Linear motors are very rare in Switzerland. As you may have already seen, we use a very compact way to install conventional motors on bells. The Germans always use motor banks that use lots of space and you get long ropes that are often not properly tensioned. Due to these differences you often find linear motors in Germany because there is "not enough space" to install normal motors in that very non space efficient way, while in Switzerland it would be easy to fit the motor in. Idk why this difference exists. The only other use case I know of linear motors is vibrations. Wimmis BE for example has linear motors just because the jerk of the motors could be heard inside the church and they didn't want that.
Prachtige klokken met mooie klanken.
Very nice bells! Are linear motors usual in Switzerland and why falling clappers?
Linear motors are very rare in Switzerland. As you may have already seen, we use a very compact way to install conventional motors on bells. The Germans always use motor banks that use lots of space and you get long ropes that are often not properly tensioned. Due to these differences you often find linear motors in Germany because there is "not enough space" to install normal motors in that very non space efficient way, while in Switzerland it would be easy to fit the motor in. Idk why this difference exists.
The only other use case I know of linear motors is vibrations. Wimmis BE for example has linear motors just because the jerk of the motors could be heard inside the church and they didn't want that.
Sehr schön auch mal Linearmotoren mit Fallklöppeln zu sehen.
Man hat hier durchaus ein interessantes Ergebnis erzielt.
Sehr schöne Aufnahme. Glocken mit Linearantrieb habe ich bis jetzt nie gesehen!
Vielen Dank!
In Wimmis wurden vor einigen Jahren auch Linearantriebe installiert. Siehe GCCS-Film von 2015.
Vielen Dank. Habe ich nicht gewusst!
Was mich hier fasziniert, wie sehr die Glocken noch glänzen trotz des Alters!
Die wurden im Rahmen der Sanierung poliert, denn zuvor sahen die nicht so toll aus. Ich war im alten Zustand nämlich bereits einmal hier.
Awesome chord! I like swiss bells. Very good yokes and construction. Is this a former Catholic Church?
Thank you!
This Church was catholic about 500 years ago.
Vor allem, wenn man das Geläut im Vorzustand schon mal gehört hat, ist es sehr eindrücklich.
Wow eine schöne kirche aber der holzig is