Fun fact: The Sniper’s primary guns show 25 ammo in them and your first though would be, “that’s a big magazine”. But no, Sniper is that good at reloading, he actually cycles the bolt, and puts a new bullet back in the rifle during the animation, this is proved in the Meet the Sniper trailer :)
Fun fact about the "finishers" They're not finishers, it's a taunt that has a special effect. Heavy has one where he just finger gun points and says "POW", and it gibs anyone right in front of him. Soldier has one that is a kamikaze and he dies
There's a long list of tautkills, they are not really practical in anyway but they are super fun and funny to use, especially when you actually get a kill with it
The thing about the miniguns in TF2, each bullet that visually comes out corresponds to 4 bullets actually coming out from the gun, so the actual firing speed is 4 times higher than what it looks like
@@yamatohime2035 Yup... that's the funny part. People expect all of the rounds to be tracer. You're not going to see rounds without a tracer, which is something a lot of people do not understand because all they ever seen is video games.
the sniper is so skilled that every rechambering is actually manually done by him because the weapon has no mag and he is essentially loading a fresh round into the chamber after ejecting the casing
As someone who does dance in game (This is one of the usual things a "friendly" player will do), it's not really taboo to shoot people if they are dancing. The people who shoot dancing people are either just people trying to play the game normally, which is perfectly fine if they're chill towards friendly players, or they're just people who like to ruin people's fun (Those kinds of players are the most toxic ones in the community).
I try to avoid killing friendlies if I've noticed them being friendly, but I'll kill them if I don't trust them (there's a lot of people who pretend to be friendly only to Holiday Punch you in the back so you're laughing, then taunt kill you, though I've seen less fake friendlies lately, or it feels like it).
It depends on the server, whether the friendly is chill with it, whether the person shooting them is pro/anti friendly and their intentions; there’s a lot of factors that determine whether or not it’s okay
4:55 the Frontier Justice is a weapon modified by the Engineer itself, whenever his sentry gun dies, the Frontier Justice will charge with Revenge Crits, it gives the Engineer a damage boost, the Revenge crits is limited depending on how many kills and assist did the sentry get before it dies, for every kill you get 2 crits, for every assist you get 1 crits. The Sentry Gun doesn't need to be destroyed by someone, the Engineer can destroy it by himself, he can decide when will he get those crits, making him a threat if left unchecked.
also for a shotgun, its spread always seemed alot more narrower. I always seemed to be more accurate with that gun then most of the other shotties. still one of my favorites in any case.
@@menaatefadlyYou don’t notice it at all because it is incredibly rare for a sentry to get to the crit cap for the Frontier Justice. But when you’re against bots in Training or Mann vs Machine, you’ll suddenly notice the cap.
For the record, the special thing about the Soda popper is when it’s glowing purple, Scout can jump 5 times in a row without landing. Normally scout can only double jump.
@@naenae2350 The current version is a pretty fair side-grade, but the OG version had hype build by movement, and give mini-crits when it filled, and you could delay it's activate by switching. The OG soda popper was quite possibly the strongest scattergun the game has ever seen, even stronger than the peak of the baby face's blaster.
something worth noting about the caber, is its item description is "a sober person would throw it" also the soda can on the soda popper is ther because when the weapon first came out, the scout would get mini crits by running around with the soda popper in his hand, while the only other way to get mini crits before was a soda secondary scout would drink to gain mini grits called the Crit-a-cola, hence the grip. that and you need the Force-A-Nature and crit-a-cola to make a soda popper
the sad thing about the caber is it USED to be good. if you used the old caber on 2fort you could be the perfect sniper terrorizer since it could one shot them
@@TheLordOfBeans you haven't read up on the Bonk! cycle, first a wild Bonk! Atomic Punch drill into the carcass of a dead Force A Nature, during this the drink will begin the process of metamorphosis and become a Crit-A-Cola, then finally leaving itself steel and wood cocoon behind.
13:43 I believe the way sniper reloads his guns, even though it looks like just pulling the bolt, is while the bolt is back and ejecting the old round, he slips a new one in. How he does it, I have no idea.
@@ChesterManfred nope ur still wrong for other people it's still the rainblower it just have stock damage and other stuff it's a reskin everyone sees it as rainblower but it blows fire and not rainbow only pyro sees it shooting rainbows only pyro and other people who have that gun
Brass Beast Minigun: >Does more damage >Gives damage resistance when under 50% health and revved up >Slower rev time >Makes you slower when revved up by a considerable margin Frontier Justice Shotgun: >Tracks the number of kills your Sentry Gun (deployable turret gun) gets before it's destroyed >After your Sentry is destroyed, converts the number of kills into guaranteed critical hits for your gun (2 for unassisted kills, 1 for assists) >Halved clip/mag size Black Box Rocket Launcher: >Regain a small amount of health on successful hits >Smaller clip/mag size Loose Cannon Grenade Launcher: >Bombs have a 1 second fuse time and can be charged to explode faster when fired >Bombs damage players on impact without exploding and provide knockback >If enemies are caught in the blast radius once the bomb explodes after it's already impacted them, it does mini-crit damage (This is called a Double Donk and makes a little popup appear in game) Ullapool Caber Melee: >Slower swing speed and weapon switching >First successful hit causes it to explode, damaging enemies and self >Deals less damage than normal melees after explosion Soda Popper Scattergun: >Smaller clip/mag >Fires and reloads faster >Builds a meter with damage for an active skill that when activated allows you to jump 5 times before landing Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol.... Pistol: >Fires faster >Provides a very small amount of health on hit >Smaller clip/mag size Bazaar Bargain Sniper Rifle: >(Base Mechanic) Hold scope to charge up a shot to deal critical hit damage >Halved base charge rate >Each successful headshot increases charge rate by 1/4 until double that of the stock rifle Scorch Shot Flare Gun: >Mini-crits against burning enemies >Flares knock back enemies >Flares explode if they hit the environment >Less knock back on self (this is a bad thing) >Less base damage Rainblower Flamethrower: >A reskin of stock >Puts the Pyroland filter over the game without needing to use a cosmetic slot (limited to 3) for the Pyrovision Goggles item
Love the reactions to the cartoony guns & world of TF2. To basically sum up Team Fortress 2, it's basically like if The Incredibles was produced by Adult Swim, was written by old comedians & pulp fiction novel writers from the 1950s-60s, & was directed by Chuck Jones of Looney Tunes fame.
8:25, gonna try not to be the “AcTualLy” guy but the stick grenade were designed not just for ease of deployment, it was because axe throwing was a common pass time in Europe just as cricket or baseball was for western countries (hence the round-ish grenade variants found in allied arsenals). Not to mention proper deployment of a stick grenade is by unscrewing that metal pommel exposing a rip cord which you’re to pull, not by “hitting it on the ground”.
I knew the second half of this because in my country we have so many of these left over from WWII and the cold war that soldiers and police get to throw them as much as they like while in boot camp
it might be a good idea to show the stats of certain weapons like the frontier justice since it's mechanic is also visualized by the doodad on the side
I do like that Israel has honed and perfected the universal accent. With just a tiny modification it can do anything from American Deep South, to Communist Russian, to Nazi German. Truly amazing work ;-)
@@quinnthespin5407 Depends on the language being used. If there’s Germans talking about Lebensraum and purity of blood, compared to science and efficiency, they’re Nazis. If there’s Russians talking about the brotherhood of nations and the imperialist West, they’re modern Russians.
I love this video because these dudes actually GET the "real but with cartoony flair" type thing TF2 is going for and enjoy it rather other videos where professionals react all like "omg I hate this! It's so inaccurate!!1!1"
The reason that pistol looks so large in scouts hands is because it IS large. It's a pocket pistol that's the size of a regular pistol, completely defeating the purpose of it
Well, half the country had no problem with cops murdering unarmed people, yet you want people to be outraged about them murdering heavily armed people who were shooting back? Make up your goddamn mind.
Ayy a sequel!!! 1:24 the game actually only displays 1 of 4 bullets fired, so each trace you see coming from the minigun is actually 4 bullets in rapid succession you guys are so cool btw, pretty sure you already know that but I just had to reiterate
would love a reaction or a 'plays' for Hotdogs horseshoes and hand grenades. one of THEE most detailed depictions of firearms, plus some wacky inclusions.
The Frontier Justice gives you critical hit shots based on number of sentry kills you have. If you have 3 sentry kills, you gain 3 crits etc. Its my favorite engineeri weapon
Actually, well I haven't played in quite some time now so my knowledge might be wrong, but you actually gain 2 crits per 1 sentry kill and you gain 1 crit per 1 sentry assist kill.
Funny thing about the pirate theme comment about the loose cannon The character that can use the loose canon DOES have cosmetics that make him look like a pirate. He can even swap his primary weapon for a peg leg that gives him a boost in health He can also swap his secondary weapon for a shield that's literally just a ship steering wheel glued to his arm, and you can charge into people with it
"This is one of the most realistic guns I have seen" Frontier Justice: a shotgun that gains more powerful shots based on the kills done by your sentry that once it's destroyed, give this power to your gun. Very realistic if you ask me. Huh, he said he didn't like the Tomislav even though it's easily one of the best weapons for Heavy's primary.
@@PHoMi126 All I said with is that he said he didn't like the Tomislav (no saying if he didn't the model or function of it, just that he didn't like it) despite the Tomislav being one of the best primaries for Heavy. Got it now or I will have to explain to you like you are 5?
@@cristianovogt5586 First off, it a best weapon doesnt mean you're gonna force to like it. Second, what defined a best weapon? Third, he said that Tomislav is an abomination meant by default people gonna think about the model because with their reactions no one think they know what the weapon acually do and with your comment veterans will default think about function. No offense, hate
I’ve seen videos like this (not too common but still out there) this is the first time I’ve seen the professionals recognize that it is a game so there are creative liberties. Loved that, earned a like from me! Pleas Do More
7:35 what you guys, and a lot of people, miss about videogame weapon design, is that it needs to communicate stuff to the player. In the case of the loose cannon, the fuse communicates the charge time. But yes also funny haba
I feel like these guys would have multiple aneurysms once the realize that, in the Mann vs Macine gamemode, you can increase the clip size of your double barrel sotgun (Force-a-nature/soda popper) and all of the spy's revolvers and nothing changes visually, you just magically fire more. Because yes.
Most people wont get mad at you for killing them while they're taunting. The only exceptions are angry "friendlies"(people who play the game as non hostile heavies who chill around the enemy spawn) and excessive killing. A lot of the time people will engage with taunting enemies or avoid them altogether EDIT// 6:03 funny this mentioned. The reason why the maps are designed to not have a lot of long range stuff is to keep Snipers in check
The Christmas lights were on the Frontier Justice because it was Festivized, and what makes the Frontier Justice unique is that it gets 2 crits for every sentry kill and 1 crit for every assist (delivered after sentry's death)
The thing about the bullets and the mussleflash thing with the minigun is that they dont match at all and its purely the visual effect. Probably to safe on particles. Sniper loads each bullet into the gun individually one by one, hence why it seemed to have a 25 round mag.
Brass Beast: Compared to the standard issue, higher direct damage, damage resistance while fully spun up, slower spin-up time, slower movespeed while spun up. This weapon is very appealing to new players, but the lack of mobility makes you sniper food. This weapon is best used for holding close quarters chokepoints, away from longer sightlines. Frontier Justice: Holds half the shells that Standard Issue would, but gains guaranteed crits (triple damage with no fall-off) when your sentry gun is destroyed. That's what the battery is for. Also, the lights are a Festive reskin, available for a good amount of the weapons. Black Box: 3 rockets where standard issue holds 4, but hitting enemies gives you back a small amount of health. Good for sustained fights. Loose Cannon: The cannonbombs can be cooked inside the launcher. A direct impact followed immediately by a properly timed explosion results in a "Double Donk" (large bonus damage). Overcooking the bombs deals self-damage. Ullapool Caber: first hit explodes dealing large splash damage, including self damage. The red glow is Critical damage, often granted by another item in the loadout or a teammate. Hits after the first deal very little damage. Soda Popper: Double barrel break action sawed-off with a resource gauge. Dealing damage fills a gauge. When full, activate to gain multiple midair jumps for a short period. Powered by radioactive soda. Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol: compared to atandard issue, holds a amaller clip with a faster fire-rate. Slightly less damage per round but heals you slightly for every round that lands. Top tier harasser weapon. Bazaar Bargain: the gauge visible to the right of the scope crosshair increases damage over time while scoped before firing. Compared to standard issue, reaches full charge slower, but charge speed increases as you get headshot kills. Very controversial weapon. Scorch Shot: Another controversial weapon. Fires a heavy flare that ignites and knocks back the target. Then falls to the ground, causing a small incendiary explosion. Hated by most players because stun and free damage. Rainblower: A reskin of the standard issue Flamethrower. Other players see a regular flamethrower with regular flames. The Pyro is canonically clinically insane.
16:12 lore: pyro 8s wesring special goggles that make he see everything as happy things. Ie: that flamethrower. Yes its a flamethrower from other's perspective but from pyros perspective, he sees it as a turn happy gun and he wants to turn everyone happy so he shoots it at everyone.
10:15 the soda popper give scout a meter filled by dealing any type of damage with any weapon. After the meter is filled he get 6 jumps instead of 2 also the reason the gun turns purple is to show scout has the effect active to enemy or ally players by looking at him.
When they said "make your own weapon" I was scared of their professionalism because that's a war crime, but you know what they say "it's not a war crime if there is no one left to report it"
I love that you guys take the opportunity to learn about the intricacies of these games; shows your dedication from other personalities who dont take that extra time to connect to the audience.
I wish you could explain how the weapon works in game after their initial impression to see if they have a reaction to how it works in game, it could be interesting. They often seem kind of confused on how the weapons work in game, and I don't blame them because it's a cartoon game with all sorts of whacky weapons. I just feel like they are missing out on a lot of whacky features like the Double Donk and such. I also think filling them in about the inspirations of the gun if they missed it could be neat too. Basically, kind of like how you do at 16:57. By the way, good gameplay. It's nice to see someone play better than a beginner on that kind of video.
Yeah the world of TF2 isn't meant to be taken entirely seriously. It's a video game that runs on the more comedy side of the comedy-serious line. Doesn't mean they won't make it real if they can't make it still fun, but if there is a choice to be made between the two, you know which end they will choose. So will they make a stick grenade the guy will just hit people with? Sure, why not. More fun that way.
3:28 idk if u guys will see this but lemme try to explain this. The character that wields this weapon can build auto turrets and for every kill the turret racks up u get 2 critical shots (which do 3x damage) on your shotgun upon the turrets destruction
Fast fact for the Bazzar Bargain: The weapon is based off of a African/Middle-Eastern design called a "Jezzail". The crescented stock is the telltail mark of a Jezzail.
I would love to see their opinions on guns from the other Valve games like Half-Life, Counter-Strike, & Day of Defeat. From the original games from the 90s to the more recent sequels & remakes like CS:GO & Black Mesa. They gotta see the original revolver from Half-Life. It's so terrible looking!
2 of scout's weapons are named and themed after the weapons associated with certain criminals. Such as pretty boy's pocket pistol after Pretty Boy Floyd. There's also Baby Face's blaster.
7:49 the Loose canon can be charged up and when you perfectly get your cannon ball to hit an enemy and then explode on said enemy you get the 2x Donk (The tf2 community calls it a Double Donk) and the longer you charge it the closer the explosion will be to you and it will not travel as far and if you just tap the shoot button it will charge less and fire farther if you hold the fire button to charge the cannon ball for to long then the cannon ball will explode in you Loose Canon and deal damage to you.
Fun fact: tf2 weapon models were made for a left handed viewmodels. But since majority of people are right handed they decided to swap the viewmodel to right by default.
That's actually common in first person shooters. For some reason many of the animators in early 2000s were left-handed, and modelled & animated that way to.
I love these guys, they seem to be able to pick apart the unrealistic parts, but still have fun with the art and balance directions needed in games. That's so rare in videos like this
I feel like you should be given the details of the weapon too, might help with your confusion on some of it, like with the loose cannon, yes, you can charge it, charging it reduces the time before it explodes after firing, but overcharging makes it blow up on you, the soda can on the soda popper does indeed charge it with weird energy
The firerate of the brass beast may look slow but in reality (and it's like this with all miniguns) it fires four bullets per shot but they couldn't animate that bcs it would be too much bullets so made it look like that.
Fun Fact: almost all valve games have some element of comedy in them no matter what. This is done to keep the player playing the game as you never know when you might get punched in the gut with a joke
The frontier justice gets free critical hits when either your sentry dies or your sentry kills targets, I assume the battery is linked via the little doohickey on it and it electrifies or charges the shots somehow to power them up
pretty boy's pocket pistol is a reference to pretty boy floyd and is part of a set called the public enemy with a cash stuffed duffel bag called dillinger's duffel a fedora and a scattergun called babyface's blaster. everything in the set but the fedora is named after 1930s bank robbers
Love the video and I just want to quickly share some fun facts or how the weapon works here, for those who might be interested. The Frontier Justice: The battery thing you were wondering about is actually a sort of connection with the Engineers sentry, it gives the Engineer guaranteed critical hits depending on his sentry having an amount of assists and kills it has, giving the Engie 2 crits for 1 kill and 1 crit for 1 assist by the sentry, being able to stack up to a maximum of 35 critical hits for the Frontier Justice. The weapon then glows either Red or Blue depending on the side you are on to indicate that you have critical hits and the enemies can see it as well. The Loose Cannon: Yes it can be fused, the fuse on the cannon itself which lights up works to an extend of course, you hold your primary fire button which fuses the cannon balls, the more you hold and then release the quicker the cannon ball explodes, however you can just hold it and explode yourself dealing some damage, also the DONK text you see is sort of ability of the Loose Cannon, if you time the cannon balls perfectly to expolde when it hits the enemy it does a mini crit damage on top of the damage from the normal expolsion as well. Giving them quite a bit of knockback sending them back where they came from, or the sky. The Soda Popper: Basically 2 Scouts weapons mashed together held by tape. The can of Crit-a-Cola at the bottom of the barrel is the reason why the weapon sometimes changes colour to purple and when it does you activated the weapons ability, which is that by damaging your enemies you charge up "Hype" meter which then allows you to have more than 2 jumps, as the Scout has double jump, for a limited amount of time.
Quick appreciation for the person who provided gameplay, gonna be honest a few games experts have reviewed have been a bit worse than could be simply cause of the footage often not showing the much more skilled parts of a game
I love this game. I love to meme around with friends on this game. Personally, I enjoy Sniper and Bazar Bargain, a node to the Lee Enfield. He has a Lawrence of Arabia reference items and yes if people spam taunt throughout the map without attacking, they are innocent civilians lol
Really love how these guys broke down the weapons again. It's nice for them to point out the functionality of each little bit and piece of the model even if the gun itself is wacky and doesn't make sense.
Since they're reading the comments, the Loose Cannon has the ability to get a Double Donk. If you time the bomb right, you can hit the target with the bomb, then it explodes. If you manage to hit the enemy with both the direct hit and the explosion, you get a double donk.
Details about the weapons: -Brass Beast Class: Heavy Weapons Guy. Slot: Primary. Pros: The weapon deals 20% more dmg than the default minigun. Grants Heavy 20% dmg resistance while he is under 50% of his full health and the gun is spun up. Cons: 50% slower spinup time (ready to fire after 1.31s from passive compared to the default's 0.87s). 60% slower movement speed while the weapon is spun up. Note: The weapon has the same fire rate as the default minigun at 1 shot every 0.105s, the bullets you see flying from the weapon are not accurate to this and could be considered tracer rounds. -The Frontier Justice Class: Engineer. Slot: Primary. Pros: Stores "Revenge Crits" when the engineer's sentry is destroyed. 2 for each kills the sentry had, 1 for each assists, up to a max of 35. Each currently held Revenge crit provides 1 guaranteed crit boosted shot. (crits deal 2x base damage). Cons: No random crits (base chance on most weapons is roughly 2%). 50% smaller "clip" size (3 shots without reloading rather than 6). Revenge crits are lost on death. Engineer's Sentry must be destroyed (At enemy hands or his own) to gain those crits. Costing time to rebuild later and possibly weakening a position's defense. -The Black Box Class: Soldier. Slot: Primary. Pros: On hit heal up to 20 health (based on damage dealt, maxes out at 90 dmg dealt) hitting multiple enemies will simply add each of the damages dealt and still heal only 20 maximum. Does not apply to enemies under invulnerability effects I.e: Ubercharged enemies or Scout under Bonk Atomic Punch's effect. Cons: Reduced loaded ammo to 3 instead of the default 4. -The Loose Cannon Class: Demoman. Slot: Primary. Pros: Projectiles travel 20% faster than the default grenade launcher. Projectiles push enemies back on impact without detonating unlike other grenade launchers which detonate on impact with enemy players. If the projectile detonates right after having knocked an enemy back it will cause a "Double Donk" or "Donk 2x" as shown in game. This causes the explosion's damage to deal Mini-crits which deals 35% extra damage. Cons: Grenades do not explode on impact with enemy players. Note: When firing the player can hold down the fire button to "charge" the attack, causing part of the fuse timer of the cannonball to burn inside the launcher and shortening the time before it detonates once fired. If held too long this causes the explosion to be in the weapon and to damage to player using it. -The Ullapool Caber Class: Demoman. Slot: Melee. Pros: The first hit will cause an explosion. Cons: 20% slower swing speed. This weapon deploys 100% slower. No random critical hits. Note: Due to problems with the game's code, the detonation of this weapon is highly innefective. The explosion deals low damage (75 base, but rarely that high) and will mostly just hurt the user. -The Soda Popper Class: Scout. Slot: Primary. Pros: 50% faster firing speed. 25% faster reload. On hit builds "Hype". When "Hype" is full, using alt-fire will enable "Hype mode" granting extra jumps in the air (the weapon glows purple once this is activated). Cons: 66% smaller "clip" size (only 2 shots before needing to reload).
-The pretty boy's Pocket Pistol Class: Scout. Slot: Secondary. Pros: 15% faster firing speed. On hit heal up to 3 health. Cons: 25% smaller clip size (9 shots until reload compared to the default pistol's 12).
-The Bazaar Bargain Class: Sniper. Slot: Primary. Pros: Each scoped headshot kill increases the weapon's charge rate by 25% up to 200%. Cons: Base charge rate decreased by 50%. Bonus charge rate is lost on death. Note: Sniper rifles in TF2 will charge while scoped in, shown by a small indicator within the scope. The higher the charge the more damage the weapon will deal. Sniper rifles also deal critical hits (which deal 2x damage) on headshots. -The Scorch shot (Typoed as sorch shot in your chapter names) Class: Pyro. Slot: Secondary. Pros: Guaranteed mini-crits against burning players (Mini-crits deal 35% extra damage). Flare knocks back enemies who are hit directly. Flare explodes when it hits the ground, setting nearby enemies on fire. Greater knockback on already burning enemies. Cons: 35% reduced self damage force. 35% reduced base damage. Note: "Self damage force" is knockback applied to the weapon's user. Most commonly it is used with "rockets" (shot at a nearby surface) or "Sticky grenades" (detonated under one's own feet) to give the player tremendous mobility at the cost of health, though other methods exist. The scorch shot's reduced "self damage force" reduces the extra mobility gained by shooting the flare at one's own feet. -The Rainblower Class: Pyro. Slot: Primary. Pros: Visit Pyroland. Cons: Visit Pyroland. Only visible to players in Pyroland. Note: This weapon functions exactly the same as the default flamethrower, however it will change the surface of most official maps to the more pastel colored one, cause enemies to giggle when on fire, and change the visual of the weapon itself. To players who are not in pyroland through items with a similar effect it looks like the default flamethrower. Pyroland can be a pro or a con based on your preferences, in some cases it can affect game performance and some dislike the look the maps get as it is a rather superficial change rather than a Pyroland dedicated map. Note 2: The backpack does come with it. Overall Notes: There are indeed skins for the weapons. Including the christmas lights, versions with a robot head dangling, some are solid gold (Called Australium), etc. There are also a very few reskins like the Rainblower that aren't just the base weapon + Extra. Though they are only cosmetic, they do cause a significant drop in game performance on a server full of them. If you want to try the game (it is free) do not rely on the specification requirements on its steam page as they are awefully out of date. Ask around the community (Steam discussions, reddit, etc) to find what specs you really need based on community benchmarks and experience. The "do not kill dancing players" is a bit of an odd one. Some players will randomly stop fighting and simply hang out often using taunts (dances and other silly animations) to just have fun. They are called "Friendlies" and it is indeed taboo to kill them. Though they are contagious and often the server becomes almost entirely friendlies who just hang out. It's honestly a beautiful part of the game that I truly love
Fun fact: The frontier justice is commonly used with "Battle-engineers" AKA, Frontline defence classes. Everytime your sentry gun gets a kill, it gets 2 "revenge" Crits. and just one for your assist in the kill. And if your gun is destroyed. and you had a ton of kills... You can imagine what happens next.
Fun fact:
The Sniper’s primary guns show 25 ammo in them and your first though would be, “that’s a big magazine”. But no, Sniper is that good at reloading, he actually cycles the bolt, and puts a new bullet back in the rifle during the animation, this is proved in the Meet the Sniper trailer :)
I never realized that god damn that’s sick
Almost 1000 hours on sniper and had no clue
He doesn't actually put a bullet in the in-game animation but its implied after showing in Meet the Sniper.
@@JadeMythriil thats literally what he said but definitely the part not in game
You can see it better on a higher FoV as you can see his hand gestures.
*What I've learnt today:*
-Scout is not short.
-He does not have baby hands.
-Neither did Napoleon.
Napoleon was definitely average height for the time.
@@JadeMythriil yoooo overly simplified
@@JadeMythriil I thought he was tall for his time, and just appeared short as he hired absolute giants for his personal guard
Napoleon was definitely average height for the time
- oversimplified
Fun fact about the "finishers"
They're not finishers, it's a taunt that has a special effect. Heavy has one where he just finger gun points and says "POW", and it gibs anyone right in front of him. Soldier has one that is a kamikaze and he dies
specifically those are "taunt kills"
There's a long list of tautkills, they are not really practical in anyway but they are super fun and funny to use, especially when you actually get a kill with it
bro typing this like they gonna read your shit😂😂
Well, what if they do? And anyway there might be someone else that wants some information about tf2 after seeing the video
@@pissgaming420 aye lmk when they read this comment and reply💀
The thing about the miniguns in TF2, each bullet that visually comes out corresponds to 4 bullets actually coming out from the gun, so the actual firing speed is 4 times higher than what it looks like
If I remember right, tracers are usually loaded after 9 or 19 bullets IRL.
@@yamatohime2035 Yup... that's the funny part. People expect all of the rounds to be tracer. You're not going to see rounds without a tracer, which is something a lot of people do not understand because all they ever seen is video games.
how do you know that?
Its crazy inaccurate though
That is really cool
the sniper is so skilled that every rechambering is actually manually done by him because the weapon has no mag and he is essentially loading a fresh round into the chamber after ejecting the casing
If valve add Abit more animation to it in it it's basically the meet the sniper reload
He really is, a *Professional*
Yeah the Mag count Is actually the amount of Bullets in His pocket
As someone who does dance in game (This is one of the usual things a "friendly" player will do), it's not really taboo to shoot people if they are dancing. The people who shoot dancing people are either just people trying to play the game normally, which is perfectly fine if they're chill towards friendly players, or they're just people who like to ruin people's fun (Those kinds of players are the most toxic ones in the community).
This is just a different server thing in certain servers yes it's fine in others it treason then
I try to avoid killing friendlies if I've noticed them being friendly, but I'll kill them if I don't trust them (there's a lot of people who pretend to be friendly only to Holiday Punch you in the back so you're laughing, then taunt kill you, though I've seen less fake friendlies lately, or it feels like it).
I been killing friendlies for quite a few years now
It depends on the server, whether the friendly is chill with it, whether the person shooting them is pro/anti friendly and their intentions; there’s a lot of factors that determine whether or not it’s okay
Except shooting friendlies accomplishes nothing but waste ammo, so really everyone who does so is either oblivious or fits into the 2nd category.
4:55 the Frontier Justice is a weapon modified by the Engineer itself, whenever his sentry gun dies, the Frontier Justice will charge with Revenge Crits, it gives the Engineer a damage boost, the Revenge crits is limited depending on how many kills and assist did the sentry get before it dies, for every kill you get 2 crits, for every assist you get 1 crits. The Sentry Gun doesn't need to be destroyed by someone, the Engineer can destroy it by himself, he can decide when will he get those crits, making him a threat if left unchecked.
@Merc Kitsuné oh that’s new to me
also for a shotgun, its spread always seemed alot more narrower. I always seemed to be more accurate with that gun then most of the other shotties. still one of my favorites in any case.
The frontier justice was made by his father not him, engine’s dad also made the southern hospitality and the wrangler.
I renamed my gunslinger to psychological terror.
@@menaatefadlyYou don’t notice it at all because it is incredibly rare for a sentry to get to the crit cap for the Frontier Justice. But when you’re against bots in Training or Mann vs Machine, you’ll suddenly notice the cap.
For the record, the special thing about the Soda popper is when it’s glowing purple, Scout can jump 5 times in a row without landing. Normally scout can only double jump.
Thanks for that information!
I remember that weapon being so overpowered LOL
@@naenae2350 The current version is a pretty fair side-grade, but the OG version had hype build by movement, and give mini-crits when it filled, and you could delay it's activate by switching. The OG soda popper was quite possibly the strongest scattergun the game has ever seen, even stronger than the peak of the baby face's blaster.
@@Skullhawk13 yeah, I wish hat soda popper refills hype/jump meter by just movement
6 ir 7 if you equip the atomizer
The thing is: to make it less laggy, the Minigun fires four bullets per shot, so it looks like it fires one fourth of what it actually does.
something worth noting about the caber, is its item description is "a sober person would throw it"
also the soda can on the soda popper is ther because when the weapon first came out, the scout would get mini crits by running around with the soda popper in his hand, while the only other way to get mini crits before was a soda secondary scout would drink to gain mini grits called the Crit-a-cola, hence the grip. that and you need the Force-A-Nature and crit-a-cola to make a soda popper
Also fun fact, the soda popper used to just be a reskin of the force-a-nature on Gamebanana, but was so well made it was put into the game.
@@Altryit wow nice tidbit
the sad thing about the caber is it USED to be good. if you used the old caber on 2fort you could be the perfect sniper terrorizer since it could one shot them
technically, for some reason you need a Bonk! atomic punch to craft it instead of a Crit-a-cola
you haven't read up on the Bonk! cycle, first a wild Bonk! Atomic Punch drill into the carcass of a dead Force A Nature, during this the drink will begin the process of metamorphosis and become a Crit-A-Cola, then finally leaving itself steel and wood cocoon behind.
13:43 I believe the way sniper reloads his guns, even though it looks like just pulling the bolt, is while the bolt is back and ejecting the old round, he slips a new one in. How he does it, I have no idea.
He's a professional. He has his ways.
you see how he properly does in the meat the sniper this scene specifically
@@lag00n54 yea, i am sure that's the idea
He's too good
The way they found out the Rainblower was the stock flamethrower, was, impressive.
it's a reskin, not stock
I know, I said it because the Pyro sees the stock as the Rainblower
@@gungle2595 the weapon characteristics and damage is stock.
@@ChesterManfred nope ur still wrong for other people it's still the rainblower it just have stock damage and other stuff it's a reskin everyone sees it as rainblower but it blows fire and not rainbow only pyro sees it shooting rainbows only pyro and other people who have that gun
@@Insane_Flame1its moreso the characters see it as the actual flamethrower, the players see it as the rainblower
Brass Beast Minigun:
>Does more damage
>Gives damage resistance when under 50% health and revved up
>Slower rev time
>Makes you slower when revved up by a considerable margin
Frontier Justice Shotgun:
>Tracks the number of kills your Sentry Gun (deployable turret gun) gets before it's destroyed
>After your Sentry is destroyed, converts the number of kills into guaranteed critical hits for your gun (2 for unassisted kills, 1 for assists)
>Halved clip/mag size
Black Box Rocket Launcher:
>Regain a small amount of health on successful hits
>Smaller clip/mag size
Loose Cannon Grenade Launcher:
>Bombs have a 1 second fuse time and can be charged to explode faster when fired
>Bombs damage players on impact without exploding and provide knockback
>If enemies are caught in the blast radius once the bomb explodes after it's already impacted them, it does mini-crit damage (This is called a Double Donk and makes a little popup appear in game)
Ullapool Caber Melee:
>Slower swing speed and weapon switching
>First successful hit causes it to explode, damaging enemies and self
>Deals less damage than normal melees after explosion
Soda Popper Scattergun:
>Smaller clip/mag
>Fires and reloads faster
>Builds a meter with damage for an active skill that when activated allows you to jump 5 times before landing
Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol.... Pistol:
>Fires faster
>Provides a very small amount of health on hit
>Smaller clip/mag size
Bazaar Bargain Sniper Rifle:
>(Base Mechanic) Hold scope to charge up a shot to deal critical hit damage
>Halved base charge rate
>Each successful headshot increases charge rate by 1/4 until double that of the stock rifle
Scorch Shot Flare Gun:
>Mini-crits against burning enemies
>Flares knock back enemies
>Flares explode if they hit the environment
>Less knock back on self (this is a bad thing)
>Less base damage
Rainblower Flamethrower:
>A reskin of stock
>Puts the Pyroland filter over the game without needing to use a cosmetic slot (limited to 3) for the Pyrovision Goggles item
Love the reactions to the cartoony guns & world of TF2.
To basically sum up Team Fortress 2, it's basically like if The Incredibles was produced by Adult Swim, was written by old comedians & pulp fiction novel writers from the 1950s-60s, & was directed by Chuck Jones of Looney Tunes fame.
🥸 oops misplaced my nerd glasses
@@NuclearRaven13 😐
8:25, gonna try not to be the “AcTualLy” guy but the stick grenade were designed not just for ease of deployment, it was because axe throwing was a common pass time in Europe just as cricket or baseball was for western countries (hence the round-ish grenade variants found in allied arsenals). Not to mention proper deployment of a stick grenade is by unscrewing that metal pommel exposing a rip cord which you’re to pull, not by “hitting it on the ground”.
You’re totally not being the actually guy, that was an informative and interesting tidbit of information, thank you for sharing!
I knew the second half of this because in my country we have so many of these left over from WWII and the cold war that soldiers and police get to throw them as much as they like while in boot camp
If you wanted to end them rightly, you would throw that pommel instead.
Here comes the ''AcTualLy'' guy.
it might be a good idea to show the stats of certain weapons like the frontier justice since it's mechanic is also visualized by the doodad on the side
Ya it’s makes me feel so frustrated when they don’t show the stats so they don’t understand some of the stuff
They really should watch the TF2 Weapon Deomstration videos instead.
Idk where they got these clips but they should indeed switch.
Especially when they were trying to understand the soda popper as it was bright purple and they didn’t notice the 5 jumps
I do like that Israel has honed and perfected the universal accent. With just a tiny modification it can do anything from American Deep South, to Communist Russian, to Nazi German. Truly amazing work ;-)
He has a piccatinny rail system on his vocal cords.
Tell me, where does the Communist Russian and Nazi German accent change from the regular Russian and German accent
@@quinnthespin5407 usually when they start talking about killing groups of people
@@quinnthespin5407 Depends on the language being used. If there’s Germans talking about Lebensraum and purity of blood, compared to science and efficiency, they’re Nazis. If there’s Russians talking about the brotherhood of nations and the imperialist West, they’re modern Russians.
@@ReactAndyhate but heavy is a Russian and k don’t think medic was a nazi
If they like that pyro taunt kill might as well make them react to all the taunt kill, that be fun
It is uncanny on how robin’s voice from teen titans go fits strangely well with scouts.
I love this video because these dudes actually GET the "real but with cartoony flair" type thing TF2 is going for and enjoy it rather other videos where professionals react all like "omg I hate this! It's so inaccurate!!1!1"
The reason that pistol looks so large in scouts hands is because it IS large. It's a pocket pistol that's the size of a regular pistol, completely defeating the purpose of it
"Get into complications with the ATF"
*sigh* gotta love those guys with such classics as Ruby Ridge and Waco
Lol I live right next to ruby ridge
Don't want the Animal Task Force to find out about the pet dog now do we?
Well, half the country had no problem with cops murdering unarmed people, yet you want people to be outraged about them murdering heavily armed people who were shooting back? Make up your goddamn mind.
Talking about the Ullapool Caber: "This looks like something you could make in your backyard. And you SHOULD."
Ayy a sequel!!!
1:24 the game actually only displays 1 of 4 bullets fired, so each trace you see coming from the minigun is actually 4 bullets in rapid succession
you guys are so cool btw, pretty sure you already know that but I just had to reiterate
would love a reaction or a 'plays' for Hotdogs horseshoes and hand grenades. one of THEE most detailed depictions of firearms, plus some wacky inclusions.
Hells yeah. Love playing H3VR. Damn fun
They also have a crossover with TF2 so they'd get a chance to fiddle with some of these wacky weapons.
@@itsmemae exactly!
The Frontier Justice gives you critical hit shots based on number of sentry kills you have. If you have 3 sentry kills, you gain 3 crits etc. Its my favorite engineeri weapon
Actually, well I haven't played in quite some time now so my knowledge might be wrong, but you actually gain 2 crits per 1 sentry kill and you gain 1 crit per 1 sentry assist kill.
@@madstellaris3176 you're correct
Fun fact the sniper is actually single shot and in every bolt movement he loads it immediately after the casing ejects.
Funny thing about the pirate theme comment about the loose cannon
The character that can use the loose canon DOES have cosmetics that make him look like a pirate. He can even swap his primary weapon for a peg leg that gives him a boost in health
He can also swap his secondary weapon for a shield that's literally just a ship steering wheel glued to his arm, and you can charge into people with it
Can you guys please do more of these! I really enjoy watching professionals react to a 15-year old cartoon war-themed hat simulator.
So the Ulapool Caber is a grenade but the guy who uses it is so drunk that he doesn't throw it. It's one of the funniest weapons in the game
I love using it with a demoknight and then crit exploding a unsuspecting pyro
"This is one of the most realistic guns I have seen"
Frontier Justice: a shotgun that gains more powerful shots based on the kills done by your sentry that once it's destroyed, give this power to your gun.
Very realistic if you ask me.
Huh, he said he didn't like the Tomislav even though it's easily one of the best weapons for Heavy's primary.
For Tomislav he meant the model not the gun function
@@PHoMi126 I didn't say that he didn't like the gun's function of the Tomislav
I only said that for the Frontier Justice.
@@cristianovogt5586 so what the 3 last lines of ur comment then?
@@PHoMi126 All I said with is that he said he didn't like the Tomislav (no saying if he didn't the model or function of it, just that he didn't like it) despite the Tomislav being one of the best primaries for Heavy.
Got it now or I will have to explain to you like you are 5?
@@cristianovogt5586 First off, it a best weapon doesnt mean you're gonna force to like it. Second, what defined a best weapon? Third, he said that Tomislav is an abomination meant by default people gonna think about the model because with their reactions no one think they know what the weapon acually do and with your comment veterans will default think about function.
No offense, hate
I’ve seen videos like this (not too common but still out there) this is the first time I’ve seen the professionals recognize that it is a game so there are creative liberties. Loved that, earned a like from me!
what you guys, and a lot of people, miss about videogame weapon design, is that it needs to communicate stuff to the player. In the case of the loose cannon, the fuse communicates the charge time. But yes also funny haba
I feel like these guys would have multiple aneurysms once the realize that, in the Mann vs Macine gamemode, you can increase the clip size of your double barrel sotgun (Force-a-nature/soda popper) and all of the spy's revolvers and nothing changes visually, you just magically fire more. Because yes.
Most people wont get mad at you for killing them while they're taunting. The only exceptions are angry "friendlies"(people who play the game as non hostile heavies who chill around the enemy spawn) and excessive killing. A lot of the time people will engage with taunting enemies or avoid them altogether
EDIT// 6:03 funny this mentioned. The reason why the maps are designed to not have a lot of long range stuff is to keep Snipers in check
Fun fact every single flamethrower pyro has including the rainblow is homemade so therefore are each a warcrime
The Christmas lights were on the Frontier Justice because it was Festivized, and what makes the Frontier Justice unique is that it gets 2 crits for every sentry kill and 1 crit for every assist (delivered after sentry's death)
You mean 1 sentry assist?
@@mishmam_the_SU-57 Yeah, thanks for catching that i messed up
The thing about the bullets and the mussleflash thing with the minigun is that they dont match at all and its purely the visual effect. Probably to safe on particles.
Sniper loads each bullet into the gun individually one by one, hence why it seemed to have a 25 round mag.
Brass Beast: Compared to the standard issue, higher direct damage, damage resistance while fully spun up, slower spin-up time, slower movespeed while spun up.
This weapon is very appealing to new players, but the lack of mobility makes you sniper food. This weapon is best used for holding close quarters chokepoints, away from longer sightlines.
Frontier Justice: Holds half the shells that Standard Issue would, but gains guaranteed crits (triple damage with no fall-off) when your sentry gun is destroyed. That's what the battery is for.
Also, the lights are a Festive reskin, available for a good amount of the weapons.
Black Box: 3 rockets where standard issue holds 4, but hitting enemies gives you back a small amount of health. Good for sustained fights.
Loose Cannon: The cannonbombs can be cooked inside the launcher. A direct impact followed immediately by a properly timed explosion results in a "Double Donk" (large bonus damage). Overcooking the bombs deals self-damage.
Ullapool Caber: first hit explodes dealing large splash damage, including self damage. The red glow is Critical damage, often granted by another item in the loadout or a teammate. Hits after the first deal very little damage.
Soda Popper: Double barrel break action sawed-off with a resource gauge. Dealing damage fills a gauge. When full, activate to gain multiple midair jumps for a short period. Powered by radioactive soda.
Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol: compared to atandard issue, holds a amaller clip with a faster fire-rate. Slightly less damage per round but heals you slightly for every round that lands. Top tier harasser weapon.
Bazaar Bargain: the gauge visible to the right of the scope crosshair increases damage over time while scoped before firing. Compared to standard issue, reaches full charge slower, but charge speed increases as you get headshot kills. Very controversial weapon.
Scorch Shot: Another controversial weapon. Fires a heavy flare that ignites and knocks back the target. Then falls to the ground, causing a small incendiary explosion. Hated by most players because stun and free damage.
Rainblower: A reskin of the standard issue Flamethrower. Other players see a regular flamethrower with regular flames. The Pyro is canonically clinically insane.
I like how people complain about the word assault weapon when assault rifle is equally made up
Note that every shot from this minigun is so fast it looks slow, but each shot is 6 bullets
"That goofy costume"
You, sir, get it. That's the main point of the game!
16:12 lore: pyro 8s wesring special goggles that make he see everything as happy things. Ie: that flamethrower. Yes its a flamethrower from other's perspective but from pyros perspective, he sees it as a turn happy gun and he wants to turn everyone happy so he shoots it at everyone.
For the heavy miniguns: each bullet counts as 4 when fired, but only takes one bullet.
2:01 caught us ALL offguard 😂😭
Whoever is recording the gameplay for these videos, much love to you man! You're a great player!
10:15 the soda popper give scout a meter filled by dealing any type of damage with any weapon. After the meter is filled he get 6 jumps instead of 2 also the reason the gun turns purple is to show scout has the effect active to enemy or ally players by looking at him.
I love the attitude of the bald guy.
*shows a literally ship cannon*
- "I used to make one of those in the backyard"
When they said "make your own weapon" I was scared of their professionalism because that's a war crime, but you know what they say "it's not a war crime if there is no one left to report it"
Fun Fact: The soda-popper is considered one of the best guns in the game for the Scout Class as it lets you jump 6 times
8:02 for those who wonder description of this demoman weapon is "A sober person would throw it"
14:05 "Was that luck or skill?"
Sniper: "Skill always beats luck!"
If they see how "Engineer" reload his pistol I think they'd be funny about that reload.
I love that you guys take the opportunity to learn about the intricacies of these games; shows your dedication from other personalities who dont take that extra time to connect to the audience.
15:33 fun fact, PG-14 was INVENTED for Temple Of Doom.
I love it how they are talking how this weapons are not realistic, but in same time most deadliest weapon in game is a fucking pan.
I'm sure someone has said this by now, but the Frontier Justice has a crit mode that only activates when engy's turret is destroyed.
Fun fact: originally valve wanted to have a high rate bullet texture but it lagged the servers so they took it out the game
I wish you could explain how the weapon works in game after their initial impression to see if they have a reaction to how it works in game, it could be interesting. They often seem kind of confused on how the weapons work in game, and I don't blame them because it's a cartoon game with all sorts of whacky weapons. I just feel like they are missing out on a lot of whacky features like the Double Donk and such. I also think filling them in about the inspirations of the gun if they missed it could be neat too. Basically, kind of like how you do at 16:57.
By the way, good gameplay. It's nice to see someone play better than a beginner on that kind of video.
Yeah the world of TF2 isn't meant to be taken entirely seriously. It's a video game that runs on the more comedy side of the comedy-serious line. Doesn't mean they won't make it real if they can't make it still fun, but if there is a choice to be made between the two, you know which end they will choose.
So will they make a stick grenade the guy will just hit people with? Sure, why not. More fun that way.
3:28 idk if u guys will see this but lemme try to explain this. The character that wields this weapon can build auto turrets and for every kill the turret racks up u get 2 critical shots (which do 3x damage) on your shotgun upon the turrets destruction
Fast fact for the Bazzar Bargain:
The weapon is based off of a African/Middle-Eastern design called a "Jezzail". The crescented stock is the telltail mark of a Jezzail.
I would love to see their opinions on guns from the other Valve games like Half-Life, Counter-Strike, & Day of Defeat. From the original games from the 90s to the more recent sequels & remakes like CS:GO & Black Mesa. They gotta see the original revolver from Half-Life. It's so terrible looking!
Half-Life guns would give them an aneurysm, for sure.
2 of scout's weapons are named and themed after the weapons associated with certain criminals. Such as pretty boy's pocket pistol after Pretty Boy Floyd.
There's also Baby Face's blaster.
7:49 the Loose canon can be charged up and when you perfectly get your cannon ball to hit an enemy and then explode on said enemy you get the 2x Donk (The tf2 community calls it a Double Donk) and the longer you charge it the closer the explosion will be to you and it will not travel as far and if you just tap the shoot button it will charge less and fire farther if you hold the fire button to charge the cannon ball for to long then the cannon ball will explode in you Loose Canon and deal damage to you.
To be fair, The Ullapool's description does mention "A sober person would throw it", which we know Demo is anything but.
The gun experts should react to the guns of Valkyria Chronicles. That should be fun.
The lance-shaped RPG Launcher is always a giggle.
@@jackmerrick7419 Oh yeah, that thing is just peak ridiculous and I love it.
i like how this channel isnt 'wAAAH this unrealistic funky fps doesnt have realistic warfare' and is more 'hehehe rainbow gun'
Fun fact: tf2 weapon models were made for a left handed viewmodels. But since majority of people are right handed they decided to swap the viewmodel to right by default.
That's actually common in first person shooters. For some reason many of the animators in early 2000s were left-handed, and modelled & animated that way to.
I love these guys, they seem to be able to pick apart the unrealistic parts, but still have fun with the art and balance directions needed in games. That's so rare in videos like this
I feel like you should be given the details of the weapon too, might help with your confusion on some of it, like with the loose cannon, yes, you can charge it, charging it reduces the time before it explodes after firing, but overcharging makes it blow up on you, the soda can on the soda popper does indeed charge it with weird energy
The firerate of the brass beast may look slow but in reality (and it's like this with all miniguns) it fires four bullets per shot but they couldn't animate that bcs it would be too much bullets so made it look like that.
Fun Fact: almost all valve games have some element of comedy in them no matter what. This is done to keep the player playing the game as you never know when you might get punched in the gut with a joke
The frontier justice gets free critical hits when either your sentry dies or your sentry kills targets, I assume the battery is linked via the little doohickey on it and it electrifies or charges the shots somehow to power them up
Jesus, that bud lite joke aged horrendously
it aged perfectly. what you talking about?
to be fair bud light is piss so...
pretty boy's pocket pistol is a reference to pretty boy floyd and is part of a set called the public enemy with a cash stuffed duffel bag called dillinger's duffel a fedora and a scattergun called babyface's blaster. everything in the set but the fedora is named after 1930s bank robbers
I like how they say that "there is finishers" but its actually taunt kill
1:50 That’s just a visual issue, it’s actually firing much more than that. You can see it when he kills the demo.
I wish they showed them what the guns do especially for the more obscure weapons like the soda popper and the brass beast
Pyro really walking around with a 40mm flare gun.
Love the video and I just want to quickly share some fun facts or how the weapon works here, for those who might be interested.
The Frontier Justice:
The battery thing you were wondering about is actually a sort of connection with the Engineers sentry, it gives the Engineer guaranteed critical hits depending on his sentry having an amount of assists and kills it has, giving the Engie 2 crits for 1 kill and 1 crit for 1 assist by the sentry, being able to stack up to a maximum of 35 critical hits for the Frontier Justice. The weapon then glows either Red or Blue depending on the side you are on to indicate that you have critical hits and the enemies can see it as well.
The Loose Cannon:
Yes it can be fused, the fuse on the cannon itself which lights up works to an extend of course, you hold your primary fire button which fuses the cannon balls, the more you hold and then release the quicker the cannon ball explodes, however you can just hold it and explode yourself dealing some damage, also the DONK text you see is sort of ability of the Loose Cannon, if you time the cannon balls perfectly to expolde when it hits the enemy it does a mini crit damage on top of the damage from the normal expolsion as well. Giving them quite a bit of knockback sending them back where they came from, or the sky.
The Soda Popper:
Basically 2 Scouts weapons mashed together held by tape. The can of Crit-a-Cola at the bottom of the barrel is the reason why the weapon sometimes changes colour to purple and when it does you activated the weapons ability, which is that by damaging your enemies you charge up "Hype" meter which then allows you to have more than 2 jumps, as the Scout has double jump, for a limited amount of time.
This guy has to be the most educated zombie ever
14:45 there are no finishers :P there is a mechanic that some taunts in the game like that that kill as a joke
Omg, are you two for real. The Gatling gun shoots 1 tracer round every ten shots.
Its every 4th bullet that's highlighted in heavy's gun
Basically the visible one is a tracer round.
Quick appreciation for the person who provided gameplay, gonna be honest a few games experts have reviewed have been a bit worse than could be simply cause of the footage often not showing the much more skilled parts of a game
The fact they used Teen Titans Go voice for Scout at 12:42 is hilarious 😂
Israel doing a Tusken Raider impression is the best thing I’ve ever seen
I love this game. I love to meme around with friends on this game. Personally, I enjoy Sniper and Bazar Bargain, a node to the Lee Enfield. He has a Lawrence of Arabia reference items and yes if people spam taunt throughout the map without attacking, they are innocent civilians lol
And this is why TF2 online is rediculously high even 17 years after release.
14:59 the class you're watching is literally called pyro
Really love how these guys broke down the weapons again. It's nice for them to point out the functionality of each little bit and piece of the model even if the gun itself is wacky and doesn't make sense.
If paul gets angry at the tommislav, I wonder how he'd react to the vanguard weapon customisation
I second this
Since they're reading the comments, the Loose Cannon has the ability to get a Double Donk. If you time the bomb right, you can hit the target with the bomb, then it explodes. If you manage to hit the enemy with both the direct hit and the explosion, you get a double donk.
Thank you!
I like that they aren't taking this too seriously
Details about the weapons:
-Brass Beast
Class: Heavy Weapons Guy.
Slot: Primary.
Pros: The weapon deals 20% more dmg than the default minigun.
Grants Heavy 20% dmg resistance while he is under 50% of his full health and the gun is spun up.
Cons: 50% slower spinup time (ready to fire after 1.31s from passive compared to the default's 0.87s).
60% slower movement speed while the weapon is spun up.
Note: The weapon has the same fire rate as the default minigun at 1 shot every 0.105s, the bullets you see flying from the weapon are not accurate to this and could be considered tracer rounds.
-The Frontier Justice
Class: Engineer.
Slot: Primary.
Pros: Stores "Revenge Crits" when the engineer's sentry is destroyed. 2 for each kills the sentry had, 1 for each assists, up to a max of 35.
Each currently held Revenge crit provides 1 guaranteed crit boosted shot. (crits deal 2x base damage).
Cons: No random crits (base chance on most weapons is roughly 2%).
50% smaller "clip" size (3 shots without reloading rather than 6).
Revenge crits are lost on death.
Engineer's Sentry must be destroyed (At enemy hands or his own) to gain those crits. Costing time to rebuild later and possibly weakening a position's defense.
-The Black Box
Class: Soldier.
Slot: Primary.
Pros: On hit heal up to 20 health (based on damage dealt, maxes out at 90 dmg dealt) hitting multiple enemies will simply add each of the damages dealt and still heal only 20 maximum. Does not apply to enemies under invulnerability effects I.e: Ubercharged enemies or Scout under Bonk Atomic Punch's effect.
Cons: Reduced loaded ammo to 3 instead of the default 4.
-The Loose Cannon
Class: Demoman.
Slot: Primary.
Pros: Projectiles travel 20% faster than the default grenade launcher.
Projectiles push enemies back on impact without detonating unlike other grenade launchers which detonate on impact with enemy players.
If the projectile detonates right after having knocked an enemy back it will cause a "Double Donk" or "Donk 2x" as shown in game. This causes the explosion's damage to deal Mini-crits which deals 35% extra damage.
Cons: Grenades do not explode on impact with enemy players.
Note: When firing the player can hold down the fire button to "charge" the attack, causing part of the fuse timer of the cannonball to burn inside the launcher and shortening the time before it detonates once fired. If held too long this causes the explosion to be in the weapon and to damage to player using it.
-The Ullapool Caber
Class: Demoman.
Slot: Melee.
Pros: The first hit will cause an explosion.
Cons: 20% slower swing speed.
This weapon deploys 100% slower.
No random critical hits.
Note: Due to problems with the game's code, the detonation of this weapon is highly innefective. The explosion deals low damage (75 base, but rarely that high) and will mostly just hurt the user.
-The Soda Popper
Class: Scout.
Slot: Primary.
Pros: 50% faster firing speed.
25% faster reload.
On hit builds "Hype".
When "Hype" is full, using alt-fire will enable "Hype mode" granting extra jumps in the air (the weapon glows purple once this is activated).
Cons: 66% smaller "clip" size (only 2 shots before needing to reload).
-The pretty boy's Pocket Pistol
Class: Scout.
Slot: Secondary.
Pros: 15% faster firing speed.
On hit heal up to 3 health.
Cons: 25% smaller clip size (9 shots until reload compared to the default pistol's 12).
-The Bazaar Bargain
Class: Sniper.
Slot: Primary.
Pros: Each scoped headshot kill increases the weapon's charge rate by 25% up to 200%.
Cons: Base charge rate decreased by 50%.
Bonus charge rate is lost on death.
Note: Sniper rifles in TF2 will charge while scoped in, shown by a small indicator within the scope. The higher the charge the more damage the weapon will deal. Sniper rifles also deal critical hits (which deal 2x damage) on headshots.
-The Scorch shot (Typoed as sorch shot in your chapter names)
Class: Pyro.
Slot: Secondary.
Pros: Guaranteed mini-crits against burning players (Mini-crits deal 35% extra damage).
Flare knocks back enemies who are hit directly.
Flare explodes when it hits the ground, setting nearby enemies on fire.
Greater knockback on already burning enemies.
Cons: 35% reduced self damage force.
35% reduced base damage.
Note: "Self damage force" is knockback applied to the weapon's user. Most commonly it is used with "rockets" (shot at a nearby surface) or "Sticky grenades" (detonated under one's own feet) to give the player tremendous mobility at the cost of health, though other methods exist. The scorch shot's reduced "self damage force" reduces the extra mobility gained by shooting the flare at one's own feet.
-The Rainblower
Class: Pyro.
Slot: Primary.
Pros: Visit Pyroland.
Cons: Visit Pyroland.
Only visible to players in Pyroland.
Note: This weapon functions exactly the same as the default flamethrower, however it will change the surface of most official maps to the more pastel colored one, cause enemies to giggle when on fire, and change the visual of the weapon itself. To players who are not in pyroland through items with a similar effect it looks like the default flamethrower. Pyroland can be a pro or a con based on your preferences, in some cases it can affect game performance and some dislike the look the maps get as it is a rather superficial change rather than a Pyroland dedicated map.
Note 2: The backpack does come with it.
Overall Notes: There are indeed skins for the weapons. Including the christmas lights, versions with a robot head dangling, some are solid gold (Called Australium), etc. There are also a very few reskins like the Rainblower that aren't just the base weapon + Extra. Though they are only cosmetic, they do cause a significant drop in game performance on a server full of them. If you want to try the game (it is free) do not rely on the specification requirements on its steam page as they are awefully out of date. Ask around the community (Steam discussions, reddit, etc) to find what specs you really need based on community benchmarks and experience.
The "do not kill dancing players" is a bit of an odd one. Some players will randomly stop fighting and simply hang out often using taunts (dances and other silly animations) to just have fun. They are called "Friendlies" and it is indeed taboo to kill them. Though they are contagious and often the server becomes almost entirely friendlies who just hang out. It's honestly a beautiful part of the game that I truly love
2:06 you can shoot them if you want but they are just being friendly
I wished the gameplay folk showed the experts the listed stats of our beloved weapons
We need an experts play where these two take turns playing tf2
Fun fact: The frontier justice is commonly used with "Battle-engineers" AKA, Frontline defence classes. Everytime your sentry gun gets a kill, it gets 2 "revenge" Crits. and just one for your assist in the kill. And if your gun is destroyed. and you had a ton of kills... You can imagine what happens next.