MDL Tone - Ultimate Heavy Drums

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @ivansantillan4571
    @ivansantillan4571 Місяць тому

    BEST drum plugin in 2024 ! Bought this last week and right after i hooked my edrum it blew my ears away the killer sound !
    Everyone needs to buy this pack! Lets repay Josh for his outstanding work

  • @Aljacob78
    @Aljacob78 Місяць тому

    Just picked this up. I can already tell it’s my new go to. I’m burnt out on building new drum templates & the simplicity is crucial. UHD saves so much time and frustration.

  • @sonidojamon
    @sonidojamon Місяць тому +1

    This library kicks ass, not just for metal!!

  • @hundredarrows
    @hundredarrows 5 місяців тому +2

    Damn this is going on my plugin bucket list, the drums sound so clear and powerful in a mix 🔥

    • @MDLTone
      @MDLTone  5 місяців тому +1

      Excellent! Thank you

  • @Ryandoyle666
    @Ryandoyle666 5 місяців тому +4

    Really like the grooves that come with the pack, very inspiring so far

    • @MDLTone
      @MDLTone  5 місяців тому +1

      Awesome! More groove packs as well as drum programming content to come

  • @BeardedDeathMachine
    @BeardedDeathMachine 5 місяців тому +4

    I need this in my life.

  • @vicodinvictim
    @vicodinvictim 4 місяці тому +1

    I just bought these drums and I'm amazed by how great they sound right away. I put them on a new song and all I had to do was pick a snare, pick a kick and adjust the volumes of the toms and crash cymbals. Love them! 🤘

    • @jesseaviman
      @jesseaviman 4 місяці тому

      share a link to the song dude, I'd love to hear them in a mix!

  • @benstanfill363
    @benstanfill363 4 місяці тому

    Holy hell these things are insane. They sound amazing and are SO easy to program in. I'm in love 😍

  • @latanezimbardo7129
    @latanezimbardo7129 5 місяців тому +5

    Middletone lol, great name, great sound! I’m getting that!

    • @MDLTone
      @MDLTone  5 місяців тому +4

      Thank you! Hope you get a lot of satisfaction from it

  • @BurningTheHeavens
    @BurningTheHeavens 5 місяців тому +10

    Sounds amazing. I just wish this was standalone like EZD and didn't need to be used within Kontakt.

    • @bioburden
      @bioburden 5 місяців тому +3

      Kontakt can be used in standalone mode outside of a DAW

    • @regdenee
      @regdenee Місяць тому

      ​@@bioburdenMy understanding is that he was suggesting it should operate as a standalone VST, without the necessity of dependence on Kontakt.

    • @bioburden
      @bioburden Місяць тому

      @@regdenee Why though? :)

  • @scottwhitlow8468
    @scottwhitlow8468 4 місяці тому +3

    Sounds awesome! Are you going to offer a trial version? Thanks!

  • @adownbeatexegete1549
    @adownbeatexegete1549 4 місяці тому +1

    I'm thinking about getting this and ditching Superior Drummer 3. I had to do so much tweaking in my current SD3 kit, and am using drop samples for the kick and snare on top of that.

  • @roxnroll8050
    @roxnroll8050 3 місяці тому

    Wow, sounds a-frkn-mazing! I appreciate you leaving in 2 kick controls. I HATE when samplers simply have a picture of 2 kicks, but it's really just the same one (and sounds like it). Having 2 actual kicks instead of a double pedal sounds WAY better - since 2 kicks are physically different even if everything is 100% the same (impossible to make 2 kicks sound identical since they literally take up 2 separate areas in space).
    Just wish the instrument section had both kicks instead of just one to have more control over each kick sound than just Pitch. (I still don't get why some folks want the plugin to "Look" Metal with only a picture of 2 kicks and not actually BE Metal with 2 separate controllable kicks LOL)

  • @franzeek
    @franzeek Місяць тому

    This sounds fire!! I just wish that all libraries came with at least one set of raw samples.

  • @wilkinsos
    @wilkinsos 5 місяців тому

    Only the best from Josh 💯

  • @savory_
    @savory_ 5 місяців тому

    This looks amazing. I've been using the GGD drums which sound great, but I find myself wasting WAY too much time tweaking the drums and I never wind up writing any music. Excited to try these out.

  • @bioburden
    @bioburden 5 місяців тому

    At the 7:00 minutes mark i got some strong Sepultura vibes there (Chaos AD era), sounds awesome.

  • @martinmorales3195
    @martinmorales3195 5 місяців тому +1

    Finally! 🎉

  • @robbeaertscomposer
    @robbeaertscomposer 3 місяці тому +1

    What I think is missing is a floor tom on the left, if you're doing palm muted guitar chugs, together with floor toms you want a balanced stereo image.

  • @valentinzwick5408
    @valentinzwick5408 5 місяців тому +3

    How many velocity layers and round robins does it have.?

  • @enzione5309
    @enzione5309 20 днів тому

    Sounds killer.How much there is post prosessing in hole mix?Sounds tight.

  • @joshwrt2029
    @joshwrt2029 4 місяці тому +1

    Please make a 80s hair metal preset! Or even a maiden preset!

  • @ZultyBoi
    @ZultyBoi 4 місяці тому +2

    I reckon your kit's gonna go down in history lol it's that good

  • @MidnightMetalUniverseYT
    @MidnightMetalUniverseYT 4 місяці тому

    Can you use this with any DAW? Sounds incredible!

  • @Jerrydetonfail88
    @Jerrydetonfail88 5 місяців тому +2

    Josh could you do a midi bass plugin as well ?

  • @fieldofpads
    @fieldofpads 19 днів тому

    For ease, is there a general midi map preset?

  • @S1L3NTD34TH
    @S1L3NTD34TH 5 місяців тому

    Just picked up OKW Brutal. Guess I have to get this now too 😅

  • @ShockwaveTXB
    @ShockwaveTXB 5 місяців тому

    So I agree...I don't like routing each part of the kit out to the DAW however I do like using things like Unmask to auto fuck things like a bass or some other elements from the kick. I assume to be able to keep doing this I'd have to at least route the kick out separately so I could sidechain it to whatever track I want to use Unmasking on right?

  • @ValentinGibouleau-d5v
    @ValentinGibouleau-d5v 5 місяців тому +1

    Love the name ah ah

    • @MDLTone
      @MDLTone  5 місяців тому +4

      Many thanks! I didn't think people would enjoy it as much as they seem to haha 😎

  • @Aleluyaproducciones
    @Aleluyaproducciones Місяць тому

    Sirve para Kontakt 6?

  • @greegstelii
    @greegstelii 5 місяців тому

    Hi I'm visually impaired. will this plugin work with the komplete kontrol keyboards and software? I need this in my life. This is the best library that I have ever heard!

  • @philzeo
    @philzeo 5 місяців тому

    HOT DANG This sounds incredible. Do you do NFRs for reviewers?

  • @no.mids.brando
    @no.mids.brando 5 місяців тому +1

    fuck this is amazing, wow. what amp/amp sim was used here? and cabinet/IR? sounds like the sound in my head, so good 🔥

  • @scollinsmusic8634
    @scollinsmusic8634 5 місяців тому +1

    Does the auto double kick button alternate the kick drums?

    • @scollinsmusic8634
      @scollinsmusic8634 5 місяців тому +2

      I bought it and yes it does and the plugin is Awesome! Made me want to buy the stl amps plugin as well! Its all so good and they work great together! Thank you!

  • @guesswho5150
    @guesswho5150 4 місяці тому +2

    Sounds are good, but I wish I had known before I bought it, that it is not suitable to play with an E-Drum. CC-Control for the hihat is missing. And it is lacking a few other things, too: no sounds for snare rimshot or sidestick/cross-stick, no sounds for edge of the ride, no sounds for tom rimshots or rimclicks, etc. All in all this is more or less just a rudimental drum replacement tool. If I knew that before I wouldn't have bought it, I regret my purchase. For those E-Drummers among you: look at Fotis Benardo Drums, they made it better. For half the price.

    • @roxnroll8050
      @roxnroll8050 3 місяці тому

      That's disappointing. Maybe in the DAW (I use Cubase), add those separate pieces into the Drum Map, so you can have this kit and those pieces? Not sure if it'll work - just an idea to try.

  • @BillySargent-xk5wz
    @BillySargent-xk5wz Місяць тому

    How does this compare to superior drummer?