2015 - Brave New Voices (Finals) - "Letter to my Future White Son" by Philadelphia Team

  • Опубліковано 1 вер 2015
  • Youth Speaks is proud to be reposting this powerful poem by two young poets from Philadelphia, which was performed on the Finals stage of our 2015 Brave New Voices Festival.
    In response to personal and direct attacks on the young people who wrote and performed the piece, we had temporarily made the piece private. We are no longer doing so. At this time, in this moment, we think it is important that this poem be listened to by as many people as possible.
    Typically we keep the comment sections on these poems closed, as we don't like to subject teenagers to personal attacks that have little to do with the content of their writing. But for this, the poets have asked that we allow comments.
    On behalf of Youth Speaks, I stand behind this piece and these young poets 100%. The freedom to speak that which is most urgent to you is a belief and value our organization stands firmly behind.
    If you would like to engage in thoughtful dialogue about the piece, we welcome it. If you are attacking the simple fact that this piece exists, please direct those attacks to me personally. My name is James Kass, and I am the organization's Executive Director. I can be reached at jkass@youthspeaks.org