*Friday the 13th Part 2* Movie Reaction & Review: ua-cam.com/video/03v8fhucnFg/v-deo.html Slash that *LIKE* & *SUBSCRIBE* ua-cam.com/users/TheReelRejects - Support The Channel Here! *ROCKET MONEY* Save Money & Cancel Unwanted Subscriptions By Going To rocketmoney.com/rejects - Get Your *SheJect Reject Crewneck* Today! www.rejectnationshop.com/ - *Full Reaction* Watch Along & MORE For *SS* Rejects: www.patreon.com/thereelrejects
Ok just hear me out - the timing would be PERFECT sooo... I'm really, really, reeeally hoping you start the 'Halloween' franchise next 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 If you're doing 1 'Friday' movie a week, that would mean y'all would wrap the franchise up on September 6th with 'Freddy vs. Jason'. That would mean you could start the 'Halloween' movies just as we're getting into Fall and the Halloween season! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
I would just like to point out one other thing... if y'all could figure out a way to skip a week of watch a 'Friday' movie y'all could watch have 'Freddy vs. Jason' upload on Friday the 13th (of September) 🧏🏼♂️
Betsy Palmer was a Broadway actress for most of her career. She was a famous household name in the early 1960’s as a panelist on the game show I’ve Got A Secret. She also did some movies with big names in the 1950’s. What made her famous instead of “infamous” was that horror movie fans embraced her part as a “heroic mom” figure instead of a serial killer. Betsy Palmer was actually a sweet, classy, and very funny warm-hearted lady. So audiences were absolutely shocked when the film was released and she turned out to be the killer. She had a squeaky clean image as a beloved game show lady!
The timeline is that Jason drowned in 57. Mrs Voorhees killed those kids at the beginning of the movie in 58, they tried to reopen the camp in 62 but Mrs Voorhees poisoned the water so it wouldn’t happen and now they are reopening again in this movie in 78 and she kills everyone. She wants to stop the camp from opening at all cost because she blames the camp for her son’s death. I think the end with Jason jumping out of the water was just a dream by Alice. That ending was kind of tacked on at the end for the jump scare. Sean Cunningham, the director said that at the time he had no intention of the franchise continuing with Jason as the killer. Mrs Voorhees was just insane.
That's interesting cus I knew about all the other stuff but I always thought the rest of the movie was set in 1980 cus that's when the movie came out and cus the other movies are set in the 80s
@@Garrie29 it just says present day but I think it’s meant to be the 20 year anniversary of the drowning of Jason. The movie came out in 1980 but was probably written and produced in 79 I think
Can we take a moment to appreciate the fact that Crazy Ralph rode his bike 20 miles to the camp in one afternoon to warn everyone that they were doomed
He rode out there to peep at the young counselors swimming. Wasn't that him peeking at them from the trees? He just dropped the doomed excuse when he got caught being a perv in the closet.
Ms. Voorhees caught all of her victims by surprise, none of them really saw it coming. Alice was the only character who had the opportunity to actually fight back and was able to overpower her. You guys should totally watch the rest of the franchise, Jason is one of the coolest slasher villains ever.
Yep, the movies do get insane after a while though but they are still good slasher films if you go into it knowing its a slasher film dont look for any great story.
Yeah if you think too hard things were possible like Mrs V lifting the one guy into the top bunk. Lifting that guy on the back of the door and hanging him up on it or throwing the girl through the window. But it's all in fun.
I think it’s one of the only retroactive twist endings. At the time, it wasn’t a twist but now EVERYONE expects Jason. I can’t think of another franchise or series that has something like that.
Betsy Palmer assumed it would make her infamous because it was a small and cheap horror film. She was famous in the 60s and used to be a regular guest on some game show. People would know her as this nice and funny lady so it was a shock to see her in that role.
There is this one camp crystal lake where a lot of scuba divers like to dip, so a dude got a life size Jason replica statue and put it at the bottom of the lake with a chain and a big rock. Scares the living hell out of tourists every year.
Oh I’d give myself the bends at how bad I’d flip. I had a nightmare once I got eaten by a megladon when I fell asleep in water. Had thessalphobia ever since.
I didn't appreciate this movie enough as a child because we didn't have Jason with his signature look. Now that Im an adult, I've got to say that it's a great film!
Halloween was released 2 years prior. Fun fact: in the Netflix series “the movies that made us”, in an episode centered on how Friday the 13th was made, one of the writers said that he didn’t have experience in horror so he just went to a theater and watched the original Halloween while taking notes.
I think the thing that hangs over a 2024 viewing of this is the shadow of Jason Vorhees. Seeing this in 1980, i was just seeing another horror movie with no expectations.
I think part of what makes us such a great movie is that knowledge that this is the Jason Voorhees franchise, So when you get to the end of this movie and you find out the killer is not Jason it's a great twist.
@roxystriar The little chant is actually "Ki Ki Ki Ma Ma Ma". The composer chopped up Betsy Palmer's (Pamela Voorhees) dialog of "Kill her mommy. Kill her." It's a misconception that it's "Ch Ch Ch Ha Ha Ha".
Yes. He was just goofing around with a synthesiser and hit upon a featured that did the echo. Also, "Ki ki ki ma ma ma" is often shown in subtitles and closed captioning as "Jason's Theme".
I love the fact that Steve Christy says he’s going to be back “after lunch,” then this asshole’s just sitting in a diner at nighttime while all his employees are murdered. Then he’s like “weellll they’re all alone, I should probably head on out.”
Pamela is only a plot twist killer in the sense that pop cultural osmosis has ensured that people remember the hockey masked killer Jason Voorhees being the serial killer in the Friday the 13th franchise, (which quickly translates into the assumption of him being the only serial killer to terrorise and kill people in the franchise.) Friday the 13th the original movie is perceived as relying on a plot twist about the identity of the killer, but that attempt to trick the audience is an illusion, and wasn’t the intention of the filmmakers, as such the twist only exists through retroactively.
Yep, wasnt a plot twist but became one, makes it great for reaction videos I dont know how many days ive spent just browsing random people doing long form reactions to this movie its so fun seeing all kinds of reactions and questioning to where Jason is at.
It was the mother killing all the people. All the prior kills, she was using stealth and ambush tactics, or using her appearance as a sweet middle-aged lady to lure people into a false sense of security. For the final girl, she dropped all pretense and confronted her directly as the insanity finally built up in her, and lost her advantage as a result. Jason drowned and died. The first two movies leave a really big question mark on the issue, because the general consensus is that Jason’s body was never found, so he actually survived and what happened at the end with him jumping out of the lake is a dream. But that’s wrong. It is NEVER said that Jason’s body wasn’t found, only that it wasn’t recovered. The difference? We found the wreckage of the Titanic, right? But we haven’t recovered it. Jason was a deformed boy that nobody cared about who died in the 50’s; the town didn’t bother going down to retrieve his body, so they left him there. His spirit haunted the lake and camp ground in the years since. Out of pure love for his mother and pure hate for the rest of the world, he willed himself back to life at the end of this movie and pulled Alice into the water, but she got away and it was dismissed by the cops as a dream.
Only flaw in that is that Part 2 is five years after Part 1, and in that time, Jason is at least 15 years older and about 100 pounds heavier. Theory I agree with is yes, it was a dream, but in ‘57, Jason didn’t really drown. He went under for a long time, but ended up being carried out to a thicket. Since he was mentally disabled, he couldn’t call for help and ultimately started living like a feral animal in the woods.
Wrong. The end was a dream. Just like how Mrs. Voorhees popping up out of the water in a future movie is a dream. Jason never died as a kid. If he did, his spirit would be a kid, not a full grown ass man. He dies for real in part 4 and is buried. He comes back undead in part 6.
I think you misunderstood what was being presented. She asked if they found the little boy he said they never found any little boy and she said then hes still there. This is 1980, he drowned back in the 1950s so of course they wouldnt have found the little boy because there was not one to be found in 1980. Question is was Jasons body ever found when he supposedly drowned in the 1950s. This is the big question cause if his body was never found he could have survived and washed up on a part of the lake and never was found so lived his life out in the forest. Or its possible his mother knew he survived just barely and went on her rampage.
@@Milner62 Yeah that's the thing. They never said 100% if a body was ever found. But there's been several fan films so someone might have come up with an idea. Whether that's "Official" or not is debatable.
So either Roxy and Tara have never seen Scream or completely forgot that this movie was one of the questions asked by the killer, which also spoiled the movie.
I love how this franchise in particular evolved over time. Roxy that sound you're hearing is Ki Ki Ki Ma Ma Ma. It comes from Jason speaking through his mom saying Kill her mommy, kill her.
Friday the 13th came as a summer version of Halloween. Cunningham wanted to take the structure of young people being picked off by unseen terror but place it in a summer setting. Ralph is my spirit animal.
What set this movie apart at the time was the fantastic practical effects of the kills by the master Tom Savini. Annie’s throat slash, the ax to the head, Kevin Bacon with the arrow through the neck, and the amazing decaptiation at the end of Mrs. Voorhees. The movie is well shot and made for a low budget independent but Savini’s effects make it a classic. At the time they didn’t think about sequels or a guy in a hockey mask at all. This was just supposed to be a scary, camp/woods slasher. All the things you think of as the pop culture Jason come later
Honestly though, it's much scarier than most other slasher movies.... It's kind of an urban legend that the movie did well ONLY because of the gore (and BTW, several of the kills happen off-screen anyway, but for some reason people forget that).
It was his 4th or 5th depending on how you look at it. Because his seen in Starting Over was cut, but he still got a credit (I've seen him talk about this). He also did a TV movie called The Gift with Glenn Ford right before ..yes that Glenn Ford...
You have no issue with a ghost killing people in their dreams or a dead serial killer possessing a doll but a dead child returning to life in the lake he drowned in upon the death of his insane mother is where you draw the line. Kidding. 😁 I think this series is certainly worth watching, and I hope you enjoy the full experience.
The genuine reason I love you guys is the aside comments. "I should wear robes more often" "Why did we wear skinny jeans" "Plaid, Plaid, Stripes" "At this point. I army crawl" 😁😁😁😁😁
Fun Fact: They have guided tours planned, organized, and executed by camp alumi. The tours & events support the maintenance projects at the historic camp [ Camp No-Be-Bo-Sco in Hardwick Township NJ]; as well as support youth camping programs throughout northern NJ council.
Crystal Lake is an every town name like every town has an Elm st thing. The idea is that everyone can relate to the location and how they probably have there own local version of a killer at camp. I had a Crystal Lake where I grew up and I live in Canada.
There are SO MANY awesome actors that either had their first roles in a horror movie or at least one of their first. The horror genre has always been underrated by critics but has always had a huge fan base/following and great for people’s careers. Even the cheesy ones which often become cult classics.
Lol it was 100 degrees here in the day but I was in an office so I wore it in the AC. And to the movies. And at night. And to walk on the beach with the breeze. Youve never worn a sweatshirt in the summer? Strange!
This is just 1980 so that’s why it feels so 70’s. But whenever a movie says “now” or “the present” it’s usually when the movie was released. But it’s actually 1979 I believe. Probably when they filmed.
I consider it to take place in 1980 and the gravestone in part 4 was in universe accidentally messed up while being made which has happened in real life. And there was no Friday the 13th in June of 79.
@@MegaHeafParts 2, 3, and 4 also take place over a 3-4 day span. Which makes zero sense because, after the first dozen or so murders, Crystal Lake would be swarming with police and FBI agents. It’s better not to take the timelines too seriously.
@@bobcobb3654 Crystal Lake has multiple different locations on it and during part 3 while Packanack was investigated they probably assumed the killer was dead and they probably didn't find the shack yet and during part 4 when he disappeared from the morgue the police probably thought his body was stolen. And as far as the police know Jason in part 2 and 3 are separate people because of their different outfits and that any normal person would die from the injuries inflicted on him.
The Scream Queens are back with another juggernaut of the slasher genre! I can't wait for my sweater, because those colors are great! Tara and Roxy, you girls rock, and I love how much horror reactions the Horror Whores are giving us.
I love how hyped they were for Jason, even putting his name in the title, and he only appears at the very end of the first Friday the 13th. It just reminds me of the first scene in Scream with Drew Barrymore.
You guys should just know now that these movies are not about characters or logic. It’s about Jason, kills, and boobs 😆. It’s just silly fun. Characters will do stupid things and we root for them to get themselves killed, and they will do all the troupes (I think this is where they come from). Nothing is meant to be taken seriously, just turn your brain off and have fun. My favorites are 4, 6, and 10. But I love them all.
I like that Roxy appreciated the cinematography and building of suspense & tension. The first 2 movies are my favorites of the series, one of the main reasons for that is I love their old school style and amazing creation of MOOD & ATMOSPHERE! The first 2 are also the only ones filmed in the New England region. Part 2 also has one of my favorite final girls ever, in all of horror.
The great part about people watching this movie for the first time is the twist that it’s not actually Jason who is the villain in this one. Everyone naturally assumes through knowledge of pop culture and it makes the review and ending great because you can see the wheels turning that “wait so Jason isn’t in this”? Then the lake is a final gotcha at the end
Yes!!! This movie series is a must-watch in prep for Roxy and Tara's "Freddy vs. Jason" reaction. It's been awhile since I've seen the very first "Friday the 13th" movie. This'll be a fun re-watch. Looking forward to the next reaction. 😊
"Is that why Jason where's a hockey mask? Cause he got beheaded?" Me: Yes because you can wear a mask without a head. Kidding aside, you girls are great. Glad you finally made it to Friday The 13th. As silly as these movies get, they are still fun and it is a long road for these movies. There is alot of them haha so buckle up.
"That was a great kill" - Roxy Welcome to Friday the 13th! This is possibly THE reason the franchise is so much fun to watch. The first movie is more suspense (great call on it pulling from Hitchcock, Roxy. Absolutely correct, including Manfredini's fantastic music score). Then we see a progression throughout the sequels that is really fun IMHO.
I love this movie. It's very slow and unwatchable for a lot of people, but I love how they take their time, letting you live in the camp setting, before the "death curse" creeps up on "Camp Blood." This came out in 1980. There were a flood of movies like this, at this time. Halloween lit the fuse and Friday The 13th was the explosion that opened the flood gates for the next ten years. Not only did we get the sequels to this, but movies like The Burning, The Prowler, Sleepaway Camp, The Slumber Party Massacre, Aprl Fools Day, My Bloody Valentine, and so much more. You can fine many of these titles and Shudder or Tubi. They're lost gems, for sure. I ❤️ watching your reactions, and I'm so damn excited to see the Chucky show reactions as well as Friday The 13th Part 2. You girls are in for a great ride with this series.
It's interesting to go back and watch the first films of all these franchises, because almost none of them were intended to kick off a series. I especially love watching reactions to this movie because people are expecting Jason (and usually expecting the hockey mask as well) and the ending feels like a big twist.
HELL YEAH! 🎉🙌 So psyched to you two go into the Friday the 13th series now! I haven't seen all of the movies so I'm excited to experience the ones I haven't seen with you two. Keep lettin' them watch these movies Greg!!
I love that Roxy picked up that this movie feels more 70s than 80s. That’s one of my favorite unintentional details in this series; is you really do see the transformation from the 70s into the 80s movie by movie
It's like showing a friend who hasn't watched horror these movies for the first time! We get to see your experience and give our input. You two are awesome.
Yaaaaayyyyy love the Friday movies. Love that the Shejects get to experience them for the first time. Can’t wait to see Roxy scare poor Tara 😂 and NICE JOB on the Cult of Shejects logo Tara!!!! I love it and I hope there’s more merch.
Palmer did this film to pay off some car payments and didn't really care for the gig, but, later on, the fandom grew and she did appearances at horror conventions.
Betsy did it, to purchase a new car, thought the script was a POS, and that nobody would watch the movie. And then it became a MASSIVE hit. After going to a horror convention, and with her long lines, and interaction with the fans, she changed her mind.
@@jordan9812 yessir! Charles, the criminal who inhabits the buddy doll via voodoo nonsense, is apparently, canonically, from Hackensack NJ (like my mom lol)
Im here to support the SheRejects/Scream Queens. I love your horror reactions specially the Chucky series! Honestly I got supper attached to the Chucky franchise thanks to you girls!
Even though I've been a subscriber for years, I've rarely watched anything from this channel. But then I randomly saw these two in a thumbnail for a Child's Play movie review and decided to watch. I love Roxy and Tara and love they are getting into some great Horror franchises. Fun fact - I own a collectors box set of the entire Friday the 13th movies
This first outing has a lot to offer. Interesting cinematography, excellent use of rain, birds and owls cooing in the night. This subtle Long shot of Ned being envious of Kevin Bacon and his girl as they frolic along the lake. I appreciate those little moments in this film.
Some think it's a snooze fest ? Everything is subjective so understandable that some think that. I always liked it cause it just feels like a classic to me, love the camping horror vibes .
Okay when Roxy said her lake was called crystal lake my legs went numb, thats terrifying. You guys gotta watch the series its great! Freddy vs Jason is a must. Great reaction love this original.
My favorite horror franchise! I hope you guys enjoy this more than the Nightmare on Elm St. series! Unlike other famous horror franchises, this doesn't start with an insanely high bar, so it gives later sequels the chance to outshine the original!
People say that these movies don't have themes or messages but they do. And many fans think they aren't actually good movies and that they are just fun but I think they are great movies with a good story and many themes. I Love this franchise!!
Must be a Gen Z thing. I never heard it used like this prior her reaction to The Room. I remember seeing the movie Juice in the theater but I think it was a reference to having credibility on the "streets".
Love it that Team TaRoxy is going to stumble upon Sean Cunningham films. I believe the actress felt she’d be infamous because of the role but instead she became famous. Also, love that “Purge!” Teaser 😊
*Friday the 13th Part 2* Movie Reaction & Review: ua-cam.com/video/03v8fhucnFg/v-deo.html
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- *Full Reaction* Watch Along & MORE For *SS* Rejects: www.patreon.com/thereelrejects
These guys are the hardest working people of Reel Nation (and not taking the catchphrases from Tom Joyner Radio Legend). Give them a standing ovation.
This movie series and Freddy Krueger Micheal Myers.... Etc much more 80s horror made me sad for horror movies now
Ok just hear me out - the timing would be PERFECT sooo... I'm really, really, reeeally hoping you start the 'Halloween' franchise next 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
If you're doing 1 'Friday' movie a week, that would mean y'all would wrap the franchise up on September 6th with 'Freddy vs. Jason'. That would mean you could start the 'Halloween' movies just as we're getting into Fall and the Halloween season! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
I would just like to point out one other thing... if y'all could figure out a way to skip a week of watch a 'Friday' movie y'all could watch have 'Freddy vs. Jason' upload on Friday the 13th (of September) 🧏🏼♂️
Great reaction girls and I can't wait to see you react to Friday the 13th part 2 you girl look lovely as always keep up the great work
Betsy Palmer was a Broadway actress for most of her career. She was a famous household name in the early 1960’s as a panelist on the game show I’ve Got A Secret. She also did some movies with big names in the 1950’s. What made her famous instead of “infamous” was that horror movie fans embraced her part as a “heroic mom” figure instead of a serial killer. Betsy Palmer was actually a sweet, classy, and very funny warm-hearted lady. So audiences were absolutely shocked when the film was released and she turned out to be the killer. She had a squeaky clean image as a beloved game show lady!
The timeline is that Jason drowned in 57. Mrs Voorhees killed those kids at the beginning of the movie in 58, they tried to reopen the camp in 62 but Mrs Voorhees poisoned the water so it wouldn’t happen and now they are reopening again in this movie in 78 and she kills everyone. She wants to stop the camp from opening at all cost because she blames the camp for her son’s death. I think the end with Jason jumping out of the water was just a dream by Alice. That ending was kind of tacked on at the end for the jump scare. Sean Cunningham, the director said that at the time he had no intention of the franchise continuing with Jason as the killer. Mrs Voorhees was just insane.
It was kind of the inverse of "Psycho".
That's interesting cus I knew about all the other stuff but I always thought the rest of the movie was set in 1980 cus that's when the movie came out and cus the other movies are set in the 80s
@@Garrie29 This movie takes place in 1979, as Mrs Voorhees’ tombstone reads in I think 4.
@@Garrie29 it just says present day but I think it’s meant to be the 20 year anniversary of the drowning of Jason. The movie came out in 1980 but was probably written and produced in 79 I think
Can we take a moment to appreciate the fact that Crazy Ralph rode his bike 20 miles to the camp in one afternoon to warn everyone that they were doomed
He was an Olympic bicyclist, lol.
The real hero of this movie
He rode out there to peep at the young counselors swimming. Wasn't that him peeking at them from the trees? He just dropped the doomed excuse when he got caught being a perv in the closet.
He has fucking Navy Seal cardio! Git Gud scrub! 🤣🤣
Ms. Voorhees caught all of her victims by surprise, none of them really saw it coming. Alice was the only character who had the opportunity to actually fight back and was able to overpower her. You guys should totally watch the rest of the franchise, Jason is one of the coolest slasher villains ever.
Yep, the movies do get insane after a while though but they are still good slasher films if you go into it knowing its a slasher film dont look for any great story.
Yeah if you think too hard things were possible like Mrs V lifting the one guy into the top bunk. Lifting that guy on the back of the door and hanging him up on it or throwing the girl through the window. But it's all in fun.
The Fact That Every Single Body Who Didn't Watch This Thinks Jason Is In It 😂😂🤣🤣Best InDirect MissDirection Ever😭
Technically, he is, but not like how folks would think.
I know it's so funny, the real twist, is that it's a woman, but 50 + years of friday the 13th memes and movies and such have you thinking it's jason.
@@wolfwing1 50+ years... haha
I think it’s one of the only retroactive twist endings. At the time, it wasn’t a twist but now EVERYONE expects Jason.
I can’t think of another franchise or series that has something like that.
@@SonOfMuta yeah....:> I was thinking of their saying it was in 1970's and took it too far, but not too far off 44 years
That weird sound at the beginning is "Ki...Ki...Ki...Ma...Ma...Ma." It's meant to be an echo of Pam's "Kill her, Mommy" line.
Betsy Palmer assumed it would make her infamous because it was a small and cheap horror film. She was famous in the 60s and used to be a regular guest on some game show. People would know her as this nice and funny lady so it was a shock to see her in that role.
She was hilarious opposite Jack Lemmon in Mister Roberts.
There is this one camp crystal lake where a lot of scuba divers like to dip, so a dude got a life size Jason replica statue and put it at the bottom of the lake with a chain and a big rock. Scares the living hell out of tourists every year.
Ever see the grinning shark? That would give me a heart attack if I saw that under water.
Oh I’d give myself the bends at how bad I’d flip. I had a nightmare once I got eaten by a megladon when I fell asleep in water. Had thessalphobia ever since.
There’s one in Minnesota underwater in a mine pit.
I didn't appreciate this movie enough as a child because we didn't have Jason with his signature look. Now that Im an adult, I've got to say that it's a great film!
We don't have Jason at all in the first movie
I mean it's kinda a bad film. 😂
I was the same way now after these years I see it differently
@@jasonvoorhees310hi jason
@@tiagoalves2056 You're forgetting the dream sequence. So he's in it.
Halloween was released 2 years prior. Fun fact: in the Netflix series “the movies that made us”, in an episode centered on how Friday the 13th was made, one of the writers said that he didn’t have experience in horror so he just went to a theater and watched the original Halloween while taking notes.
Cunningham said that it's an outright ripoff of 'Halloween" (1978) in the documentary "Crystal Lake Memories".
Sean Cunningham pretty much said in a meeting "Ok how can we rip off Halloween"?
Gonna be a rough road when they finally get to the Halloween franchise. There's SO many movies, and only like 3 good ones.
@@joeblankenship377 It's the same with this franchise, honestly.
I don't know, the only Halloween movies I don't like are H20, Reserection, and Halloween Ends.
I think the thing that hangs over a 2024 viewing of this is the shadow of Jason Vorhees. Seeing this in 1980, i was just seeing another horror movie with no expectations.
I think part of what makes us such a great movie is that knowledge that this is the Jason Voorhees franchise, So when you get to the end of this movie and you find out the killer is not Jason it's a great twist.
That's an excellent way to phase that
@roxystriar The little chant is actually "Ki Ki Ki Ma Ma Ma". The composer chopped up Betsy Palmer's (Pamela Voorhees) dialog of "Kill her mommy. Kill her." It's a misconception that it's "Ch Ch Ch Ha Ha Ha".
Jesus Christ that actually makes so much sense 😂 why have I never noticed?!??
Yes. He was just goofing around with a synthesiser and hit upon a featured that did the echo. Also, "Ki ki ki ma ma ma" is often shown in subtitles and closed captioning as "Jason's Theme".
I love the fact that Steve Christy says he’s going to be back “after lunch,” then this asshole’s just sitting in a diner at nighttime while all his employees are murdered. Then he’s like “weellll they’re all alone, I should probably head on out.”
Very good point! 😂
I don't know why his death is hilarious to me.
The Purge announcement when Roxy put her hand through the pillow 😂😂
Pamela is only a plot twist killer in the sense that pop cultural osmosis has ensured that people remember the hockey masked killer Jason Voorhees being the serial killer in the Friday the 13th franchise, (which quickly translates into the assumption of him being the only serial killer to terrorise and kill people in the franchise.) Friday the 13th the original movie is perceived as relying on a plot twist about the identity of the killer, but that attempt to trick the audience is an illusion, and wasn’t the intention of the filmmakers, as such the twist only exists through retroactively.
Yep, wasnt a plot twist but became one, makes it great for reaction videos I dont know how many days ive spent just browsing random people doing long form reactions to this movie its so fun seeing all kinds of reactions and questioning to where Jason is at.
It was the mother killing all the people. All the prior kills, she was using stealth and ambush tactics, or using her appearance as a sweet middle-aged lady to lure people into a false sense of security. For the final girl, she dropped all pretense and confronted her directly as the insanity finally built up in her, and lost her advantage as a result.
Jason drowned and died. The first two movies leave a really big question mark on the issue, because the general consensus is that Jason’s body was never found, so he actually survived and what happened at the end with him jumping out of the lake is a dream.
But that’s wrong. It is NEVER said that Jason’s body wasn’t found, only that it wasn’t recovered. The difference? We found the wreckage of the Titanic, right? But we haven’t recovered it. Jason was a deformed boy that nobody cared about who died in the 50’s; the town didn’t bother going down to retrieve his body, so they left him there. His spirit haunted the lake and camp ground in the years since. Out of pure love for his mother and pure hate for the rest of the world, he willed himself back to life at the end of this movie and pulled Alice into the water, but she got away and it was dismissed by the cops as a dream.
Only flaw in that is that Part 2 is five years after Part 1, and in that time, Jason is at least 15 years older and about 100 pounds heavier. Theory I agree with is yes, it was a dream, but in ‘57, Jason didn’t really drown. He went under for a long time, but ended up being carried out to a thicket. Since he was mentally disabled, he couldn’t call for help and ultimately started living like a feral animal in the woods.
Wrong. The end was a dream. Just like how Mrs. Voorhees popping up out of the water in a future movie is a dream. Jason never died as a kid. If he did, his spirit would be a kid, not a full grown ass man. He dies for real in part 4 and is buried. He comes back undead in part 6.
I think you misunderstood what was being presented. She asked if they found the little boy he said they never found any little boy and she said then hes still there. This is 1980, he drowned back in the 1950s so of course they wouldnt have found the little boy because there was not one to be found in 1980.
Question is was Jasons body ever found when he supposedly drowned in the 1950s. This is the big question cause if his body was never found he could have survived and washed up on a part of the lake and never was found so lived his life out in the forest. Or its possible his mother knew he survived just barely and went on her rampage.
@@Milner62 Yeah that's the thing. They never said 100% if a body was ever found. But there's been several fan films so someone might have come up with an idea. Whether that's "Official" or not is debatable.
i think he did drown in that lake his mother went mad and his spirit grew bigger physically and he was big enough so he could take revenge
Funny Roxy said Ralph's scene felt like a play. In "Crystal Lake Memories" they said he was a big-time theater actor.
The advance warning system for the Purge was BRILLIANT!!!
So either Roxy and Tara have never seen Scream or completely forgot that this movie was one of the questions asked by the killer, which also spoiled the movie.
I love how this franchise in particular evolved over time. Roxy that sound you're hearing is Ki Ki Ki Ma Ma Ma. It comes from Jason speaking through his mom saying Kill her mommy, kill her.
“WHOA SHE CHOPPED HER HEAD OFF?!?” I died of laughter when you screamed that 😂
I'm here for this entire franchise with you ladies.
Friday the 13th came as a summer version of Halloween. Cunningham wanted to take the structure of young people being picked off by unseen terror but place it in a summer setting.
Ralph is my spirit animal.
What set this movie apart at the time was the fantastic practical effects of the kills by the master Tom Savini. Annie’s throat slash, the ax to the head, Kevin Bacon with the arrow through the neck, and the amazing decaptiation at the end of Mrs. Voorhees. The movie is well shot and made for a low budget independent but Savini’s effects make it a classic. At the time they didn’t think about sequels or a guy in a hockey mask at all. This was just supposed to be a scary, camp/woods slasher. All the things you think of as the pop culture Jason come later
Also, the score by Harry Manfredini is amazing. So good at building tension with the screechy payoff to the action moments.
@@Shoofyou10the hockey mask doesn’t even make it till the third movie which is crazy, and zombie Jason is until movie number 6
@@Shoofyou10 I wish Harry scored more mainstream, non-horror films because he such a damn good composer.
It only cost like 500 grand.
Honestly though, it's much scarier than most other slasher movies.... It's kind of an urban legend that the movie did well ONLY because of the gore (and BTW, several of the kills happen off-screen anyway, but for some reason people forget that).
This was Kevin Bacon's second movie. Animal House 1978 was his first movie.
It was his 4th or 5th depending on how you look at it. Because his seen in Starting Over was cut, but he still got a credit (I've seen him talk about this). He also did a TV movie called The Gift with Glenn Ford right before ..yes that Glenn Ford...
22:40 i love the pop up, we know when she puts the pillow on her hand PURGE is coming 😆
You have no issue with a ghost killing people in their dreams or a dead serial killer possessing a doll but a dead child returning to life in the lake he drowned in upon the death of his insane mother is where you draw the line.
Kidding. 😁
I think this series is certainly worth watching, and I hope you enjoy the full experience.
The genuine reason I love you guys is the aside comments.
"I should wear robes more often"
"Why did we wear skinny jeans"
"Plaid, Plaid, Stripes"
"At this point. I army crawl"
Omg, The Purge emergency warning that flashed on the screen as Roxy went to grab her Purge pillow took me out hahaha 😆. Thanks Praper.
This classic came out in 1980, it's right in between Halloween and Nightmare.
its absolute horrible garbage and makes no goddamn sense
everyone who likes this piece of absolute trash has no taste in movies nor knowledge.
Fun Fact: They have guided tours planned, organized, and executed by camp alumi. The tours & events support the maintenance projects at the historic camp [ Camp No-Be-Bo-Sco in Hardwick Township NJ]; as well as support youth camping programs throughout northern NJ council.
Crystal Lake is an every town name like every town has an Elm st thing. The idea is that everyone can relate to the location and how they probably have there own local version of a killer at camp. I had a Crystal Lake where I grew up and I live in Canada.
There are SO MANY awesome actors that either had their first roles in a horror movie or at least one of their first. The horror genre has always been underrated by critics but has always had a huge fan base/following and great for people’s careers. Even the cheesy ones which often become cult classics.
Also, horror flicks in general are a lot of fun to make and be in.
Pushing sweaters during summer is so brilliant!!
Lol it was 100 degrees here in the day but I was in an office so I wore it in the AC. And to the movies. And at night. And to walk on the beach with the breeze. Youve never worn a sweatshirt in the summer? Strange!
@@roxystriar I have what some call “the meat sweats”so the answer is no 😅
This is just 1980 so that’s why it feels so 70’s. But whenever a movie says “now” or “the present” it’s usually when the movie was released. But it’s actually 1979 I believe. Probably when they filmed.
Yeah, they filmed in '79, & that's when it takes place.
I consider it to take place in 1980 and the gravestone in part 4 was in universe accidentally messed up while being made which has happened in real life. And there was no Friday the 13th in June of 79.
@@MegaHeafParts 2, 3, and 4 also take place over a 3-4 day span. Which makes zero sense because, after the first dozen or so murders, Crystal Lake would be swarming with police and FBI agents. It’s better not to take the timelines too seriously.
@@MegaHeaf It’s definitely 1979
@@bobcobb3654 Crystal Lake has multiple different locations on it and during part 3 while Packanack was investigated they probably assumed the killer was dead and they probably didn't find the shack yet and during part 4 when he disappeared from the morgue the police probably thought his body was stolen. And as far as the police know Jason in part 2 and 3 are separate people because of their different outfits and that any normal person would die from the injuries inflicted on him.
I would absolutely love to see these ladies watch sleepaway camp. That reaction would be absolutely amazing
The Scream Queens are back with another juggernaut of the slasher genre! I can't wait for my sweater, because those colors are great! Tara and Roxy, you girls rock, and I love how much horror reactions the Horror Whores are giving us.
When are you getting one?? What color!?
@@roxystriar I just ordered the seafoam green 🥰🥰
Yes it’s here!!!!! Been waiting for this. On the road to Freddy vs Jason !!!! Let’s go
Sad fact: the snake they killed was an actual snake that was a pet, they killed the animal on screen and didn't tell the owner afterwards
was scrolling down to see if someone mention this yet
Omg that is awful
I remember that. Boooo
@@jeffrym9625me tooooo omg
Uhhh good? Fuck snakes lolz
I’m so HAPPY that I get to watch these WITH both of you!!! I love everyone on the Reel Rejects channel but you two are GOLD together!!! ❤️❤️❤️
That’s Jason for ya
And this is only the beginning! Many more delightful surprises await you, Tara!
It's definitely a jump scare. Purge!!
I love how hyped they were for Jason, even putting his name in the title, and he only appears at the very end of the first Friday the 13th. It just reminds me of the first scene in Scream with Drew Barrymore.
You guys should just know now that these movies are not about characters or logic. It’s about Jason, kills, and boobs 😆. It’s just silly fun. Characters will do stupid things and we root for them to get themselves killed, and they will do all the troupes (I think this is where they come from). Nothing is meant to be taken seriously, just turn your brain off and have fun.
My favorites are 4, 6, and 10. But I love them all.
Favorites for me are 2, Freddy vs Jason and the remake
Holy crap someone else that's likes 10 XD
@@MetalPharoah I like 10, it’s stupid but it’s funny
10 is silly but it’s so much fun and has some great one liners!
And you’re not wrong “Jason,kills, and boobs” pretty much sums this franchise up! Gotta love it!!
I like that Roxy appreciated the cinematography and building of suspense & tension. The first 2 movies are my favorites of the series, one of the main reasons for that is I love their old school style and amazing creation of MOOD & ATMOSPHERE! The first 2 are also the only ones filmed in the New England region. Part 2 also has one of my favorite final girls ever, in all of horror.
The great part about people watching this movie for the first time is the twist that it’s not actually Jason who is the villain in this one. Everyone naturally assumes through knowledge of pop culture and it makes the review and ending great because you can see the wheels turning that “wait so Jason isn’t in this”? Then the lake is a final gotcha at the end
Thank you two for just existing and giving us these amazing content
Yes!!! This movie series is a must-watch in prep for Roxy and Tara's "Freddy vs. Jason" reaction.
It's been awhile since I've seen the very first "Friday the 13th" movie. This'll be a fun re-watch.
Looking forward to the next reaction. 😊
Just loved that you all kept saying “he” the whole time as the killer. Great job ladies
Tara with the hand gesture and saying “and then you just F***ing go ham on it”😂😂 that was great!
So excited for you guys to cover this franchise. I love it so much. Can’t wait for you guys to get to part 6 it’s my favorite! ♥️
Same here! Part 6 and Jason goes to hell are the best
My favorite, too.
its absolute horrible garbage and makes no goddamn sense
everyone who likes this piece of absolute trash has no taste in movies nor knowledge.
"Is that why Jason where's a hockey mask? Cause he got beheaded?"
Me: Yes because you can wear a mask without a head.
Kidding aside, you girls are great. Glad you finally made it to Friday The 13th. As silly as these movies get, they are still fun and it is a long road for these movies. There is alot of them haha so buckle up.
Yessss started the Jason! My brothers used to wrap me up in a blanket and make me watch these horror movies… good times lol
Awesome to see my Scream Queens now reacting to the Friday the 13th franchise. Look forward for more Roxy and Tara react to the sequels!!!
"That was a great kill" - Roxy
Welcome to Friday the 13th! This is possibly THE reason the franchise is so much fun to watch. The first movie is more suspense (great call on it pulling from Hitchcock, Roxy. Absolutely correct, including Manfredini's fantastic music score). Then we see a progression throughout the sequels that is really fun IMHO.
Tom Savini's hairy hands during Pamela's decapitation always crack me up.
Trivia: That was actually Savini's effects assistant and stunt man Taso Stavrakis's hands.
@@tjfrizzi5965 That's not who they said in the documentary.
Friday the 13th is such a vibe. So glad you're starting this journey.
I love this movie. It's very slow and unwatchable for a lot of people, but I love how they take their time, letting you live in the camp setting, before the "death curse" creeps up on "Camp Blood." This came out in 1980. There were a flood of movies like this, at this time. Halloween lit the fuse and Friday The 13th was the explosion that opened the flood gates for the next ten years. Not only did we get the sequels to this, but movies like The Burning, The Prowler, Sleepaway Camp, The Slumber Party Massacre, Aprl Fools Day, My Bloody Valentine, and so much more. You can fine many of these titles and Shudder or Tubi. They're lost gems, for sure. I ❤️ watching your reactions, and I'm so damn excited to see the Chucky show reactions as well as Friday The 13th Part 2. You girls are in for a great ride with this series.
The entire decade was such a golden age of horror. I'm STILL discovering hidden 80s gems after all this time - the supply just never seems to run out.
its absolute horrible garbage and makes no goddamn sense
everyone who likes this piece of absolute trash has no taste in movies nor knowledge.
It's interesting to go back and watch the first films of all these franchises, because almost none of them were intended to kick off a series. I especially love watching reactions to this movie because people are expecting Jason (and usually expecting the hockey mask as well) and the ending feels like a big twist.
I >LOVED< that they didn't know the plot twist
Sean Cunningham produced Wes Craven's debut film The Last House on the Left (1972)
Friday the 13th movies are so awesome and. Nostalgic your gonna have a great ride let’s go Tara and Roxy !!
HELL YEAH! 🎉🙌 So psyched to you two go into the Friday the 13th series now! I haven't seen all of the movies so I'm excited to experience the ones I haven't seen with you two.
Keep lettin' them watch these movies Greg!!
I love that Roxy picked up that this movie feels more 70s than 80s. That’s one of my favorite unintentional details in this series; is you really do see the transformation from the 70s into the 80s movie by movie
It's like showing a friend who hasn't watched horror these movies for the first time! We get to see your experience and give our input. You two are awesome.
Yaaaaayyyyy love the Friday movies. Love that the Shejects get to experience them for the first time. Can’t wait to see Roxy scare poor Tara 😂 and NICE JOB on the Cult of Shejects logo Tara!!!! I love it and I hope there’s more merch.
I am loving the color choices you all made. And Tara...girl that is YOUR COLOR.
The original is the best one of the rare times we get a female killer, and Besty Palmer only had 13 minutes of screen time
Palmer did this film to pay off some car payments and didn't really care for the gig, but, later on, the fandom grew and she did appearances at horror conventions.
@@Madbandit77 She said the script was a piece of S---
She's not wrong ....
@Madbandit77 close. At first she was going to turn down the script but her car died. So doing the movie was so she could buy a new car.
Betsy did it, to purchase a new car, thought the script was a POS, and that nobody would watch the movie.
And then it became a MASSIVE hit.
After going to a horror convention, and with her long lines, and interaction with the fans, she changed her mind.
Fun fact about the movie. I grew up 15 minutes away from where they filmed it. It was filmed in Hope, NJ and Blairstown, NJ
If yall haven't seen Scream, you should totally watch through those too once you do all of these!
Nah scary movie was the best scream film
@@gandolfthegreen7158 It's comments like these that make me wish downvotes still showed. You should know how much you suck that for statement.
@@gandolfthegreen7158 no it wasn’t. It wasn’t even part of the franchise. So shut up.
@@Say0nn. yeah I agree what a mark
Crystal Lake was also the main lake in my hometown, that's why this movie always messed with me as a kid 😆
Roxy: That was such a tag team moment!
Tara: 😶
Scream Queens Friday is my favorite day for the week! Love you ladies!
NJ is seriously underrated as a horror nexus, it's the origin point of Jason, Chucky, Maniac Cop, etc yet nobody seems to note it!
Like Chucky pre doll form?
@@jordan9812 yessir! Charles, the criminal who inhabits the buddy doll via voodoo nonsense, is apparently, canonically, from Hackensack NJ (like my mom lol)
Also jersey shore. Well it's scarey to me!
Thanks for the little nj back story That's the first time I've ever been proud to be living un NJ lol
Im here to support the SheRejects/Scream Queens. I love your horror reactions specially the Chucky series! Honestly I got supper attached to the Chucky franchise thanks to you girls!
I feel like Greg should know by now to just loosen the reins and let y'all do what you know we WANT! Because we WANT it!
Tara and Roxy have quickly become two of my favorite reactors on UA-cam fr
If you didn't notice, one of the guys on the dock has a Ralph Bohner in his swim shorts 🩳 😂
I think it was Kevin Bacon's
9:45 It was the late 70's, early 80's. It was a different time. 🤷🏿♂️🤣😅😆😂😂
Omg, I cannot believe we’re now doing Friday the 13th with the SheJects! YAAAAS I WIN!
"Don't tell me she's screaming with an axe in her head." - I'd dig that.
Clicked on as soon as I saw Roxy and Tara on the thumbnail!! ❤❤
The arrow through Kevin Bacon's throat still gets me 😬
Had tons of fun playing the Game in its heydey before the lawsuit shut it down.
Even though I've been a subscriber for years, I've rarely watched anything from this channel. But then I randomly saw these two in a thumbnail for a Child's Play movie review and decided to watch. I love Roxy and Tara and love they are getting into some great Horror franchises.
Fun fact - I own a collectors box set of the entire Friday the 13th movies
This first outing has a lot to offer. Interesting cinematography, excellent use of rain, birds and owls cooing in the night. This subtle Long shot of Ned being envious of Kevin Bacon and his girl as they frolic along the lake. I appreciate those little moments in this film.
You posted this video 36 seconds ago and here I am!!!!! Yasssss
These 2 on this channel fill such a void in my heart. Thanks for working so hard on the reactions x
Some think it's a snooze fest ? Everything is subjective so understandable that some think that. I always liked it cause it just feels like a classic to me, love the camping horror vibes .
It’s classic sure, but it is really boring, to me anyway because there are moments where nothing happens
its absolute horrible garbage and makes no goddamn sense
everyone who likes this piece of absolute trash has no taste in movies nor knowledge.
Okay when Roxy said her lake was called crystal lake my legs went numb, thats terrifying. You guys gotta watch the series its great! Freddy vs Jason is a must. Great reaction love this original.
Can't wait until we get to Freddy vs Jason
I’m glad y’all are experiencing this series, it’s a rollercoaster in terms of quality, but hold a special place in my heart.
My favorite horror franchise! I hope you guys enjoy this more than the Nightmare on Elm St. series! Unlike other famous horror franchises, this doesn't start with an insanely high bar, so it gives later sequels the chance to outshine the original!
Yes! As someone who grew up in the PNW right by a lake: this series scared me as a little kid. So happy you’re watching Friday The 13th
Awesome reaction of my favorite Friday The 13th movie!!!!!!!😊😊😊😊😊
Can't wait for my sheject merch to arrive🥰 thank you for brightening my day as always❤
People say that these movies don't have themes or messages but they do. And many fans think they aren't actually good movies and that they are just fun but I think they are great movies with a good story and many themes. I Love this franchise!!
Not to mention I’d love it if you guys continued the Friday The 13th franchise, so hopefully you guys react to parts 2 and 3 soon
I think there needs to be a She-jects “Juice” line. Tara uses Juice as a substitute for SO many words lol!
Must be a Gen Z thing. I never heard it used like this prior her reaction to The Room.
I remember seeing the movie Juice in the theater but I think it was a reference to having credibility on the "streets".
I thought "juice" was AAVE/hood slang for cough syrup. See: "Gin & Juice" by Snoop Dogg ft. Dr. Dre
@@benschultz1784 I assumed in that song, juice was literally juice. Like pineapple or orange.
@benschultz1784 the juice in "Gin & Juice" is literally juice. Cough syrup is a habit of a much later time.
Ready Player One Simon Pegg says it
Love it that Team TaRoxy is going to stumble upon Sean Cunningham films.
I believe the actress felt she’d be infamous because of the role but instead she became famous.
Also, love that “Purge!” Teaser 😊
The biggest reaction for me from this video is that Roxy has NEVER had coffee. 😵💫