"Konzerstuck for 4 Horns, Op. 86" - Robert Schumann

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @shawnhampton8503
    @shawnhampton8503 2 роки тому +16

    RIP Dale Clevenger. What a horn powerhouse.

  • @kevincramer6164
    @kevincramer6164 5 років тому +12

    Probably the best recording we have ever heard of this 1976 recording I believe!

  • @patrickbaker2802
    @patrickbaker2802 4 роки тому +9

    revel in this coherent horn section- proper horn sounds, balanced intonation, and when they make a four-part chord, listen for the crunch, the precise start and finish. Lordy almighty, that is delicious horn playing. Their chords start, bloom, extend, finish and , wow.....Horn sections are primo for periods of time: and they are primo at this time, and we got the evidence.....

  • @maestromuffin1
    @maestromuffin1 Рік тому +3

    the section at 17:54 may be the most beautiful contrapuntal music ever written!

  • @BryanHalo123
    @BryanHalo123 2 роки тому +6

    The new Ondine recording has better sonics, but this is still the best for artistry, and the sonics are more than good enough. Stud horn playing. Clevenger was a big reason many Chicago recordings are among the best.

  • @OwenBanks-zl8yt
    @OwenBanks-zl8yt 3 місяці тому +2

    Well, it was recorded using all 6 horns; plenty of coffee breaks; plus the usual arranged parts & close microphone work w/nobody playing over mezzo forte. I mean, how great is it, really? Better: A live concert with 4 powerhouses. That's recordings & online life now, sadly.

  • @henryviets741
    @henryviets741 2 місяці тому

    Is Dale on his Schmidt in this recording?