Here is the pesher of Rev. 11: 15- 19. (15)-- At noon on Tuesday, June 23, 44 AD, the trumpet was blown for the 7th & last septennium of the Annas jubilee. In the Cathedral at Ephesus, Matthew, speaking for Agrippa the Younger, said, "The western Herodian party in the Diaspora has been founded, under Agrippa the Younger. The associated Christian party under Jesus has been founded at the same time. Agrippa the Younger is head of celibate communities and will have the title of Agrippa II". (16)--- At the end of the noon prayer Theophilus Annas took his place over the eastern pillar, then at 3pm, prostrated himself towards Matthew. He gave him the Roman tribute, (17)--saying, "I give you gifts, Matthew, king's priest to Agrippa II, the Priest-Pope in Ephesus, which is now the center of the mission. You are the priest for Rome also. You have appointed me as your Phanuel. You are head of the Saduccee celibate communities. (18)-- Agrippa II has been appointed by Claudias the agent in Rome in the east. He has arrived in Ephesus on his way to Cyprus. This is his north lunisolar intercalation year, observed also by Jewish Christians as their greater half year. The Gentile mission fees are to be given to Agrippa. Gentile monastics are under Barnabas, acting as Crown Prince to Jesus. Luke, the head of Japheth is a deacon in Antioch under you, Matthew, & Titus head if the sons of Ham is in his party. Phillip the head of Shem has separated. No money is to be given to the Damascus party, who take their money from Agrippa's mission. (19)-- The hermitage an hour from Ephesus was used for Herodian Jewish celibates, with its platform treated as a Holy of Holies used by Matthew. It contained an ark for the scrolls of the Torah. The Law was read by Atomus the Magus. The former Prophets were read by Gaius Costobar Herod acting as Crown Prince. The latter Prophets were read by Matthew. Apollos was the Chief Therapeut. Herod Antipas was the Scribe treasurer. /// Here is the pesher of Rev. 12: 13-14. (13)--On Tuesday, March 23, 17 AD, Caiaphas was present in Jerusalem at the afternoon service for Gentiles. He was laicised when he objected to admitting the uncircumcised, & he attacked Mary. Mary, now the David Queen, took part in the initiation of Jesus, the David crown prince, at the age of 23. (14)--On Friday, June 4, 17 AD, Mary was made a lay presbyter by Eleazar Annas, leading the female choir as 'Miriam', & she went to Mird to the cells of the Sisters, where she joined in the Friday evening meal. The ceremony was repeated in September. It was repeated again on Friday, December 3, when Theudas presided in his lay capacity. ///Here is the pesher of Rev.12: 1-7. (1)--At midnight beginning Friday, March 19, 6AD, Joseph, the David crown prince & acolyte, stood on the platform in the Qumran vestry, & Mary, taking the place of Elizabeth as initiator of Gentiles, was vested by the 12 year old John the Baptist, whose father Zechariah had just been killed. Elizabeth was with the excluded at the north of the vestry, in mourning. Mary wore an ascetic's headband, & a circlet with the emblem of Joseph. (Joseph would be 'Star 12' when taking part in monthly prayer. Mary wore the circlet with his emblem. The 'Sun' was the Zadokite High Priest, Michael, as responsible for the solar calendar. The title was used by John the Baptist as the Zadokite. Mary was vested by him, so was 'clothed with the sun'. The 'Moon' was the female partner of the 'Sun' the high priest. In this case it was Elizabeth, the wife of Zechariah. Mary took her place, so the 'moon was under her feet'.) (2)-- Mary went to the space at the north of the vestry where Gentiles as outsiders were taught. She preached to prepare them for membership. She enacted their entry to membership as 'birth'. (3)--Joazar Boethos, the high priest came to the platform. He took the chair as Pharisee High Priest of the nationality triarchy, one who gave initiation to proselytes. He kept the uncircumcised down at Grade 10. On his headband was the 3mvl3m of a Pharisee who gave on,y non-celibate initiations. ('Dragon' was the pseudonym for Pharisee High Priests. Joazr Boethos in 6 AD was in a nationalist triarchy of 'Dragon' (Priest)'Calf' (Prophet) & 'Beast' (King). Caiaphas was a Pharisee High Priest, 18-36 AD. He was the next 'Dragon'. Their were 2 more after him, the last one in 100 AD. 'Red'- a non-monastic priest officiating in the west only. At this time, it was Joazar. 'Head'--A headband worn around the upper forehead by an ascetic, containing the letters showing the grade. '7 Heads'----'Head 7' was the headband with the letter for 7 worn by a priest or Scribe of the circumcision party who initiated proselytes to Grade 7. '10 Horns'---'Horn 10' means the man in this position who kept uncircumcised Gentiles down at Grade 10. Again, this was Joazar. '7 diadems'---this is the emblem on the headband of an initiatior, representing that worn by a lay ruler in class D. In this verse, the initiator (Joazar) was giving grade 7 to to non-celibate villagers, as he was a Pharisee. (4)--He then took the uncircumcised Gentiles admitted by Joseph down to the Queen's House, forbidding him to come closer to the Qumran buildings. He laicised Joseph. As Mary, at 3 am, began the ceremony at which the 12 year old Jesus was to be separated from his mother, the Pharisee stood in the place of the levite, & after the 1st part of the ceremony, declared that Jesus was illegitimate. (5)--But at the same hour Joazar ceased to be high priest, Jesus became the legitimate heir, & was hailed as the potential Messiah. Joseph was permitted to return to Qumran, where he was to be head of the Herodian school for Gentiles under Egyptian discipline. At 4 am Jesus came under monastic rules, & was taken up to Qumran to be presented to Ananus the Elder, thenew Saduccee high priest. He was taken into the vestry to stand before the platform. (6)--Marynleft at 5 am fir the 10 hour walk to Mird, reaching it at 3 pm, the time on Friday when walking must cease, & went to,the underground cells of the Sisters, where she attended the Friday evening meal 2hich Herodians permitted Gentiles & women to take, & at 6 pm, the south lunisolar quartodecimal year 3941 began. (7)--At the samehour a council was held at Qumran , with the young John the Baptist present as the heir of Zadok. Simeon (Simon the Essene), the Gabriel, debated with Joazar. Then Joazar held a separate council. Archelaus Herod was allied with him.
Here is the pesher of Rev. 11: 15- 19. (15)-- At noon on Tuesday, June 23, 44 AD, the trumpet was blown for the 7th & last septennium of the Annas jubilee. In the Cathedral at Ephesus, Matthew, speaking for Agrippa the Younger, said, "The western Herodian party in the Diaspora has been founded, under Agrippa the Younger. The associated Christian party under Jesus has been founded at the same time. Agrippa the Younger is head of celibate communities and will have the title of Agrippa II". (16)--- At the end of the noon prayer Theophilus Annas took his place over the eastern pillar, then at 3pm, prostrated himself towards Matthew. He gave him the Roman tribute, (17)--saying, "I give you gifts, Matthew, king's priest to Agrippa II, the Priest-Pope in Ephesus, which is now the center of the mission. You are the priest for Rome also. You have appointed me as your Phanuel. You are head of the Saduccee celibate communities. (18)-- Agrippa II has been appointed by Claudias the agent in Rome in the east. He has arrived in Ephesus on his way to Cyprus. This is his north lunisolar intercalation year, observed also by Jewish Christians as their greater half year. The Gentile mission fees are to be given to Agrippa. Gentile monastics are under Barnabas, acting as Crown Prince to Jesus. Luke, the head of Japheth is a deacon in Antioch under you, Matthew, & Titus head if the sons of Ham is in his party. Phillip the head of Shem has separated. No money is to be given to the Damascus party, who take their money from Agrippa's mission. (19)-- The hermitage an hour from Ephesus was used for Herodian Jewish celibates, with its platform treated as a Holy of Holies used by Matthew. It contained an ark for the scrolls of the Torah. The Law was read by Atomus the Magus. The former Prophets were read by Gaius Costobar Herod acting as Crown Prince. The latter Prophets were read by Matthew. Apollos was the Chief Therapeut. Herod Antipas was the Scribe treasurer. /// Here is the pesher of Rev. 12: 13-14. (13)--On Tuesday, March 23, 17 AD, Caiaphas was present in Jerusalem at the afternoon service for Gentiles. He was laicised when he objected to admitting the uncircumcised, & he attacked Mary. Mary, now the David Queen, took part in the initiation of Jesus, the David crown prince, at the age of 23. (14)--On Friday, June 4, 17 AD, Mary was made a lay presbyter by Eleazar Annas, leading the female choir as 'Miriam', & she went to Mird to the cells of the Sisters, where she joined in the Friday evening meal. The ceremony was repeated in September. It was repeated again on Friday, December 3, when Theudas presided in his lay capacity. ///Here is the pesher of Rev.12: 1-7. (1)--At midnight beginning Friday, March 19, 6AD, Joseph, the David crown prince & acolyte, stood on the platform in the Qumran vestry, & Mary, taking the place of Elizabeth as initiator of Gentiles, was vested by the 12 year old John the Baptist, whose father Zechariah had just been killed. Elizabeth was with the excluded at the north of the vestry, in mourning. Mary wore an ascetic's headband, & a circlet with the emblem of Joseph. (Joseph would be 'Star 12' when taking part in monthly prayer. Mary wore the circlet with his emblem. The 'Sun' was the Zadokite High Priest, Michael, as responsible for the solar calendar. The title was used by John the Baptist as the Zadokite. Mary was vested by him, so was 'clothed with the sun'. The 'Moon' was the female partner of the 'Sun' the high priest. In this case it was Elizabeth, the wife of Zechariah. Mary took her place, so the 'moon was under her feet'.) (2)-- Mary went to the space at the north of the vestry where Gentiles as outsiders were taught. She preached to prepare them for membership. She enacted their entry to membership as 'birth'. (3)--Joazar Boethos, the high priest came to the platform. He took the chair as Pharisee High Priest of the nationality triarchy, one who gave initiation to proselytes. He kept the uncircumcised down at Grade 10. On his headband was the 3mvl3m of a Pharisee who gave on,y non-celibate initiations. ('Dragon' was the pseudonym for Pharisee High Priests. Joazr Boethos in 6 AD was in a nationalist triarchy of 'Dragon' (Priest)'Calf' (Prophet) & 'Beast' (King). Caiaphas was a Pharisee High Priest, 18-36 AD. He was the next 'Dragon'. Their were 2 more after him, the last one in 100 AD. 'Red'- a non-monastic priest officiating in the west only. At this time, it was Joazar. 'Head'--A headband worn around the upper forehead by an ascetic, containing the letters showing the grade. '7 Heads'----'Head 7' was the headband with the letter for 7 worn by a priest or Scribe of the circumcision party who initiated proselytes to Grade 7. '10 Horns'---'Horn 10' means the man in this position who kept uncircumcised Gentiles down at Grade 10. Again, this was Joazar. '7 diadems'---this is the emblem on the headband of an initiatior, representing that worn by a lay ruler in class D. In this verse, the initiator (Joazar) was giving grade 7 to to non-celibate villagers, as he was a Pharisee. (4)--He then took the uncircumcised Gentiles admitted by Joseph down to the Queen's House, forbidding him to come closer to the Qumran buildings. He laicised Joseph. As Mary, at 3 am, began the ceremony at which the 12 year old Jesus was to be separated from his mother, the Pharisee stood in the place of the levite, & after the 1st part of the ceremony, declared that Jesus was illegitimate. (5)--But at the same hour Joazar ceased to be high priest, Jesus became the legitimate heir, & was hailed as the potential Messiah. Joseph was permitted to return to Qumran, where he was to be head of the Herodian school for Gentiles under Egyptian discipline. At 4 am Jesus came under monastic rules, & was taken up to Qumran to be presented to Ananus the Elder, thenew Saduccee high priest. He was taken into the vestry to stand before the platform. (6)--Marynleft at 5 am fir the 10 hour walk to Mird, reaching it at 3 pm, the time on Friday when walking must cease, & went to,the underground cells of the Sisters, where she attended the Friday evening meal 2hich Herodians permitted Gentiles & women to take, & at 6 pm, the south lunisolar quartodecimal year 3941 began. (7)--At the samehour a council was held at Qumran , with the young John the Baptist present as the heir of Zadok. Simeon (Simon the Essene), the Gabriel, debated with Joazar. Then Joazar held a separate council. Archelaus Herod was allied with him.