Applying for PIP for Mental Health OCD & Anxiety my experience

  • Опубліковано 17 вер 2024
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  • @charanjitwood4433
    @charanjitwood4433 5 місяців тому +24

    I applied for PIP with my partner who has OCD and GAD - we applied were rejected just as you were scoring 0 on virtually everything. We then had a telephone assessment and the rejection letter after that. In the rejection letter they said that ‘Chris sounded fine and did not need prompting - which was a lie - I had recorded the interview and you can hear me prompting him all along. The assessor also said we stated things which we did not. It was a complete lie. I have written a letter on behalf of my partner to appeal and we are still awaiting the results. The telephone assessment happened just before Christmas, my partner tried to commit suicide in January due to severity of the distress of the OCD and titrating 0n different meds. All this and they say there is nothing wrong with him. It is disgusting. His illness affects me and his son every day. I am off work caring for him and my son. The form does not fit people with mental health conditions.

    • @stuckinthemudofficial
      @stuckinthemudofficial  5 місяців тому +2

      Hi thanks for watching. I’m so disgusted reading your experience, it is shameful that mental health, specifically OCD/GAD in both of our cases is just not understood. You can be completely riddled with intrusive thoughts, anxiety & panic but not physically show it through a video/telephone call. It’s like saying that someone with no legs, sounds & looks ok. They have no comprehension of how this disorder affects our everyday lives & that of our families. They also said I didn’t need prompting which wasn’t true & lied about something I supposedly said too. I also agree with you that PIP is just not set up for mental health disorders. In fact it can actually make matters worse, to score someone zero across the board when we know how debilitating it is to live with & the impact it has on our day to day functioning. This really does make people suffering feel unheard & makes light of such a complex torturous disorder. I really do send my best wishes & hope your partner is doing much better. Much love, Kirsty. 😊❤️

    • @RuthFreeman-b6p
      @RuthFreeman-b6p 4 місяці тому +1

      It's terrible how you were treated. I know how they lie about what you say in a phone assessment.

    • @christopher554
      @christopher554 3 місяці тому +1

      There going too given vouchers in stead off money

    • @scousepie2
      @scousepie2 3 місяці тому

      The only way this will stop, if the assessor is lying and this can be proved: A private prosecution is the way forward: it's deception for sure and neglect of the public.. !!

  • @LiamReynolds1985
    @LiamReynolds1985 6 місяців тому +8

    Thank you for sharing this. I’ve just had EXACTLY the same experience (except mine was a phone assessment), resulting in zero points across the board for OCD and anxiety.
    I’ve got a few days left if I want to appeal, hence seeing this now - I’ve only just been able to stomach looking at the decision ‘justification’ again after 2 weeks. It feels just as you say.
    Part of me wants no further part in this process, and I completely understand you leaving it be - you almost don’t want to dignify it with a response - I’m not sure I can resist though!

    • @stuckinthemudofficial
      @stuckinthemudofficial  6 місяців тому +5

      I’m sorry to hear you’ve had the same experience, it just shows how little they understand about OCD & how it can take over your life. Just because we can capably answer questions doesn’t mean we’re not distressed, it’s not something you can always hear & see in someone but it is there constantly especially when going through a rough patch. They even say to describe your worst day with OCD highlighting the fact some days are going to be better than others. I’m glad to hear you’re going to dispute this, I was in disbelief that they scored me 0 across the board. It’s shameful they do not understand this complex disorder & how it can affect someone’s life. I wish you all the best with your appeal, please let me know how you get on! 😊🤞Xx

  • @bendolmanb
    @bendolmanb 7 місяців тому +7

    I started to claim for pip and couldn't complete my claim as my therapist was from the USA as I couldn't get the right treatment in the UK and was on a long waiting list on the nhs
    They wouldnt accept their diagnosis and my doctor couldn't diagnose me. I was so tired and in a terrible place I just couldn't do it
    I'm very lucky to have savings that have allowed me to get private therapy and funded daily living but that money is going fasf
    I needed two sessions a week which was a Fortune, Im on the nhs now but I simply couldn't wait as I was in a dangerous place. I'm lucky I had those means and feel so bad for those less fortunate. People don't understand how it completely debilitates you when you look physically ok and are showing a brave face. Thank you for this information!

    • @stuckinthemudofficial
      @stuckinthemudofficial  7 місяців тому +3

      I now understand how complicated PIP is to claim but I also see from my experience how insulting it is for people dealing with a mental condition that the evaluators can’t comprehend that most people dealing with this on a daily basis may not outwardly display obvious symptoms but are so internally distressed. 😞 I’m glad you were able to get private therapy the NHS waiting times are much too long, I found this once when I desperately needed help. Following this I was able to connect with my NHS psychologist much more directly through email even after I was discharged. She understood how important it was for me to have a line of contact should I find myself in a difficult place again which I really appreciated. It does seem a bit of a lottery in the UK as to which type treatment you will get with NHS mental
      health services & Private can feel like the only option. This is where PIP would be useful to also widen your options in treatment availability if they really understood how debilitating this is to deal with every day. I hope you’re still doing much better, all the very best Kirsty! 😊❤️🫶 Xx

    • @HillbillyYEEHAA
      @HillbillyYEEHAA 6 місяців тому

      I was told by people I don't lol tired, I'm narcoleptic.

  • @madhatter61
    @madhatter61 5 місяців тому +16

    Anyone in this situation must apply for a mandatory reconsideration and then go to court, its all part of the dwp dance to get it.

    • @stuckinthemudofficial
      @stuckinthemudofficial  5 місяців тому +1

      Yes I’m starting to understand that it is made extra difficult to get points in order to put people off applying. It can be so damaging to anyone suffering with their mental health & it’s shameful that they can score you zero points when you know how much this impacts your life. I wish I had pursued it further but didn’t feel strong enough at the time, I hope anyone in this situation does take it to reconsideration though.

    • @chrisnbushell3938
      @chrisnbushell3938 4 місяці тому

      @@stuckinthemudofficial You did not feel strong enough? This is the time when you do appeal, but I must say it was easier to get PIP years ago now it's much tougher. Loads of people I know who had it for years, pip, have been told they will not get it any more. You must know they do check to see if you're on social media, and they might have found your UA-cam if you had it at the time of applying for PIP.

  • @jayrosephoto
    @jayrosephoto 5 місяців тому +6

    Strange, this video was suggested to me despite not looking for it. I've recently had the exact same situation. I had the initial PIP assessment which I felt went fine only to be awarded no points at all.
    For some background, I had been (more or less) over OCD for the best part of ten years. To be honest I thought I'd never see OCD again but then last summer I had a huge relapse and I ended up applying for PIP after six months of not functioning. I hardly left the house, I didn't speak to anyone and the only people I did talk to were 111 and the A&E department which I must say are about as much use as a chocolate teapot. I'm a little bit better now going on 10months later, but I was the worst I had ever been and I was actively planning offing myself.
    Like yourself no doubt, I was quite happy to take a what happens happens kind of approach with PIP but when I saw that I hadn't received a single point I was furious. The report that I was sent was full of blatant lies and unfair mischaracterisations. For instance, they basically used the fact that I'm a stay-at-home dad and do a school run half the week against me, reasoning that if I can do that then I can look after myself. They also seemed to deem compulsions and avoidance as a choice.
    I've done a mandatory reconsideration which incidentally, I've only just learned today that I've got a decision on, but I won't know which way it went until I receive the letter through the post in the next few days. If it's still a no then I will be taking this to the next level out of principle. For all the bullshit the government and media likes to go on about over mental health, for those of us with genuine mental health issues, and not just the odd bit of stress, there is practically no support available. There's a distinct lack of financial help or compassion, the NHS is massively ill equipped, the Talking Therapy service aren't equipped and the private mental care, if you can afford it, is full of grifters and con artists.
    Us sufferers really need to act together and set in motion some sort of campaign to raise proper awareness. The lack of care and attention is no doubt killing hundreds of people in this country every year.

    • @stuckinthemudofficial
      @stuckinthemudofficial  5 місяців тому

      Hi I’m sorry to hear you have gone through such a tough time with OCD it really is debilitating. It’s absolutely shameful that PIP does not seem to understand the depths OCD & other mental health conditions can take you to, with all the government push on support for this it merely seems like a token gesture to look like they actually understand & have taken some sort of action. In reality it seems they don’t care & happily put genuine sufferers in a fragile state in more danger by denying them the support & compassion they deserve. I wish I had pushed for a review of my application looking back. I was furious they didn’t view OCD as serious enough to impact my functioning day to day, which anyone knows going through this it certainly does & more. I do hope you get the result you rightfully deserve, wishing you all the best Kirsty. 😊

  • @erensengoz8901
    @erensengoz8901 Місяць тому

    Found out I've been rejected for pip today, I've started the appeal process. I fully resonated with every step of your process and reading the comment today makes my sadness and anger felt early today eased. We are misunderstood and I think we should all fully appeal the process.

    • @stuckinthemudofficial
      @stuckinthemudofficial  Місяць тому

      @@erensengoz8901 I’m sorry to hear you’ve gone through this too. It really is disgraceful that genuine sufferers are having applications rejected for no good reason. I have heard that assessor’s work to targets which is terrible if true. I truly wish you all the best of luck in your appeal it sounds like it’s part of the process to get accepted. It seems they require people to jump through hoops to get what they deserve & should have got in the first place. All the best, Kirsty. 😊❤️ Xx

  • @rosieg1603
    @rosieg1603 3 місяці тому +4

    I think the assessment for mental health and physical disability should be different, as someone who is unable to cook a meal with a physical disability this assessment would be applicable, however someone with say OCD would possibly be able to cook a simple meal, the assessment needs to be upgraded and applicable to that person's disability/ conditions, instead of one box fits all!

    • @stuckinthemudofficial
      @stuckinthemudofficial  3 місяці тому

      This 👆 completely spot on & I couldn’t agree more! It really does needs a totally different assessment for mental health conditions, they can’t really can’t be compared! Xx

    • @garethclark5489
      @garethclark5489 Місяць тому +1

      In actual fact it’s how often a person can cook a simple meal- fry a piece of meat, cook 2 veg - that matters . If it’s less than 4 days a week you should score something. My daughter has adhd burns through pans unless observed and assisted. This is because she will leave the pan on the hob and walk away.

  • @asolitaryPagan
    @asolitaryPagan 5 місяців тому +5

    Thank you for sharing,

  • @madhatter61
    @madhatter61 5 місяців тому +5

    Friend ha just got 4 points. Deptession, aniety, ocd, angina, arthritus . Bears no resemblence to what they were told and goes on about medication that shes not on and was never mentioned. Tryly bizarre. Instant mandatory reconsideration with court follow up on that on.

  • @rachaelwigley8592
    @rachaelwigley8592 Місяць тому +2

    I have CPTSD, depression, anxiety and major issues around eating. I need prompting and lots of reassurance to eat and leave the house however, they scored me 0 points on my first application. Each time I got a letter saying that there was nothing wrong I was plunged into severe suicidal ideation to the point that I was walking out into the road in front of vehicles because I was so stuck in my head that I didn't see them, nor did I care when I did.
    The assessors have targets to reach of how many claims to reject, so most people get rejected regardless of how ill they are. They'd rather get their bonuses than actually help sick people

    • @rachaelwigley8592
      @rachaelwigley8592 Місяць тому +1

      From what you said about how your OCD affects your life, you are entitled to PIP.
      I had to appeal and it went all the way to Tribunal, where I'm pretty sure the judge made his decision to overrule the DWP within the first few minutes. It's not a pleasant process, but if you can stick it out you will get what you're entitled to in the end. I have heard advice to record the assessment... Therefore there's a record of what was said and any lies by the assessor/decision maker will be shown to be the outright lies they are.

    • @stuckinthemudofficial
      @stuckinthemudofficial  Місяць тому

      @@rachaelwigley8592 Hi I’m so sorry to hear you went through this too. 😞 That’s really disgraceful how assessors should even have targets, it should be solely focused on whether you qualify for help or not, which you clearly did so I’m happy to hear the tribunal saw through the lies in the initial assessment. It really is shocking that this happens to so many vulnerable people needing genuine help. I hope you’re doing much better & I wish you all the very best. Kirsty 😊❤️ Xx

  • @twish1999
    @twish1999 4 місяці тому +3

    Hi KIrsty, you really need specialist help getting PIP for a mental health condition, as the questions on the form don't really apply, they are obviously designed more for physical disabilities. I think there should be a different form for mental health disorders. x

    • @stuckinthemudofficial
      @stuckinthemudofficial  4 місяці тому +1

      I agree it really does need a separate application form for mental health as they are so different. I feel they have made it difficult on purpose but it saddens me how many genuine sufferers lose out only making their problems much worse as they don’t feel heard! 😞 Xx

  • @sharonleary6721
    @sharonleary6721 20 днів тому

    I resentful had my assiement this is my 3rd time ,I have,nt heard back yet but I’m hopeful this time I suffer with anxiety and manic depressive I’ve been on meds for over 20 years with them , but I also have arthritis in every joint and also gout , and my latest diagnosis is 3bulgeing disc and nerve damage to my lower back , hopefully I should get my ansure in a few weeks time , very sorry to hear what you went threw as it did remind me for what happened to me last time I put in for pip which was about 7 years ago ,I cried myself as it’s so hard and pip the whole thing from the phone call to waiting for your forms to be filled out then filling these forms in to thank you the assessment and another wait till you get your desisson it plays on your mental heath so much ❤

    • @stuckinthemudofficial
      @stuckinthemudofficial  11 днів тому

      @@sharonleary6721 Hi thanks for watching, I hope you get a successful outcome with your application this time. The whole process was very stressful & upsetting when you feel invalidated by an unfair outcome. I really do think the PIP system needs reforming for mental health. I wish you all the very best, much love Kirsty. 😊❤️

  • @jennuk8466
    @jennuk8466 12 днів тому

    It’s not about the condition. It’s about how it affects you in connection with the questions asked. You need to familiarise yourself with the scoring system. Always record the assessment and tell them you’re doing so. Fight it and go for a mandatory reconsideration and if still not successful then to tribunal. Do not give in.

  • @Itzeaglefang
    @Itzeaglefang 5 місяців тому +2

    Good luck with the channel I am waiting to hear by letter what the decision is that was made by the DWP for my pip review as my conditions worsened for mental health reasons included diagnoses conditions and I have a funny feeling they are gonna try too screw me

    • @stuckinthemudofficial
      @stuckinthemudofficial  5 місяців тому

      Thanks so much for watching, I wish you the best of luck with your outcome for PIP! 😊🤞

  • @Kyle-gd6sz
    @Kyle-gd6sz Місяць тому +1

    Silent Assassin they are… Just had mine… family member spoke for me via phone… the person was harsh, sharp, use trick questions, not sympathetic. Shocking.

    • @stuckinthemudofficial
      @stuckinthemudofficial  Місяць тому

      @@Kyle-gd6sz I’m sorry to hear you had such a horrible experience, they really should have much more compassion in this role. Fortunately the lady I had via video link was lovely but the outcome for me was not as I would have expected. I wish you all the very best! Kirsty 😊 Xx

  • @RuthFreeman-b6p
    @RuthFreeman-b6p 3 місяці тому +2

    What use are vouchers. I live in a village and have to rely on them for basics. I can't travel by bus for physical and mental health reasons, so have to rely on ordering other things like clothes online. Things can also be cheaper online. Being forced to have vouchers instead of money would severely restric what I could purchase and be extremely embarrassing, having to hand over vouchers to get food. It's just seems to be another ploy to put people off claiming for what they are entitled to.

    • @JohnLukins-bk1ce
      @JohnLukins-bk1ce 3 місяці тому

      You're right . I agree with you .

    • @rachelstacey8389
      @rachelstacey8389 2 місяці тому

      I've read so many people comment on how they will get food clothes ect, am I wrong in believing pip isn't the only income people with disabilities receive? Pip is for extra equipment for their needs, not for luxuries!

    • @RuthFreeman-b6p
      @RuthFreeman-b6p 2 місяці тому

      ​@@rachelstacey8389 I misunderstood what the vouchers were for. For me, if I didn't receive PIP, I could not continue to live independently. If I didn't have this money, I would end up homeless again. After a stay in hospital, I was put in a care home and two other places until a home was found for me. This must have cost a lot more per week than my rent costs now. I have to use my PIP towards rent, energy bills, food and all other costs.

  • @funnybudgieantics
    @funnybudgieantics Місяць тому

    Totally agree with you I dont think they listen what is the point in having a system in place to if they do not listen.

    • @stuckinthemudofficial
      @stuckinthemudofficial  Місяць тому

      @@funnybudgieantics Exactly, a complete overhaul of this system is required, thanks for watching! 😊 Xx

  • @deano_bites
    @deano_bites 5 місяців тому +2

    unfit for purpose system it can cause more harm then good, genuine suffers intend to keep away from it because honestly open up to PIP about your problems and issues and end up being accused of lying and they state you can do all tasks they score you on Zero points at the end of it just imagine being a schizophrenic that needs support and on the DWP letter it states different !!

    • @stuckinthemudofficial
      @stuckinthemudofficial  5 місяців тому +1

      It really is unfit for purpose & does not serve the mental health community well at all. I also agree it can be very damaging to genuine sufferers, it needs to be completely overhauled especially in terms of mental health.

    • @trojanfreedom7162
      @trojanfreedom7162 3 місяці тому

      absolutely agree i used to get dla with psychosis anxiety and depression with no issues i'm zapped all the time by my meds and soon as pip came along it tried to delete mental health just because it's not physical symptom they can see i wish there was a test to see and suffer our days of struggle sent straight into the assessment person brain maybe then no questions would even needed to be asked 😢

  • @Dathom1986
    @Dathom1986 3 місяці тому

    My psychosis with i got 2001 manifested in schizophrenia in 2012, long story short ,i get it no problems, but only the care component, my next assessment is in August 2026, ive been injections and medication for years, but i know the money is not guaranteed.

    • @stuckinthemudofficial
      @stuckinthemudofficial  3 місяці тому +1

      Thanks for watching, I’m glad to to hear you got something. I would like to see this system overhauled in terms of mental health I think it’s long overdue. However I think with being in receipt of PIP before you do stand the best chance of getting it again & especially being on long term medication. I wish you all the very best! 😊 Xx

  • @RuthFreeman-b6p
    @RuthFreeman-b6p 3 місяці тому

    In a village with two very small supermarkets I meant to say

  • @mairiconnell6282
    @mairiconnell6282 5 місяців тому

    What should I wear for a face to face assessment? I dress nicely and always have make up on and my hair well groomed. I have been told not to wear jewerly and wear trackies.

    • @stuckinthemudofficial
      @stuckinthemudofficial  5 місяців тому

      Hi thanks for watching! 😊 I also wear make up & dress smart casual as I did for my interview through video. It’s hard to say if I was judged on this as it wasn’t commented on but it wouldn’t have been fair if they had assumed that just because I wear make up & am well groomed I’m not anxious or don’t have OCD. Unfortunately in my case I didn’t qualify for PIP even being under the crisis team in the local community. I honestly don’t believe they truly understand how much we can be affected by this daily even though outwardly in appearance we can seem ‘ok’. It’s very much like if you suffer from severe asthma but don’t have an attack during the interview, are they to assume it’s not that bad & you don’t have it. Mental health is very similar with up & down days as I’m sure you know but it’s all about how much it affects our worst days. I wish you all the best of luck with your interview & I hope you get a good result, much love Kirsty. 😊❤️ Xx

    • @mairiconnell6282
      @mairiconnell6282 5 місяців тому

      @@stuckinthemudofficial Thank you so very much for kind response. I am also disheartened for you that your claim wasn’t met. In my case, I had two attempts zero points. The third was during co-vid. I was broken during the telephone call but my son stepped in and was articulate. My issues are physical. Osteoporosis, osteoarthritis. I was also on the organ donor list. Hard for them to justify a negative claim. I am no longer on the list and my funded adult social care has been taken from me. I think I am going to be hung out to dry. I am frightened. I try so hard to be neat, tidy have a good haircut. It’s gone against me in the past. My pen pic photo was taken after a year in hospital. Clean neat, tidy and makeup.

    • @stuckinthemudofficial
      @stuckinthemudofficial  5 місяців тому

      @@mairiconnell6282 I’m sorry to hear about your experience, they really can’t justify zero points in your case. It’s shameful that they can use certain things against us when applying & our personal presentation shouldn’t be one of them. Best of luck in your next interview, really hoping for a good outcome for you this time! 😊❤️🤞 Xx

    • @mairiconnell6282
      @mairiconnell6282 5 місяців тому

      @@stuckinthemudofficial It’s coming soon paperwork on its way. Best wishes to you and I sincerely hope that you get the support you rightly deserve. Smiles

  • @paganartisan
    @paganartisan Місяць тому

    I have Autism and if it were not for bullying would have a secure job. But I was harrassed and bullied out of it. Anyway got the standard rates.

    • @stuckinthemudofficial
      @stuckinthemudofficial  Місяць тому +1

      @@paganartisan I’m so sorry to hear you went through this experience, that’s terrible you were treated in such a manner. 😞 I’m glad you got the help you deserve though. Xx

  • @lindajones2884
    @lindajones2884 2 місяці тому

    I read that the assesers get paid a fee when someone is turned down i font no if its true

    • @stuckinthemudofficial
      @stuckinthemudofficial  Місяць тому

      @@lindajones2884 Hi thanks for watching, I heard that from someone else too. It really is terrible to think that this could be the case when people are genuinely suffering. 😞 Xx

  • @user-ei7yj1qg8m
    @user-ei7yj1qg8m Місяць тому

    I’m 51 don’t go out due to severe ocd anxiety autism adhd ruins my life

    • @stuckinthemudofficial
      @stuckinthemudofficial  Місяць тому

      @@user-ei7yj1qg8m Hi thanks for watching, I’m sorry you’re going through all this, that is a lot to deal with. 😞 I sincerely hope you get all the help & support you need. I wish you all the very best, Kirsty. 😊❤️ Xx

  • @nolongerhavetowork
    @nolongerhavetowork Місяць тому

    Can you not get LCWRA?