!
complicated only if you didn't play since OFP haha
NukeCorruption lol
It's a military sim, what'd you expect?
luckily if zombies could jump like that in real life there knee caps would go threw there stomach
I didn't know there were zombies in real life...
I didn't know there were zombies in real life...
Haha that's true
if they have the strength to push themselves that high without exploding, they should be able to land without destroying their legs.
+Trentis yep there are zombies in haiti. this is inffluenced by using herbs and drugs to make them almost braindead and a slave.
Your video gave me PTSD. 101st Airborne. Currently on active duty orders. 6 years and still going strong. But this video literally gave me PTSD. And I almost shit myself. Good work
you should make these into misson files!
these would be amazing missons!
Second that ^
5e that
gonna end "that".
Addressing some issues concerning this video. Thanks for all the feedback too! :)
*Plane shot down in the beginning*
This was Brad Pitt on board the airliner pulling the pin out of a grenade after witnessing the cabin was filled with infected.
*Why trenches and barbed wire?*
The Colonel in charge of the defence of Arizona had just rotated back from Germany. Utilising his Cold War mindset and doctrine, he felt best that troops dug out trenches in the sweltering hot summer of Arizona, in full MOPP gear, you know, just in case Zack decided he was going to call in airstrikes and fire missions ;)
*Building collapsed at the beginning*
The building had collapsed due to earlier engagements with infected further into the city and the building endured substantial damage to its structural columns.
*Jumping Zombies*
I had used these zombies to allow them to gain ground quicker. I have read everyone's comments regarding this though. I will make adjustments in future videos to cater to negative feedback.
*Sparsely thinned out zombies/low frames?*
ArmA 3 engine is a bitch to get a good game running with decent frames. I replay every scenario hundreds of times to get just a decent amount of frames, which means sacrificing zombie numbers for performance and adjusting stuff in the editor. Also, regarding frames, all my videos are rendered in 29.97 frames in Vegas. The same frame rate your eyes see watching movies. I'd rather not put up a video thats a slide show or a shitfest of a thing. No one wants to watch a Powerpoint slide show.
I have another video in the works, it's nearly done. Should be out in the next few days. Thanks everyone for commenting and leaving their thoughts, both positive and negative, I appreciate them. See ya's around!
"cater to negative feedback" Just don't cater so much as to no longer cater to positive feedback. Also maybe add some civilians helping the military into the mix (a suggestion not a critique).
+FirstDagger Yonkers was a full scale military operation initially meant to bring peace to the minds of the country. Instead it just made the great panic worse.
Space Hitler
Maybe some PMCs who were "on the fence" then ?
FirstDagger All the private military corps were either guarding rich people. Or split up beyond repair. Or dead.
Can someone explain me what's "incoming"? Are zombies using missiles or airplanes?
the music just brings back the feels i felt in MW2
the lvl when the war is in DC
to their own accords
of their own accord i forget
they just cut out sgtfoleys voice
+Cynical Death of their accord
+reallifefoeXD Gaming HD own
You didn't have an escape plan? How very heroic of you... feeding the zombies.
Hey everyone needs lunch.
they zombies were hungry :3
+Acekiler45D true that the zombies were very hungry :3
I'll have you know that his acts were in accordance with the Redeker plan
+TheSquidNinja yesssss!
those mw2 sound effects lmaoo
+Miquel no need for the tantrum child
MW2 sound are embedded in my head, i saw the beginning and i was MW2
+Random Person sa m'attriste de voir comment les gens se permette de voir la France ... Si voûte été anglais retenez que si vous ne vous ete pas fait envahi c'est uniquement grâce à votre île et appart rester sur votre îles vous avez servie à rien ! Si vous USA alors la seule victoire qui vous a permi de. Remporter c'est uniquement parsque vous avez attaquer l'Allemagne nazi à la fin de la guerre ! Celle-ci était complètement affaiblie donc facile à battre ceci malgré sa vous avez eu énormément de mal ! D'ailleurs un char tigre avait détruit 20 des vôtres ! Les soldats us s'armait même avec des arme allemande tellement que la leur était à chier ! Et vos soldat était bien moins courageux , combatif que les allemand ! Par contre aime violer tout se qu'il croisait ! Actuellement dans le classement l'armée française est au dessus de l'Angleterre ! et elle impressionne de nombreux officier ! D'ailleurs elle combat tellement le terrorisme qu'elle se chope d'atroce attentat, qui m'attriste
the beginning is like the mission "Of Their Own Accord" of MW2 :)
It was I know the music and voice lines anywhere
The COD music/sound effects honestly gave me chills, well done mate! Awesome video!!!!
Mejusta tus videos
LOL random ass mosque in the middle of Arizona is the last stand. How the hell did the airplane catch fire and go down?! Loved it!!
I like how everyone just died.
I like how Arizona is just a city in a desert.
And I like how desperately he tried to pick up the shotgun.
I like it.
I literally just watched this entire video and i was absorbed into it. Good fuckin job. This should become a legit as fuck movie as well
You know you're in trouble when zombies control SAM's and can demolish buildings.....
Unless the Zombies have guns, I don't think you need trenches and hesco. But you will probably want lots and lots of c wire.
They would just swarm it and the first ones will just lay down on the wires while other just runs on the ones laying down, in this case creating a "bridge" over. Which means you would be fucked.
I'm not saying that trenches and HESCO makes it better but maybe all three combined together would at least give you some benefit of it rather then just having lots of c wire alone.
the trenches make shoulders feel safe imagine just standing in an open field as zombies charge you probably not the best feeling
+Jacob Rice yeah my shoulders always need comforting in most situations xp
Trenches to rest your rifle on and provide a stable base for bi pods, hesco as walls to keep zombies out. These aren't hard concepts.
+Straya WG Trenches arent built for comfort, they are protection from enemy fire. If zombies arent shooting it was a waste of man power. The ground is plenty stable too.
10:32 That moment LoL 😂😂😂
The original ARMA 3 zombie video... loved the immersion in it
Loved the video with the Call of duty audio made it hit home. looks fun as a last stand scenario. I think some are over criticizing this mod. Keep up the good work I look forward to what else you'll release
Is that Detroit in the background? Shit, i didnt knew BLM was that bad.
Hahaha oh yeah BLM is a terrorist group
It's *"somewhere in arizona"* as he stated in the vid,
@@kellyamosrobertson9669 r/woooosh
@@chohyunil3804 Things have been bad for a long long time now
U.S. Border Security VS Mexicans, 2017 Trump's Great Wall.
LMAO vivlia tacos
Ha good one 😁😁
Lol, top comment xD
The soundtrack at the start is from MW3, the rest is mostly from MW2. Most of the radio chatter is from the missions 'Wolverines' and 'Of Their Own Accord' in MW2. I find it appalling that the uploader didn't even reference these media in the description. :/
You have a point, fixed :)
Hats off to you, mate. Apologies for my somewhat disrespectful remark at the end! Respect!
No worries man! Take it easy!
There's nothing wrong with that... no one else references their stuff either so I don't see why you need to bash him for it.
you do understand that its fair use right? he can use whatever he pleases and he dosent have to give it a "special mention" get your facts right and sit down
Me at 11: one more video and I'll go to sleep
Me at 3am:
Awesome video mate good use of the COD audio overlaying the video really got me in on it well made.
Wow you really like zombies
But then again who doesn't of.
It really depends on the game.
Sparse mass of zombies incoming, everyone shoots automatic fire.
Those things took a lot of shots to kill tho.
This is arma. Its hard to shoot a sprinting target in the head.
"fast" zombies least i like The Walking Dead's return to the classic zombie.
Here's what I would do as a military commander against zombies.
1. Maintain an ELASTIC defense. Fall back when needed. None of that fixed prepared positions crap.
2. Single shot fire only. Including vehicles. Hitting a man sized target is TOO EASY with modern gear and training. Modern AFVs can hit a moving football sized target at 2 mi FIRST SHOT.
3. Forget all that gear. Weapons and ammo ONLY. It's all useless against an enemy that is essentially a target range simulator that is only dangerous at HAND TO HAND combat range.
4. Periodically check all personnel for bites. If bites are found, either immediately execute (if willing) or quarantine for immediate execution upon reanimation or just before reanimation (if unwilling to kill comrades)
5. LOTSA AIR SUPPORT. GAAWWWWD. IS THAT SO HARD???????? Maybe it is actually, if so much is demanded...BUT STILL.
6. COMMUNICATIONS, RECONNAISSANCE, SURVEILLANCE to keep track of zombies. We have drones. We have radios. We have night vision.
Awesome video anyways. Loved it and enjoyed it :)
I would like to have you on my side if a zombie outbreak ever happens x3
If they sense that they can't hold a position much longer (which should be easy) then get an Air evac, don't die for no reason, set up walls that can't be climbed and have chokepoints and whenever possible use vehicles to do the heavy lifting, if you're in a tank you are 100% safe.
Also the Armour is actually quite good since zombies can't bite through armour and helmets etc, it would decrease the chance of soldiers getting infected.
Prancer my dude, just get some high up vehicles with fireteams in the back, shooting at all sides, get an apc in the front to move everything out of the way, and plow down city streets, have vehicles in the back too pick up survivors and clean up
If I were the commander?.
1: Wear Some armor Atleast.
2:Fix up a Barrier
3:Put attilery Pieces along the back
4:Would use Tanks In a Line.
5:Fix Some Lights.
6:Every Week. 1 Supply drop
6: Equip Soldiers with Combat Knives
7:Equip Soldiers with XM30s
8:Semi Auto on all XM30s since It would waste ammo On auto Just to kill 1 Zombie.
9:Setup Zombie traps.
10:Build Strong Fortifications
11:Would Try to use Less Resources
Very nicely made video. I was worried because so many people use the thumbnail to bring in people for other things and then the video isnt even in correlation with the thumbnail.
enjoyed it very much.
The first few minutes were like watching a good movie. Or kinda like an intro to it. Man that felt like a pro movie trailer
i love this viveo it looks pretty real. dude u need to make a story with it it would be awesome
Kinda reminds me of COD:MW2, the assault on the white house
"Of Their Own Accord" is what it's called,
how are zombies shooting down helis?
someone aboard turned into a zombie i guess
It was brad pitt pulling a grenade pin in the plane
+tehsleepysheepy [*] brad pitt
Whenever I see stuff like that going on I always chalk it up to either the pilot turned into a zombie or it's a flood type zombie where they wield guns
WOW!! It's just like a first person movie and game at the same time.
That was so badass. I've got half a mind to buy Arma III.
and the other half agrees
I mean, that was kind of interesting, but the entire idea of attempting to stop a horde that size by fortifying out in the middle of a flat area is stuuuuuuupid. Chokepoints man, basic tactics. Alternating lines of fire so people can reload. Go read the World War Z book or something(not the shitty movie).
Even then, in the book it didn't work, I think he might have been hinting World War Z in the beginning by mentioning Yonkers, just a guess though.
I'm guessing this is in the beginning where the military had little knowledge about effectively fighting the zombies
pretty much, although, I think this guy is making like his own series and story so maybe it takes place in the same universe? I think it's probably just a reference though, because it'd be the movie universe, not the book one.
This video reminded me so much of the Yonkers battle from the book
Those are assualt rifles, assuming they aren't critical strike zombies and you have this many men you shouldn't be taking a single casualty.
I love this. You have an original idea that is going to spark your channel if you keep this up. Great work!(also I want to know is arma3 really like this?
+The gaming wolf Š cheers mate :) is it really like this? Yes and no. Everything I've made in the editor is simply having zombies scripted to spawn and move to an area. The building collapsed as part of a trigger that gets activated including the plane that crashed. Everything else is unscripted. It took me several takes to get a good video which was this one. The zombies have direction but they behave unscripted. So If recorded this again it will be different except for that building collapsing and the plane can crash land in different forms too.
Arma 3 uses a combination of scripted and unscripted events which can make things incredibly replayable (and also difficult to get a good recording take).
+Cayden thanks
+Cayden I loved how the NPC's could hold conversations. So did you script any of those conversations or any of the radio call outs? And a -little bit off topic- but I've noticed an influx of gamers from Australia and New Zealand, is it just coincidence?
this needs to be a mission on the steam workshop! and we also need a battle of yonkers on the workshop too lol
I feel like zombies are so much stronger in games than they would be in real life lol. Awesome video though :)
Cool! Well made, but amazing how the zombies can make helicopters crash and buildings collapse xD
Ahhh Arma gameplay footage. In full 20 fps.
What's with the mw2 music
goes well with the video. why not?
Alexandros Varvarigos what's with the picture of the car
Wouldn't the zombies not show up on the thermal imaging camera though since they're dead and have no body heat?
For muscle movement to happen their needs to be blood. I'm not sure in the case of zombies if said blood would need to be warm(since humans are warm blooded mammals) but I still think it's quite possible for them to emit an IR signature, maybe a reduced one but still one none the less. And it's in Arizona which is hot so maybe the zombie bodies are absorbing heat too.
IDK their zombies which are biologically impossible, no movie, game, book has agreed on universal zombie traits so there's no telling.
I dunno, maybe it's you know I have no idea the burnt ones would show up though
In 90% of zombie movies/games the first symptom is an increase in core body temp resulting in an increased rate of decay among other things. I think it's safe to say they'd show up and be decisively different to a normal healthy person. Not to mention to move a muscle you need blood to be pumped to the muscle, to pump blood you need a working heart, to send the signal you need a working brain. 100% of movies/games the zombie doesn't have a working heart or brain :P
Kvng Coupe254
Cayden plz keep making these, these are what makes a bad day better
this was an awesome vid. loved how they just rushed the base at the end and messed everything up!
the zombies can jump really high and run fast, what kind of zombies are those
Olympic zombies :)
if u look closely they are black
if u look closely they are black
So that's why, Zombies are good at running. Black people are good at running duh.
Just kidding. I was messing around. Jkjk, lol.
+ᄃ최윤석 LMFAO Actually.. Ol' buddy was telling the truth.. We black people really can do those things.
How can the Plane be shot down by Zombies? :DDD
I'm still trying to figure out how they managed to tip a building over, but somehow it just managed to prop itself up against another building instead of collapsing.
+Scott Kaptur maybe the military tried to bomb the shit out of the zombies
false flag, an excuse to shoot the zombies
I know!!! A zombie bit a civilian holding a hangun, he shot it as he panicked as he was getting bit, the bullet hit a commander of a tank who fell on the gunner who pulled the trigger as he shot, the shrapnel from the explosion then hit a person with a stinger who then fell back and shot, the rocket then magically locked on to the heat signature of the plane and then the plane blew up. The end.
MrCoolguy425 Oh my god ! You're right ! Thanks :DD
MW2 hang efekt van berakva. :-)
Más is észre vette :D best game ever :3
+LevimesterTheOne XD
I have watched this video now more times than I have listened to music. The making of this video is still just so awesome to me.
Maybe it is my autistic side, but the voice samples put in were perfect. The "THIS IS IT" part is my favourite part of this video, but everything was made in a way that really adds a deep atmosphere to this.
I would love to see a video where you are part of a large force that has to clear at least 3 towns or a large city, but made just like this.
Soldiers start out cocky, high spirited (voice samples, of course to set the mood), & as the losses just continue to escalate, the soldiers just slowly begin to break...
There might be a few lines you could pull from Black Hawk Down...
Cheers, lad!
This is a really professionally done video. In RL (LOL!) you would, as someone posted below, use lots of wire and no Hesco or trenches. You would also see VASTLY better fire disclipline with c. 1% of the ammo usage. :)
what command is used to make the soldiers stand above the cover? when i'm in the editor they just lay behind it and dont return fire
I have the same issue, I spent 6 hours building a massive fort, only to find out that the battle didn't work as everyone just lied down behind the walls
in Arma 2 you can put "this setunitpos "UP";" in a unit's init box for standing or replace "UP" with "MIDDLE" for crouching. I don't have Arma 3 but I would think the command is the same.
+Niska Magnusson inside the Eden editor you can actually set stances/positions for each unit. I've set everyone to stand up as you know. It's under each units properties. If it's not there, it may be apart of a mod I have downloaded called 3den extra which adds more functions
Cayden thank you :) i appreciate the help
Wait, how do zombies take down a plane?
They can jump really high in this.
Lasers of course
The pilots took off in a hurry because zombies had surrounded them. Zombies hold onto the plane and get sucked into the engines.
I'm more concerned about how zombies always seem to be able to destroy massive buildings. Did an entire bus full of suicide bombers get infected or something?
Sarah Paramount Don't really know how you get "sucked" in the engine.
how did you get the vid voices in? in the vid editor?
+lake lolybo I extracted them from modern warfare files and try were added in during editing in Sony Vegas
Damn wish it was a mod XD thanks for replying
One last thing, the units how did you get the gas mask for all of em, im looking for a mod that has units like this
+ColdFrontGames oh thanks, I want to know how to do it in files so I can just spawn em in
I don't even remember hearing these voices.
This is very well done. Good Job
Loved the MW2 sounds at the beginning, that brings me back
I can´t even see what you are shooting at on this game.
Ross Gerard u must be blind..
game: arma 3
realistic military shooter, you’re engaging targets and in this case, zombies, 20-500+ meters away. obviously you’re not gonna be able to see them.
Whats the Gate of Ishtar doing in Arizona?
Great references to the WW-Z _Book_ ... yes I enjoyed the movie & would love to see a sequel, yes I know the book is always better then the movie but unless you've read WW-Z you never know just how unlike the book the movie actually is...
💎This looks like a movie...its so good i want there to be a second one💎
damn PC has some good games
better than consoles
Mudokon Not really both have there own negative things
Am I the only one who noticed that this entire thing had dialogue and music from COD: Modern Warfare 1, 2, and 3?
its like call of duty
OMG..WOW !!!...I love this video...lions, tigers and bears, and the determine relentless onslaught of massive hordes of mindless savage jumping and flying bloodthirsty killer zombies ...Oh, my !!!
This video is so damn wonderful, it makes me want to jump up and down...Turn around and shout and cry gleefully with tears of shameless childish joy !!!
Well done, Cayden...Well done !!!
You are the Man, with the MASTER PLAN and THE BEST IN CYBER-SPACE when it comes to making the great action ARMA3 videos that are fun, and well-crafted, filled with loving details, patience, time and care... That really...ROCKS...with heart and soul !!!
You are not only a great video artist maker...who is truly above and beyond that and a deluxe bag of potato chips...You are first and foremost second to none. You are true a... JEDI ZEN MASTER... of the "ARMA 3" video production making art form !!!
I like this video crazy intense 🔥🔥🔥firefight!!!!
Did the injured soldiers in the beginning get shot or bit, idk
Chris Pastrana knocked out by a zombie or scrached
kinda wish you had used real people and not a robot voice would be a lot better
This video same MW2 Washington mission D
nostalgic comin back to this
Nice Video man i like the way you used the ambiance of Battlefield and Call of Duty in your vid
keep it up
Honestly the text to speech ruined it
Not the entire thing just that one part. This was amazing.
+Sloth Donger I would of voiced it but my Aussie accent wouldn't fit in lol :(
Cayden Lol it's good my man. I loved this.
+Cayden Its okay.. maybe change the units to aussies?? and make it as if the zombies spreaded into asutrailia just like world war z
+petargrad he was thinking about a world war z series mr. smarty pants
Hi, new subscriber, can you let me know the spec of the PC you use? Cheers.
CPU: i4790k 4.0
GPU: Gigabyte 750 GTX
OS: Win 10 64bit
MOBO: Gigabyte Z97-HD3
RAM: 16GB DDR3 GSkill (clocked at 2133mhz)
Cayden what is your graphic card? cheers!
Kenz Pectorial Gigabyte 750 GTX
Paul Barker
Cayden Was all that expensive?
I have one word for this: intense. and one for you: subscribed.
this would be great for a campaigh mission in an FPS game,looks amazing
Where are the zombies...?
What ?...
they are running towards them the whole video, and he is shooting them.
+Uwanda Roberts i think he means that the zombie/shooter ratio is low because it's a 22 minute video with little to no zombies but a lot of shooters
well the zombies still win lol
What's with the high jumping zombies?
exo suits
+TheGuy Whoplays Zombies from World War Z with Exo suits fuck that I'm out
nice work!
now do 5 times as many zombies and everysoldier has a light machine gun, and every 1 in 10 has a heavy
Honestly I would like to see more zombie game videos like this it was awesome kinda of like a last defense line for the living army or what ever military branch and I like how they stood their ground keeping making more please.
arma 3 ist echt beschissen
that mw2 feel when the guy is walking out of the cave and into the trench. amazing :)
dude...that voice acting! the ending made my heart wrench a little.
this is very well made its very atmospheric and it doesn't feel like a play through but more like a story
who needs zombie movies when there is this?? :P
Im late to the party , but i feel the need to just add that this ission is amazingly well done, its just some decent voice acting away from passing for a triple a single player shooter segment
It’s stuff like this that makes the gaming fun and what it’s suppose to be used for . Its fun being able to create scenarios and be able to create them virtually. Cool stuff
this is crazy, for a mod this looks very nice, dunno how I found this video but damn that's cool, appreciate the content ^^
this is cool. I love the setting and the concept. This game would seriously be a drop down hit if it were at the COD/Battlefield graphics level. I love the realistic feel of it just being an isolated outpost and a pitched battle.
The similarity between Modern Warfare 2 audio and this gives me major nostalgia
i love the doom 3 radio chatter
Omg that animation of zombie beating soldier while he stands still doing nothing, hillarious :D
Awesome,also i love cod soundtrack elements of it as well!
Nice! Love the way you image this in the actual game. (Kinda.)
This looks awesome its like a mission from a campaign really nice mate good job