Ke lang selet ke kali sita koson pen si K/A arlo Nepali kedo'o ma ke chini ingtung pik lapen a'prang pen atum ma mate 2000 a'lom pen kevang atum ma lang pame masi.
@rajeshrai6185 If you live here from many yrs thn you'll know the situation of Immigrants in K/A and according to KAAC who came before 1951 can live in K/A that's 100% but those who came after 1951 can evict from KAAC that's also 101% and being a Karbi I've the right to ask.
Oh bah
Lahai nepali atum karbi akur chetok thap Varet vet la long le palong ji phan
Latum k bangladesi. Karbi anglong arlo pen plung ngpo. Lahai aphakaso atum afan.
Ke lang selet ke kali sita koson pen si K/A arlo Nepali kedo'o ma ke chini ingtung pik lapen a'prang pen atum ma mate 2000 a'lom pen kevang atum ma lang pame masi.
Mur nijor jonmo a 1987 sonot hoisil aru 90 percent or nijor mati ghor thaka hokole ase tetiya hole apuni nije buji pabo hodai positive bhabibo apuni .
@rajeshrai6185 If you live here from many yrs thn you'll know the situation of Immigrants in K/A and according to KAAC who came before 1951 can live in K/A that's 100% but those who came after 1951 can evict from KAAC that's also 101% and being a Karbi I've the right to ask.