@jobedakulath8928 Thank you for your feedback and for participating in the challenge! I'm glad you found the questions both educative and challenging. Great job on your score!
@סופיגנויאר Thank you for participating and sharing your thoughts! "Over the hump" typically means overcoming the most difficult part of something, like a project or challenge. The idiom "Over the hill," on the other hand, is often used to refer to aging or being past one's prime. I appreciate your attention to detail!
25/30 Educative and challenging questions.
Thank you for your feedback and for participating in the challenge! I'm glad you found the questions both educative and challenging. Great job on your score!
No 9 is incorrect. The answer should be B. Meaning 'aging' . Example: Wait I can't keep up with you! I must be over the hill
Thank you for participating and sharing your thoughts! "Over the hump" typically means overcoming the most difficult part of something, like a project or challenge. The idiom "Over the hill," on the other hand, is often used to refer to aging or being past one's prime. I appreciate your attention to detail!