his channel is truly charming for the use of and rehabilitation of his grandfather's equipment. I live in small condo in Irvine CA, 71 yo gal who loves his channel.
Another project checked off of the to do list…good job. I always enjoy watching you work; you always take the time to explain what you are doing, then stop and say you might as well do the job right…and then you make it just like new. That my dear is pride in workmanship!!
Yes indeed, "Be the job big or small, do it right or not at all". Have been watching FTR for over 3 years, you see the pride in every task started & completed. 👍👍
@@ardurbin2 his quality approach to projects is so terrific to watch. 71 yo woman in condo in irvine with only a small patio for farming :) However my mother's family were hutterite farmers in S Dakota and we had a failed almond farm in Central CA. This channel gives me joy.
I got a 1950 IH Super A tractor and it has the 1-3/8 PTO shaft. My 1950 Ford 8N has a 1-1/8 PTO shaft. That's a nice upgrade. I use an 1-1/8 to 1-3/8 adapter a lot cheaper.
Most common place for water to get in the trans on those tractors is around the shifter. Quite a few old tractor mechanics have told me to replace the boots whenever they start to crack up and put some silicone gasket maker on them to make sure it’s sealed up tight especially if the tractor it’s going to be outside
I believe water could come into those transmissions through the rubber boot on the shifter. If those boots aren't super tight then water runs down the shifter and then into the transmission.
Tyler - you are so awesome! I enjoy every video you produce. It's obvious you know everything about everything and we are so fortunate you share it all with us. Thank you!
We had a Super M on a horse farm I worked on- we had trouble getting it to stop - I went out on it one afternoon and realized you half clutched it and put the brake down it would stop - never told anyone - it was my secret for years
Great video! The only thing I could say is it's easier to clean the area around the differential case before you take the PTO shaft out. Quick hit with a degreaser and then rinse with high-pressure water.
Good morning to Farmer Tyler Ranch and all others too. Nice job and keep up your content. God Bless You all and sending prayers to everyone to stay safe.
Hey there Tyler, I hope you're all well and good! I would say there's a better than even chance that oils never been changed. You get a relatively small amount of water through condensation, which adds up over the years, but generally 90% or more of the water enters around the shifter, when the shifter boot becomes damaged, and/or cracks. I hope y'all have a good one! 🐃👍🇺🇸
I would highly recommend not using a bush hog type mower without an over-running clutch on that pto shaft. That big blade acts like a flywheel and will put you right through a fence, barn wall, or over a bank. You won’t stop moving until the blade stops turning or you can force the gear shift into neutral. All of those I’ve seen over the years fit the small shaft and have the large shaft on the output side. Maybe they make one that fits the large shaft too.
Agree with asc! I use my 9n with a 5ft brush mower and the over-run shaft was completely mandatory. The mower almost stalls my tractor but once it gets going its great! I can only imagine what a wild ride it would be to try and stop the mower blades once I push push clutch in hahaha!
You’d be advised to put an overrunning clutch on that pto so if you’re shredding that the shredder doesn’t push you into a tree or fence when you try to stop.
I'm always impressed with your attitude of doing a job correctly with few shortcuts. IMO, this the only attitude to exhibit and you get an "A" grade from me. Keep it up.
I have a 1949 8n no loader on it. I use it to haul my supplies into my cabin. I am changing the hydraulic fluid in mine today. Replacing the shifter boot also, that's where I am getting moisture into the system....great video.
Here is a tip for anyone dealing with fluids. Purchase a generic inline 12 volt fuel pump and some clear plastic house. That way, if you need to put fluid in a difficult spot, you can just pull it in. Mine cost me a grand total of about $18.
Tyler,that’s a great job from an old ford guy. I put in a lot of hours as a kid in the 60’s bouncing along. If you don’t know already you should get an overriding adapter for it. Since the PTO on those is geared with the transmission the inertia of the mower will drive the tractor forward with the clutch depressed and in any gear but not in neutral. Not super critical if you know to expect it and adjust. Just learned to pop it out of gear at the right moment. We didn’t have them back in the day and a PTO driven hay rake was an implement I used a lot. Great watching your operation.
Tyler your so awesome in your knowledge of restoring the farm machinery . And I still think you should paint the most of the tractor and strut around how good 👍 it looks and runs. Darlene Storer from Ohio
Can't beat these tractors. We have a 52 8n and 54 jubilee. Just don't forget the overrunning clutch for the pto if you run a bush hog or it'll keep pushing the tractor when you engage the clutch.
Tyler. There will be separate chambers The gear end and transmission will gear lube 90 grade The hydraulic oil will be in a separate chamber. I just changed. the oil on my 1966 IH. Had to go on the Internet and research oil capacity and chambers Water gets in around bolts on the top casting
Ty...Those chain brackets were put on with the chain lower than the shaft, but originally the chains were above the shaft...you need to swap the left for the right. I think it's going to allow the arms to spread to much as you have it now.
Tyler- Good video on changing pto shaft on the old 8N. One observation when you put the anti-sway links back on after painting you we're correct the first time. Unless the chains are longer the lift arms will not raise to full raised position, easy test raise the lift arms if both chains are tight you will need to change bolt on links to the opposite sides if both chains are loose your are OK.
I ran a 5 foot brushog off my Massey (essentially a carbon copy of your 8N) for may years with no problems and I cut some very heavy stuff. I used a 1-1/8" x 1-3/8" pto adapter.
I replaced mine today. Made my own gasket and used Permatex gasket maker too. Bearing housing did not want to slide in the hole very far so I was able to get the bolts threaded in a little and then drew the assembly in by tightening down all the bolts. HOWEVER, when you upgrade to the 1 3/8 pto shaft don’t forget you must get a new LONGER pto cap.
By simple installing a modern over ride clutch it automatically changes the shaft size for you. $50 and 15 minutes to install and your done... Best of all your now protected by the over ride clutch and tractor brakes work instantly...
The water comes from bad shifter boots, also you MUST get an over-running clutch if you hook up to a mower, if you don't the momentum from the deck can hurt you bad !!
I replaced my PTO shaft with factory shaft. It works with the adapter/override cluck. The adapter is a little sloppy. You will wear them out. It's still a good way to go. Thanks for the video. I didn't know an up graded shaft was available.
These old 8-9n are dependable and last forever, simple to work on and there is a ready supply of parts available on the cheap. You definitely don't have to worry about breaking anything from being overpowered lol
I have a late 1950 8n ford tractor It has a ford loader mod 1922 with bucket .It has had 5 motors put in it and it still runs GREAT I run a hay tetter and rake hay with it . It is a very sound 0ld tractor
G,day tyler a good job done l think a bucket tooth bar might be handy on hard dirt etc the old boy works well with new dirt bucket, cheers from Australia....
The PTO on our tractor stopped working. We had it taken to our local dealer for repair. It cost over $800 to fix. I thought that was ridiculous. You are so lucky you have the skills to work on your tractor.
@@farmertylerranch4399 I know it's working but haven't had the chance to use it. It's been cold and rainy. I have a lot of dead weeds I want to mow. They didn't get mowed earlier in the year because of the PTO issue. I'm sure they heavily seeded the place and we'll have so many come up this year.
Often because the equipment is cast it will draw moisture and condensation will occur on the inside of the housings, this may be where your water came from, especially after many years of no oil changes or periodic maintenance.
You still have to use and over-run clutch no matter what….. and the 1 1/8 to 1 3/8 is the better adapter….. I like to see the look on the faces of the operators of the tractors that don’t have the live pto when they hook up a bush hog and they hit the brakes at the edge of the fence row…. You only see it once on each new owner of the rig…. Then you see them header to tractor supply for that little life saver…. The good ol over-run clutch…!
I can relate to your situation. I work on an assembly line 12 hours a day 7 days for almost 2 years now. I have 123 registered Angus cows. It's just me, myself and I that take care of our livestock. I enjoy and love farming. I can retire in 2 year and 2 months I will retire. If covid don't kill me.
I don’t know if anyone said this but you should put an over running clutch on the pto. If you don’t, your brush hog with drive the tractor even when you have the clutch disengaged. That could cause an accident.
You need to drain that vp hydraulic oil out and put in the proper 90 wt hydraulic oil. vp was fine to flush out the water soaked oil, but your 3 point lift will be weak when it warms up with that thin oil. 8n tractors need thicker oil.
You should be able to run a little mower or mixer on the pro we have a little Ferguson tea 20 and run a slasher of 4feet size on it you may need a over run clutch fitted to you pto tho
Hey be careful if your mower is the rotary type. It acts like a flywheel and your pto is hard geared into your rear end. It will push you around, unless you have a clutch on the mower.
Tyler I like your videos, they bring back memories of my teenage years helping on my uncles farm back in the 60s. I was wondering what you do at your other job I don’t recall seeing it posted anywhere. If you would care to devolve that info it would be nice to know
Could just add a 1.125 to 1.375 sleeve on the PTO, if you're not going to use it much. Use Permatex Ultra Black instead of the Blue RTV for maximum oil resistance.
Shifter boot is a common suspect for water incursion. Get the screw on cover for the PTO to keep it clean!
My grandfather bought an 8n in 1952 and there's been 5 generations in my family driven it. Lots of memories!!!
A Ford 8n was the first tractor I ever ran. That was back in 'the dark ages'. 1966 to be exact. Glad to see someone still keeping one used.
his channel is truly charming for the use of and rehabilitation of his grandfather's equipment. I live in small condo in Irvine CA, 71 yo gal who loves his channel.
You are doing a good job of getting good use out of an old tractor. Very practical. Grandpa would be proud.
Painted one piece at a time. That is just how I plan on doing mine. 👍
I love these little tractors. Got a 1948 myself
Old Frankenstein sound good! i love the vid!
Another project checked off of the to do list…good job. I always enjoy watching you work; you always take the time to explain what you are doing, then stop and say you might as well do the job right…and then you make it just like new. That my dear is pride in workmanship!!
Yes indeed, "Be the job big or small, do it right or not at all". Have been watching FTR for over 3 years, you see the pride in every task started & completed. 👍👍
Thank you Robyn!
@@ardurbin2 his quality approach to projects is so terrific to watch. 71 yo woman in condo in irvine with only a small patio for farming :) However my mother's family were hutterite farmers in S Dakota and we had a failed almond farm in Central CA. This channel gives me joy.
I got a 1950 IH Super A tractor and it has the 1-3/8 PTO shaft. My 1950 Ford 8N has a 1-1/8 PTO shaft. That's a nice upgrade. I use an 1-1/8 to 1-3/8 adapter a lot cheaper.
from the Netherlands thanks for the video Tyler
I’m really enjoying this transformation of the Old 8N. Nice work, FTR!
It is really neat to watch you work on the tractor in up grading the PTO. You have very good ideas and skill to do them. Thank you for sharing.
Nice to see more of the old tractor being upgraded Tyler. 👍🤘🏻👍🤘🏻🎉🎉🎉🎉🤘🏻👍🤘🏻👍
Most common place for water to get in the trans on those tractors is around the shifter. Quite a few old tractor mechanics have told me to replace the boots whenever they start to crack up and put some silicone gasket maker on them to make sure it’s sealed up tight especially if the tractor it’s going to be outside
I believe water could come into those transmissions through the rubber boot on the shifter. If those boots aren't super tight then water runs down the shifter and then into the transmission.
Nice job Tyler slowly but surely it's coming together. Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing.
Tyler - you are so awesome! I enjoy every video you produce. It's obvious you know everything about everything and we are so fortunate you share it all with us. Thank you!
Thank you Larry I appreciate that!
I love that you gave that tractor a name. Great working tractor.....😁
We had a Super M on a horse farm I worked on- we had trouble getting it to stop - I went out on it one afternoon and realized you half clutched it and put the brake down it would stop - never told anyone - it was my secret for years
Great video! The only thing I could say is it's easier to clean the area around the differential case before you take the PTO shaft out. Quick hit with a degreaser and then rinse with high-pressure water.
Good morning to Farmer Tyler Ranch and all others too. Nice job and keep up your content. God Bless You all and sending prayers to everyone to stay safe.
Thank you Wykeisha!
Hey there Tyler, I hope you're all well and good!
I would say there's a better than even chance that oils never been changed. You get a relatively small amount of water through condensation, which adds up over the years, but generally 90% or more of the water enters around the shifter, when the shifter boot becomes damaged, and/or cracks.
I hope y'all have a good one! 🐃👍🇺🇸
Looks like 2 successful upgrades to the Ol' 8N. Keep up the good work there. Take care.
I would highly recommend not using a bush hog type mower without an over-running clutch on that pto shaft. That big blade acts like a flywheel and will put you right through a fence, barn wall, or over a bank. You won’t stop moving until the blade stops turning or you can force the gear shift into neutral. All of those I’ve seen over the years fit the small shaft and have the large shaft on the output side. Maybe they make one that fits the large shaft too.
Agree with asc! I use my 9n with a 5ft brush mower and the over-run shaft was completely mandatory. The mower almost stalls my tractor but once it gets going its great! I can only imagine what a wild ride it would be to try and stop the mower blades once I push push clutch in hahaha!
How to fix pto to not push you threw wall
Yeah they make over run clutches for the larger size too
Thank you for all the great content.
I appreciate you watching thank you!
Agree! On 'great content'.
Ps...got my FTR hoodie finally in the mail🤸♀️🤸♀️😍
Thank you!
yaay. FTR is entertaining too.
You’d be advised to put an overrunning clutch on that pto so if you’re shredding that the shredder doesn’t push you into a tree or fence when you try to stop.
can't get pto into forward or nuteral
can't get into forward or reverse
can you tell what I'm doing wrong?
I'm always impressed with your attitude of doing a job correctly with few shortcuts. IMO, this the only attitude to exhibit and you get an "A" grade from me. Keep it up.
He really does a quality job, doesn't he.
👍😊 As always with Tyler, you can learn something new. Thank you. God Bless FTR.
I have a 1949 8n no loader on it. I use it to haul my supplies into my cabin. I am changing the hydraulic fluid in mine today. Replacing the shifter boot also, that's where I am getting moisture into the system....great video.
Good to see the ole Iron gets updated and stays functional. Good post!
Here is a tip for anyone dealing with fluids. Purchase a generic inline 12 volt fuel pump and some clear plastic house. That way, if you need to put fluid in a difficult spot, you can just pull it in. Mine cost me a grand total of about $18.
Tyler,that’s a great job from an old ford guy. I put in a lot of hours as a kid in the 60’s bouncing along. If you don’t know already you should get an overriding adapter for it. Since the PTO on those is geared with the transmission the inertia of the mower will drive the tractor forward with the clutch depressed and in any gear but not in neutral. Not super critical if you know to expect it and adjust. Just learned to pop it out of gear at the right moment. We didn’t have them back in the day and a PTO driven hay rake was an implement I used a lot. Great watching your operation.
Such a neat tractor, love old good equipment, I'de love to come over and do a little restoration!!!
Frankie is turning into a good little tractor for you. Good job!
Tyler your so awesome in your knowledge of restoring the farm machinery . And I still think you should paint the most of the tractor and strut around how good 👍 it looks and runs.
Darlene Storer from Ohio
Excellent work; you always do a professional job which motivates me to keep going with all the chores.
I think you should call the tractor Joseph, because it has paint coats of many colors! 🤣😂🤣😂
Nice little improvement on the 8n. The new oil in the hydraulic system will be good too! Good job Tyler.
We are glad that worked. God bless.
Can't beat these tractors. We have a 52 8n and 54 jubilee. Just don't forget the overrunning clutch for the pto if you run a bush hog or it'll keep pushing the tractor when you engage the clutch.
Looks clean brother! I'm glad that went well. You now have a much more usable tractor. Take er easy!
Good use of the leatherman 👊🏻
Good conversion.
Tyler. There will be separate chambers The gear end and transmission will gear lube 90 grade
The hydraulic oil will be in a separate chamber.
I just changed. the oil on my 1966 IH. Had to go on the Internet and research oil capacity and chambers
Water gets in around bolts on the top casting
Another interesting video. Thanks Tyler.
Muy buen video del clásico tractor serie N
First! Don't miss any episode
Thank you Diego, I appreciate it!
Ty...Those chain brackets were put on with the chain lower than the shaft, but originally the chains were above the shaft...you need to swap the left for the right. I think it's going to allow the arms to spread to much as you have it now.
I noticed that too.
Tyler- Good video on changing pto shaft on the old 8N. One observation when you put the anti-sway links back on after painting you we're correct the first time. Unless the chains are longer the lift arms will not raise to full raised position, easy test raise the lift arms if both chains are tight you will need to change bolt on links to the opposite sides if both chains are loose your are OK.
...and that's not the way it came off.
I ran a 5 foot brushog off my Massey (essentially a carbon copy of your 8N) for may years with no problems and I cut some very heavy stuff. I used a 1-1/8" x 1-3/8" pto adapter.
I replaced mine today. Made my own gasket and used Permatex gasket maker too. Bearing housing did not want to slide in the hole very far so I was able to get the bolts threaded in a little and then drew the assembly in by tightening down all the bolts. HOWEVER, when you upgrade to the 1 3/8 pto shaft don’t forget you must get a new LONGER pto cap.
Great job Ford 8N was my first tractor when I start messing with livestock
I like your program , Thankyou for sharing . Old cowboy.
Change your rubber boot on your gear shift stick if you got water in your differentiel.
By simple installing a modern over ride clutch it automatically changes the shaft size for you. $50 and 15 minutes to install and your done... Best of all your now protected by the over ride clutch and tractor brakes work instantly...
Your tractor needs a name that supports creativity. I’m sure your daughter would love its name to be rainbow 😘
Haha or unicorn!
@@farmertylerranch4399 even better 😘
That there upgrade will be well worth it Tyler you dah Man !!
Thanks for video
I am a real fan of your a little fixin here and there, and a little paintin here and there ! It's comin along swell with the upgrades
Thank you!
The water comes from bad shifter boots, also you MUST get an over-running clutch if you hook up to a mower, if you don't the momentum from the deck can hurt you bad !!
I replaced my PTO shaft with factory shaft. It works with the adapter/override cluck. The adapter is a little sloppy. You will wear them out. It's still a good way to go. Thanks for the video. I didn't know an up graded shaft was available.
These old 8-9n are dependable and last forever, simple to work on and there is a ready supply of parts available on the cheap. You definitely don't have to worry about breaking anything from being overpowered lol
Awesome Old Tractor
Great job, and the new PTO really looks great! Hopefully, you solved the water problem too.👍👍
My 8n ford tractor has the same old pto on it still mine is a 1951 ford 8n tractor thanks for sharing
Like when you work on old tractors
Always love the phrase: “it’s not leaking anymore”
Always followed by- “for now”!
Thank you for another good practical real video. I enjoy your videos. You do great work.
Thank you!
I have a late 1950 8n ford tractor It has a ford loader mod 1922 with bucket .It has had 5 motors put in it and it still runs GREAT I run a hay tetter and rake hay with it . It is a very sound 0ld tractor
G,day tyler a good job done l think a bucket tooth bar might be handy on hard dirt etc the old boy works well with new dirt bucket, cheers from Australia....
And Bob's your uncle. Nice job.👍
The PTO on our tractor stopped working. We had it taken to our local dealer for repair. It cost over $800 to fix. I thought that was ridiculous. You are so lucky you have the skills to work on your tractor.
Wow that’s too bad Joyce. Hope it’s working good now!
@@farmertylerranch4399 I know it's working but haven't had the chance to use it. It's been cold and rainy. I have a lot of dead weeds I want to mow. They didn't get mowed earlier in the year because of the PTO issue. I'm sure they heavily seeded the place and we'll have so many come up this year.
Often because the equipment is cast it will draw moisture and condensation will occur on the inside of the housings, this may be where your water came from, especially after many years of no oil changes or periodic maintenance.
You still have to use and over-run clutch no matter what….. and the 1 1/8 to 1 3/8 is the better adapter….. I like to see the look on the faces of the operators of the tractors that don’t have the live pto when they hook up a bush hog and they hit the brakes at the edge of the fence row…. You only see it once on each new owner of the rig…. Then you see them header to tractor supply for that little life saver…. The good ol over-run clutch…!
What type oil did you use? Mine calls for a mineral oil. Thanks
The water enters at the big spring behind the seat has a shaft to cousin the hydraulic system rain go's down in there and makes the oil milky
Dont forget an overrunning clutch for your pto. Without one the force of the implement spinning will drive your tractor. Especially with a brush hog
good job man good video
I can relate to your situation. I work on an assembly line 12 hours a day 7 days for almost 2 years now. I have 123 registered Angus cows. It's just me, myself and I that take care of our livestock. I enjoy and love farming. I can retire in 2 year and 2 months I will retire. If covid don't kill me.
I don’t know if anyone said this but you should put an over running clutch on the pto. If you don’t, your brush hog with drive the tractor even when you have the clutch disengaged. That could cause an accident.
i can only dream of when my tractor won't leak. The guy I bought it from had figured it out... he just didn't put any oil it it.
Haha! That’s one way to do it
I love the Steriner pto seal they sale
They last and oem don’t
old timers used to put wider wheels tires on front with loader ..dont get stuck as much..machine shop would cut and add 6 inch wide rim
Very informative video again 👏 👍 👌
Another great video. You sure make everything you do look so easy! Questions! How is Buddy, Callie and the babies?
Everyone is doing good thank you Jennifer!
You need to drain that vp hydraulic oil out and put in the proper 90 wt hydraulic oil. vp was fine to flush out the water soaked oil, but your 3 point lift will be weak when it warms up with that thin oil. 8n tractors need thicker oil.
Yeah Frank or Franky is a good name. Good job
I totally look forward to your fab video's wish they were longer 🤪
Hey there, feel like coming to Newcastle and advising me on my 53 Ford NAA with bucket?
You should be able to run a little mower or mixer on the pro we have a little Ferguson tea 20 and run a slasher of 4feet size on it you may need a over run clutch fitted to you pto tho
Tyler. I you sure hydraulic oil will heavy enough ?? For the gears. Doesn’t sound correct
I agree but that’s what it calls for
Always wondered why the buckets on the 'N's don't curl much.
Was it hard lining up the shaft? It looked like it went in and spines lined up
Ford spec for those tractors is 90 weight mineral oil. Modern hydraulic oil like you are using is too thin.
Neat stuff 😊
This was a good idea.....
Hey be careful if your mower is the rotary type. It acts like a flywheel and your pto is hard geared into your rear end. It will push you around, unless you have a clutch on the mower.
Tyler I like your videos, they bring back memories of my teenage years helping on my uncles farm back in the 60s. I was wondering what you do at your other job I don’t recall seeing it posted anywhere. If you would care to devolve that info it would be nice to know
Where you get that pto from buddy your buddy from NE
I just ordered it from Yesterday’s Tractor
Could just add a 1.125 to 1.375 sleeve on the PTO, if you're not going to use it much. Use Permatex Ultra Black instead of the Blue RTV for maximum oil resistance.
Do you have a recommendation as to where to purchase a new bearing and seal for the housing?
What would u use the pto on that tractor for even?
I’m thinking hammermill
@@farmertylerranch4399 cool man can’t wait to see it in action I love ur vids there the best keep it up and thanks for the content